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Seepage in Dams

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The type of earth or earth and rockfill dam that is constructed at a particular location is usually dictated by the local availability of appropriate materials such as quarried rock, gravel, sand, silt or clay. A homogeneous dam (Fig. 6.1) is one that is composed almost entirely of the one material which is usually relatively impervious. With this type of dam it is necessary to incorporate some type of downstream pervious drain with appropriately placed filters in order to control the seepage water. This is to prevent the occurrence of a piping failure by the internal erosion of the finer particles of the earthfill. If there exists a plentiful supply of rockfill, a thin core dam (Fig. 6.2) could be constructed. The rockfill could be rolled by means of compaction equipment or dumped from trucks. Impervious cores having widths of 15% to 20% of the water head usually perform satisfactorily if adequately designed and constructed filter layers are incorporated. When a wide range of construction materials is available within the vicinity of the damsite, a zoned earth and rockfill dam (Fig. 6.3) incorporating all of these materials may be built. The term rockfill dam is usually restricted to a dam composed almost entirely of rockfill. The water barrier may consist of an upstream membrane of metal, concrete, asphalt or earthfill or there may be no water barrier at all. 6.2 SEEPAGE THROUGH A HOMOGENEOUS EARTH DAM

It is considered to be poor design practice to permit the water, which will inevitably seep through the homogeneous earth fill, to discharge along the downstream face of the dam. This may be avoided by provision of a drain on the downstream side of the dam, such as the one shown in Fig. 6.4. This pervious drain should extend sufficiently far in the upstream direction to ensure that the flow net is entirely contained within the homogeneous earth fill section. For a horizontal discharge face forming the boundary between the earth fill and the pervious drain, Kozeny (see Casagrande (1937)) has produced an exact solution for that portion of the flow net in the vicinity of the drain. This solution is given by the flow lines and equipotential lines, which form a net of confocal parabolas in the lower portion of Fig. 6.4. The focus of these parabolas is located at the upstream end of the pervious drain. In this case the line of seepage, which is the


Fig. 6.1 Homogeneous Dam with a Chimney Drain

Fig. 6.2 Thin Core Dam

Fig. 6.3 Zoned Earth and Rockfill Dam


uppermost flow line is referred to as the Kozeny basic parabola. Since the line of seepage is a line of atmospheric pressure (that is, the pressure head is zero), changes in total head and elevation head along this line are identical. This means that there must be equal vertical intercepts between the points of intersection of the line of seepage with successive equipotential lines as illustrated in the sketch. If stand-pipes (piezometers) are placed at points along a particular equipotential line such as points A and B in Fig. 6.4, the water will rise in each of these stand-pipes until it reaches a level coincident with the point of intersection of the line of seepage with that particular equipotential line. This characteristic provides a convenient technique for the determination of the pressure head or pore water pressure at any point within the flow net. The equation for the line of seepage is given by the following expression x = y2 - yo2 2yo (1.1)

where y = yo at the point of intersection of the line of seepage with the y axis. In the upstream region of the flow net through the homogeneous earth fill the net of confocal parabolas will not be maintained but must alter in shape in order to satisfy the upstream boundary conditions. A convenient correction for the line of seepage at the upstream end has been proposed by Casagrande (1937). This correction is illustrated in Fig. 6.5 (a). With this technique the basic parabola through point A is first located. At point B the flow line must intersect the upstream slope of the dam which is an equipotential line, at right angles. The upstream portion of the line of seepage is drawn from point B to join in gradually with the basic parabola at point C. When the discharge face is not horizontal as illustrated in Fig. 6.5 (b) the Kozeny basic parabola (with focus at point 0) no longer gives an accurate representation of the line of seepage in the vicinity of the discharge face. By means of a number of graphical solutions Casagrande has prepared a series of corrections to the basic parabola in terms of the slope of the discharge face as represented by the angle . These corrections are illustrated graphically in Figure 6.5 (b). EXAMPLE For the zoned earth dam illustrated in Fig. 6.6 determine: (a) (b) (c) the rate of seepage discharge per unit width of dam through the earth fill, the pore water pressure at point P, The pore water pressure at point R.

The permeability of the earth fill is 0.15 m/sec.


Fig. 6.4 Flow Through a Homogeneous Dam


Fig. 6.5 Approximate Corrections to Line of Seepage (after Casagrande, 1937)


Equation (4.21) (Geomechanics 1) applies to this situation so the problem reduces to the evaluation of the terms in that expression. The loss of total head from the upstream to the downstream side of the dam is, as illustrated in Fig. 6.6, equal to 30m. The number of flow tubes Nf is 4 and the number of equipotential drops Nd is 10. Q = k h Nf per unit width Nd 4 10

1.5 x 10-7 x 30 x

= =

1.8 x 10-6 m3/sec per m of dam 1.8cm3/sec per m of dam

It is clear from Fig. 6.6 that the pressure head at point P is equal to the difference in elevation between point P and the point of intersection of the line of seepage and the equipotential line passing through point P. However, to illustrate fully the determination of pore pressure at point P, the problem will be solved here by a slightly longer method. First of all it will be assumed that the base of the dam is the datum (that is, an elevation head of zero). Since point P is located at a distance of 6.0m above the datum the elevation head at point P is equal to the same value. The total head for the equipotential line passing through point P may be evaluated by considering the loss of total head between successive equipotential lines. Since there is a total head loss through the dam of 30m and there are 10 equipotential drops, this means that 3.0m of total head is lost between successive equipotential lines. Therefore the total head for the equipotential line passing through point P is equal to 24.0m. The pressure head at point P may then be found by subtracting the elevation head from the total head. Pressure head hpP = = pore pressure uP = = = htP - heP 24.0 - 6.0 = w g h pP 1.0 x 9.81 x 18.0 176.6kN/m2 18.0m


Fig. 6.6

Fig. 6.7 Flow Through a Thin Core Dam


For the determination of the pore pressure at point R a similar procedure is followed to that described above. In this case, however, an equipotential line has not passed through point R in the drawn flow net. It is therefore necessary to interpolate an equipotential line and this is shown by the dashed line in Fig. 6.6. Now following the same procedure as previously described.

Pressure head hpR

= = =

htR - heR 13.5 - 8.0 5.5m

pore pressure uR

= = =

w g h pR 1.0 x 9.81 x 5.5 54.0kN/m2



A thin core dam is illustrated in Fig. 6.7 in which the core or impervious soil zone is flanked on either side by a zone of rockfill. In many cases the permeability of the rockfill is in orders of magnitude greater than that of the relatively impervious core. In such cases the presence of the rockfill zones may be ignored for purposes of drawing a flow net. The upstream rockfill may be considered as an extension of the reservoir and the downstream rockfill may be considered as non-existent. The downstream slope of the core now becomes the discharge face for seepage passing through the core. It should be noted that the downstream slope of the core is neither a flow line nor an equipotential line. Because the distance in which the total head is dissipated is small in the case of a thin core dam compared with that for a homogeneous dam the total head gradient is greater and the velocity of flow of the water is greater. With the greater velocity of flow there is a greatly increased risk of washing out the fine particles of soil from the core into the interstices of the rockfill on the downstream side of the dam. This action, if permitted to continue, could ultimately lead to a piping failure through the core of the dam. In order to reduce the probability of this occurring, it is necessary to place a transition zone or zones of material known as filters between the core and the rockfill on the downstream side of the dam. The design of these filters is discussed in section 6.7. When a rapid drawdown occurs, that is, when a reservoir level is reduced relatively quickly, water which is inside the core of the dam near the upstream slope will tend to flow in an upstream direction. This means that it is also necessary to place filter zones between the rockfill on the upstream side of the dam and the core to remove the possibility of erosion of the fine particles of soil from the core of the dam.



FLOW THROUGH ANISOTROPIC MATERIAL In all of the preceding discussion relating to seepage, it has been assumed that the flow region is isotropic, that is, the permeability is equal in all directions. In naturally occurring strata as well as in earth dams the horizontal and vertical permeabilities are often not equal. The Laplace equation as expressed by equation (6.3) and for which the flow net is a graphical solution applies only to isotropic material. This means that in anisotropic materials (in which the horizontal and vertical permeabilities are unequal) flow nets of the type sketched in Fig. 6.6 cannot be drawn. Fortunately a simple transformation may be made to the natural flow region in order to obtain an equivalent isotropic flow region within which the flow net may be sketched. This may be demonstrated by starting with the Laplace equation for anisotropic material 2h 2h kxx2+kyy2=0 If a new dimension X is defined by X = x (ky/kx) then


(6.2) (6.3)

2h 2h + 2 X y2 = 0

which is the Laplace equation for isotropic material. This indicates that if the x dimensions are transformed to X according to equation (6.2) an isotropic region is obtained within which the flow net may be drawn. In this transformation the x dimensions are varied and the y dimensions are kept constant. Alternatively the transformation could be carried out in the y direction in which case the x dimensions would be maintained constant. This process of transformation is illustrated in Fig. 6.8. In this example the permeability kx is greater than the permeability ky. This means that the transformed section is smaller than the natural section in the x direction. For one dimensional flow from left to right the flow net has been sketched in the isotropic transformed section in the Figure. In this flow net the flow lines and equipotential lines have been drawn to form a square pattern. If this flow net is transferred back into the natural section, it is seen that the square pattern is not maintained and the shapes now become rectangular. In order to calculate the rate of seepage flow Q per unit width, equation (5.21) (Geomechanics 1) may be used. Since there are now two permeabilities (kx and ky) it may not be immediately apparent which value of the permeability should be used for k in equation (5.21). The value of the permeability to be used in conjunction with the transformed section to calculate the rate of seepage flow may be developed as follows:


Fig. 6.8 Transformation for Anisotropic Conditions

Fig. 6.9 Effect of Anisotropy on Seepage Through an Earth Dam


From the natural section (anisotropic) Q = = vxy per unit width kx h x y

From the transformed section (isotropic) Q = k h y per unit width X

where k is the coefficient of permeability to be used with the transformed section Q = h x k x X y h kx 1/2 ( ) y x ky

These two values of Q (calculated from the natural and transformed sections) must be equal. kx h h kx 1/2 y=k ( ) y x x ky = (kx ky)


The effect of anisotropy on the seepage flow through the earth dam section is illustrated in Fig. 6.9. This figure indicates that the greater the degree of anisotropy, that is, the greater the magnitude of the ratio of the horizontal to vertical permeability the more distorted the flow net becomes when it is redrawn on the natural dam section. The figure also indicates that the greater the degree of anisotropy the closer the line of seepage moves towards the downstream slop of the dam.


EXAMPLE For the dam section sketched in Fig. 6.9 calculate the rate of seepage flow per unit width for cases where the ratio of horizontal permeability to vertical permeability is one, four and nine. The reservoir depth H is 70m and the vertical permeability kv is equal to 10-6m/sec. For kh Q = = hv kH Nf per unit width Nd

2.7 10-6 x 70 x 7.5 2.6 x 10-5 m3/sec per m 4 kv Nf (kh kv)1/2 H N per unit width

= For kh Q = =

4.3 2 x 10-6 x 70 x 8.0 7.5 x 10-5 m3/sec per m 9 kv Nf (kh kv)1/2 H N per unit width

= For kh Q = =

5.5 3 x 10-6 x 70 x 7.8 14.8 x 10-5 m3/sec per m

This demonstrates that the rate of seepage flow increases as the degree of anisotropy increases.



BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Casagrande (1937) has demonstrated that special conditions sometimes prevail when the

line of seepage intercepts a boundary either at entrance or discharge points or at the boundary line between two different soils. A summary of these conditions is illustrated in Fig. 6.10. When seepage takes place across a boundary between two different soils a process very similar to that of the refraction of light takes place. The relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction may be determined from a knowledge of the permeabilities of the two soils. Referring to Fig. 6.11 the flow in soil (1) approaches the boundary between soil (1) and soil (2) with an angle of incidence equal to 1. The angle of refraction is 2. In order to satisfy continuity the rate of seepage flow q along the flow tube in soil (1) must be identical to the rate of seepage flow in the extension of this flow tube in soil (2). q = = b/a k1 d/c = k2 tan 1 = (k1 / k 2 ) tan 2 (6.5) kiA k1 h h a = k2 c per unit width b d (5.5)

That is

Equation (6.5) enables the sketching of the flow net to be continued in soil (2). It will be noted from Fig. 6.11 that the gradient of total head changes following flow across such a boundary. Further, the shape of the flow net will alter if the equipotential lines are drawn with equal total head drops between successive lines. In other words, if the flow net in soil (1) is drawn with the pattern of flow lines and equipotential lines forming squares, the flow net in soil (2) will no longer be made up of square shapes. Instead, the flow net will be made up of rectangular shapes with the ratio of the two sides being equal to the ratio between the two permeabilities, k1/k2.


Fig. 6.10 Various Boundary Conditions for the Line of Seepage (after Casagrande, 1937)

Fig. 6.11 Seepage Across a Boundary Between Two Soils


EXAMPLE Fig. 6.12 represents a portion of a flownet in the vicinity of a vertical boundary ACB separating two isotropic soils - soil (1) and soil (2). The flownet has been drawn using square shapes with point C at the corner of a square on each side of the boundary. The scale of the whole figure may be determined from the 2m size square in soil (1). The seepage flow (q) through each flow tube is 4 x 10-7 m3/sec/m. If the permeability for soil (1) is 10-4 cm/sec., determine: (a) (b) (a) the permeability in soil (2), and The difference in pressure head between points D and E. Since the inclinations of the equipotential lines to the horizontal are given the angles of incidence (1) and refraction (2) may be evaluated. 1 = 25 and 2 = 5 From equation (6.5) k1/k2 = k2 = tan 1/tan 2 = 5.32 0.19 x 10-4 cm/sec

(b) For the flow through one of the flow tubes in soil (1), let h1 be the total head loss between successive equipotential lines. q = = = h1 = k1 i1 A1 10-4 x 10-2 x (h1/2) x 2 x 1 4 x 10-7 m3/sec/m, as given 0.4m

size of the square in soil (2) = 2 cos 5/cos 25 = 2.2m. For flow through the flow tube in soil (2) q = 4 x 10-7 = k2 i2 A2 = 0.19 x 10-4 x 10-2 x (h2/2.2) x 2.2 x 1


Fig. 6.12

Fig. 6.13 Underseepage Control Measures



= 2.13 m = total head loss per square

By scaling, the change in elevation head from point D to point E is he = 0.45m

The change in total head from point D to point E is ht = = 2 x (0.4) + 3 x (2.13) 7.19m

Change in pressure head from point D to point E is hp = = 6.6 7.19 - 0.45 6.74m


When dams are constructed on pervious strata, seepage may take place through these strata as well as through the body of the dam. In some cases the permeabilities of the strata are so large that considerable loss of water will take place by means of seepage through the strata beneath the dam unless positive means are taken during the design and construction stages of the dam to reduce this loss. Some of the techniques which have been used to reduce the quantity of seepage through underlying pervious strata are illustrated in Fig. 6.13. Fig. 6.13 (a) illustrates a positive cut-off where the seepage through the pervious stratum may be almost entirely eliminated. This cut-off usually consists of compacted earth fill and is often a continuation of the impervious core of the dam. This technique has been found to be quite successful in situations where the thickness of the pervious stratum is relatively small. In some cases, cut-offs made of concrete or sheet steel piling have been used with mixed success. The major disadvantage of a concrete cut-off is it susceptibility to cracking and one disadvantage associated with the sheet steel piling is the possible leaks which may result from opening of the interlocks between the piling. A discussion of the characteristics of various cut-off methods has been given by Sherard et al (1963). Fig. 6.13 (b) illustrates the method of reducing seepage through a fissured rock foundation material. When dams are built on rock foundations, grouting is very widely used, but the successful application of this technique has not always been clearly demonstrated.


It is normally accepted that several rows of grout must be used for this technique to be successful. Grout curtains were successfully used in the case of the Karl Terzaghi dam (originally named Mission dam) in British Columbia (Terzaghi and Lacroix, 1964). With this dam five rows of grout up to 150m in depth were used. Four of these grout curtains were of clay-cement and the remaining grout curtain was made of chemical grout. When this technique as well as other cut-off methods are successful not only is the quantity of seepage through the foundation reduced, but the pore water pressures beneath the downstream of the dam are also reduced. In cases where a pervious stratum is too deep for the application of a compacted cut-off which was illustrated in Fig. 6.13 (a), a slurry trench may be more appropriate. This is illustrated in Fig. 6.13 (c). During excavation, the trench is usually kept filled with some type of clay slurry. The clay used in the slurry must be sufficiently fine that it will remain in suspension to provide support for the sides of the trench during excavation. After excavation the trench is backfilled with soil to form a firm impervious barrier. In cases where the pervious stratum is very deep the application of an upstream clay blanket (illustrated in Fig. 6.13 (d)) may provide an economical means of reducing the seepage through this pervious stratum beneath the dam. With this technique the distance over which seepage water must travel is increased. This means that the hydraulic gradient is decreased and in turn the rate of seepage flow will be decreased. Relief wells are often used in conjunction with upstream clay blankets in order to ensure that pore pressures beneath the toe of the dam do not become too large. This procedure is commonly used with levees (Turnbull and Mansur, 1961). 6.7 FILTER REQUIREMENTS

As mentioned in section 1.3, in cases where water is seeping from a fine grained soil into a course grained soil it is necessary to ensure that the finer particles of the fine grained soil will not be washed into the pores of the coarse grained soil. Otherwise such behaviour may ultimately lead to failure of the dam through piping. A number of earth dams have failed through piping (for example, see Aitchison and Wood (1965), Justin (1936)). Further, a significant percentage of earth dam failures could be described as seepage failures. (Sherard et al, 1963). Filters which are used to overcome this problem must in fact be designed to satisfy two conflicting requirements. Firstly, the pore spaces in the coarse grained soil must be sufficiently small to prevent particles being washed into them. Secondly, the pore spaces in the filter material must be large enough to enable seeping water to escape freely without the build up of high pore water pressures. From the results of a number of laboratory experiments Bertram (1940) demonstrated the validity of the following criteria for filter design.


D15 (of filter ) D15 (of < 4 to 5 < D85 (of soil ) D15 (of

filter ) soil )


where D15, for example, refers to the grain size corresponding to the 15% finer point on the grain size distribution curve. This is illustrated in Fig. 6.14. The first portion of equation (6.6) is intended to satisfy the first criterion mentioned above and the second portion of equation (6.6) is intended to satisfy the second criterion. Since Bertram completed his work many more investigations have been carried out into filter requirements. In particular, the United States Bureau of Reclamation has carried on extensive experimentation with filter materials. Their most recently stated criteria are given in Table 6.1 The symbols used in Table 6.1 are illustrated in Fig. 6.14. After design of the filter to protect the soil in accordance with the criteria above the filter material itself must be protected according to the same filter requirements. Some examples of filter design to prevent piping have been described by Cedergren (1977) and by Sherard et al (1963). TABLE 6.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR FILTER MATERIALS (After U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974)

Character of Filter Materials Uniform grain-size distribution (Uniformity Coefficient = 3 to 4) Well graded to poorly graded (non-uniform); subrounded grains Well graded to poorly graded (non-uniform); angular particles

Ratio R50

Ratio R15

5 to 10

12 to 58

12 to 40

9 to 30

6 to 18

D50 of filter material R50 = D of material to be protected 50

D15 of filter material R15 = D of material to be protected 15


Fig. 6.14

Fig. 6.15


EXAMPLE It has been proposed to place Zone A material immediately adjacent to Zone B material in a zoned earth and rockfill dam. The ranges of materials available for Zones A and B are illustrated by the grain size curves in Fig. 6.15. Comment critically upon the proposal and by making appropriate calculations evaluate the desirability of providing an intermediate transition zone. For Zone B material, uniformity coefficient = 25/10 = 2.5 approx. This corresponds to a uniform grain size distribution, and from Table 6.1, R50 should have a magnitude of 5 to 10. In this case R50 = 20 D50 of material B = = 100 0.2 D50 of material A

which is far too large. The gap between materials A and B is also too large on the basis of the old filter rules, equation (6.6). Consequently an intermediate transition zone is needed. Try a material with D50 of around 2mm. Then D50 of material B 20 D50 of transition = 2 = 10 D50 of transition 2 D50 of material A = 20 = 10 O.K.


It appears that the transition material will satisfy the filter rules in Table 6.1 but it may be noted that the old filter rules (Equation (6.6)) are not fully satisfied. To satisfy the old rules two transition zones are needed (say with D50 values of about 4mm and 0.8mm respectively), but in this case the new filter rules (Table 6.1) are not fully satisfied. Choose a single intermediate transition zone with D50 of around 2mm and with a grain size distribution curve roughly parallel to those for materials A and B.



STABILITY OF DAMS The dam and its foundation should be designed against failure by overtopping, slope

instability, excessive foundation movement, piping and wave action. Analysis of the stability of slopes is discussed later in the course. Consideration of conditions which may lead to instability should be made for all likely combinations of seepage conditions, reservoir and tailwater levels, both during and after construction. In particular, three conditions should be examined: (a) The Construction Condition The critical conditions to be analysed are at the completion of embankment construction and after initial filling with the reservoir water at the most critical levels; and at any intermediate stage of construction which may prove to be critical. Construction pore pressures may be estimated from observation of pore pressure in previously constructed similar embankments, or from results from one dimensional consolidation tests, or triaxial testing. (b) The Steady Seepage Condition For zoned and homogeneous types of dams the conditions to be considered for the steady seepage analysis (generally of the downstream face) are: Steady seepage pore pressures fully developed as a result of the reservoir storing water over a long wet period. The combination of headwater and tailwater levels that is found to be most critical.

The determination of flow nets for the steady seepage condition has been discussed earlier in this Chapter. (c) The Drawdown Condition Fluctuations in reservoir level may cause the stability of the upstream face to become critical due to the removal of the water support. When the reservoir is drawn down, pore pressures in the dam are reduced in two ways. There is an immediate elastic effect due to the removal of all or part of the water load and there is a slower dissipation of pore pressure due to drainage.



OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The upstream face of the dam should be protected against wave action and the

downstream face should be protected against erosive action of wind and rain and the lower part against water or wave action if appropriate. Steel mesh or a heavy rock toe should be provided to stabilize the downstream toe if water is likely to pass through the rockfill during construction. In addition to providing insurance against overtopping of the embankment by waves caused by severe storms, freeboard should be sufficient to prevent seepage through an earth core which has become loosened by frost action or which has cracked due to drying out. Drying out is of particular importance for a dam located in a hot, dry climate, when the core is composed of clay soil. Camber should be provided above the design crest height to ensure that freeboard will not be diminished by foundation and embankment settlement. Consideration should be given to the installation of instruments to provide the basic data by means of which the performance of a dam can be assessed continuously during construction and service. This data is also of great value for future dam designs. The following types of instrumentation should be considered: (a) Hydraulic of electric piezometers for measurement of construction and seepage pore pressure; Vertical settlement devices in the form of telescoping tubes for earthfill or hydrostatic gauges for earthfull or rockfill; Devices for measuring horizontal movements of earthfill and rockfill; Surface settlement points to measure deformations of the structure in three dimensions; Gauges for measuring total stress within the dam.


(c) (d) (e)


REFERENCES Aitchison, G.D., and Wood, C.C., (1965) Some Interactions of Compaction, Permeability and Post-Construction Deflocculation Affecting the Probability of Piping Failure in Small Earth Dams. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Soil Mechanics and Found. Eng., Vol 2, pp. 442-6. Bertram, G.E., (1940), An Experimental Investigation of Protective Filters, Pub. of Graduate School of Eng., Harvard University, No. 267. Casagrande, A., Seepage through Dams Jnl. New England Water Works Assn., Vol. 51, No. 2, June 1937, also published in Contributions to Soil Mechanics, 1925 - 1940, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 295 - 336, 1940. Cedergren, H.R., (1977) Seepage, Drainage and Flow Nets, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 534 pp. Justin, J.D., (1936), Earth Dam Projects, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Moore, P.J., (1970) Some Aspects of the Use of Stability Analyses in Earth Dam Design, Proc. Tenth Congress on Large Dams, Montreal, pp. 151-167. Sherard, J.L., Woodward, R.J., Gizienski, S.F. and Clevenger, W.A., (1963), Earth and EarthRock Dams, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Terzaghi, K. and Lacroix, Y., (1964) Mission Dam - An Earth and Rockfill Dam on a Highly Compressible Foundation, Geotechnique, 14, pp. 14-50. Turnbull, W.J. and Mansur, C.I., (1961) Investigation of Underseepage - Mississippi River Levees, Trans. ASCE, Vol. 126, Part I, pp. 1429-1539. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, (1974) Earth manual, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 810 pp.

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