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Diocesan Schools of Abra

Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester

Specialized Subject Title: Pre - Calculus No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/semester
Prerequisites (If needed): N/A______________

Specialized Subject Description: At the end of the course, the students must be able to apply concepts and solve problems involving conic sections, systems
of nonlinear equations, series and mathematical induction, circular and trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, and polar coordinate system.

Culminating Performance Standard: At the end of the semester, the students create a model or visual presentation involving conic sections, systems of
nonlinear equations, series and mathematical induction, circular and trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, and polar coordinate system.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Highest Enabling
Highest Thinking Skill to Strategy to Use in
Learning competencies Assess developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess Institutio
Content Most Performan Flexible 21st
nal Core
Content Standard Essential ce KUD Assessment Flexible Century
s Topics Standards KUD Enabling Skills
Most Classi RBT Activities Learning
Complete Classif General
Essential ficatio Level (FAA) Strategies
ication Strategy
n Performance (FLS)
Quarter 1 (Analytic Geometry)
Conic The Conic The The The Identify Me!
Sections learners Sections learner learners... learners... *posted
Week 1 demonstra shall be illustrate the U illustrate the U APPL pictures of CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
te an able to different different YING different types CTION Modules cal Excellence
understan model types of conic types of of conic think (Critical
ding of... situations sections: conic sections H/S/B ing thinking)
key appropriat parabola, sections *enumerate *Google &
concepts ely and ellipse, circle, and draw five Forms Probl Non-
of conic solve hyperbola, (5) examples * posted em Academic
sections problems and of the different pictures with Solvi (creativity)
and accurately degenerate types of conic guided ng
systems using cases sections aside questions in Spirituality
of conic from the their GC (humility)
nonlinear sections define a K define a K UNDE posted REPRE
equations and circle circle RSTA pictures. SENTA
systems NDIN *Worksheets TION
of G On identifying
nonlinear determine the U parts of a
equations standard form circle and
of equation of determining
a circle the standard
form a circle
and then
graph a circle U graph a U APPL Essay CONNE *The teacher
in a circle given YING CTION instruct the
rectangular an equation S students to
coordinate in center - cite instances
system radius form in their life
related to the
concepts of
Parabola Parabola define a K define a K UNDE *Worksheets REPRE D -Printed Criti Academic
{Week 2) parabola parabola RSTA On identifying SENTA Modules cal Excellence
NDIN parts of a TION think (Critical
G parabola and H/S/B ing thinking)
determine the U determining *Google &
standard form the standard Forms Probl Non-
of equation of form a em Academic
a parabola parabola and Solvi (creativity)
then graph. ng
graph a U graph a U APPL CONNE *-posted
parabola in a parabola YING *Picture CTION pictures of
rectangular given an Analysis S parabolic
coordinate equation in -posted picture infrastructure
system vertex form of parabolic s with guided
infrastructures questions
with guided
Ellipse Ellipse define an K define an K UNDE Worksheets REPRE D -Printed Criti Academic
{Week 3) ellipse ellipse RSTA On identifying SENTA Modules cal Excellence
NDIN parts of an TION think (Critical
determine the U G ellipse and H/S/B ing thinking)
standard form determining *Google &
of equation of the standard Forms Probl Non-
an ellipse form an ellipse *Interactive em Academic
and then discussion Solvi (creativity)
graph an U graph an U APPL graph. CONNE ng
ellipse in a ellipse YING CTION
rectangular given an S
coordinate equation in
system standard
Hyperbola Hyperbo define a K define a K UNDE *Worksheets D -Printed Criti Academic
{Week 4) la hyperbola hyperbola RSTA On identifying Modules cal Excellence
NDIN parts of a *Articles think (Critical
determine the U G hyperbola and related to ing thinking)
standard form determining Hyperbola &
of equation of the standard will be Probl Non-
a hyperbola form a included in em Academic
hyperbola and PM Solvi (creativity)
then graph. ng
graph a U graph a U APPL CONNE H/S/B
hyperbola in hyperbola YING *Article CTION *Google
a rectangular given an Analysis S Forms
coordinate equation in * Oral * posted
system standard recitation article in GC
form *pre-
* oral
(Week 5) Charact recognize the U recognize U ANAL *Math Journal CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
eristics equation and the equation YZIN CTION Modules cal Excellence
of the important and G S Thin *Critical
different characteristic important H/S/B king Thinking
types of s of the characteristi *Google and
conic different cs of the Forms Probl
sections types of conic different *pre- em
sections types of recorded Solvi
conic discussion ng

solves U solves U APPL *situational CONNE

situational situational YING problems CTION
problems problems analysis S
involving involving
conic conic
sections sections
(Week 6) Systems illustrate U illustrate U APPL *Concept Map CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
of systems of systems of YING CTION Modules cal Excellence
nonlinea nonlinear nonlinear Concept Thin *Critical
r equations equations mapping king Thinking
equation and
s H/S/B Probl
determine the U determine U APPL *Problem CONNE *Google em
solutions of the YING Solving CTION Forms Solvi
systems of solutions of *sample ng
nonlinear systems of videos or
equations equations PPT posted
using (one linear in their GC
techniques and one
such as second
substitution, degree) in
elimination, two
and graphing variables
graphing (in
(Week 7) Problem solve U solve U APPL *Situational CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
solving situational situational YING Problem CTION Modules cal Excellence
involvin problems problems Analysis Thin *Critical
g involving involving involving H/S/B king Thinking
systems systems of systems of systems of *Google and
of nonlinear nonlinear nonlinear Forms Probl
nonlinea equations equations equations *PPT em
r presentation Solvi
equation ng
Series and The Series The illustrate a U Illustrate a U APPL *compare & CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
Mathematic learners and learner series series YING Contrast CTION Modules cal Excellence
al Induction demonstra Sequenc shall be worksheet Thin *Critical
(Week 8-9) te an es able to H/S/B king Thinking
understan keenly *problem *Google and
ding of observe differentiate a K differentiate K UNDE solving REPRE Forms Probl
key and series from a a series RSTA SENTA *pre- em
concepts investigat sequence from a NDIN TION recorded Solvi
of series e patterns, sequence G videos ng
and and posted in
mathemat formulate use the sigma U use the U CONNE their GC
ical appropriat notation to sigma APPL CTION *problem
induction e represent a notation to YING S solving
and the mathemat series represent a
Binomial ical series
Theorem. statement illustrate the U
s Principle of

apply U Apply the U APPL CONNE

mathematical use of sigma YING CTION
induction in notation in S
proving finding
identities sums

Trigonomet The The illustrate the U illustrate the U APPL Printed CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
ry learners learner unit circle unit circle YING Worksheets CTION Modules cal Excellence
(Week 1-2) demonstra shall be and the and the Thin *Critical
te an able to relationship relationship  links H/S/B king Thinking
understan formulate between the between the *Google and
ding key and solve linear and linear and Forms Probl
concepts accurately angular angular *pre- em
of circular situational measures of a measures of recorded Solvi
functions, problems central angle a central videos ng
trigonome involving in a unit angle in a posted in
tric circular circle unit circle their GC
identities, functions
trigonome convert U convert U APPL CONNE
tric degree degree YING CTION
functions, measure to measure to
and the radian radian
polar measure and measure and
coordinat vice versa vice versa
e system

illustrate U illustrate U APPL CONNE

angles in angles in YING CTION
standard standard
position and position and
coterminal coterminal
angles angles
(Week 3) illustrate the U illustrate the U APPL Printed CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
different different YING worksheets CTION Modules cal Excellence
circular circular Thin *Critical
functions functions H/S/B king Thinking
*Google &
uses U uses U APPL CONNE Forms Probl
reference reference YING CTION *pre- em
angles to find angles to recorded Solvi
exact values find exact videos ng
of circular values of posted in
functions circular their GC
(Week 4) determine the U illustrate the U APPL CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
domain and domain and YING CTION Modules cal Excellence
range of the range of the S Thin *Critical
different different H/S/B king Thinking
circular circular *Google &
functions functions Forms Probl
*PPT em
graph the six U graph the U APPL CONNE *pre- Solvi
circular six circular YING CTION recorded ng
functions (a) functions S videos
amplitude, (a) posted in
(b) period, amplitude, their GC
and (c) phase (b) period,
shift and (c)
phase shift
(Week 5) solve U solve U APPL Printed CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
problems situational YING worksheets CTION Modules cal Excellence
involving problems S Thin *Critical
circular involving H/S/B king Thinking
functions circular *Google &
functions Forms Probl
*pre- em
derive the U recorded Solvi
fundamental videos ng
trigonometric posted in
identities their GC

derive U
sum and
difference of
(Week 6-8) apply derive the U determine U APPL Printed CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
appropriat double and whether an YING worksheets CTION Modules cal Excellence
e half-angle equation is S Thin *Critical
trigonome formulas an identity H/S/B king Thinking
tric simplify or a *Google &
identities trigonometric conditional Forms Probl
in solving expressions apply *pre- em
situational prove other trigonometri recorded Solvi
problems trigonometric c identities videos ng
identities to find other posted in
trigonometri their GC
c values

solve CONNE
solve U situational U APPL CTION
situational problems YING S
problems involving
involving trigonometri
trigonometric c identities

formulate illustrate the U illustrate the U APPL Printed CONNE D -Printed Criti Academic
and solve domain and domain and YING worksheets CTION Modules cal Excellence
accurately range of the range of the S Thin *Critical
situational inverse inverse H/S/B king Thinking
problems trigonometric trigonometri *Google &
involving functions c functions Forms Probl
appropriat *pre- em
e Evaluate an U evaluate an U APPL CONNE recorded Solvi
trigonome inverse inverse YING CTION videos ng
tric trigonometric trigonometri S posted in
functions expression c expression their GC

solve U Solve U APPL CONNE

trigonometric trigonometri YING CTION
equations c equations. S

Week 9) solve U solve U APPL Printed CONNE D - Printed Criti Academic

situational situational YING worksheets CTION Modules cal Excellence
problems problems *problem S H/S/B Thin *Critical
involving involving solving *Google king Thinking
inverse inverse Forms &
trigonometric trigonometri *pre- Probl
functions and c functions recorded em
trigonometric and videos Solvi
equations trigonometri posted in ng
c equations their GC

Performance Task (Quarter 1)

Your goal is to show that different graphs of conic sections, sequences and series are some of the concepts used in designing games, i.e. board games, and other
activities for recreation and relaxation.

You are an inventor of youth amusement games who wants to create a mathematics-related board game that makes use of concepts of the different types of conic
section and the sequences and series.

The target audience are market investors who are scouting for educational products for possible marketing.

Your company tasked you to make a convincing presentation of your product, zeroing-in on the educational aspect of the board game you invented.

You need to invent a board game involving the different types of conic sections, sequences and series, and make a product-knowledge talk among market investors,
explaining to them the mechanics of the board games.


1. Uniqueness and interesting design of the board game
2. Appropriateness and accuracy of the different types of conic sections, sequences and series used in the board game
3. Comprehensiveness and clarity of the presentation

Rubrics for the Performance Task (Quarter 1)

(10) (7) (3)
Uniqueness and appeal of the The design is unique and The design is interesting but not The design is not unique and
design interesting unique interesting
The model reflects the highest Some parts of the model are not The model shows poor
Quality of workmanship
level of workmanship properly fixed. workmanship
Appropriateness of the Some materials and technology The model uses materials and
The model uses appropriate
materials and technology used used in the model do not technology that are inappropriate to
materials and technology
in the model fit/match the design the design
The model has minor concerns
The model is safe, reliable, The model has major concerns on
Practicality, safety, ergonomics, on practicality, safety,
serviceable, practical, and practicality, safety, ergonomic,
reliability, and serviceability ergonomic, reliability, and
ergonomic reliability, and serviceability
Use of an original, resourceful, The design shows The design does not show
The design shows originality,
and novel approach in creating resourcefulness but lacks originality, resourcefulness, and
resourcefulness, and novelty
the design novelty novelty

Performance Task (Quarter 2)

Your goal is to design a model of a furniture like reclining chairs or and tables that can be positioned at different angular bent.

You are a furniture designer. You are going to present your creation and explain the mathematical aspects of your design. The design must use trigonometric

The target audience are investors who are looking for a new furniture designs for possible marketing.

You are going present your invented aesthetically designed furniture before a mathematically inclined group of investor.

You need to prepare a scale model, an actual product or a visual model of your invented furniture. You need to prepare a presentation involving trigonometric
equations, identities, or other trigonometric concepts.


1. Aesthetic design of the product
2. Accuracy and comprehensiveness of the content of the oral presentation

Rubrics for the Performance Task (Quarter 2)

(10) (7) (3)
Uniqueness and appeal of the The design is unique and The design is interesting but not The design is not unique and
design interesting uniq interesting
The model reflects the highest Some parts of the model are not The model shows poor
Quality of workmanship
level of workmanship properly fixed. workmanship
Appropriateness of the Some materials and technology The model uses materials and
The model uses appropriate
materials and technology used used in the model do not technology that are inappropriate to
materials and technology
in the model fit/match the design the design
The model has minor concerns
The model is safe, reliable, The model has major concerns on
Practicality, safety, ergonomics, on practicality, safety,
serviceable, practical, and practicality, safety, ergonomic,
reliability, and serviceability ergonomic, reliability, and
ergonomic reliability, and serviceability
Use of an original, resourceful, The design shows The design does not show
The design shows originality,
and novel approach in creating resourcefulness but lacks originality, resourcefulness, and
resourcefulness, and novelty
the design novelty novelty
Accurateness and
The oral presentation is The oral presentation is The oral presentation is not accurate
comprehensiveness of the oral
accurate and comprehensive accurate but not comprehensive and not comprehensive

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