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[ G.R. No. 203471. September 14, 2020 ]



Through the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari (Petition) under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court, petitioner Virgilio A. Bote (Bote) assails the Decision[1] dated April 30, 2012 and
Resolution[2] dated September 7, 2012 rendered by the Court of Appeals, Tenth Division (CA),
in CA-G.R. SP No. 120472, which modified the Decision[3] dated March 22, 2010 of the Office
of the Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon (Ombudsman) in Case No. OMB-L-A-09-0561-J, and
held that Bote is guilty of culpable violation of the Constitution punishable with the penalty of
suspension from office without pay for a period of two months.

The Facts of the Case

This Petition stemmed from an administrative complaint filed by Rolando C. Salonga on behalf
of respondent San Pedro Cineplex Properties, Inc. (SPCPI) against Bote, then incumbent mayor
of General Tinio, Nueva Ecija, for violation of Section 444(b)(2)(iv) of Republic Act No. (R.A.)
7160,[4] abuse of authority, and culpable violation of the Constitution.

Bote and SPCPI had a legal dispute over a real property located in Landayan, San Pedro,
Laguna.[5] Bote is the representative of the heirs of Manuel Humada Enano (Enano), who
claimed to be the rightful owners of the disputed property. On September 8, 2009, the trial
court, in a quieting of title case, rendered a decision in favor of the heirs of Enano.[6]

SPCPI alleged that on September 12, 2009, before it even learned of the decision of the trial
court, Bote went to the disputed property and brought along with him a group of armed men to
harass the security guards hired by the SPCPI to secure the premises.[7] The armed men
allegedly destroyed the fence and tried to enter the premises.[8] When the security guards hired
by SPCPI from Defense Specialist Corporation (DSC) tried to stop the armed men, the latter
started firing at them.[9] As a result, the DSC security guards filed criminal charges for
attempted murder against Bote and the armed men. The criminal charges against Bote were later
on dismissed.[10]

SPCPI also filed the instant administrative case against Bote. SPCPI averred that Bote: (a)
violated Section 444(b)(2)(iv) of R.A. 7160 when he brought his firearm to the location of the
disputed property which is outside his territorial jurisdiction as a mayor;[11] (b) abused his
position as mayor of General Tinio, Nueva Ecija, when in order to obtain the assistance of the
Philippine National Police (PNP), he sent PSSupt. Manolito Labrador (PSSupt. Labrador) a
letter containing the following: "I believe that this extension [of donated land] being an
incumbent Municipal Mayor will help a quick police action to our citizenry in Region IV-A;"[12]
and (c) committed illegal and oppressive acts amounting to culpable violation of the

Bote denied the accusations against him and interposed that it was the other way around.
According to Bote, he hired Spyeagle Security Agency (SSA) to guard the disputed property.
On or about 11:30 p.m. of September 12, 2009, a group of armed men suddenly fired upon the
SSA security guards, forcing the latter to seek cover.[13] When the firing ceased, two of the
armed men introduced themselves as members of DSC and gave them five days to vacate the
premises.[14] This incident prompted Bote to build a wall around the property.[15]

On September 17, 2009, while Bote's workers were constructing a wall on the perimeter of the
premises, two men from DSC arrived together with armed men.[16] This time, they also
harassed the workers. Because of the threats, Bote averred that he was forced to seek the
assistance of the local police to prevent any untoward incident from happening.[17]

Bote belied the accusations against him and claimed that he did not have any firearm registered
under his name, and that he was not even present in any of the incidents.[18] Thus, he could not
have violated Section 444(b)(2)(iv) of R.A. 7160. On the charge of abuse of authority, Bote
argued that he wrote a letter to PSSupt. Labrador, not to secure the property, but the community.
[19] He further stressed that he never intended to use his influence as a mayor for which reason
he used the letterhead of Agua Tierra Oro Mina (ATOM) Development Corporation in seeking
police assistance.[20]

Ruling of the Ombudsman

In a Decision dated March 22, 2010, the Ombudsman dismissed the administrative complaint
for lack of substantial evidence.[21] The Ombudsman held that SPCPI failed to present proof
that Bote held a firearm during the incident, and that Bote used his position as municipal mayor
in obtaining the assistance of the local police. The Ombudsman, however, did not rule on the
charge for culpable violation of the Constitution.

SPCPI sought reconsideration of the decision, but the same was denied in an Order[22] dated
May 18, 2011. Anent the charge of culpable violation of the Constitution, the Ombudsman held
that SPCPI failed to specify which Constitutional provision was actually violated. Nonetheless,
the illegal and oppressive actions allegedly committed by Bote fall squarely within the
definition of misconduct. The Ombudsman further held that the imposition of administrative
charge against Bote has been rendered moot and academic by his re-election as mayor.

Aggrieved, SPCPI filed a petition for certiorari[23] with the CA.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

In a Decision[24] dated April 30, 2012, the CA modified the Ombudsman Decision. The CA
affirmed the dismissal of the administrative charges for violation of Section 444(b)(2)(iv) of
R.A. 7160 and abuse of authority on the basis of his re-election, but held petitioner guilty of
committing illegal and oppressive acts amounting to culpable violation of the Constitution.
According to the CA, the illegal and oppressive acts of Bote did not bear a direct relation to his
office as municipal mayor and were committed by him in his private capacity. As such, said
acts, which did not amount to "misconduct," were not condoned by reason of his re-election.

Bote sought reconsideration of the CA Decision, but the same was denied in a Resolution[25]
dated September 7, 2012.

Hence, this Petition.[26]


Whether the CA erred in modifying the Ombudsman Decision and in holding Bote guilty of
culpable violation of the Constitution.

The Court's Ruling

Bote argues that the CA erred in holding him guilty of committing illegal and oppressive acts
since he was only exercising his right to exclude respondent from the disputed property
following the favorable decision of the trial court.[27] He also claims that the question on
whether his acts amounted to a culpable violation of the Constitution is still premature
considering that the issue on the ownership over the property has not yet been resolved with
finality.[28] Finally, Bote asserts that, contrary to the findings of the CA, the charges against him
only consist of one continuous act taken as a whole which are all deemed condoned by his re-

In its Comment,[30] SPCPI seeks the dismissal of the Petition on the ground that it raises
questions of fact which are inappropriate in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45.
SPCPI further contends that the acts of petitioner amounting to culpable violation of the
Constitution were directed at persons so far outside his jurisdiction as municipal mayor such
that his constituents cannot be expected or presumed to be aware of such.[31] Thus, the latter
cannot condone what they do not even know.[32] In turn, Bote fortifies his arguments in his

The Petition has merit.

Bote was charged with three distinct offenses: (1) violation of Section 444(b)(2)(iv) of R.A.
7160; (2) abuse of authority; and (3) culpable violation of the Constitution—all of which are
grounds to remove or discipline an elective local official under Section 60 of R.A. 7160, viz.:

Section 60. Grounds for Disciplinary Actions. - An elective local official may be
disciplined, suspended, or removed from office on any of the following grounds:

a) Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines;

b) Culpable violation of the Constitution;
c) Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct in office, gross negligence, or dereliction
of duty;
d) Commission of any offense involving moral turpitude or an offense punishable
by at least prision mayor;
e) Abuse of authority;
f) Unauthorized absence for fifteen (15) consecutive working days, except in the
case of members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang panlungsod,
sangguniang bayan, and sangguniang barangay;
g) Application for, or acquisition of, foreign citizenship or residence or the status
of an immigrant of another country; and
h) Such other grounds as may be provided in this Code and other laws.

An elective local official may be removed from office on the grounds enumerated
above by order of the proper court. (Emphasis supplied.)

The Ombudsman, in an Order dated May 18, 2011, applied the doctrine of condonation to bar
all the foregoing administrative charges against petitioner. According to the Ombudsman, re-
election to office serves to condone whatever misconduct a public officer may have committed
during his previous term, thus:

Finally, as regards the incomplete resolution of the complainant's grievance, we

submit that the discussion on the charge of misconduct is broad enough to cover the
other accusations against respondent. Further, while the complainant insists on
charging the respondent with culpable violation of the constitution, he failed to
specify which provision was actually violated. To elucidate, illegal and oppressive
actions allegedly committed by the respondent fall squarely within the definition of
misconduct which covers a wide latitude of infractions. This Office did not actually
disregard the last charge but incorporated it with the offense of Misconduct.

More importantly, the imposition of the administrative charge against the [petitioner]
has been rendered moot and academic by the re-election of the [petitioner] Mayor.
As held in the case of Aguinaldo vs. Santos, et al., re-election to office serves to
condone whatever misconduct a public officer may have committed during his
previous term in office.[34] (Citation omitted.)

On the other hand, the CA held that the doctrine of condonation only applies to administrative
liability arising from 'misconduct" or acts committed in relation to public office. The CA found
that the illegal and oppressive acts, the acts alleged to constitute culpable violation of the
Constitution, were committed by Bote in his private capacity, and therefore not subject to
condonation. The CA held thus:

WE are cognizant of the rule that "a re[-]elected local official may not be held
administratively accountable for misconduct committed during his prior term of
office. The rationale for this holding is that when the electorate put him back into the
office, it is presumed that it did so with full knowledge of his life and character,
including his past misconduct. If, armed with such knowledge, it still re-elects him,
then such re-election is considered a condonation of his past misdeeds."
The question now that comes to fore is: What is the kind of "misconduct" that is
condoned in case of the public official's re-election?

In the old case of Lacson vs. Roque, misconduct in an administrative case has been
defined in this wise —

"Misconduct in office has a definite and well-understood legal meaning.

By uniform legal definition, it is a misconduct such as only affects his
character as a private individual. In such cases, it has been said all times,
it is necessary to separate the character of the man from the character of
the officer. (Mechem, supra, section 457.) "It is settled that misconduct,
misfeasance, or malfeasance warranting removal from office of an
officer, must have direct relation to and be connected with the
performance of official duties amounting either to maladministration or
willful, intentional neglect and failure to discharge the duties of the office
[x x x]" (43, Am. Jur., 39, 40)."

In another case, misconduct means an improper or wrongful conduct. It is the

transgression of some established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a
dereliction of duty, willful in character, and implies wrongful intent and not mere
error in judgment. It generally means wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct
motivated by a premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose. The term, however,
does not necessarily imply corruption or criminal intent. To constitute an
administrative offense, misconduct should relate to or be connected with the
performance of the official functions and duties of a public officer.

Guided by the foregoing standard on what constitutes misconduct, for the doctrine of
condonation to apply, the malfeasance, misfeasance or non-feasance committed by
the elective official should have a direct relation to his official function or have
adversely affected the performance of his official duties.


This brings Us now to the charge for illegal and oppressive acts amounting to
culpable violation of the Constitution where [petitioner] intruded into [respondent's]
property and physically dispossessed it of its physical possession by fencing it and
putting equipment, container vans and bulldozers and deploying his security guards
therein. It should be noted that said acts cannot be linked with his office as a
municipal mayor as he committed the same as a private individual claiming a private
property as his.[35]

The CA correctly held that Bote may no longer be held administratively liable for violation of
444(b)(2)(iv) of R.A. 7160 and abuse of authority by reason of his re-election. After all, the
doctrine of condonation, prior to its abandonment in Carpio-Morales v. Court of Appeals,[36]
operates as a complete extinguishment of administrative liability for the misconduct committed
by an elective official during his previous term. However, in applying the doctrine in this case,
the CA need not draw a distinction between the acts committed by Bote in his official and
private capacities considering that there is no basis to hold him administratively liable for
culpable violation of the Constitution for the illegal and oppressive acts which he committed in
his private capacity.

SPCPI accused Bote of committing illegal and oppressive acts, amounting to culpable violation,
when he physically dispossessed SPCPI of the disputed property with the assistance of armed
men.[37] As found by the CA—

On this note, WE painstakingly reviewed the record and evidence submitted and
found that petitioner's allegation of illegal and oppressive acts committed by private
respondent which amount to culpable violation of the Constitution is predicated on
the incident that happened on the wee hours of September 12 and 13, 2009. As
averred by petition, the municipal mayor, who was armed and accompanied by about
thirty (30) other armed men tried to enter its premises and when prevented by its
guards, he shouted that he is Mayor Bote and is the owner of the subject property.
He then ordered his men to cut the barbed wire fencing petitioner's premises. When
the guards tried to stop them, they pointed their guns at them, constraining them to
run to cover themselves from the shots being fired. Thereafter, private respondent
took over the Dela Rosa Transit Terminal which is part of petitioner's property by
parking several trucks and a container van therein. In fact, this was the subject of a
Forcible Entry suit instituted by petitioner against private respondent before the
Municipal Trial Court of San Pedro, Laguna wherein the former obtained a favorable
judgment, thus, ordering the latter to vacate the premises and remove the fence he
built, the equipment, container vans, bulldozers and all security guards it deployed
and brought inside the property.[38]

SPCPI alleged that, through the foregoing acts, Bote violated its rights under Section 1, Article
III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which reads as follows:

SECTION 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due

process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.

The foregoing provision is part of the Bill of Rights enshrined in the 1987 Philippine
Constitution. The Bill of Rights was intended to preserve and guarantee the life, liberty, and
property of persons against unwarranted intrusions of the State. In the absence of government
interference, the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be invoked against the State,[39]
or its agents. Stated differently, the Bill of Rights cannot be invoked against private individuals,
or in cases where there is no participation by the State either through its instrumentalities or
persons acting on its behalf. As aptly held by the Court in Atienza v. Commission on Elections,
[40] viz.:

The constitutional limitations on the exercise of the state's powers are found in
Article III of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights, which
guarantees against the taking of life, property, or liberty without due process under
Section 1 is generally a limitation on the state's powers in relation to the rights of its
citizens. The right to due process is meant to protect ordinary citizens against
arbitrary government action, but not from acts committed by private individuals or
entities. In the latter case, the specific statutes that provide reliefs from such private
acts apply. The right to due process guards against unwarranted encroachment by the
state into the fundamental rights of its citizens and cannot be invoked in private
controversies involving private parties.[41] (Citation omitted.)

There is no dispute that Bote, at the time of the incident, was a municipal mayor—a government
official. However, the records are bereft of any indication that, during the incident, he was
acting as such, or on behalf of or upon authority of the State. Indeed, as factually found by the
CA, Bote was acting as a private individual or in his personal capacity, and the incident arose
from a private dispute between Bote and SPCPI involving a private property. While his
wrongful acts may give rise to criminal, civil, and administrative liabilities at the same time,
each must be determined in accordance with applicable law.

Here, it is clear that the private character of Bote's acts makes the Bill of Rights inapplicable.
Thus, while SPCPI can continue to insist that Bote violated its rights through his alleged illegal
and oppressive acts, SPCPI cannot invoke Section 1, Article III of the 1987 Constitution to
sustain an administrative case against Bote. SCPCI may find redress through a civil or criminal
suit, but not through an administrative one.

In sum, there is, and there can be, no "culpable violation of the Constitution" for which Bote
may be administratively disciplined. Therefore, for lack of cause of action, the administrative
charge against Bote for culpable violation of the Constitution should be dismissed.

WHEREFORE, this Court resolves to GRANT the Petition for Review on Certiorari. The
Decision dated April 30, 2012 and Resolution dated September 7, 2012 rendered by the Court of
Appeals, Tenth Division, in CA-G.R. SP No. 120472 are hereby ANNULLED and SET
ASIDE, and the administrative complaint against petitioner Virgilio A. Bote, DISMISSED.


Peralta, C.J., (Chairperson), Lazaro-Javier, Inting,[*] and Lopez, JJ., concur.

[*] Designated additional Member per Raffle dated July 27, 2020.

[1]Rollo, pp. 40-58. Penned by Associate Justice Priscilla J. Baltazar-Padilla (now a Member of
this Court) and concurred in by Associate Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. (also a Member of this
Court) and Associate Justice Agnes Reyes-Carpio.

[2] Id. at 59-65.

[3] Id. at 107-115.

[4] Section 444. The Chief Executive: Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. -

(b) For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which is the
general welfare of the municipality and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this
Code, the municipal mayor shall:
(2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the municipality
and the exercise of its corporate powers provided for under Section 22 of this Code
implement all approved policies, programs, projects, services and activities of the
municipality and, in addition to the foregoing, shall:
(iv) Be entitled to carry the necessary firearm within his territorial jurisdiction;

[5] Rollo, p. 40.

[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] Id.

[13] Id.

[14] Id. at 41-42.

[15] Id. at 42.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.

[18] Id.

[19] Id.

[20] Id.

[21] Supra note 3.

[22] Id. at 116-121.

[23] Id. at 66-106.

[24] Supra note 1.

[25] Supra note 2.

[26] Id. at 10-39.

[27] Id. at 22-23.

[28] Id. at 30.

[29] Id. at 31.

[30] Id. at 543-555.

[31] Id.

[32] Id.

[33] Id. at 568-574.

[34] Supra note 22.

[35] Id. at 51-53.

[36] 772 Phil. 672 (2015).

[37] Supra note 5.

[38] Id. at 55-56.

[39] People v. Marti, 211 Phil. 51, 58 (1991).

[40] 626 Phil. 654 (2010).

[41] Id. at 672-673.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library | Date created: August 16, 2022

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