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Classroom Management Plan 1

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Classroom Management Plan 1

Classroom Management Plan

Karly Colenzo

Teaching Credential Program Vanguard University

EDUG-524-01: Foundations of Teaching

Jeff Hittenberger, Ph.D.

Due November 29, 2022

Classroom Management Plan
1. Philosophy of Classroom Management: Personal Inventory

Methods of Effective Teaching puts it best by explaining that, “ A learning community is

designed to help all students feel safe, respected, and valued so that they can learn new

skills,”(Burden & Byrd 2016). A safe space for risk with support allows students to open up and

learn. That is what I hope to accomplish as an educator. How I intend to fulfill this concept is

through my philosophy of having proper management, positivity, and support .

As an up and coming educator I intend to use proper management as the structure of

every lesson. Proper management in Physical Education should consist of a flow and routine. A

flow allows students to be consistently engaged and feel accomplished by the end of class. This

idea comes from Flow Theory by Bill Snyder explaining that “Flow gives us a sense of

accomplishment because being in flow means that we have met a challenge successfully, And, in

doing so, we learn something about ourselves, about what we can accomplish, and what it takes

to reach this point,”(Snyder 2022). Routine paves the way to make flow accessible to all students

including IEPs, ELLs, etc. Another important aspect to proper management is the preparedness

of what will take place in class. My goal as a PE teacher is to have activities set up before

students get to class. Physical setup shows that a teacher is dependable and cares about the

quality of a student's education. Modeling what it's like to value their own education and do the

same for themselves. I know with this my classroom will have a proper structure to set the tone

for a positive atmosphere.

My goal for the tone of my classroom is to build an environment of uplifting positivity.

From that I want my students to feel what it is like to be surrounded by loving kindness and put

value into who they are. Positive behavior interventions focus on what students do right and
Classroom Management Plan
being an example to others in the class. Power schools say this about the difference between

positive and negative intervention, “ Type of phrasing is negative reinforcement and often

creates tension, Instead, positively reinforce the target behavior., when doing so, students are

encouraged to demonstrate the behavior you want to see consistently,” ( Power school 2020). I do

not want to create a dynamic where there is a power struggle. I want students to understand that

it is a partnership in which we work together in furthering their education. Essentially creating a

space through positive talk and knowing they have my support.

The overall aspect that ties my philosophy together is support. Support is taking into

action what a student needs. As a teacher I want to be versed in all aspects of support : physical,

mental, social, emotional ect. This is where we can see students improve and excel when they are

given the proper tools by teachers/ faculty. It goes back to PBIS where students may need

different types of support. For example students might need breaks during class to regroup or

special tasks to encourage responsibility. Support is also listening to students on what they need

and you value their opinion in the class. It creates a place where students feel like they have

control of their learning. Making education more valuable to them because students have made it

personal to them.
Classroom Management Plan

Admin, B. (2020, July 3). Using flow theory to create an engaging classroom. Mind Brain

Ed Think Tanks+. Retrieved November 25, 2022, from

Badamas, O. L. (2021, July 31). Basic school teachers' personality type as determinant of

classroom management in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Education and Learning

(EduLearn). Retrieved November 25, 2022, from

Bozkuş, K. (n.d.). A systematic review of studies on Classroom Management from 1980 to

2019. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. Retrieved November 25,

2022, from

Burden, P. R., & Byrd, D. M. (2016). Methods for effective teaching: Meeting the needs of

all students. Pearson.

Education Resources Information Center. ERIC. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2022,


Google. (n.d.). Classroom management that works. Google Books. Retrieved November

25, 2022, from


Classroom Management Plan
5 (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2022, from

Classroom Management Plan
2. General Classroom Management Plans

Appendix 1

Classroom Management Plan

Physical setup The physical setup of my classroom would look different than most being a
of your PE teacher. I think this subject can be a bit more difficult than other subjects.
classroom There are many different settings that a PE teacher needs to deal with on a
day-to-day basis. First off would be the locker room setting. The locker rooms
vary depending on the school. Overall the setup needs to make students feel
safe physically and mentally. Another element would be the blacktop where
students stand for attendants and updates. I am assuming at most schools there
are designated numbers for students to stand. If not I would adapt by using
color-coordinated cones. Also, equipment rooms are a big part of PE. My
setup would revolve around organization and accessibility. The way I would
organize it would be in an order that follows the lesson plan throughout the
year. To have everyday items in the same place with the most accessibility. An
important thing to note is to be cautious of equipment that can fall and cause
injury. If I ever need a student's assistance to help me with the equipment I
have to make sure the equipment room is safe. One of the most important
aspects of the PE setting is the area of activity. My goal every day would be to
have the setup ready before every lesson. While setting up I want to check for
any hazards that can become prevalent and find a solution to prevent injury. If
not, make students aware before the activity.

Planning and Planning in PE requires teamwork and flexibility. Teachers in this field have
organization to work together in order to create flow due to limited resources. That is where
steps before flexibility comes in. Where a teacher may need to split the gym or swap out on
the school the field for a class. Also, I want to implement my own knowledge of health
year/class and human performance to students to create healthy habits. Before school, I
starts would create ideas on what I want my students to know. Then have lesson
plans that can be implemented throughout the year. But it's basically planning
goals on what I want my students to get out of my class.
Classroom Management Plan

Setting a My first step to this would be to understand the student's perspective and their
positive generational struggles. Students' mindsets can change throughout the years
learning tone and as teachers, we need to adapt. For example, the way I would have created
(Growth a learning tone would be different after covid verse before covid. More
Mindset) for importantly, it's essential to listen to students and the overall tone of each
your class. To let them create the tone they want for the class to an extent. I would
students and tie it together with my own experiences and love of Christ. The overall growth
classroom mindset I would have as a foundation would be implementing the “yet”
perspective. This revolves around the idea that students may not understand
the concept at the moment but with time it will happen. So changing students'
talk saying (PE Perspective) “ I will not be able to run a 7-minute mile ” to “I
haven’t run a 7-minute mile yet.” Ultimately understanding improvement takes
time but stay hopeful.

Seating From a physical education standpoint, my class will most likely have students
Arrangemen on designated numbers outside on the blacktop. I know that is the general
ts to enhance setup for the class but my own spin on it would be window seating. Most of
learning the time students will sit in rows one behind the other. In my class, I would
stagger students so that they would all be able to see. Also, IEPs will be
(assigned or open
seating? Groups,
placed where I think they would be most successful in the class. That is
rows of desks? determined by their needs and collaboration from parents and staff. For
example, if there is a child with CP in my class I will make sure to place them
where they can freely be active. Also, some IEPs may have aids and those
students will be seated on the outer corners. So it is more convenient for the
aid and less of a distraction to students. If an IEP student needs time to
regroup they can easily maneuver out of class. For my ELLs, I will try to have
their seating more towards the front and surrounded by multi-language
speakers for assistance.

Opening For any PE class efficiency is key because changing in the locker room can
class routines take up a big part of class time. What this means is there has to be a good flow
(how will you to class because I want my students to get moving as soon as possible. The
start each class
session so that
way I want to start class is with a check-in with the class as a whole to gauge
growth and where the class is. Basically a brief interaction. Then I would like to give
learning start some background information on the activity we are doing, whether that be
right away)
the history of a sport or science behind the activity. Giving the importance
behind the activity and its purpose. Afterward, I would go through a quick
summary of what is going to happen in class and expectations. With
Classroom Management Plan

expectations, I would explain what they should be doing on their end to

receive the full benefits of the activity.

Positive With exercise I believe there are many expectations that pertain to different
Behavior areas. There is a lot of diversity that comes with physical education.
(what are 3-5 Physical Expectations - I want to make it clear physically how much energy a
expectations you student should be expanding with activity. They will be given an RPE ( rate of
plan to
implement and perceived exertion) for each activity. For example, if I want them to reach an
how will you RPE of 5 I want them to give me whatever their 5 looks like on that day.
engage students Students are always encouraged to push beyond that. Also, an RPE can allow
generating/ownin me to be flexible on what I want from my students.
g those
expectations) Educational Expectations- My educational expectations for the class are for
students to understand the information well enough to make healthy lifestyle
choices. Also to gain greater insight into sports and physical activity,
diversifying who they are.

Social Expectations - Socially I want students to encounter team-building

skills and healthy conflict. To be able to critique and build strategies to
improve themselves and others around them.

Procedure A big aspect for PE teachers grabbing their student's attention is a whistle.
for attention Because class sizes can be large and spread out sound is a big contribution. In
getting and terms of getting students to refocus I will have students do different actions
class quiet according to whistle blows. For example, one whistle can be to freeze while
focus (how will two whistles mean to gather back to class. Another scenario that can come
you bring into play is music. If the class becomes off task I can turn off the music and
students back
from group work
regain focus.
to quiet attention
to you)

Off-task behavior can be difficult to spot in a PE class. It's good to prevent
off-task behavior people from being off task. I think the best way is to make the activities
engaging as professor Kim stated. Also to constantly switch the grouping of
(How will you monitor
student focus and bring students so they do not stick to activities with their friends. If students get off
them back to focus on
the learning at hand)
task I will do the question technique that professor Kim provided.
Classroom Management Plan

Teaching Team building activities all on their own help create great social skills when
positive there is the proper structure. But this can create a lot of tension with peers who
social have not learned the proper skills to do so. That begins with going through
skills/address scenarios in class that show how to create healthy dialogue. It also creates a
ing behavior conversation on how students would like to be approached by each other.
that does not Towards the beginning of the year, I would spend a few days on class culture
align with and creating a solution mindset. Then again moving back to Professor Kim’s
positive tool of asking questions of redirection. If that does not work I will ask the
expectations student what they need from me in order to be successful. Then adapt to their
(how will you critiques on my teaching to better support them.
help students
realign with
positive behavior
when they go out
of alignment)

Turning in Grading may look different in a PE class. My grading would be based on

Assignments/ effort, participation, assignments, and application of knowledge from the
class. I most likely will not have many assignments but one thing I would
Grading and implement is an excused note. Where if a student still wants to turn in late
Feedback homework and still get the credit they will fill out a short form. I want them to
(what will be
your efficient
give an honest answer about how much they have done, why they need an
system for extension (or a prefer not to say option), then the days they need to get done,
student and what can I do to support them. Then we come to an agreement on an
submission of
assignments and
extension date and create a dialogue on if they are going through anything
your feedback on serious. The point would be to give me an insight into whether the student is
their struggling in any way and provide support. As for feedback, I am open to
discussing grades and how students can improve. But it can be difficult in
some ways because there are not many tangible aspects to go over. My plan of
action would be if a student wants to raise their grade we come up with a
checklist specifically for them and we go over whether or not they
accomplished those actions in class. I will automatically raise their grade.
Classroom Management Plan

Student roles What I've learned from my experiences is that students who have trouble in a
in class setting need purpose and a sense of responsibility. I would like to engage
implementin those students by giving them important roles in the class. Such as
g classroom responsibilities with class equipment, leading stretches, or doing attendance.
management But also maintaining a watchful eye.

(how will you

assign student
roles in helping
make the class
run in a positive

What other I would like to implement in my classroom the ability to make choices and
positive create dialogue. Essentially make the class their own and feel that they have a
routines and say in their learning. Whether that be choosing what exercise they want to do,
procedures do or even the radio station they want. Students need to know in my class their
you anticipate
voices matter and that they get to live that out.
planning and
in your
Classroom Management Plan
Appendix 2

A Class Period Over


Classroom Management Plan

C Min. Classroom Management Issues/Rules/Plans

l 00-10

Class Sessions Classroom Management Strategies
Locker room /Dress
The start of the class happens in the locker room. What can be a
struggle is getting students efficiently out of the locker room. My
management strategy would be to create incentives to be out of the
S locker room quickly rather than a consequence. Depending on the class
I can make it a team effort or individual where students can get extra
credit, snacks, etc. for being early to class. Also another aspect is
making PE fun enough to where they feel motivated enough to get to
class. The day before I'll tell the class an overview of the lesson so they
e have something to be excited for the next day.

Classroom Management Plan

0:10-0:25 Class Period Opening In a PE setting students will be seated for attendance outside
waiting for instruction. During this time I will take a minute
or two check in with the class to see how their day is going.
It lets them know I value what is going on in their lives.
Also, this is the time I would include lessons and the
overview of the day. With the lessons I plan to incorporate
the kinesiology aspect. Where students learn about fitness
and health. Another aspect would be incorporation of a
broader knowledge of sports through its culture, rules,
equipment and athletes/teams. I would like to incorporate
visuals and stories to help and aid in this method. Then I
would give the class the RPE I would like them to reach and
the standard that needs to be met.

0:25 Class Period Segment 2 This part of the class would be a movement in terms of
making sure what students are doing is safe and meeting the
standards. As a PE teacher I would walk around giving
critiques and modifications. Also seeing if students are
meeting the motor skill requirement. This is the time where I
adjust the lesson if needed and make it better for the next
Classroom Management Plan

Scenario 1: After receiving an assignment In this scenario for a PE setting, students are not doing the
for group work, one group of students, male activity and are standing around talking. After my first initial
and female, sit in the back of class in a interaction with pushback I would have a small conversation.
clump and talk. They are positive towards My method would be to give students options. This specific
you until you ask them to focus on their scenario I would say. “I will give you five minutes to finish
assignment, at which point you start getting the conversation and we can refocus or I will come join you
pushback. At this point, however, their in the activity to make sure we are on task.” Both opinions
talking has become a distraction from the are not negative but more supportive. If they still are not
rest of the class and two of the students listening I would have the conversation with them on what I
seem to want to push the boundaries of what can do to make them feel more supported and involved.
they are allowed to, despite their effects on
your ability to teach. How will you work
with these students to provide a more
positive and workable solution so that they
refocus on their assignment and learning?

0:35-50 Class Period Segment 3 This segment in class would be the area of activity where the
student moves toward more independent activity and
collaborates with other students. At this time I take a set back
and start to watch students put into action what they have
been taught.
Classroom Management Plan

0:50- Class Period Segment 4 At this time we got an overview of the class. I would ask if
0:60 they reached their RPE, any takeaways or questions students
Scenario 2: At the end of have. More importantly if they enjoyed their class time. After
your class right before
activity students tend to stay in that energetic state. In that
lunch, your students start
to mentally check out of sense losing focus and not getting much out of class. For
class early, start talking,
myself I will create motion signals that pertain to health to
and pack up about ten to
fifteen minutes before class regain their attention. Also, feeding into the idea they may
ends. How will you
want to talk with fellow students I will have discussion
address this in terms of
your overall classroom questions about the activity. Navigating their conversations to
management plans so that
be geared towards the lesson. Or even giving out affirmations
your students learn out of
habit to stay engaged to to students by name that did things well. Student tend to feel
the end of your class, and
more encouraged to be engaged when they know they are
how will you handle this
on this particular day to being acknowledged.
make the change to better
Classroom Management Plan

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