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Idea Css 8 General Cross-Section: User Guide

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IDEA CSS User Guide

General cross-section

User guide

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS User Guide

1.1 Program requirements ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Installation guidelines ...................................................................................................... 3
2 Basic Terms ............................................................................................................................. 4
3 User interface .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Control of view in the Main window ............................................................................... 5
3.1.1 DXF export settings .................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Units setting...................................................................................................................... 7
4 Working with project .............................................................................................................. 8
4.1 New project ...................................................................................................................... 8
5 Input of cross-sections and analysis of cross-section characteristics ...................................... 9
5.1 Project data ....................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Input of cross-sections .................................................................................................... 10
5.2.1 Components of general cross-section ...................................................................... 11
5.2.2 Input of shape of general cross-section ................................................................... 11
5.2.3 Ribbon group Cross-section component ................................................................. 12
5.2.4 Editing cross-section component ............................................................................ 20
5.2.5 Ribbon group Drawing settings............................................................................... 21
5.2.6 Ribbon group Colours ............................................................................................. 21
5.2.7 Ribbon group Collisions.......................................................................................... 21
5.2.8 Ribbon group Mesh ................................................................................................. 21
5.2.9 Points for stress analysis ......................................................................................... 22
5.2.10 Cross-section characteristics ................................................................................. 24
6 Check of cross-sections ......................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Design matrix ................................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Check requests................................................................................................................ 28
6.3 Check results .................................................................................................................. 29
6.3.1 Ribbon group Results .............................................................................................. 29
6.3.2 Ribbon group Drawing settings............................................................................... 30
7 Report .................................................................................................................................... 31
7.1 Brief report ..................................................................................................................... 31
7.2 Detailed report ................................................................................................................ 32
7.3 Ribbon group Report view ............................................................................................. 33

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 3

1.1 Program requirements

Application requires .NET Framework 4.5 to be installed on the computer. It can be
downloaded from web pages of Microsoft Company (
In case of a missing .NET Framework the installation is not launched.

1.2 Installation guidelines

IDEA CSS program is installed as a part of IDEA StatiCa package.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 4

2 Basic Terms
IDEA CSS is a program for input of general cross-section, analysis of cross-section
characteristics and analysis of stresses caused by defined internal forces. IDEA CSS is one
from the group of programs developed by IDEA RS company, especially for 2D FEA
structural analysis. All these programs work with the same data model. This allows their
direct connection with all IDEA design modules.
It is possible to input cross-sections of general shape, which consist of one or more
components. Cross-section characteristics and courses of stresses caused by unit loads are
calculated for defined cross-sections.
It is possible to input design matrixes. Each design matrix can contain one or more sextuplets
of internal forces.
Design matrixes and cross-sections can be combined into check requirements. Stresses are
calculated for defined check requirements.
The program general cross-section can be used as plugin to define general cross-sections in
modules IDEA Beam, IDEA Frame and .

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 5

3 User interface
The items of user interface of the application are composed into following groups:
 Navigator – it contains main commands for the work with a project
 Ribbons – there are sets of controls. Ribbons are changed according to the current
command on Navigator.
 Main window – it is used mainly for appropriate drawings
 Data window – properties of objects and results of analysis are displayed in this
window according to current command of Navigator
All other IDEA applications have the similar design.


Main window


Data window

3.1 Control of view in the Main window

The view in 2D window can be set by mouse or by tool in the left upper corner of the

- zoom all. Click this button to fit the whole structure to the 2D window.
To set the required view using keyboard and mouse following combinations can be used:
 Click and hold mid mouse button – moving the mouse pans the view.
 Roll with mid mouse button – moving the mouse increases/decreases the view.
 Push CTRL+SHIFT and hold mid mouse button – moving the mouse defines the
window for zoom.
Click on right mouse button over 2D window shows context menu with following commands:
 Zoom all – zoom to show the whole current structure in the 2D window.
 Print – start printing of the current content of 2D window on selected printer.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 6

 To bitmap – start export of the current content of 2D window to the raster graphics
 To clipboard – copy of the current content of 2D window to the Windows clipboard.
 To DXF – start export of the current content of 2D window to the 2D DXF file.

3.1.1 DXF export settings

Following export parameters can be set in the Save as dialog
when exporting the view to the 2D file:
 Scale – if the option is selected, the scale ratio used to
create the drawing in exported DXF can be set.
 Output units – select units of the drawing in the
exported DXF file.
 Layers – select the mode of layers generation. Layers can
be generated according to the line type, the line thickness, the
entity type or the entity color.
 Fill regions – switch on/off export of filled regions
(otherwise only outlines are exported).
 Dimensions – switch on/off export of dimension lines.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 7

3.2 Units setting

The units used by the application can be set by menu command File > Units.

Magnitudes, for which the units can be set, are grouped into categories Main, Material and
Results. The categories are displayed in the column on the left of the dialog. For the selected
category the table of corresponding magnitudes is displayed. For each magnitude, which is
listed in column Unit type, one of the available units can be set in the column Unit.
For each magnitude the number of digits to be displayed after decimal point can be set in the
column Precision.
Style of numbers presentation can be set in Format column:
 Decimal – display numbers in standard decimal format (“-ddd.ddd…”).
 Scientific – display numbers in exponential format ("-d.ddd…E+ddd").
 Automatic – according to length of resulting string it is automatically chosen whether
to use decimal or exponential format. In this mode value specified in Precision
column means number of significant digits in the resulting string.
 Imperial – display numbers in fractional format (only for imperial unit types).
Default – metric – loads default units settings for metric units system.
Default – imperial – loads default units settings for imperial units system.
Import - reads the units configuration from a file.
Export - saves the current units settings to a file.
Click OK to apply the changes and to be used at next application start.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 8

4 Working with project

Commands to work with project data are collected in ribbon group Data:

 New – create a new project.

 Open – open an existing project (files with extension *.ideaCSS or
 Save – save the current project into the data file.
 Save as – save the current project into the data file using a new file
 About – open the About application dialog.
 Units – open dialog for units settings.
 Preferences – open a dialog to set the application language or the
logo for printed reports.
 Licences – launch Licence manager application.
 Close – close a current project.

4.1 New project

To create a new project click New in ribbon group Project. First general cross-section is
created automatically in new project.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 9

5 Input of cross-sections and analysis of cross-section characteristics

Partial general cross-section data are defined using
appropriate navigator commands. Cross-section shape
has to be defined to calculate cross-section
characteristics. Design matrix and Check
requirements have to be defined to calculate the stress
in cross-section.

5.1 Project data

To display a table with basic data and identification data of the current project click navigator
command Report > Project data.

 Code – select the national code. The selected code affects the available materials.
 Material type – select the project type from the point of view of the materials. Either
steel, or concrete or mixed cross-sections can be defined in the project.
 Name – input of the project name.
 Number – input of the project identification number.
 Author – input name of the project author name.
 Description – input of additional information about the project.
 Date – date of calculation.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 10

5.2 Input of cross-sections

One project of IDEA CSS application can contain more general cross-sections. To start input
of cross-sections click navigator command Report > Project items.
The current cross-section is drawn in the Main window.
Table with the list of existing general cross-sections is displayed in the Data window.
Ribbon group Cross-section is available for this navigator command.

To add a new cross-section click either above the table or New in ribbon group Cross-
section or click near the list of cross-sections in project in the top of navigator.
To edit the current cross-section click navigator command General cross-section > Shape or
click edit button in the appropriate table row or Edit in ribbon group Cross-section.
To copy an existing cross-section click either Copy above the table or Copy in ribbon group
To delete an existing cross-section click either in the appropriate table row.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 11

5.2.1 Components of general cross-section

The general cross-section geometry contains components of cross-section.
Components of cross-section can be defined:
 Selecting a component shape from the database of concrete cross-sections;
 Selecting a component shape from the database of steel cross-sections;
 Importing the shape from DXF file;
 Defining the shape using a table editor.

Each cross-section component has a local coordinate system. The local coordinate system of
the component is placed to the origin of global coordinate system by default.
If the cross-section component depends on some master component, the local coordinate
system of slave component is placed to the Master point of the Master component.
Each cross-section component has an Insert point. The Insert point is coincident with the
origin of local coordinate system of the component. When the Insert point is changed, the
component moves to keep the new Insert point in the origin of local coordinate system.
The Insert point of first cross-section component is placed to the origin of global coordinate
system of the cross-section.
The Insert grid is generated for each cross-section component. This grid contains points in
important points of the cross-section. The Insert point can be set to any of point of the Insert
Dependencies can be defined between components of cross-section. One component can be
set as a master component for another component. The dependency is defined by two points.
A Master point, which is one of the points of the insert grid of the master component, is set
for the dependent component. Than the dependent component moves to keep coincident the
Insert point of the dependent component with the Master point on the master component..

5.2.2 Input of shape of general cross-section

To start input of general cross-section geometry click navigator command General cross-
section > Shape. The current section, which has been selected in the navigator table Project
> Cross-sections, is edited.
Components of cross-section are drawn in the main window.
The table Cross-section components with properties of cross-section components is
displayed in the Data window.
Ribbon groups Cross-section component, Drawing settings, Colours, Collisions and Mesh
are available for this navigator command.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 12

5.2.3 Ribbon group Cross-section component

Commands in ribbon group Cross-section
 New – create new cross-section component
using shapes, which are available in the libraries of
concrete and steel cross-sections – see New
cross-section component.
 Copy – copy the current cross-section component.
 Up – move the current cross-section component up in the table of cross-section
 Down – move the current cross-section component down in the table of cross-section
components. The order of components affects the method of collision resolving and
the conversion of components to ideal cross-section, if the components are of different
 DXF – create new cross-section component using import of shape from DXF file – see New component from DXF .
 Table – create new cross-section component of polygonal shape using a table – see New component using table editor.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 13 New cross-section component

To add new cross-section component click New in ribbon group Cross-section component.
The dialog Cross-section navigator appears, in which available cross-sections sorted into
three groups are displayed:
 Basic – standard shapes of concrete cross-sections.
 Advanced – shapes of concrete cross-sections used in bridges building.
 Rolled sections – steel rolled cross-sections I, L, U, T, plate, circular, square and
rectangular hollow section.
Click the required shape of cross-section to input a new cross-section component.

Depending on the required shape one of following dialogs appear:

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 14

 Property dialog for cross-sections defined by geometry;

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 15

 Database navigator to select the cross-section from the database.

After entering the shape properties or choosing the cross-section from database the new
component is added to the general cross-section shape.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 16 New component from DXF file

To create new cross-section component by the import from DXF file click DXF in ribbon
group Cross-section component.
Following entities can be imported from the DXF file: LINE, POLYLINE, SPLINE, ARC,
CIRCLE, TEXT. Blocks are not imported, it is necessary to explode them to individual
entities before importing.

The content of imported DXF file is displayed in the dialog General cross-section elements
from DXF.
The proper units, which correspond with units of DXF file, must be set in ribbon group
Settings. Otherwise the dimensions of cross-section can be wrong.
The lines, which create the shape of one part of the cross-section, should be selected in the
main window. The selected group of lines should be continuous and should create a closed
Lines, which create tendon polygon, must be selected in the main window. Lines can be
selected like standard irregular selections in Windows applications – hold CTRL and select
single lines. To select lines, which are continuous to the selected line, click Consecutive in
the ribbon group Settings.
The selected group of lines must be converted to:
 The cross-section outline. To convert the lines click Outline in the ribbon group
Cross-section component.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 17

 The cross-section opening. To convert the lines click Opening in the ribbon group
Cross-section component.
The converted outlines and openings are drawn in the Detail window. Click Clear in ribbon
group Cross-section component to delete the converted parts of the cross-section.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 18 New component using table editor

To create new cross-section component using the table editor click Table in ribbon group
Cross-section component.

Dialog General shape contains one tab Outline to define the coordinates of vertexes of the
cross-section outline and can contain one or more tabs O1 - On to define the coordinates of
vertexes of individual openings.
To add a new opening click right the tabs.

To delete the opening click on the tab of appropriate opening.

The tables of coordinates can be copied using a clipboard from e.g. Microsoft Excel tables.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 19 Copy the cross-section component

To copy the current cross-section component click Copy in the ribbon group Cross-section
components. Order of components

To change the order of cross-section components click Up or Down in the ribbon group
Cross-section components. The order of components affects the method of collision
resolving. If the cross-section contains components with different materials, the material of
the first component on the table is used for calculation of the characteristics of ideal cross-
section. Cross-section component properties

The positions of components and relations between components can be set in the table Cross-
section components.

Columns in the table Cross-section components:

 ID – the identification number of the component.
 Name – input the name of the component.
 Material – the material of the component. Material can be changed when editing the
 Master component – select a master component from the list of existing components.
The current component moves to keep its Insert point coincident to the Master point
of the Master component. The local coordinate system of the dependent component
moves to the Master point.
 Master point – select a point from the list of points on the Master component. The
current component moves to keep its Insert point coincident to the Master point
 Insert point – select a point from the list of points on the current component. The
current component moves to keep the Insert point in the origin of local coordinate
system of the component.
 Rx1 – input the value of rotation of the local coordinate system of the component. The
current component is rotated too.
 y – input the Insert point offset in direction of y-axis of local coordinate system of the
 z – input the Insert point offset in direction of z-axis of local coordinate system of the
 Rx2 – input the rotation of component about the Insert point.
 Mirror Z – switch on/off the mirror of component about the centroidal reference z-
axis of the current component.
 Mesh size – user defined size of mesh finite element. The mesh element size is
calculated automatically by default. If necessary, click to enable user defined
value of mesh size for the current component.
 Phase – input number of construction stage, in which the cross-section component is

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 20

 -start shape and material editing of the current component.

 - delete the current cross-section component.

5.2.4 Editing cross-section component

To start editing of cross-section material and shape click edit button in the appropriate row
in the table Cross-section component.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 21

5.2.5 Ribbon group Drawing settings

Commands in ribbon group Drawing settings:
 Insert grid – switch on/off the drawing of the
insert grid on the current cross-section component.
 Component numbers – switch on/off drawing of
numbers of cross-section components.
 System – switch on/off drawing of reference coordinate system and principal
coordinate system of the general cross-section.
 Dimensions – switch on/off drawing of the basic dimension lines of the general cross-

5.2.6 Ribbon group Colours

Use commands in ribbon group Colours to set the drawing mode
of component colours:
 Current – switch to draw the current cross-section
component in a different (red) colour.
 Material – switch to draw components of the same
material in one colour.
 Each – switch to draw each component in different colour.

5.2.7 Ribbon group Collisions

Use commands in ribbon group Collisions to set the drawing
mode of collisions:
 Final outline – switch to draw the final outline of
individual components after cutting off the collision parts. The
order of components in the Cross-section components table is
taken into account during the calculation of the final outline. The final outline is used
to generate the finite elements mesh and the cross-section characteristics.
 Overlapping components – switch to draw the original outline of cross-section
components. The components are drawn overlapped and the order of components in
the Cross-section components table is taken into account to calculate the overlaps.
 Intersections – switch to highlight the overlapping areas between the cross-section
components. The order of components in the Cross-section components table is taken
into account to calculate the intersections.

5.2.8 Ribbon group Mesh

Commands in ribbon group Mesh:
 Generate – run finite elements mesh generator on the final outline of
the cross-section.
 Display – switch on/off drawing of the generated finite elements

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 22

5.2.9 Points for stress analysis

Axial and shear stress can be checked in points for analysis of stress. The point can be of two
 Point – individual point defined by coordinates. All stresses are calculated exactly in
the point.
 Section – is defined by the point coordinates and by the slope of the line in this point.
Following values are taken from the section when calculating the stresses:
o The unit axial stress is taken in the section point.
o The unit shear stress caused by torsion is taken as the maximal shear stress
value along the whole section.
o The unit shear stress caused by shear force is taken as the average shear stress
value along the whole section.
For the sections from database the points for stress calculation are generated automatically in
important points of the cross-section. Stress points have to be added for cross-sections of
general shape.
The position of point for stress calculation is related to the defined cross-section component
and the master point on this component.
If there are no points for stress calculation on the cross-section, stress check cannot be
performed on the cross-section.
To input the points for stress calculation on the cross-section click navigator command
General cross-section > Points.
The general cross-section with defined points for stress calculation is drawn in the main
The table of defined points for stress calculation is drawn in the data window.
Ribbon groups Stress point, Drawing settings and Mesh are available for this navigator

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 23

To add a new point for stress analysis click New in ribbon group Stress point.
Columns in the table Points for stress analysis:
 ID – the number of the stress point.
 Master comp. – select the cross-section component, which the stress point is related
 Master point – select the point of Master component, which the point coordinates are
related to.
 y – input the distance between stress point and Master point in direction of y-axis of
the local coordinate system of the Master component.
 z – input the distance between stress point and Master point in direction of z-axis of
the local coordinate system of the Master component.
 Type – choose the stress point type – either Point or Section.
 Section angle – for the stress point of Section type, input the angle of the section, in
local coordinate system of the master component. Ribbon group Stress point

Click New in ribbon group Stress point to add new point for stress analysis into
the cross-section. Ribbon group Drawing settings

See 5.2.5 Ribbon group Drawing settings.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 24

5.2.10 Cross-section characteristics

To evaluate the results of the cross-section characteristics analysis click navigator command
General cross-section > Results.
The courses of evaluated stresses are drawn in the Main window.
The table of cross-section characteristics and the table of unit stresses are displayed in the data
Ribbon groups Results, Advanced results and Drawing setup are available for this
navigator command. Ribbon group Results

Use commands in ribbon group Results to set the
component of basic results to be drawn:
 Sigma Mu – switch to draw the course of
normal stress caused by unit bending moment
about the main principal axis u.
 Sigma Mv – switch to draw the course of normal stress caused by unit bending
moment about the main principal axis v.
 Sigma N – switch to draw the course of normal stress caused by unit normal force N.
 Tau My – switch to draw the course of shear stress caused by unit torsional moment
 Tau Vu – switch to draw the course of shear stress caused by unit shear force Vu.
 Tau Vv – switch to draw the course of shear stress caused by unit shear force Vv.
 Shear centre – switch to draw the shear centre of the cross-section.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 25 Ribbon group Advanced results

Use commands in ribbon group Advanced
results to set the component of other
results to be drawn:
 Tau_u Mx – switch to draw the
course of shear stresses parallel to the first
principal axis u caused by unit torsional moment Mx.
 Tau_v Mx – switch to draw the course of shear stresses parallel to the second
principal axis v caused by unit torsional moment Mx.
 Tau_u Vu – switch to draw the course of shear stresses parallel to the first principal
axis u caused by unit shear force Vu.
 Tau_v Vu – – switch to draw the course of shear stresses parallel to the second
principal axis v caused by unit shear force Vu.
 Tau_u Vv – – switch to draw the course of shear stresses parallel to the first principal
axis u caused by unit shear force Vv.
 Tau_v Vv – – switch to draw the course of shear stresses parallel to the second
principal axis v caused by unit shear force Vv.
 Sigma ω – – switch to draw the course of stresses caused by unit bi-moment B
 Tau ω – switch to draw the course of stresses caused by the unit warping torsion of
cross-section. Ribbon group Drawing settings

 Mesh – switch on/off the drawing of the
generated finite elements mesh.
 Extreme – switch on/off the drawing of
extreme value of evaluated magnitude..
 Arrows – switch on/off the drawing of stress
course directions.
 Stress points – switch on/off the drawing of points for stress analysis.
 Stress points values – switch on/off the drawing of values of evaluated magnitude in
the points of stress analysis.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 26

6 Check of cross-sections
The defined general cross-sections can be checked using defined internal forces components.
Internal forces components are defined using so called Design matrixes. Each Design matrix
can contain one or more rows with internal forces components.
The cross-section check is performed for defined Requests for check. One request consists of
selected cross-section and selected design matrix. Moreover, in the request for check, it is
possible to define coefficients to multiply internal forces components of the design matrix.

6.1 Design matrix

To define the design matrixes click navigator command Design matrix > Input.
Tables Design matrixes and Internal forces are displayed in the Main window. The internal
forces components defined in the selected design matrix are displayed in the table Internal

To add new design matrix click above the table Design matrix.
To copy the current design matrix click Copy above the table Design matrix.
The table Design matrix contains following columns:
 Name – input the name of design matrix.
 Type – choose the type of combination for the current design matrix. The type of
combination is considered as informative only (to determine the origin of the internal
forces) and does not influence the calculation of stresses on the cross-section.
 System – choose the coordinate system, in which act the defined internal forces:
o u,v – the defined internal forces act in main principal coordinate system u, v;
o y,z - the defined internal forces act in reference coordinate system y, z.
 - delete the appropriate design matrix.

To add new row of internal forces into the current design matrix click above the table
Internal forces.
Table Internal forces contains following columns:
 Name – input the name of internal forces row.
 N – input the value of normal force N.
 Vy,
 Vz – input the values of shear forces Vy or Vz.
 Mx – input the value of torsional moment Mx.
 My,
 Mz – input the values of bending moments My or Mz.
 - delete the appropriate row of internal forces.

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The table of internal forces can be copied using a clipboard from e.g. Microsoft Excel tables.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
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6.2 Check requests

To define the check requests click navigator command Stress check > Requests.
The table Stress checks is displayed in the main window.

To add new check request click above the table Stress checks.
Table Stress check contains following columns:
 Name – input the name of check.
 Cross-section – select one from defined cross-section, which is checked it the current
 Design matrix – select one from defined design matrixes to be used in the current
 Coeff. N – input the value of coefficient to multiply the value of normal force N in all
rows of the design matrix.
 Coeff. Vy,
 Coeff. Vz – input the values of coefficients to multiply the values of shear forces Vy,
Vz in all rows of the design matrix.
 Coeff. Mx – input the value of coefficient to multiply the value of torsional
momentMx in all rows of the design matrix.
 Coeff. My,
 Coeff. Mz – input the values of coefficients to multiply the values of bending
moments My, Mz in all rows of the design matrix.
 - delete the appropriate check request.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 29

6.3 Check results

To evaluate the results of stress checks click navigator command Stress check > Results
The course of evaluated result component is drawn in the main window.
Table with the extreme values of stress check is displayed in the data window.
The ribbon group Results and Drawing settings are available for this navigator command.

6.3.1 Ribbon group Results

Use commands in ribbon group Results to set the evaluation of cross-sections checks:

 Requested check – select one of defined checks to be evaluated.

 Evaluation – select mode of evaluation. Following modes are available:
o Envelope max – switch to draw the envelope of maximal values of evaluated
stress magnitude. The maximal value of evaluated magnitude from all rows in
design matrix in each mesh finite element is found.
o Envelope min – switch to draw the envelope of minimal values of evaluated
stress magnitude. The minimal value of evaluated magnitude from all rows in
design matrix in each mesh finite element is found.
o One row – switch to draw course of evaluated stress magnitude for one row of
the design matrix. The evaluated row can be set in the combo box Matrix row.
o Max row – a row, which causes the maximal value of evaluated stress
magnitude, is found in the design matrix. The course is drawn for this row. The
number of this row is displayed in the combo box Matrix row and the row
cannot be changed.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 30

o Min row – a row, which causes the minimal value of evaluated stress
magnitude, is found in the design matrix. The course is drawn for this row. The
number of this row is displayed in the combo box Matrix row and the row
cannot be changed.
o Delta – switch to draw the difference between the maximal and minimal value
of evaluated stress magnitude, calculated from all rows of the design matrix..
 Matrix row – select a row of design matrix to display the course of evaluated stress
magnitude. This option is not available for some Evaluation modes.
 Sigma total – switch to display the course of total normal stress caused by normal
force and bending moments.
 Tau total – switch to display the course of total shear stress caused by shear forces,
torsion and bimoment.
 Von Mieses – switch to display the course of Von Mieses stress.
 Sigma 1 – switch to display the course of principal tensile axial stress.
 Sigma Mu – switch to display the course of normal stress caused by moment about
the main principal axis u.
 Sigma Mv – switch to display the course of normal stress caused by moment about
the main principal axis v
 Sigma N – switch to display the course of normal stress caused by normal force N.
 Tau Mx – switch to display the course of shear stress caused by torsional moment
 Tau Fu – – switch to display the course of shear stress caused by shear force Fu.
 Tau Fv – – switch to display the course of shear stress caused by shear force Fv.

6.3.2 Ribbon group Drawing settings

Commands to set drawing options:
 Mesh – switch on/off the drawing of generated finite
element mesh.
 Extreme – switch on/off the drawing of extreme
value of evaluated magnitude.
 Stress points – switch on/off the drawing of the
points for stress calculation.
 Stress point values – switch on/off the drawing of stress values in points for stress

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 31

7 Report
The input data, calculation results, data for stress check and stress
check results can be printed to an output report. The report can
contain texts, tables and pictures. The structure of report is pre-
defined and the individual chapters and pictures can be switched
Use commands in navigator Report to generate the report.
Ribbon group Report view is available for those navigator commands.

7.1 Brief report

Click navigator command Report > Brief to generate the brief protocol.
The content of brief protocol can be set in the Data window:
 Project data – switch on/off printing of the table with
basic and project identification data.
 Cross-sections – switch on/off printing of cross-
sections data.
o Drawings - switch on/off printing of cross-
sections pictures.
o Properties - switch on/off printing of tables
with cross-section characteristics.
 Requested checks – switch on/off printing of tables
and pictures for defined check requests..
o Cross-sections – switch on/off printing of
cross-sections data.
 Drawings - switch on/off printing of
cross-sections pictures.
 Properties - switch on/off printing of tables with cross-section
o Design matrix – switch on/off printing of tables of design matrix.
o Extreme values switch on/off printing of tables with resulting stresses:
 Stress – switch on/off printing of table with extreme values of basic
 Delta sigma – switch on/off printing of table with calculated amplitude
of normal stress.

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 32

7.2 Detailed report

Click navigator command Report > Brief to generate the brief protocol.
The content of brief protocol can be set in the Data
 Project data – switch on/off printing of the table
with basic and project identification data.
 Cross-sections – switch on/off printing of cross-
sections data:
o Components- switch on/off printing of
table with cross-section components.
o Drawings - switch on/off printing of cross-
sections pictures.
o Properties - switch on/off printing of
tables with cross-section characteristics.
o Stress points definition – switch on/off
printing of stress point coordinates tables.
o Stress points results – switch on/off
printing of tables with stresses caused by unit loads.
 Materials - switch on/off printing of tables with
used materials.
 Design matrixes – switch on/off printing of tables
with content of design matrixes.
 Requested checks – switch on/off printing of
tables and pictures for each defined check request.
o Cross-sections – switch on/off printing of
cross-sections data.
 Drawings - switch on/off printing of cross-sections pictures.
 Properties - switch on/off printing of tables with cross-section
o Design matrix – switch on/off printing of tables of design matrix.
o Extreme values switch on/off printing of tables with resulting stresses:
 Stress – switch on/off printing of table with extreme values of basic
 Delta sigma – switch on/off printing of table with calculated amplitude
of normal stress.
 Drawings - switch on/off printing of pictures with stress calculation

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tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,
IDEA CSS user guide 33

7.3 Ribbon group Report view

To print and export the report use commands in ribbon group
Report view.
 Refresh – regenerate the report according to the current
setting of report content
 Print –print of the report to the selected print device
 Preview – display print preview of the report
 Save as – save the report to the file of HTML, MHT (web archive including pictures)
or TXT format.

IDEA RS s.r.o. | South-Moravian Innovation Centre, U Vodarny 2a, 616 00 BRNO

tel.: +420 - 511 205 263, fax: +420 - 541 143 011,

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