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HIIT 29.10 and 31.10 Dan John Barbell Complex

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HIIT 29.10 and 31.


Dan John barbell complex.

This complex holds true to what he defines as a complex. The barbell
only leaves your hands or touches the floor after all the lifts are

Start at 6 reps down to 1

Complete 3-5 rounds. Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.

1. Row 6 reps
2. Clean 6 reps
3. Front squat 6 reps
4. Press 6 reps
5. Back squat 6 reps
6. Good mornings 6 reps

Metabolic Bodyweight Workout for Fighters

Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds
rest one after the other. After you complete all 10 exercises, rest for 2
minutes and repeat for 3 rounds.

1.Bunny Hop Burpees : 3 mini hops when squatting, no vertical jump

2.Abs Spring Ups : half sit up and punch both hands to stomach
3.Low Explosive Lunges
4.Explosive MMA Push Ups: narrow, standard, wide grip until tired
then standard pushups
5. Stationary Sprints : final 15sec all out
6. Kick Outs : rotate and kick
7. Kick Ups : crab walk static and kick up
8. Jump Squats : deep squat
9. Plank Around the World : raise arms then legs
10. Combo Sprawls : sprawl then 10 Straights-10 Hooks-10 Upper-


leg circles left
Drunken climbers
leg circles right
Commando planks

🔥 Strength x 2 ROUNDS then Tabata (choose a weight as

heavy as possible, 10-15 reps, time cap 45sec/20sec):

- BB BANDED 1 + 1/2 SQUATS x 10-15 (with weight)

- Banded sidewalks
- BB Slow pulsed squats 2 to 5 pulse (8 to 10reps)

- Banded donkey kicks
- Jump drop squat to Box

🔥Tabata round 1 (1min each)

Bunny Hop Burpees
Leg raises to hip raises
Low Explosive Lunges
Side plank with hip abduction

🔥 Strength x 2 ROUNDS then Tabata (choose a weight as

heavy as possible, 10-15 reps, time cap 45sec/20sec):

10-15 Hip thrusts

10 reverse to curtsy alternated
15 single leg bench crossovers each side

🔥Tabata round 2:
Squat hold or pulse
Deep Jump Squats
Plank leg lifts
Leg raised with circles

🔥Band circuit burnout:

in-n-out movement
glute bridges
frog bridges
single leg bridges
single leg bridges
squat hold
side to side squat walk


🔥 Strength x 2 ROUNDS (choose a weight as heavy as

possible, 10-15 reps, time cap 45sec/20sec):

- BB reverse to curtsy alternated x 8-10 each side

- BB 1 + 1/2 SQUATS x 10-15

- DB split stance/single stiff leg deadlift on each leg x 10-12

- BB RDL narrow stance toes elevated on plates x 10-15

🔥 Strength x 2 ROUNDS (choose a weight as heavy as

possible, 10-15 reps, time cap 45sec/20sec):

- DB/BW Single leg banded hip thrusts

- BB Hip thrusts banded
- DB/BW Feet elevated Frog Thruster


30 second in-n-out jump on Box

30 second side-to-side jumping lunges on box
1 minute rest

30 second alternating jumping lunges

30 second box jumps
1 minutes rest

30 second Leg lift with circles

30 second reverse crunch knee bent to hip raises
30 second leg lift with scissor kicks
30 cross crunch elbows to inside knee
1 minutes rest
Bret's Badass Booty Circuits #2
- Banded drop squat jump
- Feet elevated frog pump
- Banded fire hydrant
- BW reverse lunge floor touch
- Banded single-leg hip thrust
- DB goblet squat half bottom pulse
- Banded squatting knee abduction (in n out)


Square circuit 1 Ladder : 50/25 * 40/20 * 30/15

Increase Weight or intensity each ROUND
Shuttle Run or Walk lunges to the center, touch the cone and
go to the next station

1. Low Box touch Barbell Front Squats (option to Front Lunges)

2. MMA Pushups (plyo option to start then standard)
3. TRX Pullups (option slow negative
4. Double squat thrust to side shuffle or jump sideways
5. Leg Raises to Hip raises (DB option)

Square rep challenge circuit 2 for reps: 20reps (beginner might

do 15reps)

1. Barbell Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlift (to overhead)

2. Straddle stance single hand overhead press 20 per side
3. TRX Power Pulls (speed) 20 per side
4. Med Ball Power slam or Med Ball Rotational slam
5. Renegade Row (option with Rotation) 20 per side

Total time cap: 8min

Once finished you can perform further core exercise for the
remaining time:
Bicycle crunch
Around the world plank
Strength circuit 1: legs
Complete 3-5 rounds of the circuit below, resting about 30
seconds between exercises and about a minute to a minute
and a half between rounds.

KB RDL deadlift (1 or 2)
Landmine Squats (1 hand or 2 hands)
TRX Hamstrings curls
Single rack KB reverse lunges
Hip Thrusters shoulder elevated

Strength circuit 2: upper body

Med ball rolling Pushups

Landmine half kneeling single hand overhead press
TRX Shoulder T to Y to I (or Single Arm Anti-Rotational Row)
DB Lateral raises to front Press hold/eccentric transition
KB split stance rows

Cardio Core circuit finisher

30 seconds TRX climbers

15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Split Squat Jumps
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Burpees
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Commando planks
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Skater Hops
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Med ball power slams
1 minute Rest

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