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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (Fidp) School Year 2021-2022

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School Year 2021-2022

Grade Level: 11/12 Semester SECOND SEMESTER

Core Subject Title: TRENDS, NETWORKS, AND CRITICAL THINKING IN THE 21ST CENTURY No. of Hours/Semester 80 Hours/Semester
Prerequisites (if needed): Pilosopiya Ng Tao
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Core Subject Description: The course provides opportunities for students to discover patterns and extract meanings from emerging trends. It aids in developing their critical and creative thinking skills-- essential tools for decision making
and understanding “ethics of care”. Global trends in the 21st century are examined and are either accepted or rejected on a sound set of criteria. Students will be asked to create and analyze scenarios that will
challenge them to (1) formulate their stances on issues or concerns; (2) propose interventions and; (3) formulate alternative futures. The students will realize the interconnections between their neural
connections and social realities.

Culminating Performance Standard:

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use

Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess in developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Performance Flexible
Content Content Standards Essential Flexible
Standards Assessment Enabling
Topics KUD KUD Learning
Complete Most Essential RBT Level Activities (FAA) General
Classification Classification Strategies
Performance Strategy


Definition of a The learner Definition of a The learner will be The learner… The learner…
trend trend able to derive an
1.1 The idea from
the emergence of process of instances and 1.1 Define a trend. 1. Differentiate a
identifying a present trend from a fad.
trends and
patterns. this idea through 1.2 Differentiate a

San Vicente, Santa Maria, Bulacan 3022

Tel. no. (044) 815-3688 Mobile Nos. +63 933 012-2727; +63 935 173-4233
trend a 100-word essay, trend from a fad.

1.2 artwork, and other

Differentiating graphic
a trend from a 2. Explain the 2. Explain the
representations. process on how to process on how
fad spot a trend. to spot a trend.

1.3 Elements
of a trend
3. Point out the 3. Point out the
1.4 The elements that elements that
characteristics make up a trend. make up a
of a trend trend.

4. Describe the
4. Describe the different
different characteristics
characteristics of a
of a trend. Trend.

5. Identify parts
5. Identify parts of of a whole.
a whole.

6. Identify and
6. Identify explain an
emerging patterns. emerging

7. Identify
causes and
7. See, discover
and differentiate

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between causes

8. Present the
derived ideas
through a

100-word essay or
other graphic


Understanding The learner Understanding The learner draws The learner… The learner…
Local Networks Local a color-coded
understands Networks
map of the
strategic 2.1 Strategic networks of power 1.1 Define 1. Explain
analysis strategic analysis strategic
analysis and relations (political, and intuitive analysis and
intuitive 2.2 Intuitive economic, thinking. intuitive
thinking cultural, and
thinking. kinship ties) within thinking
a particular 1.2 Explain • Define
community. strategic analysis strategic
and intuitive analysis and

thinking. intuitive thinking

• Differentiate
key components
in strategic
analysis and


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2. Apply
2. Attain facility in
strategic analysis
3. Apply intuitive
thinking in
solving a

3. Use intuitive problem in the

thinking in dealing community
with varied using a map of
activities social networks.

Global Networks The learner Global The learner The learner… The learner…
Networks locates on a map
understands the different
3.1 Labor geographical
the components, 1.1 Give examples 1. Explain the
3.2 Migration origins of the of various activities concrete effects
operations, in one’s daily life of globalization
effects, and components/elem that show the and to one’s
ents of an concrete effects of daily life.
networks of globalization.
globalization industrial/
in his/her
agricultural 1.2 Explain the
daily life. comprehensive
product and writes
a reflection essay effects of
on the insights Globalization
gathered from

the exercise.
2. Explain and
demonstrate the
benefits 2. Explain the
need for
of collaboration collaboration
and cooperation. and cooperation

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to achieve

ness of people
and nations.

3.1 Identify and 3. Discuss the

discuss the different
different contributions of
contributions of the the parts to a
parts to a whole. whole and the
important role of
imagination in
3.2 Stress the
putting together
important role of
the creative the various
imagination in parts of a whole.
putting together
the various parts
of a whole.

The learner The learner… The learner…

locates on a map
the workplaces of
the OFWs in their 1.1 Create a map 1. Illustrate the
community and to show the origins origin of the
writes a reflection of the different different
component s of a
paper on the gadget, business components of
effects of labor enterprise, a gadget,
migration to their industrial/
community. technological/ enterprise,
agricultural industrial/
product, etc. technological/
product, etc.

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through a mind
map and
1.2 Write a
reflection essay on reflection essay.
the insights

generated from the


Planetary The learner Planetary The learner The learner… The learner…
Networks: Networks:
Climate understands Climate 1) Analyzes how
production and
Change the consequences Change 1. Explain the 1. Explain the
consumption effects of effects of
of personal and 4.1 The habits contribute consumption and consumption
local action to effects of to the problem of production and production
global and consumption climate change patterns that patterns on
planetary climate and explain why contribute to climate change.
change. production the problem of
patterns to climate change
2) Writes a
climate resolution that you
change can share with
your friends about 2. Explain and
illustrate personal 2. Discuss
how you can personal
4.2 The personally contributions that contributions
effects of contribute can actually solve that can
climate towards solving
change the problem of actually solve
the problem of climate change. the problem of
climate change. climate

4.3 Steps to change.

address the

of climate 3. Make a stand

3. Make a stand on how the
change on how the consequences
consequences of

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one’s action affect of one’s action
affect the lives
the lives of others of others and
and the the
environment. environment.



Democratic The learner Using any form of The learner… The learner…
Interventions oral presentation,
the learner
the meaning explains creatively 1. Identify 1. Identify
the ill effects of preferred democratic
and dimensions of democratic practices.
democracy. practices practices.

related to factors
such as gender 2.1 Illustrate the
benefits of 2. Explain the
biases, poverty, importance of
political democratic
participation in
marginalization, Participation.
racial inequality,

cultural 2.2 Explain the

domination, crisis importance of
of representation participation
and politics of
in democracy.

3. Distinguish/

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differentiate 3. Differentiate
participatory participatory
representative representative
democracy. democracy.

4. Generate the
criteria to assess
4. Assess
prevailing political democratic
and social interventions

institutions. prevailing in
political and


5. Conceptualize 5. Formulate a
/formulate what viable
can be a viable alternative to
alternative to
undemocratic undemocratic

Information The learner The learner The learner… The learner…

Communication organizes and
understands mobilizes an
Technology (ICT) event that deals
how ICT 1. Identify 1. Identify the
with a significant dimensions of dimensions of
enslaves, global issue, technology that technology
using ICT.
emancipates, are enabling and that are
and empowers not inhibiting. enabling and

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2. Discuss the 2. Discuss the
benefits of benefits of
technology. technology.

3. Identify the 3. Explain the

weakest link in a weakest link in a
system using system using
strategic and
intuitive thinking. strategic and

4. Explain how 4. Explain how

information information
technology can technology can
facilitate social
facilitate social
relationships and relationships
and political
political movements
(occupy (occupy

5. Propose a
5. Make or creative
propose a creative intervention to
intervention to improve human
improve human life using ICT.

. Neural and The learner Neural and The learner The learner… The learner…

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Social Networks understands Social creates a social
Networks map that traces
the parallelism the various roles 1. Identify 1. Differentiate
7.1 that students play connections, connections
between Connections, relationship, and from
in the community
neural and Relationships, relationship, and
(family members, Networks. networks.
social networks. and Networks community

leader, etc.) and

rank the 2. Illustrate how
7.2 The the brain or
Neural and 2. Illustrate how
significance of the the brain or neural neural network
Social roles played
network works. Works.
Networks within the
3. Compare the
neural networks
3. Compare the with social
neural networks
with social Networks.

4. Establish
4. Establish linkage between
linkage between self and the
self and the social network
social network one one belongs to.
belongs to.

5. Demonstrate
5. Demonstrate how thinking
how thinking processes are
processes shaped by
are shaped by social
social relationships.

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6. Identify the 6. Identify the
significant social significant social
roles students play roles students
within the play within the
community by community by

creating a social creating a social

map of their map of their

relationships. relationships.


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