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Life and Works of Rizal Syllabus

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Laoag City

College of Arts and Sciences

Social Sciences and Humanities Department

Course Code : SS 106

Course Title : Life and Works of Rizal
Credit Units : 3
Time Allotment : 54hrs
Pre-requisite : none

I. Vision
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY envisions itself to be a premier institution of learning in Asia committed to excellence and ethical
formation for global relevance

II. Mission
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY is dedicated to develop individuals to become highly competent, socially responsible, and ethically
upright leaders

III. Institutional Objectives

Institutional Objectives Concomitant to its role as a University in which higher learning, research and community extensions are developed
and nurtured, Northwestern University adopts the following objectives where excellence as a way of life is its rallying point.

1. To provide a strong educational foundation by offering and maintaining comprehensive basic/general education programs and
strengthening pillars of knowledge in the academe in order to produce functional graduates who will be able to meet the needs of both
local and global markets.

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2. To train and develop students and employees for responsible leadership, effective citizenship and social responsibility through the
inculcation of the ideals of democracy and positive values, manifested by a great concern for their fellow men.
3. To provide a strong and comprehensive human resource development program for professional advancement and to remain competitive in
changing times.
4. To align and harmonize the research and extension programs with the local, regional, national and global thrust.
5. To explore and expand linkages with local and international agencies.

IV. Program Objectives (Physical Therapy)

The BSPT program aims to produce physical therapist who are competent to fulfill professional responsibilities in the following areas:

a. Patient client care in various settings for different populations;

b. Education of individuals and groups;
c. Administration and management of physical therapy programs; institutions and facilities, including private practice and delivery of
home health care services;
d. Lifelong learning for the development of the professional;;
e. Health promotion

V. Course Description:

This course studies the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal It emphasizes on the efforts and sacrifices rendered for the country, the
social and political condition during his times and the evaluation of his writings namely his poems, essays and novels.

VI. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
Course Outcomes (COs) Intended Learning Outcomes
After finishing the course, the student must be able to: (ILOs)
a b c d e
1. Cite and internalize the vision, mission and objectives of the University and the program E E E E E
2. Examine the goals of the Rizal Law and relate the different events in the 19th century and E E E E E
the different ideas Rizal encountered which were translated to his works .
3. Appreciate Rizal’s view on childhood, family, love and education E E D E E
4. Analyze and apply the knowledge and insights gained from Rizal’s life and writings D D D D D
Legend : I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D –Demonstrated

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Laoag City
VII. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
1. Memorize, accept and internalize the VMO of the university, the college and the program educational objectives and program outcomes
2. Discus the provisions of the Rizal Law and why it was established
3. Relate how the conditions of the 19th century Philippines and Europe affected the formation of Rizal’s national consciousness
4. Appreciate the factors that influenced the development of Rizal’s character and national consciousness
5. Analyze and appreciate the different works and writings of Rizal and how it affected Rizal’s mind for the birth of a nation.

VIII. Course Plan

Topics/Contents Content Standard Intended Learning Teaching-Learning Assessment Tools Time Frame
Outcomes (ILOs) Activities
At the end of the Orientation
orientation, the
students must have
memorized, accepted
and internalized the
The learner will have to Teaching Activity
IPVMO VMO of the Week 1
understand and
university, the Google classroom
internalize the IPVMO
college and the
program educational
objectives and
program outcomes
of the department.
Introduction to the Life The learners will have At the end of the Learning Activity Essay Week 1
of Jose Rizal an: discussion, the Reflection Paper
a. Introduction to the learners shall be able Lecture
general definitions to know the Personal Reflection
and criteria of attributes that make
heroes, define one a hero and to be Teaching Activity
national heroes and able to identify and Google Classroom
know the criteria appreciate the
for selecting contributions,
national hero influences and

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b. Know why Rizal is significance of Jose
the national hero. Rizal’s works and
The learners will be At the end of the
The Conditions of able to know the discussion, the
Europe, America and challenges and learner shall be able Learning Activity
Graphic Organizer
pain responses of the 19th to state the concept
Week 2
century around the of liberal ideas as Personal Reflection
world opposed to the ideas Lecture
prevalent during the
19th Century and Learning Activity
point out example
countries whose Google Classroom
people tried to
change the political,
social situations of
their nations at that
The learners will be At the end of the Learning Activity
able to know the socio- discussion , the
political conditions that learners shall be able Personal Reflection
The Philippine in the occurred in the to analyze how the Critique Writing
Reflection Paper Week 2
19th century Philippines in the 19 th
changes in Europe
Century Effected the Teaching Activity
Philippines as a Google Classroom
colony of Spain

Topics/Contents Content Standard Intended Learning Teaching-Learning Assessment Tools Time Frame
Outcomes (ILOs) Activities
The Rizal Law The learner will identify At the end of the Teaching Activity Paper Analysis Week 3
the opposing groups on discussion, the learner Google Classroom
the issue of the Rizal shall be able state the

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Laoag City
opposing group’s
points of contention
and determine the
Law interest of the
contending groups and
draw parallels to the
present time.
Topics/Contents Content Standard Intended Learning Teaching-Learning Assessment Tools Time Frame
Outcomes (ILOs) Activities
The learner shall point At the end of the
The life of Rizal Learning Activity
out important landmarks discussion, the learner
in the life of Jose Rizal shall be able to analyze
LA – Lecture Week 4
how these important
through powerpoint
landmarks molded the
mind and heart of Jose
Rizal and using the
Learning Activity
definition of the word
“her” in the previous
Google Classroom
The learner will identify At the end of the Learning Activity
The Works of Rizal
the different itinerary discussion, the learner
works of Rizal shall be able to LA – Lecture
appreciate his different through powerpoint Paper Analysis Week 5
works of Rizal presentation

Learning Activity

Google Classroom

The writing of Rizal The learner will have a At the end of the Learning Activity Paper Analysis Week 6
knowledge of the discussion, the learner
different writings of shall be able to analyze LA – Reflection

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Laoag City
and appreciate the Paper
many writings of Writing
Rizal, novel, poems
and essay Learning Activity
Google Classroom


IX. Grading System

Two periodical examinations are given every trimester, Mid-term, and Final scheduled in the Academic Calendar.
The standard formula in computing grades are as follows:

MIDTERM GRADE: (CS x .60) + (Midterm Exam Rating x .40)

  END TERM: (CS x .60) + (Final Exam Rating x .40)

FINAL GRADE: (Midterm Rating + End Term)


However, the percentage distribution may vary according to the nature of the course/subject.
The Class Standing is the sum of but not limited to the assessed course requirements, and attendance.
Grading System is in Multiples of .25 as follows:
For Master’s Programs
1.00 98-100 Excellent
1.25 95-97 Superior
1.50 92-94 Very Good
1.75 89-91 Good
2.0 85-88 Satisfactory

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1. Assessments – Faculty members shall provide alternative assessments such as activity sheets, assignments, and other
requirements and consider student assessment and computation of grades to be based on school academic policies.

2. Range of Numerical Grades – In light of the difficulties brought about by the pandemic and quarantine protocols, utmost
leniency shall be given to in the assessment of students.

3. PENDING Grade – Students shall be given until the end of the semester to complete all requirements of the course. No extra
credit or bonus shall be given for early submission of requirements. Non-submission of the requirements for courses offered
in AY 2019-20 within the timeframe provided shall not result in an INC or failing grade. Instead the faculty member shall
indicate in the grading sheet that the grade of the student is “PENDING”.

4. Pre-requisite Courses – If the course in which a pending grade is incurred is a pre-requisite, the student shall be permitted to
enroll in the courses requiring such pre-requisite. The faculty member shall implement a bridging plan to assist the student to
cope up with the requirements of the succeeding courses.

5. Removal of grade of “PENDING” – Students shall be allowed to complete their requirements within one (1) year of incurring
the pending grade without need for completion fees. A separate form for the completion of pending grades shall be provided
for this purpose.

6. Scholarships and honors – Incurring a grade of “PENDING” shall not disqualify a student from scholarship or receiving
honors. The actual grade upon completion shall be considered for these purposes.

7. Presence of Students on Campus (assuming GCQ protocols are in place)

In general, students shall not be allowed to come on campus. However, for very special or urgent circumstances,
colleges may request for students to report to fulfill requirements, particularly for graduating students.
However, this is subject to the quarantine guidelines implemented in Ilocos Norte and Laoag City and the approval of the
VPAA and President. Proper precautions shall be strictly enforced whenever students are allowed on campus.

11. Guidelines for the Conduct of Laboratory Classes

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All Laboratory and other classes needing personal appearance are temporarily suspended until face to face classes can be
conducted. Exceptions may be allowed in line with the previous paragraph.

12. Guidelines for the Conduct of Internship/OJT

12.1. During the AY 2019-2020
For degree programs that require internship and clinical duties – Colleges concerned shall be given the flexibility
to extend classes/clinical duties and prepare a catch-up plan for their students until June 2020. Colleges may use
appropriate alternative learning platforms and are allowed flexibility in modifying or reducing program requirements in
order to meet the requirements for graduation/promotion during this period.

The exercise of maximum consideration and leniency shall be accorded to students/clinical rotators in the conduct of
make-up classes/clinical duties and modification of curricular requirements without compromising the attainment of
learning outcomes.

For non-health related programs – Students undergoing On-the-Job Training/Internship where the students have been
pulled out of their respective training centers due to the ECQ shall not be allowed to go back to their respective
companies or offices. The total number of training hours earned in their respective training centers prior to the
implementation of the ECQ shall be considered and credited.

12.2. The university shall await the pronouncements of CHED regarding the programs, standards and guidelines (PSGs) of
degree programs and make the necessary curricular modifications to cover the changes in internship, OJT and other
requirements to be effective only for AY 2019-2020.

13. All field trips, trainings and other off-campus activities are suspended. Faculty members shall provide for alternative learning
activities to simulate the outcomes of the field trip/off-campus activity. However, the off-campus activity is required by the
PSGs of the program or other regulatory issuance, the conduct of such activity shall be conducted when quarantine
restrictions have been lifted.

14. Students are advised not to use someone else’s words or ideas without proper attribution, or seek permission of the owner
before using the intellectual property of others, during the academic exercise.

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XI. Bibliography:


1.Atienza, Glecy. (2018). Jose Rizal:The National Hero. Mutya Publishing House Inc. Malabon City
2/ Bagolong, Saidamin Jose Rizal: Life Works and Writings. Mutya Publishing House Inc. Malabon City
3.Capino, Diosdado (2003). Rizal’s Life. Works and Writingsand the Impact on Our National Identity. ( 1977), Bookmman Inc.,Makati
City, Philippines
4. Castaneda, Sherwin (2007) Jose Rizal the Martyr and National Hero. Mutya Publishing House. Quezon City, Phillippines
5. De Viana, AugustoV. ( 2018), Jose Rizal: Social Reformer and Patriot. Rex Boolstore, Manila
6. Lomibao Julie (2011). Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings. IUPM Publishing. Quezon City
7. Maguigad, Rogelio B. ( 2008). Jose Rizal The First Filipino. Libro Filipino Enterprises. Manila
8. Romero, Corona S. ( (2000). Rizaal and the Developmeent of Natiuonal Consciousness. JMC Press Inc. Manila
9. Trillian, Pablo S. (2006).Rizal and HeroicTraditions: A Sense of National Identity. New Day Publishing , Quezon City
10. Zaide, Gregorio et. al. .(2010). Life, Works and Writings of Genius Writer Scientist and National Hero.

www: of the Philippines.html
www.Philippine History; New Philippines, html

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