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Design of LPG Burner For Hot Air Puffing Machine: R.V. Jaybhaye P.P. Srivastav

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RESEARCH PAPER International Journal of Agricultural Engineering | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | October, 2015 | 190-197

 e ISSN–0976–7223 Visit us : DOI: 10.15740/HAS/IJAE/8.2/190-197

Design of LPG burner for hot air puffing machine


Received : 30.07.2015; Revised : 17.08.2015; Accepted : 12.09.2015

See end of the Paper for ABSTRACT : In puffing machines the hot air is produced either by burning liquefied petroleum
authors’ affiliation
gas (LPG) or electric heaters to develop puffed ready-to-eat (RTE) product. In puffing machine the
Correspondence to : product is puffed in LPG flue gas mixed hot air based on the whirling bed principle. Therefore, to
R.V. JAYBHAYE produce hot air by burning LPG, three non-premixed diffusion type burner configurations were
Department of Agricultural
Engineering, College of
designed to produce a stable blue flame with minimum soot length. In Type I burner of 20 cm length
Agriculture, OSMANABAD two concentric galvanized iron pipes- inner gas pipe of 2.7 cm (OD) and outer air pipe of 5 cm (OD)
(M.S.) INDIA were used. The gas was introduced in the inner pipe of burner through copper pipe of 1.3 cm (OD)
Email :
from outside. It works and produces the flame with an obstruction plate of diameter equal to inner
burner pipe which was positioned in front of inner pipe for stability of flame. In experimental tests
it was observed that flame do not catches when blower was started and forms a single jet unstable
luminous (soot) flame at high air velocity. In Type II burner two steam pipes of diameter 4.7 and 2.7
cm (OD) were used for fabrication. In order to protect the flame from high velocity air, a truncated
conical metal (cast iron) shield of 4.7 cm diameter was welded to the rim of air pipe. The Type II
burner produced characteristic long blue flame and less soot length but there was soot formation
in flame at relatively low air flow rates. To overcome the problem of flame instability and soot
formation a third burner configuration was used. Three concentric steam pipes were used for Type
III burner. It was observed that the secondary air from central pipe results in proper combustion,
complete blue flame formation at the burner tip and better flame stability under variable air flow
rates. In Type II and Type III burner, the flue gases of temperature ranging from 90o – 300o can be
produced at gas flow rates from 7 – 22 lpm.
KEY WORDS : Burner, Flame stability, Blue flame, Combustion
HOW TO CITE THIS PAPER : Jaybhaye, R.V. and Srivastav, P.P. (2015). Design of LPG burner for hot
air puffing machine. Internat. J. Agric. Engg., 8(2) : 190-197.

uffing is the expansion of food stuff because of 2010), natural or other types of gas burners in air.
sudden increase in the internal pressure of Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is widely used as a fuel
vaporized moisture due to intense heat. There are in domestic heating appliances throughout the world
different types of puffing process like sand puffing, hot because its combustion products are relatively clean.
air puffing, oil puffing, gun puffing, etc. In puffing process Climate change and pollutant emission issues
the heat transfer is by either conduction or convection. worldwide are related to the conversion of chemical
In hot air puffing the convective heat transfer media is energy to sensible energy (heat) via a combustion process
hot air. This hot air is produced by electric heating in a turbulent flow environment. A burner is a fuel and
(Chandrasekhar and Chattopadhyay, 1989) or by mixing air metering device. Its purpose is to provide an
flue gases from LPG (Pardeshi and Chattopadhyay, environment for the proper fuel and air mixture ratio to



mix and react. Swirl flow (SB), radial flow (RB), swirl achieving the CRZ that is to create an aerodynamic
flow bluff body, inverse diffusion flame back-step burner, blockage by introducing part of the combustion air radially
pre-mixed, non-premixed, diffusion type, non-diffusion outward through a central gun. The gun used had 16
type are some of the burners that can be used for holes, each 5 mm in diameter, spaced on its outer
producing hot air. The combustion process in such devices periphery. In this arrangement about 10 per cent of the
often is characterized by complex turbulence–chemistry combustion air was supplied through the central gun. In
interactions that span multiple combustion regimes this case a stable flame was achieved even without swirl.
(Haworth, 2009). Swirl flow, loading height, primary Weber and Dugue (1992) studied the effect of
aeration, secondary aeration, gas flow rate (heat input), combustion on properties of swirl induced internal
gas supply pressure and semi-confinement of combustion recirculation zone (IRZ) formed in the vicinity of swirl
flame are the significant parameters that influence on stabilized burners. Authors demonstrated that the basic
thermal efficiency and COx, NOx, SOx emissions from effect of combustion is to reduce both the size and the
the gas burners. In burner performance complete burning strength of the IRZ. Combustion reduces importance of
of fuel with blue flame is the desired character but it the centrifugal forces with respect to flow inertia by
produces high temperature which leads to NOx formation increasing the latter substantially. Diffusion type II flames
whereas less intense flame may cause higher soot were generated with annular fuel injectors and
formation. Therefore, a balance between desired and demonstrated that in type II diffusion flames the bluff
non-desired character needs to be sought in burner body effects are also very important.
design. Mahesh and Mishra (2008) reported the stability
Ronald and Saad (1987) investigated the jet mixing characteristics and emissions from turbulent LPG inverse
in confined swirling flow, using carbon dioxide as the jet diffusion flame (IDF) in a backstep burner. The blow-
fluid, for burner design and found that density difference off velocity of turbulent LPG IDF is observed to increase
and swirl combined to give rise to an accelerated decay monotonically with fuel jet velocity. Author used soot
of the jet and increased mixing between jet and swirling free length fraction (SFLF) for qualitative estimation of
air. Consequently, the second reversed flow region soot reduction in this IDF burner and found that SFLF
observed in the swirling flow was only slightly displaced increases with central air jet velocity indicating the
downstream. Hou et al. (2007) found that the swirl flow occurrence of extended premixing zone in the vicinity of
burner (SB) yields higher thermal efficiency and emits flame base. Mukherjee (1997) developed a pre-mixed
only slightly higher CO concentration than those of the air-LPG burner fitted into a plenum chamber. The plenum
conventional radial flow burner (RB). The thermal chamber was too large to ignite the gas initially. In this
efficiency of the SB with the semi-confinement of flame burner there was no special gas ignition system and the
by metal shield yields a markedly higher thermal burner had to be started with external flame. This often
efficiency, by about 12 per cent, than that of the RB resulted in explosive start of burner.
with open flame. Vortex interactions with flames play a With this background of burner configurations, flame
key role in many practical combustion applications. stability, thermal efficiency and soot free length fraction
Vortices of various types are often used to enhance as quality parameter it was planned to configure a simple
mixing, organize the flame region, and improve the flame design of burner to suit to the requirements of hot air
stabilization process (Renard et al., 2000). puffing machine to be operated by a single air blower.
Kenbar et al. (1995) studied the peripheral fuel The objective was to produce LPG burnt flue gas mixed
injection system in a small-scale adiabatic furnace of hot air with 50 – 270 ºC temperature range. In the present
0.225 m inside diameter and 0.9 m length. The furnace work the hot air puffing machine was used to develop
was fired by natural gas through a variable-swirl burner puffed product from millet based composite flour.
with a quarl. This system resulted in a stable flame even
without a central reverse-flow zone (CRZ). Compared METHODOLOGY
to the central axial fuel injection, the peripheral injection General burner design and operating
produced flames of higher intensity with wider stability considerations:
ranges. Authors also studied an alternative way of Gas tip and riser design must be resistant against

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


coking, scaling, and corrosion. Inside the plenum chamber Inner gas release pipe
there is high temperature, reducing and oxidizing
environment. Therefore, while selecting the material for
burner tip fabrication, steam pipes and cast iron was used.
Stainless steel tubes were used for hot air risers in plenum
chamber (Darin, 2004). The cracking reaction is
temperature and residence time dependent. Since gas tips
can reach gas cracking temperatures it is important to
control the residence time in the burner tips. In order to
reduce the residence time and overheating of burner parts
the burner was fitted in air blower pipe so that fresh air Air outlet Obstruction plate

can flow surrounding the burner and parallel to the flame. (a) Burner configuration

The burner specifications must match the plenum and

puffing chamber specifications and requirements to supply
hot air of desired temperature and quantum. This ensures
that the burner will operate in a range where the excess
air is controllable. Controlling tramp air leakage by sealing
the plenum chamber and closing dampers of burners is
important. Additionally, controlling heat losses to conduction
by having adequate furnace insulation are also of
paramount importance in energy efficient operation. These
parameters are the basic elements of burner and ultimately
puffing machine efficiency.
In the present work it was planned to develop a
compact puffing machine with minimum height. It was
also decided to design a burner which can be operated
by a single blower. Preliminary trials were conducted
with a simple burner fabricated using two concentric
Gas inlet Air inlet
galvanized iron pipes with 4.5 and 2.7 cm OD,
(b) Arrangement of burner in GI pipe
respectively (Bloom and Hovis, 1961). The inner pipe
was positioned at the center and its back end facing the Fig. A : Type I burner

blower was closed by MS plate with a hole for fitting

the gas pipe Fig. A(a). Thus, the air could pass through a part of air should flow through the central pipe of burner
the annular space between the two pipes. The length of and could be used for combustion of gas and the excess
burner was kept 30 cm and enclosed in a 10.5 cm inner part of air from blower would pass over the burner
diameter thick GI pipe. This GI pipe was fitted to the air through the space between burner and outer GI pipe.
blower duct with nut bolts and flange. The position of This air passing through the annular space would carry
burner in the GI pipe Fig. A(b) was kept such that the the flue gases from burner flame to the plenum chamber,
excess turbulent air flowing between air duct and burner prevent heating of blower duct and prevent overheating
would create swirl around burner tip as well as flame of burner components. The front end of pipe was
and help in proper combustion of gas which will increase tangentially inserted in the insulated plenum chamber of
burner performance (John and Samuelsen, 1994). The 57 cm inner diameter. It was also thought that the air
turbulent air with swirling motion increases the flowing through annular space would take heat from the
combustion rate remarkably (Wang et al., 2008). flame and cool it so that less NOx (oxides of nitrogen)
would be formed (Ballester et al., 1997). The gas was
Preliminary work : introduced into the central pipe of burner from outside
In trial versions the burner was designed such that through a copper pipe. To start the burner by ignition of

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


gas, a spark plug was introduced in the outer GI pipe valve regulator. Two large holes in series on four sides
just in front of burner from outside. The spark in the and diametrically opposite were drilled on front end of
plug was created by electronic circuit which can create gas pipe. In order to stabilize the flame an obstruction
about 500 cycles per second. Thus, this arrangement of plate (cast iron) of 0.6 cm thickness and diameter equal
burner in blower duct facilitated the smooth running of to that of inner pipe was welded to outer pipe with three
burner as well as blowing of air with a single blower for iron rods like a tripod keeping the plate at center (Fig.
producing hot air for further use in puffing of the product. A). This plate would make the gas to flow at an angle to
The velocity of air was measured by digital anemometer axial direction and mix with air.
and the temperature of hot air was measured with a
digital thermometer. The gas flow rate was measured Type II burner :
by LPG flow meter fitted in the LPG supply pipe. Three In this design it was tried to provide holes on gas
replications were taken in all measurements. The images pipe so as to partially premix the gas and air before
of flames were taken with digital camera Konica, Japan. diffusion type flame forms. In this type two steam pipes
The camera was kept at fixed position on table such that of diameter 4.7 and 2.7 cm (OD) were used for burner
images can be sighted clearly. The lengths of flame fabrication. The inner pipe was kept protruding out by 3
images were measured using Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0 cm through air pipe on blower side and 1.3 cm short of
software. The curved lengths of the flame were measured rim level of air pipe on front side. For partial premixing
by joining points on curvature with straight lines and all of gas in air, three holes in each of the four rows were
sub-sections added together. The flame characteristics drilled on diametrically opposite sides of inner gas pipe
study was carried out constant air velocity of 4 ms-1 so that gas under high pressure would come out through
through puffing machine as this was the operational holes and mix with air (Anonymous, 2010). The
terminal velocity of product to be puffed in the machine. obstruction plate was positioned in front of the gas pipe
During trials it was found that the gas flame do not leaving 0.7 cm gap and was welded to the outer air pipe
catches up when the blower was started and even if it at rim level. This obstruction plate acts as gas flow divider,
fires, the flame was very unstable with luminous colour improves distribution and retards flashback or back
and with entire soot length. This flame was also pressure in the event of variations in gas or air flow
characterized by a very high pinging sound due to shear (Ogden, 1987) when blower is started and protects flame
between the flame and secondary air flow. Considering from blow off from burner tip. In order to protect the
the experimental observations, three burner configurations flame from high velocity air flowing through outer GI
were designed and tested for their suitability. The changes pipe, a truncated conical metal (cast iron) shield of 4.7
in the design of three types of burners were effected cm diverged diameter on front side was welded to the
based on the results and problems faced in subsequent rim of air pipe (Fig. B).
versions. In order to have free and uniform flow of air Outer air pipe
from blower to burner the length of burner was reduced
from 30 to 20 cm without affecting the performance.

Type I burner :
In this design the inner small pipe was fitted in outer
larger pipe with the help of mild steel (MS) pieces of 2-
3 cm length on both the ends Fig. A(b). The lengths of
inner and outer pipe were kept 19 and 16 cm, respectively.
The inner pipe was fitted such that its excess length would
protrude out of larger pipe on back side so that there
would be lesser obstruction to air flow into burner in
axial direction. The gas was introduced in the inner pipe Gas release from
Obstruction plate
of burner through a copper pipe of 1.3 cm (OD) form inner pipe
outside and connected to LPG cylinder through a needle Fig. B : Type II burner

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


Secondary air
zone at burner tip. A truncated conical metal (cast iron)
shield of 7.3 cm diameter was welded to outermost air
pipe of burner to protect flame.
The performance of burners during testing was
measured in terms of soot length and blue flame length
and the temperature of flue gas mixed hot air coming
through plenum chamber. Flame stability under variable
air flow rates was also observed. As in Type I burner
flame was unstable it was not considered for temperature
Primary air inlet measurement.
(a) Burner configuration
The preliminary trials revealed that the non-
Secondary air premixed diffusion type burner can be made from locally
Obstruction available steam pipes with satisfactory performance. All
the three burner configurations were tested for different
air flow, gas flow and temperature requirements of the
puffing machine.

Burner performance and flame characteristics :

Type I burner :
During testing of it was observed that it was difficult
to the catch the flame on burner at start and got
extinguished when blower was started. Even if the flame
hangs on, it was very unstable at relatively high air flow
rates. The flame quality was not good as the combustion
Gas release produced only soot with luminous colour Fig. 1(a). As
obstruction plate was small in diameter than the inner
(b) Arrangement of obstruction plate and Secondary air outlet
diameter of burner outlet pipe and welded at some
distance from outlet, gas was released in a jet divided
Fig. C : Type III burner
into four sub-streams which merges in a single stream in
front of the burner tip. The flame formed .resembles to
Type III burner : a jet diffusion flame Fig. 1(a) which maintains itself at
To overcome the problem of flame instability and constant air flow. This local flame stabilization mechanism
soot formation in above burner types a third configuration fails under high air velocities (Broadwell et al., 1985)
was fabricated. In this design three concentric pipes and which is required in puffing machine to remove the puffed
two types of air flows- primary and secondary flow were product out of puffing chamber. This operation needs
introduced in burner (Baukal, 2000). The outer air pipe extra air to be introduced through burner which would
and inner gas pipe had outer diameter of 6 and 3.4 cm, affect flame stability and burner performance. Therefore,
respectively. The third steel pipe of 1.7 cm (OD) was Type I burner configuration was rejected.
introduced through the inner gas pipe projecting out from
the front end. A converging section of 3 cm length was Type II burner :
fabricated and on blower side its diverged end was In this burner the aerodynamic blockage of gas was
welded to the inner gas pipe Fig. C (a) and its converged brought inside the burner pipe as against outside in Type
end was fitted in the smaller central air pipe. Air I burner. During testing of Type II burner it was observed
accumulated in this section passes through central air that the obstruction plate diverts the gas flow away from
pipe and gets released as secondary air flow in reaction the center in radial direction in different smaller streams.

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


These small streams of gas mix more thoroughly with

air in outer air pipe and forms long blue flame. It was
due to the reason that the obstruction plate form a partial
central reverse-flow zone (CRZ) in front burner tip
(Kenbar et al., 1995) which increases retention time of
air-gas mixture in reaction zone and thus, helps better
flame formation Fig. 1(b). The diverging shield around
burner tip reduces effect air velocity from outside and
protects flame under high air velocity. Also it has been
demonstrated by Weber and Dugue (1992) that the low (a) Type I burner
oxygen environment of CRZ can be utilized to reduce
NOx emissions. Thus, the fuel load or thermal input gets
distributed (Ballester et al., 1997) in Type II burner as
compared to a jet of fuel released from Type I burner tip
in which there was high thermal input across less cross
section of burner and a single jet luminous (soot) flame
was formed. The characteristics of flame were high blue
flame length and less soot length and also the total flame
length reduces with medium increase in air flow at
constant gas flow. Flame in Fig. 1(b) is corresponding to
(b) Type II burner
a steady burning flame (Prade and Lenze, 1992). The
temperature distribution of the same flame is good
resulting in complete burning of fuel and in blue flame
The blue flame length increases from 4.9 to 5.3 cm
at gas flow rate upto 11 lpm and reduces considerably at
high gas flow rates. The total flame length ranged from
5.5 to 16.6 cm under test conditions. Overall the flame
characteristics in Type II were better than Type III burner
(Table 1). This was true with medium air velocity of
about 8 – 10 ms-1 through the burner or 4 ms-1 through
(c) Type III burner
the puffing machine but the flame gets wavered and flame
Fig. 1 : Typical flames of three types of burners
buoyancy increased at very high or low air velocities.
Table 1 : Comparative study of burner performance and flame characteristics at constant air flow rate of 4 ms-1 through the puffing machine
Burner type II Burner type III
Sr. No. Fuel flow, lpm Flame lengths (cm) o Flame lengths (cm)
Flue gas temp, C Flue gas temp, oC
Blue length Soot length Total Blue length Soot length Total
1. 7.5 4.9 0.6 5.5 116 7 0.1 7.1 101
2. 9 5 0.8 5.8 123 7.2 0.3 7.5 112
3. 10 5.2 1 6.2 137 7.3 0.6 7.9 117
4. 11 5.3 1.2 6.5 149 7.5 0.7 8.2 120
5. 12 4.5 2.3 6.8 153 7.3 1.5 8.8 137
6. 13 4 3.1 7.1 159 3.6 6.4 10.2 152
7. 14 3.2 4.4 7.6 169 4.9 6 10.9 181
8. 15 2.5 6.3 8.8 189 5 7 12 184
9. 18 2.3 11.7 14 230 4.9 9 13.9 236
10. 22 1.9 14.7 16.6 289 6.1 10.3 16.4 296
Variations in flame length= ±0.5 cm

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


Also there was soot formation in flame at relatively low from 7.1 to 16.4 cm. Though the length of blue flame
air flow rates because at low air flow rates, the gas was considerable, the soot length was still higher than
thermal input increases as a result the thermal efficiency blue portion. In the presence of shorter reaction zone
reduces and the CO emission increases (Hou et al., due to excess of cool air, it was observed that such
2007). temperature drops favours soot emission in diffusion
In Type III the secondary air flow through third flames (Cozzi and Coghe, 2006). The soot and total length
central small pipe and radial gas flow over the obstruction reduces considerably at very high air flow rates. In Type
plate is similar to peripheral or radial fuel injection system III burner thermal performance and flame stability under
which produces high rates of mixing, leading to better sudden air flow changes was far better than Type II
combustion efficiency, heat transfer and flames of high (Table 1). Temperature of hot air as high as 296 oC was
intensity and wider stability (Kenbar et al., 1995; achieved at 22 lpm gas flow rate with air velocity of 4
Ballester et al., 1997). In testing of the burner it was ms-1 through plenum chamber exit using Type III burner
found that the secondary air provided the extra air for configuration. At this high gas flow rate and high
gas combustion and resulted in complete blue flame temperatures the soot length increases to considerable
formation at the burner tip as well as better flame stability extent (Fig. 1) and flame becomes unstable due to high
under medium air flow rates. Additionally, the provision heat input (Hwang et al., 2009). This could be due to
of a shield on burner tip protects the flame (named semi- substantial reduction in the internal recirculation zone
confined combustion flame) and achieves a great (IRZ) size and strength when the gas load increases
increase in thermal efficiency (Hou et al., 2007). (Weber and Dugue, 1992). The authors studied the effect
In Type III burner, when the gas was injected at of combustion on properties of swirl induced IRZ formed
high flow rate under fuel-rich conditions the flame lifts in the vicinity of swirl stabilized burners. The reverse
off the burner tip and in the lift-off condition the secondary flow measured at (traverse 3) downstream of the gas
air is mixed with the flame before the primary combustion injection, reduces from 15 to 8 per cent and then to 4 per
stage has been completed. Thus, the secondary air flow cent with the gas load increasing from 200 kW to 300
also reduces air-gas species entrainment, moderates kW and then to 400 kW. The reverse flow measured at
flame temperature and minimizes NO x formation (traverse 2) little upstream position, reduces from 8 to 5
(Kenbar et al., 1995, Ballester et al., 1997). The cold per cent and 3 per cent. The reduction in the IRZ size
air entraining in the flame from blower air duct mixes and strength with gas load, which is observed
with reacting gas and air species (Ogden, 1987). This downstream of the gas injection position, is through a
cold air helps in decreasing the flame temperature and reduction in the ratio of tangential over axial momentum.
the residence time in burner due to the stretched flames
which results in reduced NO x emission (Chen and Conclusion :
Driscoll, 1990). The molecular diffusion of species and After test trials of three burners it was concluded
heat, accompanied by chemical reactions, occurs across that both Type II and Type III burners are good in
the strained interface between the cold entrained air and efficient fuel combustion and hot air production. Flame
the mixture of hot products and fuel. Then molecular stability is relatively higher in Type III burner than
diffusion homogenizes the remaining cold air and the Type II burner and stable flames of moderate
mixture of hot products and fuel. Early in the flame, temperature with less pollutant can be achieved. The
combustion occurs primarily in the strained flame sheets application of Type III burner in puffing machine was
(curved flame edges as in Fig. 1c) due to homogenization. suitable for producing hot air of uniform temperatures
Near the flame end, combustion occurs both in the from 90 to 300 oC at variable air flow rates and gas
strained flame sheets and in the homogenized mixture flow rates.
(Dahm and Dibber, 1988). The flame ends when this
homogeneous mixture is completely combustible. Authors’ affiliations:
The blue flame length increases from 7 to 7.5 cm P.P. SRIVASTAV, Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering,
at 7.5 to 11 lpm gas flow rate but reduces later at high Indian Institute of Technology, KHARAGPUR (W.B.) INDIA
Email :
gas flow rates (Table 1). The total flame length increased

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


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of Excellence 

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 8(2) Oct., 2015 : 190-197


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