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Science2 1

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Sazil, Vicente Jr Y.

BSED Science 2A

Subject: Environmental science

Module 10

Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear

and complete sentences. Write your answer in a one-half sheet of paper.

1. What do you think the government should do in order to resolve the problem about

food and hunger?

Ans: Here in our country there are a great deal of our co-Filipino who are not able to eat 3 times each
day. So for me something best that we can do to determine this issue is we should do cultivating and
reduce cost of any manure, master says that upward cultivating should take care of up to ten billion
people and make agribusiness fair of the environment and need for land.

Module 11

Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear

and complete sentences. Write your answer in a one-half sheet of paper.

What is the first thing you can do to help save water?

Ans: Well for me the main thing that I can do save water is must expected to teach my self first and
afterward I will simply turn on the spigot when I want it, I don't allow the fixture to run while I'm
cleaning my teeth, and Ill actually look at the spigot assuming there is an any holes, close to air, water is
the main component for the safeguarding of life. Water is a limited product which, in the event that not
oversee as expected, will bring about lack sooner rather than later.

Is there a place on earth that experiences scarcity of water?Explain.

Ans: Yes There is, From Central Australia to sub-Saharan Africa and Asia's overflowing megacities, water
is scant. Individuals are battling to get to the perfect water they need for drinking, cooking, washing, and
hand washing and developing their food sources, Rivers, lakes and springs are evaporating or turning
out to be too dirtied to even consider utilizing. The greater part the universes wetlands have vanished.
Horticultures polishes off more water than any source and squanders quite a bit of that through failures.
Environment changes is substituting examples of climate and water all over the planet, causing
deficiencies and dry spells in certain areas and floods in others.

Module 12


A. Designing a Program.

Design a program to reduce the volume of waste your community produced.

Write/encode your answers in a short bond paper. Create a theme with your program.

Ans:Reducing waste

Waste that ends up in our streets, homes, and fields begins with the industrial manufacturing of
products that cannot be reused or recycled. One goal of a community waste program is to reduce waste
over the long term by helping people use less of the materials that become waste in the first place.
Some ways to reduce waste are:

-not buying products wrapped in a lot of packaging materials.

-choosing glass and cardboard over plastic and metal.

-using your own shopping bag or basket, and refusing plastic bags at the store.

-buying food in larger quantities to reduce the amount of packaging you bring home.

-repairing or reusing what you can and buying second hand products when possible.

Module 14
Assessment A. List down and write your answers in a one whole sheet of paper. What are the things
you can do to prevent Global Warming; a) At Home 1. Econimize the water 2. Use some Renewable
resources at home 3. Used only your appliance when it was needed 4. Choose or buy better bulbs 5.
Wheatherize b) In school and on Campuses 1. Reduce waste 2. Create an eco-Group 3. Convince the
student to save energy 4. Keep Learning 5. Turn off your computer when not in use including lights c)
At Work 1. Minimize power Consumption 2. Always choose recylced products 3. select an eco-friendly
Printer 4. Train staff to print cost effectively 5. Try Greyscale printing and economy mode B. Answer the
following questions. Write at the back portion of your paper. (10 points each) 1. Do you think it likely
that within our lifetime, we can significantly slow down the warming of the earth? If yes, why? If not,
what long-term consequences do you predict? AnsFor me I appreciate the earth in light of the fact that
as long as we human are reckless and Delinquent and furthermore as long as the a worldwide
temperature alteration is Gradualincreace I don't think so assuming wa can make it delayed down. Are
there possible technological means to stop global warming? Ans:Yes because, we can presumably
restrict measure of Global warming by lessening human emanations of hotness catching gasses and
soot("black Carbon") or establishing a great deal of trees. Thoroughly answer the question below.
Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear and complete sentences. Write your answer in a one-
half sheet of paper. 1. What do you think are the reasons that global warming we are facing now will
do more damage to the environment than the ice age? Ans:For me I think the motivations behind why
would that be the Global warming we are confronting now will cause more harm to the climate that the
ice age this is on the grounds that human are progressively affecting the environment and the earths
temperature by...

Module 15

Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear

and complete sentences. Write your answer in a one-half sheet of paper.

1. How can you prevent air and water pollution ?

Ans: For us to keep away from or forestall air contamination we should try not to consume a ton leaves,
papers, Plastic, Reuse, reuse, And diminish of timberland flames and smoking. Then again to forestall
water contamination we should not toss our trash all over the place, don't, discard family synthetic or
cleaning specialists down sink or latrine, and limit the utilization of pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizer. Try
not to discard these synthetic compounds, engine oil, or other auto liquids into sterile sewer or tempest
sewer framework. The two of them end at the waterway, over all we should be dependable as usual.

Module 16
ActivityA. Based on the picture below, what can you say about our earth right now? Write your

answer in a one-half sheet of paper. (Write at least one paragraph with 8-10 sentences)

Ans: As what I'm sees on the image Ove seen that our earth has gradually change and the limit of
humanities has gradually expanded likewise, human becomes brutal and childish without realizing that it
can influence to the creatures uncommonly in nature, a ton of creatures passed on and parcel of trees
had been cut, sometime we will lament of what we've merited sometime in the not so distant future.

Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear

and complete sentences. Write your answer in a one-half sheet of paper.

1. As a future teacher, what can you contribute in order to resolve the problem about

ozone depletion? What are the things you can do to help?

Ans: As a future Teacher we can resolve the issue of our ozone consumption by being not indiscreet to
society, conscious and mindful as usual, If we are not utilizing's cleaning item that unsafe to conditions
and utilizing a bike rather than vehicles, limit the people exercises, in this way we can assist with
reducing the issue of our ozone layer.

Module 17


Thoroughly answer the question below. Use appropriate academic vocabulary and clear

and complete sentences. Write your answer in a one-half sheet of paper.

1. In your own opinion, give some eco-environmental actions that will help solve the

global problem of acid rai.

Ans:We can assist with tackling the worldwide issue of corrosive downpour by utilizing some elective
energy source, for example, sunlight based and wind power, Renewable wellsprings of energy are
assisting with diminishing corrosive downpour, as they produce many less outflows, There are other
power sources too, like atomic power, hydropower, and geothermal energy.

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