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Astm C128.21201-1

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Designation: C 128 – 01e1

Standard Test Method for

Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption
of Fine Aggregate1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 128; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

e1 NOTE—Table 1 was revised editorially in August 2003 to correct a typographical error in a value.

1. Scope* 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the average safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
density of a quantity of fine aggregate particles (not including responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
the volume of voids between the particles), the relative density priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
(specific gravity), and the absorption of the fine aggregate. bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Depending on the procedure used, the density, in kg/m3(lb/ft3)
2. Referenced Documents
is expressed as oven-dry (OD), saturated-surface-dry (SSD), or
as apparent density. Likewise, relative density (specific grav- 2.1 ASTM Standards:
ity), a dimensionless quality, is expressed as OD, SSD, or as C 29/C 29M Test Method for Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”)
apparent relative density (apparent specific gravity). The OD and Voids in Aggregate2
density and OD relative density are determined after drying the C 70 Test Method for Surface Moisture in Fine Aggregate2
aggregate. The SSD density, SSD relative density, and absorp- C 125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete
tion are determined after soaking the aggregate in water for a Aggregates2
prescribed duration. C 127 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific
1.2 This test method is used to determine the density of the Gravity) and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate2
essentially solid portion of a large number of aggregate C 188 Test Method for Density of Hydraulic Cement3
particles and provides an average value representing the C 566 Test Method for Total Evaporable Moisture Content
sample. Distinction is made between the density of aggregate of Aggregate by Drying2
particles as determined by this test method, and the bulk C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements
density of aggregates as determined by Test Method C 29/ for Test Methods for Construction Materials2
C 29M, which includes the volume of voids between the C 702 Practice for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to
particles of aggregates. Testing Size2
1.3 This test method is not intended to be used for light- D 75 Practice for Sampling Aggregates4
weight aggregates. 2.2 AASHTO Standard:
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the AASHTO No. T 84 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine
standard for conducting the tests. The test results for density Aggregates5
shall be reported in either SI units or inch-pound units, as 3. Terminology
appropriate for the use to be made of the results.
1.5 The text of this test method references notes and 3.1 Definitions:
footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and
footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be
considered as requirements of this test method.

1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.01.
C09.20 on Normal Weight Aggregates. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.03.
Current edition approved Aug. 10, 2001. Published October 2001. Originally Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation
published as C 128–36. Last previous edition C 128–97. Officials, 444 North Capitol St. N.W., Suite 225, Washington, DC 20001.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Luiz Carlos FERRACIN (CIMENTO RIO BRANCO SA); Thu May 27 16:55:05 EDT 2004
C 128 – 01e1
3.1.1 absorption, n—the increase in mass of aggregate due mixtures that are proportioned or analyzed on an absolute
to water penetrating into the pores of the particles, during a volume basis. Relative density (specific gravity) is also used in
prescribed period of time but not including water adhering to the computation of voids in aggregate in Test Method C 29/
the outside surface of the particles, expressed as percentage of C 29M. Relative density (specific gravity) (SSD) is used in the
the dry mass. determination of surface moisture on fine aggregate by dis-
3.1.2 oven-dry (OD), adj—related to aggregate particles, placement of water in Test Method C 70. Relative density
the condition in which the aggregates have been dried by (specific gravity) (SSD) is used if the aggregate is wet, that is,
heating in an oven at 110 6 5°C for sufficient time to reach a if its absorption has been satisfied. Conversely, the density or
constant mass. relative density (specific gravity) (OD) is used for computa-
3.1.3 saturated-surface-dry (SSD), adj—related to aggre- tions when the aggregate is dry or assumed to be dry.
gate particles, the condition in which the permeable pores of 5.2 Apparent density and apparent relative density (apparent
aggregate particles are filled with water to the extent achieved specific gravity) pertain to the solid material making up the
by submerging in water for the prescribed period of time, but constituent particles not including the pore space within the
without free water on the surface of the particles. particles that is accessible to water. This value is not widely
3.1.4 density, n—the mass per unit volume of a material, used in construction aggregate technology.
expressed as kilograms per cubic metre (pounds per cubic
5.3 Absorption values are used to calculate the change in the
mass of an aggregate material due to water absorbed in the pore density (OD), n—the mass of oven-dry aggregate
spaces within the constituent particles, compared to the dry
particles per unit volume of aggregate particles, including the
condition, when it is deemed that the aggregate has been in
volume of permeable and impermeable pores within particles,
contact with water long enough to satisfy most of the absorp-
but not including the voids between the particles.
tion potential. The laboratory standard for absorption is that density (SSD), n—the mass of saturated-surface-dry
obtained after submerging dry aggregate for a prescribed
aggregate per unit volume of the aggregate particles, including
period of time. Aggregates mined from below the water table
the volume of impermeable voids and water-filled pores within
the particles, but not including the pores between the particles. commonly have a moisture content greater than the absorption apparent density, n—the mass per unit volume of the determined by this test method, if used without opportunity to
impermeable portion of the aggregate particles. dry prior to use. Conversely, some aggregates which have not
3.1.5 relative density (specific gravity), n—the ratio of the been continuously maintained in a moist condition until used
density of a material to the density of water at a stated are likely to contain an amount of absorbed moisture less than
temperature; the values are dimensionless. the 24-h soaked condition. For an aggregate that has been in relative density (specific gravity), (OD), n—the ratio contact with water and that has free moisture on the particle
of the density (OD) of the aggregate to the density of water at surfaces, the percentage of free moisture is determined by
a stated temperature. deducting the absorption from the total moisture content relative density (specific gravity), (SSD), n—The determined by Test Method C 566 by drying.
ratio of the density (SSD) of the aggregate to the density of 5.4 The general procedures described in this test method are
water at a stated temperature. suitable for determining the absorption of aggregates that have apparent relative density (apparent specific gravity), had conditioning other than the 24-h soak, such as boiling
n—the ratio of the apparent density of aggregate to the density water or vacuum saturation. The values obtained for absorption
of water at a stated temperature. by other test methods will be different than the values obtained
3.1.6 For definitions of other terms related to aggregates see by the prescribed 24-h soak, as will the density (SSD) or
Terminology C 125. relative density (specific gravity (SSD).
5.5 The pores in lightweight aggregates are not necessarily
4. Summary of Test Method filled with water after immersion for 24 h. In fact, the
4.1 A sample of aggregate is immersed in water for 24 6 4 absorption potential for many such aggregates is not satisfied
h to essentially fill the pores. It is then removed from the water, after several days immersion in water. Therefore, this test
the water is dried from the surface of the particles, and the method is not intended for use with lightweight aggregate.
mass determined. Subsequently, the sample (or a portion of it)
is placed in a graduated container and the volume of the sample 6. Apparatus
is determined by the gravimetric or volumetric method. Finally,
the sample is oven-dried and the mass determined again. Using 6.1 Balance—A balance or scale having a capacity of 1 kg
the mass values thus obtained and formulas in this test method, or more, sensitive to 0.1 g or less, and accurate within 0.1 % of
it is possible to calculate density, relative density (specific the test load at any point within the range of use for this test
gravity), and absorption. method. Within any 100-g range of test load, a difference
between readings shall be accurate within 0.1 g.
5. Significance and Use 6.2 Pycnometer (for Use with Gravimetric Procedure)—A
5.1 Relative density (specific gravity) is the characteristic flask or other suitable container into which the fine aggregate
generally used for calculation of the volume occupied by the test sample can be readily introduced and in which the volume
aggregate in various mixtures containing aggregate including content can be reproduced within 6 0.1 cm3. The volume of
portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, and other the container filled to mark shall be at least 50 % greater than

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Luiz Carlos FERRACIN (CIMENTO RIO BRANCO SA); Thu May 27 16:55:05 EDT 2004
C 128 – 01e1
the space required to accommodate the test sample. A volu- 8.3 Test for Surface Moisture—Hold the mold firmly on a
metric flask of 500-cm3 capacity or a fruit jar fitted with a smooth nonabsorbent surface with the large diameter down.
pycnometer top is satisfactory for a 500-g test sample of most Place a portion of the partially dried fine aggregate loosely in
fine aggregates. the mold by filling it to overflowing and heaping additional
6.3 Flask (for Use with Volumetric Procedure)—A Le material above the top of the mold by holding it with the
Chatelier flask as described in Test Method C 188 is satisfac- cupped fingers of the hand holding the mold. Lightly tamp the
tory for an approximately 55-g test sample. fine aggregate into the mold with 25 light drops of the tamper.
6.4 Mold and Tamper for Surface Moisture Test—The metal Start each drop approximately 5 mm above the top surface of
mold shall be in the form of a frustum of a cone with the fine aggregate. Permit the tamper to fall freely under
dimensions as follows: 40 6 3-mm inside diameter at the top, gravitational attraction on each drop. Adjust the starting height
906 3-mm inside diameter at the bottom, and 75 6 3 mm in to the new surface elevation after each drop and distribute the
height, with the metal having a minimum thickness of 0.8 mm. drops over the surface. Remove loose sand from the base and
The metal tamper shall have a mass of 340 6 15 g and a flat lift the mold vertically. If surface moisture is still present, the
circular tamping face 25 6 3 mm in diameter. fine aggregate will retain the molded shape. Slight slumping of
the molded fine aggregate indicates that it has reached a
7. Sampling surface-dry condition.
8.3.1 Some fine aggregate with predominately angular-
7.1 Sample the aggregate in accordance with Practice D 75. shaped particles or with a high proportion of fines does not
Thoroughly mix the sample and reduce it to obtain a test slump in the cone test upon reaching the surface-dry condition.
specimen of approximately 1 kg using the applicable proce- Test by dropping a handful of the fine aggregate from the cone
dures described in Practice C 702. test onto a surface from a height of 100 to 150 mm, and
observe for fines becoming airborne; presence of airborne fines
8. Preparation of Test Specimen indicates this problem. For these materials, consider the
8.1 Dry the test specimen in a suitable pan or vessel to saturated surface-dry condition as the point that one side of the
constant mass at a temperature of 110 6 5°C. Allow it to cool fine aggregate slumps slightly upon removing the mold.
to comfortable handling temperature, cover with water, either
NOTE 2—The following criteria have also been used on materials that
by immersion or by the addition of at least 6 % moisture to the do not readily slump:
fine aggregate, and permit to stand for 24 6 4 h.
(1) Provisional Cone Test—Fill the cone mold as described
8.1.1 Where the absorption and relative density (specific
in 8.3 except only use 10 drops of the tamper. Add more fine
gravity) values are to be used in proportioning concrete
aggregate and use 10 drops of the tamper again. Then add
mixtures in which the aggregates will be in their naturally
material two more times using 3 and 2 drops of the tamper,
moist condition, the requirement in 8.1 for initial drying is
respectively. Level off the material even with the top of the
optional, and, if the surfaces of the particles in the sample have
mold, remove loose material from the base; and lift the mold
been kept continuously wet until tested, the requirement in 8.1
for 24 6 4 h soaking is also optional.
(2) Provisional Surface Test—If airborne fines are noted
NOTE 1—Values for absorption and for relative density (specific grav- when the fine aggregate is such that it will not slump when it
ity) (SSD) may be significantly higher for aggregate not oven dried before is at a moisture condition, add more moisture to the sand, and
soaking than for the same aggregate treated in accordance with 8.1. at the onset of the surface-dry condition, with the hand lightly
8.2 Decant excess water with care to avoid loss of fines, pat approximately 100 g of the material on a flat, dry, clean,
spread the sample on a flat nonabsorbent surface exposed to a dark or dull nonabsorbent surface such as a sheet of rubber, a
gently moving current of warm air, and stir frequently to secure worn oxidized, galvanized, or steel surface, or a black-painted
homogeneous drying. Employ mechanical aids such as tum- metal surface. After 1 to 3 s, remove the fine aggregate. If
bling or stirring to assist in achieving the saturated surface-dry noticeable moisture shows on the test surface for more than 1
condition, if desired. Continue this operation until the test to 2 s then surface moisture is considered to be present on the
specimen approaches a free-flowing condition. Follow the fine aggregate.
procedure in 8.3 to determine if surface moisture is still present (3) Colorimetric procedures described by Kandhal and Lee,
on the constituent fine aggregate particles. Make the first trial Highway Research Record No. 307, p. 44.
for surface moisture when there is still some surface water in (4) For reaching the saturated surface-dry condition on a
the test specimen. Continue drying with constant stirring and single size material that slumps when wet, hard-finish paper
test at frequent intervals until the test indicates that the towels can be used to surface dry the material until the point is
specimen has reached a surface-dry condition. If the first trial just reached where the paper towel does not appear to be
of the surface moisture test indicates that moisture is not picking up moisture from the surfaces of the fine aggregate
present on the surface, it has been dried past the saturated particles.
surface-dry condition. In this case, thoroughly mix a few
millilitres of water with the fine aggregate and permit the 9. Procedure
specimen to stand in a covered container for 30 min. Then 9.1 Test by either the gravimetric procedure in 9.2 or the
resume the process of drying and testing at frequent intervals volumetric procedure in 9.3. Make all determinations of mass
for the onset of the surface-dry condition. to 0.1 g.

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Luiz Carlos FERRACIN (CIMENTO RIO BRANCO SA); Thu May 27 16:55:05 EDT 2004
C 128 – 01e1
9.2 Gravimetric (Pycnometer) Procedure: 9.2.4 Determine the mass of the pycnometer filled to its
9.2.1 Partially fill the pycnometer with water. Introduce into calibrated capacity with water at 23.0 6 2.0°C.
the pycnometer 500 6 10 g of saturated surface-dry fine 9.3 Volumetric (Le Chatelier Flask) Procedure:
aggregate prepared as described in Section 8, and fill with 9.3.1 Fill the flask initially with water to a point on the stem
additional water to approximately 90 % of capacity. Agitate the between the 0 and the 1-mL mark. Record this initial reading
pycnometer as described in (manually) or with flask and contents within the temperature range of 23.0 6
(mechanically). 2.0°C. Add 55 6 5 g of fine aggregate in the saturated Manually roll, invert, and agitate the pycnometer to surface-dry condition (or other measured quantity as neces-
eliminate all air bubbles. sary). After all fine aggregate has been introduced, place the
NOTE 3—About 15 to 20 min are normally required to eliminate the air stopper in the flask and roll the flask in an inclined position, or
bubbles by manual methods. Dipping the tip of a paper towel into the gently whirl it in a horizontal circle so as to dislodge all
pycnometer has been found to be useful in dispersing the foam that entrapped air, continuing until no further bubbles rise to the
sometimes builds up when eliminating the air bubbles. Optionally, a small surface (Note 4). Take a final reading with the flask and
amount of isopropyl alcohol may be used to disperse the foam. contents within 1°C of the original temperature. Mechanically agitate the pycnometer by external
NOTE 4—A small measured amount (not to exceed 1 mL) of isopropyl
vibration in a manner that will not degrade the sample. A level
alcohol may be used to eliminate foam appearing on the water surface.
of agitation adjusted to just set individual particles in motion is The volume of alcohol used must be subtracted from the final reading
sufficient to promote de-airing without degradation. A me- (R2).
chanical agitator shall be considered acceptable for use if
comparison tests for each six-month period of use show 9.3.2 For determination of the absorption, use a separate
variations less that the acceptable range of two results (d2s) 500 6 10-g portion of the saturated surface-dry fine aggregate,
indicated in Table 1 from the results of manual agitation on the dry to constant mass, and determine the dry mass.
same material.
9.2.2 After eliminating all air bubbles, adjust the tempera- 10. Calculations
ture of the pycnometer and its contents to 23.0 6 2.0°C if 10.1 Symbols:
necessary by partial immersion in circulating water, and bring A = mass of oven dry specimen, g
the water level in the pycnometer to its calibrated capacity. B = mass of pycnometer filled with water, to calibration
Determine the total mass of the pycnometer, specimen, and mark, g
C = mass of pycnometer filled with specimen and water to
9.2.3 Remove the fine aggregate from the pycnometer, dry
calibration mark, g
to constant mass at a temperature of 110 6 5°C, cool in air at
room temperature for 1 6 1⁄2 h, and determine the mass. R1= initial reading of water level in Le Chatelier flask, mL
R2= final reading of water in Le Chatelier flask, mL
TABLE 1 Precision S = mass of saturated surface-dry specimen (used in the
Standard Acceptable Range gravimetric procedure for density and relative density (specific
Deviation of Two Results gravity), or for absorption with both procedures), g
(1s)A (d2s)A
S1= mass of saturated surface-dry specimen (used in the
Single-Operator Precision:
Density (OD), kg/m3 11 13 volumetric procedure for density and relative density (specific
Density (SSD), kg/m3 B† 9.5 27 gravity)), g
Apparent density, kg/m3 9.5 27
Relative density (specific gravity) (OD) 0.011 0.032
10.2 Relative Density (Specific Gravity):
Relative density (specific gravity) (SSD) 0.0095 0.027 10.2.1 Relative Density (Specific Gravity ) (Oven dry)—
Apparent relative density (apparent specific Calculate the relative density (specific gravity) on the basis of
gravity) 0.0095 0.027
AbsorptionC, % 0.11 0.31 oven-dry aggregate as follows: Gravimetric Procedure:
Multilaboratory Precision:
Density (OD), kg/m3 23 64 Relative density ~specific gravity! ~OD! 5 A/~B 1 S 2C! (1)
Density (SSD), kg/m3 20 56
Apparent density, kg/m3 20 56 Volumetric Procedure:
Relative density (specific gravity) (OD) 0.023 0.066
Relative density (specific gravity) (SSD) 0.020 0.056
Relative density ~specific gravity! ~OD! 5 @S1 ~A/S!#/@0.9975 ~R22R1!#
Apparent relative density (apparent specific (2)
gravity) 0.020 0.056
AbsorptionC, % 0.23 0.66 10.2.2 Relative Density (Specific Gravity) Saturated
These numbers represent, respectively, the (1s) and (d2s) limits as described
Surface-dry)—Calculate the relative density (specific gravity)
in Practice C 670. The precision estimates were obtained from the analysis of on the basis of saturated surface-dry aggregate as follows:
combined AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory proficiency sample data from Gravimetric Procedure:
laboratories using 15 to 19-h saturation times and other laboratories using 24 6
4-h saturation time. Testing was performed on normal weight aggregates, and Relative density ~specific gravity! ~SSD! 5 S/~B 1 S 2C! (3)
started with aggregates in the oven-dry condition.
Revised editorially to correct a typographical error in August 2003. Volumetric Procedure:
Precision estimates are based on aggregates with absorptions of less than
1 % and may differ for manufactured fine aggregates and the aggregates having Relative density ~specific gravity! ~SSD! 5 S1/@0.9975 ~R2 2 R1!#
absorption values greater than 1 %. (4)

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Luiz Carlos FERRACIN (CIMENTO RIO BRANCO SA); Thu May 27 16:55:05 EDT 2004
C 128 – 01e1
10.2.3 Apparent Relative Density (Apparent Specific Volumetric Procedure:
Gravity)—Calculate the apparent relative density (apparent Apparent density ~SSD!, kg/m3, (17)
specific gravity) as follows: Gravimetric Procedure: 997.5 S1 ~A/S!
0.9975 ~R2 2 R1! 2 @~S1/S!~S 2 A!#
Apparent relative density ~apparent specific gravity! 5 A/~B 1 A 2C!
Apparent density ~SSD!, lb/ft3, (18) Volumetric Procedure:
62.27 S1 ~A/S!
Apparent relative density ~apparent specific gravity! 5
0.9975 ~R2 2 R1! 2 @~S1/S!~S 2 A!#
S1 ~A/S!
5 (6)
0.9975 ~R2 2 R1! 2 @~S1/S!~S 2 A!#
10.4 Absorption—Calculate the percentage of absorption as
10.3 Density:
10.3.1 Density (Oven-dry)—Calculate the density on the
basis of oven-dry aggregates as follows: Absorption, % 5 100 @~S 2 A!/A# (19) Gravimetric Procedure:
11. Report
Density ~OD!, kg/m3 5 997.5 A/~B1 S 2C! (7)
11.1 Report density results to the nearest 10 kg/m3, or 0.5
lb/ft3, relative density (specific gravity) results to the nearest
Density ~OD!, lb/ft3 5 62.27 A/~B 1 S 2 C! (8)
0.01, and indicate the basis for density or relative density Volumetric Procedure: (specific gravity), as either oven-dry (OD), saturated-surface-
Density ~OD!, kg/m3 5 997.5 S1 ~A/S!/@0.9975 ~R2 2 R1!# (9) dry (SSD), or apparent.
11.2 Report the absorption result to the nearest 0.1 %.
Density ~OD!, lb/ft3 5 62.27 S1 ~A/S!/@0.9975 ~R2 2 R1!# (10)
11.3 If the density and relative density (specific gravity)
values were determined without first drying the aggregate, as
permitted in 8.2, note that fact in the report.
NOTE 5—The constant values used in the calculations in 10.3.1-10.3.3
(997.5 kg/m3 and 62.27 lb/ft3) are the density of water at 23°C. Some
authorities recommend using the density of water at 4°C (1000 kg/m3 or
12. Precision and Bias
1000 Mg/m3 or 62.43 lb/ft3) as being sufficiently accurate. 12.1 Precision—The estimates of precision of this test
10.3.2 Density (Saturated surface-dry)—Calculate the den- method (listed in Table 1) are based on results from the
sity on the basis of saturated surface-dry aggregate as follows: AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory Proficiency Sample Gravimetric Procedure: Program, with testing conducted by this test method and
AASHTO Method T 84. The significant difference between the
Density ~SSD!, kg/m3 5 997.5 S/~B 1 S 2C! (11)
methods is that Test Method C 128 requires a saturation period
of 24 6 4 h, and AASHTO Test Method T 84 requires a
Density ~SSD!, lb/ft3 5 62.27 S/~B 1 S 2C! (12) saturation period of 15 to 19 h. This difference has been found
to have an insignificant effect on the precision indices. The data Volumetric Procedure: are based on the analyses of more than 100 paired test results
from 40 to 100 laboratories. The precision estimates for density
Density ~SSD!, kg/m3 5 997.5 S1/@0.9975 ~R2 2 R1!# (13)
were calculated from values determined for relative density
(specific gravity), using the density of water at 23°C for the
Density ~SSD!, lb/ft3 5 62.27 S1/@0.9975 ~R2 2 R1!# (14) conversion.
12.2 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
10.3.3 Apparent Density—Calculate the apparent density as suitable for determining the bias for this test method, no
follows: statement on bias is being made. Gravimetric Procedure:
Apparent density ~SSD!, kg/m3 5 997.5 A/~B 1 A 2 C! (15) 13. Keywords
13.1 absorption; aggregate; aparent density; apparent rela-
Apparent density ~SSD!, lb/ft3 5 62.27 A/~B 1 A 2 C! (16) tive density; density; fine aggregate; relative density; specific

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Luiz Carlos FERRACIN (CIMENTO RIO BRANCO SA); Thu May 27 16:55:05 EDT 2004
C 128 – 01e1

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 This appendix gives mathematical interrelationships 1 Sd

Ss 5 1 A 5 ASd (X1.2)
among the three types of relative densities (specific gravities)
and absorption. These may be useful in checking the consis- Sd 2 100 1 2 100
tency of reported data or calculating a value that was not
reported by using other reported data. 1
or Sa 5 1 1 A/100 A (X1.3)
Ss 2 100
X1.2 Where:
5 A
Sd = relative density (specific gravity) (OD), 1 5 100 ~Ss 2 1!
Ss = relative density (specific gravity) (SSD),

Sa = apparent relative density (apparent specific gravity), Ss
and A 5 S 2 1 100 (X1.4)
A = absorption, in %.

Calculate the values of each as follows: Sa 2 Ss
A5 100 (X1.5)
Ss 5 ~1 1 A/100!Sd (X1.1) Sa ~ Ss 2 1 !


This section identifies the location of changes to this test method that have been incorporated since the last

(1) Entire standard was rewritten.

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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with Luiz Carlos FERRACIN (CIMENTO RIO BRANCO SA); Thu May 27 16:55:05 EDT 2004

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