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Lesson Plan Practical Research 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula


Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the
characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds
of quantitative research; the importance of
quantitative research across fields; the nature of
Performance Standards The learner is able to decided on suitable
quantitative research in different areas of
Learning Competencies/ The learner:
Objectives Code 1. describes characteristics, strengths,
weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research
2. illustrates the importance of quantitative
research across fields CS_RS12-l-a-c-3
3. differentiate kinds of variables and their uses
Session Objectives At the end of the period the students must be
able to:
a. define research;
b. identify scientific method procedures in
c. appreciate the importance of research;
d. enumerate the different kinds of variables
e. define the major approaches Used in Research


Topic Nature of Inquiry and Research
References Diwa Learning System.
4th Floor SEDCCO 1 Bldg., 120 Thailand corner Legazpi Village,
Makati City, Philippines 1229
Idea Research is the process of looking for information once again. Its
main objective is to answer questions and acquire new information,
whether to solve a problem or shed light on confusing facts.
Materials Manila Paper, Pentel Pen, Cartolina, Laptop, Pencil, Crayons and
Value Appreciation of the importance of research.

A. Pre-Assessment
Opening Prayer
Checking Attendance
House rules
B. Motivation: Pictures of Products/Inventions/Innovative Products
C. Lesson Proper
Innovations and breakthroughs that you come to know and enjoy are products
of research. Etymologically, research comes from the middle French word, recherché,
which means “the act of searching closely.” Additionally, the word “research” is a
combination of the prefix re-, which means “again,’ and the word search, which means
“to look for”. To summarize, research is the process of looking for information once
again. It main objective is to answer questions and acquire new information, whether to
solve a problem or to shed light on confusing facts.

Scientific Method in Research

The process of conducting research scientifically involves a systematic collection
and investigation of data through the scientific method. It provides a set of clear and
settled guidelines for collecting, assessing, and detailing data in the context of a
research study. Knowledge that came from research that employs scientific method is
characterized by the following elements:
1. Empirical Approach
2. Observation
3. Question
4. Hypotheses
5. Experiments
6. Analyses
7. Conclusion
8. Replication

Goals of Research
1. Description
2. Prediction
3. Understanding/Explanation

Importance of Research.
1. Knowledge is established.
2. Perceptions are corrected.
3. Phenomena are validated.
4. Present Solutions are tested for effectivity.
5. Problems are solved.

Constructs and Variables in Research

Constructs are mental abstractions derived from the combination of concepts,
or your mental representation of the world around you.
Variables are constructs that can be understood differently because of their
differences in values. Variables can be observed directly or indirectly. Variables that are
based on direct observations are those that can be easily gauged senses. Alternatively,
variables that are made through indirect observations can be determined only by using
tools or instruments.

Kinds of Variables
1. Independent Variables
2. Dependent Variables
3. Categorical Variables
4. Continuous Variables
5. Quantitative Variables
6. Qualitative Variables

Major Approaches Used in Research

1. Qualitative Approach aims to provide description of characteristics, kind and quality
of a subject, while interpreting and attempting to understand an event. By using
narrative descriptions from in-depth interviews, the purpose of qualitative research is to
share the perspective that was obtained from the subjects. Qualitative variables are the
tdata that are obtained in this approach.
2. Quantitative Approach tests hypotheses and makes predictions through measured
amounts, and ultimately describes an event by using numerical figures. Statistical
analysis is therefore applied to interpret the numbers obtained from the data. In this
regard objectivity of results is a guarantee.
3. Mixed method approach involves collection and analysis of data using both
quantitative and qualitative approaches to be able to address the disadvantages of the
two approaches and provide better understanding of data. Qualitative approach
provides a richer explanation because the instrument allows elaborative answers but
lacks objectivity due to lack of numerical value. Using the quantitative method will
strengthen the results obtained from qualitative data.
E. Application
The class will be divided into three groups and cite the advantages and
disadvantages of the three major approaches used in research.
Group 1 – Qualitative Approach
Group 2 – Quantitative Approach
Group 3 – Mixed Method Approach


Category Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs

4 3 2 1
PARTICIPATION Shows great Participates well Is distracted with Showed no
enthusiasm for in the activities other things enthusiasm at all
the activity
TEAMWORK Respect the Works well in the Needs to learn to Is unable to work
thoughts of group work well in the well in a group.
others. group. Made an Tries to dominate
effort. others.
CONTENT Recognized the Has good ideas, Made an effort Needs to learn to
purpose of the shares their ideas, to come up with think differently
activity and and helps design an idea, and share their
contributes the activity. contributed a ideas.
actively. Thinks little to the group
differently. work

F. Generalization
1. What is research?
2. What is the importance of research?
3. What are the scientific procedures in conducting research? Explain
4. What are the kinds of variables? Differentiate.
5. What are the major approaches used in research?

Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer. (1/4 sheet of paper)
1. Etymologically, it comes from the middle French word recherché, which means “the
act of searching closely.”
a. research b. report c. search d. inquire
2. A scientific procedure of research which states that knowledge is gained
through direct observation and experimentation. Only those data derived from
scientific procedures are considered factual.
a. observation b. hypothesis c. analysis d. empirical approach
3. A goal of research which entails stating the possible consequences of present
events based on existing knowledge of something else.
a. description b. prediction c. understanding d. explanation
4. Are constructs that can be understood differently because of their differences
in values.
a. concept b. constructs c. variables d. category
5. Are manipulated variables that cause a change in another variable.
a. independent b. dependent c. categorical d. qualitative
6. Are those that are affected by independent variables.
a. dependent b. continuous c. categorical d. qualitative
7. It aims to provide description of characteristics, kind and quality of a subject, while
interpreting and attempting to understand an event.
a. quantitative approach c. qualitative approach
b. mixed method approach d. free lance approach
8. It tests hypotheses and makes predictions through measured amounts, and ultimately
describes an event by using numerical figures. Statistical analysis is therefore applied to
interpret the numbers obtained from the data.
a. quantitative approach c. qualitative approach
b. mixed method approach d. free lance approach
9. It involves collection and analysis of data using both quantitative and qualitative
approaches to be able to address the disadvantages of the two approaches and provide
better understanding of data.
a. quantitative approach c. qualitative approach
b. mixed method approach d. free lance approach
10. Are those variables that represent kinds or types of objects. They are synonymous
with categorical variables
a. continuous variables c. qualitative variables
b. quantitative variables d. categorical variables

1. What is the essence of using the scientific method? 5 points
2. Explain the association among concepts and variables? 10 points
3. What are the key features of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research?
15 points

Prepared by:

Aileen c. Villaseca
Senior High School Teacher II

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