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Semester I/II – Week 3 and 4

The Emergence
of the Social Science Disciplines


Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Semester I/II - Week 3 and 4: The Emergence of the Social Science Disciplines
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 1
The Emergence
of the Social Science Disciplines

MELC: Explain the major events and its contribution that led to the emergence of the Social
Science disciplines. (Week 3 and 4)

1. Identify the historical antecedent of each Social Science discipline.
2. Describe the different contributions that led to the emergence of social
sciences disciplines.
3. Recognize the persons who pioneered in the exploration of each social

Let’s Try
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before each number.

____1. He is an English cultural anthropologist and known as the father of Anthropology.

Who is being referred to by the given description?
A. Adam Smith C. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Edward Burnett Taylor D. Herodotus
____2. He is the author of “Histories” which is the record of ancient traditions and culture
of Greece, Asia, and Africa. He also treated historical subjects as a method of
investigation. Who is this Greek historian?
A. Adam Smith C. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Edward Burnett Taylor D. Herodotus
____3. Adam Smith wrote the “Wealth of Nations” in 1776 and he constructed an
explanation on how social behavior is regulated. What other notable contributions
did he make in the field of Economics?
A. He founded the classical school.
B. He published the book titled “The Politics.”
C. He prepared the earliest maps used in the past.
D. He advocated the application of scientific method to social life and
____4. This discipline under Social Sciences emerged out of intellectual, scientific, and
industrial revolutions which happened in Europe in the middle of 19 th century.
What discipline is being referred to?
A. Economics C. Psychology
B. Political Science D. Sociology
____5. The father of this discipline is a Swiss named Ferdinand de Saussure. Further, he
posited that linguistic form is arbitrary and therefore all languages function in a
similar fashion. What discipline under Social Sciences did he pioneer?
A. Anthropology C. Political Science
B. Linguistics D. Psychology

____6. The historical foundation of this discipline is described as an ancient and honorable
field of learning with its roots firmly set in classical antiquity. The pioneer of this
discipline is a Greek geographer who became a chief librarian at the Library of
Alexandria. What is this discipline under the umbrella of Social Sciences?
A. Geography C. Linguistics
B. History D. Psychology
____7. Aristotle pioneered the Political Science discipline. Which of the following is his
contribution in the said field?
A. Accepted the concept that the earth is round.
B. Laid down the foundation of governance and leadership.
C. Argued that conscious mental states could be scientifically studied.
D. Advocated the application of scientific method to social life and positivism.
____8. A German psychologist who trained psychology students to make observations that
were biased by personal interpretation or previous experience and use the results
to develop a theory of conscious thought. Who is this psychologist?
A. August Comte C. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Herodotus D. Wilhelm Wundt
____9. Which of the following is considered as one of the historical foundations of
A. It is an ancient and honorable field of learning with its roots firmly set in
classical antiquity.
B. The groundwork for professional historiography in East Asia was
established by the Han Dynasty.
C. It was once part of the many related fields of study like history,
philosophy, law, and economics.
D. It has its roots in Ancient Greek Psychology such as epistemology,
metaphysics, religion, and oriental philosophy.
____10. Which of the following is NOT a discipline under Social Sciences?
A. Anthropology, Economics, Geography
B. History, Linguistics, Political Science
C. Psychology, Sociology and Demography
D. Physical Science, Natural Science, Philosophy

Let’s Explore and Discover

Unlocking As you begin exploring the new lesson today, I want

of Difficulties you to ponder on some essential questions. Are you ready?
Emergence – the Great! Let us begin.
process of
Have you ever wondered how the different disciplines
appearing; of
under Social Sciences emerged and who pioneered them?
becoming known or
developing. Do you know the existing conditions that led to their

In this lesson, you will be able to discover the answers to these questions. The
disciplines under Social Sciences did not emerge overnight, it is a result of thorough
thinking combined with different social realities that existed in the past. You can refer to
the succeeding matrix to see the historical context that led to the emergence of each



ANTHROPOLOGY ✓ Traces its roots from natural history
which is the study of plants, animals,
Father/Pioneer: and humans with reference to their
Edward Burnett Taylor history and native environment.
1832 - 1917 ✓ The discovery and contact to new
civilizations by European explorers and
Contributions/Works: colonizers led to curiosity and questions
✓ English, cultural anthropologist; of who these people are, who their
✓ first to hold the chair in the ancestors were, how they are related to
subject at Oxford University in other people in other places, what
the UK in 1896; makes them distinct, what similarities
✓ coined the term “culture;” and they share with the rest, how they
✓ wrote “Researches into the early conduct their way of life, and what
History of Mankind, and the culture they have in terms of knowledge
development – of Civilizations” they possess, their beliefs, technology,
published in 1865. etcetera.
✓ It was only in the 19th century that the
discipline began its formative years as a
Social Science; though since the ancient
times, there were already illustrations,
chronicles, and travelogues containing
descriptions of human culture and
ECONOMICS ✓ It was not considered a separate
discipline until the 19th century.
Father/Pioneer: Adam Smith ✓ Greeks examined wealth accumulation
(1723 – 1790) and inquired on whether property
should be in the hands of public and
Contributions/Works: private institutions.
✓ Founder of Classical school; ✓ During medieval times, scholars argued
✓ constructed an explanation on that it was a moral obligation of
how social behavior is regulated; businesses to sell goods at a just price.
✓ saw a world where each person ✓ Economic though evolved through
sought their own self-interest, feudalism in the Middle Ages to
but was constrained by morality, mercantilist theory in the renaissance,
markets, and government; and when people were concerned to orient
✓ wrote “Wealth of the Nations” in trade policy to further the national
1776. interest.
✓ Changes in economic thought have
always accompanied changes in the
economy, just as changes in economic
thought can propel change in economic
GEOGRAPHY ✓ It is an ancient and honorable field of
learning with its roots from firmly set in
Father/Pioneer: Eratosthenes classical antiquity.
(276 B.C. - 194 B.C.) ✓ People engaged in the study of
geography because it satisfies their
Contributions/Works: natural curiosity about foreign places
✓ Greek geographer; and different ways of life.
✓ became chief librarian at the ✓ The ancient Greeks made the first
Library of Alexandria; contribution to the subject through
✓ accepted the concept that the measuring the earth using grids and
earth is round and calculated its meridians.

circumference to within 0.5
percent accuracy;
✓ described the known areas of the
world and divided the earth into
five climate regions;
✓ prepared the earliest maps of the
known world; and
✓ founded scientific chronology
HISTORY ✓ Influences of Ancient Greeks have
helped spawn variant interpretations of
Father/Pioneer: Herodotus the nature of history which have evolved
(484 B.C. - 425B.C.) over the centuries and continue to
change today.
Contributions/Works: ✓ The groundwork for professional
✓ Greek historian; historiography in East Asia was
✓ treated historical subjects as a established by the Han Dynasty.
method of investigation; ✓ Through Medieval and Renaissance
✓ collected historical materials periods, History was often studied
systematically and critically and through a sacred or religious
arranged them into a perspective.
historiographic narrative; and ✓ In the west, historians developed
✓ wrote “Histories” which is the modern methods of historiography in
record of ancient traditions and the 17th and 18th centuries, especially
culture of Greece, Asia, and in France and Germany.
Africa. ✓ In the 20th century, academic historians
focused less on epic nationalistic
narratives, which often tended to glorify
the nation or great men, to more
objective and complex analyses of social
and intellectual forces.
✓ Recently, the field of digital history has
begun to address ways of using
computer technology to pose new
questions to historical data and
generate digital scholarships.
LINGUISTICS ✓ It was the old Babylon who first created
linguistics texts called Sumerian.
Father/Pioneer: Ferdinand de Saussure ✓ Hindus also created text called Vedas.
(1857 – 1913) ✓ The formal study of language began in
Contributions/Works: ✓ It started with the formulations of 3,959
✓ Swiss linguist; rules of Sanskrit morphology.
✓ posited that linguistics form is ✓ Early interest in language in the west
arbitrary and therefore that all was a part of Philosophy, not a
languages functions in a similar grammatical description.
fashion; and
✓ published “Memoire sur le
systeme primitive des voyelles
dans les langues indo-
POLITICAL SCIENCE ✓ It was once part of the many related
fields of study like history, philosophy,
Father/Pioneer: Aristotle law, and economics.
(384 - 322 B.C.) ✓ The theoretical and practical study of
the state and the politics began way
Contributions/Works: back to the time of the Ancient Greeks,
✓ Political Scientist; about 500-300 B.C.
✓ laid down the foundation of ✓ During the ancient times, men had
governance and leadership; formed basic social linkages, inherently
✓ his contribution to the discourse persuaded by the needs to associate
had brought various themselves to protect their survival and
philosophers to argue that interests.
politics is not just about the ✓ Families came to organize collective
structure of a state but also unions from simple bands to more
about civility, order, and organized associations forming a village
organization in a state; whose membership span to more than
✓ he said” man by nature is a a hundred that in the process ushered
political animal;” and the birth of a city.
✓ he wrote “The Politics.” ✓ The chieftain who headed a village was
chosen from the ranks of leaders with
the power to make laws, judge and
execute laws. The chieftain become a
PSYCHOLOGY ✓ It has its roots in ancient Greek
Philosophy such as epistemology,
Father/Pioneer: Wilhelm Wundt metaphysics, religion, and oriental
(1832 – 1920) philosophy.
✓ Its seeds were sown from natural
Contributions/Works: sciences such as biology and
✓ German psychologist; physiology.
✓ opened the institute for ✓ Psychology and physiology became
“Experimental Psychology” at increasingly separated to the two
the University of Leipzig in conceptions of psychology, that is
Germany in 1879; phenomenological (experiential) and
✓ separated Psychology and mechanistic (physiological).
Physiology by analyzing the
workings of the mind;
✓ trained Psychology students to
make observations that were
biased by personal
interpretation or previous
experience and used the results
to develop a theory of conscious
thought; and
✓ wrote “Principles of Physiological
SOCIOLOGY AND DEMOGRAPHY ✓ The intellectual, scientific, and
industrial revolutions which happened
Father/Pioneer: Auguste in Europe in the middle of the 19th
(1798 – 1857) Century led to the development of
Contributions/Works: ✓ The intellectual revolutions opened new
✓ French sociologist; perspectives in society which offered the
✓ Coined the term “sociology;” people new principles, ideas, and beliefs
✓ advocated the application of changing their outlooks in life and the
scientific method to social life way they perceive themselves, their
and positivism; and environment, and relations with fellow
✓ wrote “Cours de Philosophie men.
Positive” published from 1830- ✓ The scientific revolution empowered
1842 in 6 volumes. men to overcome their natural
limitations and improve society.
✓ The industrial revolution led to rapid
progress and economic stimulus.
✓ The revolutions in Europe brought rapid
and radical changes which resulted to
social problems, issues, and social
unrest prompting some individuals to

direct their attention and investigation
of social phenomena.
(Source: Arthur S. Abulencia, Jefferson Sadera, Ma. Lorella C. Arabit-Zapatos, Wensley M. Reyes, Nikolee Marie A. Serafico, Discipline and Ideas in
the Social Sciences. Pasig City: Department of Education, Bureau of Learning Resources, 2017.)

Remember: It is important to know the historical context of each discipline to

recognize the efforts of different individuals that led to the emergence of different
Social Science disciplines.

Let’s Practice

Directions: Below are the father/pioneer of the different disciplines. Fill in the boxes with
their corresponding discipline and contribution in the emergence of Social Sciences.
Choose the correct answers from the list provided.
Answer List

List of Disciplines:
A. Psychology B. Sociology C. Political Science
D. Linguistics E. Anthropology F. Geography

List of Contributions/Works:
G. Wrote the “Researches into the Early History of Mankind and Development of
H. Prepared the earliest maps and founded scientific chronology.
I. Published “Memoire sur le systeme primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-
J. Wrote “The Politics” and laid down the foundation of governance and leadership.
K. Separated psychology and physiology by analyzing the workings of the mind.
L. Advocated the application of scientific method to social life and positivism.

Write your answers here:

August Comte 1) 7)

Edward Burnett 2) 8)
Wilhelm Wundt 3) 9)

Aristotle 4) 10)

Eratosthenes 5) 11)

Ferdinand de 6) 12)

Directions: Read the statements below. Write YES if it is correct and NO if incorrect.
Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______1. Anthropology as a discipline traces its roots from natural history which is the
study of plants, animals, and humans with reference to their history and native
______2. People engaged in the study of psychology because it satisfies their natural
curiosity about foreign places and different ways of life.
______3. The intellectual, scientific, and industrial revolutions which happened in
Europe Century led to the development of Sociology.
______4. Political Science is was once part of the many related fields of study like history,
philosophy, law, and economics.
______5. The formal study of language began in Greece.

Why do you need to know the different people and their respective contributions
in the field of Social Sciences?

Let’s Do More

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to complete the correct word. Write your
answer in the boxes provided.




Directions: Connect Column A with Column B by drawing a line.
1. Anthropology A. Wrote “Histories” which is the record of
(Edward Burnett Taylor) ancient traditions and culture of Greece,
2. Linguistics Asia, and Africa.
(Ferdinand de Saussure) B. Founder of classical thought and wrote
3. Psychology “Wealth of Nations.”
(Wilhelm Wundt) C. Traces its roots from natural history which
4. Sociology and Demography is the study of plants, animals, and humans
(August Comte) with reference to their history and native
5. Economics environment.
(Adam Smith) D. A discipline that is once part of many related
6. Geography fields such as history, philosophy, law, and
(Eratosthenes) economics.
7. History E. It was the old Babylon who first created
(Herodotus) linguistics texts called Sumerian.
8. Political Science F. Wrote “Principles of Physiological
(Aristotle) Psychology.”
G. A discipline that emerged due to intellectual,
Scientific, and industrial revolutions that
happened in Europe during 19th century.
I. Prepared the earliest maps of the known

What is the importance of knowing the historical emergence of different

Social Science disciplines?

Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Complete the paragraph by writing the correct answer on the space provided.

Choose your answer here:

history Eratosthenes linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure emergence

Today’s lesson is about the _______________ of different Social Science disciplines.

These disciplines include anthropology, economics, sociology, political science, geography,
____________, psychology, and ________________. Different individuals pioneered the
development of each discipline, some of them are ______________ who is a Greek geographer
and __________________ who is a Swiss linguist. Other prominent individuals who likewise
made substantial contributions in the field of Social Sciences are Edward Burnett Taylor,
Adam Smith, Herodotus, Aristotle, Wilhelm Wundt, and August Comte.

Let’s Assess
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before each number.

____1. Which of the following is NOT a discipline under Social Sciences?

A. Anthropology, Economics, Geography
B. History, Linguistics, Political Science
C. Psychology, Sociology and Demography
D. Physical Science, Natural Science, Philosophy
____2. This discipline under Social Sciences emerged out of intellectual, scientific, and
industrial revolutions which happened in Europe in the middle of 19 th century.
What discipline is being referred to?
A. Economics C. Psychology
B. Political Science D. Sociology
____3. He is an English cultural anthropologist and known as the father of Anthropology.
Who is being referred to by the given description?
A. Adam Smith C. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Edward Burnett Taylor D. Herodotus
____4. The father of this discipline is a Swiss named Ferdinand de Saussure. Further, he
posited that linguistic form is arbitrary and therefore all languages function in a
similar fashion. What discipline under Social Sciences did he pioneer?
A. Anthropology C. Political Science
B. Linguistics D. Psychology
____5. The historical foundation of this discipline is described as an ancient and honorable
field of learning with its roots firmly set in classical antiquity. The pioneer of this
discipline is a Greek geographer who became a chief librarian at the Library of
Alexandria. What is this discipline under the umbrella of Social Sciences?
A. Geography C. Linguistics
B. History D. Psychology
____6. Which of the following is considered as one of the historical foundations of
A. It is an ancient and honorable field of learning with its roots firmly set in
classical antiquity.
B. The groundwork for professional historiography in East Asia was
established by the Han Dynasty.
C. It was once part of the many related fields of study like history,
philosophy, law, and economics.
D. It has its roots in Ancient Greek Psychology such as epistemology,
metaphysics, religion, and oriental philosophy.
____7. He is the author of “Histories” which is the record of ancient traditions and culture
of Greece, Asia, and Africa. He also treated historical subjects as a method of
investigation. Who is this Greek historian?
A. Adam Smith C. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Edward Burnett Taylor D. Herodotus
____8. A German psychologist who trained psychology students to make observations that
were biased by personal interpretation or previous experience and use the results
to develop a theory of conscious thought. Who is this psychologist?
A. August Comte C. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Herodotus D. Wilhelm Wundt

____9. Adam Smith wrote the “Wealth of Nations” in 1776 and he constructed an
explanation on how social behavior is regulated. What other notable contributions
did he make in the field of Economics?
A. He founded the classical school.
B. He published the book titled “The Politics.”
C. He prepared the earliest maps used in the past.
D. He advocated the application of scientific method to social life and
____10. Aristotle pioneered the Political Science discipline. Which of the following is his
contribution in the said field?
A. Accepted the concept that the earth is round.
B. Laid down the foundation of governance and leadership.
C. Argued that conscious mental states could be scientifically studied.
D. Advocated the application of scientific method to social life and positivism.

Answer Key


1. B 7. L 1. Yes
1. B 6. A
2. E 8. G 2. No
2. D 7. B
3. A 9. K 3. Yes
3. A 8. D
4. C 10. J 4. Yes
4. D 9. D
5. F 11. H 5. No
5. B 10. D
6. D 12. I


6. Linguistics 6. Sociology 1. C 6. I
7. History 7. Economics 2. E 7. A
8. Psychology 8. Anthropology 3. F 8. D
9. Geography 4. G
10. Political Science 5. B


1. Emergence 1. D 6. D
2-3. Linguistics and History 2. D 7. D
4-5. Eratosthenes and Ferdinand de Saussure 3. B 8. D
4. B 9. A
5. A 10. B


Abulencia, Arthur S., Jefferson Sadera, Ma. Lorella C. Arabit-Zapatos, Wensley M. Reyes,
and Nikolee Marie A Serafico. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences Teacher’s
Guide. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2017.

“Emergence.” Cambridge Dictionary. Accessed April 1, 2021.

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