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Conven Cooking Burner

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Performance Of LPG Cooking Stove Using Different Design Of Burner Heads

Conference Paper · July 2013


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2 authors:

Mohd Yunus Khan Anupriya Saxena

Aligarh Muslim University Poornima Group of Colleges


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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

Performance Of LPG Cooking Stove Using Different Design Of Burner Heads

Mohd. Yunus Khan1 and Anupriya Saxena2
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University Polytechnic,
A.M.U., Aligarh.
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Mass College of Engineering and Management,
Sasni (Hathras)

Abstract performance of LPG cooking stove. Also, burners of

different material were employed to study the effect of
There is tremendous demand for fossil fuels at the same burner material on LPG stove performance. The
these fuels are depleting at a rapid rate. So, efforts thermal efficiency of the LPG cooking stove with
should be made to conserve it. The objective of this regular shaped cast iron burner head was taken as
experimental investigation was to see the effects on reference.
using different design burner heads on the performance
of LPG cooking stove. Also, burners of different
material were used to study the effects of burner 2. Working of Conventional Burner
material on LPG stove performance. It was In a conventional burner, LPG and air are required
experimentally found out that thermal efficiency of to be mixed before combustion in the throat of the
stove using flat and flower face brass burners were burner where reactions occur. There is a single flame
higher as compared to regular cast iron burner. There zone. Burner work on the principle called the venturi-
was improvement of 4% when regular brass burner effect. It says that as a gas passes through a pipe that
was used instead of regular cast iron burner. narrows or widens, the velocity and pressure of the gas

Maximum thermal efficiency of 58% was achieved vary. When pipe is narrows, the flow of gas is more
when flat face brass burner head was used. While rapidly. When the gas flows faster through the narrow
thermal of 50% was obtained when flower face burner sections the pressure decreases. The venturi-tube is a
was used. large diameter tube, gradually feeding into a smaller
tube and then gradually becoming a larger tube as
shown in Figure 1.
1. Introduction
Fossil fuels reserves are depleting at a very rapid
rate at the same time their usage is increasingly
considerably. In order to meet the impending fuel
crisis, an extensive research is being carried out in the
areas of fuel conservation and alternative fuels.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is the most commonly
used conventional fuel for domestic application. In
urban India, the total domestic consumption of LPG is
very high. It is a known fact that LPG usage is
important part of our life as 90% urban population uses Figure 1 Mixing of LPG and Air
LPG for cooking. With some changes in the existing
LPG cooking stove, saving in its consumption can be One of the most important parts of the burner is the
made. Saving per family can result in enormous saving orifice plug with the hole in it. This is the point where
nationwide. Thus, any research work on LPG saving is the gas escapes from the hose and enters the mixing
need of the day. chamber of the burner. Orifice plugs are screwed into
In any combustion system, burner plays as a vital the orifice spud. Nearly all atmospheric (venturi)
role. An improper design of burner can result to an burners have a gas orifice that is accurately fixed in the
inefficient combustion. In order to overcome this burner throat providing air intake. The hole in the
problem, it is important to choose the correct design as orifice is very small to provide the correct gas flow and
well as material. The aim of this work was to see the to provide sufficient velocity to ensure there is suction
effects on using different design burner head on the (vacuum) available for the correct air inspiration. [1, 2]

IJERTV2IS70368 656

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

The specifications of the LPG stove and electronic

balance are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.

Table 1 Specifications of LPG Stove

Make of stove Big Boss

Manufacturer Boss Home Appliances

Figure 2 Working of Conventional Burner Type Single burner type

Thermal efficiency 68%

3. Experimentations
Weight of burner 0.5 kg
The line diagram of experimental setup is shown in
Figure 3. The experimental setup consists of LPG Burner material Brass
stove, a 3 kg LPG cylinder, aluminium vessel and
aluminium stirrer. A thermometer (0 to 100C) was Design fuel LPG
used to measure the water temperature during
experimentation. A stirrer was used for stirring the Weight of LPG 3 kg
water for uniform distribution of heat. An electronic cylinder
balance (of least count 1g) has been used for weight
measurement of water and LPG cylinder. The Table 2 Specifications of Electronic Balance
photograph of experimental setup is shown in Figure 4. Make Gold Tech
Manufacture Precision Electronic Instrument
Weighing machine Electronic
Range Maximum 10 kg; minimum 20g
Least count 1g

Model G-TET

In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has

Figure 3 Line Diagram of Experimental Setup set guidelines for testing the thermal efficiencies for all
types of cooking stoves. For LPG stoves, the thermal
efficiencies are determined according to specifications
provided by Indian Standards [3]. Following the
guidelines, thermal efficiency of LPG stove in the
present work is estimated by conducting the water-
boiling test and the procedure followed is briefly
described below [3,4].
The weight of vessel with its lid and the weight of
water used in the vessel were noted. Initial temperature
of water (T1) was also noted. The weight of cylinder
(W1) was noted. The stove was lighted and water was
warmed up to 80C and stirred continuously for
uniformity of temperature. When final temperature of
water (T2) has reached 80C, the stove was put off.
Again, the weight of cylinder (W2) was recorded. The
Figure 4 Photograph of Experimental Setup difference in the weight of cylinder (W2-W1) gives the
mass of fuel consumed for heating water by
The value of thermal efficiency with regular cast temperature (T2-T1). By dividing the difference in the
iron burner was taken as reference value which was weight (W1-W2) by time taken in heating gives fuel
experimentally found to be 48%. Performance of LPG consumption rate. The thermal efficiency of the stove is
stove using different design burner head was evaluated. expressed as follows:

IJERTV2IS70368 657

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

Since the original burner of LPG stove was regular

(Ww  Cw +WAl CAl )  T2T1  cast iron burner, hence the value of thermal efficiency
 of LPG stove using this burner was taken as reference
 W1  W2   CV value. Although, the design thermal efficiency of the
LPG stove is 68%, which was experimentally found to
Where, Ww is the quantity of water (in kg) in the be 48% due to various losses. Tests were repeated with
vessel, WAl is weight of the vessel (in kg), Cw is flat and flower face brass burners respectively.
specific heat of water (in kJ/kg-K), CAl is specific heat Figure 6 shows the variation of thermal efficiency of
of aluminum vessel (in kJ/kg-K) and CV is the calorific LPG stove using different burner heads. It can be seen
value of the test fuel (in kJ/kg). from this bar graph that thermal efficiency improves by
using flat and flower faced burners. When flower face
The experiments were repeated three times and burner was used, thermal efficiency of LPG stove was
average of the three values was taken as final reading. found to improve. The thermal efficiency of flat face
The burner head was removed and replaced by different brass burner was found to be maximum of 58%.
design. Different burner head designs used in this work Figure 7 shows the variation of thermal efficiency of
are shown in Figure 5. Also, burners of different LPG stove using regular burner design of different
materials were employed to study the effect of burner materials i.e. cast iron and brass. The thermal efficiency
material on LPG stove performance. The purpose of LPG stove using regular cast iron burner was found to
this was is to find out most efficient burner design. be 48% while that obtained with regular brass burner
Usually, burner head of regular design made up of cast was found to be 52%. Thus, there was improvement of
iron is used in LPG cooking stove shown in Figure 5 4% when brass burner was used instead of cast iron
(a) is used in LPG stove. Burner head shown in Figure burner.
5 (b) is of regular design but made up of cast iron.
Figure 5(c) and 5(d) shows flat face and flower face
burner respectively. Both of these burners are made up
of brass. The test procedure as described above was
followed for all burner designs.

Figure 6 Variation of Thermal Efficiency (%) of

LPG stove Using Different Burner Heads
5(a) Regular burner (Cast Iron) 5(b) Regular burner (Brass)

5(c) Flat face burner (Brass) 5(d) Flower face burner (Brass)
Figure 7 Variation of Thermal Efficiency (%) of
Figure 5 Different Burner Head Designs LPG stove Using Regular Burner Design of
4. Results and Discussions Different Materials

5. Conclusions

IJERTV2IS70368 658

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 7, July - 2013

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is the most

commonly used conventional fuel for domestic
application. However, their rapidly increasing
consumption and consequent depletion of reserves
clearly show that the end of the LPG age is not very far.
Hence, efforts should be made to conserve it. Any
research work on fuel saving is worthwhile. This
experimental work, the effects on using different design
burner heads on the performance of LPG cooking stove
was studied. Further, effect of using different burner
material on LPG stove performance was also studied.
From this experimental work, following significant
conclusions can be drawn.
The thermal efficiency of LPG stove for regular cast
iron burner was found to be 48%. When flat and flower
face burners were used, thermal efficiency of LPG
stove improved. When flat face brass burner was used
maximum thermal efficiency of 58% was achieved.
While thermal efficiency of 50% was observed when
flower face brass burner was used. Further, it was
experimentally found out that thermal efficiency of
LPG stove using regular brass burner was 4% higher as
compared to regular cast iron burner.
The technique of replaced of burner head is simple
and safe. It can be easily implemented in domestic LPG
stove for fuel conservation.

6. Acknowledgements

The authors of this paper are grateful to the

University Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh for kindly providing the test facilities.

7. References
[3] S. Kakati, “Effect of Heat Losses on Overall Performance
of Kerosene Fuelled Capillary-Fed Wick Stove”, Proceedings
of 1st National Conference on Advances in Energy Research
(AER-2006), Department of Energy System Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, 4-5 December 2006, Mumbai,
[4] V.K. Pantangi, A.S.S.R.K. Kumar, S. C. Mishra, and N.
Sahoo, “Performance Analysis of Domestic LPG Cooking
Stoves with Porous Media”, International Energy Journal,
2007, 8, 139-144.

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