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Class 1 EVS Syllabus

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Theme 1: About Me

The theme “About Me’ is aimed at providing information to and making children aware of
themselves such as parts of the body and their functions, their belongings, hobbies,
interests. It will also develop skills/ processes such as observation, creative expression,
communication and verbal expression. The prime focus of this theme is on the child
expressing her/his own ideas and learning social skills.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
share and verbally communicate their personal details, i.e. own name, name of parents’/
siblings, address, birthday date, phone number, etc.;
identify and name the parts of the body;
distinguish between functions of different parts of the body (both sense organs and large
draw various parts of the body (large parts);
share their hobbies, likes and dislikes and learn to appreciate those of others;
identify the differences in the peer group – hair, eye colour, height, weight;
solve (6-8 pieces) body puzzle problems independently;
make choices about their belongings;
identify their own and others’ feelings (sad, angry, happy, surprised, excited);
learn to develop control over emotions;
demonstrate use of extended vocabulary related to the theme;
engage in and learn to cooperate in small and large group activities.

About Me
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Personal details of self:  Providing opportunities for sharing  Children’s own learning
name, parents’ name, personal experiences. experiences related with
address, phone number,  Using various action songs, drawings their personal things, body
birthday date, etc. for self-awareness. parts.
 Parts of the Body  Initiating discussion on body parts/  Picture cards on body
(External: head, chest, personal things. parts and their functions
legs, hands, shoulders,  Providing jigsaw puzzles on making  Jigsaw puzzles.
elbow, wrists, fingers, face, parts of the body.  Poems/riddles, songs,
cheeks, etc.).  Developing models of the different jingles on this theme.
 Sense Organs and body parts from clay.  Flipbook on body parts
functions.  Providing opportunities to observe and their functions.
 Likes & dislikes of oneself. picture cards (flash cards) and  Photo album of self with
 Hobbies matching with their functions related family.
cards.  Video on body parts/
 Video watching on parts of the body. puzzles.
 Discussing differences among peer  Name games.
group and learn to appreciate the  Colour and shape
differences. dominoes.
 Designing activities for children to
learn how to look after themselves.

About Me
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Involving children in origami activity
to develop creative expression.
 Making of clay model on body parts,
personal objects.
 Involving children in hobbies/ to
develop various skills such as
drawing, picture reading, creative
expression, verbal communication
 Providing opportunities to attempt to
write poems, songs, to develop verbal
and creative expression.
 Engaging children in the upkeep of
the classroom after playing with
activity material (to learn cooperation
and working together.)
 Giving simple projects (with the
support of elders) such as flip book,
photo album, etc.

Integration: Health & Physical Education, Arts Education and Languages

Life Skills: Self -awareness, Co-operation, Working in teams

Theme 2: Others in my World

The theme is expected to develop an understanding about others in the child’s world,
which would include family members, neighbours, friends and also pets. The theme is
also expected to focus on issues and concepts related to neighbourhood, indoor/outdoor
games and significance of celebrating festivals.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
name the family members verbally;
identify and differentiate between a Joint and Nuclear Family;
appreciate variation in family structure and discuss reasons for differences;
identify and share information on festivals celebrated in the family;
identify relationship with different family members, describe (name) the relationship;
draw the family tree of close relatives (grandparents, parents, children);
describe the family’s role and responsibilities in his/ her own words;
discuss and share personal experiences related to one’s family;
appreciate need for neighbours (society) and friends;
appreciate how neighbours help one another in day-to-day life.

Others in my World
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Name of the family  Providing opportunities to share the Thumb impression
members, their roles, names and number of members in the (creative expression).
habits and hobbies, family (through bar graph or family tree). Puppet show (story
relationships with family  Listing and describing people children narration).
members, family tree. meet/see in their neighbourhood. Flash card/PPT for
 Variation in family  Opportunities for describing festivals and quiz celebration.
structure fun time with family and friends. Family album.
 My neighbours, My  Providing opportunities to discuss and Flip booklet.
friends, any Pets. share role of family members and their Experiences related to
 Celebrations in the family habits/ hobbies. festival celebrations.
and neighbourhood.  Organising activities to draw pictures/ Games and
 Festivals: fun & sharing, paste photographs of family members, recreational activities.
time with family, friends friends. Activities/games
and neighbours.  Guiding/ assigning project to children to related to the five
 Games with peer and develop and draw family tree of family senses.
family members for members Circle time activities.
recreation.  Developing creative expression – through
drawings, origami, puppet making,
making photo albums, songs and poems
related to this theme.
 Identifying and organizing indoor and
outdoor games (in groups) and discussing
the rules of the games.
 Appreciating differences in family
members and respecting their differences.
 Creating a book on ‘About me’.
Integration: Mathematics, Arts Education, Languages
Life Skills: Self-awareness, communication skills

Theme 3: My Needs - Food We Eat

The theme ‘food’ is introduced in the early grades with the expectation of focusing on
the need and importance of food for living beings. The theme food discusses various
issues and concerns related to food items. The theme is also expected to develop some
core skills among children i.e. observation, discussion skills appreciating diversity in
food. The various life skills i.e. self-awareness, respect, would also be inculcated from
this theme.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
name and discuss about food items eaten at home;
identify food items eaten in raw/cooked form and give examples of each;
cite examples of food items got from plants;
cite examples of food items got from animals;
enlist food items cooked during festivals;
give reasons why food of the young ones is different from that of adults;
develop sensitivity towards food not be wasted;
distinguish between food items obtained from plants and animals;
demonstrate healthy eating habits
appreciate the diversity in food items in different families;

My Needs - Food We Eat

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Food eaten (daily) in  Discussing children’s personal experiences  Actual food items (for
the family. related to food eaten at home. identification).
 Food eaten in  Discussing and enlisting food items eaten by  Pictures of various
raw/cooked form. them and not eaten by them. food items received
 Food cooked during  Showing and using various kind of actual from plants and
food items & discussing about them in the
festivals in the animals (Picture

 Showing raw/cooked food.
cards), picture
Food we get from plants
and animals.
 Showing and discussing about plant/animal

Crossword puzzles
product as food.
 Need and respect for  Sharing narratives to inculcate values and quizzes on food.
food. regarding respect for food.  Lists of food items
 Healthy eating habits.  Developing observing, classifying skills by cooked during
 Food of different using various food items as group activity. different festivals in
people: young ones, old  Providing opportunities to collect/ make the family with
people, patients, etc. poems/songs /riddles on food to develop pictures.
creative expression skill.  Project Work (Plants
 Providing opportunities to do project work and animals as a
on the theme food (Plants and animals as a sources of food)

source of food, animals as source of food).
Organising a discussion on food variation
 Papers.

among family members (the old, the young

and the infants).
 Drawing pictures of food items, colour, name
them, activities related to origami.

Integration: Languages, Health and Physical Education

Theme 4: My Needs - Water

The theme aims at developing awareness on water as a basic necessity/need for all
living beings and related aspects and issues. The theme would focus on sources of water
in the family/neighbourhood, storage of water, simple properties of water and concern
towards wastage of water. A number of core skills i.e. observation, discussion,
experimentation need to be developed through this theme.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
name and identify various sources of water available at home/in the surroundings;
describe the various uses of water in the family;
describe simple properties of water (observable only).
distinguish activities done with water and without water;
identify and name the vessels used to store water at home/school;
give reasons for storage of water at home;
appreciate the re-use of water related activities;
discuss ways to avoid wastage of water.

My Needs - Water
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Uses of water in the  Initiating discussion on this theme  Children’s daily life
family. related to children’s personal experiences.
 Sources of water at home experiences.  Children’s local language
and in the surroundings.  Providing opportunities to collect related to water theme.
 Storage of water in the picture of various sources of  Pictures of various sources
family. water/observed used in the of water.
 Need for storage of water. surroundings.  Worksheets on different
 Simple properties of water  Discussing the activities done key concepts prepared by
(colour, taste, smell, with/without water in day-to-day life the teacher.
shape). (individually and or in groups).  Narratives/stories/life
 Activities done with and  Providing opportunities to experiences on judicious
without water in the draw/picture of water sources and use/reuse of water.
family. name them.  Audio/Videos on water
 Need for judicious use of  Conducting simple usage and storage.
water, reuse of water in activities/experiments to observe  Project work by children –
the family. properties of water (observable only messages and slogans on
with elders). judicious use of water.
 Group assignment to do project work
on judicious use of water (Writing
slogans, ways to save water, creative
 Conducting activities to enlist ways to
save water.

Integration: Arts Education, Languages, Health and Physical Education.

Life Skills: Self -awareness, Communication skill, Team work, Decision making.

Theme 5: My Needs: Shelter

The theme ‘Shelter’ is expected to develop an understanding on need for shelter for
living beings the different habitats and reasons for variation in the habitats. The theme
would also lead to the development of some core skills such as creative expression,
discussion, description.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
describe (own words) their own house and name the different areas in the house;
distinguish between various kind of houses seen in the surroundings;
discuss and give reasons (own words) for the need for a house; cleanliness of house;
develop creative expression i.e., decorating the house, writing songs, poem;
involve in hands-on activities, i.e. making a house, dustbin, Rangoli and decorating material
for houses.

My Needs: Shelter
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 My House, Types of houses in  Creating situations for  Videos.
the neighbourhood. discussing/ to sharing  Pictures/drawings of different
 Description of a child’s own personal experiences. types of houses.
house.  Providing opportunities to  Clay.
 Areas/Places, rooms in the observe pictures of various  Worksheets developed by the
house and work done in these kind of houses to discuss and teachers.
areas/places. appreciate the variations.  Models of houses
 Need for a house.  Assigning activities to draw  Decorative articles
 Cleanliness of house. pictures of children’s own
 Use of dustbins. houses and writing a few lines
 Ways of decorating houses. on their houses.
 Making a collage of pictures of
houses made by children as a
group activity.
 Writing/Collecting
poems/rhymes on houses and
sharing them with peers.
 Demonstrating some hands-
on activity i.e. models of
houses made from clay, hard-
board, making a dustbin.
 Asking children to make
decorative articles for the
 Organizing group discussions
on keeping the house clean.
 Making a model by using
clay/other material available
in the environment.

Integration: Languages, Arts Education

Theme 6: My Needs - Clothing

The theme ‘Clothing’ aims at developing an understanding for its need for human beings.
The theme would discuss the kind of textures of clothes worn by people. The emphasis
would also be on cleanliness and care of clothes/dresses.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
need and importance of clothing for human beings.
share and name various kinds of clothes/dresses worn by them and their family members;
identify the kinds of clothes/ dresses worn by them and their family members;
differentiate the different kind of dresses worn in different seasons/ festivals / on other
appreciate the importance of clothes in daily life.

My Needs - Clothing
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Need for clothes for human  Discussing with children  Children’s learning
beings. about their personal experiences
 Dresses worn by self and experiences.  Pictures/visuals of various
family members, school  Talking about clothes being kind of dresses.
uniform, name of clothes worn worn on various occasions.  Pictures of/Sample dresses
by males and females at home.  Providing opportunities to worn on various occasions.
 Variety of clothes/dresses draw pictures of dresses worn  Newspapers to make dresses
worn in different seasons, by them, colouring and by paper folding (origami).
occasions (festivals), by naming them.
self/family members.  Giving opportunities to make
 Care of clothes/ dresses various kind of dresses by
(cleanliness). using used
 Assigning project work on
origami (paper folding).
 Organising activities to discuss
ways to take care of clothes/
festival clothes.
 Discussion with teacher and
peer group on cleanliness of

Integration: Languages

Theme 7: My Needs - Air

The theme ‘Air’ is aimed at discussing concepts and issues related to air in the daily
lives of children. Simple observable properties of air would be discussed under the
theme. Through simple activities skills like observation, discussion and experimentation
would be developed. The theme would also focus on how to keep the surrounding air

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
demonstrate awareness (by citing examples) about the presence of air in the surroundings;
appreciate the use of air by living beings;
give reasons how air gets unclean/polluted;
identify and list out the harmful effects of unclean air for living beings;
conduct simple experiment/activities related to properties of air (with the support of elders);
appreciate the need for planting trees to get the clean air.

My Needs - Air
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Some observable features of  Undertaking/Demonstrating  Children’s experiences related
air (Air has no colour. We feel to show children the to their immediate
air when the wind blows). properties of air (air has no surrounding in the morning
 Uses of air in daily life. colour, one can feel it). evening time.
 Need for clean air  Discussing reasons why air  Films on the harmful effect of
 Harmful effects of unclean air gets polluted (effect of smoke, polluted air.
by giving examples. fuel burning of garbage may  Balloons, kites to demonstrate
 Planting of trees to keep air be discussed). presence of air.
clean and fresh.  Exploring sharing and  Water, matchbox for activity.
discussing children’s  Rhymes/stories book on air.
experiences about air in the
morning, afternoon, evening
time in an open place.
 Demonstrating that under
trees air is fresher. cleaner and
also conduct deep breathing
 Assigning projects to groups
on ways to keep air clean.

Integration: Languages, Health & Physical Education

Life Skills: Self-awareness, Awareness for healthy living

Theme 8: Keeping Oneself Clean, Safe and Healthy

The theme is expected to provide information on and develop an awareness on the issues
and concerns related to cleanliness and health. The theme will focus on how to keep
oneself healthy, recreational ways at home/neighbourhood, safety at home and in public
places. It would help to develop skills related to self-awareness and self-protection.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
demonstrate personal hygiene of body and clothes;
demonstrate healthy habits and safety in school/home/playground;
list out reasons for maintaining a healthy body;
show awareness of self-protection;
differentiate between good and bad touch by persons at home, relatives in the neighbourhood /
public places, school;
demonstrate awareness and need for clean surroundings;
participate in recreational activities (games, play);
discuss personal problems with family members;
demonstrate simple exercises/ asanas for keeping the body healthy.

Keeping Oneself Clean, Safe and Healthy

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Personal hygiene (hand wash,  Discussing about the need of  Charts/poster/collage/booklet-
body, nail, teeth, hair, cleanliness at home, school by pasting pictures related to
clothes). and surroundings. with this theme.
 Cleanliness in the house and  Sharing / demonstrating yoga  Asking a yoga instructor to
surroundings. exercises and explaining their teach few basic asanas.
 Use of dustbin in benefits.  Show and tell activity.
House/school.  Organising activities and  Create a play corner with some
 How to keep body healthy and Listing some indoor and indoor games displayed for
fit: rest, exercise, yoga, deep outdoor games enjoyed by children to use.
breathing, play games children.  Narratives for self-protection.
(awareness level).  Making children aware of  Awareness related activities.
 Indoor and outdoor games for good and bad touch by elders
recreation. at home/school/
 Safety at home and outside. neighbourhood and at public
 Good/bad touch. places through sharing of
 Safety at public places experiences and narratives.
 Organising group work to
involve children in creative
expression activities.

Integration: Languages, Health and Physical education

Life Skills: Self-awareness and self-protection.
Note: Link this theme with the theme ‘About Me’

Theme 9: Places in the neighbourhood

The theme ‘Places in the neighbourhood’ is aimed at providing information related to

various places in the neighbourhood. The theme would also throw some light on the up-
keep of public places in the community. People involved with various professions and
their needs would also be discussed. Children would learn to appreciate and respect the
all kind of work / professions in our day to day life.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify various places, i.e., school, hospital, park, water bodies in the neighbourhood;
discuss the roles played by various people in these places;
appreciate the role played by the people in keeping these places clean;
discuss the role of each place in day-to-day life;
demonstrate how to behave in public places.

Places in the neighbourhood

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Various places- Market,  Discussing with children  Picture cards of various places
Hospitals, Parks, Banks, Fire about their personal and people involved in various
station, Post office, Bus Stop, experiences, about different professions.
Railway Station. places /professions.  People from different
 People involved with various  Providing opportunities to professions.
professions (Policeman, visit some important places.  Narratives/stories/children’s
Doctor, Nurse, Teacher,  Interacting with people who own experiences.
Gardner. Milkman, Driver, are involved in different  Poem/songs on the above
Bus/Train conductor). professions related with the theme.
 Role of community members identified places.  Project Work.
in the up-keep of public  Conducting survey/interview  Discussion among peer group,
places. with children to get hands-on teachers and elders.
experiences.  Mock /drill exercise.
 Assigning simple  Role play.
group/individual projects to
children to collect pictures of
neighbourhood places and the
role played by different

Integration: Languages
Life Skills: Respect, dignity of labour.
- Link this theme with transport and communication themes.
- Various professions may be added as per the context

Theme 10: Plants

The theme ‘Plants’ aims at developing an understanding on simple concepts related to

plants, variation in plants and uses of plants for human beings. Through this theme the
skills expected to be developed are those of observation, discrimination, appreciation
along with sensitivity towards care and concern for plants and the environment.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
know about plants and the main parts of a plant;
identify and name various plants seen in the surroundings;
distinguish between plants that grow in water and on land;
cite examples of some medicinal plants used at home;
draw and label the main parts of plants;
appreciate the uses of plant products;
develop sensitivity towards care and protection of plants.

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Plants/Trees in the  Providing opportunities to  Plants seen in the school and
surroundings/ in the school share/discuss children’s at home.
(their names only) experiences in the class.  Pictures of some plants that
 Plants on land, water,  Providing opportunities by grow in water and on land.
climbers (names with organizing visits to observe  Picture cards of plants.
pictures) and explore various kinds of  Nearby places, gardens, picnic
 Medicinal Herbs/plants that plants available in the nearby spots.
are used in daily life. surroundings.  Development of picture books,
 Kinds of fruits, vegetables we  Discussing plant variations cards.
eat. seen based on observation, i.e.
 Edible parts of plants (fruits, colour, shape, size, aroma of
seeds, leaves of some plants leaves, size of plants.
and their names).  Group work to discuss uses of
plants in our day-to-day life,
particularly medicinal plants.
 Providing opportunities to
draw pictures, collect photos,
 Involving children in project
work (collection of pictures,
drawings of plants.).
 Discussing / questioning on
care and protection of plants.

Integration: Health and Physical Education, Languages.

Life Skills: Sensitivity towards care and protection of the environment.

Theme 11: Animals

The theme ‘Animals’ is expected to develop awareness and an understanding of the

concepts related to animals. It also aims at developing care and compassion for animals.
The theme would also help to develop skills such as observation, classification, care and
concern for animals and appreciation of beauty. The expectation of this theme is to
acquaint children about different kinds of animals not to classify animals into sub

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
recognize and name the animals/birds seen in the surroundings;
identify and name the main body parts of animals;
identify and differentiate between pet, domestic and wild animals by citing examples;
list common animals and birds that live in water, land and in air;
recognize the sounds made by some common animals and birds and mimic them;
draw pictures of pet and wild animals and label their main body parts;
sing/recite songs/poems on animals and birds;
show concern and compassion for animals and birds;
appreciate the variation and beauty in animals and birds.

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Animals seen in the  Providing opportunities to  Nearby garden/zoo.
children’s’ surroundings. children to share and narrate their  Picture cards of
 Pet, wild and domestic experiences related to animals animals/birds.
animals. seen by them in their  Charts of animals of
 Care and compassion for pet surroundings. domestic, wild, pet, birds
animals.  Providing opportunities for and display in the
 Name some common birds observations through different classroom.
seen in the surroundings. ways i.e. nature walk, visit to  Collection of some songs,
 Some common animals/birds nearby garden/zoo, with elders, poems on animals.
living in water, land, air parents and teachers.  Documentary film on
(name only).  Showing animal animals.
 Sounds of some familiar cards/pictures/films.  Develop bird bath.
animals and birds.  Facilitating play with puzzles and  Drawings of animals made
 Draw pictures/ make masks quizzes on animals. by children.
of common animals and  Organizing group activities with  Origami work, masks of
birds. children to recognize sounds of animals.
animals, birds, their movements
and imitating them.
 Asking children to draw
pictures/paste pictures of some
animals and write their names,
some features such as, body parts,
sounds, etc. below the pictures.
 Grouping and sorting activities
with animal cards.

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Providing opportunities to develop
masks, origami work for creative
 Assigning Project Work, i.e.
picture book, cards, drawings.
 Creating situations to sensitize
children towards animals through
discussion, sharing experiences,
stories, narratives.

Integration: Arts Education, Languages

Life Skills: Empathy, Care and tolerance for animals, Sensitivity towards environment and

Theme 12: Transport

The theme ‘Transport’ is aimed to provide information and awareness about the
various modes of transport, traffic rules, need for emergency vehicles. Skills such as
exploration, explanation and clarification skills would also be developed.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify the different modes of transport available in the surroundings;
identify different professions related to transport;
differentiate between the various kinds of transport used on land, in water and air;
cite examples of each kind of transport (air, water, land);
discuss and reason out the causes of noise in the surroundings;
draw and collect pictures of various kind of transport;
develop stories/ poems/ songs to express one’s own ideas (creative expression);
appreciate the role of traffic police, traffic lights;
suggest ways to reduce smoke and noise.

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Different kinds of  Providing opportunities to share  Children’s experiences.
transport in the children’s experiences about  Narratives created and
surroundings. transport. compiled by children.
 Different Modes of  Exploring children’s ideas about  Poems/ songs compiled on
transport (land, air, modes of transport through transport.
water). brainstorming and discussion.  Pictures/drawings of
 Parts of vehicles.  Providing opportunities to children to various kinds of vehicles.
 Occupations related to collect pictures of vehicles, draw  Mock drill of traffic rules
transport. pictures of different modes of  Children’s drawings on
 Noise in the surrounding transport. different kinds of vehicles.
by vehicles.  Organising discussion on causes of  Project Work (traffic light)
 Traffic police and Traffic noise and air (smoke) pollution, uses
signals and misuse of transport
 Emergency vehicles (Fire,  Conducting group activities to
Ambulance, Police, etc.) identify, classify and differentiate
 Misuse of Transport. different types of vehicles.
 Organising mock drill exercises/ role
play of persons involved in this work
 Discussing eco-friendly technology
being adopted.

Integration: Health and Physical Education, Languages

Life Skills: Concern for noise pollution in the surroundings

Theme 13: Communication

The theme ‘Communication’ is expected to provide information on means of

communication in the surroundings and uses and misuses of communication in daily life.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
enlist different ways of communication used in the family;
discuss (with elders) the more common ways of communication used by the family;
identify and discuss other ways of communication available in the surroundings;
discuss uses of various ways of communication;
identify uses and misuses of ICT Communication.

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Means of communication  Providing opportunities to share the  Children’s experiences.
at home, in the various ways of communication in the  Narratives created by
neighbourhood, (Radio, family, surroundings and describe children.
TV, Newspaper). them.  Poems/ songs compiled on
 Different ways of  Creating situations to develop communication.
communication. poems/songs for developing divergent  Pictures/drawings of
 Uses, misuse of thinking/ creative expression on various means of
communication. communication in children. communication.
 Use of ICT in  Giving children opportunities to draw
Communication (email, pictures.
SMS, internet at the  Organising group activities to discuss
awareness level only). uses and misuses of communication.
 Doing puzzles (jig-saw).
 Providing opportunities to children to
develop awareness on use of e-mails.
Internet, telephone, letters,
organising activities to use non-verbal
ways of communication.

Integration: Languages, Computer Studies

Theme 14: The World around Me (Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars)

The theme ‘World Around Me’ is aimed to develop awareness about the sun, moon, stars
and children’s own ideas about these heavenly bodies. Simple information on these
heavenly bodies would be provided in an interesting manner.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify the heavenly bodies seen in the morning and at night in the sky;
discuss about the heavenly bodies (sun, moon and stars) in their own words;
draw pictures of the sun, moon and stars and colour them;
discuss and differentiate between sunny, cloudy, winter, summer and rainy days’ experiences
in their own words;
describe and differentiate between summer, winter and rainy days’ experiences.

The World around Me (Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars)

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
Processes Resources
 Sky in the morning, afternoon  Asking children to share their  Stories and songs related to
and evening. experiences of day/night time sun, moon, stars (collected or
 Cloudy and sunny days. about the sky. created).
 Sky in the night-stars, moon.  Collecting poems/songs on  Structured conversation on
 Sun in the summer, winter, heavenly bodies. each heavenly body
and rainy days.  Organising some activities  Puppet play, masks (sun,
 Weather in summer, winter such as dramatization (using moon and stars).
and monsoons. masks) on sun, star, moon.  Children’s personal
 Assigning projects to groups of experiences.
children on the sky and
heavenly bodies (collecting
information and pictures with
the support of elders).
 Organising group activities –
collage, puppet, mask making.

Integration: Languages, Mathematics (Patterns)


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