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Microsoft Office Applications Series: N IME Ietti

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Integrating New Technologies Iowa Educational Technology

Into the Methods of Education and Train ing Institute www.uni.ed u/ietti

Microsoft Office Applications Series

Number of sessions: 7 hands-on workshops (maximum of 20 attendees each)
Length of each session: 2 hours each workshop for all but number 7 which is 3 hours
Costs: $100/hr @ 15 hrs = $1,500 total series
Plus travel, lodging and expenses, if needed.
Workshop materials fee: No cost for workshop materials. They will be provided as downloadable files from the WWW.
Minimu m Hard ware R equirements:
Lab of 20 computers plus one instructor computer (all with the same version of operating system and required programs),
LCD/DLP p rojector, screen (6 across or larger)
Minimum Softw are Requirements (W indows):
Wind ows 95, 9 8, ME , 2000, X P; Micr osoft Office 9 7, 2000 , XP (inclu ding W ord, Exc el, PowerP oint)
Minimum Softw are Requirements (M acintosh):
Macinto sh OS (an y); Micros oft Office 98 , 2001 (in cluding W ord, Exc el, PowerP oint)

At the end of this workshop series, you will be able to:

ÿÿ Create docum ents for use with students or staff using advanced M icrosoft Word features.
ÿÿ Prepare charts and graphs sharing results based on numerical data.
ÿÿ Develo p presenta tions for delive ry of instruction an d to share info rmation with sta ff members , parents, and the comm unity.
ÿÿ Use M icrosoft W ord, Exc el, and Po werPoin t to suppor t learning and teaching in all cur ricular areas.

Series Overview: The Microsoft Office Application Series focuses on providing K12 educators with beneficial
skills in basic computer application programs to more effectively plan and deliver instruction. Additionally, by
learning these skills, educators can more adequately prepare their students with essential workplace skills by
integrating these technical applications, where appropriate, into the curriculum. Finally, as skilled users of
Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint participants will be better prepared to efficiently track data; generate
detailed, high quality reports; and present collected data to coworkers, parents, their community, and the state
government in an explicit format.

By offering these workshops, schools will be able to address:

No Child Left Behind:

ÿÿ Goal I: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or
better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
ÿÿ Goal III: By 2005-2006, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers.
ÿÿ Goal V: All students will graduate from high school.

State of Iowa Vision:

ÿÿ Goal 1: Establish an environment that promotes the appropriate and effective use of educational
ÿÿ Goal 2: Support and strengthen the school improvement process by facilitating effective integration
of technology in Iowa Schools to improve teaching and learning.
ÿÿ Goal 3: Improve support systems for the school improvement process through appropriate and
effective technology integration and use in Iowa schools.

State of Iowa Initiatives:

ÿÿ Reading (language arts), Mathematics and Science
ÿÿ Teacher/Administrator Induction/Mentor Program
Series consists of the following workshops:

1. Microsoft Word Basics (2 hours)

Have you used word processors before, but found yourself frustrated because you can t make the
program do what you want it to do? This workshop provides the basics of using Microsoft Word, the
world s leading word processor, to produce a word processing document. You ll work with editing and
formatting features as well as the ruler to set tabs and indents. Learn a number of tricks for selecting
text, the difference between cut and copy, automatic page numbering, and how to make bulleted and
numbered lists. Then we ll show you one of the most useful features of Microsoft Word, making tables.
Even if you ve used Word before, we think you ll most likely pick up some new tricks.

2. Taking Microsoft Word Beyond the Basics (2 hours)

This workshop steps it up a level. Become more efficient in your work by learning how to use the
following Word features: proofing tools, automatic text completion, automatic text correction, styles,
headers and footers, custom bullets for lists, automatic tool for creating a table of contents, clipart, and
more about tables.

3. Microsoft Excel Basics (2 hours)

Why would I use a spreadsheet, you ask? Let us suggest some possibilities. We ll introduce you to basic
spreadsheet concepts and terminology and the following Excel features: entering, editing and formatting
data and text; basic formulas and functions; using automatic fills; creating charts; and printing just the
information you want from your spreadsheet. We ll share some timesaving tricks as well. Spreadsheets
are useful tools for more than just number crunching. Perhaps after learning the basics you ll see some
practical applications for your use.

4. Taking Microsoft Excel Beyond the Basics (2 hours)

Definitely beyond the basics! Yet not too hard for the beginning spreadsheet user. This workshop
addresses additional Excel features: more on formatting, formulas and functions; absolute and relative
references; working with multiple sheets; and database features such as sorting.

5. Microsoft PowerPoint Basics (2 hours)

This is one of our favorite programs. Microsoft really packs the punch here! It s amazing the things you
can do with just a little experience in PowerPoint. We ll show you how to create a basic PowerPoint
presentation - entering text, graphics, sound, and a short movie file. You ll also learn how to improve
the look of your presentation. Tips and techniques for the presenter will be shared as well. Finally,
we ll give you some pointers on how you can take your presentation on the road.

6. Taking Microsoft PowerPoint Beyond the Basics (2 hours)

This workshop introduces a number of PowerPoint features that many experienced PowerPoint users
don t even know exist. These advanced features allow you to customize your presentation: custom
backgrounds & bullets, setting dims (a method for drawing attention to each point on a slide as you
address them), creating templates, and printing handouts. If time permits, we can also teach you how to
use action buttons for customizing the sequence of your slides and creating a more interactive presentation.

7. Using Microsoft Office to Support Learning and Teaching (3 hours)

So how can you use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in your classroom? Come prepared to
share at least two ideas for each program on how you could use the program to support learning and
teaching. Be sure at least one idea for each program applies to how your students might use the program
as a learning tool and at least one idea for each should relate to how you might use the program in your
teaching. After a discussion on these ideas, you ll begin working on a project in any one of the programs
to actually use with your students. We ll be there to provide support as you get your project underway.

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