header, including strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), strcat(), strchr(), and strtok(). Character type functions like isalpha() and isdigit() are in the header. The C++ string class provides an object-oriented alternative to C-strings."> header, including strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp(), strcat(), strchr(), and strtok(). Character type functions like isalpha() and isdigit() are in the header. The C++ string class provides an object-oriented alternative to C-strings.">
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1. Characters

C++ Programming Language 1.1 Header <cctype> - Character Type Library

2. Strings: The C-String and the string
2.1 C-String Literals

Characters and Strings 2.2 C-String Headers and Func�ons

2.3 The C++'s string class
2.4 The C-String Input Methods
2.5 The string Class Input Methods
2.6 basic_string Template Class
3. Unicode Characters and Strings
1. Characters

1.1 Header <cctype> - Character Type Library

The <cctype> character type header (ported from C' <ctype.h>), contains the following character handling func�ons.


int isalpha (int ch);

Return 1 if ch is alphabetic; and 0 otherwise
int isdigit (int ch);
Return 1 if ch is a digit [0-9]; and 0 otherwise
int isalnum (int ch);
Return 1 if ch is an alphabet or digit; and 0 otherwise
int isxdigit (int ch);
Return 1 if ch is a hexadecimal digit [0-9A-Fa-f]; and 0 otherwise

int isupper (int ch);

Return 1 if ch is in uppercase; and 0 otherwise
int islower (int ch);
Return 1 if ch is in lowercase; and 0 otherwise

int toupper (int ch);

Return the uppercase of ch
int tolower (int ch);
Return the lowercase of ch

int isspace (int ch);

Return 1 if ch is a white space (blank ' ', carriage return '\r',
newline '\n', tab '\t', form feed '\f', vertical tab '\v') and 0 otherwise
int ispunct (int ch) punctuation character?
int iscntrl (int ch) control character?
int isprint (int ch) printable character?
int isgraph (int ch) graphical representation?

All these func�ons treat a char as a signed int.

2. Strings: The C-String and the string class

Recall that C++ supports two types of strings:
1. The C-style string (or C-String) in header cstring (ported over from C's string.h), which represents a string as a char array terminated by a null character '\0' (or 0) (null-
terminated char array).
2. The new C++ string class in header string. string is a regular class, with public interface defined in the constructors and public member func�ons.

2.1 C-String Literals

A string literal such as "hello" is treated as "an array of n const char", terminated with the null '\0' character (equivalent to 0), where n is the length of the array including the
termina�ng null character.

int main() {
char * str1 = "hello";
// warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
char * str2 = const_cast<char *>("hello"); // remove the "const"

const char * str3 = "hello";

// *(str3 + 1) = 'a'; // error: assignment of read-only location '*(str3 + 1u)'

char str4[] = "hello";

str4[1] = 'a';

const char str5[] = "hello";

// str5[1] = 'a'; // error: assignment of read-only location 'str5[1]'

Take note that you cannot modify the content pointed to by const char *.

2.2 C-String Headers and Functions

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C-string (null-terminated char array) can be declared as char* or char[]. This is because C treats an array name as a pointer to the first element of the array. Unlike regular arrays,
there is no need to pass the length of C-string into func�on, as the func�on can deduce the length from the termina�ng null character.

C-String Functions in <cstring> header

The <cstring> header (ported from C's string.h) contains these commonly-used func�ons to operate on C-strings.


size_t strlen (const char * cstr) char * msg = "Hello";

Return the length of cstr, excluding terminating null character '\0'. cout << strlen(msg); // length of string
size_t is typically typedef of unsigned int.

// Copying
char * strcpy (char * dest, const char * src)
Copy src into dest, return dest
char * strncpy (char * dest, const char * src, size_t n)
Copy at most n characters from src into dest, return dest

// Comparison
int strcmp (const char * cstr1, const char * cstr2)
Compare cstr1 and cstr2. Return 0 if cstr1 is equal to cstr1,
less than zero (usually -1) if cstr1 is less than cstr2,
more than zero (usually 1) if cstr1 is more than cstr2.
int strncmp (const char * cstr1, const char * cstr2, size_t n)
Compare up to n characters.

// Concatenation
char * strcat (char * dest, const char * src)
Append src to dest, return src.
char * strncat (char * dest, const char * src, size_t n)
Append at most n characters from src into dest, return src.

// Searching
char * strchr (char * cstr, int ch);
Return a pointer to the first occurrence of character
char * strrchr (char * cstr, int ch);
Return a pointer to the last occurrence of character
char * strstr (char * cstr1, char * cstr2);
Return a pointer to the first occurrence of cstr2 in cstr1
size_t strspn (const char * cstr, const char * accept)
Return the length (span) of the initial portion of cstr
which consists of only characters in accept
char * strpbrk (char * cstr, const char * accept)
Similar to strspn, but string pointer break returns a pointer
to the first occurrence in cstr of any char in accept
size_t strcspn (const char * cstr, const char * reject)
Complement of strspn. Return the length of the initial
portion of cstr, which does not have char in reject

// Tokenizing
char * strtok (char * cstr, const char * delim)
Tokenize cstr with delim as the delimiters

[TODO] example

C-String Functions in <cstdlib> header

The <cstdlib> header (ported from C's <stdlib.h>) contains func�ons to convert C-strings to fundamental types.


int atoi (char * cstr)

Parse C-string cstr into an int
double atof (char * cstr)
Parse C-string cstr into a double
long atol (char * cstr)
Parse C-string cstr into a long int
long long atoll (char * cstr)
Parse C-string cstr into a long long int

double strtod (const char * cstr, char** endptr)

Parse C-string cstr into a double. If endptr is not a null pointer,
set the endptr to the first character after the number
float strtof (const char * cstr, char** endptr)
long strtol (const char * cstr, char** endptr)
long double strtold (const char * cstr, char** endptr)
long long strtoll (const char * cstr, char** endptr)
unsigned long long strtoull (const char * cstr, char** endptr)

[TODO] example

C-String Input/Output Functions in <iostream> Header

The <iostream> supports these func�ons for c-string input and output:


cin >> var char *msg;

Read a word (delimiter by space) cin >> msg;

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cin.getline(char * cstr, unsigned int n) char msg[256];

cin.getline(char * cstr, unsigned int n, char delim) cin.getline(msg, 256);
Read n-1 characters ('\0' appended) or till delimiter is reached. cin.getline(msg, 256, '\n');
The delimiter character is not stored.

int cin.get(): Return the next character, casted as an int.

cin.peek(): return the next character (casted as an int),

but not removing it from the input stream.

cin.ignore(unsigned int n = 1, int delim = EOF): cin.ignore(256, ' '); // Skip next word
Remove n-1 characters from the input stream, or until delimiter is reached. cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); // Flush input buffer

Converting C-string to Uppercase/Lowercase

You probably have to write your own func�on using cctype's toupper() and tolower(), which converts individual character. For example,

inline void strtoupper(char* str) {

while (*str) {
*str = toupper(*str);

2.3 The C++'s string class

The string class, in header <string> and under namespace std (i.e., std::string), models character sequences. The string class is an instan�a�on of the
basic_string<T> template class that uses char type with a typedef.

typedef basic_string<char> string;

typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;

string Class Constructors

string ();
// (1) Default constructor: construct an empty string of length 0.
string (const string & str);
// (2) Copy constructor: construct by copying str (by value)
string (const string & str, size_t pos, size_t len = npos);
// (3) Substring constructor: copy the substring starting at pos, of the len.
// size_t is usually typedef to unsigned int
// npos is a static constant in string (i.e., string::npos),
// which holds the maximum value of size_t.
string (const char * cstr);
// (4) C-string: construct by copying the C-string.
string (const char * cstr, size_t len);
// (5) C-string buffer: construct by copying the cstr for len
string (size_t len, char c);
// (6) Fill Constructor: fill len with char c
template <class Iterator>
string (Iterator first, Iterator last);
// (7) Iterator: copy the char in [first, last)
string (initializer_list<char> initList);
// (C++11)(8) Initializer list
string (string && str) noexcept;
// (C++11)(9) Move Constructor


string str1("apple");
string str2 = orange;
// '=' is not an assignment, but an implicit call to string's
// constructor str2("orange");

You cannot construct a string from char, int or double.

Example: string Constructor

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string> // C++ string class
3 #include <cstring> // C-string
4 using namespace std;
6 int main() {
7 char cstr[] = "hello world!"; // C-string literal
9 string s1; // (1) Default constructor
10 cout << s1.length() << endl; // 0
11 cout << s1.size() << endl; // 0 - length() and size() are synonyms
13 string s4(cstr); // (4) C-string
14 s4[1] = 'E'; // [] does not perform index bound check
15 cout << s4 << endl; // "hEllo world!"
17 string s2(s4); // (2) Copy constructor
18 s2.at(0) = 'H'; // at() does index-bound check
19 // at() can be used on RHS
20 cout << s2 << endl; // "HEllo world!"
21 cout << s4 << endl; // no change - copy by value

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23 string s3a(s4, 2); // (3) Substring

24 cout << s3a << endl; // "llo world!"
25 s3a += " again"; // Append
26 cout << s3a << endl; // "llo world! again"
28 string s3b(s3a, 4, 3); // (3) Substring
29 cout << s3b << endl; // "wor"
31 string s5a(cstr, strlen(cstr)); // (5) C-string buffer
32 cout << s5a << endl; // "hello world!"
33 string s5b(cstr, 15); // (5) C-string buffer
34 cout << s5b << endl; // "hello world! ??"
35 // If len > length of cstr, garbage copied
37 string s6(5, '$'); // (6) Fill constructor
38 cout << s6 << endl; // "$$$$$"
40 string s7a(cstr, cstr + 4); // (7) Iterator
41 cout << s7a << endl; // "hell"
42 // cstr1 is char*. Instantiate type parameter Iterator to char*
44 // string s7b(s4, s4 + 2);
45 // error: no match for 'operator+' in 's4 + 2'
46 // s4 is a string object, not char*
48 string s7c(&s4[0], &s4[2]); // (7) Iterator
49 // &s4[0] and &s4[2] are char*
50 cout << s7c << endl; // "hE"
52 string s7d(s4.begin(), s4.end());
53 // begin() returns an iterator pointing to the first character
54 // end() returns an iterator pointing to past-the-end character
55 cout << s7d << endl; // "hEllo world!"
56 }

Example: C++11 string Constructor

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string> // C++ string class
3 using namespace std;
5 int main() {
6 // To compile with option -std=c++0x
7 string str1 = {'a', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e'}; // (8) C++11 Initializer List
8 cout << str1 << endl; // "apple"
9 string str2 {'o', 'r', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e'}; // (8) C++11 Initializer List ("=" optional)
10 cout << str2 << endl; // "orange"
11 // Using C-string literal is more convenient
12 // Included in string class to make initializer list syntax universal
13 }

string Class Overloaded Operators

Most of the string class operators are overloaded to handle string objects, as well as C-string and literals.

// Member functions - First operand must be a string object

= // assignment
[] // character at index - no index range check
+= // append

// Friends (non-member functions) - First operand could be a non-string

+ // Concatenate two strings (one of them could be C-string or literal),
// return a new string object (by value)
==, !=, <, <=, >, >= // Relational (comparison) operators.
// Compare two strings (one of them could be C-string or literal)
// based on the machine collating sequence
>> // Stream extraction (input)
<< // Stream insertion (output)

Public Functions
Most of the string class func�ons are overloaded to handle string objects, as well as C-string and literals.

// Capacity
size_t size () const; // Return the size of the string
size_t length () const; // same as above
// length() was from earlier version, size() added for compatibility with STL
bool empty () const; // Return true for empty string
void clear (); // Clear to empty string
void resize (size_t n, char pad = '\0'); // resize the string to length n,
// discard trailing characters, or insert pad char

string::npos // static variable for the maximum possible characters in string,

// typically max of size_t (unsigned int)
size_t max_size () const; // Return the maximum size of string object
size_t capacity () const; // Storage (in terms of characters) currently allocated
void reserve (size_t n = 0); // Request for minimum of this capacity
void shrink_to_fit (); // (C++11) Request to reduce the capacity

Unlike C-string, which uses a fixed-size array, the string class handles the memory allocated implicitly. In other words, you can append more characters without worrying about

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exceeding the size. C++ implementa�on may allocate an ini�al block which is larger than the actual string length to allow the content to grow, and allocate more block when the current
block is filled. You can use func�on capacity() to check the current alloca�on, and reserve() to request for a minimum alloca�on.


1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string> // C++ string class
3 using namespace std;
5 int main() {
6 string strLarge("This is a very very very vary large string");
7 string strSmall("Hi");
8 string strEmpty;
10 cout << "size=" << strLarge.size() << " capacity=" << strLarge.capacity() << endl;
11 cout << "size=" << strSmall.size() << " capacity=" << strSmall.capacity() << endl;
12 cout << "size=" << strEmpty.size() << " capacity=" << strEmpty.capacity() << endl;
14 cout << "string::npos=" << string::npos << endl;
15 cout << "max_size=" << strEmpty.max_size() << endl;
17 strSmall.reserve(100);
18 cout << "size=" << strSmall.size() << " capacity=" << strSmall.capacity() << endl;
20 strLarge.resize(10);
21 cout << strLarge << endl;
22 cout << "size=" << strLarge.size() << " capacity=" << strLarge.capacity() << endl;
23 strSmall.resize(10, '-');
24 cout << strSmall << endl;
25 cout << "size=" << strSmall.size() << " capacity=" << strSmall.capacity() << endl;
27 strLarge.clear();
28 cout << "size=" << strLarge.size() << " capacity=" << strLarge.capacity() << endl;
29 strLarge.shrink_to_fit(); // C++11
30 cout << "size=" << strLarge.size() << " capacity=" << strLarge.capacity() << endl;
31 }

size=42 capacity=42
size=2 capacity=2
size=0 capacity=0
size=2 capacity=100
This is a
size=10 capacity=42
size=10 capacity=100
size=0 capacity=42
size=0 capacity=0

// C-string

Some func�ons, such as ofstream's open() which opens a file, accept only C-string. You can use c_str to get a C-string from an string object.

// Element Access
char & operator[] (size_t pos); // Return char at pos, no index range check
char & at (size_t pos); // Return char at pos, with index range check
char & front (); // Return first char
char & back (); // Return last char
string substr (size_t pos = 0, size_t len = npos) const; // Return a substring

// Modifying

// Searching
size_t find (const string & str, size_t pos = 0) const;
size_t find (const char * cstr, size_t pos = 0) const;
size_t find (const char * cstr, size_t pos, size_t n) const;
size_t find (char c, size_t pos = 0) const;
// Find the first occurrence of the string or char, starting from pos
// Return the index or string::npos if not found
rfind: last occurrence
find_first_of: first occurrence of ANY of the character in the string
find_last_of: last occurrence of ANY of the character in the string
find_first_not_of: first occurrence of NOT ANY of the character in the string
find_last_not_of: last occurrence of NOT ANY of the character in the string

Example: string objects and their operations

1 /*
2 * Guess a secret word (WordGuess.cpp)
3 */

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4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <string>
6 #include <cstdlib>
7 #include <ctime>
8 #include <cctype>
9 using namespace std;
11 const int NUM_WORDS = 18;
12 const string WORD_LIST[NUM_WORDS] = {
13 "apple", "orange", "banana", "watermelon", "pear",
14 "pineapple", "papaya", "mango", "grape", "strawberry",
15 "lemon", "peach", "cherry", "apricot", "coconut",
16 "honeydew", "apricot", "blueberry"};
18 int main() {
19 // Seed the pseudo-random number generator
20 srand(time(0));
22 bool over = false; // gameover
23 do {
24 string target = WORD_LIST[rand() % NUM_WORDS]; // choose a word between 0 to NUM_WORDS-1
25 int target_length = target.length();
26 string attempt(target_length, '-'); // init to all dashes
27 string badChars; // contains bad chars used
28 int trial = 1; // number of trials
30 cout << "Guess the secret word" << endl;
32 while (attempt != target) {
33 char letter;
34 cout << "Your guess so far: " << attempt << endl;
35 cout << "Trial " << trial << ": Guess a letter: ";
36 cin >> letter;
38 // Check if the letter has been used
39 if (badChars.find(letter) != string::npos
40 || attempt.find(letter) != string::npos) {
41 cout << "You already use this letter. Try again.\n";
42 continue;
43 }
45 // Check for good or bad letter
46 int pos = target.find(letter);
47 if (pos == string::npos) {
48 cout << "Oh, bad guess!\n";
49 badChars += letter; // add to badChars string
50 } else {
51 cout << "Good guess!\n";
52 attempt[pos] = letter;
53 // Check if this letter appears again later
54 do {
55 pos = target.find(letter, pos + 1);
56 if (pos != string::npos) attempt[pos] = letter;
57 } while (pos != string::npos);
58 }
60 ++trial;
61 }
63 cout << "You got it in " << trial << " trials! The secret word is \""
64 << target << "\"" << endl;
66 char playAgain;
67 cout << "Another game? <y/n> ";
68 cin >> playAgain;
69 if (playAgain != 'y' && playAgain != 'Y') over = true;
70 } while (!over);
72 cout << "Bye\n";
73 return 0;
74 }

[TODO] More Example

Converting a string to Uppercase/Lowercase

Use the transform() func�on in algorithm.

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

std::string str = "Hello World";

std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::toupper);

2.4 The C-String Input Methods

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C-string has three input methods: stream extrac�on operator (>>), getline() and get(). All 3 func�ons belong to the istream class.

istream's Overloaded Stream Extraction Operator (>>)

The stream extrac�on operator (>>) of istream class has the following prototype for C-strings:

istream & operator>> (istream & is, char * str);

// Example usage:
char str[80];
cin >> str;

It extracts characters from the input stream and store into str, un�l either a whitespace (blank, tab, newline) is encountered or width-1 characters is read. A termina�ng null
character is automa�cally inserted. The default width is 0, indica�ng unlimited. You can set the width via cin >> setw(n) (in header <iomanip>) or cin.width(n).
setw() is non-s�cky and is only applicable to next input opera�on. It is reset to 0. The trailing whitespace is le� in the input stream. The leading white spaces are ignored.

For example,

const int SIZE = 5;

char str[SIZE]; // max strlen is SIZE - 1

cout << "Enter a word: ";

cin >> setw(SIZE) >> str; // need <iomanip> header
cout << str << endl;

We set the width to the SIZE (=5) of the char[]. cin << reads up to 4 characters or whitespace.
If you enter "12\n", "12" is read into str, and "\n" remains in the input buffer.
If you enter "12345\n", "1234" is read into str, and "5\n" remains in the input buffer.
If you enter "12 345\n", "12" is read into str, and " 345\n" remains in the input buffer.
The next cin >> discards the leading whitespaces and starts with the first non-whitespace character.
If width is not set properly and if the input (including the termina�ng null character) exceeds the size of char array, memory will be corrupted.
You may need to flush the input buffer (see below).

The getline() func�on of the istream class has the following prototypes:

istream & getline (char * str, int n);

istream & getline (char * str, int n, char delim);

// Example usage
char str[80];
cin.getline(str, 80); // Read up to 79 chars or '\n'; discarding '\n'
cin.getline(str, 80, ':'); // Read up to 79 chars or ':'; discarding ':'

getline() extracts characters from the input stream and stores in str, un�l either it reaches the delimiter character (default of '\n'), or n-1 character is wri�en to str. A
termina�ng null character is automa�cally inserted. The delimiter, if found, is extracted and discarded from input stream. You can use cin.gcount() to get the number of characters
extracted (including delim). getline() reads all whitespace (including leading whitespaces which is ignore by cin >>).

If n-1 character is read and the next character is not delimit, then the failbit (of the istream) is set. You can check the failbit via bool func�on cin.fail(). You need to
invoke cin.clear() to clear the error bit. Otherwise, all subsequent getline() will fail and return gcount() of 0.

For example,

const int SIZE = 5;

char str[SIZE]; // max strlen is SIZE - 1

cout << "Enter a line: ";

cin.getline(str, SIZE); // Read a line (including whitespaces) until newline, discard newline
cout << "\"" << str << "\" length=" << strlen(str) << endl;
cout << "Number of characters extracted: " << cin.gcount() << endl;

if (cin.fail()) {
cout << "failbit is set!" << endl;
cin.clear(); // Clear all error bits. Otherwise, subsequent getline() fails

Again, we set n to the SIZE (=5) of char[]. getline() reads up to 4 characters or '\n'.
If you enter "xxxx\n", where xxxx may include whitespaces, "xxxx" is read into str, and "\n" discarded from input buffer.
If you enter "xxxxyyy\n", "xxxx" is read into str, "yyy\n" remains in input buffer. failbit is set. You need to clear the error bits before issuing another getline() call.

The get() func�on of the istream class has the following prototypes for C-string:

// C-string
istream & get (char * str, int n);
istream & get (char * str, int n, char delim);

get(str, n, delim) is similar to getline(str, n, delim), except that the delim character is not extracted and remains in the input stream.

Single-character Input
The get() member func�on is more o�en used to read a single character, unforma�ed, including whitespaces and newlines. It has the following two versions:

// Single character
istream & get (char & c); // Read next character into the char reference and
// return the istream for concatenated operations
// It returns null pointer (converted to false) at end-of-file

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int get (); // Read next character and return an int

// Return a special value EOF at end-of-file

// Examples
char ch;
while (cin.get(ch) && ch != '\') { ...... } // read all characters until newline
// You cannot use cin >> ch, because it ignores the whitespace
while (cin.get(ch)) { ...... } // read until end-of-file

int ch;
while (ch = cin.get() != EOF) { ....... } // read until end-of-file

When the end-of-file is encountered, get(char &) returns a null pointer, which is converted to false. On the other hand, get(void) return a special value EOF (defined in
<iostream>). get(char &) has no room to represent any special symbol such as EOF!

In brief, there are 3 methods for reading single character, cin >> char, get(char &) and get(void). cin >> char skips whitespaces, get(char &) reads a character by
reference, while get(void) reads a character and return an int. get(void) is closely resembled the C's getchar(void) func�on (in stdio.h) and can be used to convert C
programs into C++.

Flushing the cin Buffer

Use cin.ignore() as follows. You may need to issue an cin.clear() to clear the error bits first.

// Ignore to the end-of-file

cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max()); // need header <limits>

// Ignore to the end-of-line

cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

istream::peek(), istream::unget(), etc.

2.5 The string Class Input Methods

The string class has two input methods: stream extrac�on operator (>>) and getline(). Both methods are similar to C-string counterpart, but they are much simpler, as you don't
need to worry about the limit of the string, compared with a fixed-size char array.

string's Stream Extraction Operator (>>)

The string class overloads the >> (stream extrac�on operator) via friend func�on such that it operates on string object like C-string:

istream & operator>> (istream & is, string & str)

// Example usage
string str;
cin >> str;
// Compared with C-string, no need to set the width

It extracts a string (word) from the input stream, delimited by whitespace (blank, tab or newline), and stores in str, overriding its previous value. The size of str is determined by the
length of input.

The string class also provides a friend func�on getline():

istream & getline (istream & is, string & str);

istream & getline (istream & is, string & str, char delim);

// Example usage
string str;
getline(cin, str); // default delimiter of '\n'
getline(cin, str, ':');
// Compared with C-string:
// 1. No need to specify a limit
// 2. NOT cin.getline()
// C-string getline() is a member function of istream class
// string class' getline() is a non-member friend function

It extracts characters from the input stream into str un�l the delimiter character is found (default of newline '\n') or end-of-file is reached. The delimiter is extracted and discard
from the input buffer, i.e., the next opera�on will begin a�er the delimiter. The size of str is determined by the length of input.

The maximum allowable size for a string object is defined by the constant string::npos, which is typically the maximum value of unsigned int.
If getline() is used to read from a file, and end-of-file is encountered, the eofbit of the input stream will be set. That is, fail() and eof() of the input stream will return
If the maximum allowable size of string is reached, or memory exhausted, the failbit of the input stream will be set. That is, fail() of the input stream will return true.
An input stream maintains its status in these bits: goodbit (good() func�on) indicates all is fine; failbit (fail() func�on) indicates input error; badbit (bad()
func�on) indicates recognized failure such as hardware failure; eofbit (eof() func�on) indicates end-of-file detected.

2.6 basic_string Template Class

The string class is an instan�a�on of the basic_string template class with parameterized type of char.

The declara�on of basic_string is:

template < class charT,

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C++ Libraries, String and Standard Template Library https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/cpp/cp9_String.html

class traits = char_traits<charT>, // basic_string::traits_type

class Alloc = allocator<charT> > // basic_string::allocator_type
class basic_string;

There are 4 instan�a�ons for basic_string template class, with a typedef.

typedef basic_string<char> string;

typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;
typedef basic_string<char16_t> u16string; // C++11
typedef basic_string<char32_t> u32string; // C++11

3. Unicode Characters and Strings

[TODO] Types: wchar_t, char16_t, char32_t.

[TODO] C's headers: cuchar, wchar, cwctype.

[TODO] C++ Classes: wstring, u16string, u32string.

Link to "C++ References & Resources"

Latest version tested: GCC 4.6.2

Last modified: May, 2013

Feedback, comments, corrections, and errata can be sent to Chua Hock-Chuan (ehchua@ntu.edu.sg) | HOME

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