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CPAR - Q2 - Mod2 - Unit 4

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Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions - Senior High School

Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 2 - Module 2: Contemporary Arts Production
First Edition, 2020

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payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission t use these materials
from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Secretary:

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Jonarose M. Cagampang

Marivic G. Ladera
Content Editor: Cohner Puerto
Language Editor: Kristine T. Antique
Proofreader: Kristine T. Antique
Illustrator: Eduardo W. Monares
Layout Artist: Sweet Francess B. Mabelin
Community Elder: Danny Boy D. Siaman

Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III, Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO, Assistant Regional Director

Jonathan S. dela Peña, PhD, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Rowena H. Para-on, PhD, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members: Neil A. Improgo, PhD, EPS-LRMS; Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., PhD, EPS-ADM;
Erlinda G. Dael, PhD, CID Chief; Merly B. Mabelin, EPS MTB/CPAR In-charge;
Celieto B. Magsayo, LRMS Manager; Loucile L. Paclar, Librarian II;
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Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de Oro City,
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Senior High School

Contemporary Philippine
Arts From The Regions
Quarter 2 - Module 2:
Contemporary Arts Production

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public and private schools, colleges, and universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education  Republic of the Philippines


Module) is for educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e.,
songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in these modules are owned by their respective
copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not represent nor
Table Of Contents
Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Pre-test ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Lesson 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Lesson 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Lesson 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Lesson 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

Post-test ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

Answer Key ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

Reference ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36

What I Need To Know

For the Learners

Congratulations for completing the previous module! You are now

ready for the next module which is Contemporary Arts Production. You need
to learn more effectively. Good luck!

Module Content

. This module is designed to help you in your contextualization of the

contemporary arts, give you the concept of integrated arts production, and be able to
acquire skills enhancement.

These are the competencies included in this module:

 Conceptualizes contemporary arts based on techniques and performance

practices in their locality (CAR11/12TPP-0c-e-14)

 Applies artistic skills and techniques in the process of creation


 Incorporates contemporary characteristics to one’s creation with attention to

detail (CAR11/12TPP-0c-e-16)

 Creates the intended final product using appropriate materials for the best
possible output (CAR11/12TPP-0c-e-17)

General Instructions

To do well in this module, you need to remember the following:

1. Read texts carefully so that you can easily comprehend what you are

2. Answer questions with all honesty. Success does not come from copying
from others. It is made possible by trying hard on your own so that you can
learn even from your mistakes.

3. Review your answers. It is safe to go back and think about what you have
written. This can help you lessen if not avoid errors.

4. Follow instructions given and ask if there is something that you did not

5. Do the tasks given and do not delay in submitting requirements. This can
help you avoid having a pile of unfinished activities.

6. Feel free to communicate with your teacher. There is no harm in asking for
clarification so that you will not be lost in the discussion.

7. Remember to review every time you are done answering the activities.

8. Have fun as you learn. This course is very important regardless of your
track or strand. When you’re having fun, you can easily learn the lessons.

What I Know

Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage.

Directions: Answer directly to the given question.

What is your concept of integrated arts production? Make sure to cite examples.

What’s In

In the previous module, we looked closely at the forms of artwork, and we saw
how materials, techniques, and elements can be capable of conveying concepts,
values feelings and attitudes. We have viewed, experienced and sensed works of art
closely, and heightened and honed our senses in the process.

In practice, it is difficult to separate subject matter and thematic plane. Subject

matter answers the question “what do we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch?” Using our
senses is the initial step, and as we learned in the previous lessons of this module,
this requires keen and diligent observation, not just of the image, but how it is
presented and if there is no image, how the formal elements are employed.

What’s New

Activity 1. Video Presentation

Directions: Choose one of the major art form (*) and make a presentation. You may
derive from any of the Philippine set up arts samples. You can do it using the social
media application for your best performance. Download your short video and write the
link on your study notebook for verification and assessment purposes.

*Literature *Dance *Circus *Singing

*Music *Puppet show *Theatre *Pantomime
*Combined or performing arts *Drama *Opera

Task Description: Student will create a video project that details a specific aspect on
the given activity. The presentation should include appropriate photographs, video,
music, graphs and other visual aids. The final project should be save to a USB/ flash
drive in a full quality movie format or download it to YouTube using #CPAR20.

Rubric for Video Project:

Activity Exemplary Proficient Partially proficient Incomplete
Concept 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points

Has a clear picture of Has a fairly clear Has the concept, Little effort has
what they are trying picture what they but no clear focus. been spent on
to achieve. Adequate are trying to Goals/final refining a concept.
description of what achieve. Can product not Unclear on the goals
they are trying to do describe what they clearly defined. and how the project
and generally how are trying to do objectives will be
his/her work will overall but has met.
contribute to the trouble describing
final project. how his/her work
will contribute to
the final project.
Script/ 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points
The storyboard The storyboard The thumbnail There is no
illustrates the video includes thumbnail sketches on the evidence of a story
presentation sketches of each storyboard are board or script.
structure with video scene and not in logical
thumbnail sketches includes text for sequence and do
of each scene. Notes each segment of the not provide
of proposed presentation, complete
transition, special descriptions of description of the
effects, sound and background audio video scenes,
title tracks incl: text, for each scene, and audio background,
color, placement, notes about or notes about the
graphics, etc. Notes proposed shots and dialogue.
about proposed dialogue.
text are included.

Content/ 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points
The content includes Information is The content does Content lacks a
a clear statement of presented as a not present a central theme, clear
purpose or theme connected theme clearly stated point of view and
and is creative, with accurate, theme, is vague logical sequence of
compelling and current supporting and some of the information is
clearly written. A rich information that supporting irrelevant to the
variety of supporting contributes to information does overall message.
information in the understanding the not seem to fit the The viewer is
video contributes to project’s main idea, main idea or unsure what the
the understanding of details are logical appears as a message is because
the project’s main and persuasive disconnected there is little
idea. Events and information is series of scenes persuasive
messages are effective used, the with no unifying information and
presented in a logical content includes a main idea. only one or two
order. Includes clear point of view Includes few facts about the
properly cited with a progression citations and few topic are articulated
sources. of ideas and facts.

What Is It

Each province in the Philippines can proudly boast of its arts and crafts. For
example, Marinduque have enriched their local arts and crafts. Some of the arts and
crafts of Marinduque include the following:

 Ceramics – things that are made from heated and hardened clay.
 Pottery – things such as pots and dishes, that are made from baked clay.

Arts and crafts in Marinduque are being learned by local residents in the province.
Local residents treat their arts and crafts as a source of income, making it an

Marinduque is a province in Luzon that is found in MIMAROPA (short for

Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan).
Marinduque is known for its "Moriones Festival" where people wear masks and
costumes like those of biblical Roman soldiers.

Fine or Aesthetic (Major Arts) - These are primarily for aesthetic enjoyment throgh
the senses, especially visual and auditory. It is the changng certain materials or
media for aesthetic pleasure.

Practical or Utilitatian (Minor Arts) - Arts that are intended for practical use or utility.
It is the changing of raw materials for utilitarian purposes. However, they must posses
ornaments or artistic qualities to make them useful and beautiful.

Industrial Art - It is the changing of raw materials into some significant product for
human consumption or use. Examples of this are shell-crafting, bamboo-crafting,
leather-craft, pottery making, and more.

Applied or Household Art - This refers mostly to household arts such as flower
arrangement, interior decoration, dressmaking, home-making, embroidery, cooking,
and others.

Civic Art - This includes city or town planning, maintenance and beautification of
parks, plazas, roads, bridges and farms. It refers to civic planning and beautification
in order to improve the standard of living.

Commercial Art - This involves business propaganda in the form of advertisements

in newspapers and magazines, sign painting, billboard announcements, leaflets,
displays, poster designing, movie illustrations and many more.

Graphic Art - It is anything printed from raised or sunken reliefs and plane surfaces.

Agriculture Art - This refers to agronomy (crop production), horticulture (garden or

orchard cultivation), husbandry (raising of cows, carabaos, poultry and swine) and

Business Art - This includes merchandising, accounting, bookkeeping, typewriting,
stenography, salesmanship and business administration.

Fishery Art - It includes shallow and deep sea fishing, fish regrigeration and culture,
net weaving.

Medical or Clinical Art - It includes first aid treatments, medicinal manufacturing,

surgery, medical operations, rehabilitation and others.


Pre-Colonial Arts (Ethnic Arts) - In pre-colonial Philippines, arts are for ritual
purposes or foe everyday use.

Islamic Arts - Islamic art is characterized by geometric designs and patterns eliciting
focus from the believers.

Spanish Era - Art became a handmaiden of religion, service to propagate the

Catholic faith and thus support the colonial order at the same time.

American Era - In the American regime, commercial and advertising arts were
integrated into the fine arts curriculum. Moreover, Americans favored idyllic sceneries
and secular forms of arts.

Japanese Era - Since the Japanese advocate for the culture of East Asia,
preference was given to the indigenous art and traditions of the Philippines. This
emphasized their propaganda of Asia belonging to Asians.

Modern Era - Modern era in Philippine art began after World War 2 and the granting
of Independence. Writers and artists posed the question of national identity as the
main theme of various art forms.

Contemporary Art - Philippine Contemporary Art was an offshoot of social realism
brought about by Martial Law. Arts became expression of people’s aspiration for a
just, free, and sovereign society.


Subject matter in contemporary art is not confined to representations of human

figures and landscapes. The favourite subjects in contemporary art are
children ,women or the environment, such as the late artist Muffet Villegas Flora and
Fauna. In some artworks, the subject matter is not easily recognized, If the artwork is
an experiment on technique ,the subject matter is the technique itself.

Muffet Villegas • In others such as those in conceptual arts,the viewer has to engage
in thinking and exploring the meaning of the artwork. Some artworks are intended to
make a statement about an issue so the viewer is guided by a written explanation.

Abstract Expressionism • Abstract expressionism is a post–World War II art

movement in American painting, developed in New York in the 1940s. It was the first
specifically American movement to achieve international influence and put New York
City at the center of the western art world, a role formerly filled by Paris.

Kinetic Arts • Art from any medium that contains movement perceivable by the
viewer or depends on motion for its effect. Canvas paintings that extend the viewer's
perspective of the artwork and incorporate multidimensional movement are the
earliest examples of kinetic art
Op Art • a form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movement by the precise use
of pattern and colour, or in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap. Bridget
Riley and Victor Vasarely are its most famous exponents.

Performing Arts • form of art in which artists use their voices and/or their bodies,
often in relation to other objects, to convey artistic expression. It is different from
visual arts, which is when artists use paint/canvas or various materials to create
physical or static art objects.

Environment Art • a range of artistic practices encompassing both historical

approaches to nature in art and more recent ecological and politically motivated types
of works.

Feminist Art • The feminist art movement refers to the efforts and accomplishments
of feminists internationally to produce art that reflects women's lives and experiences,
as well as to change the foundation for the production and reception of contemporary

Minimalism • Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design,

especially visual art and music, where the work is set out to expose the essence,
essentials or identity of a subject through eliminating all non-essential forms, features
or concepts.

Video Arts • Video art is an art form which relies on moving pictures in a visual and
audio medium. Video art came into existence during the late 1960s and early 1970s
as new consumer video technology became available outside corporate broadcasting.
Video art can take many forms • Paul Pfeiffer, "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse
(6)," 2001.

Graffiti Art • One of the most radical contemporary art movements, "graffiti art" (also
called "Street Art", "Spraycan Art", "Subway Art" or "Aerosol Art") commonly refers to
decorative imagery applied by paint or other means to buildings, public transport or
other property.

Post-modern Art

Body Art • Body art is art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body. The most
common forms of body art are tattoos and body piercings. Other types include
scarification, branding, subdermal implants, scalpelling, shaping (for example
tight-lacing of corsets), full body tattoo and body painting.

Digital Art • Digital art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an
essential part of the creative or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various
names have been used to describe the process including computer art and
multimedia art, and digital art is itself placed under the larger umbrella term new
media art

What’s More

Activity 2. Essay writing

Answer the questions briefly.

1. Name at least three festivals that are celebrated in your region and explain how
and why these festivals are celebrated in connection to your culture.

2. Enumerate the activities that showcase different arts in your region and briefly
explain each activity as to how they contribute to your region.

Scoring Rubrics:
Score 9-10 7-8 4-6 0-3
Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of  Piece was written  Piece was  Piece had little  Piece had no style
Writing in an written in an style  Gives no new
extraordinary style interesting style  Gives some new information and
 Very informative  Somewhat information but very poorly
and well organize informative and poorly organized organized

Grammar,  Virtually no  Few spelling and  A number of  So many spelling,
Usage and spelling, punctuations spelling, punctuation or
Mechanics punctuation mark errors, minor punctuation or grammatical
or grammatical grammatical grammatical errors errors that it
errors errors interferes with
the meaning

What I Have Learned

Contemporary arts and design works that make use of traditional techniques, a
tendency that spans global cultures and includes a wide range of experiments with
materials and imagery. Examples include the incorporation of calligraphy into
paintings and the use of embroidery or weaving, for instance, in the textile works
of Alighiero e Boetti or the digitally spun tapestries of Pae White. These works often
blur the boundary between the concept of art and craft, representing a hybrid of
cultural traditions.

Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in films, video
games, animation, comic books, or other media before it is put into the final product.

Work of Alighiero e Boetti Work of Pae White

Remember these key points:

 The following are the kinds of art to choose what concept will draw:
o Abstract expressionism – a post-World War II art movement
in American painting
o Kinetic Art – art from any medium that contains movement
perceivable by the viewer or depends on motion for its
o Op Art – in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap.
o Performing arts – form of art in which artists use their voices
and/or their bodies, often in relation to other objects, to
convey artistic expression.

o Environment Art – a range of artistic practices
encompassing both historical approaches to nature in art
and more recent ecological and political motivated types of
o Minimalism – describe movement especially visual art and
o Video arts – moving pictures in a visual and audio medium.
o Graffiti Art – also called “street Art”, “Spraycan Art”,
“Subway Art” or “Aerosol Art”.
o Post-modern Art – Body Art and Digital Art
o Body Art – art made on, with, the human body. Body tattoo
and body Painting.
o Digital Art- artistic work uses digital technology.

What I Can Do

Activity 4. Body Painting

Draw or paint an image or picture that symbolize your zodiac sign on a part of your
body, or on your model either on the face, hands or legs. Use henna powder or any
washable painting materials. Take a picture and paste on your study notebook.


Great job! You have completed Lesson 1 successfully! Before going to the next
lesson, check the icon that best shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other

things that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for lesson 2. If you have checked
the second icon, you need to review the things that you need to relearn. If you have
checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more and ask help from your
teacher, parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find it difficult. Be honest
so that you will truly improve.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, we discussed about the art history of the Philippines. We
also learned about the different kinds of art and its elements in order to help us in
choosing which concepts we will create. An example would be from Marinduque,
where arts and crafts are being learned by local residents. Local residents treat their
arts and crafts as a source of income, making it an entrepreneurship.

As briefly mentioned above, the arts and crafts of Marinduque include the

 Ceramics - things that are made from heated and hardened clay
 Pottery - things, such as pots and dishes, that are made from baked clay.

Marinduque is a province in Luzon that is found in MIMAROPA (short for

Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan).
Marinduque is known for its "Moriones Festival" where people wear masks and
costumes like those of biblical Roman soldiers.

What’s New

Activity 1. Guess the technique

Look at each picture carefully and give the correct techniques and artistic skills. The
highlighted words serve as your clue.

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________


3._________________________ 4._________________________

5. _________________________ 6._________________________

What Is It


Many contemporary artist do not have formal studies in the fine arts but are self
–taught. Concerned with the development of their talent and skills in art making ,they
study on their own ,interact with artists and read a lot about lives of artists and their

Type of Techniques

Collage • Is made by adhering flat elements such as newspaper or magazine

cut-outs, printed text ,illustrations, photographs, cloth string etc to a flat surface to
create a thick layer that is almost like a relief sculpture.

Decalcomania • The process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring

a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials.

Decoupage • Done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or
more coats or transparent coating of varnish. • the art or craft of decorating objects
with paper cut-outs.

Frottage • a technique in the visual arts of obtaining textural effects or images by

rubbing lead, chalk, charcoal, etc., over paper laid on a granular or relief like surface.
Compare rubbing (def 2). 2. a work of art containing shapes and textures produced by

Montage • the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together

separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.

Trapunto • Trapunto, from the Italian for "to quilt," is a method of quilting that is also
called "stuffed technique." A puffy, decorative feature, trapunto utilize s at least two
layers, the underside of which is slit and padded, producing a raised surface on the

Digital Applications • In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the Diploma in Digital
Applications (DiDA) is an optional information and communication technology course,
usually studied by Key Stage 4 or equivalent school students. DiDA was introduced in
2005 as a creation of the Edexcel examination board. DiDA is notable in that it
consists entirely of coursework, completed on-computer; all work relating to the DiDA
course is created, stored, assessed and moderated digitally.

What’s More

Activity 2. Essay writing

Answer the questions briefly.

1. What are the artistic skills and techniques in contemporary art creations?

2. What do you think is the most recent among the techniques?

3. How would you differentiate collage from decollage?

4. Have you seen a land art? What are the materials used?

5. How many examples of artistic arts have you already seen?

Activity 3. My Family Tree

Directions: Make a collage showing your Family. Try to find your family album and
gather your family pictures, paste it on a cartolina paper with your design. Take a
picture of it and paste on your study notebook.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. Essay Writing

Answer the question briefly.

What are some modern techniques in creating an artworks? Identify and explain.

Scoring Rubrics:

Score 9-10 7-8 4-6 0-3

Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of  Piece was written  Piece was  Piece had little  Piece had no style
Writing in an written in an style  Gives no new
extraordinary style interesting style  Gives some new information and
 Very informative  Somewhat information but very poorly
and well organize informative and poorly organized organized
Grammar,  Virtually no  Few spelling and  A number of  So many spelling,
Usage and spelling, punctuations spelling, punctuation or
Mechanics punctuation mark errors, minor punctuation or grammatical
or grammatical grammatical grammatical errors errors that it
errors errors interferes with
the meaning

Remember these key points:

 Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create fine works of

art: painting, drawing, sculpting, musical composition, etc.

 Creativity ability is the skill and talent to use our imagination to
create and solve.

 A better artist is creative. But, you don’t have to be an artist to
be creative.

What I Can Do

Activity 5. My Artwork of the New Normal Society - Year 2020

Create a collage presenting the causes and effects of social change adapting the new
normal; considering the health crisis we have right now. You can create your collage
on an A4 sized bond paper, take a picture of it and paste it on your study notebook.


Great job! You have completed Lesson 2 successfully! Before going to the next
lesson, check the icon that best shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other

things that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for lesson 3. If you have checked
the second icon, you need to review the things that you need to relearn. If you have
checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more and ask help from your
teacher, parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find it difficult. Be honest
so that you will truly improve.

Incorporate Contemporary
Characteristics To One’s Creation

What’s In

Collage are the techniques of an art production used in the visual arts where the
artwork is made from assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. May
sometimes include magazines and newspaper clippings, ribbons, paints, bits of
colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs, and
other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas. Just like the examples

What’s New

Activity 1. Word box

Look at each picture and guess what art form they are doing. Choose your answer
from the word box below.

Performing Crafting Painting Drawing Filming
1.________________________ 2.________________________

3.________________________ 4.________________________

What Is It

Integrative or Integrated Arts refers to interdisciplinary art, art study, development,

production, display, or creative creation of work that makes full use of two or more
disciplines of art to produce a work for a particular public.

The Integrative arts explore the imaginative, analytical, special and

unexpected. The Integrative Arts are the special artistic ambitions of the intellectual
and technical instruments.

At Seneca Academy, the arts (fine arts, drama, music, movement) have always
been an integrated part of their curriculum. They weave the arts into their core
classroom curricula as well as teach specific artistic skills and abilities.

Many contemporary artists are self-taught and did not have formal education.
Originality is not issue in contemporary art. An artists can get another artist’s work
and add to it, redesign or interpret it using other materials.

Negros Siquijor Artist Daryl Cuaresma

From Kanheron, an American Old West museum in Siquijor, a woodcarving

exhibit is presented from Aug.16 to 31 at the Claire Isabel McGill-Luce Auditorium

The woodcarving exhibit is made by Mr. Daryl Y. Cuaresma. Cuaresma studied

art and architecture but never completed either. At age 43, he pursued Western
American art which then became his occupation. Later, he started to develop and
experiment his own style of etching and burning.

The exhibit in Luce consists of Layun of Kanheron (Lion), Husky (Dog), Pate
Rider (Clint Eastwood), My Ole Fren (Horse), Golden Heart (Eagle), Sugarol
(Rooster), and Secretariat.

Kanheron was opened last 2015 by Cuaresma and his wife Maribel Sumalpong.

Pasay - Cebuano Artist Anthony Fermin

He was born in Pasay and grew up in Cebu, is well known for his Hanover, Berlin
exhibits in 2000 and various exhibits in the Philippines and around the world. He is a
self-taught artist and his art always depicts and reminds of his childhood experiences.
His paintings become his strength and inspiration for him to paint for more. He travels
extensively, exposing himself to life’s realities, loves to work with abandoned children,
the abused children. For in paintings he can help draw out emotions of these children
through creative works, expressing true feelings of sad, happy experiences,
memoirs ..and ..what life has brought.. them to become .what they are.

In 2009 he was commissioned by a Lady German, an art enthusiast to do 25
paintings for Atmosphere Resort in Dumaguete City. 2000 Expo Ostrich Egg Exhibit
Project to help the poor African children-Hanover, Germany, 2009: Looking for Juan
in California. The Athenaeum San Diego, California USA and same work at the
Cultural Center of the Philippines CANVAS PROJECT, Manila.

"Patubas", a solo art exhibit by Anthony Fermin, is a celebration of Negros'

bountiful blessings, depicting sceneries of harvest time and abundance in the fields.

What’s More

Activity 2. Essay Writing

Answer the question comprehensively.

What are the important concepts in integrated art production? Give at least 5 concept.

Scoring Rubrics:

Score 9-10 7-8 4-6 0-3

Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of  Piece was written  Piece was  Piece had little  Piece had no style
Writing in an written in an style  Gives no new
extraordinary style interesting style  Gives some new information and
 Very informative  Somewhat information but very poorly
and well organize informative and poorly organized organized
Grammar,  Virtually no  Few spelling and  A number of  So many spelling,
Usage and spelling, punctuations spelling, punctuation or
Mechanics punctuation mark errors, minor punctuation or grammatical
or grammatical grammatical grammatical errors errors that it
errors errors interferes with
the meaning

Activity 3. Incorporate your artwork from the artist artwork.

Make your own masterpiece where you need to incorporate the artworks of Leeroy
New and explain how it is created in detail. Take a picture of your masterpiece and
paste on your study notebook. Example of an artist’s artwork is the Polyp, an
installation created by the artist to resemble complex marine life. .

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. Identification

Choose your answer from the box below. Write the letter of your answer on the space

A. Integrated Arts D. Subject

B. Art E. Medium
C. Music F. Form

1. It refers to the interdisciplinary art.

2. It refers to any person, object, scene, or event described or represented in a

work of art.

3. It refers to the material or means which the artist uses to objectify his feeling
or thoughts.

4. Something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful.

5. It is an art form and cultural activity.whose medium is sound?

What I Can Do

Activity 5. Observation

Search online from a gallery or scan from an artwork books and answer the following

1. What different kinds of artworks did you find in the gallery?

2. Among the artworks from the gallery, what art reflects your life

Take a picture of that artwork, if allowed, and paste on your study notebook.


Great job! You have completed Lesson 3 successfully! Before going to the next
lesson, check the icon that best shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other

things that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for lesson 4. If you have checked
the second icon, you need to review the things that you need to relearn. If you have
checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more and ask help from your
teacher, parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find it difficult. Be honest
so that you will truly improve.

What’s In

Contemporary artists found used bottles, hay, rice stalks, plastic straw and
other recycled materials useful in creating artworks. Art and recycling goes
hand-in-hand. Eco-artists are, nowadays, transforming old, recycled and resued
object into amazing pieces of contemporary art. The trend started gaining prominence
in 1980s when museums and galleries in the Western world opened their doors for
such innovation and creativity.

In recent years, many artists in the Middle East has started expressing their
support for recycling and sustainability through artworks where they merge traditional
tone with contemporary themes creating attractive installation art that express local
cultural heritage in the larger public interests. Artists are expressing their emotions
and ideas.. through a wide range of recyclables glass, cans, plastics, CDs, PET
bottles etc.

This type of art is termed as Installation Art which is 3-dimensional work using
common raw and natural materials to create an object with different messages
directed to the viewers and the public audiences. Installation art can be expressed at
any type of form like objects, videos, sound or even through the Internet. Interestingly,
installation art is also considered a part of Renaissance where people can discover
classical cultural movements like Surrealism and Futurism.

Many artists search for inspirations that surround them while others express their
feelings in the artwork. Artists use recycled or reused objects to make attractive
pieces of contemporary art and literally turn everyday trash into creative treasures.
Some create compositions from recycled plastic bags or themed works for art
galleries, while others create entire theme parks with trash, and even furniture from
recycled materials. For example, if an artist has a penchant for collecting beverage
cans, he/she might be interested in creating a replica of a famous building or
monument. Bristol’s whales sculpture is made of willow and 70000 plastic bottles.

What’s New

Activity 1. Crafting

Gather your garbage and collect some craft materials which you think is useful in
making.. such artworks. Take a picture of your finished artwork and paste it on the
box below.

Rubric for Grading Art Project:

Points Creativity/ Originality Effort/ Perseverance Craftsmanship/skill

4 The student explored several The project was continued The artwork was beautiful and
choices before selecting one, until it was complete as the patiently done; it was good as
generated many ideas, tried student could make it; gave hard work could make it.
unusual combination or it effort far beyond that
changes, used required.
problem-solving skills.
3 The student tried a few ideas The student worked hard With a little more effort, the
before selecting one or and completed the project, work could have been
based his/her work on but with a bit more effort it outstanding; lacks the finishing
someone else’s idea, made might have been touches.
decision after referring to outstanding.
one source.
2 The student tried an idea but The student finished the The student showed average
it lacked originally, might project, but it could have craftsmanship; adequate, but
have copied work, and been improved with more not as good as it could have
substituted “symbols” for effort, chose an easy project been, a bit careless.
personal expression. and did it differently.
1 The student fulfilled the the project was completed The student showed average
requirements of the with minimum effort craftsmanship, lack of pride in
assignment, but gave no finished work
evidence of trying anything
0 The student showed no The student did not finish The student showed poor
evidence of original thought the work adequately craftsmanship; evidence of
laziness or lack of

What Is It

Philippines is very rich in natural resources. With our artistic inclinations, we can
maximize the use of these natural resources even in creating arts.


These are the sample arts and crafts production using appropriate materials.
“Creativity will change the World of Art”.

What’s More

Activity 2. Wood carving

Use any wood material in your surrounding and make it a unique and artistic one.
Take a picture and paste on your study notebook.

Rubric for Grading Art Project:

Points Creativity/ Originality Effort/ Perseverance Craftsmanship/skill

4 The student explored several The project was continued The artwork was beautiful and
choices before selecting one, until it was complete as the patiently done; it was good as
generated many ideas, tried student could make it; gave hard work could make it.
unusual combination or it effort far beyond that
changes, used required.
problem-solving skills.
3 The student tried a few ideas The student worked hard With a little more effort, the
before selecting one or and completed the project, work could have been
based his/her work on but with a bit more effort it outstanding; lacks the finishing
someone else’s idea, made might have been touches.
decision after referring to outstanding.
one source.
2 The student tried an idea but The student finished the The student showed average
it lacked originally, might project, but it could have craftsmanship; adequate, but
have copied work, and been improved with more not as good as it could have
substituted “symbols” for effort, chose an easy project been, a bit careless.
personal expression. and did it differently.
1 The student fulfilled the the project was completed The student showed average
requirements of the with minimum effort craftsmanship, lack of pride in
assignment, but gave no finished work
evidence of trying anything
0 The student showed no The student did not finish The student showed poor
evidence of original thought the work adequately craftsmanship; evidence of
laziness or lack of

What I Have Learned

Activity 3. Artwork of inspiration

Choose among the arts sample and make your own masterpiece which shows how
you have been inspired by the subject CPAR. Be sure that it should be a
contemporary work of art. Use available and appropriate materials. Take a picture of
your masterpiece attach it with the written format below.

Your Name: ______________________________________

Your artwork’s Name: ______________________________________

Materials used: ______________________________________

Procedures: ______________________________________

Rubric for Grading Art Project:

Points Creativity/ Originality Effort/ Perseverance Craftsmanship/skill

4 The student explored several The project was continued The artwork was beautiful and
choices before selecting one, until it was complete as the patiently done; it was good as
generated many ideas, tried student could make it; gave hard work could make it.
unusual combination or it effort far beyond that
changes, used required.
problem-solving skills.
3 The student tried a few ideas The student worked hard With a little more effort, the
before selecting one or and completed the project, work could have been
based his/her work on but with a bit more effort it outstanding; lacks the finishing
someone else’s idea, made might have been touches.
decision after referring to outstanding.
one source.
2 The student tried an idea but The student finished the The student showed average
it lacked originally, might project, but it could have craftsmanship; adequate, but
have copied work, and been improved with more not as good as it could have
substituted “symbols” for effort, chose an easy project been, a bit careless.
personal expression. and did it differently.
1 The student fulfilled the the project was completed The student showed average
requirements of the with minimum effort craftsmanship, lack of pride in
assignment, but gave no finished work
evidence of trying anything
0 The student showed no The student did not finish The student showed poor
evidence of original thought the work adequately craftsmanship; evidence of
laziness or lack of

What I Can Do

Activity 4. Gallery exhibit

Display all your artwork from Lesson 1 activity up to this last activity. Have a gallery
exhibit through online. Record a video while you are presenting and introducing your
different kinds of artwork (minimum of 6 minutes). Upload your short video, take a
screenshot from your video and paste the link on your study notebook for verification
and assessment purposes.

Link: _______________________________________________________________


Great job! You have completed Lesson 4 successfully! Check the icon that best
shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach

what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other

things that I need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the

lesson. I need help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are now a completer of this subject. If you
have checked the second icon, you need to review the things that you need to relearn.
If you have checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more and ask help
from your teacher, parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find it difficult.
Be honest so that you will truly improve.


Let us check how much you learned from this module’s coverage.

Directions: Answer directly to the given question.

What is your concept of integrated arts production? Make sure to cite examples.


ARTS FROM THE REGIONS! Give yourself a

Post-test. Essay writing. Scoring rubrics provided.
Lesson 4. Artwork production. Scoring rubrics provided.
Activity 3. Incorporate artwork from the artist’s artwork. Scoring rubrics provided.
Activity 2. Identification.
1. Crafting
2. Painting
3. Performing
4. Film making
Lesson 3
Activity 1. Essay Writing. Scoring rubrics provided.
Activity 3. Collage Making New Normal. Scoring rubrics provided.
Activity 2. Collage Making Family Tree. Scoring rubrics provided.
Lesson 2
Activity 1.
1. Collage
2. Land Arts
3. Graffiti
4. Digital Art
5. Mixed-Media
6. Decollage
Activity 2. Essay writing. Scoring rubrics provided.
Lesson 1
Activity 1.Video Presentation. Scoring rubrics provided.
Pre-test. Essay writing. Scoring rubrics provided.
Answer Key
Rubric for Grading Art Project

Points Creativity/ Originality Effort/ Perseverance Craftsmanship/skill

4 The student explored The project was The artwork was
several choices before continued until it was beautiful and patiently
selecting one, complete as the done; it was good as
generated many student could make it; hard work could make it.
ideas, tried unusual gave it effort far
combination or beyond that required.
changes, used
problem-solving skills.
3 The student tried a The student worked With a little more effort,
few ideas before hard and completed the work could have
selecting one or based the project, but with a been outstanding; lacks
his/her work on bit more effort it might the finishing touches.
someone else’s idea, have been
made decision after outstanding.
referring to one
2 The student tried an The student finished The student showed
idea but it lacked the project, but it average craftsmanship;
originally, might have could have been adequate, but not as
copied work, and improved with more good as it could have
substituted “symbols” effort, chose an easy been, a bit careless.
for personal project and did it
expression. differently.
1 The student fulfilled the project was The student showed
the requirements of completed with average craftsmanship,
the assignment, but minimum effort lack of pride in finished
gave no evidence of work
trying anything
0 The student showed The student did not The student showed
no evidence of original finish the work poor craftsmanship;
thought adequately evidence of laziness or
lack of understanding

Rubric for Video Project

Task Description: Student will create a video project that details a specific aspect on
the given activity. The presentation should include appropriate photographs, video,
music, graphs and other visual aids. The final project should be save to a USB/ flash
drive in a full quality movie format or download it to YouTube using #CPAR20.

Activity Exemplary Proficient Partially Incomplete


Concept 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points

Has a clear Has a fairly Has the Little effort has

picture of what clear picture concept, but been spent on
they are trying to what they are no clear refining a
achieve. trying to focus. concept.
Adequate achieve. Can Goals/final Unclear on the
description of describe what product not goals and how
what they are they are trying clearly the project
trying to do and to do overall but defined. objectives will
generally how has trouble be met.
his/her work will describing how
contribute to the his/her work will
final project. contribute to the
final project.

Script/ 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

The storyboard The storyboard The thumbnail There is no
illustrates the includes sketches on evidence of a
video thumbnail the story board or
presentation sketches of storyboard script.
structure with each video are not in
thumbnail scene and logical
sketches of includes text for sequence and
each scene. each segment do not provide
Notes of of the complete
proposed presentation, description of
transition, descriptions of the video
special effects, background scenes, audio
sound and title audio for each background,
tracks incl: text, scene, and or notes
color, notes about about the
placement, proposed shots dialogue.
graphics, etc. and dialogue.
Notes about
on text are

Content/ 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points
on The content Information is The content Content lacks a
includes a clear presented as a does not central theme,
statement of connected present a clear point of
purpose or theme with clearly stated view and
theme and is accurate, theme, is logical
creative, current vague and sequence of
compelling and supporting some of the information is
clearly written. A information that supporting irrelevant to the
rich variety of contributes to information overall
supporting understanding does not message. The
information in the project’s seem to fit the viewer is
the video main idea, main idea or unsure what
contributes to details are appears as a the message is
the logical and disconnected because there
understanding persuasive series of is little
of the project’s information is scenes with persuasive
main idea. effective used, no unifying information and
Events and the content main idea. only one or two
messages are includes a clear Includes few facts about the
presented in a point of view citations and topic are
logical order. with a few facts. articulated
Includes progression of
properly cited ideas and
sources. supporting

Rubric for Essay Writing

Score 9-10 7-8 4-6 0-3

Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of  Piece was  Piece was  Piece had  Piece had no
Writing written in an written in an little style style
extraordinary interesting  Gives some  Gives no new
style style new information
 Very  Somewhat information and very
informative informative but poorly poorly
and well and organized organized
organize organized

Grammar,  Virtually no  Few spelling  A number of  So many

Usage spelling, and spelling, spelling,
and punctuation punctuation punctuation or punctuation
Mechanics mark or errors, minor grammatical or
grammatical grammatical errors grammatical
errors errors errors that it
with the


Deped Curriculum Guide

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Alternative Delivery Mode (DepEd-ADM)

Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan

De Oro City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental


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