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Electricity Generation Cost Report 2020

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August 2020
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Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at:
Acronym Glossary ____________________________________________________ 3
Introduction __________________________________________________________ 4
Section 1: How levelised costs are calculated _______________________________ 7
Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions __________________________ 9
Significant updates: Renewable technologies _____________________________ 9
Technology updates: Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS) _____________ 12
Technology updates: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) _____ 13
Technologies with minor updates _______________________________________ 13
Technologies which we have not updated ________________________________ 14
Financing costs/hurdle rates ___________________________________________ 14
Other cross-cutting assumptions _______________________________________ 17
Further details on key assumptions _____________________________________ 19
Section 3: How BEIS uses generation cost data in modelling ____________________ 21
Levelised Costs are sensitive to the assumptions used ______________________ 21
Levelised Costs are not Strike Prices ___________________________________ 22
Offshore Wind costs and CfD Allocation Round 3 __________________________ 23
Levelised costs depend on timing _______________________________________ 24
Section 4: Generation cost estimates ______________________________________ 25
Projects commissioning in 2025 ________________________________________ 25
Projects commissioning in 2030 ________________________________________ 27
Projects commissioning in 2035 ________________________________________ 29
Projects commissioning in 2040 ________________________________________ 31
Comparison between technologies over time ______________________________ 33
Comparison to previous BEIS Levelised Cost estimates _____________________ 34
Section 5: Sensitivity analysis ____________________________________________ 35
Section 6: Peaking technologies and storage ________________________________ 38
Storage technologies ________________________________________________ 39
Section 7: Wider system impacts _________________________________________ 41
Annex 1: Additional Estimates ___________________________________________ 46
Projects commissioning in 2025, technology-specific hurdle rates ______________ 47
Projects commissioning in 2030, technology-specific hurdle rates ______________ 52
Projects commissioning in 2035, technology specific hurdle rates ______________ 57
Acronym Glossary

Projects commissioning in 2040, technology specific hurdle rates ______________ 62

Acronym Glossary

Acronym Glossary

Advanced Conversion
ACT FOAK First of a Kind

AD Anaerobic Digestion HHV Higher Heating Value

ASP Administrative Strike Price kW Kilowatt

Department for Business,

BEIS kWh Kilowatt-hour
Energy and Industrial Strategy

CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine LCOE Levelised Cost of Electricity

Carbon Capture Usage and

CCUS LHV Lower Heating Value

CfD Contract for Difference MW Megawatt

CHP Combined Heat and Power MWh Megawatt-hour

CPF Carbon Price Floor NOAK Nth of a Kind

CPS Carbon Price Support NPV Net Present Value

DSR Demand-Side Response OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine

Energy and Emissions

EEP O&M Operations and Maintenance

EfW Energy from Waste PPA Power Purchase Agreement

EU European Union Emissions

PV Photovoltaic
ETS Trading System

Waste and Resources Action

FiT Feed-in Tariff WRAP



Electricity generation costs are a fundamental part of energy market analysis, and a good
understanding of these costs is important when analysing and designing policy to make
progress towards net zero.

This report, produced by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
(BEIS), presents estimates of the costs and technical specifications for different generation

Since our last report in 2016, we have updated key assumptions that underlie our analysis.

The Department has:

• commissioned an external provider to update financing cost assumptions for a

range of generation technologies (2018).

• commissioned an external provider to produce a full set of new costs and technical
assumptions for gas plants with carbon capture, usage and storage (gas CCUS)

• commissioned an external provider to produce a full set of costs and assumptions

for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) (2019).

• applied evidence from published reports and internal BEIS expertise to update key
assumptions for offshore wind, onshore wind and solar photovoltaics (PV) (2018-

• collected new evidence on small scale solar PV using published information (2019).

• made smaller changes to specific assumptions for some technologies, including

combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), anaerobic digestion (AD) and tidal stream

Unless otherwise stated, other assumptions remain the same as in the 2016 report1.

In this report we consider the costs of planning, construction, operation and carbon
emissions, reflecting the cost of building, operating and decommissioning a generic plant for
each technology. Potential revenue streams are not considered. The majority of costs in this

1 BEIS Electricity Generation Costs (2016)



report are presented as levelised costs, which is a measure of the average cost per MWh
generated over the full lifetime of a plant. All estimates are in 2018 real values unless
otherwise stated.

Levelised costs provide a straightforward way of consistently comparing the costs of

different generating technologies with different characteristics, focusing on the costs
incurred by the generator over the lifetime of the plant. However, the simplicity of the
measure means that there are factors which are not considered, including a technology’s
impact on the wider system given the timing, location and other characteristics of its
generation. For example, a plant built a long distance from centres of high demand will
increase transmission network costs, while a ‘dispatchable’ plant (one which can increase
or decrease generation rapidly) will reduce the costs associated with grid balancing by
providing extra power at times of peak demand. For the first time, we present enhanced
levelised costs which capture some of the wider system impacts of adding a marginal unit
of a technology to a range of generation mixes. The enhanced levelised costs provide an
indication of the relative marginal impacts of different technologies to the system in different
scenarios – the full system costs of different pathways are considered in BEIS’s power sector

Generation costs are used as inputs to BEIS analysis, including the setting of
Administrative Strike Price setting for Contracts for Difference allocation rounds2.
However, it is important to note that levelised costs are not the same as strike prices.
Strike prices include additional considerations, such as market conditions, revenues for
generators, and policy factors, which are not considered in levelised costs. To date, they
have also typically been expressed in 2012 prices, whereas the levelised costs reported
here are in 2018 prices. For further details on the differences between strike prices and
levelised costs, please see Section 3.

This report is structured as follows:

• Section 1 provides an overview of how levelised costs are calculated, as well as

some of the uncertainties around projecting the costs of future generation.
• Section 2 outlines the changes to cost assumptions that we have made in our most
recent review.
• Section 3 outlines how BEIS uses generation cost data in its modelling, including the
links between generation costs and strike prices.
• Section 4 presents selected levelised cost estimates generated using the BEIS
Levelised Cost Model and technology-specific hurdle rates.
• Section 5 presents sensitivity analysis showing the impact of various uncertainties
on the levelised costs presented in Section 4.



• Section 6 discusses peaking technologies, presenting an alternative metric to

levelised costs on a £/kW basis.
• Section 7 presents scenarios of the effect of including wider system impacts in the
cost of generation.
• Annex 1 presents estimated levelised costs for a full range of technologies for 2025,
2030, 2035 and 2040.

Further detail on the data and assumptions used can be found in the Key Data and
Assumptions spreadsheet published alongside this report.3

As with any projection, there is inherent uncertainty when estimating current and future costs
of electricity generation. While we consider that the ranges of levelised cost estimates
presented in this report are robust for BEIS analysis, these estimates should also be used
with a level of care given the uncertainties around the future cost of generation. These
uncertainties include the potential for unanticipated cost reductions in less mature
technologies, greater uncertainty for technologies where we have access to less detailed
evidence, and uncertainty around fossil fuel prices and carbon values. To illustrate the
potential effects of these uncertainties, the report presents ranges and sensitivity analysis
on the effects of changes in parameters.

The analysis in this report was completed by the end of January 2020, and so this report
does not account for potential effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on electricity generation


Section 1: How levelised costs are calculated

Section 1: How levelised costs are


The Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) is the discounted lifetime cost of building and
operating a generation asset, expressed as a cost per unit of electricity generated (£/MWh).
It covers all relevant costs faced by the generator, including pre-development, capital,
operating, fuel and financing costs. This is sometimes called a life-cycle cost, which
emphasises the “cradle to grave” aspect of the definition.

The levelised cost of a generation technology is the ratio of the total costs of a generic plant
to the total amount of electricity expected to be generated over the plant’s lifetime. Both are
expressed in net present value terms. This means that future costs and outputs are
discounted, when compared to costs and outputs today. Because the financing cost is
applied as the discount rate, this means it is not possible to express it as a £/MWh
component of the cost directly.

The main intention of a levelised cost metric is to provide a simple “rule of thumb”
comparison between different types of generating technologies. However, the simplicity of
this metric means some relevant issues are not considered. Further details on the
considerations included and excluded from levelised costs can be found in Section 3.

Chart 1.1 demonstrates at a high level how Levelised Costs are calculated and what is
included. For further information on how levelised costs are calculated and BEIS’s Levelised
Cost Model please refer to section 4.2 of Mott MacDonald (2010). 4

4Mott MacDonald, 2010, UK Generation Costs Update.


Section 1: How levelised costs are calculated

Chart 1.1: Levelised costs5

Step 1: Gather Plant Data and Assumptions

Capital Expenditure Operating Expenditure Expected Generation Data:

(Capex) Costs: (Opex) Costs: • Capacity of plant
• Pre-development • Fixed opex* • Expected availability
costs • Variable opex • Expected efficiency
• Construction costs* • Insurance • Expected Load
• Infrastructure costs* • Connection costs Factor*
*adjusted over time for • Carbon transport (all assume baseload
learning and storage costs generation with no
• Decommissioning curtailment)
fund costs
• Heat revenues
• Fuel prices
• Carbon costs

Step 2: Sum the net present value of total expected costs for each year

total capex and opex costsn

NPV of Total Costs = Σn n = time period
(1+discount rate)n

Step 3: Sum the net present value of expected generation for each year

net electricity generationn

NPV of Electricity Generation = Σ n = time period
(1+discount rate)n

Step 4: Divide total costs by net generation

NPV of Total Costs

Levelised Cost of Electricity Generation Estimate =
NPV of Electricity Generation

5 Note that in this table, net electricity generation refers to gross generation minus any internal plant
losses/use before electricity is exported to the electricity network.

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Section 2: Changes to generation cost


The first half of this section covers technology-specific changes to our assumptions. For
offshore wind, onshore wind, solar PV, and Carbon Capture Usage and Storage
technologies (CCUS), there have been significant updates, which we discuss below. We
have also made minor changes to CCGT, tidal stream and AD assumptions. Finally, we
discuss those technologies for which we have not updated the generic assumptions,
including nuclear and small-scale technologies (except small-scale solar PV).

The second half of this section covers changes which apply across technologies – primarily
new financing cost assumptions which apply across technologies. The section also
discusses capital cost ranges, decommissioning costs, fuel costs, gate fees, carbon prices,
load factors and heat revenues.

We present costs for 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040 here, though for power sector modelling
the trajectory between these years is also considered.

Significant updates: Renewable technologies

For onshore wind, offshore wind and solar PV, we have conducted a review of the
assumptions presented in the 2016 Generation Costs report using external published
sources from industry and consultancies, informal engagement with developers and industry
stakeholders, and internal technology expertise.

This new information has been used to update key assumptions on capital costs, as well as
operating lifetime, operating costs and load factors. The updated assumptions for 2025,
2030, 2035 and 2040 are detailed below in tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4.

For onshore wind and large-scale solar PV, we have reviewed capital costs and
developed an updated learning rate – the rate at which capital costs decrease as more
plants are built, resulting from greater technical and construction experience – to reflect the
projected decreases in capital costs over time. We have also reviewed technical
assumptions for small-scale solar PV (<4kW, 4-10kW, 10-50kW) – updated assumptions
are available in the accompanying Key Data and Assumptions file.

These projections were made prior to the proposal in the CfD Allocation Round 4
Consultation for the inclusion of Pot 1 technologies. The potential impact of a competitive
auction on onshore wind and large-scale solar PV costs will be reflected in future reports.

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Table 2.1: Key technical assumptions for large-scale (>5MW) solar PV (by
commissioning year) 6

2025 2030 2035 2040

Pre-development (£/kW) 50 50 50 50
Construction (£/kW) 400 400 300 300
Fixed O&M (£/MW/year) 6,700 6,400 6,000 5,700
Variable O&M (£/MWh) - - - -
Load factor (net of
availability) 11%
Operating period 35 years

Table 2.2: Key technical assumptions for onshore wind (by commissioning year)

2025 2030 2035 2040

Pre-development (£/kW) 120 120 120 120
Construction (£/kW) 1,000 1,000 900 900
Fixed O&M (£/MW/year) 23,500 23,500 23,500 23,500
Variable O&M (£/MWh) 6 6 6 6
Load factor (net of
availability) 34%
Operating period 25 years

For offshore wind, in keeping with the rapid pace of developments in offshore wind
technology, we have assumed that the £/MW capital and operating costs decrease over time
with the size of the turbine due to economies of scale. Updates to plant lifetimes and learning
rates were also made.

There are significant differences of opinion over future turbine sizes; some stakeholders are
predicting 20MW turbines as early as 2030, while others doubt the feasibility of such large
turbines. Our estimates (shown in table 2.3) represent a balanced consideration of multiple
internal and external views.

Load factors (expected annual generation as a percentage of theoretical maximum

generation) were also modelled to increase with turbine size. Larger turbines are expected
to produce higher load factors for several reasons, most importantly that larger turbines can
access higher winds due to their increased height, and that a wind farm with fewer, larger

6 Note that in all tables construction costs are rounded to the nearest £100/kW, pre-development costs to the
nearest £10/kW, Fixed O&M to the nearest £100/MW/yr, Variable O&M to the nearest £1/MWh, and
load factor to the nearest 1%.

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

turbines has increased efficiency. Detailed discussion of these relationships is found in a

recent report for BEIS by DNV GL Energy7. Future load factors were calculated by combining
a theoretical turbine power curve (power output as a function of wind speed, modelled using
turbine specifications provided by manufacturers) with hourly wind speed data from existing
offshore wind sites. Load factor assumptions are also shown in table 2.3.

Updated cost assumptions for offshore wind are shown in table 2.4.

Table 2.3: 2019 Offshore wind turbine size and load factor projections (by
commissioning year)

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Projected Turbine Size / MW 9 12 15 17.5 20

Projected load factor (net of 47% 51% 57% 60% 63%


Table 2.4: Key technical assumptions for offshore wind (by commissioning year)

2025 2030 2035 2040

Pre-development (£/kW) 130 130 130 130
Construction (£/kW) 1,500 1,300 1,100 1,100
Fixed O&M (£/MW/year) 36,300 28,000 24,500 22,500
Variable O&M (£/MWh) 4 4 4 4
Load factor (net of
availability) 51% 57% 60% 63%
Operating period 30 years

We have also adjusted our approach to decommissioning costs for offshore wind – for
further details, please see the “Other cross-cutting assumptions” section below.

Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 3 (CfD AR3)

Levelised costs are not equivalent to CfD strike prices. Section 3 contains more detail on
the relationship between these costs and the CfD AR3 auction which took place in 2019.


Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Technology updates: Gas with Carbon Capture Usage and Storage

For gas CCUS technologies, BEIS commissioned an evidence review by Uniper, which was
published alongside the CCUS Action Plan8 in November 2018.

While gas CCUS technologies could be deployed in the UK in the 2020s, there remains
some uncertainty around exact deployment timeframes, and the technology remains at the
first of a kind (FOAK) stage of development. We therefore present FOAK costs for 2025 and
2030 in this report, and Nth of a kind (NOAK) costs for 2035 and 2040.

The evidence base for oxy-fuel combustion with CCUS and hydrogen generation with CCUS
(both covered in the Uniper report) is limited, as the technologies are at an earlier stage of
development relative to post-combustion. As a result, we are only presenting costs for CCGT
+ CCUS Post Combustion, which is based on a wider and more robust range of evidence.

The technical assumptions for CCGT + CCUS are presented in table 2.5 below. Further
details on how these costs were reached can be found in the Uniper report.9

Table 2.5: Key technical assumptions for CCGT + CCUS Post Combustion by
commissioning year

2025 2030 2035 2040
(£/kW) 10 10 10 10
Construction (£/kW) 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,300
Fixed O&M (£/MW/year) 25,800 25,800 22,300 22,300
Variable O&M (£/MWh) 5 5 5 5
Average fuel efficiency
(HHV) 47%
Load factor (net of
availability) 87% 92%
Operating period 25 years



Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Technology updates: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage

In 2019, BEIS commissioned a report from Ricardo Energy and Environment on the
development of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) in the UK. Alongside
the report, Ricardo also provided updated technical and cost assumptions for BEIS’s
modelling of levelised costs of electricity. While the report covers various BECCS
technologies, costs in this report are only for biomass with post-combustion carbon capture
and storage. Although various BECCS technologies for electricity generation were analysed
by Ricardo, BEIS had greatest confidence in the post-combustion capture benchmark as it
was based on more comprehensive work done for BEIS by Wood10.

Table 2.6: Key technical assumptions for Biomass with post-combustion carbon
capture and storage

2025 2030 2035 2040
Pre-development (£/kW) 100 100 90 90
Construction (£/kW) 3,400 3,400 3,100 3,100
Fixed O&M (£/MW/year) 160,400 160,400 146,200 146,200
Variable O&M (£/MWh) 4 4 4 4
Average fuel efficiency (HHV) 30%
Load factor (net of availability) 89%
Operating period 25 years

Since the technology is in an early stage of development, BECCS plants commissioning

before 2035 are considered First of a Kind. It should be noted that Ricardo have their own
models for calculating levelised costs so while the technical and cost assumptions may be
the same, BEIS’s and Ricardo’s levelised costs may differ.

Technologies with minor updates

For some other technologies, minor changes have been made to the underlying technical
assumptions. These are detailed below.

10 Assessing the Cost Reduction Potential and Competitiveness of Novel (Next Generation) UK Carbon
Capture Technology – Benchmarking State-of-the-art and Next Generation Technologies, Revision
4A, Wood, October 2018

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

CCGT H Class: We have assumed a higher level of efficiency for CCGT plants than in the
2016 report, increasing this from 59.8% to 62.4% on a lower heat value (LHV) basis, and
from 54% to 56.2% on a higher heat value (HHV) basis. This is in line with the benchmarking
exercise conducted for BEIS in 2018 by Wood.

Tidal stream: We have assumed a higher load factor for tidal stream plants, increasing this
from 31% to 35%. This is based on an internal review of tidal stream assumptions.

Anaerobic digestion (AD): We have reduced our assumptions around digestate disposal
cost in line with stakeholder responses to the 2017 review of support for AD under the Feed
in Tariff scheme11. Digestate disposal costs are part of variable O&M, which we have
reduced from £87/MWh to £58/MWh as a result.

Technologies which we have not updated

For nuclear, we continue to use the assumptions from the 2016 Generation Costs Report.
Our assumptions refer to large-scale nuclear plants.

The Government’s ambition is for the nuclear sector to deliver a 30 per cent reduction in the
cost of new build nuclear projects by 2030, as set out in the Nuclear Sector Deal published
in 2018.

Nuclear costs are revealed through bilateral negotiations which relate to specific projects.
Project-specific analysis is used to inform the Government’s approach to these negotiations.
Because the information and analysis used in these negotiations is commercially
confidential, it is not available to be used to update our generic cost assumptions. Our
previously published generic costs can be found in the 2016 Generation Costs Report.

We have not updated small-scale technologies other than small-scale solar PV since 2016.
For our most recent analysis on these technologies, please see the 2016 Generation Costs
Report. We have also reduced the number of CCUS technologies from the previous report.

Financing costs/hurdle rates

Hurdle rates are defined as the minimum financial return that a project developer would
require over a project’s lifetime on a pre-tax real basis. This acts as the rate at which both

11 BEIS (2017), Review of support for Anaerobic Digestion and micro-Combined Heat and Power under the
Feed-in Tariffs scheme:

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

costs and generation revenues are discounted across time in producing the levelised cost

BEIS commissioned a report from Europe Economics (EE), updating the Department’s
hurdle rate assumptions for projects starting development from 2018 in a range of

The Europe Economics (EE) report is published alongside this document12, along with a
peer review by Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (CEPA).

Europe Economics analysed developments in bond markets, the energy market and the
electricity sector, as well as changing risk drivers, to understand how hurdle rates have
changed since our 2015 update. They found the hurdle rates to have fallen across all
technologies due to falls in market-wide parameters (the risk-free rate and the equity risk
premium) and in debt premia, convergence in risks in the sector and falls in effective tax
rates. This was despite rises in systematic risk across energy markets in general and the
electricity generation sector in particular.

The CEPA peer review found that Europe Economics “broadly applied a reasonable
methodology given the challenges of the study” and stated that the updated figures were
“more likely to represent current hurdle rates” than those used in the 2016 Generation Costs

The hurdle rates presented are pre-tax and in real terms. They represent the weighted
average cost of capital (WACC), incorporating the cost of debt, equity and technology-
specific debt-to-equity ratios. For technologies which compete as part of the Contracts for
Difference (CfD) allocation framework, we assume that they receive a CfD and therefore are
not exposed to merchant risk during the period of that CfD.

BEIS has applied these hurdle rates across the following technologies:


Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Table 2.7: Technology-specific hurdle rates provided by Europe Economics

Technology 2018 Hurdle Rate

Solar PV 5.0%
Onshore wind 5.2%
Offshore wind 6.3%
CCGT 7.5%
Hydro 5.4%
Hydro Large Storage 5.4%
Wave 8.6%
Tidal stream 9.4%
Geothermal CHP 18.8%
Dedicated Biomass >100MW 8.1%
Dedicated Biomass 5-100MW 7.9%
Biomass CHP 9.9%
Biomass Conversion 9.2%
ACT standard 7.2%
ACT advanced 8.1%
ACT CHP 8.9%
AD CHP 9.9%
AD 8.3%
EfW CHP 7.6%
EfW 6.5%
Landfill 6.1%
Sewage Gas 7.1%
CCUS Gas First of a Kind 9.0%
CCUS Gas Nth of a Kind 7.3%
Gas/Diesel Reciprocating engine 7.1%
OCGT 7.1%
CCUS Biomass 9.1%

The hurdle rates applied are based on investor expectations at the time the work was
undertaken. For investments to be made in future years, the hurdle rates may change.
However, such changes are difficult to project and therefore we assume a flat trajectory for
hurdle rates applied to investments to be made in future years in our modelling – sensitivities
to changes in hurdle rate are shown in section 5.

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Small-scale solar
Small-scale solar technologies were not covered as part of the Europe Economics review.
We have drawn on evidence from the 2015 consultation on a review of the Feed-In Tariff
scheme13 to estimate hurdle rates, using the EE large-scale solar (>5MW) as an updated
reference point and assuming the relative differences between size categories remain the
Table 2.7: Small-scale solar hurdle rates14

Solar Technology Average 2015 hurdle rates Revised 2018 hurdle rate
Output following consultation assumptions
>5MW 5.6% 5.0% (Europe Economics)
10-50kW 6.2% 5.6%
<10kW 5.7% 5.1%
<4kW 5.7% 5.1%

Other cross-cutting assumptions

Approach to capital cost ranges
To generate high and low capital cost ranges, we have varied the central capital cost figure
by the same percentages used in the 2016 BEIS Generation Costs report.

Further detail can be found in the Key Data and Assumptions file which accompanies this

Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charges

BSUoS charges are levied by National Grid on generators to cover the cost of day-to-day
balancing of the electricity system. These charges have been updated using 2018 data from
National Grid15.

13 Impact Assessment: Government response to consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariff scheme

14 We have reviewed solar costs by size rather than by type of developer. The review of small-scale solar
costs did not include projects between 50kW and 5MW.

Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Gate fees and other fuel costs

We have adjusted the 2016 BEIS assumptions, informed by data from the WRAP (Waste
and Resources Action Programme) gate fee report16. Our new assumptions are listed in
the table below.

Table 2.8: Gate fee and fuel cost assumptions (£/MWh)

£/MWh 2016 report 2020 report

Biomass 5-50MW £10 £10
EfW -£32 -£32
AD -£5 -£4
ACT -£13 -£13
Conversions and BECCS £30 £30

Decommissioning costs
For offshore wind, we have also made an allowance for decommissioning costs in line with
the approach outlined in Arup (2018)17. This assumes that developers must provide a
financial security to cover the costs of decommissioning the project. Developers incur a
financing cost of providing that security as well as the final cost when the project is
decommissioned. The effect on the LCOE of decommissioning costs is less than £1/MWh.

For all other technologies, the approach remains the same as in the 2016 Generation Costs
report. In line with previous reports, we take the simplifying assumption for other
technologies that decommissioning costs are equal to the scrap value of the plant (and
therefore that the net cost is zero).18

Fossil fuel prices

Fossil fuel price assumptions have been updated in line with the figures used in the 2019
Fossil Fuel Price Projections19.

Fuel emissions factors

Fuel emissions factors (mass of CO2 released per relevant quantity of fuel burned) were
updated from the UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory20.

16 WRAP Gate Fees Report 2019: comparing the costs of waste treatment options
17 Cost estimation and liabilities in decommissioning offshore wind installations:

18 See Mott McDonald (2010), page 4.


Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

Carbon prices
For gas and coal plants, the total carbon price up until 2030/31 is given by the sum of the
2018 EU ETS carbon price projections and the rate of Carbon Price Support (CPS). At
Budget 2018 it was announced that the CPS rate was capped at £18/tCO2 until the end of
year 2020/21.

From 2021/22 onwards, we assume that the total carbon price for the electricity sector
remains fixed in real terms at the 2021/22 level until the price of the EU ETS rises above
this; after this the carbon price for the electricity sector coincides with the EU ETS price.
Beyond 2030, the total carbon price increases linearly to reach the appraisal value of carbon
in 205021.

Heat revenues
A simplified methodology based on the avoided boiler cost approach has been used to
estimate the heat revenue per MWh of electricity generated. This approach estimates the
cost that would have been incurred by the heat offtaker (the buyer of heat produced by the
CHP plant) if they were to produce the same amount of heat using a boiler, assuming that
100% of the heat is purchased. This would incur fuel costs at the retail gas price, which are
avoided by buying heat from the CHP plant.

Load factors
Where changes are not specified above, load factor assumptions remain the same as in the
2016 Generation Costs report. For flexible technologies such as CCGTs and CCUS plants,
the load factor assumptions represent the maximum potential generation (net of availability),
i.e. baseload of a plant. Where flexible technologies operate at lower load factors, their
levelised costs will be higher than those presented here. This sensitivity is illustrated in
Section 5.

Peaking technologies such as OCGTs and reciprocating engines are assumed to run for a
specified number of hours a year. Wind, solar PV and marine technologies operate as
intermittent electricity generation technologies, and therefore have lower load factors..

Further details on key assumptions

The accompanying Key Data and Assumptions file covers other key assumptions used to
calculate levelised costs for technologies in this report. This includes data on:


Section 2: Changes to generation cost assumptions

• Reference plant sizes.

• Average load factor (net of availability) and plant efficiency.

• Duration of pre-development, construction and operating periods.

• Main cost categories used in BEIS levelised cost modelling.

Section 3: How BEIS uses generation cost data in modelling

Section 3: How BEIS uses generation cost

data in modelling

The estimates outlined in this report are intended to provide a high-level view on the costs
of different generating technologies. Because levelised costs are a simplified metric, this
means that not all relevant issues are considered.

In practice, BEIS’s electricity market modelling, including BEIS’s Dynamic Dispatch Model
(DDM), does not use levelised cost estimates directly. Instead it models private investment
decisions using the same capital expenditure (capex) and operating expenditure
(opex/O&M) assumptions incorporated in the levelised cost estimates reported above. The
DDM also includes assumptions on investors’ expectations over fossil fuel, carbon and
wholesale electricity prices, as well as the financial incentives from policies such as
Contracts for Difference (CfDs) and the Capacity Market.

To model the investment decision, the internal rate of return of a potential plant is compared
to a technology-specific hurdle rate. As noted above, this report focuses on these
technology-specific hurdle rates. The technology-specific hurdle rates reflect different
financing costs for different technologies.

Levelised cost estimates do not consider revenue streams available to generators (e.g. from
sale of electricity or revenues from other sources). One exception to this is heat revenues
for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants. As the cost of the owning and operating the
CHP technology is included in the capital and operating costs of the plant, heat revenues
are also included so that the estimates reflect the net cost of electricity generation only.

As levelised costs relate only to those costs accruing to the owner/operator of the generation
asset, the metric does not cover wider costs to the electricity system. Further information on
Wider System Impacts, including illustrative scenarios, can be found in Section 7.

Levelised costs are less suitable for peaking technologies where the most relevant
consideration is the cost of capacity rather than the cost per MWh. A £/kW measure covering
fixed costs for peaking technologies is presented in Section 6.

Levelised Costs are sensitive to the assumptions used

Levelised cost estimates are highly sensitive to the underlying data and assumptions used.
Within this, different technologies are sensitive to different input assumptions.

Section 3: How BEIS uses generation cost data in modelling

This report captures some of these uncertainties through ranges presented around key
estimates. A range of costs is presented for capex and fuel, depending on the estimates,
and the tornado graphs illustrate sensitivity to other assumptions. However, not all
uncertainties are captured in these ranges and estimates should be viewed in this context.
It is often more appropriate to consider a range of costs rather than point estimates.

It should also be noted that levelised costs are generic, rather than site-specific. Land costs
are not included and use of system charges are calculated on an average rather than a site-
specific basis.

Levelised Costs are not Strike Prices

The levelised cost estimates in this report do not provide an indication of potential future
Administrative Strike Prices (ASPs) for technologies under Contracts for Difference (CfDs)
allocation rounds.

Generation cost assumptions, such as that summarised here in the form of levelised costs,
are one set of inputs into setting administrative strike prices – the maximum strike price
applicable to a technology in a Contracts for Difference (CfD) allocation round.

Other inputs, including market conditions and policy considerations, may include:

• Revenue assumptions;

• Other costs not included in our definition of levelised cost (for example the generator’s
share of transmission losses, route to market costs reflected in Power Purchase
Agreement (PPA) discounts, and technology-specific estimates for decommissioning
costs and scrappage values);

• CfD contract terms including length, risk allocation, and eligibility requirements within

• Other relevant information such as studies or data published by industry;

• Developments within industry; and

• Wider policy considerations.

The generation costs data used here may be different from that used as part of the
administrative strike price-setting process. This is particularly where information relevant to
potential bidders in a particular allocation round is used to inform cost assumptions for
pipeline projects. Further, ASPs are normally set so as to bring forward the most cost-

Section 3: How BEIS uses generation cost data in modelling

effective projects, which may not be the same as the estimates of typical project costs
estimated in this report.

For all these reasons, the levelised costs presented here may be significantly different from
the administrative strike prices that are set for CfDs and therefore should not be seen as a
guide to potential future administrative strike prices.

Offshore Wind costs and CfD Allocation Round 3

In September 2019, the CfD AR3 Pot 2 auction cleared at £39.65/MWh and £41.61/MWh
for offshore wind projects commissioning in 2023/4 and 2024/5 respectively (2012 prices).
These prices are lower than would be expected from our generic levelised costs - various
factors are considered to have contributed to the low strike price:

• The Dogger Bank projects (which accounted for 5.0GW out of the 5.5GW of offshore
wind capacity awarded in CfD AR3) are significantly larger than our reference plant
size assumption, likely leading to savings due to economies of scale;

• The Dogger Bank projects, situated far from shore, benefit from good wind resource
as well as relatively shallow water depth, leading to expected load factors significantly
higher than average, without significantly higher construction costs;

• Other project-specific factors listed in the previous section.

Chart 3.1 is an illustration of how our offshore wind levelised costs align with the results of
the AR3 auction once the higher estimated load factors of AR3 projects are accounted for
(noting that the larger turbines expected to be used in AR3 projects are already taken into
account in our generic costs). Values are expressed in 2012 prices, in line with conventional
presentation of CfD strike prices.

Section 3: How BEIS uses generation cost data in modelling

Chart 3.1: Comparison of generic levelised costs for offshore wind with CfD AR3
strike prices (2012 prices)

£/MWh (2012 prices)





2025 Levelised cost (generic 2025 Levelised cost (using 2025 Estimated AR3 strike price*
offshore wind) estimated load factor of AR3

2024/5 AR3 clearing strike price

Error bars show sensitivites of LCOEs and strike prices to high/low capex assumptions. This plot is
illustrative, and should not be taken as a precise indicator of the levelised costs of individual
offshore wind projects.

*This column shows the approximate equivalent strike price to the LCOE shown in the middle
column. This estimate uses assumptions appropriate for AR3, and should not be taken as an
indication of the relationship between levelised costs and strike prices in future CfD allocation

Levelised costs depend on timing

Levelised cost estimates can be reported for different milestones associated with a project
including the project start, the financial close and the commissioning year. In this publication,
we report levelised cost estimates for projects commissioning in the same year.

Pre-development and construction timings will vary by technology and therefore estimates
reported for ‘project start’ or ‘financial close’22 for different technologies may not be
commissioning in the same year as each other. Central estimates for pre-development and
construction timings are presented for key technologies in the accompanying spreadsheet
to this publication.

22 Financial close can also be known as the point of Final Investment Decision or FID.

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

This section summarises the analysis of the levelised cost of electricity generation at
technology-specific hurdle rate for a selection of technologies. All values presented are in
2018 real prices.

Projects commissioning in 2025

Chart 4.1: NOAK Projects commissioning in 2025, in real 2018 prices23


90 85 85



60 57

50 46 44




CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-Scale Solar CCGT + CCS Post
Combustion (FOAK)

Pre-development Construction Fixed O+M

Variable O+M Fuel Carbon
CO2 Capture and Storage Decomissioning and waste

23Please note these estimates should be viewed in the context of the sensitivities and uncertainties
highlighted in the text of this report.

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Chart 4.2: Levelised Cost Estimates for NOAK Projects Commissioning in 2025,
Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices







CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-scale Solar CCGT + CCS
Post Combustion

Boxes represent capital expenditure variation, and whiskers represent operating

expenditure variation.

Table 4.3: Levelised Cost Estimates for NOAK Projects Commissioning in 2025,
£/MWh, in real 2018 prices

Large- CCGT + CCS Post

CCGT H Offshore Onshore Scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (FOAK)
Pre-Development Costs <1 3 3 3 <1
Construction Costs 7 31 27 30 23
Fixed O&M 2 19 10 10 4
Variable O&M 4 3 6 0 5
Fuel Costs 40 0 0 0 45
Carbon Costs 32 0 0 0 3
CO2 Transport and
Storage 0 0 0 0 4
Decommissioning and
waste 0 1 0 0 0
Total 85 57 46 44 85

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Table 4.4: Levelised Cost Estimates for NOAK Projects Commissioning in 2025,
Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices

CCGT H Offshore Onshore Large-Scale CCGT + CCS Post

Class Wind Wind Solar Combustion (FOAK)
High capex 87 63 52 51 90
Central 85 57 46 44 85
Low capex 84 51 39 39 80
High capex, high
fuel 102 107
Low capex, low
fuel 71 66

Projects commissioning in 2030

Chart 4.5: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2030, £/MWh, in
real 2018 prices




47 45


CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-Scale Solar CCGT + CCUS Post
Combustion (FOAK)

Pre-development Construction Fixed O+M

Variable O+M Fuel Carbon
CO2 Capture and Storage Decomissioning and waste

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Chart 4.6: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2030,

Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices








CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-scale Solar CCGT + CCS
Post Combustion

Boxes represent capital expenditure variation, and whiskers represent fuel expenditure

Table 4.7: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2030, £/MWh, in
real 2018 prices
Large- CCUS Post
CCGT H Offshore Onshore Scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (FOAK)
Pre-Development Costs <1 3 3 3 <1
Construction Costs 7 25 26 26 22
Fixed O&M 2 17 10 10 4
Variable O&M 4 3 6 0 5
Fuel Costs 41 0 0 0 47
Carbon Costs 45 0 0 0 5
CO2 Transport and
Storage 0 0 0 0 4
Decommissioning and
waste 0 1 0 0 0
Total 99 47 45 39 87

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Table 4.8: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2030,

Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices
CCGT H Offshore Onshore Large-Scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (FOAK)
High capex 101 53 51 46 94
Central 99 47 45 39 87
Low capex 98 43 39 35 81
High capex, high fuel 116 111
Low capex, low fuel 85 67

Projects commissioning in 2035

As discussed in section 2, CCGT + CCS plants commissioning in 2035 are assumed to be
Nth of a kind, compared with First of a kind for plants commissioning earlier

Chart 4.9: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2035, £/MWh, in
real 2018 prices

120 115


43 44
40 36


CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-Scale Solar CCGT + CCUS Post
Combustion (NOAK)

Pre-development Construction Fixed O+M

Variable O+M Fuel Carbon
CO2 Capture and Storage Decomissioning and waste

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Chart 4.10: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2035,

Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices








CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-scale Solar CCGT + CCS
Post Combustion

Boxes represent capital expenditure variation, and whiskers represent fuel expenditure

Table 4.11: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2035, £/MWh, in
real 2018 prices
CCGT H Offshore Onshore Large-Scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (NOAK)
Pre-Development Costs <1 2 3 3 <1
Construction Costs 7 22 25 23 15
Fixed O&M 2 16 10 9 4
Variable O&M 4 3 6 0 5
Fuel Costs 42 0 0 0 47
Carbon Costs 59 0 0 0 7
CO2 Transport and
Storage 0 0 0 0 2
Decommissioning and
waste 0 1 0 0 0
Total 115 43 44 36 81

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Table 4.12: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2035,

Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices
CCGT H Offshore Onshore Large-scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (NOAK)
High capex 116 48 50 42 83
Central 115 43 44 36 81
Low capex 113 39 38 31 78
High capex, high
fuel 131 100
Low capex, low
fuel 100 63

Projects commissioning in 2040

Chart 4.13: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2040, £/MWh, in
real 2018 prices



40 33


CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-Scale Solar CCGT + CCUS Post
Combustion (NOAK)

Pre-development Construction Fixed O+M

Variable O+M Fuel Carbon
CO2 Capture and Storage Decomissioning and waste

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Chart 4.14: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2040,

Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices









CCGT H Class Offshore Wind Onshore Wind Large-scale Solar CCGT + CCS Post

Boxes represent capital expenditure variation, and whiskers represent fuel expenditure

Table 4.15: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2040, £/MWh, in
real 2018 prices
CCGT H Offshore Onshore Large-Scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (NOAK)
Pre-Development Costs <1 2 3 3 <1
Construction Costs 7 20 25 21 15
Fixed O&M 2 15 10 9 4
Variable O&M 4 3 6 0 5
Fuel Costs 42 0 0 0 47
Carbon Costs 70 0 0 0 8
CO2 Transport and
Storage 0 0 0 0 2
Decommissioning and
waste 0 1 0 0 0
Total 125 40 44 33 82

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Table 4.16: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2040,

Sensitivities, £/MWh, in real 2018 prices
CCGT H Offshore Onshore Large-scale Combustion
Class Wind Wind Solar (NOAK)
High capex 127 44 50 39 85
Central 125 40 44 33 82
Low capex 124 36 38 28 79
High capex, high
fuel 142 102
Low capex, low
fuel 111 64

Comparison between technologies over time

Table 4.17: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2025, 2030,
2035 and 2040, £/MWh, highs and lows reflect high and low capital and pre-
development cost estimates, in real 2018 prices

Commissioning 2025 2030 2035 2040

High 87 101 116 127
CCGT H Class Central 85 99 115 125
Low 84 98 113 124
High 63 53 48 44
Offshore Wind Central 57 47 43 40
Low 51 43 39 36
High 52 51 50 50
Onshore Wind Central 46 45 44 44
Low 39 39 38 38
High 51 46 42 39
Large-Scale Solar Central 44 39 36 33
Low 39 35 31 28
High 90 94 83 85
Combustion Central 85 87 81 82
Low 80 81 78 79

Section 4: Generation cost estimates

Comparison to previous BEIS Levelised Cost estimates

The below table summarises the changes made to the previous BEIS estimates (BEIS
2016)24 with the revised BEIS estimates in this report for 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040
commissioning. All values below are in 2018 prices.
Since 2016, renewables costs have declined compared to gas, particularly steeply in the
case of offshore wind. Across the renewable technologies, increased deployment has led to
decreased costs via learning, which has then incentivised further deployment, and so on.
For offshore wind, significant technological improvements (for example, large increases in
individual turbine capacity) have driven down costs faster than other renewable technologies
(and will continue to do so). Lower hurdle rates have also contributed to the decline in
renewables costs.
Projected CCGT + CCUS costs have fallen for a number of reasons. The CCUS efficiency
penalty is lower than in 2016, while the associated CCGT efficiency is higher. A shorter
construction period also reduces financing costs, and estimates of both the construction cost
and variable operating cost of Transport & Storage are lower. Finally, lower hurdle rates also
contribute to the lower LCOEs.
Table 4.18: Change in Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in
2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040, £/MWh, highs and lows reflect high and low capital and
pre-development cost estimates
Commissioning 2025 2030 2035 2040
2016 Report 2016 Report 2016 Report 2016 Report
High 89 87 107 101 - 116 - 127
CCGT H Class Central 87 85 105 99 - 115 - 125
Low 86 84 104 98 - 113 - 124
High 120 63 116 53 - 48 - 44
Offshore Wind Central 106 57 103 47 - 43 - 40
Low 94 51 91 43 - 39 - 36
High 79 52 77 51 - 50 - 50
Onshore Wind Central 65 46 64 45 - 44 - 44
Low 49 39 48 39 - 38 - 38
High 81 51 77 46 - 42 - 39
Solar Central 68 44 64 39 - 36 - 33
Low 58 39 56 35 - 31 - 28
High 132 90 129 94 - 83 - 85
Post Combustion Central 117 85 118 87 - 81 - 82
Low 109 80 112 81 - 78 - 79



Section 5: Sensitivity analysis

Section 5: Sensitivity analysis

To illustrate the uncertainties around our levelised cost estimates, we present tornado
graphs below for selected technologies to show the effects of:

• Increasing or decreasing parameters by 10% from the central estimate while holding
all others constant.

• Applying the high or low cost estimates for individual parameters while holding all
others constant.

These graphs show which underlying assumptions have the largest effect on the costs of
each technology. The blue bars show the impact of a reduction in assumptions, and the
orange bars show the impact of an increase in assumptions. Key findings are shown below.

Chart 5.1: Offshore Wind, Commissioning 2025 LCOE Tornado Chart, £/MWh
For offshore wind, total O&M and capex have the largest effects in the high/low range
scenarios. In the ±10% scenario, the load factor is most significant but total O&M and capex
remain significant.

Section 5: Sensitivity analysis

Chart 5.2: CCGT, Commissioning 2025 LCOE Tornado Chart, £/MWh

For CCGTs, fuel price variation is the most significant sensitivity in both the ±10% variation
and high/low range scenarios.

Chart 5.3: Onshore Wind, Commissioning 2025 LCOE Tornado Chart, £/MWh
For onshore wind, the capex and load factor assumptions are most significant in the ±10%
scenario. For the high/low range scenario, total O&M, capex and load factor assumptions
are all important determinants.

Section 5: Sensitivity analysis

Chart 5.4: Gas CCUS (FOAK), Commissioning 2025 LCOE Tornado Chart, £/MWh
For gas CCUS, the fuel price is most significant in both scenarios, though capex, O&M and
load factors also have material effects.

Chart 5.5: Large Scale Solar PV, Commissioning 2025 LCOE Tornado Chart, £/MWh
For solar, the capex and load factor assumptions are most significant in both scenarios.

Section 6: Peaking technologies and storage

Section 6: Peaking technologies and


This section presents a £/kW measure for peaking technologies (OCGT and reciprocating
engines), as well as a CCGT H Class for comparison. This measures the cost of capacity
rather than the cost of generation – it therefore ignores fuel costs, carbon costs and other
variable costs. This measure is more suitable for comparing technologies where generation
varies with demand.

Chart 6.1 represents the annual cashflows required to finance the pre-development,
construction and fixed costs for a generic plant. These cashflows are assumed to be paid
over the operating lifetime of the plant. The range of costs is created by varying capital
expenditure to the high and low values.

All technologies except CCGT are assumed to run for a fixed 500 hours per year. CCGT is
assumed to run at baseload.

This metric is not meant to illustrate likely capacity market outcomes, which reflect a range
of other factors, including different contract lengths, load factor and wholesale price
expectations and other sources of revenue.

Section 6: Peaking technologies and storage

Chart 6.1: Peaking technologies (reciprocating diesel and gas and OCGT at 500
hours per year) and CCGT (at normal load factors), £/kW per annum for construction
and fixed operating costs, technology-specific discount rates









100MW 299MW 300MW 400MW 600MW Diesel 500 500 hrs Class 2015
500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr hrs 2015 2015

Storage technologies
As the UK decarbonises, the demand for flexible technologies such as storage, demand-
side-response and interconnectors is expected to increase.

In 2018 BEIS appointed Mott MacDonald to deliver a project on storage cost and technical
assumptions, to inform future policy development in this area.

From this project, BEIS procured a robust and consistent set of cost and technical
information for a range of storage technologies that could be deployed between now and
2050. The assumptions procured include the key technical attributes for the various storage
technologies such as efficiency rates, plant lifetime and duration as well as the key cost
information for these technologies such as pre-development, construction and operational
costs. These assumptions have not been presented in the main body of the report because

Section 6: Peaking technologies and storage

they are not comparable with levelised costs, however detailed information on these
assumptions can be found in the following report: ‘Storage cost and technical assumptions
for BEIS’25.

BEIS intends to keep these new storage assumptions under review given that storage
technologies are not yet mature and there is considerable uncertainty regarding the future

25 Mott MacDonald, 2018, Storage cost and technical assumptions for BEIS.

Section 7: Wider system impacts

Section 7: Wider system impacts

The levelised cost estimates presented in this report do not take into account wider positive
or negative impacts that an electricity generation plant may have on the electricity system
due to timing of its generation, its location and other characteristics. In 2017 BEIS published
its analytical framework for how to consider these wider system impacts in the electricity
system.26 Note, the work did not consider impacts beyond the electricity system, such as
impacts on the wider economy, international trade or technological innovation.

The qualitative framework

The analytical framework sets out that wider impacts in the electricity system occur in
addition to technology own costs, which are captured in levelised cost estimates. Wider
impacts fall into the following categories:

• Impacts in the wholesale market: This category considers how timely or valuable
each MWh generated by a technology is. This will differ by technology type. For
example, a CCGT plant is dispatchable and will be able to focus its generation on
valuable/useful time periods, while renewable technologies’ generation is determined
more by availability of resource.

• Impacts in the capacity market: This category considers how firm or reliable each
MW of capacity provided by a technology is at moments of peak demand. This will
differ by technology type. For example, an OCGT plant is very reliable at moments
of peak demand (e.g. on a winter’s evening), while other technologies’ available
capacity in those moments is less reliable (e.g. solar).

• Impacts in balancing and ancillary service markets: This category considers

how helpful or unhelpful a technology’s generation is for the balancing and operability
of the system. This will differ by technology type. For example, a technology whose
output is more difficult to forecast is likely to increase the need for balancing in the
system, while flexible, dispatchable technologies will potentially be able to solve
balancing issues more cost-effectively. Regarding operability, technologies that, for
example, provide additional inertia (which helps to slow a drop in frequency following
a system loss, e.g. a large generator coming off the system unexpectedly) will help
to reduce costs, while plants that currently cannot or are not incentivised to provide
inertia will increase the system’s need to procure additional inertia from other plants.
The model also considers technologies’ ability to provide reserve.


Section 7: Wider system impacts

• Impacts on networks: This category considers how conveniently located a

technology is, i.e. its proximity to demand centres. This will differ by technology type
and location. This category is highly subjective as it depends on where a technology
is assumed to be located.

As noted above, all generating technologies impose wider impacts on the electricity system
to varying degrees. Current market arrangements to allocate these impacts are rooted in the
principles of cost-reflectivity, but Ofgem, as the independent energy regulator, keeps these
arrangements under review. For example, Ofgem has recently concluded a charging review
and a second one is ongoing to ensure charges are fair, proportionate and cost-reflective.

Enhanced levelised costs

The wider system impacts listed above, together with levelised costs, form a technology’s
enhanced levelised cost. Enhanced levelised costs serve the same purpose as levelised
costs - they provide a straightforward way of consistently comparing the costs of different
generating technologies with different characteristics. However, unlike levelised costs, they
also account for different wider system impacts between technologies due to differences in
the timing of their generation, their location and other characteristics. This results in a fairer
comparison between technologies. Importantly, enhanced levelised costs do not show the
full system cost of different pathways but provide an indication of the relative marginal
impacts of different technologies to the system in different scenarios.

The quantitative analysis

The below sets out the calculation method and main caveats of wider system impacts.

• Calculation Method: Wider system impacts represent a technology’s discounted

impact on the wholesale market, capacity market, balancing and ancillary service
markets, and networks to 2050.27 They are converted into an equivalent unit of wider
system impact in £/MWh by dividing the impact by the total amount of electricity
expected to be generated over the same timeframe. Both the wider system impact
and generation are expressed in net present value terms. This means that future
costs and outputs are discounted, when compared to costs and outputs today.

Unlike in the levelised cost assumptions, which assume that all technologies run at
their maximum load factor, wider system impacts use projections of a plant’s load
factor from the BEIS Dynamic Dispatch Model. If this load factor differs from the
maximum load factor in level and/or profile, this will change a technology’s levelised
cost. For example, while it might increase £/MWh fixed costs (such as construction
costs) of a plant, it might lower its £/MWh carbon and fuel costs, if generation is more

27These impacts are modelled within BEIS’s Dynamic Dispatch Model, which models electricity dispatch and
investment decisions from 2010 through to 2050. Note that the modelling does not consider all balancing and
ancillary services but focuses on the Balancing Mechanism, reserve for frequency response and inertia.

Section 7: Wider system impacts

frontloaded when carbon and fuel prices are lower. These effects are captured in the
enhanced levelised cost ‘dots’ set out in Chart 7.1. In addition, levelised costs
presented in this report do not include the costs of unpriced carbon, which however
represents a system cost. These additional costs are therefore also included in the
enhanced levelised cost ‘dots’. Table 7.1 shows these ‘other impacts’ separately.

• System dependency: Wider system impacts are entirely system dependent and
there is no one ‘right’ estimate. Therefore, any estimates of wider system impacts
should be treated with caution; they are only valid for one state of the world. The
estimates presented in this report only reflect six28 possible scenarios and do not
cover the whole range of possibilities. The scenarios assume differing uptakes of
various low-carbon technologies, and differing projections of long-term electricity
demand. While these scenarios have been designed to illustrate the impact of
different generation mixes, different assumptions could lead to wider system impacts
outside the range illustrated.

The estimates show the wider system impact that a hypothetical small increment of
a technology, e.g. of offshore wind, onshore wind or solar, would have at the margin
of the different market segments (i.e. the wholesale market, capacity market,
balancing and ancillary service markets) when added into these different generation
mixes. While the estimates reflect the characteristics of the technology added, most
importantly they reflect the state of the background scenario, i.e. a more flexible or
diverse scenario is better able to absorb new inflexible or variable plants compared
to a less flexible or diverse system.

• Subjective nature of plant location: The wider system impacts presented in this
report include impacts on transmission networks by considering a range of possible
locations for a generic plant; distribution network impacts are not included. However,
results are still to a large extent driven by the subjective choice of the range of
locations used and should be interpreted with caution. It is important to note that
network costs and charges are likely to change going forward; this is not captured in
the estimates presented.

• Presentation: In line with other literature, wider system impacts in this report are
presented relative to the wider system impacts of a nuclear plant. Alternatively,
wider system impacts can be presented as absolute estimates or relative to any other
technology type.

28The scenarios consist of three different generation mixes (higher renewables, higher nuclear, and a
balanced mix), each taken for two different projections of demand levels. All are high-decarbonisation
scenarios consistent with the UK’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050.

Section 7: Wider system impacts

• Results of three scenarios: Chart 7.1 and Table 7.1 show the levelised costs
presented elsewhere in this report, assuming maximum load factors but with
balancing charges stripped out to avoid double counting with the balancing and
ancillary service costs included in the wider system impact. On the other hand,
transmission network impacts exclude the average network charges faced by
different technologies that are already included in the levelised costs. The ‘dots’
represent a technology’s enhanced levelised cost, made up of the original levelised
cost ‘bar’, the technology’s wider system impact and its ‘other’ impacts, including
unpriced carbon and lower than maximum load factors, with the latter being
particularly important for dispatchable technologies or those that get curtailed.

While dispatchable technologies like CCGTs and CCUS generally help to reduce
system costs, they run at less than maximum load factors and therefore their levelised
costs increase. In these six scenarios, generally (but not always) the system savings
outweigh the load factor impacts, resulting in an overall cost reduction. Intermittent
technologies (e.g. wind and solar) generally impose a wider system cost, which is
more severe in scenarios with lower flexibility or a less diverse generation mix.

The results from the six assessed scenarios highlight that considering wider system
impacts changes our cost perception of different technologies. Across some of the
scenarios assessed, the ranking of technologies changes.

The enhanced levelised cost range is particularly large for CCGTs commissioning in
2035. The value of additional CCGT capacity to the system is greater in scenarios
where demand increases faster or there is a higher proportion of intermittent
renewable capacity. It should be noted that for a technology that operates at
increasingly low load factors as the system decarbonises, a £/MWh metric may not
be appropriate (see Section 6).

Section 7: Wider system impacts

Chart 7.1: Enhanced levelised cost for plants commissioning in 2025, 2030 and 2035
across three scenarios with varying amounts of low-carbon, £/MWh








2025 2030 2035 2025 2030 2035 2025 2030 2035 2025 2030 2035 2025 2030 2035

CCGT CCGT + CCUS Onshore Wind Large-scale Offshore Wind

H Class Post Combustion Solar

Table 7.1: Enhanced levelised cost ranges for plants commissioning in 2025 across
six low-carbon generation scenarios, £/MWh

Wider System Transmission

Original Impact (excl. Other Network Enhanced
Levelised transmission Impacts Impacts Levelised
Cost network and Cost
other impacts)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A+B+C+D)
CCGT H Class 82 -46 to -24 2 to 5 -2 to 0 40 to 60

82 -42 to -25 13 to 23 -2 to -1 61 to 73
Onshore Wind 43 -8 to 3 5 to 21 6 to 8 56 to 73
Solar 41 6 to 13 1 to 17 0 53 to 66
Wind 54 1 to 10 0 to 10 6 to 13 69 to 85

Section 7: Wider system impacts

Table 7.2: Enhanced levelised cost ranges for plants commissioning in 2030 across
six low-carbon generation scenarios, £/MWh
Original Wider System Other Transmission Enhanced
Levelised Impact (excl. Impacts Network Levelised
Cost transmission Impacts Cost
network and other
(A) impacts) (C) (A+B+C+D)
(B) (D)
CCGT H Class 97 -92 to -41 18 to 36 -1 to 0 40 to 82
CCGT+CCUS 84 -65 to -37 22 to 45 -2 to 0 63 to 80

Onshore Wind 42 -5 to 7 6 to 28 6 to 10 59 to 87
Large-Scale 37 8 to 15 1 to 16 0 48 to 66
Offshore Wind 45 7 to 17 1 to 10 5 to 13 62 to 82

Table 7.3: Enhanced levelised cost ranges for plants commissioning in 2035 across
six low-carbon generation scenarios, £/MWh
Wider System Transmission
Original Impact (excl. Other Network Enhanced
Levelised transmission Impacts Impacts Levelised
Cost network and other Cost
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A+B+C+D)

CCGT H Class 112 -201 to -80 68 to 119 -1 to 2 27 to 127

(NOAK) 78 -81 to -47 22 to 43 -2 to 0 38 to 61

Onshore Wind 42 1 to 14 6 to 23 6 to 9 60 to 87
Solar 33 8 to 19 1 to 11 0 45 to 61

Offshore Wind 41 12 to 22 1 to 7 5 to 11 59 to 79

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Projects commissioning in 2025, technology-specific hurdle rates

Table 8: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2025, Technology-
specific Hurdle Rates, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
H Class
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr

Pre-Development Costs <1 1 5 6 7 7 17

Construction Costs 7 12 63 73 88 89 150
Fixed O&M 2 4 18 20 23 23 33
Variable O&M 4 6 4 4 4 4 5
Fuel Costs 40 64 61 63 62 62 61
Carbon Costs 32 49 50 51 50 51 50
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 -14 0 0 0 0 0
Total 85 124 199 216 234 236 315


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

Pre-Development Costs 1 2 2 2 4 1 4
Construction Costs 16 19 22 23 38 22 89
Fixed O&M 6 7 8 8 11 -12 -40
Variable O&M 4 4 4 4 5 3 3
Fuel Costs 61 63 62 62 61 141 141
Carbon Costs 50 51 50 51 50 48 48
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 137 144 148 149 169 203 245

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel Gas Gas 500
biomass CHP Wind Wind
90 hrs 2000 hr hrs

Pre-Development Costs 20 1 4 2 6 3 3
Construction Costs 509 30 118 39 88 27 31
Fixed O&M -219 -12 -40 13 46 10 19
Variable O&M 3 3 3 9 13 6 3
Fuel Costs 141 65 65 35 44 0 0
Carbon Costs 48 39 39 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 -29 0 0
Total 502 125 188 98 168 46 57

PV 10- PV 4- PV EfW
Scale EfW AD
50kw 10kw <4kw CHP
Pre-Development Costs 3 0 0 0 3 4 6
Construction Costs 30 66 78 94 95 177 66
Fixed O&M 10 8 8 20 27 37 22
Variable O&M 0 0 0 0 27 58 58
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 -114 -145 -10
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 -28 0
Total 44 74 86 114 39 101 142

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geother

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas mal CHP

Pre-Development Costs 7 3 7 9 1 12 5
Construction Costs 84 76 96 176 38 134 210
Fixed O&M 31 42 36 36 19 26 13
Variable O&M 58 22 42 42 10 14 13
Fuel Costs -12 -62 -51 -54 0 0 0
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs -32 0 0 -14 0 0 -107
Total 135 82 130 193 67 186 133

Hydro Tidal Biomass
Hydro CCS Post
Large Wave stream CCS
5-16MW Combustion
Storage 2015 (FOAK)

Pre-Development Costs 1 1 7 7 <1 2

Construction Costs 55 65 229 185 23 53
Fixed O&M 9 16 34 54 4 21
Variable O&M 9 6 26 8 5 4
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 45 99
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 3 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 4 26
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 75 88 296 253 85 205

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Table 9: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2025, Technology-

specific Hurdle Rates, Sensitivities, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
H Class
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr

High capex 87 127 209 237 298 295 383

Central 85 124 199 216 234 236 315
Low capex 84 121 192 201 207 206 286
High capex, high fuel 102 146 232 261 322 319 406
Low capex, low fuel 71 105 174 182 187 187 267


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

High capex 140 150 164 164 186 219 308

Central 137 144 148 149 169 203 245
Low capex 136 141 141 141 161 196 215
High capex, high fuel 163 173 188 187 209 339 428
Low capex, low fuel 117 121 122 122 143 234 253

Recip Recip Recip Dedicated

Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel 90 Gas Gas biomass
CHP Wind Wind
hrs 2000 hr 500 hrs 2015

High capex 864 150 285 106 192 52 63

Central 502 125 188 98 168 46 57
Low capex 330 114 144 91 141 39 51
High capex, high fuel 984 175 310 184 284
Low capex, low fuel 368 94 124 68 123

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

PV 10- PV 4- EfW
scale PV <4kw EfW* AD
50kw 10kw CHP
High capex 51 90 104 136 138 165
Central 44 74 86 114 39 101 142
Low capex 39 58 67 91 60 125
High capex, high fuel 181 167
Low capex, low fuel 42 122

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

High capex 164 96 209 326 90 237 209

Central 135 82 130 193 67 186 133
Low capex 114 56 86 112 44 100 14
High capex, high fuel 160 105 216 331 185
Low capex, low fuel 121 49 80 110 49

Hydro Biomass
Hydro 5- Post
Large Wave Tidal stream CCS
16MW Combustion
Storage* (FOAK)

High capex 96 391 338 90 222

Central 75 88 296 253 85 205
Low capex 57 195 169 80 195
High capex, high fuel 107 249
Low capex, low fuel 66 186

*EfW and Hydro Large Storage – due to potential issues with the reliability of the
range of cost estimates, no capex or fuel sensitivity shown for EfW and Hydro Large

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Projects commissioning in 2030, technology-specific hurdle rates

Table 10: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2030,
Technology-specific Hurdle Rates, £/MWh, 2018 prices


H CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
Class mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr

Pre-Development Costs <1 1 5 6 7 7 17

Construction Costs 7 12 63 73 88 89 150
Fixed O&M 2 4 18 20 23 23 33
Variable O&M 4 6 4 4 4 4 5
Fuel Costs 41 68 64 66 64 65 64
Carbon Costs 45 70 69 71 70 71 69
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 -15 0 0 0 0 0
Total 99 146 222 239 257 258 337


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

Pre-Development Costs 1 2 2 2 4 1 4
Construction Costs 16 19 22 23 38 22 89
Fixed O&M 6 7 8 8 11 -12 -40
Variable O&M 4 4 4 4 5 3 3
Fuel Costs 64 66 64 65 64 147 147
Carbon Costs 69 71 70 71 69 75 75
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 159 167 170 171 191 236 278

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel Gas Gas
biomass CHP Wind Wind
90 hrs 2000 hr 500 hrs

Pre-Development Costs 20 1 4 2 6 3 3
Construction Costs 509 30 118 39 87 26 25
Fixed O&M -219 -12 -40 13 46 10 17
Variable O&M 3 3 3 9 13 6 3
Fuel Costs 147 69 69 35 44 0 0
Carbon Costs 75 61 61 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 -30 0 0
Total 535 151 214 98 166 45 47

PV 10- PV 4- PV EfW
scale EfW AD
50kw 10kw <4kw CHP
Pre-Development Costs 3 0 0 0 3 4 6
Construction Costs 26 61 74 89 94 175 66
Fixed O&M 10 7 7 18 27 36 22
Variable O&M 0 0 0 0 26 57 58
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 -114 -145 -10
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 -29 0
Total 39 68 81 107 37 97 142

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

Pre-Development Costs 7 3 7 9 1 12 5
Construction Costs 84 73 92 169 38 134 205
Fixed O&M 31 41 35 35 19 26 13
Variable O&M 58 22 40 40 10 14 13
Fuel Costs -12 -62 -51 -54 0 0 0
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Decommissioning and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs -32 0 0 -14 0 0 -111
Total 134 77 123 184 67 186 124

Hydro Biomass
Hydro Tidal CCS Post
Large Wave CCS
5-16MW stream Combustion
Storage (FOAK)

Pre-Development Costs 1 1 7 7 <1 2

Construction Costs 55 65 182 151 22 53
Fixed O&M 9 16 25 41 4 21
Variable O&M 9 6 18 6 5 4
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 47 99
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 5 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 4 26
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 75 88 232 205 87 205

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Table 11: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2030,

Technology-specific Hurdle Rates, Sensitivities, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr

High capex 101 150 231 260 321 318 406

Central 99 146 222 239 257 258 337
Low capex 98 143 214 224 229 228 307
High capex, high fuel 116 169 254 284 345 341 429
Low capex, low fuel 85 127 195 204 209 208 287


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

High capex 162 172 187 186 209 252 341

Central 159 167 170 171 191 236 278
Low capex 158 163 163 164 183 228 247
High capex, high fuel 185 196 210 210 232 380 469
Low capex, low fuel 138 143 143 144 164 266 285

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel 90 Gas Gas
biomass CHP Wind Wind
hrs 2000 hr 500 hrs

High capex 897 175 311 105 190 51 53

Central 535 151 214 98 166 45 47
Low capex 363 140 169 90 140 39 43
High capex, high fuel 1025 200 336 183 283
Low capex, low fuel 401 119 148 68 122

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

PV 10- PV 4- EfW
scale PV <4kw EfW* AD
50kw 10kw CHP
High capex 46 83 99 129 133 165
Central 39 68 81 107 37 97 142
Low capex 35 54 63 86 56 125
High capex, high fuel 177 167
Low capex, low fuel 39 122

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

High capex 163 90 198 311 90 237 198

Central 134 77 123 184 67 186 124
Low capex 113 52 81 106 44 100 7
High capex, high fuel 160 99 206 316 176
Low capex, low fuel 121 45 75 104 47

Hydro Biomass
Hydro 5- Tidal Post
Large Wave CCS
16MW stream Combustion
Storage* (FOAK)

High capex 96 309 276 94 222

Central 75 88 232 205 87 205
Low capex 57 151 136 81 195
High capex, high fuel 111 249
Low capex, low fuel 67 186

*EfW and Hydro Large Storage – due to potential issues with the reliability of the
range of cost estimates, no capex or fuel sensitivity shown for EfW and Hydro Large

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Projects commissioning in 2035, technology specific hurdle rates

Table 12: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2035,
Technology-specific Hurdle Rates, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
H Class
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr

Pre-Development Costs <1 1 5 6 7 7 17

Construction Costs 7 12 63 73 88 89 150
Fixed O&M 2 4 18 20 23 23 33
Variable O&M 4 6 4 4 4 4 5
Fuel Costs 42 69 65 67 66 66 65
Carbon Costs 59 94 91 94 92 93 91
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 -15 0 0 0 0 0
Total 115 172 245 263 280 282 361


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

Pre-Development Costs 1 2 2 2 4 1 4
Construction Costs 16 19 22 23 38 22 89
Fixed O&M 6 7 8 8 11 -12 -40
Variable O&M 4 4 4 4 5 3 3
Fuel Costs 65 67 66 66 65 147 147
Carbon Costs 91 94 92 93 91 109 109
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 183 191 194 194 214 271 313

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel Gas Gas
biomass CHP Wind Wind
90 hrs 2000 hr 500 hrs

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Pre-Development Costs 20 1 4 2 6 3 2
Construction Costs 509 30 118 39 86 25 22
Fixed O&M -219 -12 -40 13 46 10 16
Variable O&M 3 3 3 9 13 6 3
Fuel Costs 147 70 70 35 44 0 0
Carbon Costs 109 89 89 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 -30 0 0
Total 570 181 244 98 166 44 43

PV 10- PV 4- PV EfW
scale EfW AD
50kw 10kw <4kw CHP
Pre-Development Costs 3 0 0 0 3 4 6
Construction Costs 23 61 74 89 94 174 66
Fixed O&M 9 7 7 18 26 36 22
Variable O&M 0 0 0 0 26 56 58
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 -114 -145 -10
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 -29 0
Total 36 68 81 107 36 96 142

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

Pre-Development Costs 7 3 7 9 1 12 5
Construction Costs 84 71 90 166 38 134 202
Fixed O&M 31 41 34 34 19 26 13
Variable O&M 58 21 40 40 10 14 13
Fuel Costs -12 -62 -51 -54 0 0 0
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs -32 0 0 -14 0 0 -111
Total 134 74 120 180 67 186 121

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Hydro Biomass
Hydro Tidal Post
Large Wave CCS
5-16MW stream Combustion
Storage (NOAK)

Pre-Development Costs 1 1 7 7 <1 2

Construction Costs 55 65 165 139 15 48
Fixed O&M 9 16 21 37 4 20
Variable O&M 9 6 16 5 5 4
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 47 99
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 7 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 2 21
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 75 88 209 188 81 193

Table 13: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2035,

Technology-specific Hurdle Rates, Sensitivities, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr

High capex 116 175 254 284 345 341 429

Central 115 172 245 263 280 282 361
Low capex 113 169 237 248 252 251 330
High capex, high fuel 131 194 277 308 368 365 452
Low capex, low fuel 100 152 217 227 232 231 310


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

High capex 185 196 210 210 232 287 376

Central 183 191 194 194 214 271 313
Low capex 181 187 187 187 207 263 282
High capex, high fuel 208 220 234 233 255 415 504
Low capex, low fuel 161 166 166 166 186 301 320

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel Gas Gas 500
biomass CHP Wind Wind
90 hrs 2000 hr hrs

High capex 932 205 341 105 190 50 48

Central 570 181 244 98 166 44 43
Low capex 398 170 199 90 139 38 39
High capex, high fuel 1060 230 366 183 282
Low capex, low fuel 435 148 177 68 122

PV 10- PV 4- EfW
scale PV <4kw EfW* AD
50kw 10kw CHP
High capex 42 83 99 129 131 165
Central 36 68 81 107 36 96 142
Low capex 31 54 63 86 54 125
High capex, high fuel 175 167
Low capex, low fuel 37 122

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

High capex 163 88 194 305 90 237 195

Central 134 74 120 180 67 186 121
Low capex 113 50 79 103 44 100 6
High capex, high fuel 160 97 202 310 173
Low capex, low fuel 121 43 73 102 46

Hydro Biomass
Hydro Tidal Post
Large Wave CCS
5-16MW stream Combustion
Storage* (NOAK)

High capex 96 279 254 83 209

Central 75 88 209 188 81 193
Low capex 57 134 124 78 184
High capex, high fuel 100 236
Low capex, low fuel 63 174

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

*EfW and Hydro Large Storage – due to potential issues with the reliability of the
range of cost estimates, no capex or fuel sensitivity shown for EfW and Hydro Large

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Projects commissioning in 2040, technology specific hurdle rates

Table 14: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2040,
Technology-specific Hurdle Rates, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr
Pre-Development Costs <1 1 5 6 7 7 17
Construction Costs 7 12 63 73 88 89 150
Fixed O&M 2 4 18 20 23 23 33
Variable O&M 4 6 4 4 4 4 5
Fuel Costs 42 69 65 67 66 66 65
Carbon Costs 70 113 108 111 109 109 108
CO2 Transport and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 -15 0 0 0 0 0
Total 125 191 261 280 297 298 377


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

Pre-Development Costs 1 2 2 2 4 1 4
Construction Costs 16 19 22 23 38 22 89
Fixed O&M 6 7 8 8 11 -12 -40
Variable O&M 4 4 4 4 5 3 3
Fuel Costs 65 67 66 66 65 147 147
Carbon Costs 108 111 109 109 108 137 137
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 199 208 210 211 231 299 340

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel Gas Gas 500
biomass CHP Wind Wind
90 hrs 2000 hr hrs

Pre-Development Costs 20 1 4 2 6 3 2
Construction Costs 509 30 118 39 86 25 20
Fixed O&M -219 -12 -40 13 46 10 15
Variable O&M 3 3 3 9 13 6 3
Fuel Costs 147 70 70 35 44 0 0
Carbon Costs 137 112 112 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 -29 0 0
Total 598 203 267 98 166 44 40

PV 10- PV 4- PV EfW
scale EfW AD
50kw 10kw <4kw CHP

Pre-Development Costs 3 0 0 0 3 4 6
Construction Costs 21 61 74 89 94 174 66
Fixed O&M 9 7 7 18 26 36 22
Variable O&M 0 0 0 0 26 56 58
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 -114 -145 -10
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 -28 0
Total 33 68 81 107 36 96 142

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

Pre-Development Costs 7 3 7 9 1 12 5
Construction Costs 84 71 90 166 38 134 202
Fixed O&M 31 41 34 34 19 26 13
Variable O&M 58 21 40 40 10 14 13
Fuel Costs -12 -62 -51 -54 0 0 0
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs -32 0 0 -14 0 0 -111
Total 135 74 120 181 67 186 122

Hydro Biomass
Hydro Tidal Post
Large Wave CCS
5-16MW stream Combustion
Storage (NOAK)
Pre-Development Costs 1 1 7 7 <1 2
Construction Costs 55 65 165 139 15 48
Fixed O&M 9 16 21 37 4 20
Variable O&M 9 6 16 5 5 4
Fuel Costs 0 0 0 0 47 99
Carbon Costs 0 0 0 0 8 0
CO2 Transport and Storage 0 0 0 0 2 21
Decommissioning and waste 0 0 0 0 0 0
Steam Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 75 88 209 188 82 193

Table 15: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2040,

Technology-specific Hurdle Rates, Sensitivities, £/MWh, 2018 prices


CHP 600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW
mode 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr
High capex 127 194 271 301 361 358 446
Central 125 191 261 280 297 298 377
Low capex 124 188 254 265 269 268 347
High capex, high fuel 142 213 294 324 385 381 469
Low capex, low fuel 111 171 234 244 248 247 327

Annex 1: Additional Estimates


600MW 400MW 300MW 299MW 100MW Diesel Diesel
2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 2000 hr 500 hrs

High capex 202 213 227 226 248 315 404

Central 199 208 210 211 231 299 340
Low capex 197 204 203 203 223 291 310
High capex, high fuel 225 237 250 249 271 442 532
Low capex, low fuel 177 183 183 183 203 329 348

Recip Recip Recip

Dedicated Biomass Onshore Offshore
Diesel Gas Gas 500
biomass CHP Wind Wind
90 hrs 2000 hr hrs

High capex 960 228 363 105 190 50 44

Central 598 203 267 98 166 44 40
Low capex 426 192 222 90 140 38 36
High capex, high fuel 1088 253 388 183 283
Low capex, low fuel 463 170 200 68 122

PV 10- PV 4- EfW
scale PV <4kw EfW* AD
50kw 10kw CHP

High capex 39 83 99 129 132 165

Central 33 68 81 107 36 96 142
Low capex 28 54 63 86 55 125
High capex, high fuel 176 167
Low capex, low fuel 37 122

AD ACT ACT ACT Landfill Sewage Geothermal

CHP Standard Advanced CHP gas gas CHP

High capex 164 88 194 306 90 237 195

Central 135 74 120 181 67 186 122
Low capex 114 50 79 103 44 100 7
High capex, high fuel 161 97 202 311 174
Low capex, low fuel 121 43 73 102 46

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Hydro Biomass
Hydro Tidal Post
Large Wave CCS
5-16MW stream Combustion
Storage* (NOAK)
High capex 96 279 254 85 211
Central 75 88 209 188 82 193
Low capex 57 134 124 79 183
High capex, high
102 237
Low capex, low fuel 64 173

Table 16: Levelised Cost Estimates for Projects Commissioning in 2025, 2030, 2035
and 2040, technology-specific hurdle rates, £/MWh, 2018 prices. Highs and lows
reflect high and low capital and pre-development cost estimates and capital cost
reductions over time.

Commissioning 2025 2030 2035 2040

High 87 101 116 127
CCGT H Class Central 85 99 115 125
Low 84 98 113 124
High 127 150 175 194
CCGT CHP mode Central 124 146 172 191
Low 121 143 169 188
High 209 231 254 271
OCGT 600MW 500 hr Central 199 222 245 261
Low 192 214 237 254
High 237 260 284 301
OCGT 400MW 500 hr Central 216 239 263 280
Low 201 224 248 265
High 298 321 345 361
OCGT 300MW 500 hr Central 234 257 280 297
Low 207 229 252 269
High 295 318 341 358
OCGT 299MW 500 hr Central 236 258 282 298
Low 206 228 251 268
High 383 406 429 446
OCGT 100MW 500 hr Central 315 337 361 377
Low 286 307 330 347
High 140 162 185 202
OCGT 600MW 2000 hr Central 137 159 183 199
Low 136 158 181 197
High 150 172 196 213
OCGT 400MW 2000 hr
Central 144 167 191 208

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Low 141 163 187 204

High 164 187 210 227
OCGT 300MW 2000 hr Central 148 170 194 210
Low 141 163 187 203
High 164 186 210 226
OCGT 299MW 2000 hr Central 149 171 194 211
Low 141 164 187 203
High 186 209 232 248
OCGT 100MW 2000 hr Central 169 191 214 231
Low 161 183 207 223
High 219 252 287 315
Recip Diesel 2000 hr Central 203 236 271 299
Low 196 228 263 291
High 308 341 376 404
Recip Diesel 500 hrs Central 245 278 313 340
Low 215 247 282 310
High 864 897 932 960
Recip Diesel 90 hrs Central 502 535 570 598
Low 330 363 398 426
High 150 175 205 228
Recip Gas 2000 hrs Central 125 151 181 203
Low 114 140 170 192
High 285 311 341 363
Recip Gas 500 hrs Central 188 214 244 267
Low 144 169 199 222
High 106 105 105 105
Dedicated biomass Central 98 98 98 98
Low 91 90 90 90
High 192 190 190 190
Biomass CHP Central 168 166 166 166
Low 141 140 139 140
High 52 51 50 50
Onshore Wind Central 46 45 44 44
Low 39 39 38 38
High 63 53 48 45
Offshore R3 2015 Central 57 48 44 40
Low 51 43 39 37
High 51 46 42 39
Large-scale Solar Central 44 39 36 33
Low 39 35 31 28
High 90 83 83 83
PV 10-50kw Central 74 68 68 68
Low 58 54 54 54
PV 4-10kw High 104 99 99 99

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

Central 86 81 81 81
Low 67 63 63 63
High 136 129 129 129
PV <4kw Central 114 107 107 107
Low 91 86 86 86
EfW* Central 39 37 36 36
High 154 150 147 148
EfW CHP Central 118 114 111 112
Low 76 72 70 71
High 138 133 131 132
AD Central 101 97 96 96
Low 60 56 54 55
High 165 165 165 165
AD CHP Central 142 142 142 142
Low 125 125 125 125
High 96 90 88 88
ACT Standard Central 82 77 74 74
Low 56 52 50 50
High 209 198 194 194
ACT Advanced Central 130 123 120 120
Low 86 81 79 79
High 326 311 305 306
ACT CHP Central 193 184 180 181
Low 112 106 103 103
High 90 90 90 90
Landfill gas Central 67 67 67 67
Low 44 44 44 44
High 237 237 237 237
Sewage gas Central 186 186 186 186
Low 100 100 100 100
High 209 198 195 195
Geothermal CHP Central 133 124 121 122
Low 14 7 6 7
Hydro Large Storage* Central 75 75 75 75
High 96 96 96 96
Hydro 5-16MW Central 88 88 88 88
Low 57 57 57 57
High 391 309 279 279
Wave Central 296 232 209 209
Low 195 151 134 134

Annex 1: Additional Estimates

High 338 276 254 254

Tidal stream Central 253 205 188 188
Low 169 136 124 124
High 90 94 83 85
Combustion** Central 85 87 81 82
Low 80 81 78 79
High 222 222 209 211
Biomass CCS** Central 205 205 193 193
Low 195 196 184 182

*EfW and Hydro Large Storage – due to potential issues with the reliability of the
range of cost estimates, no capex or fuel sensitivity shown for EfW and Hydro Large

** CCGT + CCS Post Combustion and Biomass CCS are assumed to be FOAK for
plants commissioning before 2035, and NOAK for plants commissioning from 2035

© Crown copyright 2020
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET

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