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USA Football Complaint

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Case 1:23-cv-00274-TWP-KMB Document 1 Filed 02/13/23 Page 1 of 19 PageID #: 1




Plaintiff, )
v. ) CASE NO. 1:23-cv-0027
and )
Defendants. )

Plaintiff USA Football, Inc. (“Plaintiff” or "USA Football"), for its complaint against

Defendants Flag Football World Championship Tour, LLC (“FFWCT”), USA FLAG, LLC (“USA

FLAG”, and together with FFWCT, the “Corporate Defendants”) and Travis Burnett (“Mr.

Burnett”, and together with the “Corporate Defendants”, the “Defendants"), alleges as follows:


1. This is an action for trademark infringement, unfair competition, and false

designation of origin arising under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq., and the statutes and

common law of the State of Indiana.


2. This Court has subject-matter jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

§ 1331, 28 U.S.C. § 1338, and 28 U.S.C. § 1367. Plaintiff’s federal claims are predicated on 15

U.S.C. § 1114 and 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a), and its claims arising under the laws of the State of Indiana
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are substantially related to its federal claims such that they form part of the same case or controversy

under Article III of the United States Constitution.

2. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants because Defendants have

expressly aimed tortious activities toward the State of Indiana and established sufficient minimum

contacts with Indiana by, among other things, regularly doing and soliciting business in Indiana using

trademarks confusingly similar to those used by USA Football with the knowledge that USA

Football’s headquarters are located in Indiana and that USA Football is harmed in Indiana as a result

of Defendants’ solicitations of Indiana residents and businesses. Defendants know that USA

Football is located in Indiana because they have entered into contracts with USA Football and

received cease and desist letters informing them that USA Football is located in Indiana. USA

Football’s claims arise out of Defendants’ solicitation of Indiana residents and business in the regular

course of their business and using a trademark confusingly similar to those used by USA Football.

3. Defendants continue to engage in these activities despite being put on notice of their

wrongful conduct.

4. Venue is properly founded in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391

because a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims in this action occurred within the

State of Indiana.


5. USA Football is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization organized under the laws of

Virginia, with its headquarters at 45 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 800, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

6. Upon information and belief, FFWCT is a domestic for-profit corporation duly

organized under the laws of Texas with a principal place of business at 209 Trailwood Drive, Allen,

Texas 75002-4938.

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7. Upon information and belief, USA FLAG is a domestic limited liability company

duly organized under the laws of Texas with a principal place of business at 209 Trailwood Drive,

Allen, Texas 75002-4938.

8. Upon information and belief, Mr. Burnett is a citizen of Texas with an address at 209

Trailwood Drive, Allen, Texas, 75002-4938 and is the sole member of both USA Flag and FFWCT.


USA Football and Its Intellectual Property.

9. USA Football was endowed by the National Football League ("NFL") and the

National Football League Players Association in 2002 and is a strategic partner of the NFL

Foundation. USA Football is also a Recognized Sport Organization by the United States Olympic

and Paralympic Committee. Further, USA Football is the United States member of the International

Federation of American Football (“IFAF”), which is the international governing body of gridiron

associations. IFAF grants only such membership per country.

10. USA Football hosts a multitude of football training events annually, offering

education for coaches and game officials, skill development for players, and resources for youth

football league administrators. Through its High Performance initiatives, USA Football organizes

tackle and flag football United States National Teams that compete on the international stage,

including at IFAF events.

11. USA Football operates events across all disciplines of football, including (but not

necessarily limited to) tackle football, limited contact football, and flag football, and sanctions flag

football events.

12. USA Football has continually operated these events under the name and mark USA

FOOTBALL since at least as early as December 5, 2002.

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13. USA Football owns all right, title, and interest in and to the USA FOOTBALL mark

for use in association with, among other things, sports exhibitions and events in the field of football,

as evidenced by United States Trademark Registration No. 3,182,472 (the “‘472 Registration”). The

‘472 Registration issued on December 12, 2006, and reflects a date of first use at least as early as

December 5, 2002. A copy of the registration certificate for the ‘472 Registration is attached hereto

as Exhibit A.

14. USA Football is also the owner of the additional related, registered trademarks

shown in the attached Exhibit B.

15. Copies of the registration certificates for the above-referenced marks owned by USA

Football are attached hereto at Exhibit A (the ‘472 Registration) and as Exhibit B (all of the

applications and registrations for marks listed on Exhibit B). The marks listed in Exhibits A and

B are hereafter collectively referred to as the “USA Football Marks.” The marks listed in Exhibits

A and B that are the subjects of United States Trademark Registration Nos. 3,182,472, 4,615,961,

5,172,678, and 3,241,236 are hereafter collectively referred to as the “USA Football Registered


16. By virtue of USA Football's extensive, continuous, and exclusive use of the USA

Football Marks in connection with, among other things, sports exhibitions and events in the field

of football (from youth onward), the USA Football Marks have come to be recognized and relied

upon by consumers as identifying such services and distinguishing such services from similar or

related services offered by others.

17. As a result of USA Football's extensive, continuous, and exclusive use of the Marks

in connection with, among other things, sports exhibitions and events in the field of football (from

youth onward), USA Football has developed substantial goodwill in the USA Football Marks.

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History of Threatened Infringement by Mr. Burnett and FFWCT

18. In 2017, Mr. Burnett approached USA Football to discuss a potential collaboration.

While negotiations did not immediately yield a partnership, Mr. Burnett expressed intention to use

the mark USA FLAG in connection with flag football events in the same commercial space as USA


19. USA Football notified Mr. Burnett at that time that it considered Mr. Burnett’s

intended use of the name and mark USA FLAG to infringe its rights in the USA Football Marks.

20. A year later, USA Football entered into a Consulting Agreement with FFWCT—an

entity controlled by Mr. Burnett—with an effective date of July 1, 2018. The agreement expired on

July 31, 2019 and was not renewed by USA Football.

21. Less than a year after the expiration of the Consulting Agreement—on April 21,

2020—Mr. Burnett filed Application Serial Number 88/880,085 (the “’085 Application”) with the

United States Patent and Trademark Office (the “USPTO”) for the mark USA FLAG for services in

International Class 41, and indicated that his date of first use of the mark occurred at least as early

as May 4, 2019. A copy of the ‘085 Application is attached hereto as Exhibit C.

22. Mr. Burnett filed the ‘085 Application as an individual, listing himself as the owner

of the USA FLAG mark.

23. Mr. Burnett’s services description in the ’085 Application is a near-verbatim copy of

USA Football’s services description for its USA FOOTBALL (and Design) mark shown in United

States Registration Number 5,172,678 (see Exhibit B) with the only difference being the addition

of the word “flag” before the word “football” as illustrated in the below chart.

USA Football’s Defendant’s

Description of Goods and Services Description of Goods and Services
Educational services, namely, conducting Educational services, namely, conducting
programs, classes, seminars, conferences, programs, classes, seminars, conferences,
workshops and exhibitions, displays, and workshops and exhibitions, displays, and
interactive exhibits on football in the field interactive exhibits on flag football in the

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of player safety, concussion awareness and field of player safety, concussion

management, coaching education, proper awareness and management, coaching
equipment fitting, and proper techniques, education, and the distribution of printed
and the distribution of printed materials in materials in connection therewith in
connection therewith in hardcopy or hardcopy or electronic format on the same
electronic format on the same topics; topics; organizing, conducting and
organizing, conducting and operating operating flag football tournaments;
football tournaments; organizing and organizing and conducting athletic
conducting athletic competitions in the competitions in the nature of flag football
nature of football games and exhibitions; games and exhibitions; Entertainment
entertainment services in the nature of eservices in the nature of flag football
football games and exhibitions; sports games and exhibitions; sports instruction
instruction services related to the game of services related to the game of flag
football; sports training, development, and football; sports training, development, and
evaluation services related to the game of evaluation services related to the game of
football flag football

24. Mr. Burnett submitted a specimen to the USPTO in connection with the ‘085

Application that indicated his USA FLAG league was “FFWCT-sanctioned” and included USA

Football’s logo—falsely suggested some affiliation between USA Football and this new league. The

specimen is pictured below along with a cropped and resized image of USA Football’s (and the

NFL’s) logo(s):

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25. Upon information and belief, Mr. Burnett never actually used the USA FLAG mark

in 2019 or 2020.

26. USA Football sent a cease-and-desist letter to Mr. Burnett and FFWCT on June 23,

2020 and filed a notice of opposition under Opposition Proceeding No. 91267483 with the

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Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “TTAB”) on September 10, 2020. A copy of USA

Football’s July 1, 2020 cease-and-desist letter is attached hereto as Exhibit D, and a copy of USA

Football’s notice of opposition is attached hereto as Exhibit E.

27. Shortly thereafter, Plaintiff attempted to resolve its differences with Mr. Burnett and

entered into an Event Collaboration Agreement with FFWCT, effective March 1, 2021. This

agreement allowed USA Football and its National Team personnel to attend and evaluate athletes

participating in FFWCT tournaments. The Event Collaboration agreement was conditioned upon

Mr. Burnett’s and FFWCT’s cessation of usage of the name and mark USA FLAG. A copy of the

Event Collaboration Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit F.

28. Mr. Burnett elected not to respond to USA Football’s notice of opposition. The TTAB

entered a notice of default, ultimately sustained USA Football’s notice of opposition, and refused to

register the ‘085 Application. A copy of the TTAB’s decision is attached hereto as Exhibit G.

29. The Event Collaboration Agreement expired on February 28, 2022.

30. Less than two months later—on April 17, 2022—Mr. Burnett authorized yet another

application for the mark USA FLAG—this time via a new entity controlled he controlled known as

USA FLAG, LLC. The application was assigned Application Serial Number 97/367,238 (the “‘238

Application”). A copy of the ‘238 Applications is attached hereto as Exhibit H.

31. The ‘238 Application indicated that the applied-for services were “[a]rranging and

conducting of sports events; [a]rranging and conducting youth sports programs in the field of flag

football; [s]ports camp services” with a claimed date of first use in commerce at least as early as

August, 2014.

32. On September 14, 2022, Defendant FFWCT, announced its intention to rebrand its

Flag Football World Championship Tour organization as USA FLAG. A copy of this rebranding

announcement is attached hereto as Exhibit I.

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33. The Corporate Defendants—under the control and direction of Mr. Burnett and

despite USA Football’s unwavering contentions from 2017 onward that the threatened use of the

mark USA FLAG for football related events would infringe the USA Football Marks—then began

utilizing the USA FLAG mark in conjunction with confusingly similar services to those offered by

USA Football.

Instances of Actual Confusion and this Lawsuit

34. Following FFWCT’s rebranding announcement, USA Football became aware of

multiple instances of actual confusion in the marketplace. Accordingly, USA Football had no choice

but to send another cease and desist Letter to Defendants dated September 21, 2022, demanding

cessation of the use of the mark, USA FLAG, and all related and confusingly similar trademarks. A

copy of USA Football’s September 21, 2022 letter is attached hereto as Exhibit J.

35. Counsel for Defendants responded to this letter on October 3, 2022, without

concession or adherence to any of USA Football’s requests. A copy of that response is attached

hereto as Exhibit K.

36. In the past several weeks, and following this outreach to Defendants, Defendants’

infringing use of the mark USA FLAG has only increased, as has evidence of actual consumer


37. USA Football has received numerous messages from individual stakeholders who

have wrongly believed that USA Football and USA FLAG were the same organization or somehow

related or affiliated.

38. Worse, USA Football is also aware that employees at a venue where Defendants plan

to host an event in 2023 thought that the event was being hosted by USA Football.

39. United States trademark law requires trademark owners to monitor third-party use of

their trademarks, or risk losing their rights.

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40. Given: (i) the law surrounding trademark ownership requiring the monitoring and

policing of infringement; (ii) the increasing instances of actual confusion based on Defendants’ uses

of the mark USA FLAG; and (iii) Defendants’ unwillingness to work with USA Football to amicably

resolve this matter, USA Football was left with no choice but to bring this action.

41. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendants’ continued use of the mark USA FLAG

(and designations confusingly similar thereto) in connection with flag football events and related

educational offerings is likely to continue causing consumers to be confused, mistaken, or deceived

as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such efforts and activities with USA Football.

(15 U.S.C. § 1114)

42. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though fully

set forth herein.

43. USA Football is the owner of the USA Football Marks.

44. USA Football has registered the USA Football Registered Marks with the USPTO.

45. The USA Football Registered Marks are valid and subsisting trademarks in full force

and effect.

46. Corporate Defendants willfully and knowingly used, and continue to use, in interstate

commerce, a mark (USA FLAG) that is confusingly similar to the USA Football Registered Marks

in connection with flag football events and related educational offerings without the consent of USA


47. Corporate Defendants’ use in commerce of the mark USA FLAG infringes USA

Football’s rights because it has created and will continue to create a likelihood of confusion as to the

source of goods and service offered by Corporate Defendants.

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48. Corporate Defendants had actual knowledge of USA Football’s prior use of the USA

Football Registered Marks when they—at the direction of Mr. Burnett—appropriated the

confusingly similar mark, USA FLAG, for their own use. Their actual knowledge was based on USA

Football’s extensive promotion and advertising containing the USA Football Registered Marks, and

by way of FFWCT’s and Mr. Burnett’s previous business interactions with USA Football.

49. Corporate Defendants have unfairly profited from the actions alleged.

50. By reason of foregoing willful and intentional actions, USA Football has suffered

damage to the goodwill associated with the USA Football Registered Marks.

51. As a proximate result of Corporate Defendants’ actions, USA Football has suffered,

and will continue to suffer immediate and irreparable harm. USA Football has also suffered, and

continues to suffer, damage to its business, goodwill, reputation, and profits in an amount to be

proven at trial.

52. USA Football is entitled to recover its damages caused by Corporate Defendants’

infringement of the USA Football Registered Marks and to disgorge Corporate Defendants’ profits

from their willfully infringing earnings and unjust enrichment.

53. USA Football is entitled to injunctive relief under 15 U.S.C. § 1116 because it has no

adequate remedy at law for Corporate Defendants’ infringement, and unless Corporate Defendants

are permanently enjoined, USA Football will suffer irreparable harm.

54. USA Football is entitled to enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees under 15 U.S.C.

§ 1117(a) because Corporate Defendants willfully, intentionally, maliciously, and in bad faith

infringed the USA Football Registered Marks.

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(15 U.S.C. § 1125(a))

55. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though fully

set forth herein.

56. USA Football is the owner of the USA Football Marks.

57. The USA Football Marks are valid and subsisting in full force and effect as

demonstrated by the registrations issued by the USPTO for the USA Football Registered Marks and

USA Football’s common law rights in the remaining USA Football Marks.

58. As set forth above, Corporate Defendants are using a mark confusingly similar to the

USA Football Marks in connection with flag football events and related educational offerings.

59. Corporate Defendants’ conduct constitutes unfair competition and false designation

of origin under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) and, on information and belief, has been

knowing, deliberate, willful, intended to cause mistake or to deceive, and in disregard of USA

Football’s rights.

60. Corporate Defendants have unfairly profited from the actions alleged.

61. By reason of foregoing willful and intentional actions, USA Football has suffered

damage to the goodwill associated with the Marks.

62. USA Football is entitled to recover its damages caused by Corporate Defendants’

infringement of the USA Football Marks and to disgorge Corporate Defendants’ profits from their

willfully infringing earnings and unjust enrichment.

63. USA Football is entitled to injunctive relief under 15 U.S.C. § 1116 because it has no

adequate remedy at law for Corporate Defendants’ actions, and unless Corporate Defendants are

permanently enjoined, USA Football will suffer irreparable harm.

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64. USA Football is entitled to enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees under 15 U.S.C.

§ 1117(a) because Corporate Defendants willfully, intentionally, maliciously, and in bad faith

infringed the USA Football Marks.


65. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though fully

set forth herein.

66. USA Football is the owner of the USA Football Marks.

67. USA Football has registered the USA Football Registered Marks with the USPTO.

68. The USA Football Marks are valid and subsisting trademarks in full force and effect.

69. Corporate Defendants willfully and knowingly used, and continue to use, in Indiana,

a mark (USA FLAG) that is confusingly similar to the USA Football Marks in connection with flag

football events and related educational offerings without the consent of USA Football.

70. Corporate Defendants’ use in Indiana of the mark USA FLAG infringes USA

Football’s rights because it has created and will continue to create a likelihood of confusion as to the

source of goods and service offered by Corporate Defendants.

71. Corporate Defendants had actual knowledge of USA Football’s prior use of the USA

Football Marks when they—at the direction of Mr. Burnett—appropriated the confusingly similar

USA FLAG for their own use by virtue of USA Football’s extensive promotion and advertising

containing the USA Football Marks, and by way of FFWCT’s and Mr. Burnett’s previous business

interactions with USA Football.

72. Corporate Defendants have unfairly profited from the actions alleged.

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73. As a proximate result of Corporate Defendants’ actions, USA Football has suffered,

and continues to suffer, immediate and irreparable harm. This immediate and irreparable harm

includes damage to brand goodwill.

74. USA Football has also suffered, and continues to suffer, damages, including, but not

limited to, loss of business, goodwill, reputation, and profits in an amount to be proven at trial.

75. USA Football is also entitled to punitive damages because Corporate Defendants

acted with malice, fraud, gross negligence, or oppressiveness that was not the result of mistake of

fact or law, honest error of judgment, overzealousness, mere negligence, or other human failing.


76. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though fully

set forth herein.

77. Upon information and belief, Mr. Burnett is the sole member of FFWCT.

78. Upon information and belief, Mr. Burnett is the sole member of USA FLAG.

79. As the sole member of the Corporate Defendants, Mr. Burnett had the right and ability

to supervise their business activities, including their adoption and use of the USA FLAG mark in

connection with flag football events and related educational offerings.

80. As the sole member of the Corporate Defendants, Mr. Burnett was the active and

driving force behind the Corporate Defendants’ adoption and use of the USA FLAG mark in

connection with flag football events and related educational offerings.

81. As the sole member of the Corporate Defendants, Mr. Burnett has a direct financial

interest in their commercial performance, including any profits realized via Corporate Defendants’

adoption and use of the USA FLAG mark in connection with flag football events and related

educational offerings.

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82. As detailed above, Corporate Defendants adoption and use of the USA FLAG mark

in connection with flag football events and related educational offerings constitutes trademark

infringement and unfair competition under the Lanham Act and Indiana common law.

83. Mr. Burnett has unfairly profited from the actions alleged.

84. By reason of foregoing willful and intentional actions, USA Football has suffered

damage to the goodwill associated with the USA Football Marks.

85. USA Football is entitled to recover its damages caused by the actions described

herein and disgorge Mr. Burnett’s profits from his willfully infringing earnings and unjust


86. USA Football is entitled to injunctive relief under 15 U.S.C. § 1116 because it has no

adequate remedy at law for Corporate Defendants’ actions as directed and authorized by Mr. Burnett,

and unless Mr. Burnett is permanently enjoined, USA Football will suffer irreparable harm.

87. USA Football is entitled to enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees under 15 U.S.C.

§ 1117(a) because Mr. Burnett’s actions as described herein are willful, intentional, malicious, and

in bad faith.


88. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though

fully set forth herein.

89. At the expense of and detriment to and without the prior express or implied

authorization of USA Football, the Defendants have been unjustly enriched through their

knowing, intentional, deliberate, willful, and malicious use of the mark USA FLAG (and

designations confusingly similar thereto).

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90. By reason of the Defendants’ actions described above, USA Football has

suffered damages, in an amount as yet to be ascertained but which continues to accrue and

accumulate, and irreparable harm.

91. By reason of the Defendants’ acts, USA Football’s remedy at law is not adequate

to compensate it for the injuries inflicted by the Defendants. Accordingly, USA Football is

entitled to permanent injunctive relief.

(Ind. Code § 35-43-4-3)

92. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though

fully set forth herein.

93. By engaging in the knowing, intentional, deliberate, willful, and malicious actions

described above, the Defendants have exerted unauthorized control over the USA Football Marks

with the intent to deprive USA Football of their benefit.

94. The Defendants have therefore committed conversion as defined under Ind. Code §


95. Defendants’ conversion of the USA Football Marks has proximately caused USA

Football to suffer damages, in an amount as yet to be ascertained but which continues to accrue and

accumulate, and irreparable harm.

96. By reason of the Defendants’ acts, USA Football’s remedy at law is not adequate to

compensate it for the injuries inflicted by Defendants. Accordingly, USA Football is entitled to

permanent injunctive relief.

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(Ind. Code § 35-43-5-3(a)(6))

97. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though fully

set forth herein.

98. By engaging in the knowing, intentional, deliberate, willful, and malicious actions

described above, the Defendants have disseminated to the public information that the Defendants

know is false, misleading, or deceptive, with the intent to promote Defendants’ businesses and/or

commercial interests—namely, they have misrepresented their identities and the quality and identity

of their services.

99. The Defendants have therefore committed deception under Indiana Code § 35-43-5-


100. The Defendants’ deception has proximately caused USA Football to suffer damages,

in an amount as yet to be ascertained but which continues to accrue and accumulate, and irreparable


101. By reason of Defendants’ acts, USA Football’s remedy at law is not adequate to

compensate it for the injuries inflicted by Defendants Accordingly, USA Football is entitled to

permanent injunctive relief.

102. USA Football reincorporates and realleges the foregoing allegations as though fully

set forth herein.

103. Under the Indiana Crime Victim's Relief Act (I.C. § 35-24-3-1), a person that suffers

pecuniary loss as a result of the violation of Ind. Code § 35-43 et seq., may bring a civil action against

the person who caused the loss for treble damages, costs of the action, and reasonable attorneys’


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104. The Defendants have violated Ind. Code § 35-43 through knowing, intentional,

deliberate, willful, and malicious commission of (i) conversion under Ind. Code § 35-43-4-3 and

(ii) deception under Ind. Code § 35-43-5-3.

105. USA Football is the victim of the Defendants’ knowing, intentional, deliberate,

willful, and malicious criminal actions, and, as a result, has suffered actual pecuniary damages in

an amount as yet to be ascertained but which continue to accrue and accumulate.

106. USA Football is accordingly entitled to an award of those actual damages as well as

statutory treble damages, corrective advertising damages, costs, and reasonable attorneys’ fees.


USA Football hereby respectfully requests that all issues raised by this Complaint be tried by



WHEREFORE, USA Football, by counsel, hereby requests that this Court enter an order:

(a) permanently enjoining the Defendants from using USA FLAG or any other name,

word, mark, or designation confusingly similar to the USA Football Marks in connection with flag

football, related activities, or any other service similar to those offered by USA Football;

(b) requiring Defendants to provide an accounting of all gains, profits, savings and

advantages realized by it from the use of USA FLAG or any name, word, mark, or designation

confusingly similar thereto;

(d) requiring Defendants to surrender any and all merchandise, design, plans, and

marketing materials featuring USA FLAG or any name, word, mark, or designation confusingly

similar thereto;

(e) awarding USA Football all damages (including treble damages, punitive, and

damages related to the cost of corrective advertising), costs, disbursements, expenses, and attorneys’

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fees owed to them pursuant to the Lanham Act and Indiana common and statutory law by reason of

Defendants’ willful infringement of, conversion of, and deception related to the Marks, USA FLAG,

or any name, word, mark, or designation confusingly similar thereto;

(f) declaring that this is an exceptional case under 15 U.S.C. § 1117 due to Defendants’

knowing, intentional, deliberate, willful, and malicious acts of trademark infringement and awarding

USA Football its reasonable attorneys’ fees; and

(g) all other just and proper relief to which USA Football is entitled.

Respectfully submitted,

Dated: February 13, 2023 /s/ Amie N. Peele

Amie N. Peele (#19523-29)
49 Boone Village, Box 299
Zionsville, IN 46077
(202) 964-4500 (Ph)
(202) 964-4502 (Fax)

/s/ Louis T. Perry

Louis T. Perry (#25736-49)
300 N. Meridian St., Ste. 2500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 237-0300 (Ph)
(317) 237-1000 (Fax)

Attorneys for Plaintiff, USA Football, Inc.


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