CHAPTER - 3 Highway Materials
CHAPTER - 3 Highway Materials
CHAPTER - 3 Highway Materials
Sub grades usually consist of fine grained cohesive or non cohesive soils.
All these materials exhibit a stress dependent behavior implying that both
the stiffness and the shear strength increase with increasing confinement.
Soil investigation is, thus, an integral part of the location, design and
construction of highways.
The design depth is defined as the depth from the finished road level to the depth
that the load bearing strength of the soil no longer has an effect on the
pavement’s performance in relation to traffic loading.
Properties of soil below the design depth may indirectly affect pavement
performance, but are generally unrelated to traffic loading.
The depth of test pits and borings should in no case be less than 1.5m below the
proposed sub grade level unless rock material is encountered.
A preliminary vertical alignment may be required at the time of the soil survey in
order to ensure that soil samples are actually taken at levels that fall within the
design depth of the road.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Depth of investigations
Common investigations should cover basic data collection, such as depth and
nature of soils (sub grade and embankment materials), and should be limited
to test pits and hand augers.
The common investigations can be for new roads and/or existing roads.
Once the alignment of a new road is finalized, investigations for soil sampling
along the alignment can be initiated. The frequency of sampling depends on
the field conditions.
As a standard guideline, at least one representative soil sample should be
collected per kilometer of the proposed roadway alignment, with more
frequent samples where there are significant changes in soil type.
Significant changes are those which affect the general classification of the soils
as well as their bearing strength (CBR).
The sampling location may be alternatively on the left and right
edge of the proposed roadway.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Spacing in specific locales may be increased where the sub grade exhibits a
fair degree of homogeneity, and conversely be decreased where variations
become evident, or when problem soils or design problems are encountered.
Table 3-1 Design depth (Tanzania pavement Design manual, 1999)
All layers of more than 30 cm (except topsoil) shall be sampled. This will
promote a proper assessment of the bulk of the materials excavated in cuts
and to be used in embankments.
Care shall be taken, when retrieving samples, to secure and preserve a small
but sufficient quantity of soil for the purpose of measuring the moisture content
in the laboratory.
Measuring the in-situ moisture content is particularly desirable at the
anticipated sub grade level.
The log of each test pit shall be accurately drawn and included in the Soils
and Materials Report.
Photographs should also be taken of the test pit location, as well of the soils
horizons in the test pit which will help for reporting the investigations and
interpreting the results.
The Swedish soil scientist Albert Atterberg originally defined seven “limits of
consistency” to classify fine-grained soils, but in current engineering practice only
two of the limits, the liquid and plastic limits, are commonly used. (A third limit,
called the shrinkage limit, is used occasionally.)
The Atterberg limits are based on the moisture content of the soil.
The plastic limit is the moisture content that defines where the soil changes from a
plastic (flexible) to semi-solid state.
The liquid limit is the moisture content that defines where the soil changes from a
viscous fluid to a plastic state.
The shrinkage limit is the moisture content that defines where the soil volume will
not reduce further if the moisture content is reduced a wide variety of soil
engineering properties have been correlated to the liquid and plastic limits, and
these Atterberg limits are also used to classify a fine-grained soil according to
the Unified Soil Classification system or AASHTO system.
Liquid Limit:
(1) Calculate the water content of each of the liquid
limit moisture cans after they have been in the oven
for at least 16 hours.
(2) Plot the number of drops, N, (on the log scale)
versus the water content (w). Draw the best-fit straight
line through the plotted points and determine the
liquid limit (LL) as the water content at 25 drops.
1. Record the moisture can and lid number. Determine and record the mass
of an empty, clean, and dry moisture can with its lid (MC)
2. Place the moist soil in the moisture can and secure the lid. Determine
and record the mass of the moisture can (now containing the moist soil)
with the lid (MCMS).
3. Remove the lid and place the moisture can (containing the moist soil) in
the drying oven that is set at 105 °C. Leave it in the oven overnight.
4. Remove the moisture can. Carefully but securely, replace the lid on the
moisture can using gloves, and allow it to cool to room temperature.
Determine and record the mass of the moisture can and lid (containing
the dry soil) (MCDS).
5. Empty the moisture can and clean the can and lid.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Data Analysis:
CBR can be
One point CBR - standard
Reading Assignment
7) Soundness of Aggregates
LA Abrasion
%Loss = Original mass (g) – mass remain after test (g) * 100 %
Original mass (g)
Different Types
Specifications limits e.g. AASHTO
To Reach Desired Gradation
This chapter gives guidance on the selection of unbound materials for use as
base course, sub-base, capping and selected sub grade layers. The main
categories with a brief summary of their characteristics are shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2: Properties of Unbound Materials (ERA)
Notes: These specifications may be modified according to site conditions, material type and principal use.
And where GB = Granular base course, GS = Granular sub-base, GC = Granular capping layer.
Their suitability for use depends primarily on the design traffic level of the
pavement and climate.
However, all base course materials must have a particle size distribution
and particle shape which provide high mechanical stability and should
contain sufficient fines (amount of material passing the 0.425 mm sieve) to
produce a dense material when compacted.
Crushed Stone
Graded crushed stone (GB1). This material is produced by crushing fresh, quarried
rock (GB1) and a 'crusher-run', or alternatively the material may be separated by
screening and recombined to produce a desired particle size distribution.
Alternate gradation limits, depending on the local conditions for a particular
project, are shown in Table 3-3.
After crushing, the material should be angular in shape with a Flakiness Index of
less than 35%, and preferably of less than 30%.
If the amount of fine aggregate produced during the crushing operation is
insufficient, non-plastic angular sand may be used.
In constructing a crushed stone base course, the aim should be to achieve maximum
impermeability compatible with good compaction and high stability under traffic.
Table 3-3: Grading Limits for Graded Crushed Stone Base Course Materials
Crushed Stone
These are a minimum Ten Per Cent Fines Value (TFV) (BS 812, Part 111)
and limits on the maximum loss in strength following a period of 24
hours of soaking in water.
Alternatively, requirements expressed in terms of the results of the
Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)(BS 812, Part 110) may be used: the
ACV should preferably be less than 25 and in any case less than 29.
Other simpler tests e.g. the Aggregate Impact Test (BS 812, Part 112)
may be used in quality control testing provided a relationship between
the results of the chosen test and the TFV has been determined.
Unique relationships do not exist between the results of the various tests
but good correlations can be established for individual material types
and these need to be determined locally.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Base Course Materials
Normal requirements for natural gravels and weathered rocks (GB2, GB3).
A wide range of materials including lateritic, calcareous and quartzite gravels, river
gravels, boulders and other transported gravels, or granular materials resulting from
the weathering of rocks can be used successfully as base course materials.
Table 3-4 contains three recommended particle size distributions for suitable materials
corresponding to maximum nominal sizes of 37.5 mm, 20 mm and 10 mm.
Table 3-4: Recommended Particle Size Distributions for Mechanically Stable Natural
Gravels and Weathered Rocks for Use as Base Course Material (GB2, GB3)
Materials of marginal quality. Naturally occurring gravels which do not normally meet the
normal specifications for base course materials have occasionally been used successfully.
They include lateritic, calcareous and volcanic gravels. In general their use should be
confined to the lower traffic categories unless local studies have shown that they have
Laterite gravels with plasticity index in the range of 6-12 and plasticity modulus in the
range of 150-250 is recommended for use as base course material for T3 level of traffic
volume. The values towards higher range are valid for semi-arid and arid areas of
The calcareous gravels, which include calcretes and marly lime stones, deserve
special mention.
Typically, the plasticity requirements for these materials, all other things being
equal, can be increased by up to 50% above the normal requirements in the
same climatic area without any detrimental effect on the performance of
otherwise mechanically stable bases.
Strict control of grading is also less important and deviation from a continuous
grading is tolerable.
Cinder gravels can also be used as a base course material in lightly trafficked
surface dressed roads.
A minimum CBR of 30 per cent is required at the highest anticipated
moisture content when compacted to the specified field density, usually a
minimum of 95 per cent of the maximum dry density achieved in the ASTM
Test D 1557 (Heavy Compaction).
Under conditions of good drainage and when the water table is not near
the ground surface the field moisture content under a sealed pavement will
be equal to or less than the optimum moisture content in the ASTM Test
Method D 698 (Light Compaction). In such conditions, the sub-base material
should be tested in the laboratory in an unsaturated state.
Except in arid areas, if the base course allows water to drain into the lower
layers, as may occur with unsealed shoulders and under conditions of poor
surface maintenance where the base course is pervious, saturation of the
sub-base is likely.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Sub Base Course Materials
In these circumstances, the bearing capacity should be
determined on samples soaked in water for a period of four
The test should be conducted on samples prepared at the
density and moisture content likely to be achieved in the field.
In order to achieve the required bearing capacity, and for
uniform support to be provided to the upper pavement, limits
on soil plasticity and particle size distribution may be required.
Materials which meet the recommendations of Tables 3-5 and
3-6 will usually be found to have adequate bearing capacity.
Table 3-6: Typical Particle Size Distribution for Sub-Bases (GS) Which Will Meet
Strength Requirements
These materials are often required to provide sufficient cover on weak sub-
They are used in the lower pavement layers as a substitute for a thick sub-base
to reduce costs, and a cost comparison should be conducted to assess their cost
As an illustrative example, approximately 30 cm of “GC” material (as
described below) placed on an S1 or S2 subgrade will allow selecting a
pavement structure as for an S3 subgrade.
An additional 5 cm of “GC” material may allow considering an S4 subgrade
The requirements are less strict than for sub-bases.
A minimum CBR of 15 per cent is specified at the highest anticipated moisture
content measured on samples compacted in the laboratory at the specified
field density.
The materials for gravel wearing course should satisfy the following requirements that
are often somewhat conflicting:
They should have sufficient cohesion to prevent raveling and corrugating (especially in dry
The amount of fines (particularly plastic fines) should be limited to avoid a slippery surface
under wet conditions.
Figure 3-2 shows the effect of the Shrinkage Product (SP) and Grading Coefficient (GC)
on the expected performance of gravel wearing course materials.
Excessive oversize material in the gravel wearing course affects the riding quality in
service and makes effective shaping of the surface difficult at the time of maintenance.
Type 2 & 3
These materials may be more rounded particles fulfilling the following:
The Plasticity Index lies in a range of 5-12% in wet areas, and in any case less
than 16% in other areas
Use of more rounded particles may allow the use of river gravel. Trials should
nevertheless be conducted to verify whether crushing occurs under traffic or
whether crushing should be considered prior to use. Subject to trials, a minimum
percentage by weight of particles with at least one fractured face of 40%
may be considered. This requirement may also be expressed in terms of
crushing ratio.
Except for very low traffic, the CBR should be in excess of 20 after 4 days of
soaking at 95% of maximum dry density under Heavy Compaction. For very
low traffic, the requirement may be relaxed to a CBR of 15.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Gravel Surfaced Roads
Type 4
This material gradation allows for larger size material and corresponds to the
gradation of a base course material. The use of this gradation of materials is
subject to the local experience and shall be used with PIs in a range of 10-20.
Type 5 & 6
These materials gradations are recommended for smaller size particles. They
may be used if sanctioned by experience with plasticity characteristics as for
material Type 1.
Type 1 gravel wearing course which is one of the best material alternatives
which shall be used on all roads which have AADTdesign greater than 50. Type 1
material shall also be used for all routine and periodic maintenance activities
for both major and minor gravel roads. Type 1 or Type 4 gravel wearing
course material may be used on new construction of roads having AADTdesign
less than 50.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Gravel Surfaced Roads
Graphical Methods
Graphical Methods(two aggregates)
Analytical Method
Trail and Error Method
Problem 4.1
The particle-size distributions of three fractions of stone and
filler available to produce the required design grading are
given in Table A1. Note that for greater accuracy a wet
particle-size analysis should be carried out on these
The design or specification grading is also given in the
Right-hand column of the table.
The size distributions of the fractions to be mixed (A, B, C and D in the Table)
are plotted on this scale of sieve size giving lines EFO’ (fraction A), GHI
(fraction B), JKL (fraction C) and OPQ (fraction D) in Fig.
The nearest straight lines to these size distributions are drawn with the aid of
a transparent straight-edge, by the 'minimum balanced areas' method
described above. They are the broken lines RO’, TS, VU and OW.
The opposite ends of these lines are joined giving the chain lines RS, TU and
VW. The points where these lines cross the required distribution line
(diagonal 0-0’) are marked by the circles 1, 2 and 3.
The proportions in which the four fractions should be mixed are obtained
from the difference between the ordinates of these points and are shown on
the right-hand side of Fig. (sections A, B, C and D).
The theoretical particle-size distribution which will result from mixing the
fractions in these proportions is given in Table A2. Although not identical to
the design grading, it is closeChapter
enough3 – Highway Materials
for practical purposes.
Rothfuchs method
Design of
size A B C D
spec. grading
19 100 _ _ _
13.2 85 100 _ _ 100
6.7 30 90 _ _ 90
4.75 0 70 100 _ 78
2.36 0 25 95 _ 61
1.18 0 10 70 _ 45
0.6 0 0 50 100 30
0.3 0 0 30 95 22
0.15 0 0 10 80 16
0.075 0 0 0 50 12
Example 4.2
Blend aggregate A and B in the table below to meet the specification given in same table
The portion of bituminous material present in petroleum
may widely differ depending on the source
Almost all the crude petroleum's contain considerable
amounts of water along with crude oil
Hence the petroleum should be dehydrated before the
Petroleum-Based Asphalts
Asphalt cement:
It is an asphalt that is refined to meet specifications for
paving, roofing, industrial, and special purposes.
Asphalt cements are used mainly as binders (4–10% of
the mixture) in hot-mix asphalts and serve to hold the
aggregate together.
Penetration-grade asphalts:
It is asphalt that that are further processed by air-blowing,
solvent precipitation, or propane deasphalting.
A combination of these processes may be used to produce
different grades that are classified according to their
penetration value.
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Bituminous /Asphalt Cement Materials
Cutback asphalt:
Asphalt that is liquefied by the addition of diluents (typically petroleum
It is used in both paving and roofing operations, depending on whether a
paving or roofing asphalt is liquefied.
It is further classified according to the solvent used to liquefy the asphalt
cement to produce rapid-, medium-, or slow-curing asphalt.
Rapid-curing cutback asphalts are made by adding gasoline or naphtha and
are mainly used as surface treatments, seal coats, and tack coats.
Medium curing cutback asphalts are made by the addition of kerosene, and
slow-curing cutback asphalts are made by the addition of diesel or other gas
Medium- and slow-curing cutback asphalts are mainly used as surface
treatments, prime coats, tack coats, mix-in-place road mixtures, and patching
Emulsified asphalt:
It is a mixture of two normally immiscible components (asphalt and
water) and an emulsifying agent (usually soap).
It is used for seal coats on asphalt pavements, built-up roofs, and other
waterproof coverings.
Emulsified asphalts are further graded according to their setting rate
(i.e., rapid, medium, and slow).
Rapid-setting grades are used for surface treatment, seal coating;
medium-setting grades are used for patch mixtures; and slow-setting
grades are used for mix-in-place road mixtures, patch mixtures, tack
coats, fog coats, slurry seals, and soil stabilization.
Hot-mix asphalt:
paving material that contains mineral aggregate coated and cemented
together with asphalt cement.
1. Penetration Test
The penetration test determine the hardness or softness of bitumen
The bitumen grade is specified in terms of the penetration value
30/40 and 80/100 grade bitumen are commonly used
In hot climates lower penetration grade bitumen is preferred and vise versa
Consistency of bitumen varies with temperature, constituents, refining process, etc.
Viscosity is an absolute property, but could not be determined easily
Too soft for penetration, too hard for orifice then perform float test
Basic principle of penetration test: measurement of penetration in units of 1/10th
of a mm of a standard needle of 100 gm in a bitumen sample kept at 25°C for
5 seconds
Higher penetration implies softer grade
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Bituminous /Asphalt Cement Materials
Penetration test for Bitumen
Pour the bitumen into the container at least 10 mm above the expected penetration
Place all the sample containers to cool in atmospheric temperature for 1 hour
See the dial reading and release the needle exactly for 5 seconds
Difference between the initial and final readings is taken as the penetration value
in 1/10th of mm
Chapter 3 – Highway Materials
Bituminous /Asphalt Cement Materials
Penetration Test
Penetration of 100g weight in 5s at 25oC (77oF)
is measured in units of 0.1 mm (e.g., 70 PEN = 7
mm penetration)
Penetration Grades
Specifications for Asphalt Cement by Penetration Graded
Characteristics of AC Grading
More expensive equipment than for PEN
More technician skill required
Not applicable for non-Newtonian fluids
Wide range in behaviorChapter 3 – Highway Materials
for same AC grade
Bituminous /Asphalt Cement Materials
2. Ductility Test
The ductility of bitumen improves the physical interlocking of the
aggregate bitumen mixes
Under traffic loads the pavement layer is subjected to repeated
deformation. The binder material of low ductility would crack and thus
provide pervious pavement surface
The test is believed to measure the adhesive property of bitumen and
its ability to stretch
Ductility and penetration go together, in general, but exception can
Ductility is the distance in cm to which a standard briquette of bitumen
can be stretched before the thread breaks
Ductile materials is one which elongates when held in tension
Ductility Test
The bitumen sample is melted to temperature of 75oC to 100oC above the approx. softening point until it is fluid
It is strained through IS sieve 30, poured in mould assembly and placed on a brass plate, after a solution of
glycerine or dextrine is applied over all surfaces of the mould exposed to bitumen
Thirty to forty minutes after the sample is poured into the moulds, the plate assembly along with the sample is
placed in water bath maintained at 27oC for 30 minutes
The sample and mould assembly are removed from water bath and excess bitumen material is cut off by leveling
the surface using hot knife
After trimming the specimen, the mould assembly containing sample is replaced in water bath maintained at
27oC for 85 to 95 minutes
The slides of the mould are then removed and the clips are carefully hooked on the machine without causing any
initial strain
The pointer is set to read zero
The machine is started and the two clips are thus pulled apart horizontally
While the test is in operation, it is checked whether the sample is immersed in water up to a depth of at least
The distance at which the bitumen threadChapter
breaks is3 recorded
– Highway(inMaterials
cm) and reported as ductility value
Bituminous /Asphalt Cement Materials
Ductility Test
Ductility Test
Ductility Test
Ductility of bitumen is affected by the pouring temperature,
Heat the rings at the same temperature on a hot plate & place on glass
plate coated with glycerin
Fill up the rings with bitumen
Cool for 30 minutes in air and level the surface with a hot knife
Set the rings in the assembly and place in the bath containing distilled
water at 5oC and maintain that temperature for 15 minutes
Place the balls on the rings and Raise the temperature uniformly at 5 oC
per minute till the ball passes trough the rings
Note the temperature at which each of the ball and sample touches the
bottom plate of the support
Temperature shall be recorded as the softening point of bitumen
heating etc
It gives an idea of the temperature at which the bituminous
Softening point is very critical for thick films like joint and crack
= 1 (g/cm) s
Newtonian fluid - linear relationship
Water η = 1x10-3 Pa s, at room temp
Motor oil = 1
Asphalt = 105 to 107, at service temps
= 1, when heated
Lava = 1011-1012
Viscosity Grades
AC grades are based on measurements of
absolute viscosity of asphalt tested at 60oC
AR grades are based on the absolute viscosity
tested at 60oC of asphalt after being aged in a
rolling thin-film oven (RTFO)
The viscosity grades indicate the viscosity in
hundreds of Poises ±20%.
AC Grades
Specifications for Asphalt Cement by Viscosity Grade
AR Grades
Specifications for Asphalt Cement by AR Grades
Characteristics AR Grades
More expensive equipment than for PEN, AC
More technician skill required than for PEN
Not applicable for non-Newtonian fluids
Wide range in behavior for3 same
Chapter ARMaterials
– Highway grade
Bituminous /Asphalt Cement Materials
The sample and container are placed on a shelf,
which rotates approximately 5 to 6 revolutions per
minute, in a ventilated oven maintained at 325oF for
5 hr. The asphalt cement is then poured into a
standard container used for the penetration test or
the viscosity test.
6. Performance Grade
Research under the Strategic Highway Research Program
(SHRP)’s Superpave program lead to the introduction of
Performance Grades in 1993. Addresses concerns with earlier
grading schemes:
PEN value does not correlate to a material property
Summary of PG Tests
Performance Grade
XX = 7- day maximum pavement temperature, C 52-70C in
6C increments
YY = minimum expected pavement temperature, C in 6C
Example: PG 64-16
Average 7-day maximum pavement temperature in summer
near 64C, and minimum pavement temperature in winter near
Considers rutting at high T and cracking at low T
Specific gravity
Loss on heating
Volatile components are mixed with asphalt cement
to make a liquid product. After volatilization,
asphalt binder remains.
Medium Curing (MC):
Asphalt cement mixed with a solvent of
intermediate volatility, such as kerosene. Uses a
softer asphalt base than RC cutbacks.
MC-30, MC-70, MC-250, MC-800, MC-3000
Slow Curing (SC):
Asphalt cement mixed with a low volatile oil/fuel.
SC-70, SC-250, SC-800, SC-3000
Rapid Curing (RC):
Asphalt cement mixed with a volatile solvent, such as gasoline
or naphtha. Uses a harder asphalt base than MC cutbacks.
RC-70, RC-250, RC-800, RC-3000
• Composition of cutbacks
Asphalt Emulsions
Asphalt emulsions = water + asphalt + emulsifying
= suspension of asphalt in water or water in
asphalt; may be cationic, anionic, nonionic
Reading Assignment
• Portland Cement Materials