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Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/

Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology

ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV



Ar. Shanta Pragyan Dash1,

Assistant Professor- Senior Scale
Manipal School of Architecture & Planning, Manipal, Karnataka.
Email ID:

Dr. Dibya Jivan Pati2

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture,
GITAM Deemed to be University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Email ID:

Several researchers established the importance of open, unbuilt residential community
spaces. Using a complex nomenclature in various ways, these areas are critical in
contemporary planning practice, frequently neglected and treated as leftovers. With their
usefulness in the Indian context of socially engaged and sometimes intrusive
communities, these spaces are gradually losing their position in today's residential
environments due to pressure to provide mass migration patterns to the rapidly rising
population. Due to their inherent order and dignity, these public spaces that offer
residents physical, psychological, and perceptual comfort were present in historically
developed Indian cities. Many new housing projects by renowned designers have also
used well-designed neighbourhood architecture features. This work is a comparative
analysis of three selected projects aimed at improving appropriate methods for
contemporary Indian history and achieving neighbourhood comfort and resident sense
of belonging. It concludes with a set of design guidelines after analysing these case studies
which shall be applicable solutions to physical, perceptive, psychological and social
problems in the present context in neighbourhood residential environments.

Keywords: contemporary planning, Indian context, neighbourhood comfort, migration

patterns, public spaces, residential environments.

Neighbourhood areas are developed, opened or semi-open areas according to the designs
that serve as meeting places, community interactions and other events. The rest of the
building form, which in many ways constitute essential living spaces with diverse
nomenclature in different contexts, are required but often disregarded and designated.
Many researchers have stressed that these residential areas are essential to the
community's overall comfort and development. In the Indian context, these areas are
important as they live, play, work and worship in an informal arrangement of spaces in
socially engaged and sometimes intrusive societies for years. This sense of harmony and
ownership in traditional cities is preserved due to their authenticity by many

July 2021 | 506

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV
spontaneously generated suburbs. But the growing population combined with mass
migration trends and the lack of concern by the builders, do not create such environments
for newest housing projects, especially in small towns.
Therefore, the residents look for physical, emotional and perceptive comfort. Some of
these ventures have taken the values of the well-designed communities into account by
famous architects of the world. Three of these projects were selected for detailed review
in order to find effective ways of ensuring an agreeable residential environment,
especially in the Indian context.


A neighbourhood can be defined as a "area surrounding a place; person or entity"

(Oxford, 2012, 482). A public space means unbuilt, accessible or semi-open spaces in
consonance with planned spaces. A residential neighbourhood is typically a dense set of
housing units that can be built, multi-story, rowed, or clustered in addition to similar
facilities such as retail, manufacturing, and convenient shopping areas. Living in a
particular community unit includes infrastructural facilities and services. Therefore,
besides open spaces, semi-open spaces are left to discharge these operations smoothly.
These spaces may have different nomenclatures.
While known in traditional settlements as streets, squares and transition areas, they
constitute vehicular roads, pedestrian paths, open green parks, road widening setbacks,
and parking lots in modern developments. Generally, these public spaces have been
considered a critical part of the development of neighbourhoods and intrinsically open
spaces, including green areas such as parks and playgrounds, service fields, paths, walks,
private gardens and parking spaces to be used and enjoyed (Untermann and Small, 1977,
The Compact Oxford Reference Dictionary, 2001).

The research attempts to study the various attributes of contemporary Indian housing
and the absence of neighbourhood spaces through various literatures studies. It also
analyses the factors influencing comfort in neighbourhood spaces. It also added to study
the various aspect with description of residential communities through past history
through an insight of traditional Indian cities along with post-independence design
Using the Descriptive Analytical Approach, general principles of quality of life,
sustainable growth, and urban quality of life is studied. Moreover, the study explores the
ideas and methods of modern urban planning developed in various case studies to
improve the quality of life. The urban standard of life in a neighbourhood has been
analysed from this study. The three selected schemes, GSFC Housing at B.V. Doshi at
Vadodara Raj Rewal's Asian Games Village at New Delhi, and Charles Correa's Belapur
Housing at Navi Mumbai, were designed by eminent architects responsive to residents
'indoor and outdoor needs are studied. The philosophies of these architects and their
underlying principles are summarized and deduced into design guidelines applied in the

July 2021 | 507

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

design of a proposed residential neighbourhood at Bhubaneshwar: City of temples which

attempted to retain and value the context, culture, social cohesion aspects with their
spatial hierarchies.


Neighbourhood had been a much-deliberated research subject from as early as Jacobs
(1961) call, which considered social settings around homes, to Appleyard (1981)
establishing the comfort of living streets as safe and healthy places for playing and
learning in residential environments. Other studies include Newman's (1972) search for
defensible spaces in residential environments; Lynch (1981) theory of a good city with
five-dimensional settlements (vitality; sustenance; psychological, social and physical
safety; and consonance); and Marcus and Sarkissian (1986) emphasize child-friendly
spaces in setting goals for a built environment. The above works were critical in
reiterating the importance of residential neighbourhood spaces.
Similarly, Gehl (1987) examined spatial usage dependency between buildings on their
proportions, Hillier (1996) spatial configuration theory, Bonaiuto et al. (1999) sense of
belonging observation as a significant factor in group satisfaction, and Taylor and Harrell
(1996) asserted residents 'preference for an environment based on social conditions in
addition to safety and security. Moreover, recent Oktay and Rustemli (2010) and Rashid
et al. (2013) work reiterated the value of group cohesion in suburban environments.
The functional qualities of these spaces were well demonstrated in different settings by
the above-mentioned researchers, who highlighted the need for small, supervised spaces
for infants; large grounds for teenagers; and non-hazardous traffic-free areas to explore,
relax, and conduct various-scale social activities. Nonetheless, a satisfactory community
atmosphere is not only about functionally efficient areas; it also depends on safe, well-
designed spaces for various residential development activities. Studies have reported
that the physical structure of an environment inherently affects human perception and
behaviour. Housing is where people spend time consciously or subconsciously. It should
be designed for outstanding comfort and relaxation for the well-being of residents.
In the Indian context, gratifying community spaces are especially imperative for healthy
social growth. Indians may generally be characterized as vociferous, warm-hearted, and
vibrant beings that are socially active, even intrusive.
Large extended families living, praying and fasting together are not only ritual indicators,
but people share the connection. Due to inherent spatial character and environmental
reaction, geographically convenient locations in established suburban residential
communities were chosen for routine activities. Over years of living and simultaneous
growth, these spaces have acquired intrinsic qualities that endure and extend user
groups. Nonetheless, changes have arisen due to migration and other growth-related
factors, and in contemporary Indian community behavioural trends a desire for similar
comfort, belonging, and identity is increasingly evident.



July 2021 | 508

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

India is a fast-developing country where housing has become a major concern due to
rising population coupled with increasing urbanization. In pursuit of ample numbers and
wide-ranging indifference, contemporary residential developments are not conducive to
the well-being of the inhabitants. Inspired to some degree by initial western models,
these housing schemes are replicated in small towns, irrespective of their effect on living
habits of an evolving Indian society. Taylor and Thapar clarified how "the metaphysics of
space and quest for serenity, recurrent themes in Indian architecture, challenge homeless
migrants and the frenzied needs of an emerging middle-income consumer society"
(Taylor and Thapar, 1992, 26).
Numerous macro-level issues associated with current housing environments include lack
of organized open spaces and movement patterns, loss of enclosure and scale, lack of
open space adaptability, lack of informal character, indifference to prevailing climatic
conditions, and lack of visual relief and spatial character among others. Consequently, in
most housing environments, public parks and leisure areas are often unused negative
parks rather than intended areas of activity or interaction. This pattern is evident not
only in low-income housing, but also in luxury high-end developments; the higher the
cost, the lower living spaces. Most contemporary Indian housing projects therefore lack
viable public spaces to create a clean, liveable environment.
The above shortcomings are apparent in modern housing projects, which should have
constructed individual housing units for efficient area management linked by wide
vehicle roads and green spaces. Nevertheless, these rigid and alienating systems show
lack of hierarchy from private to public and lack of gradual change, with drastic
transformations of spatial enclosure, proportions, and scale. Residents 'comfort level is
often ignored. Moreover, open-grid road networks designed to facilitate vehicles build
blurred pedestrian thoroughfares. Cars also made these situations risky, even hazardous.
Often an overview of the new projects is an overview of the crowded parking lots.
Thus, this lack of existing small-scale community spaces undermined the sense of
belonging and even privacy, causing more identity and territoriality loss. Many residents
remain impersonal in these unknown areas without a sense of identity, leading to lack of
open space maintenance and loss of associated pride among residents. Large open spaces
function for scheduled, frequently forced, formal activities, but due to lack of enclosure,
scale and inadequacy to tropical Indian climate, they do not facilitate casual, informal and
social interaction or community relationships. Moreover, visual and spatial character of
most contemporary housing is monotonous and uninteresting. This housing is neither
heaven nor earth, resulting in visual relief loss.


Spatial quality and adequacy come from human needs in residential environments.
Neighbourhood areas delivers comfort and ownership. A complete study and synthesis
of current scholarships from Lawrence (1987), Untermann and Small (1977), GLC (1978),
Alexander (1977), Lang (1987), Marcus and Sarkissian (1986), and the Vastu-Shilpa
Foundation (1988), among others, found that local population satisfaction in a built-up
region depends on physical, psychological, social and economic aspects.

July 2021 | 509

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

The physical aspects rely primarily on the climatic

comfort of open and closed areas, as well as
accessibility, convenience and smooth discharge of
facilities and transfers from one form to another.
Privacy, protection, and territoriality are the
psychological needs of citizens. Given its name,
visual pleasure and comfort are the most
significant characteristics of a person's perceptive
home environment requires. People's well-being Figure 1: Green space within the neighbourhood
to influence the microclimate (Source: Author)
is also central to social needs such as passive,
active interaction modes. All these things lead to a satisfying, stable environment.
• Physical comfort: Residents have physical comfort by the climate of neighbourhood
spaces and it is imperative to have "comfortable indoor and open living spaces that
meet their social needs" (GLC, 54). Temperature, sunshine and wind have to be
controlled according to local conditions in the tropical Indian climate. Physical
comfort depends on the shape, design and orientation of building blocks and open
spaces with respect to sun and prevailing
winds. In addition, the comfort conditions of
these areas are also enhanced by carefully built
landscape, water sources, vegetation and
topography (Fig-1).
Comfort is also an essential aspect of physical
comfort accomplished by sufficient
accessibility and efficient operation. This
requires changes between each other in the
Figure 2: Eyes on street: Children tot lot area
housing units and also outside the premises in with each neighbourhood unit with seating
its immediate area. In this regard issues such as space for elders as a part of recreational space
(Source: Author)
accessibility of cars, quick pedestrian
movement and parking are integrated.
• Psychological needs: Often, residents
'psychological needs are a prime concern in a
residential setting. Such provisions cover
privacy concerns and mean the physical Figure 3: Dedicated green spaces and pedestrian
separation of the public and private spheres to activity in front of row dwelling (Source: Author)
ensure acceptable community ties (Fig-2).
Roderick Lawrence defined privacy as a space
access control, meaning that no one bothers or
is alone, and a "information access monitoring,"
indicating the overview aspect (Lawrence 1987:
163). This means the data controlling of
information. While social interactions and
communication with neighbours are important Figure 4: View of green space from the dwelling
units which has informal relaxing space under
for living, privacy for mental and emotional tree covers (Source: Author)

July 2021 | 510

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

well-being is an essential component(Fig-3).

In an otherwise favourable area, interference
from neighbours, other tenants or even
passers-by may be a danger. This validates the
need for a sustainable development between
the public and private spheres. Moreover, a
significant psychological foundation is the
concept of protection in a suburban
neighbourhood. Security issues the safety of
children and older people from the passage of Figure 5: Visual perception to children’s’ play gives
vehicles and other hazards while maintaining sensory relaxation (Source: Author)
safe and pleasant footpath travel at the same
time (Fig. 4). Lawrence clarified notions of
territoriality as "possession or protection for
that area" in accordance with surveillance
(Lawrence 1987, 150). Watching out for each
other therefore also provides important
psychological needs, particularly in outdoor
areas (Fig.5). "The balance between designing
for easy monitoring and designing for privacy Figure 6: Active green street in the
neighbourhood with dedicated pedestrian access
must therefore be sensitive" (Marcus, 1986, and ground floor commercial activities for social
271). interaction (Source: Author)

• Perceptual needs: Moreover, residents 'primary perceptual need from their living
environment is uniqueness or distinct identification within the dwelling unit
prototype amount. Contemporary housing with similarly built spaces and dwelling
units will provide for shaping individual and
group spaces of residents based on their
preferences and requirements. Residents will
feel happiness and pride. Additionally, visual
feedback and relaxation from the physical
environment is a significant contributing factor
to the inhabitants 'sensory relaxation (Fig. 6).
The need for spaces that give rise to excitement
and anticipation can be fulfilled by creating
interesting numbers, avoiding monotony in Figure 7: Mass parking leading to human
interaction with green buffer space between
building blocks and street facades, effectively pathway and parking (Source: Author)
negotiating with the sky and the land, and
varying visual experiences in a residential
• Social needs: Social needs are also important to
the well-being of the person. "The hidden truth
of man is that he needs to be confirmed in his Figure 8: Integration of open and built up space
within the built environment for healthy
being and life by fellow people not only in his interaction (Source: Author)

July 2021 | 511

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

house but even in the context of neighbourly interactions "(Alexander, 1977, 94).
Interactions with other beings satisfy human identity and belonging needs while
promoting the growth of individuals and reducing depression. Such cohesion and
interactions, which are considered to be significant in the Indian context, should be
fostered in desirable neighbourhood areas. However, "social interactions arise more
easily when a sense of individual autonomy, whether through reserve or territorial
force, meets people's social needs" (Lang, 1987, 160). Variables that affect social
interactions in a residential area include proximity and orientation of housing units
to one another, their location and open space arrangements, and their access to
streets and community spaces (Fig. 7). As a condensation of the factors listed above,
while physical needs are addressed by climate-friendly and healthy community
spaces, their privacy, protection and territoriality address psychological needs.
Perceptual expectations can be fulfilled by individual identity, visual variety and
comfort, whereas social needs require informal contact (Fig. 8).
Nonetheless, in the sense of this analysis, the variables associated with all of the above
should be amalgamated as their combined impact contributes to a satisfying and
stable residential environment. On the juxtaposition of these dimensions, the factors
that influence the physical, perceptual and psychological comfort conditions of a
community within a residential setting are the spatial arrangement and relationship
of housing units with each other in terms of the location and their transfer from public
to private areas, and vice versa. In addition, physical access to the location, the flow of
traffic, the separation of vehicle and pedestrian lanes and the linking of open spaces
(Fig. 6) with regard to traffic decide ease, accessibility and orientation. However, the
physical comfort of the surrounding areas is further dependent on the reactions of the
adjacent built environment to the macro-and micro-climate conditions, such as the
sun's position, the prevailing wind direction, the water sources, the vegetation and
the topography of the site. Factors that influence the understanding and psychological
comfort of these public spaces include their spatial hierarchy, enclosure and
accessibility, size and volume, and the effect of the built mass character on open space.
Aspects that define the accessibility of these spaces include the relationship between
the built form and open spaces, the treatment of building edge, the location of
common areas, and their connections.


Ancient and medieval history suggests that the creation of villages or settlements, also in
primitive societies, is based on grouping individual dwelling units into groups to enclose
a collective space and associated small interaction spaces. Such towns have expanded,
and houses have been further withdrawn from large public spaces as the populations
grow. Secondary community spaces have been built in the form of roads or streets leading
to the key interaction areas. Later, due to urbanization, some cities became concentrated
population centres, and preconceived thought was required to plan these urbanized
cities. Thus, "the informal trend of gradual development has contributed to more formal

July 2021 | 512

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV
large-scale preconceptions of the overall
city structure" (Untermann and Low,
1977, 3). The entire city began to be
designed in a rectilinear grid pattern,
which led to blocks and clusters from
which settlements had begun to be ruled
by the rigidity of the structure (Fig.9).
Throughout the cycle, organic, self-
designed community spaces have been
turned into non-flexible areas controlled
by the rigidity of the building forms.
With the emergence of industrial
revolution and advanced technology,
new technologies and innovations
modified the language of built types. In
addition, devastation as a result of world
wars demanded multiple housing
projects in a limited period of time, and
unwarranted migration to cities
provided less land for development. As a
result, large residential buildings, walk-
Figure 9: Pattern of Towns in Ancient India (Source:
ups and apartments were experiencing a Pradyumna Prasad Karan: The Pattern of Indian Towns: A
spurt in growth. As a result, users moved Study in Urban Morphology)
further up from the ground, and their contact with the ground became minimal. The
increased lack of awareness of planners to open areas has led public spaces to become
pure spaces left over in compliance with the legislation and by-laws on movement and
In the Indian subcontinent, a definite answer to neighbourhood spaces has been
witnessed since Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa's primordial civilizations to the
spontaneously formed cities of Varanasi, Jodhpur Ahmedabad, and Lucknow. In
neighbourhood spaces, hierarchy, continuity and space character were evident and space
complementary. In the traditional Indian system, regional segregation was initially
defined by caste groups and occupations.
Structure of society shaped the division
into villages, hamlets or streets of caste
classes. For several years’ people have been
living together on the basis of caste,
religion and occupation, meaning that
humans have to live in a familiar climate.
"Indian cities were characterized by the
cluster of houses, each side by side with Figure 10: Typical layout of ancient Indian city: Kolkata-
balconies overlooking streets, courtyards cluster housing, overlooking streets, dispersion of terraces
with public space and a dispersion of (Source: T Magazine Blog: The New York Times)

July 2021 | 513

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

terraces that permit a further set of

activities within the property. Houses
had private as well as public space, but it
was very different in many respects
from the changing cities of our day
(Fig.10). "(Taylor and Thapar 1992, 21).
A spontaneous and organic organisation
of roaming streets and informal laying of
forms is the religious city of Varanasi on
river Ganges. At junctions and other
locations, the narrow lanes stretch into Figure 11: Layout of Varanasi City: narrow lanes stretch into
squares (Fig.11). This hierarchical squares (Source: Animesh Dev, Modernity: A Way of Urbanism --
networking encourages movement and Banaras in Indigenous Trans-Formations)
stops at main nodes, namely those squares, which have the size, proportion and comfort
to improve the activities. In an informal pattern the two to three-storey courtyard
dwelling units naturally face hierarchical streets and provide an intimate sense of
community. Therefore, in narrow areas, opposing
neighbours may interact. In the transformation from
the Aangan (courtyard) to the Deodhi (external
platform), then the gulli (street) to the informal places,
incremental dispensation of space from inside to
outside is evident.

Likewise, a cycle of additive growth has also resulted

for Ahmedabad, a medieval city in Gujarat, India. This
was settled by refugees during the 16th and 17th
century economic revolutions, and was influenced by
culture and background. Security and protection were
major concerns, splitting the walled city into puras
and then pols. Ahmedabad resembles a labyrinth of
twisting narrow streets, creating a network of
community-based micro neighbourhoods (Fig. 12).
Restricted vehicle access through established
gateways gives residents independence, territoriality
and protection. A natural hierarchy from the
courtyard to the otla, street and squares enables the
transition from private to public spaces. Varied spatial
enclosure, judicious mix of solids and voids, and
climatic suitability provide visual diversity and
comfort in these pol ecosystems 'neighbourhoods.
Figure 12: Ahmedabad city layout: Twisting
Jodhpur, a geomorphic city of Rajasthan, revealing narrow streets, varied spatial enclosures
(Source: Vinay Shah- Street development:
itself in terrain patterns, is built on a stringent caste case of Ahmedabad)

July 2021 | 514

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

system with layers that house

various caste groups built on
their status and location on
the fort. City clustered
dwellings reveal a tight-knit
group that wants to be tight to
members of the same caste
and exchange considerably
that an outsider may feel
annoyance or resentment in Figure 13: Jodhpur Walled City Layout-Open up Streets, Courtyard houses,
transition from dwelling to outside (Source: Kallakirti, 2011, Land Use
their territories. Dwelling Transformation – Problems &Prospects, A case of Walled City, Jodhpur, MNIT
units, which are essentially Jaipur)
variants of courtyard houses, open up to streets with a good sense of privacy and land
(Fig. 13). The transition from dwelling to outside is a veranda with a high plinth blurring
the division of outside and inside and forming the never-ending connection to the entire
city's land. At junctions, streets grow into broad structures and commercial areas,
creating a typical hierarchical movement with clear underlying spatial hierarchy. The
tight interwoven cloth, meanwhile, creates enclosure in these gated housing communities
where human size is often valued and human comfort is uncompromising.


India's contemporary housing model has long been envisaged. With no land dearth and
few inhabitants, large standalone bungalows accommodated the rich, while commoners
lived together in single- or double-story settlements (as the structure allowed). The first
appearance of multi-floor apartments was traced back to 1911 when British rulers
established it as their capital. However, in the 1950s, the Central Public Works Agency,
responsible for large-scale housing programs, allocated many multi-level housing units
with minimal amenities to the massive migrant population from post-independent
partition. Such dwelling units 'correlation with their neighbourhood history was not even
considered appropriate as they concentrated on their ever-deficient numbers.
In the early 1950s, diverse planning authorities were tasked with overseeing housing
development in major cities, leading to increased sensitivity in some residential
architecture. Architects partnered with industrialists on neighbourhood-oriented
housing schemes. The Atira Low-Cost Housing, designed as a village with numerous
community spaces, was unique in its design. At the same time, visionary architects
designed several other projects, many of which remained unbuilt. In the 1960s and
1970s, GSFC Housing pioneered some insightful approaches at Vadodara, Delhi's French
Embassy Quarters, followed by ECIL Housing at Hyderabad and Kota Rajasthan's
Cablenager Township; these were townships that set the stage for more welcoming
Due to its conceptualization as an urban village with implied hierarchical structures, the
successful completion of Yamuna Apartments as a cooperative collective housing scheme

July 2021 | 515

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV
in Delhi in 1981 (Fig. 14) crossed a
milestone, that is, distinguishing itself
from other urban housing projects.
Aranya Housing at Indore, which
includes a complex matrix of varied
income groups, responded well to human
scale (Fig. 15). Sheik Sarai Housing and
Asian Games Town, New Delhi (1983) set
new criteria for residential society.
Furthering the cause of low-rise high- Figure 14: Yamuna Apartments (Source: The Design Group -
density housing, the Belapur Incremental Yamuna Apartments (1981), Alaknanda in southeast Delhi)
Scheme (1985), which created
hierarchical open courts based on equity,
was crucial in restoring the importance
of neighbourhood-responsive
ecosystems. The millennium's end
brought wider deliberation for the
unbuilt, while most power-powered
builders and promoters favoured wealth
sales. Jal Vayu Vihar Bangalore tried to
address issues of size, territoriality,
informality and interaction. Cidco
Housing at Belapur Mumbai had varying Figure 15: Aranya Housing Complex- Indore (Source: Ryan
Waddoupsa-Look Back at Bal Krishna Doshi’s Best-Known
degrees of casual loan enclosures. Buildings)
Udayan Housing Kolkata displayed impressive climate-responsive community spaces as
Laburnum Gurgaon introduced inward-looking hierarchical spaces conducive to
interaction. Vertical neighbourhoods were developed in Sumeru Apartments, Mumbai,
while Gharkul Khargar (also in Mumbai) provided its own territory open spaces. Only
planning officials realized the importance of neighbourhood-sensitive areas and began
prioritizing the design proposals.


The three examples chosen are GSFC housing in Vadodara, Asian Games Village, New
Delhi, and Belapur in Mumbai for a detailed study of community space responses in a
residential environment. All three examples reflect different national middle-income
groups, which are avant-garde approaches to tackle problems from established
economies to neighbourhoods (Fig. 16). As feats of contemporary Indian architects,
designs of built spaces were targeted as an integral part of their urban environments,
offering significant comfortable and usable spaces to their residents.
Constructed as an autonomous town on a 140-acre site, Vadodara GSFC Housing consists
of 1800 housing units designed for the town. "Inspired by traditional Indian lifestyle,
design reacts to overlapping uses of Indian life addressing the scale aspect required to
communicate in a housing system. Doshi also reveals his fascination with the climatic and

July 2021 | 516

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

social features of typical courtyards and gates of ancient Indian cities" (Curtis, 1988, 68).
In contrast, New Delhi's Asian Games Village was built on a 32-acre site comprising 700
housing units centred on urban streets and enclosures. The entire complex has two-to-
three-story buildings with 11 distinctly constructed dwellings.

Figure 16: Layout Plan of selected Case studies (Image Courtesy: Ritu Gulati- Neighbourhood spaces in residential

Moniteur described its architecture as recreating North Indian traditional urban

morphology by "mohalla," rendering it a series of spaces interwoven with narrow shaded
pedestrian streets. [Moniteur's, 1985].
Though Charles Correa's main characteristic of Belapur's incremental housing was the
spatial hierarchy inherent in our traditional Indian system. This low-rise high-density
housing scheme comprising 550 units constructed on 13.3 acres exhibits a broad spatial
hierarchy ranging from individual homes to community sites, with the largest public
space being the median where primary schools and other similar facilities were situated.
To deduce conclusive criteria, all three projects were evaluated in depth based on
established factors impacting various levels of comfort and satisfaction. Selected cases
were investigated for their spatial layout, building blocking, street façade and character,
as well as approach and movement systems. Additionally, the spatial hierarchy of public
spaces, their degree of enclosure and accessibility, articulation of built edges, and
reaction to current climatic conditions are analysed to determine their effectiveness in
providing comfort and satisfaction to residents.
Spatial layout in a housing environment as one of the most significant attributes includes
site-related arrangement of residential units, streets, and open spaces. This also
determines the unit's connection to surroundings and subsequent use by occupants.
Renowned author Christopher Alexander believed that "people are different, and how
they want to place their homes in a neighbourhood is one of the most fundamental types
of variation" (Alexander, 1977, 193). Therefore, unit site and community area location
defines their degree of social interaction and growth. However, results suggested that the
total number of units in a residential setting should be divided almost evenly into the
isolated quiet zone, middle activity area, activity centre and busy streets. The transition
from built to its immediate surroundings, however, is also significant and should be
investigated as it produces the desired level of activity.

July 2021 | 517

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

The cartographies suggest that residential space organizations are semi-extraverted,

clustered and looped on a peripheral road in the Asian Games Village concentrating on a
nearly central community area. Meanwhile it has interpreted the hierarchy of the spatial
structure of the Belapur Housing Units. Internal systems are linked through hierarchical
open spaces in central communities in the vicinity of the current nallah. It splits the site
almost entirely. Across all three clusters of units, multiple squares and streets are clearly
linked. However, it is because the units are pushed in linearly. The relationship at the
Asian Games Village. Along a geometric course, intimate roads and courts on the back of
the street, GSFC linear units can be accessed. At Belapur, there are identical findings for
the clustered hierarchical structure. However, the change from units to immediate open
spaces is sequential in the Asia Games Village and GSFC. This takes you to the front across
a courtyard. In the meantime, the Belapur personal court is decentralized courts
In addition to the spatial structure, the built mass and the streetscape style provide a
fascinating visual dimension in the surroundings of a living community. In order to avoid
discontinuation, variance, redundant or even monotonous residential area must be
properly blocked, façade regulated and negotiated with the sky and land. This also
activates human dimensions and proportions, thus addressing personality, physical
structure and visual relief problems. A suitable street character in the neighbourhood
needs to be created. The study of 3 cases showed that, due to its stringed walls, planned
balconies and terraces, the masses constructed in the Asian Games Village represent a
fascinating game of solids and vacuums. The Belapur hilltop contrasts with the soft,
sloping terrain.
In fact, the various hills of the Asian House tend to break the monotony into the sky;
however, the human side is naturally affected in some instances. At GSFC, the emphasis
will be on orientation and direction by using a large central tank containing high trees,
hence a room ceiling and an adequate human dimension. The path that alternates in
Belapur Home offers a complex landscape that is also compatible with human size and
dimensions. The regional characteristics and uniqueness of Asian housing are seen in
windows, door colours and related materials. GSFC's role is the same as roads from one
unit to the other. Incrementalism gives territoriality and particularity to the housing of
Belapur, whereas the same materials and colour tackle the same standard. The
simultaneous motion of cars and footpaths is also an important activity for the
neighbourhoods’ surroundings. This function involves the distribution and segregation
of roads at the premises, the conversion from external main roads to small walks.
"Football is unsafe in the field, but accidents impair the driving of cars and footballers"
(Alexander, 1977, 271) Alexander points to rightly.
Therefore, optimal interactions between vehicles and pedestrian movement are required
to ensure that the feet are safe and easy to use. Furthermore, a move device must be
mounted, removed, screened and designed into the building. Research has shown that,
inside a parking area of not more than 9 percent of the total area, a small vision-screen
pocket with interconnected residential areas must be arranged in the best possible
comfort. Both properties are within 35 m of desirable distances.

July 2021 | 518

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

Grid output is often determined by the distance, movement and visual properties of the
movement and edge treatment.
The peripheral path is the direct periphery of the spinal cord in the Asian Games Village
and the quick transition from the external path is perpendicular. With current road
networks, the GSFC Housing can do the same by separating a perimeter circuit of housing
and highway networks, which end in a stalemate. The Belapur Housing then prevents
entry into a hierarchical network that leads to tiny deacons in a peripheral backbone in
the parks. The three residential areas are totally free and raise the distance between the
car park and the entrance at the same time. However, the roads are low, with wide curves,
narrow entrances and reduced visibility. This raises vehicle speeds and allows the
vegetation and terrain around them to suit. Doorways and road widths between vehicles
and footpaths can be found in the Asian Games Village. The second perpendicular
orthogonal vehicle network provides ample common space and transfers for GSFC turf.
Belapur Housing has a separate car and foot path by restricting vehicle access and making
hierarchical accessible pathways which, in some instances, increase the distance to walk.
Both of the cases contains well-distributed car parks with less than 10 percent allocation
although the difference is much higher between parking areas in Belapur.

• Spatial hierarchy and enclosure

The hierarchy of open space is a geared transition from smaller to larger spaces, as a
result of their usefulness and scale, or vice versa, without intervention. In addition,
"outdoor people always seek to find a spot where they are able to cover their faces, and
to look outside on a wider window" (Alexander, 1977, 558). The residential area opens
into the wide open spaces of the residential quarter, a street or a square that forms a
backdrop for other areas, leading to public plazas or pastures. 'The small spaces may also
stand against larger competitive spaces. In designing the medium density, contrast is
fundamental: defining the different fields' (Untermann and Small, 1977, 227). In open
spaces where there is a normal difference between the public and private spheres, there
is an equality within Asians Games Village because of the distinction between streets and
squares and small and large courts. In GSFC, private courts closely connected to the courts
deliver small, expansive court views and the largest spaces. Belapur’ s spatial hierarchy
is most evident, where small private courts open to large courts and then public spaces.
In addition to hierarchy, adequate spatial enclosure is required to stimulate human
spaces. The space qualities of each area, large or small, low or high, broad or narrow, have
distinctive traits in terms of sensations and reactions to the human being (Greater
London Council GLC and Civic Architecture, 1978). The key characteristic that creates the
sense of intimacy, safety and significance of the resident's territory is its level of room
and accessibility. It neither should be totally loose nor locked rigidly. This can only be
partly surrounded by roads or partly connect to other areas (Grand London Council GLC
and the Department of Architecture and Civic Design, 1978). The number of enclosures
is the most important in the Asian Games Village. The area in the residential community
offers a clear sense of place, privacy and the region which promotes neighbourhood
surveillance and social interaction and thus reduces vandalism. Throughout the design of

July 2021 | 519

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

a cabinet, primary components are predominantly used, while secondary objects,

including landscape, reinforce the cabinets and softly.
At GSFC Housing, dwelling streets lead the tightly enclosed intimate courts to rear open
greens providing hundred-foot views. As such, enclosure meaning is retained. Many
places use secondary elements like trees, windows, and boundary walls to enhance the
impression of enclosure. Belapur Housing describes open space spatial relationships
well. Particularly, the narrow, highly enclosed spaces between units contrast with wide,
open, semi-enclosed areas, creating identification and interest. Moreover, the shift from
private to public is highly hierarchical with the enclosing elements being predominantly
secondary in the transition to open space.
• Scale, proportion, and character of built edges
'Quantitative connections between actual dimensions in a structure or room, while scale
refers to how the size of a building element or room is perceived in relation to certain
items (Ching, 1979, 296). The proportion and scale of the enclosures and the human
influence of the built environment specifically define comfort in open environments.
Furthermore, there are different sizes and proportions of all forms, including streets,
squares, transition areas and large public areas, which trigger varying feelings of
protection, anonymity, interaction and territoriality (Fig. 17). As shown by a GLC study
(1978) a linear height-to-width ratio of spaces can range from 1:1 to 1:2,5. One or more
of this ratio will make space either claustrophobic or small. In his book Site Planning
Lynch and Hack claimed that when their walls are half to one-third wider than the area
enclosed, an external enclosure is most comfortable and the area is no longer contiguous
when the ratio of the enclosure is below one-fourth"(Lynch and Hack, 1984, 158).
• Neighbourhood response to climatic factors primarily sun path
Heat is a major problem in tropical climates, particularly outside areas, where the
location of sun, wind and light at various times of day and year dictates comfort. In the
Indian context, semi-designed and unbuilt spaces in suburban environments are
important because the different types of construction in mild to hot climates open up
numerous enclosures in contrast to the cool climate of the West. When one steps out of
the built form, it opens up for a veranda leading to a patio, a tree to a terrace, etc. (Khan,
1987) Via collective shade in small wind-oriented organisations, conventional living
environments were able to overcome these conditions. The hard climate conditions have
in many cases been mitigated by providing shaded courtyards, verandas, chabutras and
streets among other elements.
Reflecting on selected cases in terms of reaction to the respective climatic conditions, the
Asian Games Village uses a varied linear cluster and court for summer heat battle in the
composite atmosphere in New Delhi. As such, wet months and winter afternoons are
provided with ventilation and sunny areas. While the building's heat effects are not
efficient in all places, they are often minimized by proper shading.
The Vadodara GSFC housing uses elements of this kind in a very different way, which offer
an overall impression of substance and shadow "thick brick walls, paved bricks streets,
pedestrian paths, courtyards, balconies and balconies." Furthermore, the primary source
of relief are the narrow streets in the funnel wind clusters. In Mumbai, heat is a lesser

July 2021 | 520

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

issue, though Belapur housing alleviates intense radiation effects by efficient shading in
intimate clusters. The central water stream also alters the microclimate and makes for
fun outdoor areas, while on terraces and the upper floors the wind is more productive.

The previous studies already established the value for residents of complete holistic
comfort of well-planned public spaces in a residential community. The rising
demographic patterns and migration patterns that lead to poorly planted residential
areas have also underlined today's needs for these ecosystems. Although the traditional
Indian settlements can theoretically solve these problems, recent examples can be
inadequate due to rapidly growing numbers, widespread incompetence and lack of
concern. Three existing examples from well-known designers must therefore be
reviewed, in order to create useful solutions to physical, perceptive, psychological and
social problems in the present context. The following guidelines are established through
this review:
• Although the spatial structure and configurations of site units differ in the three cases,
their relationships, unity, hierarchy, and transformation depend on the
neighbourhood spaces. In both cases, towns and buildings are located almost
centrally and people are competing in the open space. The desires and comfort of
users are also addressed. Human needs will always be satisfied by passive, supportive
interactions and a sense of comfort.
• The thorough study of the three cases chosen indicates that designers build a living
environment that is similarly favourable.
• Built mass and character are visually interesting together with the street landscape,
offering elements that contribute to the unit's distinctive personal presence while
retaining a human scale. The locks, colours of the doors and materials make a
reference to territoriality.
• It's not only built living areas that are residential environments. Compared to the
built-up the unbuilt, which plays a greater role in the comforts of residents and users,
must respond equally.
• Comfort factors in these environments range from physical to psychological and
perceptive, as well as people 's social needs.
• Weather comfort, accessibility and convenience for discharge of the operation and
effective transfer between locations depend on physics.
• Anonymity, security and territoriality, identity, visual pleasure and comfort,
psychological and perceived characteristics are essential to respond.
• In the three situations, the vehicle and pedestrian movements are well described and
delimited reducing the transitional hierarchy and are fixed properly. Parking lots are
well built to minimize walking distances and are also well shielded from the view for
optimum visual comfort.
• Spatial hierarchy obtained from various housing clusters leads to an apparent sense
of location, privacy and territory, thereby encouraging community surveillance, social
activity and common vandalism and aloofness.

July 2021 | 521

Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

• The edges of the built forms are interactive with alcoves and niches in both instances,
favouring informal interaction, collaboration and debate.
• All living conditions can be accommodated in various climatess by providing shared
shade, suitable wind and multi-activity areas, which can alter weather and seasons.
• Even in identical settings, no case warrants repetition. It focuses on the importance of
community space in residential environments and the diverse tools and techniques
that popular designers use to create living conditions, particularly in the Indian
context, for fostering a sense of belonging and wellbeing.

This research managed to holistically establish broad recommendations and discuss
issues of quality open spaces. Moreover, it has left a void in trying to assess the total
population and quality of life benefits of quality urban open spaces in suburban
communities. The study will promote policy-making to include quality open spaces and
accessibility and activity rates. Nevertheless, the study has laid the groundwork for more
study on the relationship and co-location of open spaces and community and the benefits
gained in the same field. Therefore, it is this study's perception that further research
should be undertaken to try and focus on the qualitative assessment of such
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Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
ISSN (Online): 0493-2137
E-Publication: Online Open Access
Vol:54 Issue:07:2021
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/48CXV

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