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Technical Specification

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Technical Specification

1. Scope

1.1 Overview
A taxi is a luxury facility which is available across the country everywhere with
different perspective of view to help only users or customers. It has several paybacks
for a passenger and people hire because it is a facility that provides satisfaction to
everyone. It is the one which helps us in hectic timing situation and in the fuss world
to have the best services. The most important thing is when it comes to travelling; the
most preferable service is taxi rather than any of the services.

1.2 Objectives
Tranxit offers users with different services or procedures of stress free travelling
The taxi can be used to pickup and drop off from different locations to locations.
There are many objectives of taxi companies are timely fare, best service and should
be cost effective. The main goal of taxi companies is to provide timely transfer service
for user from and to location. Taxi companies have special teams for working on
different projects, they always prefer to give the cost effective services to their
respective customers.

1.3 Limitation and Assumption:

The limitations of the entire Tranxit application are listed below:
• The application is in English only.
• This is a first conceptualization for Tranxit and, therefore, not all details are covered
now – future contests will explain them.
• There can be restrictions to collect some sort of personal data for users and that can
limit application functionality.
• No pre-approval of blog/forum posts by System Admin will be supported in the first
version of the application.
Assumptions critical to the success of the entire TRANXIT application are listed
• The application will be web-based and both on ANDROID and iOS
• Any user will access the application through a web-browser.
• Users can be from different time zones.
• International symbols have to be properly displayed in the application.
• System Admins will be able to manage all the users and manage/moderate all the
content in the application.
• Admin will fully control and approve activities of their Restaurant and users in the
• All the content and activities will be appropriate for ages of 18..60+
• At least one System Admin has to present in the system.
• The application is free to download for all users

Environment and technology requirements:

• Cloud hosting space (Digital Ocean) will be used to entirely host the application.
• The application will be fully workable on PC, Mac machines/Android/iOS.
The minimal required hardware resources can be assumed as the same as for using
for the Project we have.
• Web-pages are required to properly fit on mobile devices, working on iOS and
Android platforms.
• The design has to be simple and avoid abstraction or persistence framework

1.4 Benefits
Greater flexibility in menus, an increase in restaurant productivity and capacity for
extensive business auditing are the primary benefits associated with the Tranxit.
Menu updates can be rolled out at any time with no extra labor from printing and
distributing new menus, allowing for more dynamic pricing and content changes.
With the underlying software system taking responsibility for a customer’s service
throughout its lifecycle, not only is accuracy ensured, but all actions are logged in a
database for analysis and accountability of App.
2. Core Components:

2.1 Technology we use/Platform we provide

There are many development tools in the market today but we used best to build
our application

Android App: We have used native Java technology and XML language. Pattern we
use to have code structure are MVP and MVVM.Our IDE is Android Studio 3.0.2.
The deployment support from 4.2 to updated version.

IOS App: We have used latest technology iOS swift language to develop our
application. MVC viper pattern has been used for pattern. The deployment support
we do from 8.0 to latest.

Web App: The web panels are implemented and designed using PHP.
Database used is MySQL. Our apps are highly optimized and that can run and can be
hosted on the most commonly available servers or host like Digital ocean and
Amazon AWS.

Google Maps API have been used for maps, geo-location and for tracking locations.

Firebase has been used to implement chat integration between User and Driver.

Tranxit admin login allows you to enterinto

your personalized search engine of the
taxi company.

Dashboard is the one where the complete

ride details and request details will
be managed

The current ride details can also be viewed by

the admin, it shows the location details and
status of the ride.

Dispatcher manages the role of assigning

request manually to the driver.

Once the user gives request, it will get

displayed in the dispatcher panel, where it
shows the user name, source and destination
location and also the status of the ride.

Dispatcher can also add the request for user

who calls and book request(While assigning
the request can be manually assigned or it
can be auto assign to provider)

Once dispatcher clicks on the request, the

list of nearby available providers will
be displayed.

The map view near the request page displays

the available provider and dispatcher can
assign manually to provider.

Once dispatcher clicks on the provider, the

provider details like name, service provided
and rating of the driver will be displayed.

Assign this provider button should be clicked

and the driver will get the request.

Heat Map describes how many countries

and user are using the application.

Admin manages the user who has enrolled

in their application.

The user details like name,email,rating,wallet

amount and the history of user can also
be viewed.

Admin also can edit and delete the

user details.

Admin can also add user from their panel.

The user who just want to book request

offline, they can call the company’s support
centre and can enroll their details and can
update the details to admin panel.

Then the manual assigning can be assigned

by dispatcher.

Admin can manage the provider details like

name,email,phone number, request accepted
or cancelled, document/service type
assigned, status of documents uploaded and
also the active/inactive status of driver.

The provider can be enabled and

disabled/edit and delete can be done by
admin panel.

Once the admin approves and enable the

driver, the driver can able to take ride.

Admin can add the provider manually from

their panel.

This process can happen when driver reaches

company and straight away register
for driving.

In the same way, the driver’s document will

be uploaded and after verification the driver
can take request for ride from user.

Admin can manage dispatcher details who

has been assigned for dispatching the
taxi manually.

The dispatcher details like name, email and

mobile number will be stored Admin can edit
and delete the dispatcher added.

Admin can add dispatcher manually from

the panel.

Dispatcher details like name, email,password

and mobile number will be added from
by the admin.

With the added email and password,

dispatcher can login and can manage the
request for drivers manually.

Admin manages fleet users.

Fleet owners are the one who lend their

car/taxi to third party and manages the
request history and provider list.

Fleet manages the car’s request history and

can manage the ride undergone and payment
done by the user to admin.

Admin can add fleet owners manually from

admin panel.

This process happens when any of the user

who want to lend their car to third party
and approaches the company and provide
the details.

The details includes name,email,phone

number, password and company logo.

Admin can manage the account manager

details in admin panel.

Account manager are the one who manages

the complete track of providers earning.

Admin stores details like name,mobile,mail of

account manager.

Admin can also edit and delete the

accounts manager.

Admin can add account manager manually

from the panel.

Admin adds the details like name,email,

password and mobile number.

Once added, account manager can login with

the credentials provided and can manages
payment statement of provider.

Admin manages the overall statement of

providers from admin panel.

The overall statement includes the earnings

of provider in monthly basis, weekly basis,
daily basis, yearly basis and also in
overall statements.

Both the user and provider rating and review

will be managed by admin.

Request history is the page where the details

like booking id, user name, provider name,
amount paid and status of the ride will
be managed.

Admin has access to delete and can also view

more details

The list of service types can be managed

from admin panel.

Admin can CRUD service types

Admin can manage the pricing logic for
each service types.

Admin has the access to declare base price,

distance price, hour price and price logic for
each service

Admin can add ‘N’ number of services from

admin panel where it gets information like
service name, service image, unit time price,
hour pricing and logic for the service type.

Admin can also enter the seat capacity and

description for the specific service type.

Admin can maintain the promo code and the

promo code can be added manually from the
admin panel.

The promo code will have expiry date and

discount amount and code to enter manually
The promo code once expired will not allow
user to enter.

Admin can edit and delete the coupon

from its panel.
Admin has the complete access of
payment settings.

The payment settings includes information

like dynamic payment gateway switchover,
Target for per day task, surge trigger point,
tax percentage, commission percentage
and currency.

Those information can be edit and update

by admin panel.

Those updated changes should be reflected

in admin panel.
The site settings is the one where the
complete details of product will be exposed.

The site settings involves information like

appstore,playstore link, search distance,
response details,SOS,conatct email,
contact number.

The admin can opt manual and broadcasting

option, where admin can manage the manual
assigning of project and broadcasting will
happen automatically.

Admin can update the changes.


Admin has the editor text page where the

content for privacy policy, help can be done
The text which was entered in admin should
reflect in the leads page.

Admin has the access to edit and update

the text.

Admin has the option called custom push

where some information can be sent to
user or driver.

The custom push can be sent to specific user

or user in specific location or to users who
were active for past one hour.

The message reaches the user and driver as

push notification in application.

Admin has the complete access to change

text or strings from the panel.

Once the import files are given the files from

will be imported from the admin panel and
by choosing specific group the text
can be changed.

Admin can manages his account details

Admin can change their account details

from this panel.

The admin can edit and update the

account details.

Welcome Note, where walkthrough of

application can be given in a short to make
user/driver understandable.

Signup-User register with details like


User can login with same credentials for

further use of application.

Once user register ,verification should be

done to check mobile number. Once
registered with number user receives OTP
and validation should be done.

Once registered, user can able to view the

map page where the pickup location is
fetched automatically through GPS

Once user choose destination, the list of

service type available will be displayed.

Once it is highlighted, the min fare with

details will be displayed.

User can able to book a ride now or can

schedule later.

The payment can be done either in cash or

card and the gateway of payment can be
displayed in the page.

The wallet option can be enabled and

disabled while requesting for ride.

Once the user chose the service type and

click ride now, the application hits the server
and will start to search for the driver who
were al in a nearby location.

The request can be set by admin as either

manual or broadcast

If manual, the request reached dispatcher

and he/she will assign request to driver
else if broadcast, the request will reach to
all available drivers and if once accepts all
other will be denied if one rejects other all
will be getting ringed.

Driver register in the application,with details

like email, mobile number and name.The
mobile number will be verified with OTP

Once the driver registered, he should get

approval from the admin panel until admin
panel’s approval the driver status will be in
waiting for approval.

Once admin approves, driver can go online.

If driver is in offline,he wont be able to
receive request.

Once the user request for ride, the driver

receives request with pickup and drop

The driver can either accept or reject request

based upon their schedule

The driver has the response time set limit,

where he should accept or reject in that
timeline, else it will get rejected

Once driver accept the request, user details

will de displayed in the driver’s screen
to pickup.

Once the driver accepts the request, he

should reach to pickup location of user

The pickup location will be displayed to

reach the location of user

The driver can call the user or can chat in

app with the user

The driver can cancel the request before

arriving to the location Once reaches the
location, he should tap arrived.

Once user arrives to the pickup location and

user get in to the taxi driver tap on the
picked up button.

In the same way, driver can cancel ride in any

scenario if user is delay.

The driver can either call the customer to

inform that he has reached the location.

Once picked up is tapped, he will able to see

4 digit box where the input will be received
from user.

The user will be able to see driver details

once he accept the ride. The details includes
OTP as well.

Once driver enters the OTP and click on

submit, the ride gets started and where the
km and time will be tracked to get the
ride fare.

Once driver reaches the destination location,

dropped button will be tapped.

In the same way, either driver can call user

and text user in app.

Once user is dropped in a specified location,

invoice will be generated and based upon the
pricing logic of service type the amount will
be calculated and generated.

The payment mode will be displayed in

the invoice.

The coupon and wallet amount which added

will be deducted from invoice.

The user can add coupon manually and can

get discount in the ride

The coupon can be entered from the

voucher if company provides or if admin
panel send in push notification.

The coupon will have expiry and if it

exceeds the usage limit and date, coupon
will be expired.

The amount provided for coupon will be

deducted from invoice while generating.

Drive can able to view his per day earnings

and revenue from the date of login. The
summary includes number of rides
undergone, scheduled and cancelled rides.
The driver can view his per day target
to achieve.

Both the user and provider can use help

option to get help from admin panel
The user and driver can call the admin/Can
send text in mail and even can visit website
for further details.

Both the user and provider can rate and

review each other.

The rating is based upon the star and review

is based upon the comments what was given.

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