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Power Conditioning

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Lift heavy. Get conditioned. Get Strong AF.

by Chrissy King
#PowerConditioning © 2017 | Chrissy King Fitness 1
Before you Start….
Thanks for choosing #PowerConditioning! Before you start, let’s go over a couple of things. If you are brand new to powerlifting and never performed a
bench, squat, or deadlift (or even if you have), please watch the demonstration video for these movements before you get started.

- Squat Tutorial
- Bench Tutorial
- Deadlift Tutorial

Also, practice all the movements with just the bar or your own bodyweight before you start adding weight if these are completely new movements.
Proper form is always the first priority.

Another thing to remember is that strength takes time and practice. You get truly stronger when you practice the lifts using the correct form instead of
focusing on how much weight you can add to the bar. Keeping yourself safe and healthy is always the first priority.

Before you hit the gym each day, I advise that you review your workout and all appropriate demonstration videos so you are clear on the movements in
advance. Who wants to waste their time at the gym googling movements? I’ve provided links to video demonstrations of all the movements so you
know exactly what to do.

I can’t stress the importance of completing a dynamic warm up before you lift each day. Trust me, I’ve been tempted to skip my warm up plenty of times,
but it’s never a good idea. Please ensure you check out the following links for some dynamic warm up ideas:

- Squat Warm Up
- Bench Warm Up Video
- Deadlift Warm Up Video

#PowerConditioning © 2017 | Chrissy King Fitness 2

You are probably wondering what weight you should use for the movements (particularly, the bench, squat, and deadlift). Well here’s the thing. I really
hesitate to give you exact numbers because each of us are highly individualistic and each day our bodies feel and respond differently. That being said, I
always advise people to start a little lower because you can always add more weight if necessary. If you are completing reps of 6-8, choose a moderate
weight. If you can easily do that weight for quite a few more reps, then you need to move up a bit. If you choose a weight and can only do 4-5 reps with
good form when the program calls for 8, then you need to move down in weight. You will likely have to play around a little to figure out the right weight
for yourself, but don’t worry, you will figure out what is appropriate for you as you work through the program.

In term of the accessory movements, you apply basically the same principles. If the weights are so heavy that you can't get through the prescribed reps
with good form, then you are definitely going too heavy. If you can blow through another 5-6 reps, then you are going too light. Again, this will take a
little time and practice to get it just right.

For the barbell complexes, you have two options. You can use one barbell and use the same weight for all the movements. In that case, I would suggest
you choose a weight that is manageable for all the movements. You could also set up 2 barbells and use different weights for different movements. For
example, my lower body strength is much better than my upper body strength so I might choose to use 2 barbells; one for upper body movements and
one for lower body movements.

For the 15 minute conditioning circuits, use a moderate set of dumbbells. You can always adjust and go heavier or lighter during the workout if

#PowerConditioning © 2017 | Chrissy King Fitness 3

Workout Schedule
#PowerConditioning is a 5 day per week program. The recommended schedule is below. However, please listen to own body and take
days off as needed for recovery.

The squat, bench, and deadlift workouts are listed out by week starting on the following page. The final portion of each of these
workouts is a conditioning finisher. You can choose whichever finisher you like. These are located on pages 23-25.

For your 15 minute conditioning circuit, you can choose the circuit of your choice (pages 17-19). You complete each of these workouts
AMRAP style (as many rounds as possible) for 15 minutes. These workouts are harder than they appear so choose a moderate weight
and move up or down as needed. It’s totally cool to adjust your weights during the workout.

In regards to the weekly barbell complex, you also get to choose your own poison (see pages 20-22).

I think that’s it…leggooo (get strong AF)!!

Day: Workout:
Monday Squats
Tuesday Bench
Wednesday 15 Minute Conditioning Circuit
Thursday Off
Friday Deadlift
Saturday Barbell Complex
Sunday Off 4
#PowerConditioning- Week 1
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 3x8 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 3x8 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Superset: Superset:
Lateral Side Lunges 3x8/leg DB Bench Press 3x8-10
DB Walking Lunges 3x10/leg (moderate to heavy) Push Ups 3x10
Superset: Superset:
KB or DB single RDL 3x8-10/leg Tricep Pushdowns or Bench Dips 3x20
Bodyweight back extensions 3x15-20/leg Lateral DB Raise 3x12
Cardio Finsher: Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 3x8 Reps
3x5 Reps
Accessory Work
DB Bent Over Row or Barbell Row 3x8
Inverted Rows 3x12
Chin Ups, Pull Ups, or Lat Pull Downs 3x10
DB Glute Bridge 3x10
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 5
#PowerConditioning- Week 2
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 3x8 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 3x8 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Superset: Superset:
KB Goblet Squat 3x8-10 (moderate) DB Incline Bench Press 3x8-10 (moderate to heavy)
Bodyweight Glute Bridge 3x20 Tricep Bench Dips 3x20
Superset: Superset:
DB Romanian deadlifts (RDLs) 3x15 (moderate to heavy) Seated Shoulder Press 3x10 (moderate to heavy)
DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10/leg (moderate) Lateral Side Raise 3x10 (moderate)
Cardio Finisher: KB side bends 3x20 (10/side)
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 3x8 Reps
2x5 Reps
Accessory Work
Barbell Row 3x6 (moderate)
DB Walking Lunges 3x10/leg
Chin Ups, Pull Ups, or Lat Pulldowns 3x8-10
DB Glute Bridge 3x12-15 (moderate)
Cardio Finisher: 6
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 3
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x8 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x8 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Barbell Good Mornings 3x8 (moderate) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3x8-10 (light to moderate)
Superset: Superset:
DB RDLs 3x12-15 (moderate to heavy) Inverted rows 3x10
DB or KB Farmer Carries 3x50 steps (moderate to heavy weight) Tricep Pushdowns 3x15-20
Abs: Planks 30-60 seconds
Planks 3x30-60 seconds Cardio Finisher:
Cardio Finisher: Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x8 Reps
3x5 Reps
Accessory Work
Barbell Glute Bridge 3x10 (moderate)
DB Bent Over Row 3x12
Bodyweight Back Extensions 3x15-20
Bodyweight Glute Bridge 3x15-20
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 4
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Superset: Overhead Strict Press 3x5
Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat 3x12/leg Superset:
DB RDLs 3x12-15 (moderate to heavy) Push Ups 3x12
Superset: Tricep Bench Dips 3x10
DB Step Ups 3x10/leg Superset:
Deadbugs 3x10 DB Front Raise and Side Raise 3x10 (5 in each direction)
Cardio Finisher: KB or DB Russian Twists 3x10/side
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps
Lateral lunges 3x8/leg
DB Walking Lunges 3x10/leg (moderate to heavy)
Chin ups or Pullups (bodyweight or assisted) 3x8-10
Planks 3x30-30 seconds
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 8
#PowerConditioning- Week 5
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Barbell Split Squats 4x5/leg (moderate) Barbell Push Press 3x 6-8 (moderate)
Superset: Superset:
KB Goblet Squat 3x8 Push Ups 3x12
Single Leg RDL 3x8/leg Standing DB Tricep Extensions 3x12
Cardio Finisher: Superset:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Bicep or Hammer Curls 3x12
KB side bends 3x10/side
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps
Bodyweight glute bridge 4x12
DB Curtsy Lunges 4x12/leg (moderate to heavy)
DB Bent Over Row 3x12-15
Planks 3x30-60 seconds
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 6
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Barbell Glute Bridges 3x10 (moderate) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3x6-8
Superset: Superset:
DB Walking Lunges 3x12/leg Face Pulls 3x10
Back Extensions 3x15-20 DB One Arm Row 3x8/arm
Cardio Finisher: Superset:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 DB Reverse Fly 3x10
Standing Shoulder Press 3x10
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps
Accessory Work
Barbell RDLs 3x10 (moderate to heavy)
Barbell Rows 3x10 (moderate)
Curtsy Lunges 3x10/leg
Russian Twists 3x10-15/side
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 10
#PowerConditioning- Week 7
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Superset: Superset:
DB Lateral Lunge 3x8 DB Bench Press 3x8-10
DB Walking Lunges 3x10/leg (moderate to heavy) Push Ups 3x10
Superset: Superset:
KB or DB single leg RDL 3x8-10/leg Tricep Pushdowns or Bench Dips 3x20
Bodyweight back extensions 3x12-15 Lateral DB Raise 3x12
Cardio Finisher: Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps
3x5 Reps
Accessory Work
DB Bent Over Row 3x8
Inverted Rows 3x12
Chin Ups, Pull Ups, or Lat Pull Downs 3x8-10
DB Glute Bridge 3x10
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 11
#PowerConditioning- Week 8
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Superset: Superset:
KB Goblet Squat 3x8-10 (moderate) DB Incline Bench Press 3-x 8-10 (moderate to heavy)
Bodyweight Glute Bridge 3x20 Tricep Bench Dips 3x20
Superset: Superset:
DB Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs) 3x15 (moderate to heavy) Seated Shoulder Press 3x10 (moderate to heavy)
DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10/leg (moderate) Lateral Side Raise 3x10 (moderate)
Cardio Finisher: KB side bends 3x20 (10/side)
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps
2x5 Reps
Accessory Work
Barbell Rows 3x10 (moderate to heavy)
DB Walking Lunges 3x10/leg
Chin Ups, Pull Ups, or Lat Pulldowns 3x8-10
DB Glute Bridge 3x12-15 (moderate)
Cardio Finisher: 12
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 9
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Barbell Good Mornings 3x8 (moderate) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3x8-10 (light to moderate)
Superset: Superset:
DB RDLs 3x12-15 (moderate to heavy) Inverted rows 3x10
DB or KB Farmer Carries 3x50 steps (moderate to heavy weight) Tricep Pushdowns 3x15-20
Abs: Planks 30-60 seconds
Planks 3x30-60 seconds Cardio Finisher:
Cardio Finisher: Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 4x6 Reps
3x5 Reps
Accessory Work
Barbell Glute Bridge 3x10 (moderate)
DB Bent Over Row 3x12
Bodyweight Back Extensions 3x15-20
Bodyweight Glute Bridge 3x15-20
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 10
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x3 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x3 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Superset: Overhead Strict Press 3x5
Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squat 3x12/leg Superset:
DB RDLs 3x12-15 (heavy) Push Ups 3x12
Superset: Tricep Bench Dips 3x12-15
DB Step Ups 3x10/leg Superset:
Deadbugs 3x10-12 DB Front Raise and Side Raise 3x10 (5 in each direction)
Cardio Finisher: KB or DB Russian Twists 3x10/side
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x2 Reps
2x5 Reps
Lateral lunges: 3x8/leg
DB Walking Lunges 3x12/leg (moderate to heavy)
Chin Ups or Pull ups (bodyweight or assisted) 3x8-10
Planks 3x30-60 seconds
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 11
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x2 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x2 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Barbell Split Squats 4x5/leg (moderate) Barbell Push Press 3x 5-8 (moderate)
Superset: Superset:
KB Goblet Squat 3x8 Push Ups 3x12
Single Leg RDL 3x8/leg Standing DB Tricep Extensions 3x12
Cardio Finisher: Superset:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 Bicep or Hammer Curls 3x12
KB or DB side bends 3x10/side
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x2 Reps
2x5 Reps
Bodyweight Glute 4x12
Curtsy Lunges 4x12/leg (moderate to heavy)
DB Bent Over Row 3x12-15
Planks 3x30-60 seconds
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25
#PowerConditioning- Week 12
Main Lift: Squats Main Lift: Bench
Warm up Sets: Working Sets: Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x2 Reps 1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x2 Reps
2x5 Reps 2x5 Reps
Accessory Work Accessory Work
Barbell Glute Bridges 3x10 (moderate) Close Grip Barbell Bench Press 3x6-8 (light to moderate)
Superset: Superset:
DB Walking Lunges 3x12/leg Face Pulls 3x10
Back Extensions 3x15-20 DB One Arm Row 3x8/arm
Cardio Finisher: Superset:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 DB Reverse Fly 3x10
Standing Shoulder Press 3x10
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25

Main Lift: Deadlifts

Warm up Sets: Working Sets:
1x10 Reps (Barbell) 5x5 Reps
2x5 Reps
Accessory Work
Barbell RDLs 3x10 (moderate to heavy)
Barbell Rows 3x10 (moderate)
Curtsy Lunges 3x10/leg
Russian Twists 3x10-15/side
Cardio Finisher:
Choose a cardio finisher of your choice Refer to pages 23-25 16
Lower Body Conditioning Circuits
1) Booty, Booty, Booty Rockin’ Everywhere 2) Did Someone Say Buttlift?
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

Goblet Squats 10 DB RDL 10

KB Swings 10 DB Front Squat 10

Bulgarian Split Squat 10/leg DB Glute Bridge 10

Jump Squats 10 Sumo KB Jumps 10

3) Apple bottom 4) Georgia Peach

Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

DB Step Ups 10/leg DB RDL 10

DB or bodyweight Glute 10 Goblet Squat 10
KB Russian Twists 10/side DB Glute Bridge 10

Jump Squats 10 Split Jumps 10/leg

Upper Body Conditioning Circuits
5) Did Someone Say Chesticles? 6) Pump It Up
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

Push Ups 8 Push Ups 10

One Arm Row 8/arm Inverted Row 10
DB Bench Press 8 Bicep Curls 10
Chin Ups (bodyweight or 8
assisted) Chin Ups (bodyweight or 10
DB Shoulder Press 8
Lateral Side Raise 10
7) Let’s Get Chiseled 8) Arnold Arms
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

DB Bench Press 10 Lat Pull downs 10

Bench Dips 10 Hammer Curls 10

DB Push Press 10 Bent Over Row 10

Push Ups 10 Bent Over Rear Delt Raise 10

DB Front Raise 10 Tricep Pushdowns 10

Total Body Conditioning Circuits
9) Don’t Stop, Get It Get It 10) Let’s Get Twisted
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

DB or KB Single Leg RDL 8/leg DB Thrusters 10

Sumo Alternating DB Row 8/arm KB Swings 10

DB Step Ups 8/leg Push Ups 10

Jump Squats 10 KB Russian Twists 10/side

11) Hit Reverse 12) Lunge It Out

Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

Inverted Row 10 DB Lateral Lunge 10/side

Alternating DB Lunges 10/leg DB Bent Over Rows 10
KB Swings 10 KB side bends 10/side

Bodyweight Hip Thrust 10 Jump Squats 10

Barbell Complexes
1) Squat it Out 2) Pressed For Time
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:
Push Press 5 Barbell Front Squat 6
Back Squat 5 Conventional Deadlift 6
Good Mornings 5 Barbell RDLs 6
RDLs 5 Barbell Floor Press 6
Bent Over Row 5 Barbell Glute Bridge 6
Complete the complex above for 5 rounds. Complete the complex below in a descending pyramid (6, 5,
4, 3, 2, 1).

Barbell Complexes
3) Get Snatched 4) Front Loaded
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:
Snatch Grip Deadlift 6 Barbell Upright Row 6
Bent Over Row 6 Front Squat 6
Strict Press 3 Push Press 6
Barbell Split Squats 3/leg Front loaded Lunge 3/leg
Complete the complex above for 5 rounds. Complete the complex above for 4 rounds.

Barbell Complexes
5) Sweet Sixteen 6) Glutes of Glory
Exercise: Reps: Exercise: Reps:

Bent Over Rows 5 Back Squat 6

RDLs 5 Barbell Split Squats 3/leg
Barbell Upright Row 5 Sumo Deadlift 6
Push Press 5 RDLs 6

Complete the complex above for 4 rounds. Complete the complex above for 5 rounds.

Conditioning Finishers
1) Jump Around 2) Rope-a-Dope
Movement: Work Period: Movement: Work Period:
Jump Rope 30 seconds Battle Ropes 30 seconds
Rest 30 Seconds Rest 30 seconds

Repeat for 10 rounds. Repeat for 10 rounds.

3) KB Fury 4) Gobble Gobble

Movement: Reps: Movement: Reps:
KB Swings 15 KB Swings 15
KB Deadlift Jumps 10 Goblet Squat 10

Complete EMOM (every minute on the minute). Complete Complete EMOM (every minute on the minute). Complete
15 KB swings at the start of the first minute. Rest for the 15 KB swings at the start of the first minute. Rest for the
remainder of the minute. Complete 10 KB deadlift jumps at remainder of the minute. Complete 10 goblet squats at the
the beginning of the 2nd minute. Rest for the remainder of beginning of the 2nd minute. Rest for the remainder of the
the minute. Continue in this pattern for 10 minutes. minute. Continue in this pattern for 10 minutes.

Conditioning Finishers
5) Switch It Up 6) Prowler Flu
Movement: Reps: Movement: Time:
Jump Squats 15 Prowler Push/Sprint 50 yards
Switch Jumps 10/leg Rest 60-120 seconds
Complete both movements. Rest for 60 seconds. Repeat for Repeat for 5 rounds.
5-10 rounds.

7) Run Like Your Life Depends On It 8) You Never Forget How to Ride a Bike
Movement: Time: Movement: Time:
Sprints 20 seconds Airdyne Bike Sprints 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds Rest 40 seconds
Repeat for 5-10 rounds. Repeat for 5-10 rounds.

9) Balls to the Wall (pun intended) 10) Slam-N-Twist

Movement: Reps: Movement: Reps:
Wall Balls 15 Medicine Ball Slams 15
Rower 200 meter sprint Medicine Ball Russian Twists 10/side
Rest for 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for 5 rounds. Rest for 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for 10 rounds.
Conditioning Finishers
11) Swing and Then Jump 12) Down the Ladder, Then Back Up
Movement: Reps: Movement: Reps:
KB Swings 15 Burpees 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Burpees 10 Rest as needed.
Rest for 60 seconds. Repeat for 5-10 rounds. Complete burpees in the sequence listed. When you reach
one, reverse, and go back up the ladder.

13) Let me see you Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump 14) Swing Fling
Movement: Reps: Movement: Work Period:
Jump Squats 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Battle Ropes 30 seconds
Rest as needed. KB Swings 30 seconds
Complete jump squats in the sequence listed. When you Rest for 60 seconds. Repeat for 5-10 rounds.
reach one, reverse, and go back up the ladder.
15) Row, Row, Row Your Boat 16) When in Doubt, Deadlift!
Movement: Time: Movement: Time:
Rower 200 meter sprint Airdyne Bike Sprints 20 seconds
Rest 60 seconds KB Deadlift 15
Repeat for 5-10 rounds. Rest for 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for 5-10 rounds.

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