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Slide Stomp – slide out (either forward
or to the side) and raise it up before
finishing in a stomp.

- Late 1960’s and early 1970’s
- Inspired by movements of African
- It incorporates aspects of modern - Work on your balance. A huge part of
dance, tap and swing. krump is having an unwavering sense of
- Hip means Trendy while the balance, regardless of the strange
leaping movement is Hop. positions you put your body in.
- Work on your Isolations. Start with
KRUMPING your neck and work your way
downward. Rotate each part of your
- Derived from Clowning body in circles, taking turns going both
- It then evolved into a popular Street clockwise and counterclockwise.
Dance. - Begin with the stance. You're in a
- Isolating body parts, Swinging, slight squat, bending at the knees --
Stomping, and Popping are the key kinda like you're playing D in
components of Krumping.
- Learn the Stomps.
- Intense, Fast-Paced and Sharp. - Perfect the chest pop. You simply pop
your chest forward quickly and bring it
MAIN MOVES IN back -- it's sort of like a pulse.
KRUMPING: - Add in arm swings. They're aggressive
yet under control. They can be to any
 Arm Swings – quick and punchy direction, just make sure they're quick
style. and punctuated and not flailing all over
 Chest Pop – isolating the head, legs the place.
and arms. - Travel. Travel across the floor. This is
most often done in a slide or glide.
 Stomps – involves leg movements - Add in tricks, syncs, puzzles, and the
that end with a Stomp. final kill-off.
- Hit and then slow down.
 Lift Stomp – Lift your leg before you
bring it down to stomp. Knee should  Syncs – combination of moves, often
stay bent at 90º angle. done at once or in close sequence.
 Kick Stomp – Leg straight, kick it out,  Puzzles – movements done with
and bring it back down to stomp. your hands and arms.
 Kill-off – Demonstrating how you
would literally kill someone but, it’s
a dance-y and beautiful and thus not - Point your right foot back down as you
clearly violent. shuffle your left foot outward.
- Take at last five steps to the right.
- Move to the left.
- Continue shuffling sideways.
- Involves making shapes and angles
(usually 90-degree angles) with the RUNNING MAN
body, limbs, hands, fingers, etc. - Stand with your left foot about a foot (.3
- Inspired from Egyptian hieroglyphs meters) in front of your right.
and depictions of King Tut the - Lift your right foot.
Pharaoh. - Drag your left foot back.
- Emerged mid-1970s to early 1980s - Plant your right foot.
- Mark Benson aka King Boogaloo Tut - Lift your left foot.
pioneered Tutting. - Drag your right foot back.
- Plant your left foot.
STEPS IN TUTTING: - Continue alternating feet.
- Sweep your hands up and hold them in PUT IT ALL TOGETHER
front of your chest, palms together and
fingers pointing up. - Transition from the "T-Step" to "The
- Slide your right hand up. Running Man."
- Curve your right hand down. - Transition from "The Running Man" to
- Slide your right hand across your left the "T-Step."
forearm. - Alternate between the two shuffles.
- From the box position, make it so that - Add a spin.
both arms are lying down, one on top of - Add some arm movement.
the other.
- Slide the arms out.
- Put your palms back together.
- Created in dance clubs on the west coast
SHUFFLING of the USA in the 1970s.
- It focuses on arm movements, creating
- Started in Melbourne, Australia, in the shapes and poses above and around
underground rave scene back in the the head in a fast-moving style.
early 1980s. - It incorporates wild but controlled
- Also known as, “The Shuffle”. moves.
- It is a Freestyle Dance.
- Stand with your feet about 1 foot (0.3  Lines – Extend your arms down,
meters) apart. directly to the side, and straight up, to
- Lift your right foot and shuffle your left the side again, and back down.
foot inward.
 Overhead - Start with your hands
around your collarbone area, then
move them up and behind your neck.
 Rolls - Starting with your arm by your
side, "roll" it the first time, completing
around your chest, then roll it again to
end behind your neck.


 Cheer – is to shout words or phrases.
 Dance – is a physical activity where
one expresses emotions or gestures.
 Beginning Stance - Stand up straight
 It is made of 4 parts namely; pom
with your shoulders back, keep your
dance, jazz, hip hop and line dance.
head up and face forward. Your legs
 Cheer Dancing is rooted from Cheer
should be together with your feet facing
forward. Your arms can either be
 On 2 November 1898, standing in front
straight and against your sides (with
of a crowd, Johnny Campbell, started
your palms in) or you can fist your
conducting the cheer. “RAH RAH
hands place them on your hips.
 Cheerleading was mainly performed
 Clasp - The clasp is used during
by men.
chants and cheers to create sound.
 Cheer Dancing is an element of
Keep the elbows tucked closely into the
sides at all times and never open the
 Cheer Dancing is also a dance portion
hands wider than the shoulders.
in cheerleading.
 Cheerleading is more than 100 years
 High V - Both arms extend up at about a
45-degree angle. Hands should be in
 There are at least 4 million
tight fists, wrists straight, with big
cheerleaders in 31 countries.
circles facing the front.
 97% of all cheerleaders are female.
 Low V - Both arms extend down at
about a 45-degree angle. Hands should
CHEER DANCING vs CHEER be in tight fists, wrists straight, with big
LEADING circles facing the front.

Cheer Dancing  T-Motion - Both arms extend straight

out to the sides parallel to the ground.
- Dancing a set of routine to music at
halftime or during timeouts.  Punch - One arm extends straight up,
Cheer Leading while the other sits on the hip. Both
hands should be in fists.
- Set of chants and movements performed
as a group.

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