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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

English- Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio


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Lesson Number Topic Page

1 Using Correct And Appropriate 1

Multimedia Resources

2 Oral Language, Stance and Behavior 16

3 Different Communication Situations 20
4 Expressing One’s Beliefs and Convictions 24
Based on Materials Viewed

5 Citing Textual Evidence 32

6 React to what is Asserted or Expressed 49

in a Text

7 The Panel Discussion 56

8 Raising Thought-Provoking Questions 60

in a Panel Discussion

Answer Key

Lesson 1 66
Lesson 2 and 3 67
Lesson 4 68
Lesson 5 70
Lesson 6 70
Lesson 7 and 8 71

LESSON 1 Using Correct And Appropriate Multimedia
Learning Objectives:
1. identify the different readily available multi-media resources;
2. give the importance of their use and function; and
3. use correct and appropriate multi-media resources in giving information,
instructions, in making explanations and in narrating events.

What I Know


Directions: Read each item carefully and write your answer in your English Notebook.
A. Below is a chart of multi-media resources that are usually used in school or at
home. Examine each item and put a check mark under the column Familiar if
you know or you hear about the material and Not Familiar if you do not know
about it. Then, put a check mark whether the item is an appropriate tool to be
used when you are asked to (1) give instructions; (2) make explanations; or (3)
narrate events.
Can be used in making a/an:
RESOURCES FAMILIAR Instruction Explanation Narration NOT
2. Audio
3. Still Images
4. Animation
5. Slides

B. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

_______6. Multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.
_______7. Multi-media comes only in a single format making its use exclusive
and practical.
_______8. Even without the aid of multi-media, an explanation about a certain
subject can be still lively and animated.
_______9. Video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and
sound for a compelling multimedia experience.
_______10. Text is still a primary way to transmit information, although
nowadays, it is also used to augment other forms of communication,
such as a text description of a photograph.
C. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
11. If you were just simply asked to write a narration of your most embarrassing
experience at the mall, what resource would you likely use?
A. Text B. Audio C. Video

12. What multimedia resource allows you to combine the use of text, images,
and other media, such as audio clips and movies?
A. Text B. Audio C. PowerPoint slides
13. What multimedia resource can best present if you were tasked to explain
gravity through a demonstration?
A. Audio B. Video C. PowerPoint slides
14. GIFs is an abbreviation for
A. Graphic Image File B. Graphic Image Files C. Graphic Image Filer
15. What do videos combine?
A. moving pictures, sound and text B. moving pictures, images and sound
C. moving pictures, images, sound and text

What’s In

Before you proceed to the lesson, let us review first your skill on transcoding
information from linear to nonlinear.
Cellphone is a powerful multi-media device. Aside from its main uses, text and
call, it is a tool that aids your learning especially when it is being installed with the
useful apps. It is expensive yet very important. Nowadays, it has become a need for
teachers and students alike. But have you heard about prepaid and postpaid cellphone
plans? Read the text carefully below for you to know. Copy the Venn diagram in your
English notebook. Use the questions inside the diagram as your guide in filling it in
with the similarities and differences of prepaid and postpaid phone plans.

Prepaid and postpaid phone plans: What's the difference?

By Jacqui Dent
As the name suggests, the difference between a prepaid and a postpaid phone
plan is all about when you pay for it. Both options have their pros and cons, but a
prepaid plan is generally the best option for anyone looking for a no-commitment plan,
or anyone on a budget looking to control their spend.
Postpaid plans, meanwhile, often come with better value for money and the
option to get a mobile handset included in the monthly bill. However, postpaid plans
can come with lock-in contracts, although no-contract options are becoming more
popular and offering better value
Prepaid plans work by having you "recharge" your account before you use it.
Recharges come in a range of prices with varying inclusions, and you are free to switch
which recharge option you choose every time you top up.
Prepaid recharges don't last forever. Most will come with a set expiry, like 30
days. That means, whatever inclusions come with the recharge, you have 30 days to
use them or lose them. If you use up all of your credit on a prepaid plan, you will need
to recharge your account before you can use this service again.
On the other hand, postpaid plans are more like an agreement. You choose a
plan and every month your telco will bill you and automatically refresh your plan
inclusions on the first day of your billing cycle. Postpaid plans can be SIM-only which
means you only pay for the phone service. Or they can come with a mobile phone

How exactly How exactly

does a How are does a
prepaid postpaid
phone plan phone plan
differ from similar? differ from
the other the other
plan? plan?

What’s New

In the previous lesson, you learned how to transcode information. In this

module, you will be taught about multimedia resources that can be used in giving an
instruction, making an explanation, and in narrating events.

Activity 1: Two Names

Directions: Give two (2) names of cellphone applications and computer software or
programs installed in your smart phone and computer that are helpful in your study.
Note: If you have no smart phone or computer, ask from someone who has them and
knows these useful apps and computer programs.

Cellphone Apps:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________

Computer software or programs:

1. _________________________
2. ________________________
1. Have you tried using these cellphone apps in class? Yes or No? _______
2. If yes, in what instance in the class did you use it? __________
3. Have you tried using these computer programs in your class report or class
project? Yes or No? _____________
4. If yes, how did it help you? _____________

What Is It

In the previous activity, you were able to mention certain applications in a

cellphone and in a computer that helped you in performing some classroom tasks.
Now, it is time to have a deeper understanding on these different multimedia resources
that can help you in giving instructions, making explanations, and in narrating events.

1. What multi-media resources are useful when you give an information and
instructions to your classmates or to the entire class? How about in making an
explanation? Or in narrating the events of the story you read?
2. Do you think they are effective and helpful? In what way?
3. Do you think your classmates will understand, learn effectively, and at the same
time get entertained from your presentation using these multi-media resources? Why?

What is a Multimedia Resource?

The word multimedia comes from two Latin roots, multi and media: multi-,
meaning several or many, and media-, meaning in the middle.
This multimedia definition tells us that materials on the internet, or in your class
presentations, involve several forms of communication to connect (that is, to be in the
middle of) the sender and receiver.
Moreover, multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.
Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are combined
together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine
text and images, and sometimes video and other types.

What is a Multimedia Presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a presentation file which is not limited to just text
in terms of content. For example, it would have interactive video, sound, links, images,
animated gifs and transitions in it.


1. Text Materials
Text is still a primary way to transmit
information. It is the simplest and oldest
resource. Text takes us back to how the
internet started, as a means of sending written
messages back and forth between

This resource can be used in writing instructions, making announcements,
giving information, narrating events and the list
goes on. Simply print your presentation on any
paper, or have it encoded as a word document.
Just make it sure that the output is readable
enough by your audience.
Text is also used to augment other forms
of communication, such as a text description of a photograph, subtitles of audio and
video, in slides, and many more.
2. PowerPoint Slides

It is a presentation program developed

by Microsoft. PowerPoint is often used to create
business presentations, but can also be used
for educational or informal purposes. The
presentations are comprised of slides, which
may contain text, images, and other media,
such as audio clips and movies.
This resource is best to use in giving
information, instructions, making explanations
and in narrating events.

3. Photographs and Other Still


Illustrations are perhaps the

oldest form of media, Historically,
Gutenberg's printing press in the
1400's enabled mass distribution of
multimedia works containing both
text and images. Small images such as thumbnails or icons are often used as a visual
"entry point" to larger images or more detailed information.
Text and images sometimes combine in a single form, as many software
programs make it easy to create text art, a form of lettering that combines a strong
visual element as well.
Simply take a photograph of your subject and present it as you orally give an
information, instruction, explanation, or a narration. It is also possible that you use text
as caption of the image.

4. Audio Files
Your website or presentation can add
sound, from a musical background to a
spoken explanation, by including audio files.
Even digital cameras, a quintessentially
image-based technology, have been
engineered these days to record sound as
well. Many sound files are compressed, which
reduces the file size without greatly sacrificing
sound quality.
Simply record information, instruction, explanation, and narration using your
smart phone and play it before the class.

5. Video Presentations
Video presents moving pictures and
typically combines images and sound for a
compelling multimedia experience. Of
course, videos can include text as well,
which often appears as captioning for
spoken words or as text in an image, as in
the case of a slide presentation. Video files
are some of the most memory-intensive
multimedia applications, but clever
streaming methods makes their use practical in everyday use.
With your camera phone, simply record a video as you orally give information,
instructions, explanation or narration. You can also make a vlog (short for video and
blog) and make contents of different subjects.

6. GIFs and Other Forms of Animation

Animated files occupy a

middle ground between still images
and video. GIFs, which is an
abbreviation for graphic image
files, are small files that present a
single image or rapidly display a
sequence of a few images to give
the appearance of motion.
This group of resources is
best to use when you explain and/or narrate events that are just short. There are
certain mobile apps that help you create a GIF or any animation such as GIF Maker
and Editor, Giphy Cam, GroupMe, and many others. They can be downloaded for free
into your smart phone.

Below is a table of the common file types of the multimedia resources.


1. Text TXT

Text with other elements DOC, DOCX, PDF

2. PowerPoint Slides PPT, PPTX, PPTM, POT, POTX

3. Images JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP

4. Audio MP3, WAV, WMA

5. Video AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV, MP4

6. Animation GIF, FLV


It is very important to determine the applicability of these multimedia resources
in a class presentation specifically but not limited to in giving information, instructions,
making explanations, and in narrating events. Following is a table indicating the
applicable use of such resources.

It can be used in

Multimedia Resource Giving Information Making Narrating Events

and Instructions Explanations

1. Text √ √ √

Text with other √ √ √


2. PowerPoint √ √ √


3. Images √ √ √

4. Audio √ √ √

5. Video √ √ √

6. Animation √ √

Here is a simple guide before you use and select a media resource to be used in your
class presentation. Simply ask yourself the following questions:
1. What are my task and my purpose?
2. What media resource is applicable to use?
3. Do I know how to apply such resource in my presentation?
4. Will I be understood if I use this particular resource or the other?
5. Is this resource accessible during preparation and during presentation?

Activity 2: What I Like

Directions: Applying what you learned, let us find out what multimedia resource would
you pick given the tasks in the first column. In the second column, write the multimedia
resources that is appropriate to use. Lastly in the third column, write a very short
reason why you’re picking such multimedia resource. Use the questions in page 15 to
guide you when you give your reason. Copy and answer the table into your notebook.

Task Multimedia Reason

1. You’re asked to narrate the events of the story
‘Maria Makiling”.
2. Explain the difference between ‘Enhance Community
Quarantine’ and ‘Modified Community Quarantine’.
3. Give simple instructions on how to properly recharge
the battery of your mobile phone.
4. Explain why sometimes the electricity is off.
5. Narrate an experience of being praised or awarded
by your teacher.

What’s More

Activity 3: Let’s slide!

You probably have tried using a PowerPoint presentation before in the class or
at any instance. It is a very helpful multimedia resource, right? If you haven’t tried it
yet, then this activity will help you get familiarized with it.

Directions: Kindly examine the sample PowerPoint slides used in giving some
information and instructions. Then, answer the questions that follow.

1. What are the slides all about?
2. What media resource is used in giving the information/instructions?
3. Did the PowerPoint combine other resources in it? If yes, the what are those?
4. Do you think you can make the same giving of information /instructions using a
PowerPoint? If yes, how would you improve it? What would you add or insert into the
5. Can you suggest another multimedia media resource that will effectively present the
same task? What would it be? Why do say so?

Activity 4: Record-struct!
Your answer to question no.5 in the previous activity might include the use of
an audio, video, or even an animation to present the task. You are correct if you have
mentioned any one of those.
Now, let us apply the use of a recorded audio in giving instructions using the
same topic of the PowerPoint presentation in the previous activity.

Directions: Listen to it by clicking on this link then

answer the questions that follow.
(Note: If you don’t have an access to the internet, your teacher will provide you a flash drive
containing the audio recorded material.)

1. Are the instructions presented in the PowerPoint and in the audio the same?
2. For you, which of the two multimedia resources used presents the topic more
creatively and effectively? Why?
3. If you will present the same task into a video, a vlog perhaps, what are the materials
that you will need in making it?

Activity 5: Explain Pa More!
Directions: Watch and listen to the video that can be accessed through this link . Clearly examine what media
resources are combined in order to come up with it. Take note also of its topic and
how it is being presented. After watching it, answer the questions that follow. (Video
Credits: SciShowKids YouTube Channel link
(Note: If you don’t have an access to the internet, your teacher will provide you a flash
drive containing the video.)
1. What is the video all about?
A. An explanation why we do need to sleep
B. A narration about an experience of having no good sleep
C. An instruction on how to properly position your body as you sleep
2. What is the purpose of the video?
A. To explain the history of sleeping
B. To explain why your brain needs to sleep
C. To explain the importance of having a good sleep
3. What multimedia resources are used or combined in the video? It is a combination
A. text, audio, animation B. text, audio, images, animation
C. text, audio, images, animation, PowerPoint slides
4. In the absence of an expensive camera to record, which of the following could be a
better replacement?
A. radio B. digital camera C. personal smartphone
5. Which of the following multimedia resources below could best present the same
topic and purpose of the video you have just watched?
A. audio B. picture C. text

What I Have Learned

Directions: Use the sketches of the gadgets below in expressing your multi-
learning about multimedia resources as presented in this module. Copy and answer
the statements in your notebook.

List down three learnings that you have gained

from this lesson.
The three learnings I got from this lesson are:

What part of the lesson Why is this

that you still don’t lesson
I am still confused
This lesson
is important
because___ 10
What I Can Do

Activity 6: From BLOG to VLOG

A. Directions: Read carefully the blog that follows narrating a personal experience.
Then answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter only and write it in your
activity notebook.

I just can’t help myself but to share to you a very beautiful

encounter I personally witnessed as I go to work.
You know, I have read a lot of posts in social media about cops
who become abusive of their power. One video that I watched
shows police brutality towards a bystander who allegedly violated
a protocol in this time of the pandemic. For not wearing a mask, he
was immediately detained. Others raged and asked ‘Could he be
just fined?’ There was another post about a ‘ginang’ who was accordingly
detained after having argued with a policeman. And many awkward and
untoward stories continue to surface that painted a bad image to our
Well, I don’t say that these stories are not true. But what I am pointing out
here is the fact that while some other policemen are literally bad and abusive,
majority of them are not and are still working under their oath that is to protect
people from crimes. One of the many good policemen happened to be the
character of this good encounter of mine.
I was on my way for work. It was difficult for me to flag down a taxi since it
was raining on that morning. I tried several times but the cabs could not just see
me for that part of the waiting shed was hidden by some trees plus the bad weather
fog seemed to darken that street. One, two, three, four times that I tried but still I
couldn’t take one. I would be terribly late.
I was already hopeless when suddenly a police mobile came out from
nowhere and stopped at the side of the street. A man in uniform then came out
from the car. I guessed he was at his mid-40s.He had no umbrella but thank God
the rain on that moment wasn’t that hard to bath him soon. He smiled at me and
when he noticed that a taxi was approaching, he made a sign for it to stop. It
stopped. But what surprised me and I didn’t expect more is when he took off his
uniform and enveloped me with it. So, I didn’t get moistened by rain as I got inside
the cab. I thanked him for his kindness and secretly read the name on his plate.
‘Macapagal, L.M.’ was engraved on it. He nodded at me and assured that I owe
nothing for his kindness. He waved then as the car began to run. I will not forget
that act of kindness

When I reached home, I overheard our maids in the kitchen gigglingly talked
about a man who helped them carry their groceries after being stucked in the rain
this afternoon. According to Aling Carmen, our old maid, she would not surely
forget the name of that police guy for the rest of her life. As it was her first to receive
such kindness from a man of her dreams. But Aling Tessie, our jolly cook, teased
Aling Carmen that the police guy was only meant for herself and not for Aling
Carmen. And both of them giggled even more. When I asked them who this ‘knight
with a shining armor’ is they were talking about, both of them screamed
‘Macapagal, L.M!’ So, you see, it was the same guy who helped me earlier.
Wow! It was just natural for that police guy to help! May many beautiful
encounter continue to spread down the street!
1. What is the blog all about?
A. An article about how good policemen are
B. An explanation why we should idolize policemen
C. A recount of a personal experience with a policeman
2. What resource is used in the blog?
A. Audio B. Text C. PowerPoint slide
3. Which other multimedia resource can best present this narration?
A. through GIFs B. record it as an audio
C. record it in a video or in a form of vlog

You have probably answered letter C in Question no. 3, right? Option letter A
is not a practical answer because the narration is long. It might require you to make
plenty of GIFs to complete the events. Meanwhile, a recorded audio is a good option
but it will now show the face of the person who experienced the events. So, letter C is
the best choice.
In the next activity, you will have to narrate a personal experience and record it
in a video. You have no experience of vlogging? Anyway, you can search examples
of vlogs over and learn many techniques from the vloggers. It only takes
courage and determination to create one and who knows this can be your good source
of income.
B. Directions: Watch and listen to a vlog version of the blog that you have just read
a while ago. Access the vlog by clicking on this link .
Then, compare the two by answering some questions below.
1. Which of the two multimedia resources, text vs. video, do you find more effective?
2. What do you think the vlogger has used in recording the video?
3. Do you think you can do the same when you are asked to narrate a memorable
experience? Why?

C. Now, it is your turn to make a two to three minute video or a vlog. All you have to
do is get your camera phone and narrate a personal experience. It is better if you
prepare a script or an outline first of your experience before recording.
Save and show the video to your teacher. You may choose one of the topics
listed or just think one of your own choice:
A. a day in the farm
B. a joke you laughed so hard
C. any embarrassing experience
D. your daily routine during lockdown
E. your most memorable birthday celebration
F. a memorable experience with your favorite friend
G. a beach party that you have recently attended

Your video must meet these criteria below.

Category 3 2 1 Score Earned

Achievement of task Task and Task and purpose Task and purpose
and purpose purpose are are moderately are not achieved
highly achieved achieved

Appropriateness of Multimedia Multimedia resource Multimedia resource

the multimedia resource used is used is slightly used is not
resource very appropriate appropriate appropriate
Applicability of the User knows how User partially knows User doesn’t know
multimedia resource to utilize the how to use the how to utilize the
to the user multimedia multimedia resource multimedia resource
Effectiveness of the Multimedia Multimedia resource Multimedia resource
multimedia resource resource used is used is slightly used is not effective
very effective effective
Accessibility/Availabi Multimedia Multimedia resource Multimedia resource
lity of the resource used is used is available used is not available
multimedia resource readily available during preparation during preparation
during and during
preparation and presentation



Using the correct and appropriate multimedia resource, perform any of the
following tasks:
1. Answer the question “Why is bayanihan important in this time of pandemic?”
2. Narrate your personal experience of helping someone.
3. Explain the topic: What You Can Do to Ease the Pandemic

Please be guided by these criteria in performing the above tasks.

Category 3 2 1 Score Earned

Achievement of task Task and Task and purpose Task and purpose
and purpose purpose are are moderately are not achieved
highly achieved achieved

Appropriateness of Multimedia Multimedia resource Multimedia resource

the multimedia resource used is used is slightly used is not
resource very appropriate appropriate appropriate
Applicability of the User knows how User partially knows User doesn’t know
multimedia resource to utilize the how to use the how to utilize the
to the user multimedia multimedia resource multimedia resource
Effectiveness of the Multimedia Multimedia resource Multimedia resource
multimedia resource resource used is used is slightly used is not effective
very effective effective
Accessibility/Availabi Multimedia Multimedia resource Multimedia resource
lity of the resource used is used is available used is not available
multimedia resource readily available during preparation during preparation
during and during
preparation and presentation


Additional Activities

Activity 7: Picture Perfect

Directions: Get your camera phone ready and prepare for a fun photo shoot. Even
though, you may try one of the subjects listed below, you can think of your own subject
that suits best to your interest. Take a nice photo of it. If you have a printer at home,
print it and prepare a two to three sentences of information about your chosen subject
You may manually write it down at the back of the picture, or have it encoded
as a caption or better yet record the information in an audio. Pass or show it to your
teacher afterwards.
The subject of your photo can be:
A. anything about nature
B. your school or community
C. favorite food, a pet, or toy
D. mysterious object
E. someone special to you that you want us to know about

Activity 8: Slides-truct!
Directions: Try using the Microsoft PowerPoint of your computer or in your cellphone
(if you have an PowerPoint app in it). Prepare three to four slides that instruct or
explain any of the suggested topics below. You can also choose your own topic to
instruct or explain. Save your PowerPoint presentation and show it to your teacher.
(Note: Inform your teacher ahead of time if you don’t have a laptop or smartphone to be used in this
activity. He/she may give you another option like presenting the activity with the use of plain text or

Choose only one of the topics below: (or think one of your own)
A. instruct on how to prepare yoour favorite food
B. instruct how to properly take care a pet
C. give tips on how to study before an exam
D. give tips on how to bond with your family members
E. explain why it easily floods now even during low rainfall
F. explain why people need to observe social distancing and wear
mask in this time of the pandemic
G. explain why you are always a happy person

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 1 of Quarter 3.

Please proceed to Module 2 and learn about using the appropriate oral language,
stance, and behavior in giving instructions, making explanations, and in narrating

LESSON 2 Oral Language, Stance and Behavior

Learning Objectives:
1. familiarize the tools in communication focusing on oral language, stance and
2. identify the functions of oral language, stance and behavior in oral
communications situations;
3. identify various informal communication situations-giving instruction,
making explanations, and narrating events; and
4. create your video highlighting the given situations.

What I Know

Pre-Test Test I
Instructions: Read and understand the questions. Write the letter of your answer in
your English activity notebook.
1. It is a symbol system composed of sounds that can stir up meanings in people who
use it.
A. language B. sound C. speech D. stance
2. This refers to the way you stand or sit properly.
A. eye contact B. facial expression C. gesture D. posture
3. It is a purposive movement of the fingers, hands, legs, shoulders, or trunk, to give
meaning or emphasis.
A. eye contact B. facial expression C. gesture D. posture
4. The following are types of bodily actions except one:
A. gesture B. language C. movement D. posture
5. A characteristic of oral language that uses simple words to convey meaning.
A. clarity B. directness C. impressiveness D.

Test II

Instructions: Read the statements about bodily gestures carefully. Write YES if you
agree to the statement and NO if you disagree.
___6. Bodily gestures occur naturally if you know what you want to say.
___7. Crossing your arms makes you look defensive
___8. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up.
___9. Shrugging your shoulders suggests that you know something.
___10. Putting your hands on your hips makes you seem aggressive.
___11. Stand with confidence to achieve a comfortable speaking position.
___12. Shaking your fist is a sign of naughtiness.
___13. Use your hands to emphasize or reinforce your message when speaking.
___14. Making an OK sign with your fingers emphasizes a point.
___15. Clapping your hands to make your audience clap shows promptness.

Aside from the speech content, delivery is also essential in effective
communication. When you deliver a speech, you send messages to your listeners even
before you open your mouth to say the first word. Your body talks before, during and after
the speech. Therefore, you have to make sure that your bodily action enhances the
meanings you communicate through words.
In this lesson, you will learn some tools for effective communication. Before we
proceed, let us have a review on the use of appropriate multi-media resources in different
communication situations.

What’s In

Activity 1: Matching Time!

Match the multi-media resources in column B with the description in column

A. Write the letter of your answer in space provided.
1. _____a short video usually part of a recording a. vlog
2. _____a picture made using a camera and stored digitally b. animation
3. _____ a method in which figures are manipulated to c. photographs
appear as moving objects d. flipcharts
4. _____a presentation that allows you to create anything e. video clips
from slide shows f. webidence
5. _____an evidence of a statement taken from the Internet g. PowerPoint

Multi-media resources help to hold the interest and attention of the audience. They
can be effective tools to be used to make your talk lively and interesting in various
communication situations.

What’s New
Take a look at the cartoon that illustrates a simple communication situation.

Now, review each frame of the cartoon and identify the symbols that Daniel and
Jessa used to communicate with each other

In the first frame, Dan used language through his to thoughts to express his
wish. In the second frame, there are circles around the raised hands (high 5) of Dan
and Jessa. They used gesture to greet each other. In the third frame, there are circles
around the greetings exchanged by Dan and Jessa. In the fourth, fifth and sixth frames,
there are circles around the language and bodily action that Dan and Jessa used to
communicate with each other.

What Is It

Language, stance and behavior are symbol systems you use for
communication. They are representations of your thoughts and feelings. They are the
tools you use to communicate your ideas.

Oral language
Language is the means to transfer your messages to another person. If you
both speak the same language, it is easier to understand each other. However, when
the language used is not common to both of you, then, there is a greater possibility for
misinterpretation which may lead to misunderstanding.

Characteristics of Effective Oral Language
1. Clarity – language must be grammatically correct in order to transfer exact
2. Directness – effective oral language is also direct and conversational. Make
large use of personal pronoun as in “You are a model student”
instead of just referring to model students.
3. Appropriateness – language must be suitable to the purpose of the
It should meet the needs and expectations of your listener.
4. Vivid – to hold the attention and maintain interest of your listeners, use
varied concrete, figurative and original expressions.

Stance and Behavior

Have you observed that a person’s body language is opposite to what he/she
is saying? This is conveying a message not through words, but through bodily actions.
When you speak, you probably accompany your words with an action which is a result
of muscular activity. This bodily action combines with your oral language to convey a
message. Below are some examples of postures and bodily gestures that influence
how your listeners understand your message when you are speaking.
1. Stand with confidence – To prevent swaying or rocking while talking in
of others, spread your feet about 6 to 8 inches apart parallel to each other
to achieve a comfortable speaking position.
2. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up.
This position will make you appear open and sincere to your audience
as well as give the impression that you are in control of the situation.
Avoid the following as much as possible:
 crossing your arms – makes you look defensive
 hands at the back – as if you are hiding something
 hands in your pocket – as if you’re hiding something
 hands on hips – makes you seem aggressive;
as if you’re bullying your audience
 hands on chin – as if you’re not ready with what you’re
going to say because it seems you’re
still thinking of what to say
 two hands cupped in front of your chest
– makes it look like you’re covering
something in front of your chest
3. Use your hands to emphasize your message when speaking.
If relevant gestures are used at the right time, your message will be easily
understood. These gestures can be used to:
 emphasize the point you are making – shaking your fist to show you
are serious; making an OK or victory sign with your fingers
 suggest something – shrugging the shoulders to show that you don’t
 describe – acting as if you are falling to describe that you fell face
first into the water
 prompt – clapping your hands to make your audience also clap

Now, let us try this.

Activity 2. Identify me!

The illustrations below are posture and bodily gestures that may add meaning
to the message of a speaker. Identify and write the meaning of each act.
1 2 3 4 5

LESSON 3 Different Communication Situations

As an active member of a democratic society, you should be able to speak for

yourself and for others. You should be able to assume the role of a leader when the
occasion calls for one. To become a useful citizen, you need to develop effective
speech communication skills.

You always speak with a definite purpose in mind. Therefore, it is the purpose
that determines the kind of speech you will give on a particular occasion that requires
Whatever speaking situation you are in, the most important thing is you master your
speech. You can only do this by carrying out the right practices, using oral language,
stance and behavior as important tools in effective speech delivery.

Study the table below.

Situations Used for Example Situations
 Explaining a process  A teacher discussing the
Giving Instructions  Influencing the feelings and process of online
attitudes of others enrolment.
 Communicating Information  A youth leader explaining
Making Explanations  Expressing needs about an outreach
 Getting things done program
 Expressing personal feelings  A student narrating a
Narrating Events  Creating stories worthwhile quarantine

Activity 3: Choose it Right!

Below are different communication situations of giving instructions, making

explanations and narrating events. Write them in the following table.
 Class Reports  Documentary on the leadership of President
 Storytelling Duterte
 Cooking show  Vlog on how to stay healthy during quarantine
 Information dissemination on COVID 19 pandemic

Communication Situations Example Situations

Giving Instructions 2.
Making Explanations 4.
Narrating Events 6.

What’s More

Activity 4: Picture Says!

Instructions: Study the pictures below. Identify what communication situation is
observed. Choose the letter of your answer from the box

A. Giving of Information B. Making Explanations C. Narrating Events

1. Don’t forget to take your 2.

medicines on time. Also,
observe proper diet to keep
yourself healthy.

3. 4. 5.

What I Have Learned

Instructions: A. Fill in the blanks to complete the short sentences below. These
sentences summarize our topic in this module. Write your answers in your English

What are the communication tools? How effective are they in the different
communication situations?

There are three communication tools that are used for communication. These
are ____________, ______________ and _____________. They _______the
meaning of the ____________ conveyed by the ________________ in the different
communication situations.

B. Write YES if you agree with the statement; Write NO if you disagree.

1. Applying the communication tools will make the speaker’s message more
2. If you are crossing your arms, it makes you look prepared.
3. If you put your hands at the back, it seems that you are hiding something.
4. If your hands are in your pocket, you are confident.
5. It is alright to sway your body when you are talking in front of others.

What I Can Do
Activity 6: Say it with a pen!
Being skilled in using oral language, stance, and behavior in various oral
communication situations are means of effectively communicating and interacting with
one another. To be able to check your understanding on the lessons that you have
learned from the previous activities, do the given task.

Directions: Make a short speech about any of the following communication situations
(giving instructions, making explanations, and narrating events). The speech
should have 200-250 words. The rubric on the next page (except for
Technical) will be used in evaluating your speech. Used your activity


Activity 7: Act it out!

As you are about to end this module, your knowledge will be tested by applying
all the things that you have learned from your previous activities.

Directions: Using the speech that you have accomplished, make a video applying all
the communication tools (oral language, stance, and behavior) in your speech
delivery. The rubric on the next page will be used in evaluating your video.

Category 5 4 3 2 1
Content is relevant and well-developed.
Purpose is well-defined.
Main points are stated clearly.
Arguments are sound and supported with valid and
Content credible sources.
Speech is ended with a review of the main points.
Language used is grammatically correct.
Oral language is direct and conversational.
Language is suitable to the purpose of the speaker.
Language holds the attention and maintains interest
Oral of the listeners.
Language The speaker uses varied concrete, figurative and
original expressions
Speaker is prepared and confident.
Stance Distracting movements or mannerisms are avoided.
and Facial expressions are appropriate to the message.
Behavior Mastery of the speech is evident.
Bodily actions are expressive, dynamic, and natural.
Camera is stable, smooth movements and pans
Sound is clear and understandable
Technical Video is edited effectively, flows well
Transitions are used effectively
Subject is framed well, images are well composed

Additional Activities

Activity 5: Watch and Observe!

Now that you are almost done, you will have this activity to deepen your
learning. An example is done for you. Keep going!
Instructions: Watch at least three TV programs of shows and do the activity.

Title of Video/ Type of

TV Show Oral Language Used Stance Communication
Example: English and Filipino - Uses body Informative
24 Oras language
- Hand gestures



LESSON 4 Expressing One’s Beliefs and Convictions
Based on Materials Viewed

Learning Objectives:
1. differentiate beliefs and convictions by examining the various examples
2. formulate sentences that express beliefs and convictions;
3. organize information of the material viewed and evaluate its importance;
4. observe correct use of signal phrases expressing beliefs and opinions; and
5. present a graphic organizer expressing beliefs and convictions from a material

What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your English
1. An acceptance that the statement is true or that something exists
A. belief B. conviction C. knowledge D. opinion
2. Is a firmly held and stable, long –term belief
A. belief B. conviction C. knowledge D. opinion
3. A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or
A. belief B. conviction C. decision D. opinion
4. I think it will rain today. This is an example of
A. belief B. conviction C. fact D. opinion
5. The sun rises and sets every single day. It is an example of
A. belief B. conviction C. fact D. opinion
6. The statement does not belong to the group
A. Avoid getting a wound or injury on Good Friday because it will never heal.
B. Singing while cooking will make you single for the rest of your life.
C. Combing your hair at night will bring bad luck.
D. What you do to others will come back to you.
7. A statement of conviction
A. Dogs are the best pets among all animals.
B. God has created everything that is present in this entire world.
C. I believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior.
D. The cellphones being manufactured by IOS are way better than those
produced by Android.
8. Not a factual statement
A. Boracay, Albay, Siargao are some of the beautiful places in the Philippines.
B. Spirituality is the most important thing in the world.
C. The eyes, ears and nose are parts of the human body.
D. The planet in the solar system that is closest to the sun is Mercury.
9. The difference between a fact and opinion
A. A fact is something that has actual existence while an opinion is a judgement
based on facts.
B. A fact is a judgement based on opinion while an opinion is something that has
actual existence.

C. A fact is something that has actual existence while opinion is a judgement not
based on facts.
D. There is no difference between a fact and an opinion.
10. The difference between a belief and a conviction
A. A belief can stretch and adapt to new situations while a conviction is firm and
B. A belief is firm and stable while a conviction can stretch and adapt to new
C. A belief is long-term while a conviction is short-term.
D. None of the above.

What’s In
In your previous lesson, you have learned how a selection like Father Goes to
Court was influenced by culture through the conflicts portrayed by the characters. We
have learned that beliefs if not supported with the right information could not be
accepted to answer problems even in the court of law.
As you go along the lesson, unlock first the terms belief and convictions by
choosing the words you can associate it with from the pool of words provided below.
Write the chosen words in the vocabulary chart.
Copy the vocabulary chart on your notebook and write your answers on it.

That’s great! Now, brace yourself to more fun-filled set of activities!

What’s New
Activity 1 Believe It or Not
Read some of the Filipino beliefs and convictions listed in the first column of the
chart. Check () the appropriate Yes or No column as your response.

My Beliefs
Filipinos’ Beliefs
Yes No
1. Pagmamano as an act of respect, is usually done to
someone either older or a person of the religious order
(usually a priest).
2. Sumpa and gaba are beliefs in the Filipino culture pertaining
to a curse.
3. Beliefs in supernatural beings are widespread in the
4. Sweeping the floor at night will drive away incoming
5. When you bite your tongue, someone is thinking of you.

Activity 2 Revealing the Filipino in You

Watch the video clip Filipino
Superstitions and Beliefs and answer the
process questions that follow. For those who do
not have internet access, your teacher will provide
flash drive with this video clip to be viewed where
television is available in your barangay.


Process Questions:
1) What are the beliefs shown in the video clips?
2) Which among these beliefs do you agree with?
3) Do you think these beliefs have scientific explanations? Why or why not?

Alright! You have already started the lesson proper. Let’s get to know more
about how beliefs and convictions affect us in our daily living.

What Is It
Belief vs Conviction
A belief is something that is considered correct and true. For example, a person
can believe in various things such as cultural or personal faith, morality, or values.
They express viewpoints, but they are not based on facts or other evidences. A belief
is also an opinion, which is why it cannot serve as the basis for a formal argument.
Beliefs are very personal ideas and cannot be rejected because they express
an opinion. It is not mandatory for beliefs to change completely with new experiences.
A conviction, however, is a bit different to a belief. A conviction is something
that an individual is convinced of. To be convinced, you need to obtain all the related
information. It is based on this information that the conviction is built. Hence, unlike a
belief that changes with time and new experiences, a conviction remains the same.
However, conviction is more complex than belief as it becomes a point of view
of the world.

Basic Signal Phrases in Expressing Beliefs or Convictions

I believe… In my opinion… I think…
I feel… In my personal view… From my point of view…

These are signal phrases that express beliefs or convictions. Their intentions
and purposes would highly rely on the additional specific information as your source.

Way to go! You have just acquainted yourself with the Basic Signal Phrases
in Expressing Beliefs and Convictions. This will help you in constructing simple
sentences with meaning. Are you ready to take more activities to test your knowledge?
Activity 3A Dissect that Infographic
Observe the infographic below about Filipino Dining Etiquette.

The sentences below are sample interpretations that are generated out from the
1. I believe that we can be early when invited to eat.
2. In my opinion, Filipinos have the fork and spoon as typical utensils.
3. I think the gender of the guest will be revealed by the dropping of the utensils.
4. I feel that I cannot refuse any packed meal.
5. In my personal view, burping is acceptable.

6. From my point of view, “hostess” sounds indifferent to Filipinos because of its
other meaning.

Identify the sentences as to where they should belong. Fill in the columns below.
Copy the table and write your answers on your English notebook.
Is the sentence based on personal Is the sentence based on specific
belief? information?

1. ___________________________ 1. ___________________________
___________________________. ___________________________.

2. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________
___________________________. _____________________________.

3. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________
___________________________. ______________________________.

Viewing as the fifth macro skill of learning English language

effectively helps you express ideas out from the materials you have
viewed. Our daily living embraces the existence of visual media like
television and online platforms, turning them into meaningful
learning experiences. Images like infographics, editorial cartoons
and video clips take a huge role in developing our ability to express beliefs and

Activity 3B Language Connections

Looking back at the sentences in Activity 3, notice the underlined words.
 I believe that we can be early when invited to eat.
 In my opinion, Filipinos have the fork and spoon as typical utensils.
 I think the gender of the guest will be revealed by the dropping of the utensils.
 I feel that I cannot refuse any packed meal.
 In my personal view, burping is acceptable.
 From my point of view, “hostess” sounds vulgar to Filipinos because of its
other meaning.
Process Questions:
1) What have you noticed about the underlined words? How do you call
2) What particular thought do these words mean?
3) What do you need to remember in sentences expressing beliefs or

What’s More
Activity 4 Check that Poster

Use the infographic to express your beliefs and convictions regarding COVID-
19 Protective Measures. Make sure to use the basic signal phrases. Fill in the chart
below with five (5) sentences of beliefs and five (5) sentences of convictions.


Beliefs Signal Phrases Convictions

Example: Example:
In my personal view…
In my personal view, In my personal view, it is
corona virus makes us necessary to follow
separated from others social distancing to
because of social ensure safety for all.

1 I believe…
2 In my opinion...
3 I think…
4 I feel…
5 From my point of view…

What I Have Learned

Changes Attack
Go over the various tasks that you came across
in the lesson. Reflect on the valuable insights that you
have gained. Make sure to write down your reflection on
your English notebook.
Read the following sentences about the points to
ponder for expressing beliefs and convictions using
a material viewed. Choose the correct form of the verb
inside the parentheses.

What I Can Do
Activity 5 Are you Really a Filipino?
Watch the video clip Signs You
Are A Filipino and formulate
sentences expressing beliefs and
convictions and answer the graph that
follows. Copy and answer the graph
on your English notebook. For those
who do not have internet access, your
teacher will provide flash drive with
this video clip to be viewed where
television is available in your

Great job! Let us see what you have learned so far. You are now ready to
answer the assessment.

I. Directions: Observe the editorial cartoon that was released by Philippine
Daily Inquirer on May 21, 2020. Provide your own beliefs and convictions
below. (10 points).


1. What did the man do to the grocery package of the woman?

2. What do you think is the message of the editorial cartoon?
3. Would you believe that this pandemic will end soon?

II. Directions: Create a paragraph expressing your beliefs and convictions about the
editorial cartoon that you have viewed in page 12. Write this on your English notebook.
(5 points)

Additional Activities

Activity 7 Reflecting on a Mirror

Reflect and focus on your thoughts and feelings about what you experienced
all throughout the journey. What discussions or learning strikes you most? How will
you apply these lessons in your daily life? Fill out the blanks in the paragraph below.

I enjoyed ____________________________________________. I would love

to share my ideas about ____________________________ to my family, friends and
other people. By ___________________, I will be able to broaden my knowledge and
skills in ________________________. The next time I will speak to my family, friends
and other people, I will be more ________________________as we have different
beliefs and convictions.

LESSON 5 Citing Textual Evidence

Learning Objectives:
1. identify the words implied from a description clue;
2. fill in the required information based from a text indicating Filipino values and
3. explain a statement from a reading text through textual evidence;
4. use a reading strategy to make an inference based from a textual evidence;
5. answer questions based from a textual evidence in a given passage.

What I Know
Read and understand each passage. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answers in your English activity notebook.

The Filipino who travels abroad gets to thinking that the Philippines is the
hardest-working country in the world. By six or seven in the morning, we are
already up and on our way to work, shops and markets are open; the wheels of
industry are already grinding.
Source: An excerpt from Montage: An Anthology in Philippine Literature in English

1. Which sentence from the text best supports this statement? “The Philippines is the
hardest-working country in the world.”
A. Shops and markets are already open.
B. The wheels of industry are already grinding.
C. By six or seven in the morning we are already up and on our way to work.
D. Shops, markets, bus terminals and other public institutions are already open.

What most astonishes foreigners in the Philippines is that this is a country, perhaps
the only one in the world, where people buy and sell one stick of cigarette, half a head
of garlic, a dab of hair pomade, part of the contents of a can or bottle, one single egg,
one single banana. To foreigners used to buying things by the carton or the dozen or
the pound, and in large economy sizes, the exquisite transaction of Philippine tingi
cannot but seem Lilliputian.

Source: An excerpt from Montage: An Anthology in Philippine Literature in English

2. Which sentence from the text best supports the statement? -“Foreigners are
astonished with Filipinos.”
A. Filipinos buy a piece of cigarette.
B. Filipinos buy cartons of milk products.
C. Filipinos buy a dozen of eggs and dairy products.
D. Filipinos buy economy sizes of assorted products.

My mother brought us up single-handedly. It was an extraordinary task for a woman
so frail- dealing with three adolescent children. But she managed. She did not finish
high school, but her deft hands had skillfully eked out a living for the four of us. She
was good at knitting. Her job tided us over until the eldest got a diploma of teaching.
Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college. Mother wanted
us all to get a college degree and she had sacrificed much to see us through.
Source: An excerpt from A Shawl for Anita, English 7 Learner’s Material DepED

3. Which pair of sentences from the text best supports the idea that the mother
wanted her children to get a college degree?
1. She was good at knitting.
2. My mother brought us up single-handedly.
3. Her job tided us over until the eldest got a diploma of teaching.
4. Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college.
5. It was an extraordinary task for a woman so frail-dealing with three
adolescent children.

A. 1&2 B. 2&3 C. 3&4 D. 4&5

4. Which evidence from the text best shows that the mother has a special skill?
A. She was good at knitting.
B. She did not finish high school.
C. My mother brought us up single-handedly.
D. Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college.

Mother could hardly refuse, but I knew that the task was just too much for her.
Her fingers had lost their flexibility; rheumatic pain told on her knuckles that felt a
million pins pricking. My heart went out to her every time I saw her painfully knitting
the needles into the yarn.
Source: An excerpt from A Shawl for Anita, English 7 Learner’s Material DepED

5. Which evidence from the text best shows that the task of knitting was just too much for
the mother?
A. My heart went out to her.
B. Mother could hardly refuse.
C. The task was just too much.
D. Her fingers had lost their flexibility.

Suddenly, the rain interrupted the contentious exchange of arguments. “You are
probably all wrong and all right. Yes, you all have your unique features. But all of you have a
special role. And more importantly, you need each other to give the mixed colors of beauty.
From now on, you will not be seen separately. When it rains, a strip of colors will appear in the
sky. You will appear together. You will be called a rainbow. You will then represent cooperation
and hope.”
Source: Copyright1988 Parables of the Barrio (Volume 1) New Day Publishers (Philippines)

6. Based from the text, the rain emphasized the need for cooperation. Which sentence
from the text explains this statement?
A. All of you have a special role.
B. A strip of colors will appear in the sky.
C. You need each other to give the mixed colors of beauty.
D. The rain interrupted the contentious exchange of arguments.
7. What does a rainbow represent based from the text?
A. colors and beauty
B. colors and mixtures
C. cooperation and hope
D. differences and similarities

The color Blue could not help it anymore, so it shouted, “What can be more
expansive than the sky and the seas? Do you forget that the farthest skies and the deepest
seas are blue? I represent patriotism. I stand for the depth of feelings and extensive
The color Indigo came out with the statement, “ You talk about wide areas. I hope
you realize that the largest area in the world is silence, and I represent that dimension with
my color. It means thoughtfulness. It is prayer expressed in the deepest of feelings.”
Source: Copyright1988 Parables of the Barrio (Volume 1) New Day Publishers (Philippines)

8. Which sentence expresses the meaning of the underlined word? “I represent

A. Filipinos do patronize imported goods.
B. Filipinos always desire to go out of the country.
C. Filipinos are known to respect the symbols of the country.
D. Filipinos do criticize the traditions and customs of their country.
9. Which sentence expresses the meaning of the word thoughtfulness in the text?
“Indigo means thoughtfulness.”
A. You talk about wide areas.
B. The color came out with the statement.
C. I represent that dimension with my color.
D. I hope you realize that the largest area in the world is silence.

The Youngest Billionaire

The youngest billionaire in history is William H. Gates III, better known as Bill
Gates. He is probably the most famous living entrepreneur. His steaming career began
in high school when he and some friends founded a computer-software company. He
briefly attended a Harvard University but left to begin Microsoft in 1979 with partner
Paul Allan. But at the age of 31, Bill Gates shocked the world by becoming the
youngest self-made billionaire.
Source: DepEd English 7 LM, Scott Foresman LITERATURE and Integrated Studies Vol. II.

10. Which sentence claims that Bill Gates is the youngest billionaire in history?
A. He left Harvard University.
B. He is probably the most famous living entrepreneur.
C. He and some friends founded a computer-software company.
D. At the age of 31, he shocked the world by becoming the youngest self-
made billionaire.
11. What evidence do we have from the text that Bill Gates did not finish college?
A. He is probably the most famous living entrepreneur.
B. He and some friends founded a computer-software company.
C. He shocked the world by becoming the youngest self-made billionaire.
D. He briefly attended Harvard University but left to begin Microsoft in 1979
with partner Paul Allan.

12. The poem shows man’s ingratitude to his Creator---the God who made all things
in the past, in the present, and even in the future. Which text evidence can be
cited from the poem to support this claim?
A. ‘I will not murder thee! C. But I was curious of this so regal head.’
B. I do but measure thee. D. But in his hands held he a bow, aimed at
me who created him.
13. God was shocked and confused about His creation’s ingratitude. Which lines from
the poem support this?
A. But so bright he,
he spun himself to brightest day
B. He was handsome to behold,
but in his hands held he a bow
C. Wouldn’t thou murder me,
who am thy Fountainhead?
D. Hold thy peace,
and this I did, but I was curious

14. When you are answering a question, you look for _______ within the text to give
your words validity and strength.
A. evidence B. complexities C. obscure ideas D. another question

15. Text evidence is when you use specific examples from a text. Which of the
following is not considered a text evidence?
A. quotations
B. inferences
C. direct speech
D. extra information

What’s In
Activity 1. Tell Me Your Thoughts
A. Below are pictures of different changes occurring in our society because of the
COVID-19 pandemic. In your English activity notebook, put a check mark () if
the picture shows a helpful way of stopping the spread of COVID-19 in our

society and a wrong mark ( X ) if it does not. Then pick out the statement that
supports your answer which is found beside each picture.

1.  because temperature check will determine

if the person has the COVID-19
X because thermal scanner cannot detect
the body temperature of the person

2.  because touching the hand of a person

will melt the COVID-19 virus

X because touching the hand of a person

might cause the transfer of virus from one
hand to another

3.  because one meter away from each other

prevents the virus from reaching its host
X because keeping one meter away from
each other will encourage the virus to reach
its host

4.  because wearing masks while talking protects

the person from catching the saliva of an
infected person

X because wearing masks will suffocate the

as well as the person causing them both to die

B. Based on Activity A, answer the following questions. Choose the letter only.

1. One simple way of stopping the spread of COVID-19 virus is through

physical distancing. How could it be possible?

A. Through physical distancing, you are giving the virus a choice either to
infect you or not.
B. Through physical distancing, you allow yourself to be away from those
who do not like you.
C. Through physical distancing, you are making yourself free from negative
elements that you two might share.
D. Through physical distancing, you are preventing yourself from catching
the saliva and getting in touch of the body parts of an infected person.

2. If COVID-19 pandemic is giving us many negative effects, it also has

positive effect into our lives. Which of the following is one of the positive
effects of the pandemic?

A. People taught themselves to exercise their power in the society.

B. People lost their jobs and always rely on the government’s help.
C. People learned to respect, wait and spend enough time on each family.
D. People are very busy gossiping on the personal lives of their neighbors.

What’s New
Activity 2. Guess Me
Directions: Guess the words hidden in the balls of letters. Use the description as a

1. A conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence
2. Words of a piece of writing or speech
3. Something which shows that something else is true
4. To repeat something written or said by another person exactly
5. An information and educational context a learner already has before they learn
new information
6. To quote by way of example, authority, or proof

What Is It
When we have ideas about what we read, we need to cite text evidence to support
our claims.

Text Evidence
 uses specific examples and ideas from a text to help support and
further define your own claims and ideas.
 gives your words validity and strength.

General Statement
 is a claim that needs to be proven.
 presents the topic of a paragraph, essay or book.
 usually expresses the main point or main idea of a piece of

“The rain forest is home to many creatures. Monkeys, birds, reptiles,
amphibians and mammals live in the rain forest. Butterflies and anteaters also live in
the forest.”

What is the general statement in the above selection?

“The rain forest is home to many creatures. “

 This is the general statement that expresses the main idea of the
given paragraph. This claim needs to be proven.

So, what is the text evidence that supports the claim of the general statement?

Monkeys, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals live in the forest.

 This sentence is the text evidence that supports the claim of the
general statement. It uses specific examples like monkeys, birds,
reptiles and others to make the claim of the general statement valid.

Points to Remember in Citing Text Evidence:

1. Read and understand the text thoroughly.

 It is important to read the text thoroughly so that you may be able to identify not
only the main idea of the text but also the specific details to support the main
2. Identify the general statement or the main idea from the text you read.
 When you are able to identify the general statement or the main idea of the text,
it would be easier for you to cite or search for the text evidence to support your
3. Go back to the text to find supporting statements to give your claims valid.
 Once the general statement is identified, that’s the time to look for some specific
details from the text that will support the general statement or idea.
4. Add the quotes to your response.
 Finally, add the quotes of the author or use your own words to relay the idea of
the author to support or explain your claim.

5. Remember, not all ideas are explicitly stated in the text. Sometimes we have to
make an inference. To do this, we use evidence from the text and our prior knowledge
to understand the text better. This is also called “to read between the lines.”

You are talking in the class while the class discussion is ongoing and suddenly
your teacher makes a frowning face.
Based from the text and your prior knowledge, it can be inferred that your
teacher is angry with you. (This is the general statement)
What evidence do we have about this claim?

You are talking in the class while the class discussion is ongoing. Your teacher
is trying to make a point in her discussion. Suddenly, she makes a frowning face. (This
is the text evidence through making inference.)

Few Examples of Citing Text Evidence:

Example 1
Statement: gatherings represent Filipinos’ faithfulness to God. We may have
different religions but we commonly believe in one Supreme Being. Masses,
processions, of Saints,
gatherings weddings,
represent baptisms
Filipinos’ are Filipinos’
faithfulness to God. best practices to
celebrate life with God.
Question: What religious gathering activities represent Filipinos’ faithfulness to God?

Text Evidence:
Masses, processions, feasts of Saints, weddings, baptisms are Filipinos’ best
practices to celebrate life with God.
Example 2

I always dreamed to become a philanthropist. Someone who dedicates

oneself into helping others. Someone who is capable of providing anything
essential to others abundantly. In other words, I dreamed to become a wealthy
person to be able to help and provide something for others especially the poor
ones. I am only thirteen years old but I have this desire to help many people. My
young age frustrates me that I don’t have the capacity to provide what others need.
I don’t come from a well-off family by the way. It seemed that I am hopeless to
become what I want to be.
General Statement:
I always dreamed to become a philanthropist.
Question: Why does the author dream about becoming a philanthropist?

Text Evidence:
I dreamed to become a wealthy person to be able to help and provide
something for others especially the poor ones.

What’s More

Activity 3: Fill Me Up
Directions: Read the following essay properly. Copy and fill in the chart in your
English activity notebook with the required information based from the essay indicating
Filipino culture and values

The Filipino Cultures and Values

History tells us that Filipinos are mixtures of different

cultures and values brought to us by our colonizers and elders.
During the colonization era we managed to uphold our own identity
as Filipinos and blend well with the foreign cultures and values
resulting to produce artistic population. These made us Filipinos
unique among the others.
Religious gatherings represent Filipinos faithfulness to
God. We may have different religions but we commonly believe in one Supreme Being.
Masses, processions, feasts of Saints, weddings, baptisms are Filipinos’ best
practices to celebrate life with God.
Making God as the center of our lives, we were able to establish close ties with
our family and neighbors. We have birthdays, anniversaries, fiestas and holidays
where we share and exchange foods from our table. There are singing and dancing
during these festive occasions. We welcome our guests with utmost gestures of
appreciation and esteem despite the fact that we don’t have enough to offer. We
always see to it that there are happiness and contentment from our visitors upon
leaving our home. With these, we are known to be hospitable and generous.
Another trait that we Filipinos possess is very obvious nowadays. Due to the
present health crisis we are experiencing, the spirit of Bayanihan is shared and offered
to one another. It is an act to respond with kindness and help without expecting
something in return when someone needs or calls for help. Strangers or not as long
as he calls and needs our immediate help, Filipinos do always have hearts to extend
and do something that would be helpful.
Truly, Filipinos are commendable. Life has never been easy to us, but we
always refuse to give up. In fact, we always give life a good battle. We simply allow
ourselves to grow both from our defeats and triumphs, making us God-fearing,
humble, determined, patient and strong.
Thanks to our foreign and native elders whom we inherited the said cultures
and character traits. With their wisdom, we remain resilient, friendly, family-oriented,
and deeply religious. All we have to do then is to take good care of the great heritage
that our ancestors left to us.

Activity 4. It Says...I Say… And So…

Directions: Read and study the following personal reflective essay below. Make
inference based from a textual evidence using a reading strategy.

I Can Be, If I Want To

Janice M. Amores
Dreams do come true to those who want them to.
Perhaps it can be a material thing, a profession or a
vocation. Whatever it is, whoever you are, if you commit
yourself to attaining something fulfilling, you can achieve it.
I am a testimony to that.
I always dreamed to become a philanthropist.
Someone who dedicates oneself into helping others. Someone who is capable of
providing anything essential to others abundantly. In other words, I dreamed to
become a wealthy person to be able to help and provide something for others
especially the poor ones. I am only thirteen years old but I have this desire to help
many people. My young age frustrates me that I don’t have the capacity to provide
what others need. I don’t come from a well-off family by the way. It seemed that I am
hopeless to become what I want to be.
Whenever I see homeless, old and dirty beggars in the streets, I couldn’t help
myself but feel sorry for them. I want to help them badly but I don’t have the capacity.
There were times that I found myself crying for despair, as I couldn’t take a glimpse
on the needy people but not able to give them what they need. I couldn’t be any sadder
than being in that situation. How I wished I was a rich kid.
One day, I came from a church. I prayed fervently for guidance. I prayed for the
homeless and the needy. On my way home, I met an old beggar. He begged for money
with his thin and shaky arms stretched toward me. Being touched by that gesture, I
reached for my pocket and found a five-peso coin. I gave it to him shyly for I thought
it was not much to offer.
But to my surprise, he cried and grabbed it with shaky voice of gratitude. I was
shocked. The old man wept hardly while murmuring words. He said that four meals
had passed and he hadn’t had any of those. He was hungry and finally he could buy
a stick of banana cue from a stall across the street. Hearing that, I offered to buy him
food. With all that I have in my pocket, I went to a nearby carinderia and bought a meal
worth thirty pesos. Still with teary eyes, he ceaselessly thanked me for giving him
something to eat. That very day, I decided one thing about myself. I will help others to
the in anything that I can.
Every day, I tried to fill in my piggy bank with any amount that I could save from
my allowances. I also solicited any amount from my aunties and uncles. At first, they
just laughed. But when they realized that I was determined for my intention, they
helped me realized my desire- to feed the homeless and the poor. I was amazed and
thankful for my family and relatives for joining me in this compassion. Every twice in a
week, my family and I will be seen in the streets, feeding the hungry.
I might be very young to take away a burden from others, but if I desire a dream
that could make me happy, no matter how young or who I am, with the support of my
family, I can be what I want to be.
Every day, I tried to fill in my piggy bank with any amount that I could save from
my allowances. I also solicited any amount from my aunties and uncles. At first, they
just laughed. But when they realized that I was determined for my intention, they
helped me realized my desire- to feed the homeless and the poor. I was amazed and
thankful for my family and relatives for joining me in this compassion. Every twice in a
week, my family and I will be seen in the streets, feeding the hungry.
I might be very young to take away a burden from others, but if I desire a dream
that could make me happy, no matter how young or who I am, with the support of my
family, I can be what I want to be.

Reading Strategy: Graphic Organizer

The following graphic organizer helps you to find information from a text and
put it together with what you already know to come up with a complete answer. Copy
the graphic organizer in your English activity notebook and fill in with appropriate


It Says--- I say--- and So…

Question It Says I Say And So..

Step 1… Step 2… Step 3… Step 4…
Write the Find information Think about what Combine what the
question. from the text that you know about text says with what
(created or will help answer the information. you know to come up
provided) the question. with the answer.
Example 1: It says she sits in Baby chairs aren’t So she is too heavy
Why did she the baby chair but very big. They’re for it and it breaks.
break Baby she is not a baby. for babies, but
Bear’s chair? She is a young she is bigger, so
girl. she weighs more.

It says that there Not having the So she has nothing

Example 2: were times that capacity to give to do but cries
Why did she find she found herself what others need herself into
herself crying for crying for despair, will leave you feel desperation.
despair? as she couldn’t in despair.
take a glimpse on
the needy people
but not able to
give them what
they need.



Activity 5. I Fill You
Fill in each blank with the correct answer.

In order to present ideas, the following are essential evidence to clarify

one’s claims. (1)_______________________ is using specific examples and ideas
from a text to support and further define your own claims and ideas. Another is
(2)___________________________, usually express the main point or main idea of
a piece of writing.

Below is a text. Read and fill in the needed information after.

Normally, the basic education system in the

Philippines starts every June of the year. Because of the
COVID-19 pandemic, schools are closed and will open on
August 24,2020 as mandated by Education Secretary
Leonor M. Briones last May 28, 2020.
The Department of Education is doing its best to adjust on
this new set up of learning to happen. COVID-19 caused major changes in the
Philippines’ education system. All of us felt these changes. One of these, is the online,
text format messaging and drop box method of enrolment.
Once classes are opened, there will be no face to face sessions between
teachers and learners. This will protect us from the virus infection. As an alternative,
distance learning will be utilized. This means that homes will be the learners’
classroom. This includes online, television and radio approach and modular learning.
With the help of the school, parents will be asked to assist their children while learning
at home. It is clear that parents will play vital roles this time towards their children’s
educational attainment with the help of the school.
During these hard times, everybody is expected to put an extra effort on each
expected task. This is a not a matter of who should do it or not. It will always be a
matter of helping each other to achieve one’s goal.

What I Have Learned

What is the main point expressed in the text?

Give at least one specific idea that supports the main point in the text?

What I Can Do
Activity 6. Believe It Or Not
Read the poem and answer the activity that follows.

Unforgettable Past
Chelou D. Pantaden

Directions: Explain a statement from a reading text through textual evidence.

Explain by completing the given open-ended sentence.
1. Why did the author of the poem feel that her parents did not love her so? Explain.
The author of the poem feel that her parents did not love her because …
2. Did the author succeed in giving her parents discomfort? Is it alright? Why?
The author… _____________________________________________
It is alright/not alright because…_______________________________
3. What did the author realize about her friends?
The author realized that… ___________________________________
4. Who were really there for her during good times and bad times? Do you agree with
the lines from the poem? Why?
I agree because…______________________________________________.
5. What was the advice of the author to the youths of her generation? If you would be
the author of the poem, what advice would you like to give to the youths of your
My advice would be…_________________________________________.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer and write them in your English
activity notebook
In a faraway mountain, there was a happy couple Ethel and Ariel living together
with a very simple life. They used to live in a NIPA hut, eat foods from their farm, and
catch fishes from the river. The husband was a farmer working all day at the farm.
An excerpt from the story” The Good Harvest” by Ritchie Javier

1. Based on the text, how do you know that Ariel is a farmer?

A. He has tools. C. He has abundant harvest.
B. He wears a hat. D. He worked all day at the farm.
2. What type of person is Ariel?
A. A hardworking person.
B. Helpful to others.
C. An Obedient man.
D. Have courage.
3. What relationship do Ethel and Ariel have?
A. They are neighbors
B. They are colleagues.
C. They are husband and wife.
D. They are brother and sister.
4. When you are answering a question, you look for _______ within the text to give
your words validity and strength.
A. evidence B. complexities C. obscure ideas D. another question
5. Which statement shows that the author is very sad?
A. He shouts louder with deep anger.
B. The feeling of anger and sadness deeply in his heart.
C. He kneeled down with the tears in his eyes fall apart.
D. He was very shocked as he saw the entire farm destroyed by the pest

Being disobedient was all I know

I felt mom and dad did not love me so
Coz of things I was not allowed to do
Those I really wanted to give you go.
An excerpt from the poem:” Unforgettable Past”
6. The author’s tone in the passage is best described as:
A. comforted B. disappointed C. pleased D. satisfied
7. What is meant by the underlined word in the statement,” Being with my friends I felt
A. depressed B. happy C. lonely D. miserable
8. Which of the following statement provides the best evidence of direct spreading
of Corona Virus?
A. Virus is highly contagious if one is infected.
B. Virus spread quickly by touching infected things.
C. Virus will spread without following the safety standards.
D. Virus spread through droplets produced when one coughs or sneeze.
9. From the line,” Their hair is shining like a star”. What thing is being compared to
A. Star B. Night C. Street D. Gold

But mine is so curly

Which really frustrates me
It's hard to comb night and day
Because it is so Kinky.

10. From the passage above, what feeling being implied by the author?
A. glad B. inspired C. frustrated D. delighted

Everyday, I tried to fill in my piggy bank with any amount that I could save from
my allowances. I also solicited any amount from my auntie and uncle.
An excerpt from an essay ” I Can Be, If I Want To

11. Which of the following might infer about the author in the given text?
A. She is thrifty. C. She is generous.
B. She is helpful. D. She is courageous.
12.What statement shows Filipino culture and values that shared and help others.
A. The Spirit of Bayanihan C. Believe in one Supreme Being
B. Filipino are commendable D. Making God as the center of our lives.
13.It is using specific examples and ideas from a text to help support and further define
your own claims and ideas.
A. Summary C. Text Evidences
B. Paraphrase D. General Statement
14. It is a claim that needs to be proven.
A. Quotes C. Text Evidences
B. Inferences D. General Statement
15. All statements are points in citing evidences, EXCEPT:
A. Identify the main idea.
B. Read and understand the text thoroughly.
C. Find supporting statements to give your claims.
D. Use only your own words to relay the idea.

Additional Activities
Activity 7 Write How You Fell
Directions: Write your reaction based from the text you have read. Write your
answers on your activity notebook.

Simple Ways to Avoid COVID 19

Ritchie C. Javier

Coronavirus brought hardship to all the people around the world. It really affects
many lives most especially the source of their living.
If we are going to observe our community during this pandemic, it looks like a
suffering society. We suffer limited stocks of our daily needs since it’s not easy to buy
product because many people are afraid to expose themselves and be infected with
this virus.
For us to prevent the spread of virus, it is simple as washing our hands
thoroughly with soap as what we were taught as children in school – to wash hands
after coughing or sneezing, touching garbage or after using toilets.
Since Coronavirus is everywhere and not easy to detect, we should wear face
mask and follow social distancing for us to be protected all the time. Using alcohol and
hand sanitizer is also effective in destroying the virus.
Because the virus spreads quickly, it’s important to disinfect things that are
usually touched and used like doorknobs, remote controls, mobile phones, etc.
Coronavirus is highly contagious, so we must stay at home and avoid crowds
specially those who are unhealthy because this virus spreads through droplets
produced when one coughs or sneezes. Stay away from the surfaces that a micro-
droplet may fall to prevent the spread of the disease to more vulnerable people in our

LESSON 6 React to what is Asserted or Expressed in a Text
Learning Objectives:
1. define what is assertion;
2. analyze the assertions expressed by the author in the text;
3. choose correct reaction from the given situations; and
4. write a reaction based on the author’s assertion.

What I Know
Let us check your knowledge on reacting to assertions.
Instructions: Read and analyze the given assertions. React by writing the word
AGREE or DISAGREE after the statement.

1. Assertion is used to let the readers feel that they should

agree to what they read or hear. 1.
2. Reaction is an action taken in response to something. 2._________
3. When you react to an assertion, you should gather
facts from any source to support your reaction. 3._________
4. Your reaction should not be stated clearly. 4._________
5. Exclude the supporting details in making a reaction. 5._________
6. You can react without reading the text. 6._________
7. Reacting to what is asserted in a text is an important skill. 7._________
8. Facts are needed to support your reaction. 8._________
9. Reaction should focus to what is asserted by the author. 9._________
10. Making reactions allow readers to oppose the author’s idea. 10.________

What’s In
In your previous lesson, you have learned about citing evidence to support a
general statement. Now, let us examine how much you have learned in the said topic.
Below is a text about home schooling education as a mode of learning.

Instructions: Read the text carefully and do what are being asked.

Homeschooling is an act of teaching academic subjects to students at

home. It allows parents to take all the time they need to ensure learning is taking
place. Likewise, if the student is ready to move on, parents do not need to waste
time on teaching lessons repeatedly. Home schooling students can move
through education materials at a faster pace than their peers.
In this type of learning process, students are exposed to more interesting and
valuable experiences. Dealing things outside of a classroom is often more
engaging and fun. It provides better retention of knowledge and exercise skills.

a. Is home schooling beneficial? (Yes/No) _________

b. Choose the supporting evidence/s by checking (√) the box of your answer/s.
Homeschooling students are exposed to more interesting experiences.
Homeschooling makes the children lazy.
Homeschooling students can move through education materials at a
faster pace than their peers.
Home schooling allows parents to take all the time they need to ensure
learning is taking place.

What’s New

In this pandemic time, we are adapting a new normal way of living. We must follow
and observe the protocols imposed by the government for our safety. Wearing face mask,
observing social distance and staying at home are top things that should be kept in mind.

Activity 1: Draw Me
Instructions: The given statements are assertions. React to each assertion by drawing
an emoticon that corresponds to your answer.

Example: COVID-19 cases increase every day.

1. My grandmother said that doctors are the smartest

people on the planet.
2. Absolutely! Chocolate ice cream is the all-time favorite.
3. Our school is going to implement face-to-face classes
during the class opening.
4. Students will be given tablets in the new normal
school setting.
5. Malls are not allowing children to enter in their

What Is It
One of the best ways for the author to express his/her feelings, beliefs, and
ideas in a direct way is by asserting. Assertion is used to let the readers feel that they
should agree what they read or hear. It is very common in various fields of life, like
literature, politics, and advertisements.

Sample assertion: When you eat an apple, you are free from any illness.
As the readers’ response to what is asserted in a text, a reaction is being made.
Reaction is an action taken in response to something. Reacting to assertion is an
essential skill in language learning. Making reactions will allow readers to express their
thoughts and feelings about the text or situations presented. One can decide to agree
or disagree on the given text.

Sample reaction to the above sample assertion:

Truly, I eat an apple every day and I don’t get sick easily.

These are some words to use in giving reactions.

Positive Negative

absolutely certainly almost contradictorily

definitely exactly invalidly never
obviously really no/ not no longer
surely truly probably rarely
very yes scarcely

Things to remember in reacting to assertions made by the author in a text:
 Read and understand the texts.
 Analyze the assertion made by the author.
 State your reaction clearly.
 Support your ideas and opinions by explaining your stand.

Here are sample statements of assertion and reaction:

A. Assertion: Drinking a glass of milk can make our bones and teeth healthy and
Reaction: Yes, I drink a glass of milk every day and it makes my bones and
teeth healthy and strong.
B. Assertion: My friend Sheila invites me to eat out since she said it is already safe.
Reaction: I will not go with her because my mother said that it is not yet safe.

Give a try!
Instructions: The following statements are assertions. Give the possible reaction by
choosing the letter of the best answer.

1. Assertion: Children believe that sharks eat humans.

a. Surely, sharks love the smell of human flesh.
b. Exactly, sharks stay near the seashore.
c. Rarely, sharks like to play with humans.
d. Scarcely, sharks eat fishes.
2. Assertion: If you eat and then immediately go swimming, you will get stomach
a. Certainly, it is not advisable to swim when your stomach is full.
b. Absolutely, it is good to eat a lot when you go swimming.
c. It is not exciting to have picnic at the beach.
d. It is very fun to play volleyball at the beach.

What’s More

Activity 2: Self-Assessment
Instructions: Read the given assertion based on the picture. Then give your reaction
by checking the box of your answer.


Assertion: Limit the number of passengers in the school bus.

Absolutely! So that social distancing is observed.
Yes! So that friends are seated apart.
No! It is not necessary.


Assertion: School guard must check students’ temperature at the entrance.

Of course! We must send the student home with high body
Exactly! We must ensure that students have normal body temperature
Yes! We must comply new normal protocols


Assertion: Wear face mask in face-to-face class.

Truly! There is lesser spread of virus when wearing face mask.
Yes! Students are not allowed to talk during class hours.
There is no need to comply new normal protocols.


Assertion: Limit number of attendees in a school meeting.

Obviously! This is to keep one’s private documents.
Exactly! This is to maintain social distancing.
No! Everybody must attend the meeting.


Assertion: In a school library, one should observe social distancing.

Of course! This is to minimize the crowd inside the school library.
Indeed! This is to observe cleanliness and orderliness.
Yes! In order to avoid one’s enemy.

What I Have Learned

Using the graphic organizer below, show us your progress in learning this module.




What I Can Do

Activity 3: Activate Your Mind

Instructions: Read the information inside the box. React to what is asserted by
completing the statements.

In this pandemic, we need to stay at home to be safe and

must keep our body healthy. These are some tips to do:
1. Eating healthy foods every day.
2. Taking vitamin C daily.
3. Washing our hands oftentimes.
4. Exercising our body regularly.
5. Getting enough sleep at night.

Assertion: It is advised that we must stay home and keep ourselves healthy.
Your Reaction: Exactly, we must

Finally, you are about to end this module. Let us check the things that you have
Instructions: Read the text inside the box comprehensively. React to what is asserted
by the author in the text by completing the statements.

The students play a big role in saving our environment. It starts at home: the
students should not forget to segregate the trash in the waste basket before having
the garbage collector collect it. Then, while at school, the student should participate
actively in symposia and other similar activities organized by other students who, like
them, advocate a clean and healthy environment. Lastly, before going home, the
students should make a pledge to protect the environment whenever possible. Truly,
when the future is at stake, the whole student body could really help a lot.

A. Assertion: Students have a big role in saving the environment.

a. Yes, it’s true! Students’ role starts at
b. It is important to help keeping the environment clean by

B. Assertion: Students must actively participate in any healthy environment related

a. Thus, students are encouraged to join
b. Students should apply their knowledge in trash segregation not only in school but
also at .

Additional Activity

Activity 4: Say What You See

Instructions: Write your reaction based on the picture considering the given situations

1. Wearing of face mask.

2. Observing one-meter
3. Putting X as indicator of

Sample Reaction: Definitely! The picture shows the proper safety protocols while
sitting in a waiting area.

Your Reaction: ______________________________________________

LESSON 7 The Panel Discussion
Learning Objectives:
1. define what panel discussion is and its members;
2. familiarize the procedures in a panel discussion;
3. select the most sensible question;
4. write thought-provoking questions based on the given topic;
5. complete the given script by writing questions.

What I Know


Instructions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer in your English notebook.

1. This involved a group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience,

typically at scientific business or academic conferences, fan, conventions and on
television shows.
A. debate C. symposium
B. panel discussion D. public Forum

2. He/She presents views and opinions regarding the issue or topic for a set amount
of time.
A. instructor C. moderator
B. leader D. panelist

3. He/She keeps the discussion on the theme and encourages interaction among
A. debater C. leader
B. instructor D. panelist

4. He/She plays the most important role in the panel discussion.

A. instructor C. moderator
B. leader D. panelist

5. He/She discusses the issue or topic with the other members by asking questions or
reacting to the views and opinions of other panel members.
A. instructor C. moderator
B. leader D. panelist

6. These members present their point of view and their experiences regarding the
A. audience C. leaders
B. instructors D. panelists

Test II. Instructions: The following procedures in a panel discussion are arranged at
random. In your English activity notebook, label the procedures
from 1-4.
______7. The leader or moderator calls for a forum to all the members of the class to
address some questions, views, and opinions to the panelists.
______8. The panelists discuss the issue or topic and also react to other panel
members’ views and opinions.
______9. The leader or moderator closes the discussion and provides a summary of
panel presentation and discussion.
______10. The leader of moderator introduces the topic and the panelists present their
views and opinions regarding the issue.

Test III. Instructions: Write YES if the question is a is thought-provoking question

and NO if not.

______11. How can we help each other in this moment of crisis?

______12. Why do you think experts and government are not prepared of the
threat of COVID -19?
______13. What do you think is the effective way of avoiding the Corona virus?
______14. Is there anything you can do to help minimize the spread of
______15. What is Covid-19?

Have you participated in a class discussion when you were in Grade 6? While
listening to your teacher and your classmates, was there a question in your mind that
you want to ask? Have you answered some of your teacher’s questions?
There are different types of a group discussion. One of these is a panel
In this lesson, you will learn what a panel discussion is, including the members
who participated and the procedures. Before we proceed, let us have a short review
of what you have learned on the previous module.

What’s In
In the previous module, you have learned how to identify and give assertions on a
given text. Being reasonable and accurate are not only for making assertions; it is also
needed in raising challenging and thought-provoking questions.
Activity 1: Fact or Opinion?

Classify the following assertions into FACT or OPINION.

1. _____Antibiotics cannot treat viruses.
2. _____Salt is the cure for COVID 19
3. _____COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by coronavirus.
4. _____Social distancing is staying at home to be safe from viruses.
5. _____Dry cough, fever and tiredness are the most common symptoms of COVID 19.

What’s New
Take a look at the picture. What do you
think is the girl thinking? Have you tried
discussing something to someone before?
How do you do it?

What Is It

Listening attentively to a group discussion is very important. Now that you are
growing, much of your time is spent in some form of a group, whether a class, a
friendship group, a peer group, a family, or any other organization. You need to include
yourself on the topic that they are discussing. You may ask sensible questions to make
the discussion more meaningful. Asking sensible questions in any group discussion is
encouraged so that there will be a lively discussion. How will you ask sensible
questions? This module helps you how to do it. But first, let us discuss one of the group
discussions which is panel discussion.
A panel discussion is a small group discussion consists of four to five well-
informed persons who sit at the table on a platform (stage) before the group.

Below is a picture of a Panel Group Discussion.

As you can see in the picture, there are persons involved. Can you guess the
role of each person? Let us discuss who they are and their roles.

Here are the members in a panel discussion with their respective roles:
1. Moderator
 is the leader who tries to make the flow of the proceedings (actions) function as
smoothly as possible.
 he addresses the audience, announces the topic, and introduces the panel
 interprets statements made by the audience and resolves possible conflicts
among or between the panel members and the audience.
2. Panel members
 they are the discussants (guests) of the given topic. They answer the
questions raised by the moderator.

3. Audience

 they are the viewers or listeners. They may also raise questions to the panel

Now that you have learned what a panel discussion is, including the members
and their roles, let us proceed to the procedures on how it is done.

The following are procedures in a panel discussion that have been used effectively:
1. The leader or moderator introduces the topic and the panelists present their views
and opinions regarding the issue.
2. The panelists discuss the issue or topic and also react to other panel member’s
views and opinions. A specific amount of time should be set.
3. The leader or moderator closes the discussion and provides a summary of panel
presentation and discussion.
4. The leader or moderator calls for forum to all the members of the class to address
some questions, views, and opinions to the panelists.

Now, let us try this activity.

Activity 2: Who Am I?
Instructions: Below are the statements from the script of a panel discussion. Identify
whether the given statement came from the moderator, panel member
or one among the audience.

1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our panel discussion that talks
about the importance of wearing face mask.
2. Does it make you uncomfortable when you wear mask?
3. For me, I have to follow what the government told us to do. Wearing mask is a must
so that we can avoid the virus that will spread through the droplets from the person
4. Sir, good morning. I am impressed with the guests’ answers. May I ask one of them
to answer my question: Which is more effective, surgical mask or washable mask?
Thank you, sir.
5. To sum up with our discussion, one thing is common and is very applicable to all of
us. We should always wear mask especially if we are in a crowded area for our

LESSON 8 Raising Thought-Provoking Questions in a Panel

Stimulating thought-provoking question in a panel discussion is a gateway to

come up with insightful answers. Keeping things flowing with the quality questions get
panelists engaged, which in turn gives the panel members a reason to retain what they
are learning.
A thought-provoking question is a type of question that causes you to think
seriously about something. It contains interesting ideas that can make you think a lot.
These are questions that start with WHY and HOW.
Compare the following examples:

Uninteresting Questions Thought-Provoking Questions

- these questions are not - these questions cause you to
encouraging think seriously about something
- the person may or may not
What is the issue or problem? How can you solve the issue or problem?
Which is better, online or face-to-face Why do you think face-to-face learning is
learning? better than online?

Note that raising sensible and thought-provoking questions is very important. It

will allow the person to tell honestly his inner thought. In this way, that person is
expressing his/her real emotions.

This time let us explore further by learning the five strategies on how to raise thought–
provoking questions. These are:

1. Do your research
Do a research on the topic, the panelists, and the audience. In this way you will
be able to get in touch to the topic, get connected to the panelist’s work or interests,
and the issues which the audience will be interested in.

2. Make a list
Make a list of potential questions from your research.
For example:
 Why is the topic important nowadays?
 What are the important points that need to be discovered on this topic?
 What is the most essential common question on everyone’s mind?

3. Choose the most essential questions

Delete questions that are not necessary and choose questions which
you think are important to the topic.

4. Sequence your questions

Your questions should be sequenced so that the panel members and audience
will really understand every bit of information.
 Strategic- start with questions that are designed to discuss what is happening
in the world.
Example: Why does family conflict exist?
 Benefits- move to the benefits/consequences on why the audience should care.
Example: Why are children equally affected when family conflict occurs?
 Specifics – ask more specific questions where the panelists will be more
inclined to show concrete examples.

Example: What are the evidences which prove that family conflict may damage
a relationship?
 Application- ask a question with substantial value and has the ability to apply
the information.
Example: Why do we need to resolve the conflict in our family?

5. Rephrase and Finalize Your Question

Start short questions in order for the audience and panel members to have
focus in understanding the concept thus; rephrasing your question is necessary. After
rephrasing, you are now ready to finalize your question.
Now, let us check your understanding on thought-provoking questions.

Activity 3: Guess Me!

Instructions: Write YES if it is a thought-provoking question and NO if it is not.
_______1. What effect has COVID-19 made on the lives of the Filipinos today?
_______2. How can we at least minimize the cases of COVID-19?
_______3. Who are the panelists?
_______4. What are the most critical changes that we must make to face the threat of
_______5. Why do Filipinos tend to disobey the orders of the IATF on social

What’s More

Read the panel discussion script below about the topic, “Social Distancing.”
Assume that you are a member of the audience and do the activity that follows.
(Angelo) Moderator:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our panel discussion today.
My name is Angelo. It is a great pleasure to be the chairman in the panel and to
welcome you to this event. The members of the panel are Rupert T. Omagbon, Gavin
C. Acal, Rhian A. Billones, Xandra Bea B. Guillena and Jay M. Lumahang
Everybody is affected on the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). As of now,
there is no vaccine or specific treatment for the said virus. Aside from proper
handwashing and wearing of face mask, social distancing is strictly ordered by the
Department of Health (DOH) as protective measures against COVID-19.
The first member of the panel will share what social distancing is.

(Rupert) PANEL MEMBER 1:
Social distancing or physical distancing is the practice of purposefully reducing
close contact between people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), social distancing means avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining
distance of at least 1 meter from others.

(Angelo) MODERATOR: Why is it important to practice social distancing?


According to the Department of Health (DOH), COVID-19 is transmitted when
one individual talks, sneezes, or coughs producing droplets of saliva containing the
COVID-19 virus. The more you come into contact with the droplets from coughs and
sneezes of an infected person, the more likely you are to catch the infection. To reduce
the spread of the disease, it is important to limit close face-to-face contact with others
through Social Distancing.

(Angelo) MODERATOR: How is social distancing applied in the community?

Local Government Units (LGUs) are directed to implement the guidelines on
social distancing measures like the cancellation of classes and school activities,
prohibition of mass gathering, implementation of community quarantine, alternative
work arrangements and social distancing in public transportation and essential
business establishments.
(Angelo) MODERATOR: What are the advantages and disadvantages of social
(Xandra Bea) PANEL MEMBER 4:
Social distancing is an effective way to avoid the virus but it brings changes in
businesses, public events, and social interactions. It takes much time and patience
waiting in line at grocery stores, banks, payment center and other establishments. The
“no back ride” policy adds to the transportation problems experienced by commuters.
(Angelo) MODERATOR: What are the ways to adopt social distancing?
Part of the new normal that we have to accept now is to avoid crowded public
places. We can apply the following to live a safe and healthy lifestyle: choose online
conversation, work from home if you can, refrain from major social gatherings,
consider video-chatting with friends and family rather than meeting in public place,
stock up on basic necessities so you don’t have to go to stores often and shop online
rather than in stores.
Most of us are having a hard time adjusting on social distancing but we have to
follow this preventive measure. If we are practicing it, there’s a good chance we are
healthy. Otherwise, we may be placed into a quarantine or worse, get infected.

Let us enjoy being at home and engage in activities that can help take our mind
off the situation like gardening, watching movies and learning online.
That ends our informative discussion on Social Distancing. Thank you for being
here today.

Activity 4: Which is Which?

Instructions: Some of the questions below are sensible and thought-provoking
questions that you can raise during the open forum in a panel
discussion. In the space after each number, write TP if the questions
are sensible and thought provoking and N if it is nonsensical and

1. ___ Is social distancing important?

2. ___ Are we allowed to attend classes?
3. ___ How does social distancing affect the people?
4. ___ Who are required to follow social distancing?
5. ___ Why is it important to practice social distancing?
6. ___ How can social distancing be practiced in the classroom?
7. ___ Will social distancing continue after the community quarantine?
8. ___ Is it okay not to wear face mask if we are 1 meter away from the other?
9. ___ Why do married and living-in couple be exempt in “no back ride” policy?
10. ___ Do people who are not infected with the virus still follow social

What I Have Learned

Instructions: Fill in the blanks to complete the short sentences below. These
sentences summarize our topic in this module.

What is a Panel Discussion? How many persons are involved? How will you raise
thought provoking questions?

A ___________ is a small group discussion consists of ________________ well-

informed persons.

To raise thought provoking questions, you must choose the _________________


What I Can Do

Activity 5: Ask me More!

Instructions: From the given scenario below, write five (5) sensible and thought-
provoking questions that you want to ask to the panel members.

(Aprille) Moderator:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Aprille Arrivado, your
chairman for today’s panel discussion. It is an honor both to participate in this event
with our guests and to welcome you all.
As we all know, our new normal today is somewhat strange to our usual way
of living. In fact, one of the most affected systems in this time of crisis is our educational
system. Everyone did not expect things to happen like this especially doing classes
online, for face-to-face learning is strongly prohibited now to stop the spread of the
We have invited you today to inform everyone especially the learners and
their parents as well as our educators about online classes- how to do it effectively as
a new means of teaching and learning and throughout the discussion, they will identify
the advantages and disadvantages of using this new method of teaching and learning.

Activity 6: Watch and speak!

Instructions: Watch a video about a panel discussion with the topic, “Turning
Challenges to Opportunities”. Click this link . Do not
worry if you can’t access the internet. Your teacher will provide you a copy of the said
video. After watching, write three (3) thought-provoking questions based on their


Watch another video about a panel discussion with the topic, “Winning
Individual Challenges”. Click this link . Do not worry if
you can’t access the internet. Your teacher will provide you a copy of the said video.
After watching, assume the role of a member of the audience in a panel discussion.
Write three (3) thought-provoking questions that you want to ask to the panel

Rubrics for the questions:

Criteria 1 3 5
Sensibility of The question starts with The question starts The question starts
questions what, who, and when with why and how with why and how
but is not and is constructed
constructed properly properly
Challenging and The question is The question is The question is very
Thought- uninteresting and it partly interesting and interesting and it
provoking does not require a it only requires an requires a focused
questions focused response ordinary response. and detailed
Total 15 points

Additional Activities
Activity 7: What’s the Question?
Complete the script below on a panel discussion with the topic “Wearing of Face
Mask” by adding thought provoking questions. Label the persons involved as
moderator, panel member and audience. Write it in your English notebook.

Daniel: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our panel discussion that
talks about the importance of wearing face mask. I am Daniel Velasquez, your host
for today’s event and let me welcome you our guests, Ms. Joa Ann Billones, Ms.
Jerissa Acal, Ms. Gerlie Omagbon, and Mr. Alvir Jay Lumahang.
Daniel: ________________________________________ ?
Joa-ann: Wearing of face mask is necessary nowadays because this will help
me to prevent from acquiring the virus.
Daniel: ________________________________________ ?
Jerissa: Yes. It makes me uncomfortable to wear mask because I can’t breath
Daniel: _________________________________________?
Gerlie: Wearing of face mask affects my daily routine because it makes me feel uneasy
since it is not the usual practice. It is also quite costly for I have to change it everyday.
Alvir: Sir, good morning. I am impressed with the guests’ answers. May I ask one of
them to answer my question: Some people said that when you are wearing mask, you
are afraid to be infected by the virus. As a good citizen, you are wearing mask because
of the Government’s protocol. Does it make you feel weak? Why? Thank you, sir.
Jerissa: No sir. It doesn’t make me feel weak; instead, this shows that I am a strong
person who obeys the Government’s standards for my own welfare and protection of
Daniel: To sum up with our discussion, one thing is common and is very applicable to
all of us. We should always wear mask especially if we are in a crowded area for our

Answer Key

Lesson 1

What I Know What’s In

(Pre-test) Venn Diagram
1-5 Answers
9. TRUE -works by having you -works by an agreement to
10. TRUE ‘recharge’ your account pay a monthly bill charged by
before you can use it the telco
C. -you buy your own phone
-both require
-comes with a mobile phone
11. A payments
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. C


A. Outputs vary

Lesson 2 and 3

What’s In What’s More Assessment

1. E
2. C 1. A Answers may vary
3. B 2. C
4. G 3. C
5. F 4. B
5. B

What is it What I have Learned What I know

There are three
Activity 1 communication tools 1. A.
1. Hiding something that are used for 2. D
2. Look defensive communication. These 3. C
3. Covering something are language, stance 4. B
4. Seems aggressive and behaviour. They 5. A
enhance the meaning of 6. YES
5. Emphasize a point
the message conveyed 7. YES
Activity 2
by the speaker. 8. YES
1. Cooking show 9. NO
2. Vlog on how to stay 1. Yes 10. YES
healthy during 2. No 11. YES
quarantine 3. Yes 12. NO
3. Class Reports 4. No 13. YES
4. Information 5.Yes 14. YES
dissemination on 15. YES
COVID 19 pandemic
5. Storytelling
6. Documentary on the
leadership of
President Duterte

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Assessment What’s More What I Know

1. D
2. A 1. inference 1. C
3. C 2. D
2. text
4. A 3. C
5. C 3. evidence 4. A
6. D 5. D
4. quote
7. D 6. C
8. D 5. prior knowledge 7. C
9. A 8. C
6. cite
10. C 9. D
11. A 10. D
12. A 11. D
13. C 12. D
14. D 13. C
15. D 14. A
15. D

Lesson 6
What I know
1. Agree 6. Disagree
2. Agree 7. Agree
3. Agree 8. Agree
4. Disagree 9. Agree
5. Disagree 10. Disagree
What’s New
1. Confused
2. Loved
3. Angry
4. Happy
5. Sad
What’s More
1. Absolutely! So that social distancing is observed.
2. Exactly! We must ensure that students have normal body temperature
3. Truly! There is lesser spread of virus when wearing face mask.
4. Exactly! This is to maintain social distancing.
5. Of course! This is to minimize the crowd inside the school library.

What I Can Do Answers may vary.

Assessment Answers may vary.

Additional Activity Answers may vary.

Lesson 7 and 8
What I know
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. 4
8. 2
9. 3
10. 1
11. Yes
12. Yes
13. No
14. No
15. No

What’s More
1. N Is social distancing important?
2. N Are we allowed to attend classes?
3. TP How does social distancing affects the people?
4. N Who are required to follow social distancing?
5. TP Why is it important to practice social distancing?
6. TP How can social distancing be practiced in the classroom?
7. TP How can we effectively follow social distancing in public?
8. N Is it okay not to wear face mask if we are 1 meter away from the other?
9. TP Why do married and living-in couple be exempt in “no back ride” policy?
10. N Do people who are not infected with the virus still follow social

Activity 3
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes
What I have Learned
A panel discussion is a small group discussion consists of four to five well-informed
persons. To raise thought provoking questions, you must choose the most essential

What’s Is It
Activity 2
1. Moderator
2. Moderator
3. Panel Member
4. Audience
5. Moderator

What’s In
Activity 1
1. Opinion
2. Opinion
3. Fact
4. Opinion
5. Fact

Q: Why is wearing of face mask necessary nowadays?

A: Wearing of…

Q: Does it make you uncomfortable when you wear mask? Why?

A: Yes. It makes…

Q: How does wearing of face mask affect your daily routine?

A: Wearing of face mask affects…


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