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What is a human person? What is the nature of a human person?
To fully understand the meaning of a person, let us re-evaluate and
How does a person attain his highest potential that can create a
understand the characteristics of a person:
positive result towards society?

Even during ancient times, these questions had been consistently

raised and evaluated. Brilliant psychologists, philosophers,
theologians, and even natural scientists had written and made in-
depth analyses on the topic of human nature using wide range of
theories and observations.
BOMBITA - Characteristics of a Person
It is essentially difficult to define man. This perspective aims to Eddie Babor discussed in his book “The Human Person, Not Real but
revisit and challenge, in all humility, our perception of human Existing” that the human person have several characteristics, among
nature; and the possibility of achieving a productive society through which are the following:
the actualization of a person‟ shighest potential.
1. Rational- Every person is a rational being . This is what
THEHUMANPERSON: REVISITED distinguishes a person from all other creatures in the world. As
a rational being, a person is free to think and has the capacity to
When we talk about the human person, it is obviously everything reason. He can distinguish what is right and what is wrong
that pertains to man - physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual because he has intellect.
attributes. There are several definitions of a human person based on
different perspectives: 2. Free - All human beings are born free. A person has the
freedom to do or not to do a specific action. However, every
Aristotle and Boethius described man as a rational being. As rational person must be responsible for his own action. In other words, a
being, a person is able to know, reason out and apply what he person can do whatever he pleases but not to the extent of
knows. doing harm to his co-creatures.

Theologians describe a human person as a substance of physical and 3. Unique - Every person is unique. Every person has his own
spiritual. Spiritual in nature because man has a soul and is created identity such that no two persons are the same Generally
by a Superior Being with a divine purpose. Physical in nature, speaking, human being shave the same characteristics and
because a person is created with body and faculty that correspond to physical features and but no two persons are the same because
his relationship with society. every person has its own perception, has different sets of values
and priorities in life.
Dictionaries define a human person as a living, self-conscious
animalora thing. 4. Social being - Every person is intrinsically a social being . He
cannot detach his “being” from others and all other creatures in
the universe. Human nature is characterized by his togetherness
and relationship towards other creatures; be it a thing, object or
his fellowman.

5. Sexual - All created living things are sexual in nature but the
uniqueness of expression of a person’s sexuality makes it all
different. The expression of a person’s emotions, attitudes,
feelings, actions and thoughts in sexual activity best exemplifies
his uniqueness from animals.
Considering the characteristics, and their definitions, given above, it GLOBALSOLIDARITY
can be deduced that a human person is the ultimate expression of International understanding
the Supreme Being that has the freedom, capacity and ability to and cooperation
reason, reflect and relate to his co-existence.



Physical Fitness, cleanliness,
harmony with the material
universe, beauty and art

Knowledge, creative and critical

personal discipline
Faith in God
Family Mutual Love/ respect, fidelity,
Society responsible parenthood,

concern for others/common

good, freedom/equality, social
justice/respect for human
rights, peace/ active non-
violence, popular participation
Thrift/conservation of

resources, work ethics, self –

reliance, productivity, scientific
and technological knowledge,
vocational efficiency,
Common identity, national
unity, esteem of national
heroes, commitment, civic
consciousness/ pride,
“Bayanihan” / solidarity,
to country
By understanding the character and the definition of a person, the
next question would be “how are we going to maximize these
characteristics to be able to create a positive result?”

There are several guiding principles in realizing a person‟

scompetence and ability. The totality of the person is best
explored in the field of humanistic psychology. This study theorized
that a person's behavior and relationship with others is shaped by
his inner feelings and self-image.

One of the foundations of humanistic psychology is Abraham

Maslow and his theory on the hierarchy of needs as illustrated

The hierarchy of needs has five evels, namely:

1. Physiological Level - these are biological needs such as

food, water and clothing. They are the strongest needs
because when a person is deprived of these, the person will
ultimately find ways to fulfill its satisfaction.

2. Safety-when physiological needs are met, the person

transcends in finding security and protection from physical and
emotional harm.

3. Social and Belongingness - when the needs for

physiological and safetyhad been satisfied, the desire for
affection, belonging, friendship can become active. Maslow
states that people seek to overcome feeling of loneliness and
4. Esteem - there are two esteem needs: The self-esteem that our reflections in life to be able for the individual to realize
include achievement, mastery, confidence and the esteem the hisproblem and create his own solutions for it. It is the individual
person gets from others. These include recognition, respect, whowilleventuallydirecthisown lifeandnot thepeoplearoundhim.
attention etc. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels
self-confident and valuable as a person in the world. However,
when these needs are not met, the person may feel inferior, BLANCO
weak, helpless and worthless.
5. SelfActualization- ERIKH.ERIKSON

As discussed above, Maslow’s theory pointed out that a person

must satisfy first the other lower needs before he can
actually realize his self worth and potential. Accordingly, when
lower needs are unmet, the person cannot fully devote himself
actualization is the driving force of human personality. Thus, a
person cannot appreciate intellectual and aesthetic learning when
the person is hungry and his safety is difficult to obtain. “ Artistic and
scientific endeavors do not flourish in a society where people
must struggle for food, shelter and safety. The highest motive -
self actualization-can only be fulfilled after all other needs are
fulfilled” (IntrotoPsych10thedby Atkinson, Smith,Bem,p. 525).

Following Maslow’s theory, Carl Rogers (1902-1987) in his person-

centered therapy theory, believed that every person has
nddevelopmentofhiscapacity.Furthermore,hecametobelieve that
man is basically good and inherently possesses a seed ofgoodnessno
matterhowimprudenthis actionsare.

The theory of person - centered therapy of Carl Rogers

explainedthat persons are the only ones able to change the direction
of theirlives and which path to take. The therapist‟s role is to act as
a“sounding board” while the person himself explores and analyzes
hisproblem(IntrotoPsych 10thedby Atkinson,Smith,Bem,p523).

In accordance with the view of Roger‟s theory, the writer of

thisarticle personally believes that the therapist being referred to
shouldnot be restricted to psychologists only, but must also be
identifiedwith the person‟s environment and the people surrounding
BasicTrustVS.Mistrust Hope
 Childishelplessdependentonad  Emerges as an
ults. enduringbeliefintheattaina
 Caringisthesatisfyingneedsoft bilityoffervent wishes
hechild. (trustingchildren are more

 Ifparentsarerejectingandthesati future-oriented)

sfying needs of the child  Children lacking

isinconsistent, it enoughtrustcannothopebe
developsfeelingsofmistrust causetheymust
worryconstantly about
whethertheirneedswill be
edto the present.
Autonomy VS. Shame Will
andDoubt  Defined as the
 Childdevelopsrapidlyvarieds unbrokendetermination to
kills. exercisefree choice as
 Learns how to hold on and well as self-restraint.
letgo–fecesand urine.
 Childcanwillfullydecidetodoso

mething orttodoit.

 Effectsofparentaldisciplinea
nd control over
thedevelopment of child‟s
 From a sense of self-
controlwithout loss of self-
esteemcomes lasting sense
of goodwill andpride
 Fromasenseofself-control
comes a lasting propensity
Initiative VS.Guilt Purpose
 Initiative–  The courage to
thegeneralabilitytoinitiateideasa envisage(predict or
ndactionsandto planfuture visualize) andpursue

events. goals by defeat


 The child begins to ofinfantilefantasies,byguilt

explorewhat kind of person he and by foiling fear
canbecome limits are tested to ofpunishment.
findout what is permissible
 Guiltdevelopsifparentsridiculet
and fantasies.
The stages of development are patterned sequence
IndustryVS.Inferiority Competenceencompassingappropriatephysical,emotionalandcognitivetasksthattheindividual must muster in a struggle
to adjust to the demands
ofsense  It is the free exercise
ofenjoyment from work and ofdexterity and
fromsustained attention. intelligencein the
 Childlearnsskillsnecessaryforec completion of Each stage should be viewed as a psychosocial crisis or conflict–and
onomic survival tasks,unimpaired by whether the conflict of a particular stage is successfully resolvedor
thetechnological skills that infantileinferiority. not, the individual is pushed by both biological maturation

e member of hisculture.
 Schoolistheplacewherechildistr polar tasks suchastrustvs.mistrust.
ained forfutureemployment.
 Inferiority causes the child
IdentityVS.RoleConfusion Fidelity The definition and characteristics of a person, the presumptions of
 Identity-means essentiallyhow  self-confidence and self- Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and Erik Erikson that had been
a person sees themselvesin esteem necessary
analyzed are simply guiding principles and motivations to better
relation to their world. It's tofreely associatewith
asense of self or individuality people and ideas based understand ourselves and examine our potentials. As JFT Bugental
inthe context of life and what onmerit, loyalty, social pointed out, “man’s life has greater possibilities but not realized”. In

liesahead. andinterpersonal other words, there are many opportunities await each person and he
 Role Confusion - the integrity,discretion, is blind enough not to notice those opportunities.
negativeperspective - personalstandards and
anabsence ofidentity - dignity,prideandpersonalid
meaning that entity, seeing As discussed previously, the person himself is the best qualified in
thepersoncannotseeclearlyorat usefulpersonal role(s) changing and directing his life. He has always been given an
allwhotheyareandhowthey andpurpose(s)inlife
alternative whether to do or not to do an act but this action should
vironment. be accompanied by responsibility.
IntimacyVS. Isolation Love
 Intimacy – the ability to  Defined as the Being human, our dealings may not always be positive but that does

mergeone‟s identity with that mutualityof devotion not negate our value as a person. Self-actualized persons allow their
ofanotherperson. foreversubduingtheantag

 Isolation – the inability to onisminherent in in n ate positive values to transform further and realize that by
shareone‟s identity with that dividendfunctions understanding his self first is the best way that he can effectively
ofanotherperson.  Developmentofagreaterse relate to others.
nse ofintimacy.
GenerativityVS. Stagnation Care
 Generativity–  Thewideningconcernforw
Furthermore, Every person must be guided by the understanding

theimpulsetohelp members hathasbeengeneratedby that he exists in this world achieving his temporary assignments.
of the nextgeneration. love, necessity; Each person should start now by utilizing his gifts and talents in
 Stagnation – itovercomestheambivalen obtaining his goals to positively transform and help others realize
interpersonalimpoverishment ce adhering
– the lack ofconcernaboutthe toirresistibleobligation.
their worth as person themselves. He must make use of it and fulfill
next the greatest challenge that the Supreme Being has bestowed upon
generation. him.
Ego IntegrityVS.Despair Wisdom
 Edo Integrity – the  The person has more


satisfactionwith life and the egointegrity thandespair

65 –

lack of fear ofdeath.  Definedasdetachedc

 Despair – the lack oncernwithlife.

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