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Principles of Geochemical Prospecting-Hawkes

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Principles of





Geochemical prospecting for minerals includes any method of mineral

exploration based on systematic measurement of the chemical properties of
a naturally occurring material. The purpose of the measurements is the
location of geochemical anomalies or of areas where the chemical pattern
indicates the presence of ore in the vicinity. Anomalies may be formed
either at depth by igneous and metamorphic processes or at the earth's
surface by agents of weathering, erosion, and surficial transportation.
Geochemical anomalies of deep-seated origin primary anomalies may
result from (1) apparent local variation in the original composition of the
earth's crust, defining a distinctive "geochemical province" especially favor-
able for the occurrence of ore, (2) impregnation of rocks by mineralizing
fluids related to ore formation, and (3) dispersion of volatile elements
transported in gaseous form.
Anomalies of surficial origin-^secondary anomalies take the form
either of residual materials from weathering of rocks and ores in place or of
material dispersed from the ore deposit by gravity, moving water, or glacial
ice. The mobility of an element, or tendency for it to migrate in the.surficial
environment, determines the characteristics of the geochemical anomalies it
can form. Water is the principal transporting agency for the products of
weathering. Mobility is, therefore, closely related to the tendency of an
element to be stable in water-soluble form. The chemical factors affecting
the mobility of elements include hydrogen-ion concentration, solubility of
salts, coprecipitation, sorption, oxidation potential, and the formation of
complexes and colloidal solutions. The mobility of the elements may be
further modified by biological factors.
Secondary anomalies may occur in residual materials or in materials
transported by ice, frost, underground water, animals, soil-forming processes,
plant activity, and surface water. Each one of these transporting agencies
gives a characteristic distribution pattern to the weathering products of ore
Geochemical methods have been applied most extensively in the Soviet
Union, Scandinavia, the United States, Canada, Africa, and Japan. The
most uniformly successful geochemical prospecting work has been based on
sampling and analysis of residual soil and vegetation; anomalies caused by
movement of metals in ground and surface water show promise as an '
effective means of locating buried ore deposits. Some suggestions for the
execution of geochemical surveys and the interpretation of geochemical dataV«"*
in terms of possible ore are presented.
Geochemical prospecting for minerals, as denned by common V
usage, includes any method of mineral exploration based on sys-
tematic measurement of one or more chemical properties of a *"
naturally occurring material. The chemical property measured is
most commonly the trace content of some element or group of
elements; the naturally occurring material may be rock, soil, gos-
san, glacial debris, vegetation, stream sediment, or water. The
purpose of the measurements is the discovery of a geochemical
"anomaly" or area where the chemical pattern indicates the pres-
ence of ore in the vicinity. *
The broader science of geochemistry, as originally defined by f
Goldschmidt and summarized by Mason (1952, p. 2), is concerned
1. The determination of the relative and absolute abundance of the ele-
ments * * * in the earth.
2. The study of the distribution and migration of the individual elements «.
in the various parts of the earth * * * with the object of discovering
the principles governing this distribution and migration. *
The application of the principles of .geochemistry to practical >
problems in mineral exploration requires the same basic approach.
It is built upon the investigation of the average abundance of
certain elements in earth materials and of the laws that govern A
the distribution of elements and the formation of geochemical
anomalies. A thorough understanding of geochemical anomalies, *
how they form, how to find them, and how to appraise them when
they are found that is, an understanding of some of the funda- (
mental laws of geochemistry is essential in effective geochemical
This report is intended primarily as a review of the most im-
portant geochemical principles involved in the evolution of geo- *
chemical anomalies. A section has also been included on the his-
torical development and application of .geocnemical methods Of
prOSpeCting. The data Of geochemical prospecting surveys will be
reviewed only insofar as they illustrate the principles of geo- (_
chemical dispersion; detailed information on the results of geo-
chemical prospecting surveys may be found in the reviews cited ^
in Harbaugh (1953) or the literature reviewed. The methods of
chemical analysis used in geochemical prospecting are covered in

other publications. In this report only incidental reference is made

to geochemical methods of exploration for petroleum. A glossary
of terms and conversion tables for units of measurement are in-
cluded at the end of the report.
This report summarizes the results and conclusions of many
workers over a period of 20 years. The intent has been to give
full acknowledgment by reference to the literature or other nota-
tion for all ideas and data that have gone into the preparation of
this summary. Many of the concepts, however, have grown out of
personal conversations and contacts where the writer may have
adopted the ideas of others without realizing the source. In this
regard, special mention should be made of the intangible contri-
butions of W. H. Newhouse, T. S. Lovering, L. C. Huff, Helen
Cannon, H. W. Lakin, V. P. Sokoloff, F. C. Oanney, V. C. Kennedy,
J. S. Webb, and J. E. Riddell. The literature used in assembling
the data for this report includes only that published before March


Geochemical anomalies, indicative of commercially important
concentrations of elements, can be recognized only by their con-
trast with unmineralized areas. The normal abundance of an ele-
ment in any material where the equilibrium has not been upset
by the presence of a mineral deposit is commonly referred to as
"background." Background values can vary widely owing to
natural chemical and physical processes whereby certain elements
are enriched and others correspondingly impoverished. For a
general guide to the range of background values that may be ex-
pected, it is helpful to refer to data that have been compiled on
the composition of average igneous rocks, fresh water, and
terrestrial plants (table 1). The data on igneous rocks and
terrestrial plants have been obtained from published estimates.
The data in table 1 on the major element composition of fresh
river water have been taken from estimates by Conway (1942)
and Polynov (1937). Estimates for the minor constituents of fresh
water have been newly computed from individual published analy-
ses of representative river waters, as summarized in table 2. So
far as the writer is competent to judge, only the most reliable data
were selected. Because of the wide range in the reported content
of many elements in surface waters, the median value as well as the
average was computed. As Ahrens (1954) has pointed out, the
median of a series of widely scattered values may give a more sig-
nificant indication of the normal value than the arithmetic mean,

-Abundance of some dements in igneous rocks, fresh water,

and terrestrial plants

Fresh water 2 Terrestrial plants (ppm) 3

Element rocks '
(ppm) Water (micro- Residue Dry
grains per liter) (ppm) weight Ash

Aluminum __ . 81,300 700 4,800 20 800

Antimony. _ _ _ 1
5 1 7
250 160 1,100 30 1,200
Beryllium. _ ____ 6
Bismuth. ________ .2
Boron. _______ . 3 110 750 5 200
Cadmium. __ _ . .15
Calcium _ _ ... 36,300 29,600 202,700 5,000 200,000
200 5.3 36
Cobalt........... 23 4.9 33
Copper _ _. ... 70 20-70 140-480 45 4 200
Fluorine 600-900 250 1,700
Gallium _ ...... 15
Germanium ..... 7
Gold.. __._...... .005 .0033 .023
Iron.. ______ ... 50,000 510 3, £00
Lead. _______ . 16 3.4 23
65 .1 4
Magnesium _ .... 20,900 4,400 30,300 700 28,000
Manganese. 1,000 52 360
0.077-0.5 .05 .34
2.5-15 .5 20
Nickel.... _______ 80 15 ioo
Niobium __ 24
Platinum. .005
25,900 2,900 20,200 3,000 120,000
120 .4 16
Rhenium _ ______ .001
310 2 80
.09 8 55
277,200 8,000 54,500 1,500 60,000
ftjlvpT .1 .0071 .048
28,300 3,800 26,300 200 8,000
300 20 800
Sulfur.. ......... 520 5,500 37,900 500 20,000
Tantalum __ ... 2.1
Tellurium........ .0018
Thallium _ ..... 5 1.3
Tin..... ....... ._ 40
Titanium ... 4,400 25 170 ~2 80
Tungsten.. ______ 1.5-69
150 .2 8
Zinc. . ---._ 132 ~I6 ~70 4 32 4 1,300

1 Rankama and Sahama (1950, p. 39-40), except as noted.

a For sources, see table 2.
'Hutchinson (1943) except as noted; ash computed on basis of 2.5 percent average ash content ot
errestrial plants.

« Shaw (1952).
TABLE 2. Source data for abundance of elements in fresh water
Fresh water
Element of Water (micrograms per liter) Residue (ppm) ' Reference
samples Average Median 2 Range * Average Median
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Aluminum 700 4,800 Polynov (1937).
Arsenic - 37 1 <3 7 Kehoe and others (1944).
Barium. _ 27 160 120 50-300 1,100 820 Braidech and Emery (1935); Wilska (1952).
Boron. . . 51 110 80 20-lcO 750 550 Braidech and Emery (1935); Huberty and
others (1945).
Calcium ... _ 29 , 600 202 , 700 Conway (1942).
Chromium. 24 5.3 2 1-10 36 14 Braidech and Emery (1935). 3H
Cobalt. ------- 16 4.9 2.3 .82-10 33 16 . Maliuga (1945).
Copper 4 _,--_ 61 70 30 20-200 480 200 Braidech and Emery (1935); Kehoe and others
(1944). O
Copper 5,. 67 21 5 <2-33 140 34 Huff (1948) ; Vogt and Rosenqvist (1943).
404 250 200 < 100-400 1,700 1,400 U. S. Geological Survey (1952). o
Gold----.----- 23 .0033 .0014 .0001-. 0073 .023 .0096 Haber and Jaenicke (1925). O
172 510 220 40-1 , 500 3 , 500 1,£00 F. W. Clarke (1924b). : O
38 3.4 2 <l-9 23 14 Braidech and Emery (1935); Grushko and 8
Shipitsvn (1948); Huff (1948); Kehoe and
others (1940).
4,400 30,300 Conway (1942).
Manganese. 74 52 10 2-50 360 70 Braidech and Emery (1935); Harvey (1949); i
Kehoe and others (1944); Wilska (1952).
3 .05 .05 .Ol-.l .34 .34 Stock and Cucuel (1934).
NickeL ------ 44 15 4 1-13 100 27 Braidech and Emery (1935); Maliuga (1945). §
2,900 20,200 Conway (1942).
69 8 1 <1-20 55 7 de Salas (1947). o
8,000 54,500 Conway (1942). H
i i
Silver-. ------- 23 .0071 .0034 <.0001-.01 .048 .023 Haber and Jaenicke (1925). 25
3,800 26,300 Conway (1942). O
Sulfur.--. -,._- 5,500 37 , 900 Do.
3 25 ~20 170 ~140 Kaminskaia (1944).
Zinc-____ --- ~10 ~70 Huff (1948).
1 Figures for composition of mineral residue of river water are computed from data in columns 1 and 2 on the basis of 146 ppm average salinity for river water (Conway,
1 The median (or mode) is statistically .the most common value; if all the values quoted are listed in ascending order, the median is in the center of the list. to
* The figures listed represent the range after the highest and lowest 16 percent of the reported values have been omitted; they are thus analogous to a standard deviation. to
4 Determinations by spectrographic analysis. CO
5 Determinations by wet chemical analysis.

inasmuch as the distorting effect of the few excessively high values

is eliminated. A measure of the scatter is indicated in column 3
of table 2 by the range of values after the highest and lowest 16
percent have been omitted.
For most elements, the composition of residual and glacial ma-
terial will not differ greatly from the composition of the rocks from
which it was derived, so that the data on average igneous rocks
will be a first approximation of the composition of average soils.

The second, and for the purposes of this report the most sig-
nificant, phase of the science of geochemistry is the study of the
laws of equilibrium governing the distribution and migration of
elements in the earth. As Clarke (1924a, p. 10) has stated:
Each rock may be regarded, for present purposes, as a chemical system,
in which, by various agencies, chemical changes can be brought about.
Every such change implies a disturbance of equilibrium, with the ultimate
formation of a new system, which, under the new conditions, is itself stable
in turn.
Although Clarke is considering only petrogenesis, his comments
apply equally well to processes of weathering, transportation, and
sedimentation at the earth's surface.
The disturbance of equilibrium necessary in Clarke's concept
of changing chemical systems can be caused by a static change in
the temperature and pressure within a closed system or by a dy-
namic movement of material into new chemical and physical envi-
ronments. In nature, closed systems are rarely if ever found;
virtually all geologic processes involve a certain amount of move-
ment of material.
The movement of earth materials from one environment to an-
other can be conveniently visualized in terms of a partly closed
cycle, as illustrated in figure 32. Starting on the right-hand side
of the dkgram ano! moving clockwise, sedimentary rocks are pro-
gressively metamorphosed as they are subjected to increasing tem-
perature, pressure, and availability of juvenile increments from
depths, They may eventually attain a state of fluidity such that on
recrystallization they can differentiate into several kinds of igneous
rocks and hydrothernial extracts. When erosion brings the result-
ing suite or rocKs into me surnclal environment again, the com-
ponent elements are re-sorted by weathering agencies in accordance
with their relative solubility in water. A new series of sedimentary
rocks is then deposited and the cycle is closed. The diagram pre-

sented as figure 32 is, of course, highly simplified, as in reality

large parts of the cycle may be missing in any given case. It is
quite normal, for example, for sedimentary sandstone and shale
to be exposed to weathering and erosion without remelting or
even significant metamorphism.


FIGURE 32. The geochemical cycle.

The geochemical cycle consists of two major parts, one embrac-

ing the deep-seated processes of metamorphism and igneous dif-
ferentiation, and the other the surficial processes of weathering,
transportation, and sedimentation at the surface of the earth. The
horizontal division in figure 32 indicates the 'boundary between
these two sectors of the geochemical cycle. Petrologists (Holmes,
1928) and some economic geologists (Light, 1953) have referred

to deep-seated processes as "endogenetic," and surficial processes

as "exogenetic." These terms, although accurately derived and
defined, have not been generally adopted outside specialized
branches of geology. Economic geologists may refer to ores de-
posited from upward-moving fluids as "hypogene" and those
formed principally by solution and redeposition by surficial solu-
tions as "supergene." These terms also have been accepted only
ir, a specialized sense.
* In the previous literature of geochemical prospecting, the two
phases have been classified as "primary" and "secondary," re-
spectively. However, the use of these terms leads to some awkward
ambiguities. Sedimentary ores can with good reason be called pri-
mary, yet they are not of deep-seated origin; also, dispersion of
material by hydrothermal solutions from previously formed ore
deposits forms a true secondary dispersion pattern that is unre-
lated to the earth's surface. In this -report the Somewhat Unsatis-
factory terms "primary" and "secondary" are used inasmuch as
they are perhaps too deeply rooted in the literature to be changed.
The chemical environment of the primary and secondary sectors
of the geochemical cycle are entirely different. In the deep-seated
environment, temperatures and pressures are high, increasing with
depth, and free oxygen is absent; in the surficial environment,
temperatures are low, pressures are low and constant, and oxygen
is abundant. TO tills may be added the powerful catalytic effect
of organic activity at the surface of the earth, which 18 foment in
the deep-seated environment. Pairs of elements that behave simi-
larly in metamorphic and igneous processes may behave entirely
differently when they enter the SUlflCial environment-^and vice

As a result of the movement of earth materials from one chemi-

cal environment to another, each element is distributed in patterns
that reflect both the abundance of the element in the moving
material and the chemical equilibria characteristic of the local
environment. In the literature of geOChemiCal prospecting these
patterns Of distribution have come to be known as dispersion pat-
terns, a term that emphasizes the dynamic processes involved in
their formation,
Dispersion patterns may be classified aS VViWlSilJ OY
depending, respectively, On Whether tfiey were for^ea
by igneous and metamorphic processes or at the earth's
by agents of weathering, erosion, and surficial transportation. Sec-
ondary patterns have been further classified as halos, fans, and

trains, according to the characteristic shape of the pattern and

its geometrical relationship to the ore deposit or other locus of
enrichment. A halo is a nearly equidimensional dispersion pattern,
enclosing or overlying the source of material. A fan is a pattern
spreading outward in one direction from a well-defined source.
A train is a linear dispersion pattern formed by movement along
drainage channels.
Dispersion patterns in geochemical survey data appear as areas
where the abundance of an element is higher than in the surround-
ing areas. They can be the effect of special features of the envi-
ronment that cause local enrichments of the element from source
material of background composition, or of a source of material
containing a higher-than-average amount of the element. If the
enriched source is an ore deposit or is related in some way to ore-
forming processes, the resulting dispersion pattern may be of
material help in mineral exploration, and thus by definition is a
geochemical anomaly. One of the principal problems in interpret-
ing the data of geochemical surveys is distinguishing geochemical
anomalies from dispersion patterns of no economic significance.
Certain empirical parameters can be worked out that are helpful
in identifying and interpreting geochemical anomalies. These in-
volve a consideration of (1) the range of nonsignificant variations
in background, (2) the threshold between nonsignificant and
anomalous values, (3) the contrast between anomalous and back-
ground values, and (4) the homogeneity of the anomalous pattern.
Background range. Normally, the geochemical data obtained
in areas where the equilibrium has not been upset by the presence
of a mineral deposit lie statistically within a well-defined range.
An example of a background range is presented in column 3 of
table 2 for the composition of river water. Geometrical patterns
of nonsignificant variations all of which fall within the background
range will appear in geochemical survey data and can readily be
misinterpreted as geochemical anomalies if their true significance
is not recognized. Background variations are somewhat analogous
to static in a radio signal or to the "noise" of an electronic amplifier.
Threshold. If background variations may be compared with
noise in an amplifying circuit, the geochemical anomaly is the
analogue of the "signal." In interpreting the geochemical pattern
of an area containing anomalies, it is usually possible to select a
certain limiting cutoff, or "threshold" value below which the varia-
tions represent only normal background effects and above which
they have significance in terms of possible ore. For example, War-

ren, Delavault, and Irish (1952b) have reported that in interpret-

ing the copper content of conifer twigs in British Columbia, a
value of twice the average background value may be considered
"probably anomalous," that is, probably indicative of a mineralized
zone lying within reach of the root system of the tree. In their work,
the value of twice the average background is the threshold. Simi-
larly, Cannon (1957) has found in the Colorado Plateau area that
trees containing more than 1 ppm uranium on an ash basis indicate
areas that are probably mineralized. No hard-and-fast rules can
be established as to what the threshold value is likely to be in any
given area because it will depend on local geochemical factors which
are different for different areas. However, it is usually possible
to select a threshold contour suitable for the area in question by
careful appraisal of the geochemical data from that area.
Threshold, as used in this sense, is not to be confused with the
same term sometimes used in analytical chemistry, where it means
the limit of detection, or sensitivity, of an analytical method.
Contrast. Some qualitative measure of the probable signifi-
cance of an anomalous area is helpful in interpreting geochemical
data in terms of probable mineralization. One criterion for sig-
nificance of an anomaly is the geochemical relief or contrast be-
tween anomalous values and background values. This contrast may
be expressed as a ratio either of maximum to threshold, maximum
to background, or threshold to background, depending on which
figure appears to be the most significant. Because of its charac-
teristic response to factors causing enrichment or impoverishment,
each element will normally show a different and characteristic de-
gree of contrast with its background; A qualitative idea of the kind
of contrast resulting from ore-forming processes can be gained toy
considering the relative enrichment of elements in ores (table 3) .
II is reasonable to expect that elements showing a high factor of
enrichment in ores will also show a strong contrast in the associ-
ated primary anomalies. In secondary anomalies, the contrast for
each element will be a complex effect of the enrichment factor in
the ore and the factors affecting the mobility of the element in the
surncial environment.
A practical example of the importance of contrast in geochemical
prospecting was encountered in the BlacKbird colrait district of
central Idaho1. Here .the regional anomalies associated with cobal-
tite ore show a maximum arsenic and cobalt content of about 1,000
3OO ppm, respectively, as compared to thresholds of 10 and

1 Canney, F. C., and others, 1053, A preliminary report of geochemical investigations in

the Blackbird district: U.S. Geol. Survey open-nl* rept.
30 ppm. The maximum-to-threshold ratiQ. or contrast, is thus 100
for arsenic and 10 for cobalt, and the anomaly as expressed by the
arsenic pattern is statistically more significant than that expressed
by cobalt.

TABLK 3. Enrichment by ore-forming processes

Igneous rocks Workable ore ' Enrichment factor:

Metal* (ppm) (ppm) nitio (-2) to (1)
(1) (:0 (»)

Principal metals:
200 250,000 1 , 2CO
Cobalt________. _______ 23 5,000 200
70 10,000 140
Gold................. 0.005 10 2.000
Iron... ..._-_-_____--- 50.000 300,000 (i
Lead ... . ... 10 50,000 3,000
1,000 250,000 250
Mercury _____ _____._. 0.077-0.5 3,000 10,000
Molybdenum. _____ ... 2.5-15 5,000 TOO
Nickel. ------..-.. .. 80 15.000 190
O.J 500 5,000
Tin. ___.-. -_ ___.__. 40 10,000 2.;o
Tungsten.... __ .__ . 1 . 5-69 5,000 200
Vanadium. ___- _ . ... 150 25,000 160
Zinc 132 SO, 000 620

Maximum content in ore (ppm)

Byproduct metals:
Antimony. __.. . ... 1 50,000
Arsenic- .____ . _ 1 5 , 000 5,000
0.2 3 . 500 17.500
Cadmium.... . _ .1.1 1.000 7,000
Selonium. .._._.__ .... .09 200 2.000
Tellurium _ __ . .0018 2-1.000 1 3 , 000 , 000

-Ks for Or, Cu, An, Fc, I'b, Mn, Ni, AB, Sn, ami Zn from Floisclier

Homogeneity. The homogeneity of a geocheinical anomaly is a

measure of the smoothness, or absence of strong local variations, in
the distribution of the indicator element. Anomalous areas where
smooth geochemical profile curves or contours can be drawn arc
relatively homogeneous. Anomalies within which values vary er-
ratically through a wide range within short distances may be con-
sidered relatively inhomogtmeous. The homogeneity of a geochemi-

cal anomaly is a prime consideration in establishing the optimum

spacing of samples for a geoehemical survey.

Although the same basic principles of physical chemistry apply
under all conditions, the processes that dominate the migration
of elements in the depths of the earth are very different from the
principal processes that are operative under surficial conditions.
In a deep-seated environment, geoehemical processes are controlled
by the relative stability of minerals under any given set of condi-
tions of pressure, temperature, and availability of material. Ele-
ments that can enter into the crystal lattice of a stable mineral are
immobilized; those that cannot remain in a mobile state until they
reach an environment where they can be accommodated in a stable
mineral. In a general way, this rule holds true regardless of whether
the rock-forming process is regarded as primarily metamorphism,
metasomatism, or crystallization from a magma.
The effect of availability of material is such that most minerals
are stable only in the presence of an abundant supply of the com-
ponent elements. The common rock-forming minerals, therefore,
are those containing only the nine most common elements as major
constituents. These elements are, in order of decreasing abundance,
oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, mag-
nesium, and titanium. In terms of atomic abundance, hydrogen is
also a major constituent of rocks, although its relative abundance
is difficult to estimate in quantitative terms. Rare elements occur
as major constituents only in a few accessory minerals of igneous
and metamorphic rocks, principally zircon (zirconium), and mona-
zite (rare earths, phosphorus). Thus out of the 88 naturally occur-
ring elements, only 12 plus the rare earths occur as major constitu-
ents in common rock-forming minerals.
. Many of thQ remaining elements m to p1^ incorporated into
One Or more Of the common minerals iby occupying a position in the
orystai lattice that is ordinarily filled by OYiQ Of the mSJOF COM-
ponent dements, Tiiie can take place omy wnen ^e Puy»u*a ^OP-
erties of the substituting ion are within certain limits 01 mOSG 01
the ion for which it is proxying. For example, the ionic radius and
ionization potential of lead are close to those of potassium, and
therefore lead can substitute for potassium in potash feldspai'S.
similarly, zinc, copper, and cobalt can proxy for iron and mag-
nesium in amphiboly M flWOffi, aflfl Mourn m jiw *~ T
droxyl in micas. It is generally assumed that the abundance of
rare elements in minerals of this kind is proportional to their

relative abundance in the material from which the crystals were

formed. Other factors being constant, therefore, a tin-rich mica
from a pegmatite dike implies a tin-rich pegmatitic fluid.
. The constituents that cannot be accommodated in the lattice
structures of rock-forming minerals remain behind and are con-
centrated in the mobile residual fluid. A very small part may be
mechanically trapped either within the lattice or as minute films
between the crystal interfaces. The bulk of it, however, goes out
of the system. The progressive enrichment of rare elements in
the residual fluid makes possible the formation of minerals con-
taining rare elements as major constituents and accounts for the
assemblage of unusual minerals found in pegmatite and greisen.
Water, which cannot be entirely accommodated in the high-tem-
perature minerals, is continuously enriched in the residual fluids.
With decreasing temperature, the water-rich residual fluids begin
to assume the familiar properties of aqueous solutions. The hydro-
thermal vein deposits that comprise most of our base-metal sulfide
deposits are .generally believed to be precipitated at this stage in
the primary geochemical cycle. Eventually the residual fluids reach
the surface of the earth where they may either blend with the
ground water or come to the surface as springs.
Primary dispersion patterns, properly speaking, include the end
products of all the processes of metamorphism, metasomatism, and
magmatic differentiation outlined above. All phases of the process
are closely interrelated, and the chemical equilibria at one stage
will predetermine to a great extent the course of the process at
later stages. When the predetermining conditions are favorable,
ore bodies will be formed. At the same time, the formation of ore
bodies predetermines the processes and products of later fractiona-
tion. These equilibria may be reflected in easily measured chemical
characteristics of primary dispersion patterns that are formed
before, during, or after ore deposition.
Three kinds of primary dispersion patterns, or primary anom-
alies, are of particular importance in ore finding: the geochemical
province, within which the chemical composition of rocks can be
correlated with the occurrence of certain kinds of ore; dispersion
patterns formed by the movement of aqueous fluids at the time of
ore deposition; and dispersion patterns produced by movement of
gases at low temperatures.
A geochemical province, for these purposes, may be defined as
a segment of the earth's crust in which the chemical composition
is significantly different from the average. Evidence for the exist-

enoe of a geochemical province is commonly sought by studying

comparisons in the composition of igneous rocks.
In working with the major-element content of igneous rocks,
normal processes of petrogenesis may cause variations that mask
the pattern due to fundamental differences in the composition of
the parent magmas or other deep-seated fluids. A variation in the
minor-element composition of igneous rocks that are otherwise
similar, however, may provide reliable criteria for distinguishing
a true geochemical province. Here it may be presumed that igneous
rocks of similar major-element composition are the results of simi-
lar processes of petrogenesis but that the contrasts in minor-
element composition reflect an original difference in the composi-
tion of the primary materials out of which the igneous rock was
formed. Thus, if an area is found where all diabase intrusions con-
tain four times as much titanium as similar intrusions outside the
area, it is probable that the diabase magma was enriched in ti-
tanium. The area may then be considered a titanium-rich province,
at least as far as the composition of diabase is concerned.
Metallogenic provinces, or areas characterized by an unusual
abundance of ores of a particular metal, have long been recognized
by economic geologists. Examples are cited of the copper-producing
areas of the southwestern United States, and of the gold fields of
the South African Witwatersrand (Bateman, 1950, p. 319-325).
These classic examples of metallogenic provinces are defined largely
or entirely on the basis of production figures. As more data are
gathered it is becoming apparent that at least some metallogenic
provinces coincide with areas where the igneous l*oCkg 316 fliSO
enriched in the same metals; that is, an abundance of ores of a
certain kind is Simply one manifestation of a geochemical province.
Tin is an element that enters into the crystal lattice of the com-
mon igfIl OUS minerals only to a very limited extent, with the result
that if abnormally large amounts of tin WQ available in the fluids
that form the igneous rocks it will be enriched in the residual juices
from which it may be precipitated late in the igneous cycle as hy-
drothermal cassiterite. At th« sa*ne time the abundance of tin
available in the primary igneous environment will be renectea by
a higher-than-normal tin content Of certain minerals of igneous
A relationship of this kind has been reported by Ahrens and
Liefoenberg (1950) from south-West Africa, where the mica of
pegmatite dikes near till V6JnS COntainS from 10 to 100 times as
much tin as mica from similar dikes in areas where no tin minerali-
zation is known. A somewhat similar relationship has been

reported from the tin fields of Malaya and Indochina, where

Goloubinoff (1937) has reported from 100 to 2,500 ppm tin in late
igneous differentiates from this area as compared with 40 ppm
for average igneous rocks.
The same writer also reports that a suite of igneous rocks, in-
cluding pegmatite, norite, and diabase, collected from gold-bearing
districts contain from 8 to 25 times as much gold as equivalent
rocks from barren areas. A similar correlation between the nickel
content of ferromagnesian minerals in basic igneous rocks and
the tenor of nickel in associated pyrrhotite ores has been pointed
out by J. H. L. Vogt (1923).
Igneous rocks and hydrothermal extracts that are associated
in space but formed at widely separated times may be enriched in
the same suite of elements. For example, in northern Nigeria where
a niobium-thorium province has been described not only igneous
rocks of the post-Cretaceous alkaline complex but also pegmatite
dikes of probable Precambrian age all contain niobium and thorium
minerals in noteworthy quantities (Davidson, 1951). Similarly, a
boron province in southern California is indicated by the coinci-
dence of tourmaline-rich pegmatites, recent saline deposits, and
modern borate-rich thermal waters.
To the prospector, geochemical provinces may be useful as pre-
liminary guides in his selection of areas for more detailed search.
It has long been a maxim in the exploration business that "if you
are looking for elephants, go to elephant country." This could be
paraphrased in geochemical language to read: "If you are looking
for deposits of a certain element, go to a geochemical or metal-
logenic province that is enriched in that element." The traditional
prospector identifies his province on the basis of previous mineral
discoveries. This is effective, of course, only where earlier pros-
pecting activity has uncovered enough mineral occurrences to at-
tract attention. Many areas of the earth, however, are either so
remote or so heavily covered by overburden that no preliminary
prospecting of any kind has been possible. In such areas it would
be most helpful to have some simple means of selecting promising
areas. The evidence to date indicates that under favorable condi-
tions it may be possible to select favorable areas by trace analysis
of relatively few samples of igneous rocks or minerals and by in-
terpretation of the data in terms of metallogenic provinces.
Most mineral deposits are the result of deposition of material
from an aqueous fluid of some kind moving through a system of
channels in the rock. The exact nature of the fluid from which the

ore is .precipitated may be very different for different kinds of

mineralization. Under some conditions it may be an aqueous solu-
tion at relatively low temperatures; under others a water-rich
gaseous or supercritical fluid or even an aqueous magma. The
nature of the ore-forming fluid is a subject of very active investi-
gation and debate at the present time.
As the aqueous fluid passes along its system of channels, its
physical and chemical environment is constantly changing; chemi-
cal reactions take place within the fluid and between the fluid
and the wall rock of the channel in an effort to maintain equilibrium
with the environment. The most conspicuous of these reactions,
or at least the most important economically, is the creation of ore
minerals and their deposition as an ore deposit.
Alteration patterns, where the effect of the mineralizing solu-
tion is primarily the modification of the original mineral assem-
blage, have been the subject of active investigation by economic
geologists for many years, and their importance in ore finding
is well established. Alteration studies are based on mapping the
distribution of diagnostic secondary minerals that can be identi-
fied directly either in hand specimen or under the microscope.
Patterns of hydrothermally dispersed metals, however, normally
cannot be mapped without chemical analyses of the altered ma-
terial. With the recent application of rapid analytical techniques
to the study of hydrothermally modified rock, the importance of
hydrothermal dispersion patterns of metals is being recognized
as an aid both in explaining the genesis of ore deposits and in
prospecting for them.
In considering the characteristics of the dispersion patterns and
particularly the geochemical anomalies that are formed by hydro-
thermal and pneumatolytic transportation of material, the char-
acter of the fluid is perhaps not as important as the geometry of
the channels through which it flows, or the "plumbing" of the
mineralizing system. On a geometrical basis, dispersion patterns
in channels can be conveniently classified as (1) areal patterns,
resulting from widespread impregnation of a large mass of rock
by hydrothermal solutions or other fluids emanating from depth,
(2) "leakage" patterns within a well-defined system of solution
channels and (3) wall-rock patterns, where the minor-element
composition of the rock adjoining the solution channels has been
modified by hydrothermal activity.
Areal 'patterns. Areal patterns of dispersed metal may enclose
groups of deposits and thereby serve to define the boundary of
the area in which ore is likely to occur.

Gross (1950, 1952) in studying the relation of gold mineraliza-

tion to .granitic stocks in western Ontario found increasing radio-
activity of granite in the direction of the mineralized area. Chemi-
cal studies showed that with the increasing radioactivity there was
an increasing content of uranium, thorium, zirconium, silicon, and
heavy metals in the granite. He postulates that these elements were
all concentrated by movement of igneous extracts in the direction
of easiest release of pressure. The same pressure factor may have
controlled the localization of the gold ore.
An areal pattern of perhaps somewhat different origin was ob-
served in the Blackbird cobalt district of central Idaho.2 Analysis
of soil samples collected at 100-foot intervals along traverses cov-
ering a total area of about 8 square miles outlined an area at least
3 miles long and as much as 1 mile wide where the average cobalt
content is about 100 ppm as compared with a background of about
10 ppm. The threshold for the cobalt-rich area is 35 ppm. Within
the cobalt-rich area, the principal cobalt mineral in all the known
sulfide deposits is cobaltite, whereas outside the area the principal
cobalt mineral in all but one deposit is cobaltiferous arsenopyrite,
which is of no commercial value. Thus, the only likely place to look
for cobaltite deposits is within the area of cobalt-rich soils. Al-
though the mode of occurrence of the cobalt in the parent rock
from which the cobalt-rich residual soil was derived is not known,
a dissemination of hydrothermally deposited cobalt minerals in an
intricate lacework of mineralized fractures would not be incon-
sistent with the evidence.
Kimura, Fujiwara, and Yasudo (1950) describe altered vol-
canic rocks near the Sado gold mine in Japan in which the copper
and silver content apparently is an indication of gold-copper min-
eralization. Particularly, they report a high silver-copper ratio
in the rocks near some of the mines.
Leakage. Patterns of metal dispersed in the rocks and in
fracture zones over blind ore deposits have been mapped in a
number of areas. Dispersion patterns of this kind have been called
"leakage halos," following the concept that some of the metal has
"leaked" upward from the ore deposit. It is presumed, but by no
means proved, that leakage halos represent the spoor of nearly
spent mineralizing fluids moving upward after the major part of
their metallic load has been left behind. The evidence could be
applied equally well to downward-moving solutions that have not
yet reached the site of deposition.
- See footnote 1 on p. 234.

Perhaps the best example of a leakage halo over blind ore is

that reported by Levering, Sokoloff, and Morris (1948) in the Tin-
tic district of Utah. In that area complex lead-zinc-silver ore oc-
curs in limestone of Paleozoic age overlain by preore, but barren,
rhyolite. Surface studies of the rhyolite over known ore have dis-
closed areas of argillic and pyritic alteration that include the up-
rake projections of the underlying ore. The alteration halos,
however, cover so large an area as compared with the ore bodies
that they are of limited use in guiding diamond-drill exploration.
Sampling and chemical analysis of the altered rhyolite, however,
disclosed a heavy-metal anomaly that coincides closely with the
up-rake projections of one of the principal ore shoots. The writers
suggest that this anomaly corresponds to the surface trace of the
channels through which the nearly spent mineralizing solutions
escaped. Even though the rhyolite was not a favorable host for
ore deposition, enough metal was deposited along the solution chan-
nels to be detectable by trace analysis.
Another example of a leakage halo was reported by Kennedy3 in
his studies of the rocks overlying zinc ore in the Shullsburg district
of southwestern Wisconsin. Analysis of cores from four drill holes,
penetrating ore contained in a sequence of flat-lying sedimentary
rocks, showed high zinc values extending 58, 108,128-J-, and 138+
feet, respectively, into the rocks overlying the ore. In the same
holes, high iron values extended upwards for 103, 108, 128+, and
138+ feet. The somewhat erratic variations observed in the anom-
alous values over ore are interpreted as evidence that the halo was
accounted for more by small veinlets than by a homogeneous dif-
fusion of metals. Kennedy concluded that weathering of the zinc-
rich rocks comprising the leakage halo might produce zinc-rich
soils and that prospecting for ore buried 50 to 100 feet below the
surface might be possible by soil analysis.
At Johnson Camp near Willcox, Ariz., Cooper and Huff (1951)
have described a leakage halo in the fractured rock 600 feet above
the concealed Moore ore body. The ore is localized in 0116 bed Of a
moderately dipping sequence of partly silicated calcareous rocks.
Oh.ip samples of rock collected at close intervals aCrOSS OU'tcrOP
SlirfeCeS Were COmpOSited 111 Sections Of 50 feet or more. The heavy-
metal content of samples collected in this manner along & SGF16S
of profile lines showed an anomalous area similar in shape to the
hOriZOIlt&l prOleCtlOn Of tlie Ore deposit, tout displaced about 200

feet 'to one side.

Kennedy, V. C., 1949, Mineralization surrounding ore in the southwestern Wisconsin
lead-zinc district: Pa. State CoNege, unpublished thesis.

At the Amulet deposit near Noranda, Quebec, RiddeH (1950)

analyzed rock samples for heavy metal that could be extracted in
cold acid. He outlined an area of high-metal content in the rock
directly overlying two flat-dipping ore bodies. His threshold was
9 ppm of extractable metal, compared with a background of about
2 ppm. An alteration halo is also associated with the ore, but is
not related in any simple way to the geochemical anomaly and is
thought to be preore.
The above examples of leakage halos are taken from studies of
the essentially unweathered rock. In each example, the traces of
metal were presumably distributed throughout fairly large masses
of rock in intricate fracture systems, some of which were visible,
as at Johnson Camp, but most of which were either so fine or had
been resealed so tightly that they were not obvious on casual in-
spection. Also, each of these examples of leakage halos shows a
pattern crosscutting the depositional structure of the overlying
Another variety of leakage halo is in barren veins and fissure
zones over ore shoots, where presumably the ore-forming fluids
moved upward along the vein or fissure system. Here the leakage
halo occurs only within the limits of a well-defined planar struc-
ture, rather than being dispersed throughout a large volume of
rock. For example, in the Parral district of Mexico, Schmitt (1939)
reports that the distribution of silver in noncommercial veins can
be used as an indication of an ore shoot at depth. In the Santa Rita
district of New Mexico, Graf and Kerr (1950) found lead anom-
alies in Tertiary fault zones that could be correlated with ore
bodies in the underlying pre-Tertiary rocks.
Leakage halos have also been mapped by analyzing soil or vege-
tation over the geochemical anomaly in the immediately underlying
bedrock. Kennedy (1956) and Cooper and Huff (1951) mapped
soil anomalies that corresponded with observed leakage halos in
the bedrock. White and Alien (1954) found a copper anomaly in
glacial soil 75 feet above the top of a blind ore body in the Boundary
district of British Columbia. In the Austinville zinc district of
Virginia, Fulton (1950) mapped zinc anomalies in soils along the
trace of preore faults that intersect the zinc ore at depth.
Wall-rock dispersion. Several examples have been described
where traces of the ore metals are dispersed into the wall rock of
the ore body. Most of these dispersion patterns were undoubtedly
formed at the time the ore bodies were being deposited, when
juvenile mineralizing fluids provided a ready source of metals. A
few, however, may be the effect of later hydrothermal solutions

entering a preexisting ore deposit and remobilizing the constituent

: elements.
.... In the East Tintic district of Utah, Morris (1952) describes a
wall-rock halo where the copper, lead, and zinc content of the lime-
stone .country rock decays logarithmically from a maximum value
next to the ore, to background within a distance of 5 to 20 feet.
The logarithmic shape of the decay curve and the fact that the
curves for each of the three metals are different are interpreted
as evidence that the metals moved by a process of ionic diffusion
through a static solvent contained in the pore spaces of the rock.
Graf and Kerr (1950), working at Santa Rita, N. M., found
wall-rock halos of lead and zinc in fractured limestone adjoining
lead-zinc deposits, with the maximum zinc content close to the
ore and the maximum lead content farther away. They conclude
that the metal was introduced through systems of small fractures,
inasmuch as they found only negligible dispersion into unfractured
wall rock.
H. D. B. Wilson (1944) at Goldfield, Nev., reports a complex
pattern of leaching and enrichment of many of the common ele-
ments in the wall rock of gold veins, but no well-defined pattern
of dispersion of the minor elements.
Stoll (1945), in studying the minor-element content of the wall
rocks of New England pegmatite deposits, found increased con-
centrations of beryllium. He postulates that the beryllium was
added to the wall rock by solutions emanating laterally from the
main channels through which the pegmatitic liquids were flowing.
Mitcham (1952) describes envelopes of "indicator" minerals,
particularly arsenopyrite and hydrothermal chlorite around ore
shoots in the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho.
Applications. Each of the various kinds of primary anomalies
formed t>y the movement of aqueous fluids has its particular sphere
Of Usefulness in prospecting. Areal patterns will probably be most
useful in reconnaissance exploration for mineralized districts.
Leakage halos are outstanding in that they are one of the few
available indicators of deep ore 'bodies that do not come to the
surface of bedrock. Wall-rock halos are likely to be most useful
in underground exploration, where it would be helpful to kllOW
whether or not the end of a crosscut or drill hole is within a short
distance of ore. Morris (1952), in fact, describes an example of a
crosscut ending: in limestone wOaere tiie KJ<?1tfVl Wltf/Ont WfllS WCll

afeve Mclcgrouno1^; later extension of the crosscut broke into a new

ore body within 10 feet.

A few of the components of the earth's crust move at low tem-
peratures as gases through the pore spaces of rocks and soils from
which they escape directly into the atmosphere. Movement of this
kind depends on the existence of continuous open channels through
which the gas can move without hindrance. Near the surface the
flow of gas may be modified by changes in barometric pressure,
causing alternating inward and outward movement or "breathing."
Gaseous dispersion patterns may be detected either by direct
analysis of the gas itself, or under some conditions by analyzing
the material through which the gas has passed for products of
It is claimed that volatile hydrocarbons may escape from oil
reservoirs through the overlying rocks and pass by way of the
soil into the air. This possibility is the basis for many of the
geochemical methods of exploration for petroleum, where soil or
soil air is systematically sampled and analyzed for traces of certain
diagnostic hydrocarbon compounds. Hydrocarbon anomalies may
be thought of as very weak oil seeps, so weak that the deposition of
material at the surface cannot be recognized without chemical
analysis. Although geochemical methods of locating petroleum are
the subject of a very extensive literature, their general effective-
ness is a matter of considerable difference of opinion among oil
men. A full discussion of these problems is beyond the scope of
this report.
The nuclear decay of certain radioactive elements results in the
generation of noble gases. Radon and helium are produced from the
disintegration of uranium, and thoron and helium from thorium.
Similarly, argon is produced by the decay of the K40 isotope of
potassium. Under favorable conditions these may travel substan-
tial distances from the source to form patterns that are helpful in
prospecting for the parent elements. Arndt and Kuroda (1953)
found a significant radon content of stream waters draining the
uraniferous black shale beds of Arkansas. They also report a high
radon content of spring water emanating from a uranium-bearing
syenite. Inasmuch as the noble gases are chemically unreactive,
they cannot have any chemical effect on the matrix through which
they travel and tend to escape into the atmosphere by the shortest
possible route. It has been estimated that radioactive spring water
loses 41 percent of its radon to the atmosphere in the first 4 feet
of surface flow. Radon and thoron, however, decay through a series
of intermediate radioactive products including isotopes of po-
lonium, lead, and bismuth. Conceivably dispersion patterns formed

by the radioactive daughter products of radon and thoron could

be detected and measured by systematic studies of soils and waters.
Of the nonradioactive ore metals, mercury is the only one whose
gaseous dispersion patterns have been given any serious thought
as an aid in prospecting. At the Khpek mercury mine in Russia,
Saukov (1946) describes a zone of mercury-rich shale and sand-
stone 2,000 meters wide embracing all the known occurrences of
mercury in that vicinity. From a consideration of the vapor pres-
sure of mercury occurring in mercury minerals, he interprets the
pattern as the effect of gaseous dispersion of mercury from the
primary deposits into the porous country rock.
Like leakage halos, the patterns formed by gaseous dispersion
can provide an indication of buried ore that does not come to the
surface of bedrock. Its usefulness in prospecting, however, is lim-
ited to the very few materials that are either volatile or that
give off a volatile product, particularly petroleum, mercury, and


The physical and chemical environment of the earth's surface
differs in almost every respect from that prevailing at depth where
igneous and metamorphic rocks with their associated mineral de-
posits are formed. Minerals that are stable under deep-seated con-
ditions are decomposed in the new environment, and a new suite
of stable materials is formed. A complex series of new physical,
Chemical, and biological equilibria arises, beginning with the initial
disintegration of the primary rocks and ending ultimately with the
deposition of a fresh sequence of sedimentary rocks.
A radical change in the habits of movement of the elements re-
sults from this Change in the physical and Chemical environment.
The factors affecting the relative mobility of elements Under deep-
Seated Conditions are no longer operative, and the scene is dom-
inated by a completely new set of influences. A few elements, SUcK
as cobalt, that were originally immobilized by incorporation into
high-temperature minerals, Ibecome relatively imolbile under sur-fi-

cial conditions; for a few others, such as silicon, the reverse rela-
tionship holds, In general, there is no immediately obvious correia
tion between the mobility of elements in the primary and in the
secondary geochemical cycles.
The mobility Of element in the surficial environment and the
factor* governing it are of particular importance in geochemical
prospecting. The characteristic behavior of elements released by

the weathering of mineral deposits determines the nature of the

resulting dispersion patterns and geochemical anomalies. An under-
standing of the principles controlling mobility is necessary if the
geochemical surveys are to be planned intelligently and the result-
ing anomalies interpreted accurately.
Mobility, or the ease and speed with which material moves, is the
resultant of a vast complex of physical, chemical, and biological
factors. The most important of these factors will be reviewed.
Inasmuch as the net effect of all these factors acting at once can-
not be computed on a quantitative basis, some empirical estimates
of the relative mobility of the important elements in the surficial
environment will be given.
Gravity is the dominant force causing nongaseous material to
move on the surface of the earth. Gravity, however, is opposed by
the forces of friction, which must be overcome before movement
can take place. In solid dry aggregates, the frictional force is high,
but with the addition of moisture the system may become lubri-
cated to a point where movement can begin. Depending on the
composition and structure of the solid aggregate, movement takes
the form of landslides, slumping, mudflows, or other commonly
observed phenomena. Where the material moving under the influ-
ence of gravity is largely aqueous, the frictional force arises out
of surface attraction and drag against the solid sides of the chan-
nel. In a rock where the moisture is held in minute fractures, the
effect of gravity may be negligible compared with the forces tend-
ing to hold the water molecules in place. In a moderately permeable
soil, the gravity movement is slow but measurable. In the open
channels of streams and rivers gravity flow is relatively free, and
movement for great distances can take place in a relatively short
These elementary considerations lead to a conclusion of prime
importance in evaluating the mobility of elements in the surficial
environment: inasmuch as water can move more freely than any
other material on the earth's surface, an equivalent mobility is
imparted to anything carried by the water. Materials that travel
in solution or colloidal suspension in the water have the highest
mobility. Material occurring as fragments swept along or lubri-
cated by water have a lower mobility. Materials that are moved
by water only rarely have the lowest mobility. Mobility, therefore,
is almost synonymous with the tendency of a material to be stable
in aqueous solutions or suspensions.
In addition to gravity and the forces impeding its action, some
other physical forces play an important role in the movement of
material under some conditions. Capillarity can move solutions
through the fine pore spaces of soils against the force of gravity.
If moisture is removed from the upper part of the capillary fringe
by evaporation or plant growth, a substantial volume of water
can be moved by capillary forces.
Diffusion through a static aqueous system can move ions in the
direction of decreasing ion concentration. In a fine-grained crystal-
line matrix, ions can also move along the surface of mineral parti-
cles and migrate from one particle to another even when the pore
spaces between particles are empty.
The action of ice and frost as a transporting agent will be re-
viewed in later sections. The action of wind is of little economic
importance in the dispersion of the weathering products of ore
It has been shown how water responding to the force of gravity
is the dominant agent of physical transport on the earth's surface.
Anything that can be carried by water is mobile, and material that
cannot is relatively immobile. Water also dominates all chemical
reactions in the surficial environment. It is the solvent within which
virtually all the chemical reactions on the surface of the earth take
place, Without water the effect of oxygen and carbon dioxide would
be negligible, and biological processes would be impossible.
The unique catalytic effect that water has on chemical reactions
stems from its capacity to dissociate soluble inorganic compounds
into their component ions; that is, to break some of the bonds hold-
ing the compounds together. All chemical changes involve the
breaking Of bonds. At elevated temperatures, bonds are broken by
thermal agitation Of the atoms within the molecule, and chemical
reactions Can then proceed quickly to equilibrium. At atmospKeHC
temperatures, however, broken bonds can exist and reactlOnS PfO-
CCed Only Under the influence Of a powerful catalytic agent such
as water.
Because of the dominant importance of water as a catalyst m
all Chemical reactions «,t «xe surf ae<a of tKe earth, some of the prop-
erties of aqueous solutions should be reviewed, The properties ox
ionic Solutions Of mOSt Importance in understanding the formation
Of Secondary geochemical -anomalies are hydrogen-ion concentra-
tion, solubility of salts, coprecipitation, sorptkffl, OXldatiOll poten-
tial, and the formation of complex ions and organic compounds.

Hydrogen-ion concentration. The relative acidity or alkalinity

of an aqueous solution may be quantitatively expressed in terms
of the concentration of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions in solution. Pure
water under standard conditions is neutral; that is, it has an equal
concentration (10-7 moles per liter) of both hydrogen and hydroxyl
ions. A 1 N acid contains approximately 1 mole per liter of hydro-
gen ions, and by virtue of the dissociation constant of water
contains at the same time KH4 moles of hydroxyl ions; the reverse
holds for a 1 N solution of a base. It is customary to express acidity
in terms of the negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion concentra-
tion; a value known as the pH. Thus under idealized conditions a
neutral solution has a pH of 7.0, a 1 AT" acid has a pH of 0, and a
1 N base, 14.
The pH of a solution may be measured quantitatively by deter-
mining the electrical potential developed between a special electri-
cally conducting glass electrode and a reference electrode when
both are immersed in the same solution. Portable pH meters em-
ploying this principle are best suited for the measurement of the
pH of natural waters. The pH may also be measured by means of
colored indicator reagents, marketed either as solutions or as im-
pregnated papers. Colorimetric pH determinations, however, ap-
parently cannot be depended upon for weakly buffered natural
The pH of a soil is denned as the pH of an aqueous mud prepared
by adding distilled water to the soil (Lepper, 1950, p. 44). A simi-
lar measurement can be made for pure minerals by pulverizing the
mineral grains in pure water -and testing the pH of the resulting
suspension (Stevens and Carron, 1948).
The normal pH of surface waters ranges, from about 4.5 to 8.5,
and most of the chemical reactions in the weathering cycle take
place within this range. The outstanding exception to this rule is
the oxidation of pyrite and marcasite, where the free sulfuric acid
formed creates local conditions of extreme acidity. The normal
range of pH for soils lies between 4.0 and 9.0.
The solubility of most elements and the stability of their com-
pounds is extremely sensitive to the pH of the aqueous environ-
ment. Only a few elements, among which are the alkali metals
(such as sodium and potassium), and some of the elements forming
acid radicals (such as nitrate and chloride), are normally soluble
as dissociated ions throughout the pH range. Most metallic. ele-
ments are soluble as cations in acid solutions but tend to be pre-
cipitated as hydroxides or basic salts with increasing pH. Table 4
gives the general order in which ions of some of the important

metals begin to be precipitated from aqueous solutions as the pH

is increased. As the pH is further increased some of these again
become soluble as complex anions, such as the zincate, aluminate,
and chromate radicals. Some other elements, notably silicon, are
soluble in water only as complex anions in alkaline solutions. The
simple relationships described above apply only in the absence of
ions that form insoluble precipitates or soluble complex ions with
any of the other components of the system. The figures given in
table 4, therefore, indicate only trends and tendencies; in natural
solutions of a wide diversity of composition, marked deviations
from these rules may be noted on occasion.

TABLE 4. pH of hydrolysis of inelals from aqueous solutions an

hydroxide or basic salt
[From Britton (1942, v. 2, p. 79); the concentration of metal salts in the solutions used falls
within the range from 0.025 M to 0.0025 M]

fc3* > H-$fc.

Element pH Element '.'. PH Element pH

Magnesium __ __ 10.5 Cobalt......... 6.8 4.1

Silver........... 7.5-8.0 6.8 IVFprm i rni i Q 0

Manganous..._._ 8.5-8.8 Cadmium. .... 6.7 Thorium 3.5

Lanthanum _ 8.4 Nickel .....___. 6.7 Q A
Cerous.. . ... 7.4 6.0 9 7
Mercuric (Cl)___ 7.3 Beryllium.. ... 5.7 Mercuric (N03). 0
Praseodymium .. 7.1 Ferrous . _ ... 5.5 2
Neodymium 7.0 Cupric ... . 5.3 Zirconium------ 2
Zinc.... .. 7.0 5.3 Ferric___ ..-- 2
6.8 4.2

The strong acids evolved by the oxidation of pyrite or marcasite

not only have a strong corrosive effect on other ore minerals and
on the waii rocks but also can stabilize most of the ore metals as
simple soluble cations. As the acidity of these solutions is reduced
by Chemical reactions and by dilution, the metals tend to precipi-
tate in the order of increasing pH Of hydrolysis, as shown in table 4.
In normal soils, the pH of the soil has a profound effect on the
rate at which the components are either leached or accumulated.
This r^tio^Hip has been the subject of intensive study by agri-
cultural Scientists, Who are concerned with the availability Of min-
eral nutrients to crops. Availability of an element is a function of
its solubility, which in turn is rented to FH. m some experiments
it has been found that optimum availability of a nutrient element
occurs in a soil where the pH is near the pH of hydrolysis. In the
acid range where the element is readily soluble, leaching may have
reduced the content of the element below a healthy nutrient status;

in the range where the element has been rendered insoluble by

hydrolysis, the available fraction may also be too low.
A few of the experimental results of agricultural research might
profitably be compared with the idealized data of table 4. Trenel
(1946) reports that a soil pH below 5 causes the solubility of toxic
aluminum. Knowles (1945) finds that adding lime to a soil in-
creases the pH from 6.2 to 7.3 and reduces the content of exchange-
able (soluble) zinc by a factor of 30. Lott (1938) reports that the
upper pH limit of zinc toxicity in his soils is 6.0. Peech (1941)
observed that only a very small fraction of the exchangeable cop-
per in soils could be removed by leaching with solutions of pH 6
and above; the same effect for zinc was observed at pH 7.5, and
for manganese at pH 7. Lucas (1948) conducted experiments that
indicated a precipitation of copper hydroxide in soils where the
pH is greater than 4.7.
Throughout these experiments with soils, the limiting pH of
solubility of the metals in natural solutions obviously departs some-
what from the values quoted in table 4, which are based on experi-
mental solutions of known composition. The values illustrate the
intimate relationship existing in nature between solubility and the
pH of the solution, however.
Solubility of salts. The ability of an ion to remain in an aque-
ous solution is limited by the solubility of the salts it forms with
ions of opposite charge present in the same solution. The precipi-
tating effect of the hydroxyl ion has already been discussed in
considering the pH of solutions. Other anions commonly present
in natural solutions are carbonate, chloride, and sulfate. The metal
content of saturated aqueous solutions of some salts that occur
in nature as secondary minerals is given in table 5.
In dealing with laboratory solutions of known composition it
is helpful to visualize the solubility of an inorganic precipitate in
terms of a function known as the solubility product. At a specified
temperature and pressure, the solubility product is equal to
[M~]x[N^\y where [M] and [AT] are the ion concentrations in moles
per liter in a saturated solution of the solid MXNV. For example,
the solubility product of CaF2 (fluorite) is [Ca++] [F~2] and is nu-
merically equal to 3.9 X 10"11. The solubility product rule tells us
that a salt may be precipitated from a saturated solution by in-
creasing the concentration of any of the participating ions. Con-
versely, a salt can dissolve in any solution where the product of
the concentrations of the common ions is numerically less than
tht solubility product constant.

" Except as noted, the data of table 5 are for solubility in water
at a pH of 7, The solubilities of the salts of weak acids, such as
fluorides, carbonates, and phosphates, commonly increase with de-
creasing pH. Also, the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the*
water will modify the solubility of carbonates. Because of the;
wide variations in the pH and carbon dioxide content of natural
waters, absolute values for solubility cannot be assigned. The data
of table 5 are intended only to give a qualitative idea of the general
order of magnitude of mineral solubilities.

TABLE 5. Solubility of salts occurring in nature as secondary minerals

Composition of
Salt Equivalent mineral saturated aqueous Temperature
solution ' (ppm) (°C)

AgCL .............. . Cerargyrite Ag+ 1.46 25

BaS04 --- --- -. Ba+ 2 1.3 25
CaF»..-.. ....-... _...-.- Fluorite. _ _. . -- F- 8 18
CaSO4 -2H2O.. _________ Gypsum _ sor2 ii4o 18
CuCOs Cu(OH),.....-.. Malachite __ _ Cu+ 2 2 12 20
2CuCO,-Cu(OH)'j . .... Gu+2 s 7 20
FbCO,__ ____-.____-._ Pb+2 1.3 18
PbSO«._... ...... Pb+2 27 18
FhCKPOOi- -- Pb+2 -4 .03 37.5
ZnCO, --____-____-- Smithsonite Zn +2 107 18

1 Unless otherwise specified, figures are for solubility in pure neutral water taken from data assembled
by SeideU (1940).
2 In presence of 0.29 g COz per liter.
»In presence of 0.34 g COz per liter.
«Computed from solubility product value of IQ-"' 115 determined by Jowett and Price (Iyo2). ^
pH 5.0, solubility of pyromorphite is O.G ppm.

In nature, the formation of moat 0£ the minerals listed in table

5 appears to be limited to very Special environmental conditions
where Kigh concentrations of the reacting ions are being intro-
duced into the syste«x from a local enriched source. Outstanding
among these special conditions is t,w environment of an oxidizing
sulfide deposit. The local abundance of both le^a. ^ gujfate ions
produced by the oxidation of galena and other SUlfide mm^^
very commonly exceeds the solubility product Of lead sulfate, Wlwl
the ensuing formation of anglesite. Cerargyrite forms by the re-
action of abundant silver ions with the chloride naturally present
in ground waters; gypsum precipitates where abundant sulfate
reacts with the lime dissolved in normal waters. Similarly, smith-
sonite, witherite, copper carbonates, wulfenite, and many other'

minerals are precipitated from aqueous solutions near the/site

of oxidizing sulfide minerals, where the concentrations of the com-
ponent ions is relatively high. Minerals of this kind will not .be
formed, of course, if the precipitates take the form of colloidal
dispersions that are removed with the circulating ground water,
as is commonly observed with the precipitation of iron oxide and
silica (Moore and Maynard, 1929). . ;
The breakdown of simple compounds in the surficial environment
is also governed by the abundance of component ions in the solvent
solution. Many secondary minerals that are stable in the presence
of the acid, metal-rich, and sulfate-rich solutions characteristic.of
the environment of an oxidizing sulfide deposit redissolve when
they come in contact with normal solutions. Secondary zinc min-
erals can survive only when they are fairly close to an active source
of zinc; they will begin to redissolve as soon as the protective effect
of zinc-rich solutions is removed.
In general, computed or experimentally determined solubilities
of common secondary minerals containing the ore metals are very
greatly in excess of observed concentrations of those metals in
natural waters from unmineralized areas: It is possible that the
identity of the most stable (least soluble) mineral of a given ele-
ment in an unmineralized environment may not be known. Pyro-
morphite, for example, is not generally regarded as a common
secondary mineral. The very low solubility of pyromorphite as com-
pared with the more familiar oxidized lead minerals (table 5) indi-
cates that it may be the mineral responsible for the immobilization
of lead in soils and sediments. Perhaps other highly insoluble
minerals, as yet unrecognized, are the hosts for traces of many
other metals in soils.
Coprecipitation. It is common to find that minerals precipi-
tated from natural solutions will contain traces of many other
elements in addition to the major components. Limonite may con-
tain substantial amounts of arsenic, copper, and cobalt. Manganese
oxides may carry barium, cobalt, and a long list of other minor
elements. Barite precipitated from thermal spring water may con-
tain significant concentrations of radium. The precipitating min-
eral iii each case "scavenges" traces of certain elements from the
solution in which it forms and incorporates them into its crystal
lattice. For this to take place it is necessary that the physical prop-
erties of the scavenged ion the ionic radius and ionic potential
lie within limits where it can readily substitute for ions of the
major constituents in the lattice of the newly formed mineral; The
ionic'properties of radium are so nearly identical with ^those of

barium, for example, that radium ions are quantitatively removed

from solution by coprecipitation with barium sulfate, even though
the concentration of radium ions is well below the limits of solu-
bility set by the solubility product of radium sulfate.
Exotic ions may also be mechanically trapped, or occluded, within
the body of the host crystal without necessarily occupying a sys-
tematic position in the crystal lattice. Simple occlusion, however,
does not normally result in a quantitative removal of the foreign
ions from the solution.
Adsorption. Wherever ionic solutions are in contact with solid
particles, forces of attraction are active that tend to bind the
ions to the surface of the particle. The attractive force is the effect
of the unsatisfied electrical charges or broken bonds on the rup-
tured surface of the mineral. The strength of the bond will depend
on the magnitude of the surface charge and on the properties of
the ion species and will be different for different ions. Also, the
number of available bonds and hence the "exchange capacity,"
or the total number of ions that can be held by adsorption, varies
with the grain size and crystal lattice of the mineral. Clay minerals
and organic matter have the greatest exchange capacity, so that
adsorption becomes of greatest importance in dealing with soils
and fine-grained sediments that are especially rich in these ma-
terials. A measurable amount of adsorption takes place on the
surfaces of all minerals, even the rock-forming silicate minerals
(Sullivan, 1907). The surfaces of the root tips of plants have a
particularly high exchange capacity, which assists materially in
the uptake of mineral nutrients (Williams and Coleman, 1950).
Ions held by surface forces are in a state of active equilibrium
with the solutions in which they are immersed. A change in the
ionic content of the solutions will be reflected in a change in the
ratio of adsorbed ions. In a very real sense, therefore, the adsorbed
ions are still part of the aqueous system, even though they may be
temporarily restricted in their movement. Adsorbed ions, by vir-
tue of their mobility, can move through the adsorbing matrix by
traveling along the surface of a particle and then jumping the
DarrOW gap tO an adjoining particle Without necessarily freeing
themselves of the attractive forces at the surface of the particles
(Jenny and Overstreet, 1939).
The Strength Of <the t»0nd holding the ion to the surface of a.

particle is different for different ion species. The common cations

kave been arranged in a series Of decreasing exchangeability, as
Li> Na> K NH4 > Rb> Cs> Mg> Ca> Ba> H

In this series, lithium has the weakest bond and hydrogen tlie
strongest. Thus, ions to the left in the series will tend to give up
their exchange positions to ions on the right. The pH of a soil is
effectively a measure of the abundance of exchangeable hydrogen
ions. Inasmuch as exchange reactions obey the law of mass action,
increasing the concentration of an ion in the solution can effect
replacement of substantial amounts of more tightly held ions. As
Grim (1953, p. 144) has pointed out, there is "no single universal
replaceability series. The series vary depending on the experimen-
tal conditions, on the cations involved, and on the kind of clay ma-
Most field studies of adsorption and exchange capacity have
been carried out by agricultural scientists, who were interested
primarily in the nutrient status of soils. Ions held by adsorptive
forces are as available for plant nutrition as ions in solution, and
hence the exchange capacity of a soil becomes an extremely im-
portant factor in fertility. Exchange capacity is commonly ex-
pressed in terms of milliequivalents per 100 cc of oven-dry soil,
and commonly ranges from 1 or less for sandy soils to 150 for
some clay soils. Cation exchange capacity is generally determined
by saturating the soil with ammonium or barium ions and deter-
mining the amount held at pH 7 (Grim, 1953, p. 155; Lepper, 1950,
P. 41).
Absorption. Under certain conditions, ions can enter the open
lattice structure of some minerals and either occupy a void of the
appropriate size or replace an ion already present. This phe-
nomenon is observed most frequently with clay minerals of the
montmorillonite group. These minerals are characterized by a
relatively open lattice structure that contains passageways
through wnich ions can enter both the spaces between the lattice
layers and the layered structures themselves. The slow modification
of montmorillonite to "illite" under surficial conditions is visualized
as the absorption of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and
other cations into the relatively open spaces between the layers
where they take up stable positions. In one laboratory experi-
ment, montmorillonite and kaolinite were dried with K2Si03.
X-ray studies of the product showed "illite" crystal structures had
been formed in the montmorillonite sample, whereas the kaoli-
nite was unaltered (Mortland and Gieseking, 1951). Experi-
ments in which montmorillonite is treated with aqueous zinc
chloride solution show that a substantial part of the zinc ions is
absorbed in a nonexchangeable form. This is interpreted as the
absorption of Zn+2 ions into voids within the oxygen tetrahedra

of the aluminosilicate lattice (Elgabaly, 1950). It is probable

that many other minerals in addition to montmorillonite have
the property of absorbing ions to a greater or less extent.
Absorption is most commonly shown by an increase of non-
exchangeable ions in a mineral at the expense of exchangeable
ions. It is, therefore, to a certain extent an empirical concept,
as the content of exchangeable ions varies with the leaching
reagents used in effecting their removal. Probably no clear-cut
distinction is possible between absorbed and adsorbed ions, in-
asmuch as the exchangeability depends on the strength of the
bonds that hold the ions to any given position on or within the
lattice. For this reason, many workers prefer to consider the two
phenomena under the general concept of "sorption."
Oxidation potential. One of the outstanding characteristics of
the environment of weathering is the abundance of free oxygen,
as compared with the relative deficiency of oxygen in the en-
vironment where igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed.
Many minerals that are stable under deep-seated conditions be-
come unstable and break down under the influence of atmospheric
The reason for the potency of oxygen to stimulate chemical
reactions is its capacity to increase the positive valence state of
many ions. Sulfides will tend to react with oxygen-rich waters to
form sulfates, and ferrous iron will change to ferric iron. Simi-
lar reactions can take place in nature with manganese, copper,
vanadium, uranium, and a host of other minor elements (Shcher-
bina, 1950).
The opposite of oxidation is reduction, in which the positive
valence of certain component ions in the system is decreased. Re-
ducing conditions can arise as a result of organic activity, where
the oxygen has been consumed and an abundance of carbona-
ceous matter has accumulated. Reactions here are the reverse of
those where oxidizing waters come into contact with unweathered
rocks; sulfates are again reduced to sulfides, and Fe+3 is trans-
formed to Fe+2.
Oxidation, or the increase of r>*^ -«ience or an ion, is a
vro*^^ r^ovmg electrons from an ion. The oxidation of Fe+2
to Fe+3 is basically the removal of one electron from the shell of an
ion, and the oxidation of S~* to S+e is the removal of eight elec-
trons. Not only oxygen but ^y substance, such as chlorine or
fluorine, that has the Capacity to remove electrons from other
ions is an oxidizing agent. From a consideration of the electronic
nature of oxidation, it is seen that in a relatively oxidized sys-

.tern, the "electron escaping tendency" is greater than in a less-

oxidized system. The relative freedom of the electrons can be
measured by bringing a nonreactive conducting metal, such as
platinum, into contact with the solution and measuring the elec-
trical potential between the metallic electrode and a hydrogen
electrode. This measurement is called Eh, and has been found
to be a useful indication of the degree of oxidation of a solution
(ZoBell, 1946; Castano and Garrels, 1950; Krumbein and Gar-
rels, 1952; Garrels, 1954). . . : .
When the Eh of an aqueous solution is raised above a certain
limiting value, the water decomposes with the evolution of ele-
mental oxygen. If it is lowered below another limiting value, a
decomposition to elemental hydrogen results. These two limits
restrict the range of oxidation potentials that are stable in natu-
ral aqueous solutions, and all oxidation and reductions at the
earth's surface occur within this range.
The Eh at which most oxidation or reduction reactions take
place varies with the pH of the solution. Except for a few reac-
tions that are essentially independent of pH, increasing the pH
of the system decreases the Eh at which the oxidation reaction
can occur (Mason, 1952, p. 144). That is, making a solution more
alkaline can cause the oxidation of many ions. Thus ferrous iron
may be stable in relatively acid water even in the presence.of
abundant oxygen; if this water enters a basin where conditions
are relatively alkaline, the Fe+2 may be oxidized to Fe+3 and be
precipitated as ferric hydroxide. The Mn+2 ion is similarly stable
in acid water, but with increasing pH is oxidized to Mn+4 which
immediately hydrolyses to Mn02, pyrolusite. In acid solutions,
Mn02 lies outside the stability limits set by. the Eh>of decompo-
sition of water. Thus the presence of pyrolusite indicates that the
pH of the aqueous environment in which it is formed may have
been relatively alkaline.
Oxidation or reduction completely changes the species of ions
.involved in the reactions. In this respect, oxidation potential is
different from the properties of ionic solutions already consid-
ered, where the ions retain their inherent properties, through-
out the various reactions and equilibria. In simple chemical jr,e-
actions, the Fe+3 ion has no more similarity to, the F!e+2 ion than
it does to ions of magnesium or copper. Ions of- each oxidation
state form their characteristic dispersion patterns in the sur-
ficial environment and have their own retinue of associated ele-
ments. Under the same set of conditions, an ion .of one oxida-
tion state may be readily soluble, whereas in another oxidation

state it may form extremely insoluble compounds. Oxidation or

reduction, therefore, can cause almost quantitative precipita-
tion of the reacting element. Evidence of this can be seen in
the precipitation of bog manganese ores and of metallic sulfides
in organic muds and shales.
An intimate association of organic activity with many oxi-
dation and reduction reactions has been noted. Biological pro-
CCSSes have received particular attention in considering the mode
of precipitation of sedimentary iron and manganese oxides, and
in the reduction of sulfates to elemental sulfur. There is no ques-
tion that living processes can have -a strong catalytic effect on
speeding oxidation or reduction; however, they can influence
only the rate of reaction. The reactions that are possible and
the compounds that can be formed are restricted to those con-
sistent with the Eh of the environment.
Inorganic complexes. Any ion which contains several atoms,
such as the sulf ate ion, is a complex ion. Complex ions are more
commonly thought of as combinations of simple ions, either
with a neutral compound or with another ion. Examples are the
formation of Cu(NH3 ) 2+ and Cu(CN) 2- from Cu+. The new ion-
ized compounds can have completely different properties than the
original ions from which they were formed. The formation of in-
organic complex ions, therefore, like oxidation and reduction re-
actions, effectively changes the species of ion and thus may
modify the dispersion patterns that are formed in the surficial
environment. An example of a complexing agent familiar to
every mining man is cyanide, which is used to dissolve native
gold from gold ore. The gold cyanide complex has chemical
properties that bear no resemblance to those of the simple gold
In the laboratory, extensive work has been done with the
complexing effects of water, ammonia, flttd lOnS Of CyEnlde, ChlOI*-
ide, hydroxide, and sulfide. Very little is known, however, about
the part played by complexing .agents in nature, other than
that they are probably extremely important factors in keep-
ing Certain elements in soluble form when by all the simple rules
tl)?y^?^vll<i be ^soluble. Some evidence for the existence Of
(CllOH) f, (ZHOHr, ailti (ZnClJr ions has been obtained m t**e

course of studies on exchange equilibria in Soils (BrOWn, 1950!

Bower and Truog, 1940). It is probable -that chloride also forms
soluble complexes with copper and 5J]yer and that under S0me
conditions sulfide forms similar soluble complexes with many

Organic compounds. Simple ions can also combine with some

naturally occurring organic compounds to form so-called
"metallo-organic complexes." Two principal kinds of compounds of
this kind have received particular attention: the porphyrins, and
soluble salts of organic acids.
Familiar examples of porphyrins in living organisms are the
chlorophyll of plants with its magnesium and the hemoglobin of
red-blooded animals with its iron. Porphyrin complexes with
vanadium, nickel, copper, and many other metals have been
identified in petroleum (Scott, Collins, and Hodgson, 1954).
Similar compounds are probably present in all carbonaceous rocks
containing enrichments of germanium, arsenic, vanadium, co-
balt, beryllium, silver, gold, and nickel (Haberlandt, 1944). The
latter writer found a gallium-porphyrin in calcite, which was
proved to be spectroscopically identical with the synthetic ma-
Many metals form soluble but undissociated compounds with
organic acids. A common effect of the formation of organic salts,
therefore, is to sequester the metallic ion so that although it
remains in the solution it is not available for chemical reaction.
An organic sequestering agent commonly used in the analytical
laboratory is a solution containing citrate, which forms a non-
ionizing complex with iron under conditions where iron would
ordinarily precipitate as ferric hydroxide. Organic acids have
been reported as effective solvents for rock-forming minerals
(Fetzer, 1946), possibly by the formation of soluble salts with
the organic acid radicals. In soils, laboratory studies have
shown that a great number of organic acids are capable either
of "solubilizing" the otherwise insoluble mineral constituents or
of preventing their precipitation from solution (Mandl, Grauer,
and Neuberg, 1953). The organic acids used in this experiment
are all thought to be present in natural soils.
Undoubtedly, therefore, porphyrins, salts of organic acids, and
possibly other organic compounds containing metals as part of
their molecular structure play a significant role in the move-
ment of metals in the surficial environment. Some of these com-
pounds may be soluble, and some are probably insoluble. It has
been observed, for example, that organic matter is effective in
decreasing the availability of zinc for plant nutrition, possibly
by the formation of insoluble organic zinc compounds. The for-
mation of metallo-organic compounds is considered responsible
for the mobilization of lead in the zone of secondary enrich-
ment in the Breckenridge district, Colorado (Lovering, 1934).

Beyond a number, of- empirical observations of this kind, how-

'ever, the nature of the compounds actually formed under natural
conditions is largely conjectural.
1 Colloidal solutions. A colloidal solution, or sol, consists of a
liquid medium containing dispersed solid particles larger than
simple molecules, but too small to be resolved by the ordinary
microscope. As so denned, the size range of colloids lies be-
tween SOOm/i and lm/i (Im/x, or 1 millimicron, is 0.000001 mm).
Because of the extremely small size of colloidal particles, their
movement in the liquid medium is governed more by their elec-
trical surface charges than by gravity. As a result, suspended
material of colloidal dimensions will not settle out of the liquid
medium by the simple action of gravity, but will remain in sus-
pension and move with the liquid in the same manner as true
Water is the common dispersion medium in nature. Colloidal
solutions can form in the zone of weathering where material
is : chemically precipitated from true aqueous solutions, but for
one reason or another cannot grow into large aggregates or crys-
tals. Hydrated silica, alumina, and iron oxide precipitated during
weathering may, under proper conditions, be dispersed as sub-
microscopic particles in a colloidal solution. Very finely divided
.clay minerals may also be held in colloidal suspensions. In this
state, these constituents can be carried out of the system with
the, circulating water and do not remain behind with the other
insoluble products of weathering.
Colloidal particles may be aggregated and precipitated by
changing, the concentration of electrolytes in the dispersion med-
ium, This effect, however, may be offset by the presence of
certain stabilizing agents, particularly organic matter, that ap-
parently can inhibit the aggregation of colloidal particles (Moore
and Maynard, 1929).
About all that is positively known of the part played by col-
loids in the surfioial . environment is that substantial quantities
of colloidal material are moved in ground and surface waters,
and that they are precipitated on coming into COntact with tuG
salt water of the ocean.

. The metabolic processes of living micro-organisms Kave an im-

portant part to play in the dispersion of elements in the sur-
Mal environment, Micro-orpniomDj ftr pwp^ °f this «-
port, may be taken to include bacteria, algae, fungi, and any
others of the relatively small forms of plant and animal life that

inhabit soils and natural waters. Micro-organisms may modify;

their chemical environment either by assimilating and concen-
trating elements from their nutrient solutions or by catalyz-
ing oxidation-reduction reactions.
Assimilation of elements. Many micro-organisms have the
capacity to remove large quantities of certain elements from the
nutrient solution and incorporate them into their body struc-
Water organisms have perhaps the greatest effect on the mo-'
bility of elements. Riley (1939) found that a very large part of
the total copper contained in the water of glacial lakes in Con-
necticut was tied up in the body structures of organisms in the
plankton. Analysis of the fresh-water alga, Spirogyra, growing
in mine-drainage water containing 16 ppm total heavy metals
showed a concentration of 2,900 ppm zinc, 6,600 ppm lead, and
920 ppm copper in the dried algal material (Cannon, 1955).
Micro-organisms have, in fact, been found to be effective agents
in removing traces of radioactive contaminants from waters
used to cool nuclear reactors (Ruchhoft and Setter, 1953). The
enrichment of trace elements by marine organisms has long been
the subject of active research and is well known (Vinogradov,
Soil micro-organisms, in addition to their effect in maintain-
ing a physical texture that can support plant growth, can also
have profound chemical effects. The most spectacular is the fixa-
tion by Azotobacter of atmospheric nitrogen in the form of nitro-
gen compounds that can be used by plants for the synthesis of
proteins. The cycle of nitrogen on the earth's surface is large-
ly due to the efforts of this micro-organism. Experiments with
another species of soil bacterium, Aspergillus niger, show that
mineral nutrients can be removed from the minerals of unweatti-
ered rocks. Bacteria grown in cultures in contact with 15 dif-
ferent rocks and 65 minerals extracted iron and molybendum in
the largest quantities, followed in order by manganese, copper,
and zinc. Igneous rocks were found to be better sources of nu-
trients than the metamorphic or sedimentary rocks (Swaby and
Passey, 1953). Under some conditions, soil micro-organisms may
immobilize the nutrient elements to such an extent that they
are not available in adequate amounts for plants. An example
of zinc deficiency caused in this manner is described by Hoag-
land, Chandler, and Stout (1937).
Oxidation-reduction reactions. In considering the effect: of
micro-organisms on oxidation-reduction reactions, it should be

remembered that their influence is simply catalytic, speeding the

formation of products already stable at the pH and Eh of the
environment in which the reaction occurs.
One important oxidation reaction is the decay of vegetable
litter, whereby the mineral content originally held in the struc- '
ture of the plants is released in soluble form. A tenfold increase
in the copper content of stream water in the autumn has been
attributed to the release of copper from rotting leaves (Riley, (
1939). Variations in the potassium and nitrate content of stream ^
waters are probably due in part to the variations in the rate of
decay of dead organic matter.
The effect of bacteria in the precipitation of manganese dioxide
has long been known. Mann and Quastel (1946) have found that
this process takes place in two steps. First the soluble Mn+2 ion
is oxidized to Mn+3. The Mn+3 ion is unstable and undergoes spon- <t
taneous "dismutation" to Mn+2 and Mn+4 which immediately
hydrolyzes to Mn02 . In another experiment (Thiel, 1925), man- >
ganese was precipitated by fungi from a solution of MnS04,
probably as MnC03, with concomitant reduction of sulfate to
The precipitation of iron hydroxide to form sedimentary iron
formations has been attributed to bacterial oxidation of soluble
Fe+2 to Fe+3 which immediately hydrolyzes and precipitates (Har-
der, 1919). Sulfur and zinc sulfide also can be oxidized to soluble
sulfates by micro-organisms (Rudolfs and Helbronner, 1922).
Micro-organisms can also play a part in reduction reactions.
Under certain conditions, bacteria can precipitate native copper
(Levering, 1927) and copper sulfide (Arkhangelsk! and Soloviev,
1938) from copper-bearing solutions. The reduction of sulfate to
native sulfur in salt-dome cap rocks and the precipitation of py-
rite in organic sediments apparently are also bacterial effects.
In the preceding pages some of the more important factors
that affect the mobility of elements in the surficial environment
have been reviewed. The partition of elements between the mo-
bile liquid phase and the relatively immobile solid phase is de-
pendent on the interplay of these chemical and biological factors.
In some environments and with some elements, the partition is
largely controlled by a single one, or a simple Combination, of
these equilibria. In general, hOW6Ver, the relative mobility of
an element is tlie reauwant? ** ^^CK a^ i^VoiV6d combination Of
competing reactions that the net effect is extremely difficult tO
predict. It is helpful, therefore, to consider the over-all tendency

of elements to move in the surface environment from a strictly

empirical point of view, forgetting for the moment the physico-
chemical reasons for the relationships.
Mobility in normal environment. Goldich (1938) approxi-
mated a,n empirical evaluation of relative mobility by comparing
the composition of residual soil with that of the parent rock,
the difference being the fraction of the constituents that were
removed in soluble, mobile forms. He concluded that sodium and
calcium are lost early in the process of weathering, whereas po-
tassium and barium are lost later; that is, sodium and calcium
are more mobile than potassium and barium.
Another approach would be to determine the amount of an
element carried by rivers in soluble form as compared with the
total load, including suspended and bottom sediments. Inas-
much as all the products of weathering, both soluble and insoluble,
are transported in the river systems, the ratio of these quantities
should give a measure of the net tendency of an element to move
in soluble form. The available data on the comparative composi-
tion of the soluble and insoluble load of rivers are not adequate
for such computations.
Still another method of evaluating mobility involves the ratio
of the composition of the total soluble residue of river waters
to that of the unweathered rocks in the drainage basin. If weath-
ering is at equilibrium, so that all material, solid and soluble, is
being removed at the same rate, this method should give the
same ratios as those based only on the load of rivers. If the resid-
ual, insoluble material is accumulating in the regolith faster than
it is being removed or vice versa, the ratios would be somewhat
different, although the relative order of mobility should be in-
dicated by the order of increasing ratios.
Smyth (1913) and Polynov (1937) first pointed out the sig-
nificance of these ratios as a measure of the mobility of the ele-
ments in the zone of weathering. Smyth computed the relative
mobility of common elements using the composition of average
crustal rocks, from data presented by Clarke (1924a). Polynov
has obtained similar figures for mobility by comparing figures
for the average composition of igneous rocks with figures for the
composition of the mineral matter dissolved in rivers whose
catchment basins are mostly in areas of massive igneous rocks.
Both investigators found that the common elements could be ar-
ranged in order of increasing mobility as follows: iron-aluminum,
silica, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium. Reiche
(1950), on the basis of further computations, concluded that this

order of mobility "may not hold in all situations, but if calcium,

sodium, magnesium, and potassium be considered as a group,
it is more mobile than silica, which in turn is more mobile than
the sesquioxides A1203 and Fe203 ."
Theoretically, it should be possible to extend the computations
of Sniyth and Polynov by using the data of table 1 to derive the
ratios of the minor element as well as the major-element content
of river water to that in igneous rocks. Such computations do
show the same general relationships that hold for the major
constituents, where the elements that are commonly enriched in
the soil during weathering, such as titanium, vanadium, and
chromium, appear to have a lower mobility than elements like
zinc and molybdenum, which are not characteristically enriched.
For many of the minor elements, the reported data on the com-
position 'of fresh waters are not generally very reliable and
cannot be used with confidence in computing relative mobility.
Mobility in a mineralized environment. In geochemical pros-
pecting, attention is focussed on the dispersion of metals from
decomposing ore bodies. In the vicinity of an oxidizing sulfide
deposit, the chemical reactions dominating the mobility of ele-
ments may be quite different from those characteristic of normal
environments. Large quantities of both sulfate and metals go into
solution in the ground water, and extreme conditions of acidity
are created by the free sulfuric acid resulting from the oxidation
of pyrite and marcasite. As a result, the mobility of elements in
a mineralized area will be somewhat different from that in a
normal, unmineralized area.
Empirical observations have been.made by different workers
on the mobility of the ore metals in acid mine waters rich in
sulfate. Emmons (1917, p. 68-70) concluded that in the zone of
secondary enrichment silver, in the absence of chloride, is more
mobile than lead or gold, that copper is relatively mobile under
oxidizing conditions, and that zinc is mobile in an acid environ-
ment. In his study of the Breckenridge mining district, Colorado,
Levering (1934) concluded that zinc is leached out of the surface
material, whereas lead tends to be enriched, although some lead
apparently moves short distances as soluble compounds formed
by reaction with organic matter derived from the forest humus.
In later work on the metal content of efflorescences in under-
ground workings of the mines of the Tintic district, Utah, Lover-
Ing (1952)iIOUnd that where the country rocks consist of shale
and quartzite, the ore metals could be arranged in the order of

increasing mobility as follows: lead, gold, copper, zinc, and sil-

ver. In fractures traversing carbonate rocks rather than shale
and quartzite, silver is relatively immobile. His conclusions were
based on the maximum distance from the nearest known ore that
each of these metals had traveled in the solutions circulating
through the capillary rock fissures. Work by the U.S. Geological
Survey at the Union copper mine, Gold Hill district, North Caro-
lina, showed that the Zn:Cu:Pb ratio of residual soil derived
from the weathering of sulfide mineralization is about 10:10:30,
whereas the ratio of the same elements in the unweathered ore
is in the order of 10:0.6:2, with an absolute decrease in the zinc
content from 4 to 0.04 percent (table 6).
From these and other data it seems safe to conclude that in
acid waters rich in sulfate the order of increasing mobility of
the common ore metals is lead, copper, and zinc. Lead in concen-
trations greater than 10 micrograms per liter is extremely un-
usual even in waters draining high-grade lead deposits. The
relative immobility of lead in a mineralized environment may be
partly the effect of the relative stability of galena as compared
with other sulfides. Also, lead sulfate is much less soluble in dilute
sulfate solutions than are zinc sulfate and copper sulfate. Cop-
per is commonly an important constituent in waters draining cop-
per deposits only where the pH is below 5.0. In normal surface
waters where the pH is between 5.5 and 7.5, the content of copper
is commonly below the sensitivity of the standard dithizone field
method of analysis. Factors restricting the mobility of zinc do
not make themselves felt until the solutions have passed well
beyond the acid environment created by the oxidation of sulfides.
However, as zinc-rich solutions come in contact with the fine-
grained material making up soils and stream sediments, much
of the zinc is apparently removed from solution by exchange re-
actions with particles of clay or organic matter.
Much less is known regarding the mobility of other metals de-
rived from the oxidation of ores. The mobility of molybdenum in
neutral to mildly acid solutions is probably restricted by the
stability of some of the insoluble products of hydrolysis such as
molybdic ochre; under alkaline conditions, molybdenum is readily
soluble as the molybdate ion. The mobility of cobalt, at least in
central Idaho where for some reason the insoluble erythrite is
not formed, is similar to that of zinc. The mobility of arsenic is
dominated by the extreme stability and insolubility of the iron
arsenates that form as secondary minerals.
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The factors that govern the partition of elements between the
mobile aqueous phase and the immobile solid phase of the sur-
face environment have been reviewed. The dispersion patterns
that form as a result of this partition depend on the many dif-
ferent agencies that influence the patterns of movement of ma-
terials on the earth's surface.
Weathering, in the restricted sense of its definition, is only
the first phase of the secondary geochemical cycle illustrated in
figure 32. It is the phase dominated by the physical and chemical
changes necessary to bring rocks into equilibrium with the new
conditions at the surface of the earth. Movement of material in
the weathering process is a minor consideration. In the later
phase of the cycle, however, the physical and chemical changes
that the products of weathering undergo as they are transported
from their source to the site of sedimentation are influenced to
a very considerable degree by the various transporting or "pro-
cessing" agents. Here the patterns of flow of ice and particularly
of water as it moves through soils, down drainage channels, and
through the circulatory system of plants determine the dispersion
patterns of the products of weathering. In presenting the prin-
ciples responsible for the development of geochemical anomalies,
therefore, it is more convenient to consider weathering processes
first and to review the various kinds of dispersion patterns result-
ing from the transportation of weathering products in separate
Weathering has been defined by Polynov (1937, p. 12) as "the
change of rocks from the massive to the clastic state." It in-
cludes the processes by which the parent rock is fragmented,
and by which minerals stable in the subsurface environment
are reconstituted to form new minerals that are stable in the
surface environment.
The physics and chemistry of weathering have been reviewed
by Reiche (1950) and for a more detailed treatment of the sub-
ject and for further bibliography the reader is referred to this
excellent work.
Processes of iveathering. The dominant physical process of
weathering is the disintegration of massive rocks into succes-
sively smaller fragments. Expansion of the rock due to unload-
ing may cause cracks and joints to form. Differential expansion
and contraction resulting from extremes of heat and cold at the

earth's surface may also cause cracking. Expansion due to freez-

ing of water or the crystallization of salts .in cracks tends ,to
rupture the rock further.. The penetration of roots into cracks
and possibly other disruptive organic activity also serve to widen,
the fractures already formed* : ,
Chemical reactions resulting from contact with the abundant,
water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide of the surface environment
are probably far more powerful in disintegrating massive rocks
than the purely physical processes. Most primary minerals, be-
ing unstable in the surface environment, tend to be transformed \
into new minerals by hydrolysis, oxidation, and exchange re-
actions. In so doing, the grains expand differentially, and the
rock tends to rupture along intergranular boundaries. The
chemical action of micro-organisms and plant roots has a par-
ticularly destructive effect on many rock-forming minerals.
Products of weathering. The immediate products of, weath-
ering take . three forms: residual primary minerals; secondary
minerals, formed at or very close to the site of weathering;
and soluble .material removed from the local site of weathering
by circulating waters. : . *
- Residual minerals are. the rock-forming minerals that are
either, stable in the surface environment or unstable but react
so slowly that they are not appreciably broken down. The only,
common primary minerals that are truly stable in weathering
are rock-forming clay minerals, muscoyite, and probably some
Varieties Of chlorite. Most other minerals that can withstand'de-;
composition in the secondary cycle are inherently unstable but
survive because they are chemically and physically refractory.
Of theSC) Some minerals have a greater apparent stability than
others. The common minerals o£ JgneoUS MkS MVC ''toWr '#?-'
ranged in the following order of increasing resistance to weath-
ering! Olivine; augite, hornblende, biotite, lime feldspar, soda
feldspar, potash feldspar, and quartz (Goldich, 1938). A Similar"
order of increasing resistance to Weathering haS been WOfked
OUt fOr heavy minerals Common to both igneous and metairior-
phic rocks,. as follows! garnet, Staiirolite, hornblende, kyanite,
monazite, sillimanite, and Zircon (Dryden and Dryden, lQ4fi^
These estimates are tossed <>niy o*x resistance to weathering1 and
do not indicate the ability of the minerals to withstand. me
forces of physical abrasion in stream sediments, as wiii-w'?<Jig«
CUSS6CI later in the section on resistant minerals in gtreaHlS.
Thus, although sillimanite, is more Insistent than garnet. under
purely chemical influences, it disintegrates much more. rapidly

than garnet when it enters the transportation phase, of the sec-

ondary cycle. . ' :
-Most vein-forming minerals are both unstable and extremely
susceptible to. decomposition in the surficial environment. Few
of them survive long enough to enter the, mineral, assemblage of
stream sediments. Outstanding exceptions are vein quartz, chert,
native gold and platinum, and. a few minerals of high-tempera-
ture., veins, particularly cassiterite, columbite, and probably
beryl. Wolframite, scheelite, and barite can withstand the
chemical .attack of weathering solutions relatively well, but dis-
appear quickly during .transportation of the weathering prod-
ucts. Sulfide minerals are particularly vulnerable to attack in
the-zone of weathering. The oxidation of pyrite and marcasite
'results in the formation of free sulfuric acid, which has the
strongest corrosive effect of any naturally occurring solution.
'Silicates-and :the other sulfide minerals are attacked by'the
strong acid at a rate far in excess of that'in a nonsulfide weath-
ering environment. 'Some of the metal sulfates are readily
soluble, and their removal in circulating ground water leaves
voids and channels that provide further access to the system
by weathering solutions. An important factor in the oxidation
of siilfides is the electrochemical reaction developing in aggre-
gates consisting of more than one electrically conducting sulfide
mineral, whereby the oxidation of one mineral is favored over
that of the others (Gottschalk and Buehler, 1912). 'Thus, in a
'deposit consisting of chalcopyrite and pyrite, the chalcopyrite
will be oxidized preferentially with respect to the pyrite. In fact,
the overall mobility of the individual metals derived from an
oxidizing complex .sulfide deposit is to a large extent 'prede^
termined by the relative stability of the parent sulfide minerals.
The/secondary minerals formed by the weathering of .primary
rocks .are -principally the products of hydrolysis of the prhnary
constituents. For this reason, they have been grouped together
. as ;"hydroly sates"; .by many workers. They include the clay min-
erals, a few other hydrous silicates, such as chlorite and yer-
miculite, and the hydrous oxides. .Almost all are characterized
by .extreme fineness. of crystal size that can usually foe resolved
only under the electron microscope.1 -Clay minerals are composed,
in addition to water, primarily of alumina and silica derived by
the weathering of primary silicate minerals. .Kaolinite is a pure
hydrated aluniinosilicate. Montmorillonite is ah aluminosilicate
in which sortie of; aluminum ah the lattice, can be replaced by

iron, magnesium, or zinc. "Illite" requires potassium as a ne-

cessary constituent in addition to iron and magnesium. Iron not
used in the formation of clay minerals is precipitated as a hydrated
oxide; manganese may also be deposited as one or more of the
black hydrated oxides.
The suite of secondary minerals that forms depends to a large
extent on the physicochemical characteristics of the environ-
ment. One school of soil science holds that environment includ-
ing climate, topography, and drainage conditions is the domi-
nant factor controlling the chemical and physical characteristics
of a soil and that composition of the parent rock is of strictly
secondary importance. In tropical climates an extreme mani-
festation of this tendency may be seen in the contrast between
the weathering profile in well-drained ground where the end
product of weathering is lateritic iron and aluminum oxides and
that in poorly drained areas where the end product consists
largely of clay minerals.
Secondary minerals formed by the weathering of ores include
not only hydrous iron oxides but a host of other secondary metal-
liferous minerals. Unlike the clay minerals, many of these are
visibly crystalline, and occur in compact aggregates that are not
readily dispersed as suspensions in flowing water. Different sec-
ondary minerals are formed under different chemical environ-
ments, leading to a great diversity of mineral species. Thus, of
the oxidized copper minerals, malachite will be the dominant
copper-bearing product of weathering under some conditions,
and ChrySOCOlla, brochantite, cuprite, or tenorite under others.
The conditions that control the stability of secondary ore min-
erals are principally the pH, Eh, and abundance of the reacting
ions in the aqueous solutions with which they are in contact
(Garrels, 1954).
The soluble products of rock weathering consist of the con-
StitUCntS that are released by the decomposition of primary min-
erals and that are not required in the formation of the new
suite of stable secondary minerals. For calcareous rocks, lime
and magnesia may be the principal soluble products of weather-
ing, whereas for granites, soda and potash may be dominant,
Similarly, the soluble products of the weathering of ores con-
sist of elements which cannot be accommodated in stable secOfld-
cirV IIlillBralS. Maiiy Of the Secondary metalliferous minerals are

stable only in the presence of solutions containing relatively

high concentrations of metals. If ground-water circulation is at
all active, therefore, a substantial proportion of the metals can

leave the site of oxidation in soluble form. Other minerals,

particularly those formed by hydrolysis under alkaline condi-
tions, such as limonite, manganese oxides, and basic copper salts,
are very sparingly soluble; where these minerals are stable, a
correspondingly smaller fraction of the constituent metals will
be removed in soluble form. Inasmuch as the specific reactions
governing the solubility of metals near an oxidizing sulfide de-
posit is not generally known, it is helpful to depend on empiri-
cal observations of the mobility of metals in acid sulfate waters
of the kind discussed in the section on mobility.
Relict structures and textures. The solid products of disin-
tegration and decomposition of rocks, before they are moved by
erosive agencies, generally maintain the same internal spatial
relationships as the parent material. Traces of bedding, folia-
tion, and vein structures can commonly be followed from bed-
rock well up into the disintegrated residual cover. The degree
to which the structures of the parent rock are preserved in the
residuum depend to a large extent on the amount of compaction
and slumping resulting from reduction in volume by weather-
ing, and on the amount of distortion due to gravity movement
on sloping ground.
Granite and gneiss, for example, are made up of minerals
that do not change volume greatly in weathering. Thus even
in areas of extremely deep tropical weathering, the primary feld-
spar and mafic minerals of a granitic rock may be completely
altered and disintegrated without any appreciable physical move-
ment of the constituent grains with respect to each other. The
solid products of weathering retain the primary structures and
textures of the unweathered parent rock, although the aggre-
gate can be shoveled or washed as easily as an unconsolidated
Calcareous rocks, however, suffer a substantial reduction in
volume due to the solution and removal of the carbonate min-
erals. The resultant slumping causes partial or total obliteration
of the original rock structures. The compaction ratio may be es-
timated by determining the ratio. of the total volume of the
original carbonate rock to the volume of the insoluble material
contained in it. Where relict structures are still visible in the
residuum, the compaction ratio may be approximated by ob-
serving the flattening of the dip of relict bedding or the thin-
ning of individual beds. At the Friend's Station deposit in
eastern Tennessee, a compaction ratio of 3:1 was estimated on
the basis of the dip of vestigial bedding exposed along the banks

,of gullies (Hawkes and Lakin, 1949). In the extreme weather-

ing of rocks made up primarily of soluble, minerals, such,as pure
limestone and saline deposits, the negligible amount of resulting
residual material commonly shows no traces of original struc-
tures. ......
. Relict patterns of resistant minerals. Most rocks and some
ores contain primary minerals that were not completely de-
stroyed in the course of weathering. When one or more of these
minerals has a unique association with its original host, a quan-
titative mineralogical analysis of the residual soil may be help-
ful in determining the identity, of the parent rock or ore. Many
of the limestones of the southern Appalachians, for example,, con-
tain distinctive and readily identified types of chert. Where
rock exposures are lacking, systematic examination of surficial
material for fragments of characteristic chert types has been
used successfully as an aid in geologic mapping. More thorough
quantitative determinations of heavy minerals in soils have been
found equally useful in identifying the parent rock (Marshall
and Jeffries, 1945).
In prospecting, the study of heavy minerals in residual soils
is probably the oldest of all methods of locating a buried lode.
.Gold and diamonds can be easily separated by panning, a process
requiring no special training or expensive equipment. Other
minerals that are more difficult to identify may call for a more
technical approach. For example, the relative abundance of
scfyeelite in residual soils can be determined by counting the
fluorescent specks under ultraviolet illumination with the. help
of optical magnification (Sergeev, 1946b). A similar procedure
has been described for prospecting deposits containing fluores-
cent corundum (Andreev, 1947). A systematic mineralogical
analysis of residual soil for cassiterite has been used in locating
bedrock deposits (Flerov, 1935, 1938).
Relict patterns of secondary minerals. -The distribution of
secondary minerals in residual cover can be useful in identify-
ing the parent rock, provided the secondary mineral Can be
readily identified. In many deeply Weathered aMS, gGOlOglStS
depend heavily on the color of the soil to tell them what the
.underlying rock is likely to t>e. The color of a soil is usually
related to'its .content of limonite, a secondary mme.ra.nnat may
reflect the iron content of the parent rock. '.
Prospectors in areas of residual cover are on the alert for
.the- tell-tale red coloration of soil, representing limonite derived
from the oxidation of iron sulfides. Similarly, the conspicuous

green color of secondary copper minerals is an important clue

in the search for bedrock copper ore. The search for green cop-
per in surficial material may profitably be put on a quantitative
basis, as shown by C. H. White (1924) and Zenin (1935). The
yellow iron arsenates, pink cobalt bloom, and many other con-
spicuous secondary minerals are identifying characteristics used
by every seasoned prospector.
Geochemical anomalies in residual cover. In many residual
soils, the diagnostic primary and secondary minerals, if pres-
ent, are too fine grained for easy identification. Chemical analy-
sis of residual material, however, may bring out latent images
inherited from the parent rock that are not obvious from casual
Little use has been made of chemical analysis of soils in geo-
logic mapping, although experimental work shows that deter-
mination of the nickel content can be helpful in identifying soils
derived from serpentine (Stevens and Lakin, 1949).
In prospecting, soil analysis for traces of metals has become
the most widely used and successful of the geochemical methods
of mineral exploration. A great many field surveys of the metal
content of residual soils over sulfide deposits have been made,
and with no important exceptions the dispersion pattern of
metals in the soils was found to correspond closely with the
distribution of metals in the underlying rock and hence probably
with that in the rock from which the soil was derived. Details
of some of these surveys have been published. See items num-
bered 4, 5, 22, 23, 26, 27, 36, 59, 66, 85, 94, 103, 104, 108, 110,
and 117 abstracted by Harbaugh (1953) and also the following:
Fersman, 1939; Gilbert, 1951, 1953; Hawkes, 1954; Huff, 1952;
Kennedy, 1952; Nackowski, 1952; Pierce and Dias,. 1950; and
Shima, 1953e, 195314
Much of the work, however, has been sponsored by private
mining companies as part of their exploration program, where
commercial considerations prevent the release of information to
the public.
The absolute amount of metal in the soil as compared with
that in the parent rock or ore depends on the mobility of the
metal, or the ease with which it is removed in solution. Thus,
although an ore deposit may contain equal concentrations of lead
and zinc, the derived soil may contain many times as much lead
as zinc. The lead is relatively immobile and is retained, whereas
the zinc tends to be leached out. In general, it is found that
4 See also footnote 1 on p. 234.

lead, tin, arsenic and antimony are immobile and are held in
the residual soil; zinc and cobalt tend to be impoverished; cop-
per, tungsten, and molybdenum appear to be intermediate.
Although the major part of the mobile metals dissolved from
the weathering products of a vein is entirely removed, a signi-
ficant part may be transported in solution only for short dis-
tances and then reprecipitated locally. The effect is a lateral
and downhill spreading of the dispersion pattern outward from
the bedrock source. Zinc anomalies hundreds of feet wide have A
been observed in residual soil associated with veins measuring
only tens of feet in width. The lead anomalies over the same
veins were not only much narrower but corresponded much
more closely with the location of the vein. Over such a vein,
samples spaced at 100- or 200-foot intervals would have been ade-
quate for locating the zinc anomaly, whereas a 50-foot spacing ^
would have been necessary for the lead anomaly. It has been the
writer's experience, therefore, that where complex ores contain- <
ing two or more metals are sought, greatest economy is achieved
when reconnaissance geochemical soil surveying is based on the
more mobile metal and detailed work is based on the less mo-
bile one.
The homogeneity of a metal pattern in residual soils is appar-
ently also related to mobility. The characteristically homogene-
ous patterns formed by mobile metals such as zinc indicate that
original local and erratic variations in the distribution in soils
of the mobile metals tend to be smoothed by solution in rich
spots and local redeposition in lean spots. With immobile metals,
solution is inhibited and the original spottiness of distribution is
preserved. Thus Tikhomirov and Miller (1946) report that the
molybdenum pattern over the Kounrad molybdenite deposit is
less erratic than the tin patters commonly found over Cassiter-
ite veins. Ttie relative homogeneity of a g-eochemicai anomaly is
an important consideration in determining the most efficient
spacing of samples in practical survey work. An anomaly de-
fined by a mobile metal witk its more homogeneous pattern can
be located and mapped with fewer sampi^ «.»» ~« anomaly de-
fined by an Jrn^o^1- z»et«*l.
Geochemical anomalies in residual cover may be distorted by
downslope movement of the soil. The result is an asymmetri-
cal curve in which the metal content fails off less rapidly OH the
downhill side than in the Uphill side, as illustrated in the dia-
grams presented by Huff (1952). Asymmetry of this kind can
also be caused by the action of metal-rich solutions depositing

metal in the soil on the downslope side, although the net effect
is the same whatever the cause. In extreme cases of asymmetry
owing to downslope movement, geochemical anomalies may be
detected by sampling along the foot of a slope, hundreds of feet
below the outcrop of the vein. Riddell (1954) describes recon-
naissance exploration work in an area of high relief by sys-
tematic sampling of soils barely above the modern stream ter-
Patterns in. residual soil may also be distorted by compaction
slumping. At the Friend's Station deposit in eastern Tennessee,
an average of 50 feet of residual clay overlies a gently dipping
limestone sequence. The clay overburden was estimated to
represent the weathering product of three times its volume of
parent rock. The resulting flattening of the dip of the gently
dipping ore caused the geochemical soil anomaly to come to the
surface several hundred feet on the footwall side of the subout-
crop of the ore (Hawkes and Lakin, 1949).
Gossans. A gossan is the mass of residual limonitic material
that remains behind after removal of the soluble products of
weathering of a sulfide-bearing deposit. Being residual, gossans
can be traced downward through successively less weathered
zones into the unweathered primary sulfide minerals. Historical-
ly, gossans have been one of the best guides to the prospector in
areas of residual cover and deep weathering.
At the surface, blocks of gossan material may be dislodged
from the main mass and scattered over the immediate vicinity
by frost action, slumping, and slope creep. If the fragments are
sufficiently durable, they may on occasion be transported for
substantial distances by glaciation or stream action. Studies of
the dispersion pattern of limonitic fragments, particularly in
alluvial material, have led many prospectors to the parent gossan
mass and the hidden sulfide deposit beneath.
The necessary prerequisite for the formation of a gossan, in
addition to deep weathering and an oxidizing environment, is
the presence in the bedrock of iron as sulfide or carbonate to
provide the raw material for the formation of limonite. The
common gossan-making minerals are pyrite, marcasite, pyrrho-
tite, copper-iron sulfides, arsenopyrite, siderite, and ankerite. In
general, the more iron is present in the primary ore, the more
pronounced will be the gossan. The occurrence of economically
valuable metals in the ore is only indirectly related to gossan
formation, in that ore minerals are commonly associated with
the gossan-making iron sulfides and carbonates. Thus not all

gossans indicate base-metal sulfides, and many base-metal sulfidc

deposits do not weather to form gossans.
The mineralogy of gossans is limited to species that are stable
in contact with acid sulfate solutions. The dominant minerals
are limonite, quartz, and secondary silica. The overwhelming
abundance of limonite is responsible for the conspicuous red-
brown to black color of gossans, a feature difficult to overlook
even in a casual reconnaissance of an arid terrane. Depending
on the parent material and the maturity of the gossan, barite,
gypsum, jarosite, secondary metalliferous minerals, and clay
minerals resulting from the breakdown of the country rock may
also be present. Secondary green copper minerals in a gossan
may be a useful indication of the presence of copper in the
primary ore.
The structure and texture of gossans, to a greater or less
extent, reflect the original characteristics of the parent material.
The primary ore minerals in the course of weathering may form
minute, tabular veinlets of silica or limonite along crystal direc-
tions. These systems of veinlets may remain behind after the
original mineral has been completely destroyed, leaving a box-
work pattern that is characteristic of the primary mineral.
Distinctive boxworks indicative of most of the common sulfide
minerals have been identified and described by Blanchard and
Boswell (McKinstry, 1948, pp. 268-276), and have been used
widely in appraising leached outcrops in terms of the com-
mercial grade of the primary sulfide deposit.
The chemical composition of gossans has received far less
attention than their mineralogy and texture. What little evidence
'has been reported to date, however, points to the conclusion
that the content of traces of the ore metals in the limonite Ot
gossans can be used to indicate the relative abundance of those
metolS Jn the primary deposit. In the Nyeba district of Nigeria,
samples of limonite from a gossan OVfiF fl dfipOSlt IfflOWH t9
contain lead and zinc, contained on the order of 4,000 ppm lead
and 500 ppm zinc. Similar samples from an undeveloped prospect
wkere . a geochemical soil survey Showed the presence of zinc
but no lead contained on the order of 50 ppm lead and s,ooo
ppm zinc (Hawkes, 1054).

The grand scale of movement of the continental ice sheet is
attested by the identification of glacially transported erratics
that have been dropped hundreds of miles from their SOUTC8.
Fragments of native copper derived from the Keweenaw

Peninsula of northern Michigan have been found as far south

as southern Illinois, and a boulder of a distinctive norite gneiss
from near the city of Quebec has been picked up in southern
Ohio some 700 miles away (Flint, 1947, p. 118). The bulk of
the material in glacial tills, however, is of relatively local origin.
Chamberlin (1883) estimated that 90 percent of the material
in the moraines of southern Wisconsin traveled less than 1 mile,
and studies of the glacial boulders in northern New Brunswick'
show that the most abundant rock type is a fairly reliable indi-
cation of the lithology of the bedrock directly beneath. Thus,
although a few glacial erratics have traveled a very great dis-
tance from the source, the overwhelming majority of pebbles
and boulders contained in glacial till are of local origin. It is
possible that the bulk of the rock load of the continental ice mass
was contained in a lower layer that moved relatively little and ;
was overridden by a layer of cleaner ice carrying relatively few
boulders but for far greater distances.
The direction of movement of continental ice during a single
glacial epoch is generally outward from a central area in the
heart of the ice mass. At any one locality, however, the direction
may fluctuate somewhat around a mean value, with the result
that glacial erratics are commonly distributed in the form of a
fan spreading from the source in the direction of ice movement,
rather than as a linear pattern. The prerequisite for the forma-
tion of a simple fan-shaped pattern of glacial dispersion is the
existence of a relatively small area of outcrop of a unique,
mechanically resistant, and readily identified rock type. In New
England alone, well-defined glacial fans have been mapped in
association with nine ocurrences of distinctive rock types (Flint,
1947, p. 120). In Scandinavia, similar studies of glacial dis-
persion of rock fragments consistently reveal the same
characteristic fan-shaped pattern (Lundqvist, 1935; Hogbom,
Following the principle that the source of glacially trans-
ported boulders of an unusual rock type should be at the apex
of a fan-shaped distribution pattern of similar boulders, pros-
pectors in glaciated countries, especially in Scandinavia, have
systematized the search for glacial ore boulders as an aid in
exploration. A substantial number of important discoveries
resulting partly or entirely from the use of this technique have
been reported from Scandinavia (Grip, 1953; Hogbom, 1931;
odman, 1947; Sauramo, 1924). In North America, the discovery
of the Steeprock Lake iron deposit in western Ontario started

with the observation of glacial erratics of iron ore south of

the point where the bedrock ore was later found (Bartley, 1940).
If glacial movement can form a fan-shaped pattern of ore
boulders, it is reasonable to expect that the chemically determined
metal content of the fine-grained fraction of the till will show a
similar pattern. Presumably, the sand and silt-sized fraction of
till is derived in large part from the preglacial regolith which
may contain gossan and other metal-rich preglacial dispersion
patterns related to the ore. A variable amount of finely pulverized
primary ore may also find its way into the fine-grained fraction
of the till. This possibility is still largely in the realm of specu-
lation, as glacially transported metals in the fine-grained fraction
of tills have been identified in only a few areas. In the vicinity of
the sulfide deposits of the Bathurst district of New Brunswick,
the patterns, in addition to the strong homogeneous anomalies
closely related to the ore, consist of extremely erratic, local areas
of high metal content scattered in a crude fan-shaped arrange-
ment lying to the east of the source. From this it may be assumed
that the direction of ice movement was from west to east, although
corroborative evidence is difficult to find. Between the local ano-
malies which are perhaps 50 feet across on the average, the
metal content of the till is not appreciably above background level.
Test pitting at one local geochemical anomaly in New Brunswick
uncovered till containing a few cobbles and pebbles of massive
pyrite, barite, and high-grade galena ore, together with the usual
assortment Of locally derived unmineralized rocks. In the R0ros
mining district of Norway, Vogt and Bergh (1946, 1948a, 1948b)
have described a somewhat similar distribution pattern of copper,
zinc, lead, iron, and manganese on the down-glacier side of a
known sulfide occurrence.
The source areas of alpine glaciers, in contrast to continental
ice masses, are limited to the drainage basins within which they
lie. For this reason, studies of terminal valley moraines might be
a simple and rapid method of determining what kinds of rocks
End OreS OCCUr Within a well-defined area of considerable extent.
Kreiter (1940, p. 170) mentions the occurrence of boulders of
vein quartz in the moraine of a valley glacier at iak-su m Russia.
So far as tKe writer is aware, however, no USC has been made of
the distribution Of Chemically determined metals in valley morain-
al material as a method of prospecting.
The action of frost in moving and sorting surficial material
involves a combination of movement by growing ice crystals and

by the water that forms the ice and is released when the ice melts.
Experiments have shown that a growing frost crystal is fed by
soil moisture moving upward from below, where temperatures
are not sufficiently low to freeze the films of water on the surface
of the clay minerals. The growing crystals thus act as collectors
and concentrators of moisture gathered from a considerable
volume of material. Any salts dissolved in the soil moisture are
enriched in the aqueous phase as the water is removed to feed
the frost crystals. As the crystals grow they exert pressure on
the surrounding solid fragments, causing minor readjustments
in the relative position of the fragments and keeping them in
open packing. When the ice melts, the pressure is released and
the water concentrated by the frost-forming process forms a
mobile slurry with the silt and clay from the surrounding
material. The total effect of this process repeated over a period
of many years is a turbulent mixing of the surficial material to
the maximum depth of the frost action. If the angle of slope is
sufficient, a downslope movement is combined with the turbulent
mixing, and the finer grained materials may be removed com-
pletely in the muddy water that drains out after the melting
of the frost each spring. Under proper conditions the meltwater
from the frost may mobilize a large mass of unconsolidated
material, which then can move down the slope as a mudflow
or landslide.
In geochemical prospecting, the turbulent mixing and down-
slope creep of surficial material owing to frost action is a factor
deserving special consideration, at least in some areas. The
Blackbird cobalt district of Idaho, where extensive experiments in
geochemical prospecting methods were conducted by the Geological
Survey, is in an unglaciated area of deep weathering where the
zone of frost mixing extends commonly to a depth of about 4 feet.5
The maximum intensity of frost activity probably coincided in
time with periods of active glaciation elsewhere. Mineral explora-
tion by conventional methods in this area was hampered by the
scarcity of outcrops and especially by the virtual absence of
fragments of oxidized ore or gossan in the surficial material over-
lying the cobalt deposits. Well-developed gossan, however, could
be observed in the undisturbed weathered rock immediately below
the zone of frost action. Very probably one of the effects of frost
action was to disintegrate the soft limonitic fragments derived
from the weathered rock into fragments too fine grained to be
identified in the zone of frost mixing. Soil analysis for copper and
5 See footnote 1 on p. 234.

cobalt showed strongly developed and homogeneous dispersion

patterns. Undoubtedly, the homogeneity of the patterns was at
least in part the effect of the mixing action of the frost. On some
of the steeper slopes, however, the patterns were difficult to
interpret in terms of what was known about the distribution of
bedrock ore. These were places where the topography indicated
landslide activity, possibly resulting indirectly from frost action.
Although man, of all the animals, has assumed the most spec-
tacular role in the transportation of surficial deposits, many other
species have played an equally important part as far as the total
effect is concerned. In many climates earthworms are continually
churning the soil near the surface. Burrowing animals, such as
foxes and woodchucks, bring material to the surface from deeper
parts of the weathering profile. Ants and termites, especially in
tropical countries, excavate huge labyrinths often extending to
great depths, from which they carry the material to the surface.
Although the transporting effect of any one individual or colony
may be trivial, the effect of such activity over thousands of years
may be a very substantial factor in the mixing of the components
of the weathering profile.
In many areas of deep weathering, prospectors have profitably
searched through the material brought to the surface by burrow-
ing animals and insects for fragments of gossan or oxidized ore
minerals. Analysis of ant heaps for traces of ore metals as a
method of prospecting has foeen attempted in Afr^a and
Australia, but no report has yet been published on its SUCC6SS.
Tll Upper few feet or the earth's surface comes under the
influence of a complex series of reactions that trangforHl tfl.6
raw fragmental material resulting from rock weathering into a
medium that can support plant growth, The process, known as
soil formation, is thought to be primarily the work of bacteria
and fungi that derive their vital energy from the oxidation of
(tefld plflnt remains. The result of the soil-forming process is the
differentiation of the surficial material into distinctive lajBIS 01
son "horizons." The vertical section through the sequence of soil
hOriZOnS iS Commonly known as the soil "profile."
The principal horizons of the soil profile are the uppermost "A"
horizon, or topsoil; the "B" horizon, or subsoil; and the "C"
horizon, or parent material that has not been affected by soil-
forming processes. In detailed descriptions of soil profiles each
of these horizons may be divided into smaller units on the basis

of local minor variations in color, texture, or composition. These

subdivisions are commonly designated by subscripts; J5i and #2
are thus subdivisions of the B horizon. The humus layer, which
constitutes the topmost member of the A horizon, is commonly
designated as the A 0 horizon. The A horizon is characterized by
a leaching of certain elements which move downward to be
precipitated in the B horizon. The C horizon, or parent material,
is usually weathered rock or residuum; the depth to the C horizon
has no direct relation'to the depth to the unweathered bedrock.
Different elements take part in this process in different
climates. In moist temperate climates, iron and aluminum oxides
tend to be leached from the A horizon and reprecipitated in the
B, a process known as podzolization. In moist tropical climates,
silica as well as iron and alumina take part in the formation of
the so-called lateritic soils. In arid climates, the leaching and
reprecipitatidn of calcium within the soil profile is an important
The importance of soil-forming processes in geochemical
prospecting is that they may modify anomalies that have formed
in either residual or transported cover. This effect is particularly
apparent in temperate forest soils, where the topsoil or A horizon
may be so leached that samples of this material cannot be
effectively used for geochemical mapping. A zinc anomaly in
residual soil over the Friend's Station deposit in Tennessee was
clearly defined by samples taken from the B horizon at a depth
of 4 feet; the same area sampled from the A horizon at a depth
of 2 feet showed a very inhomogeneous and erratic pattern of zinc
distribution. The difference was thought to be entirely the effect
of leaching of the zinc from the upper topsoil horizon (Hawkes
and Lakin, 1949). The copper, lead, and zinc contents of soil
profile over ore and over barren ground at the Union copper
mine, North Carolina, are given in table 6. The data for normal
soil show leaching of copper and lead in the A horizons, an
enrichment of lead in the B horizons, and an enrichment of
zinc in both the A and B horizons as compared with the parent
material. The almost consistent increase of all metals with depth
in the anomalous profiles is noteworthy. These data confirm the
general experience that the B horizon of forest soils is some-
what more reliable for geochemical sampling than the A horizon.
Work in other types of soils, however, has not indicated any
variations in the distribution of metals in the soil profile that
need to be taken into account in geochemical survey practice, so
that samples taken from any part of the soil profile can be used
equally well in geochemical soil surveys. For example, Huff

(1952), in working with immature Rocky Mountain soils, found

that samples of surface soil were just as satisfactory as deeper
samples and were much easier to collect.
The data of table 6 also show the lateral variation of metal
content within the same soil horizon. The distribution of metals
in the A and B horizons is considerably more homogeneous than
in the C horizon, indicating that the near-surface horizons are
more suitable for geochemical surveying than the deeper material.
The lateral variations within short distances are far greater
than the variations of replicate determinations by the analytical
methods used in this experiment but are roughly equivalent to
the variations of replicate determination by the less precise
rapid methods in general use in geochemical prospecting.
The movement of water under the influence of gravity or of
a hydrostatic head is a fairly simple matter of flow from a higher
to a lower level, or from an area of higher to an area of lower
pressure. Rainwater soaks into the soil and replaces the air in
the pore spaces of the surficial material or rock; in the upper
unsaturated section of the mantle it is known as vadose water.
If the pore spaces extend to sufficient depth, the rainwater
eventually reaches the water table, which is defined as the surface
below which the air in the pore spaces has been completely
replaced by water. The ground water, or water below the water
table, then tends to move laterally in the direction of the easiest
means of escape. It may emerge at the surface as springs and
as seepages along the banks or in the beds of streams. Under
ordinary circumstances, a swamp, spring, or stream is in effect
an "outcrop" of the water table. In climates with sufficient rain-
fall, the -water table slopes in essentially the same direction as
the surface of the ground, and its contours are about parallel
with topographic contours. In some areas of deficient rainfall,
however, the river water may actually flow back into the ground,
with the effect that the water table slopes away from the riverbed
rather than toward it.
The gravity movement of ground water is impeded by the
material through which it flows. Fresh rainwater entering the
underground reservoir of the ground-water system cannot escape
as fast as it is added and tends to pile up. The effect of this piling1
up is to raise the water table so that higher escape channels are
available, and new springs and seepages become active, Con-
versely, during a period of light rainfall, the water table will be
lowered and springs will progressively dry up.

In areas of crystalline or metamorphic rocks which have

negligible pore space, a true water table may not exist unless the
cover of surficial material is deep enough. Here, rainwater that
has soaked into the soil tends to flow along channels on the
surface of bedrock. When a channel of this kind crosses a
permeable zone of fracturing or shearing, the water may enter
the fractures to emerge again at the surface of bedrock at a
lower elevation.
Water and the salts dissolved in it can move against the force
of gravity by capillary rise, by diffusion, and by migration of
ions on the surface of minerals, as discussed in an earlier section.
These effects are most pronounced in the unsaturated fringe zone
of vadose water between the water table and the land surface.
The net result of movement against the force of gravity is com-
monly a dispersion of the dissolved constituents both upward and
laterally in the direction of decreasing concentration.
Upward dispersion of this kind may be accelerated by the
pumping action of a periodically rising and falling water table.
Water in the fringe zone moves downward as rainwater soaks
in from above; in dry periods, the direction of movement is
reversed in order to replenish the moisture removed nearer the
surface by evaporation and transpiration. Thus the movement of
moisture in the fringe zone pulsates with the weather, moving
downward during rainy weather and upward during dry weather.
At any given time, the direction of movement of this pulsation
is thus the opposite of the movement of the water-table surface,
which rises in rainy weather and falls in dry periods. The over-all
effect of this pumping action is a spreading of dispersion
patterns upward from the source in the bedrock.
The elements that can move readily in ground water and soil
moisture are in general the elements of high mobility, such as
zinc and cobalt. The dispersion patterns formed by them can,
of course, be mapped directly by sampling and analysis of the
water itself. They can also be mapped by measuring the exchange-
able cations in the material through which the solutions percolate.
Solutions containing metals derived from the weathering of a
sulfide deposit, as they come in contact with permeable, uncon-
solidated sediments or residual soils, set up exchange reactions
whereby the metal content of the matrix is increased at the
expense of the metal content of the solutions. In the course of
time, an equilibrium between the adsorbed ions in the matrix
and the dissolved ions in the solutions will be reached. As this
equilibrium is approached, the pattern of dissolved ions spreads
farther from the source into fresh material, until that again is

saturated withf exchangeable metallic ions. In this way, a

pattern of dispersion grows in the matrix that is an exact
replica of the pattern in the wa,te'r. Because -patterns of this
kind are superimposed upon whatever dispersion patterns were
originally present in the matrix, they have been termed
"superimposed" halos by Russian workers (Sergeev, 1941, p." 38
of translation). -
In geochemical survey work, it is rarely practicable to collect
soil moisture for analysis. Superimposed halos can be readily
mapped by simple chemical analysis of the matrix, however.
Inasmuch as the superimposed halos are fossilized replicas of
the water pattern, they are extremely useful in tracing the
channels followed by the soluble products of decomposition of
ore bodies.
Geochemical anomalies developed by movement in underground
water have somewhat different characteristics depending on
whether they occur in' descending or laterally moving ground
water, spring water and seepages, or vadose water.
Descending ground water. Descending ground water can be
sampled conveniently only in the underground workings of mines.
The composition of aerated water descending through cracks and
fracture zones in the rock will in general reflect the chemical
character of the rock or ore through which it has passed.
Lovering (1952) has shown that the metal content of descending
water in the relatively dry mines of the Tintic district, Utah,
reflects the presence or absence of ore in the channels through
which the water has passed. He found that the composition is
modified by the chemical character of the rocks adjoining the
channels and by the distance traveled by the solutions. Japanese
workers found a correlation between the content of iron, zinc,
and sulfate in fracture-zone waters, and the occurrence of
known ore above the underground WOrKmgS III WltiCR #16
were collected (Kimura, Fujiwara, and Morinagra, issi). On
basis of data of this kind, at least one body of ore has foe, $11
discovered (T. Watanabe, oral communication, 1953).
A commonly observed pattern formed by. descending ground
-water is the zone of secondary enrichment in large SUlfide

depOSltS. DOWnWard-mOVing Water above.tne water.table leaches

copper from secondary copper minerals. As these copper-rich
Solutions pass downward into the zone of primary sulfide

minerals, the copper in the Solution reacts with ike primary

chalcopyrite to form secondary copper sulfides, such as bornite
or chalcocite. Zones of secondary enrichment make up the best

grade of ore in many of the western porphyry copper deposits

(Emmoiis, 1933).
Laterally moving ground water. Many workers have made
systematic studies of the metal content of well water, and some
of them have reported positive correlation with known ore.
Rarely, however, has it been possible to forecast the occurrence
of an unknown body of sulfide ore from well-water data. Part
of the difficulty is perhaps the almost universal presence of
artificial contamination of the well water by copper and zinc
from pumping equipment and other plumbing in contact with
the water. Such contamination causes large erratic variations of
.no significance that mask the minor variations in metal content
due to increments from decomposing sulfide minerals. Another
reason for failure in some areas is that the water has been
sampled below the zone of oxidation where the metal from
primary sulfide is not actively going into solution. Kennedy
(1956) collected water from churn drill holes in and near an
.undeveloped zinc deposit in southwestern Wisconsin and found
that the zinc content was hardly above the background; the ore
body there, however, is Well below the lowest level of the water
table. In other areas, the pH of the ground water may account
for the failure of metal to appear in well water. Levering, Huff,
and Almond (1950) report that the copper content of water from
.exploration holes cutting1 copper ore at the San Manuel deposit,
'Arizona, was below the limit of detection. The pH of the water
'averaged 9.0, well above the pH of hydrolysis of copper in dilute
solutions (table 4). Although the results of experimental well-
Water sampling have to date been uniformly discouraging, this
approach perhaps should not be 'completely abandoned until more
investigations have been made with proper respect for, the
necessary precautions. :
Superimposed halos in the rocks or surficial material through
which the ground water has passed have been observed in many
i areas. At the Ray Copper deposit in Arizona, Clarke (1935)
.described copper in the form of tenorite in the postore Wfcitetail
conglomerate. The distribution pattern there indicates that the
: tenorite was deposited from copper-rich ground, water derived
from the oxidation of the main ore body. The maximum copper
content of this secondary deposit is about 5 percent, or more
than twice that of the better-grade ore in the mine. ..._'.
Sampling alluvial cover over a lead-zinc vein in the Abakaliki
district of Nigeria (Hawkes, 1954) showed a well-defined zone of
-lead- and zinc-rich material immediately above the surface of
bedrock leading away from the suboutcrop of the ore in the

direction of the drainage channel; on the other side of the sub-

outcrop, away from the drainage channel, this pattern was
lacking. Presumably the movement of ground water here was
controlled largely by the bedrock surface, as the underlying
shale was unweathered and relatively impermeable to percolating
Spring ivater and seepages. Analysis of water from cold
springs and seepages has been considerably more successful than
well-water studies in indicating unknown deposits of ore. The
danger of artificial contamination of spring water is very slight,
except for springs in limestone country where the spring is
effectively the point of emergence of an underground stream.
Also the water from springs is drawn from near the water-table
surface, where oxidation and solution of primary sulfide minerals
is most active, rather than from some unknown depth below the
water table as is the case with well water. Many springs dis-
charging metal-rich water have been correlated with known
sulfide deposits within the source area. Other metalliferous
spring waters occur in mineralized districts where the occurrence
of sulfide ores is highly probable. In a few such areas, later
exploration above the spring has uncovered sulfide occurrences.
At least in noncalcareous terrain, no example of a metal-rich
cold spring water has been reported where the absence of sulfide
minerals in the bedrock has been definitely proved.
Superimposed patterns are commonly developed in the soil
and muck around metal-rich springs or seepages where metal
has been adsorbed in the solid material through which the solu-
tions have percolated. Inasmuch as the pattern of exchangeable
metal will be retained even when the seepage is inactive, soil
analysis is a relatively dependable method of determining the
relative metal content of the solutions that have been in contact
with it.
Seepages commonly OCClir On the edges Of modern alluvial flats,
where ground water containing the soluble products of weather-
ing aisonargres into tKe surfaee drainage. Seepage areas also may
occur scattered on the hill slopes above the drainage channels
where they may be identified either by the nature of the son
or by characteristic types of vegetation. Trace-metal analysis of
SOU (UlCl fllUCK Ground ground-water seepages may indicate
Whether the water has passed through an area containing actively
oxidizing surfaces. Geochemical anomalies of this kind would,
of course, indicate a source in a direction UP $6 fi]0pe pr the
water table from the seepage rather than directly underneath.

Examples of what are probably superimposed seepage patterns

have been reported by Bischoff (1954) in his work on geochemical
soil sampling over base-metal deposits in eastern Canada. He
found that the geochemical anomalies in samples of near-surface
glacial material were commonly displaced as much as several
hundred feet downslope from the suboutcrop of the sulfide vein.
Presumably these anomalies represent the points of emergence
of ground water that had been enriched in metal by passing
through the oxidizing deposit.
Below the Chicago-Brown Bear ore zone at the Blackbird
cobalt district of central Idaho surficial rubble has been cemented
by limonite rich in copper and arsenic. The cementing material
was most probably derived by precipitation from metal-rich
ground waters that had filtered through the pyritic copper-
cobalt mineralized area. Very possibly many limonitic breccias
generally included with gossans are in reality precipitated from
ground waters.
Organic soils provide a particularly favorable host for super-
imposed halos. Under certain conditions the decay of dead
vegetable remains is inhibited for one reason or another, and a
considerable thickness of organic matter may accumulate. In
northern climates, this process leads to the formation of peat
deposits and muck bogs. Probably by a combination of adsorp-
tion and the formation of stable insoluble organic complexes,
many elements are precipitated in the presence of organic matter.
Any metallic ions that enter such an environment in ground or
surface waters tend to be immobilized and strongly concentrated
in the organic matrix.
At the Manning muck bog near Albion in western New York,
Cannon (1955) describes a distribution of zinc along the edge of
the bog and around springs that discharge through the central
parts of the bog. The zinc is apparently precipitated from zinc-
rich ground water at the point where it first comes in contact
with the organic environment. The ultimate source of the zinc is
the Lockport dolomite, which is locally enriched in sphalerite.
Several million pounds of zinc have been precipitated in an area
of less than 1 square mile. The average dry weight zinc content
of the muck in this area is 0.5 percent, and maximum zinc con-
tents of more than 10 percent have been reported.
Salmi (1950), in determining the metal content of peat from
49 bogs, in Finland and Norway, found that the metal content
of bogs in mineralized areas was significantly higher than in
barren areas. He concludes that 0.1 percent copper and 0.6
percent zinc in peat ash indicate rock mineralized respectively

with copper and zinc, and that 0.03 to 0.1 percent nickel could
be regarded as an indication of nickel-bearing ore. The back-
ground copper, zinc, and nickel content of peat is, respectively,
0.03, <0.03, and 0.01 percent.
Vadose ivater. The processes already described whereby dis-
solved salts move upward against the force of gravity can result
in a pattern of dispersed metal in the surficial material directly
over the source in the bedrock. Although ionic diffusion is
probably only one of the mechanisms responsible for upward
movement, it is convenient to refer to the resulting dispersion
patterns as "diffusion patterns."
Diffusion patterns are best developed in a matrix containing
a substantial proportion of clay-sized particles. The fine-grained
matrix has both a higher retentivity for water and a higher
exchange capacity, so that the dispersion patterns can be readily
fixed as superimposed halos. Fine-grained alluvial and glacial
deposits are relatively good hosts, whereas sand and loess are
poor hosts. Diffusion halos undoubtedly form also in residual
soils but are masked by the inherited patterns of residual metals.
In the Austinville zinc district of Virginia, Fulton (1950)
reports a distribution of zinc in Tertiary river sediments that
closely reflects the zinc content of the underlying mineralized
bedrock. Patterns of this kind were lacking in the most recent
river sediments, where presumably the shortness of time had
not permitted the maturing of the diffusion pattern.
A well-defined example of a diffusion pattern was mapped in
detail in the Abakaliki lead-zinc district, Nigeria, where relatively
unweathered bedrock was overlain unconformably by a 6-foot
deposit of alluvial silt (Hawkes, 1954), Sampling on a vertical
section through the silt as exposed in an exploration trench showed
an easily contoured distribution of zinc, falling off uniformly with
distance from the underlying source from a maximum of several
thousand parts per million directly over the ore to several hundred
at the surface. Historical evidence indicates that the silt in which
this pattern was formed was deposited about 400 years ago, so
that an estimate of the time required for the evolution of a
diffusion pattern can be made.
Somewhat similar patterns, although not as clearly developed,
have been" found in the course of experimental work in glaciated
terrane inithe United States and Canada, White and Alien (1954)
report copper in glacial till over -what is probably a leakage halo

in the rocks overlying Ike fteadwoocl Camp deposit in British

Columbia. Some of the anomalies in glacial till over mineralized

zones illustrated by Bischoff (1954) may be, at least in part,

diffusion halos. Some of the best examples of diffusion halos in
deep glacial cover have been found in the course of commercial
exploration work, the results of which are not available.
Work by Kennedy (1956) in the driftless area of southwestern
Wisconsin has failed to find any evidence for superimposed halos
in the loess cover. A zone of mechanically mixed loess and residuum
occurs commonly at the base of the loess blanket, where any
anomalies present in the residuum are dispersed into the mixed
zone. This, however, has been interpreted as a simple mechanical
mixture of metal-rich residuum and barren loess, and not as
the effect of migrating ions or solutions.
The principles underlying chemical or botanical studies of
vegetation as a method of locating buried ore deposits are basically
simple. The root systems of trees can be portrayed as powerful
sampling mechanisms, bringing representative solutions up from
a large volume of ground below the surface. Then, as the water
is removed by evaporation, the mineral content of these solutions
is left behind and concentrated in the leaves.
In detail, however, the circulatory system of terrestrial plants is
by no means simple. A vast and complex set of equilibrium rela-
tionships is active from the time the nutritive solution comes
within the influence of the root tip until the water is discharged
into the atmosphere. Whether or not a metal-rich nutrient solution
will be reflected by an easily measured variation in the composition
of the plant, or by a diagnostic variation in plant morphology or
ecology, depends on the balance of these many relationships.
In reviewing the factors causing plant anomalies, it is pertinent
to consider (1) the availability of elements in the soil, (2) the
factors governing the movement of solutions into plants, (3) the
movement of and nutritive effect of mineral matter within plants,
that is, plant nutrition, and (4) the chemical and biological effects
of this process that can be used as guides to the prospector. As a
result of recent research, much of it aided by radiotracer tech-
niques, the physics and chemistry of some of these reactions are
beginning to be understood (Truog, 1951).
Availability of elements in so^.-^Agricultural scientists refer to
"available" nutrients, which consist of ions either dissolved in the
soil moisture or adsorbed on the clay minerals of the soil. These
nutrients constitute the mineral content of the soil that is imme-
diately available for uptake by the plant. They make up only a
small proportion of the total mass of the soil, the remainder of

which consists of ions tightly bonded within the lattice structures

of the stable soil minerals.
Availability of an element to plants is measured either by deter-
mining the amount of the element that can be removed from a soil
by leaching with chemical reagents, or by growing a plant in the
soil and determining the amount of the element taken up by the
Availability is a concept closely related to mobility in the surface
environment. It can be regarded as the mobility with respect to
plant activity. The ratio of the availability to the total content of
an element in the soil is a function principally of the soil pH,
oxidation potential, exchange capacity, and presence of complexing
agents. Artificial modification of one or more of these factors can
under many conditions change the nutritive value of a soil. For
example, the available molybdenum can be increased by adding
lime and thus increasing the pH to a point where the molybdenum
already present becomes soluble (Evans and others, 1951). The
addition of lime has also been recommended as a cure for soils
poisoned by an excess of available zinc, because of the lessened
solubility of zinc at a high pH. Adding animal fertilizer to a soil
in one experiment was also found to reduce the availability of zinc,
probably by the formation of stable organic zinc complexes. The
effect of complexing agents is illustrated by the use of synthetic
metallo-organic complexes (specifically, the metal salts of ethyl-
en ediamine tetraacetic acid) as an artificial source of minor-
element nutrients; added to a soil, these complexes are just reactive
enough to provide the plant with an adequate source of the
element but not so unstable that the element is largely leached out
with the first rain, as would happen if it were present as soluble
Movement of soil solutions into plants. According to currently
held Concepts, the Surface of the root tip of a plant and the
immediately surrounding solutions are characterized by ft high
concentration of hydrogen ions. This effect is SO local that it is not
apparent from a measurement of the Pn of the soil as a whole
The cause of the enrichment of hydrogen ions is probably the
hydrolysis of C02, which escapes through the roots in substantial
qua.ntitio8 <BWa. 1947). The effect of the H+ abundance is to set
up active cation-exchange reactions ^etween ^* ^y «*_.,. Q£
the soil ana the surface of the roots, which have been shown to
have a high exchange capacity (Williams &M COlema
On the surface of clay minerals, hydrogen JOflS exchange
ions which then move through the soil to the roots, probably by a

combination of diffusion, surface migration, and contact exchange

(Jenny and Overstreet, 1939). When the metal ions reach the
outer surface of the root tip, they exchange for hydrogen ions,
which are then released to repeat the process.
Empirical observations have shown that the local but extremely
corrosive environment near the root tips of plants can extract
mineral matter well in excess of what is present in readily
exchangeable form. Even primary minerals such as feldspar can
be broken down and their component cations made available to
the plant (Keller and Frederickson, 1952). A spectacular example
of the dissolving effect of roots is the "converter" plant which
takes up selenium from stable and relatively insoluble selenium
compounds in the soil (Beath and others, 1939, p. 266). With the
death and decay of the plant, the selenium returns to the soil in
soluble form and is then available for uptake by other plants that
lack the power to dissolve selenium.
Movement into the plant of the cations adsorbed on the outer
surface of the root tip is controlled by a selective restraining effect
of the cell membranes. Some ions are freely admitted and others
are impeded to a greater or lesser degree, an effect that is
apparently due largely to the pH of the cell sap within the root
tip. Lead, for example, is an element that is apparently largely
immobilized by precipitation in the cell walls and nuclei of the roots
of some plants (Hammett, 1928). Thus, toxic excesses of lead may
not reach the active centers of growth in the upper parts of the
plant. If the quantity of lead in the nutrient solution is too great,
however, the precipitate apparently impedes the flow of solutions
and the plant does not grow normally. Uranium and vanadium,
elements which are also toxic, are apparently precipitated in the
roots in the same way (Cannon, 1952).
Plant nutrition. The movement of mineral matter within
plants is controlled by many factors including free and restrained
diffusion, movement of the solvent, electrical and thermal effects,
exchange reactions, and, perhaps most important, metabolic ac-
cumulation of mineral nutrients in the building of metallo-organic
molecules (Broyer, 1947). Of the last type of reaction, the entrance
of magnesium into the chlorophyll molecule is a classic example.
Many other elements play a similar dominant role as components
of enzymes and other catalysts that speed the many vital reactions
in a growing plant.
Stated in a different way, the acceptance of inorganic salts into
the circulatory systems of plants, and the distribution of those salts
throughout the plant structure is a response to the plant's nutri-

tional requirements. In the upper part of the plant, the nutritive

elements are commonly enriched in the actively growing cells,
particularly in the seed structures and growing tips. As the cells
mature, the concentration of these elements declines. .There is
abundant evidence that the distribution of nutrient elements
changes with changing requirements and that the circulatory
systems of plants maintain a dynamic balance whereby inorganic
material can be not only supplied to fulfill the nutritive needs but
also removed when it is no longer needed. Each species of plant
has its own individual nutritive requirements that differ some-
what from those of every other species. The nutritive or toxic ef-
fect of any one element may depend on the over-all composition of
the nutrient solution. The uptake of one element in a plant thus
may be suppressed or stimulated by the presence of other elements
in the solution (Evans and others, 1951; Ahmed and Twyman,
1953). The composition of plant organs has also been correlated
with age of the plant, exposure to sunlight, and height above the
For whatever reasons the elements are needed by plants, it has
been definitely established that in addition to the common nutri-
tive elements potassium, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus
most plants require small quantities of many minor elements,
including copper, zinc, iron, molybdenum, manganese, sulfur, and
boron. If the nutrient solutions do not provide adequate quantities
of these elements to the root system, the plant will be unhealthy
or may not survive. Some workers have even postulated that plants
require a certain,small amount of every element in the periodic
table, but perhaps in quantities so small that the need could never
be demonstrated in greenhouse experiments.
At the Other extreme, an excess of any element above a critical
level in the nutrient solution will impair the health of the plant
or may even kill it. The element here is present in SUCh Quantities
that it interferes with rather than assists the normal metabolism
of the plant and has an.Over-811 tOXIC rather than a nutritive effect.
For some elements there is an optimum range for the composi-
tion t?r tti« wwtriexxt solution, if the concentration of an element
in the solution is either greater than the upper limit of mis range
or less than the lower limit, the plant will not grow normally.
BQron is perhaps an extreme example; very small Quantities are
necessary for the growth of many plants, whereas only slightly
higher Concentrations CaUSe injury. With many plants the range
between these two levels is only a few parts per million of boron
(Robinson, 1951). For some other elements, such as zinc and

arsenic, plants can tolerate a wider range without conspicuous

damage. For still, others, the existence of either one or both of
the limits has not been demonstrated. It is quite possible, however,
that further research will eventually show that an optimum range
of concentration exists for every element in the supporting
Prospecting by plant analysis. If the metal content of a sample
of plant material is to be useful in prospecting, it should bear a
fairly simple correspondence to the metal content of the supporting
soil. Considerations of availability in the nutrient solution,
together with the many vital and nonvital processes affecting the
movement of elements into and through the plant, indicate cor-
rectly that the correspondence may not be as simple as might be
desired. In general, however, if other factors are held constant, a
useful degree of correspondence will be found. The problem is to
determine what irrelevant factors are most likely to mask the
correlation between plant composition and soil composition.
First, the accumulating effect of plants is apparently not a
critical factor. In earlier work, this effect was regarded as a
highly important mechanism for enriching the metal content of a
geochemical sample to a point within the range of sensitivity of
the available analytical method. Thyssen (1942) pointed out that
the degree of enrichment for each element can be expressed as
an "enrichment factor," equal to the ratio of its content in the
biosphere to its content in the lithosphere. He suggested that
elements characterized by a high enrichment factor are to be
recommended for prospecting by plant analysis.
With the high sensitivity of modern analytical methods, an
enriched sample is no longer necessary. Furthermore, it has been
found that elements that are highly enriched in plant material
are not necessarily the ones that will best reflect the relative
abundance of that element in the soil. Zinc is an element that may
be very highly enriched in many plants. In dwarf birch, for
example, the zinc content of the ash of mature twigs is commonly
about 1 percent, representing a hundredfold enrichment factor
over the 100 ppm zinc of normal soils (Warren and others, 1952b).
The variation in the zinc content of most plants, however, is so
sensitive to factors completely unrelated to mineralization, such
as drainage and sunlight conditions, that the response to differ-
ences in the composition of the soil may be largely masked. Recent
observations indicate that the content of toxic elements, like
uranium and lead, may reflect the composition of the soil more
accurately than the nutrient or neutral elements, even though the

absolute amount of the toxic element in the plant organ is ex-

tremely small. The term "accumulator" plant has been applied
indiscriminately to all plants whose chemically determined metal
content is useful in prospecting. In view of the dubious significance
of the accumulating effect, it is suggested that the use of this term
in discussing plant analysis as a prospecting method be discon-
The part of the plant selected for analysis is an especially critical
factor. As a result of vital processes, the metal content of different
organs of the same plant may be widely divergent. Furthermore,
the organs of plants differ somewhat in the degree to which their
composition reflects the composition of the supporting soil. The
zinc and copper content of mature twigs and wood have generally
been found to be more stable than the content in immature green
tips, leaves, or seed structures in which the variations in coirf-
position depend on the rate of metabolism of the actively growing
part. The contrast between the metal content of stems and that
of leaves or needles collected from the same individuals is illus-
trated in data collected by Warren, Delavault, and Irish (1952b)
and summarized in table 7. The metal content of plant organs can
be accurately interpreted in terms of geologic environment, there-
fore, only where they are based on samples of the same parts of
the plant.
Different species of plants take up different amounts of inor-
ganic material from the soil. The contrast in the uptake of copper
and zinc by different species all living in essentially the same
climatic environment and all growing in unmineralized terrane is
also shown in table 7. Here, it would be extremely misleading to
attempt geologic interpretations of the metal content of plant
samples taken without regard to the identity of the species, In a
given environment, a group of species may have similar response
to certain elements, and where this can be established it is
permissible to include two or perhaps more species in one set of
comparable samples.
It is not practical to limit plant sampling to soils of identical pH,
drainage conditions, and exposure to sunlight. Variations due to
these factors may be minimized, however, by determining the ratio
of two elements, such as copper and zinc, whose content in plants
responds to nongeologic factors in a similar way. Thus, under
normal conditions, a fairly constant copper-to-zinc ratio may be
observed even though the absolute amounts of the two elements
may vary greatly due to drainage, sunlight, and soil texture. Here
a high copper-zinc ratio would indicate copper mineralization of

TABLE 7. Average copper and zinc content, in parts per million of dry .weight, of leaves
or needles, and stems bearing them
[Compiled from data of Warren, Delavault, and Irish, 1952b]

Copper Zinc

Leaves or Leaves or
needles Stem needles Stem

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxlfolia) ........... 3 5 24 45

Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) ............. 5 7 37 33
Yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) .............. 4 3 34 29
Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) .......... 4 6 27 31
Engelmann spruce (Picea Engelmanni) ....... 4 10 41 C4
Western red cedar (Thuja pUcata) .^. ........ 3 2 10 14
Hemlock (Ttuga heterophylla) ............... 2 7 12 48
Willow (Salixtp.). ........................ 12 12 120 120
Aspen (Populus tremuloidsg) ..._............ 15 11 120 102
Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) ........... 11 8 130 75
Scrub birch (Betula glandulosa) .............. 10 8 170 130
Water birch (Betula occidentalis) ............ 11 9 94 110
Mockorange (Philadelphus lewisii) ........... 8 7 23 34
Chokecherry (Prunus demissa) ..___. ....... 10 7 26 36
Saskatoon ( A melanchier alnifolia) ........... 11 7 31 30
Mountain maple (Acer glabrum) .... .__._._. 13 6 31 24
Broombrush (Symphoricarpos racemosus) ..... 9 8 24 31
Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) ............ 17 14 28 20

the bedrock, and an unusually low ratio would similarly indicate

zinc mineralization.
Subject to the several modifying factors previously discussed,
variations in (the chemical composition of the upper parts of the
plant correspond to variations in the composition of the solutions
tapped by the root system. The roots of many plants extend to con-
siderable depth even in moist climates where wrter is abundantly
available near the surface. The root systems spread out and gather
samples from a substantial volume of soil so that the material con-
centrated in the upper organs is the integrated effect of all the ma-
terial within a considerable radius. In prospecting, therefore, the
metal content of properly chosen samples of vegetation is an indi-
cation of the average composition of soil solutions at some depth
and to a considerable lateral extent around the sample site. The
roots of trees have been seen in tunnels 50 feet below the surface
in the uranium mines of the Colorado Plateau. In British Colum-
bia, plant anomalies ranging in width from 4 to 50 times the width
of the ore deposit itself have been reported by White (1950). Plant

analysis as a method of prospecting is particularly useful in areas

of deep transported cover where the ground-water and diffusion
patterns do not reach the surface.
Palmqvist and Brundin of the Swedish Prospecting Co.
pioneered in the use of plant analysis as a prospecting method by
systematically sampling the leaves and needles of vegetation and
making spectrographic analyses of the samples reduced to ashes.
As a result of this work, they reported discoveries of small tin and
tungsten deposits in Cornwall (Swedish Prospecting Co., 1939), a
vanadium-bearing shale at Skane in Sweden, and a tungsten
deposit at Yxsjoby in Sweden (Josef Eklund, oral communication,
1948). Electrisk Malmletning, a Swedish geophysical company,
has reportedly done some work on the chromium content of vege-
tation over chromite deposits in Greece, where they found a
positive correlation (Josef Eklund, oral communication, 1948).
Rankama (1940) conducted a similar investigation of nickel in the
ash of birch leaves in the vicinity of known nickel deposits, where
by contouring the nickel content of the plant ash he was able to
show the location of ore buried beneath 10 feet of glacial cover.
Hans Lundberg (oral communication, 1947) used the lead and
zinc content of vegetation growing near geophysical anomalies in
Newfoundland to determine whether the anomalies warranted
drilling for lead-zinc ore. Vogt and Bugge (1943) found that the
leaves of dwarf birch growing on covered outcrops of ore con-
tained more copper than other species from the same locality,
and also more copper than the same species growing on normal
Beginning in 1945, Warren and coworkers at the University of
British Columbia have been active both in research into the
biochemistry of copper and zinc in Canadian flora and in the appli-
cation of plant sampling on a large scale as a prospecting method.
They have gathered a vast amount of data to show the normal
distribution of copper and zinc in different species of plants and
in different organs of the same species (Warren, Delavault, and
Irish, 1952b). Guided by these observed relationships, they con-
cluded that stems of 1 full year's growth of gymnosperms, particu-
larly Douglas firs and pines, provide the most useful samples.
Using Douglas fir stems, they consider as anomalous a content of
more than 9 pp>m (dry- weight) for copper, more than 6O ppm

(dry weight) for zinc, and outside the limits 0.07 to 0.23 for the
copper-zinc ratio. They have applied these techniques on a com-
mercial scale throughout Canada and have reportedly uncovered
a number of mineralized areas. Warren and his colleagues have

also done some experimental work on the distribution of iron,

manganese, gold, silver, and molybdenum in plants (Warren,
and others, 1952a; Warren and Delavault, 1950a, 1953a).
In the Tri-State lead-zinc district, Harbaugh (1950) found that
the zinc content of leaves and twigs of 24 species of trees over
mineralized zones were respectively 38 and 25 percent greater than
similar samples from barren areas. Twigs of blackjack oak col-
lected within 300 feet of known ore contained 67 percent more
zinc than similar samples collected in barren areas some miles
Plant analysis for uranium and vanadium has become an effec-
tive method of prospecting for uranium ores in the Colorado
Plateau area ('Cannon, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1957). The most useful
samples come from the twigs and wood of sage, rabbitbrush,
pifion, and juniper, which put down their roots to very great
depths in search of water. A uranium content greater than 1 ppm
on an ash basis indicates geologically favorable ground. It is
noteworthy that the 1 ppm threshold for plant ash is less than the
4 ppm normal background for unmineralized rock. Cannon points
out that uranium and vanadium are largely precipitated within the
root near the point of intake, so that only a relatively small frac-
tion reaches the upper parts of the plant.
Experiments with analysis of plant material have also been
reported from California6, Arizona (Lovering and others, 1950;
Warren and others, 1951b), Missouri (Keller, 1949), Michigan
(McKinstry, 1948, p. 218), eastern Canada (Riddell, 1952b;
Warren and Delavault, 1953b), Poland (Bobrowski and Piechota,
1949), Russia (Tkalich, 1938; Maliuga, 1947), and west Africa
(Webb and Millman, 1950).
Prospecting by botanical observations. The effect of different
concentrations of metals in the nutrient solution can go far beyond
a simple variation in the composition of the plant organs. High
concentrations of metal in the supporting soil may modify the
morphology or color of the flora and even determine which species
can live under the conditions imposed. Identification of the symp-
toms and species that are characteristic of the chemical environ-
ment thus can provide information that is directly helpful to the
prospector without recourse to sampling and chemical analyses
of plant material.
The abnormal colors and morphological features of a plant
caused by a poisonous element in the nutrient solution are collec-
9 Roberts, E. E., 1949. Geochemical and geobotanical prospecting for barium and copper,
Stanford Univ., unpublished thesis.

tively referred to as toxicity symptoms. Between the level where

a plant can tolerate the concentration of a given element in the
soil solutions and the level where it cannot live is a fringe zone
where the plant can live but where it suffers from the poisoning
effect of the toxic element. Most commonly, the toxemia takes
the form of simple stunting of growth. A few plants, however,
develop peculiarly diagnostic symptoms that can under favorable
conditions be interpreted directly in terms of probable excesses
of a toxic element in the soil. Excess quantities of available zinc
in soils will cause a yellowing of the leaves or needles known as
chlorosis. Somewhat similar chlorotic symptoms have been ob-
served for excesses of copper, cobalt, and cadmium and for a
deficiency of available iron (Hewitt, 1953).
The ecological assemblage of plants growing normally in a
given environment is a response to the nutritive quality of the soil
as well as to the soil texture, drainage, sunlight, and many other
factors. Different species of plants have different nutritive require-
ments. Some grow best in acid soils and others in alkaline soils.
Some can tolerate and may prefer deficiencies or excesses of certain
elements. The most familiar example of an ecological assemblage
characteristic of a particular chemical environment is the flora
restricted to limestone soils of high pH. Flora characteristic of
acid soils of abnormally low pH have been observed in areas of
rock alteration and pyritization (Billings, 1950). A characteristic
flora also distinguishes serpentine soils in most climates, although
there is some doubt as to whether this is due to the restrictive
influence of the abundant nickel, magnesium, and chromium in
the soil or to some more indirect reflection of the parent rock. The
tolerance of plants for excesses of minor elements also varies with
the species, On metal-rich soil, plants with a low tolerance win
not survive, leaving the field free of competition to species with
high tolerance, In central Africa, search for bare places in the
bush caused by excesses of copper in the soil has been used success-
fully as a prospecting method (Guillemain, 1913; Ball and Shaler,
1914). Vogt (1924a, 1942b) in Norway has observed several
plant species thriving on outcrops of cupriferous pyrite to the
exclusion of many other common plants, which he explains on the
assumption that these species have a high tolerance for copper
and hence are left without competitors on the wpper-r^h. son.
Ragweed, which is generally tolerant to heavy metals, is said to
grow abundantly on outcrops of zinc ore in Arkansas (Robinson
and Edgington, 1945).

Extreme examples of the nutritional response of plants are

certain indicator plants that grow exclusively on soil containing
an excessive amount of some element. In the Rocky Mountain
states, Beath, Gilbert, and Eppson (1939) have shown that a
group of plants, chiefly species of Astragalus, will grow only on
soils containing an excess of selenium. This relationship is so
consistent that it is possible to map seleniferous geologic forma-
tions by the distribution of the selenium indicators. Inasmuch as
selenium-rich forage is highly toxic to sheep and other livestock,
the recognition of seleniferous areas by means of the selenium
indicator plants is of considerable economic importance. Selenium
is also associated with the uranium ores of the Colorado Plateau,
where selenium indicators have been used successfully in pros-
pecting for uranium.
Indicator plants for other elements have been reported. In
prospecting, the most famous is the calamine violet which thrives
only on zinc-rich soils in the zinc districts of Silesia. This species
is of only local occurrence. Sulfate indicators have been used in
conjunction with the selenium indicators in prospecting on the
Colorado Plateau (Cannon, 1957). At the San Manuel copper
deposit, California poppies are apparently confined to copper-rich
soil, and the population density of this species is closely propor-
tional to the copper content of the soil (Lovering and others,
1950). The distribution of a certain shrub that prefers a soil rich
in iron has been useful in determining the extent of the Cerro
Bolivar iron deposits in Venezuela (Buck, 1951). Other indicators
for copper, lead, zinc, tin, mercury, silver, and gold, have also been
reported as useful in local areas (Lidgey, 1897; Dorn, 1937).
The use of indicator plants in mineral exploration undoubtedly
has been outstandingly successful in some areas. Such success,
however, requires an unusual coincidence of a climatic environ-
ment where an indicator plant can thrive, together with the occur-
rence of ores of the metal to which the plants respond. An
appropriate environment for an indicator plant may in reality be
a marginal zone for the distribution of that species, where a
relatively slight change in conditions will either make the species
ubiquitous in its habitat or eliminate it altogether. Thus, although
the distribution of the California poppy corresponds with the cop-
per content of the soil at San Manuel, in neighboring areas of
slightly different climate the California poppy can grow almost
anywhere, whereas in other areas not too far distant it cannot
grow at all. No indicator plants can be cited as being universally
useful, therefore, and any application of indicator plants to pros-

pecting must be based upon careful preliminary studies of the

local flora.
Role of plants in the secondary dispersion cycle. Plants may
play an important part in the over-all movement of elements in
the surficial environment. One phase is the decomposition of pri-
mary rock-forming minerals. Another is the modification of the
mobility of elements, as seen in the action of converter plants on
the mobility of selenium. Still another phase is the movement of
nutrient solutions from the root tips of plants through ;the stem
and into the leaves, a process that can account for the transfer of
substantial amounts of inorganic matter (Goldschmidt, 1937).
With the falling of leaves or the death and decay of the plant,
the inorganic matter is returned to the surface soil in highly
soluble form. A large proportion of these soluble salts is leached
by rainwater and removed in the drainage. A part, however, can
remain behind as organic complexes and adsorbed ions in the
humus and other near-surface horizons of the soil.
The immobilized fraction of the mineral matter brought to the
surface by plants can have an important effect in the development
of geochemical anomalies in soils, particularly transported soil of
glacial or alluvial origin. The subsoil, where iron and alumina
tend to be enriched by soil-forming processes, is generally a locus
of stable accumulation of metals. Soil samples collected from the
B horizon may, therefore, show the same pattern of anomalies as
the trees overhead. Inasmuch as the immediate source for this
enrichment is the decaying humus overlying the subsoil, it is not
uncommon to find that anomalous patterns in the B horizon of
transported soils over ore deposits do not extend downward into
the immediately underlying parent material.
Surface water is by far the most important long-distance carrier
of SUrfiCial materials. Products of weathering enter the surface
drainage in part as solid particles and grains resulting from
mechanical erosion and in part as soluble matter. Once this
material is caught up in the rapidly flowing water of streams and
rivers, it may move in a matter of hours distances that WOUld
require days or years in the more sluggish environment Of the
soil mantle.
Dispersion patterns formed in running surface waters are
restricted to drainage channels. The result is an essentially linear
distribution of weathering products, as distinguished from the
planar pattern resulting from other types of secondary dispersion
and the three-dimensional arrangement of most primary disper-

sion patterns. For this reason, dispersion patterns in drainage

systems Have' been referred to in the Russian investigations as
dispersion "trains," in contrast to the halos and other nonlinear
patterns formed in the soil cover.
All the products of weathering in a drainage basin must funnel
down through the system of streams and rivers that flow out of
the area. Thus the load carried by a stream at any given point is a
sample of material composited from the area drained by the
stream, and its composition will be a reflection of the average
chemical composition of the rocks in the drainage basin. Particu-
larly, the metal derived by the weathering of an ore deposit, if
that deposit is sufficiently large, may be indicated by a higher than
normal metal content of the material being carried away in the
drainage water. Under favorable conditions, therefore, chemical
analysis of either the soluble or solid load of stream waters can be
used in appraising the mineral potentialities of the area drained
by the stream.
The characteristic pattern of dispersion of any particular
element in a drainage system is dependent on whether it moves
as a resistant or stable mineral carried with the solid load of the
stream, as an unstable component of the solid load that can readily
go into solution with changing conditions, or as soluble matter.
Resistant minerals. Minerals that do not readily decompose in
the surficial environment include both resistant residual minerals
inherited from the parent igneous rocks and the clay minerals and
.secondary oxides that comprise the hydrolysates formed by the
weathering of primary minerals. The relative ability of primary
minerals to resist decomposition by weathering agencies and the
factors governing the formation of stable secondary minerals have
already been reviewed in the discussion of weathering products.
Residual minerals commonly make up the bulk of the more
coarse-grained fraction of the stream load, which moves primarily
by traction, or rolling and bouncing along the streambed at a
velocity much lower than that of the water. The clay minerals of
the hydrolysate fraction, on the other hand, are commonly fine
grained and in turbulently flowing water move in either mechan-
ical or colloidal suspension at the same velocity as the water. When
turbulence ceases in lakes and in quieter parts of the stream
channel,, most of the suspended matter settles out as deposits of
mud and silt.
The residual minerals of stream sediments include dominantly
quartz, together with a suite of less common, heavier minerals.
Near the source, the grain size of the residual minerals is rela-
tively coarse. Transportation of the grains takes place by repeated
erosion and resedimentation along the stream bed, during which
abrasive forces are continually reducing the size of the grains.
Freise (1931) has conducted laboratory experiments to determine
the relative rate of disintegration of primary minerals under the
abrasive action of flowing water. He arranged the important
minerals of placer deposits in the following order of increas-
ing transportation resistance: galena, quartz, zircon, ilmenite,
sphalerite, cassiterite, magnetite, wolframite, rutile, chromite,
pyrite, and tourmaline. This sequence does not necessarily repre-
sent the relative distance the minerals will travel from their
source, as no account was taken of the relative rate of chemical
decomposition of the minerals or the effect of shape of the mineral
grains and the resulting differences in the buoyant effect of run-
ning water. By the time the residual minerals reach the larger
rivers, even the most resistant of the grains may be reduced to
the size of silt particles or smaller and may be carried in suspen-
sion along with the clay-mineral fraction.
The continual erosion and redeposition of silt and sand-sized
grains can result in a gravity sorting of the minerals, whereby
heavier minerals are concentrated in the bottoms of stream chan-
nels. Concentrations of this kind, where they contain economically
valuable heavy minerals, such as native gold and cassiterite, are
known as placer deposits.
Stable secondary minerals under certain conditions can also
occur in the coarse-grained fraction of stream sediment along with
the more abundant resistant minerals. Chief among these is
limonite. Manganese oxides and secondary copper and lead
minerals also may be observed in the sand and silt fraction of
stream sediments, provided an adequate source of these minerals
is present.
The occurrence of certain diagnostic heavy minerals in stream
Sediments can provide a clue to the distribution of major rock types
an<a to tKe general geologic setting of the drainage basin. A study
Of the relative abundance Of the heavy minerals in sediments of
the James River in Virginia, for example, showed that the mineral
assemblage could be correlated with the heavy minerals in the
rocks of the areas through which the river flowed, as shown in
table 8. Limonite derived from brown iron ores dominates the
heavy mineral assemblage in the upper reaches of the river system
where it crosses the Valley and Kidge physiographic province. TUe
relative abundance of limonite decreases as the river passes pro-

TABLE 8. Heavy minerals of James River sands

[From Stow, 1939. F, flood; A, abundant; C, common; R, rare]

Physiographic provinces
Upstream to downstream

Valley and
Ridge Blue Ridge Piedmont Coastal Plain

Limonite. ____.______..__. F A C
Ilmenite and magnetite. C C C A
Zircon. __________ _______ R R A C
Tourmaline. ______________ R R R R
Rutile __ ________________ R R R R
Leucoxene. ______-___---_. C C R
Hornblende.. . ____________ R A C
Epidote.________ _______ R C C
Garnet. __________________ R R C
Muscovite.--.. . ------- C C R
Chlorite. _________________ C C R
Hypersthene. _-________-_. R R R
Staurolite. .--_-__.__--_. R C
Andalusite.-..- __________ R R
Kyanite____ ____ _______ R C
Sillimanite. ___-_____--____ R C
Sphene. __________________ R R
Actinolite. ._-_____._--__. R
Apatite. ________ ______ R
Biotite ___________________ R
Diopside .-_.._________-_ R
Monazite_.______ __.__.-_ R
Trernolite.-_.__ ___ R

gressively through the Blue Ridge and Piedmont provinces, and

new minerals of local origin appear.
Sampling of heavy minerals in the South Island of New Zealand
showed a similar correlation with the geology of the drainage
basins (Hutton, 1950). Three geologic provinces were identified,
defined respectively by a zircon-scheeelite-thorite-uranothorite
assemblage, a zircon-garnet-epidote-hornblende assemblage, and a
zircon-hyacmth-monazite-xenotime-hornblende assemblage. In this
work, the heavy-mineral studies provided an original source of
geologic information, as the rocks from which many of the min-
erals were derived were unknown because of inaccessible terrane.
In prospecting for ore deposits, heavy-mineral studies have been
used since prehistoric times. Instead of the heavy accessory
minerals of igneous rocks, the prospector looks for heavy minerals

derived from the weathering of vein deposits. Many of these

minerals occur only in hydrothermal deposits, and rarely or never
are found as disseminated accessory minerals. Chief among these
are gold, cassiterite, wolframite, scheelite, and cinnabar. The
provenance of some of the other heavy minerals, such as platinum,
columbite, barite, or pyrite may not be unique, as they can on
occasion occur in unmineralized rock as minor accessories as well
as in hydrothermal deposits. Thus, cassiterite in a heavy-mineral
assemblage is more indicative of economic mineralization in the
drainage basin than columbite.
Prospecting by heavy-mineral studies consists in determining
the relative amounts of an economic mineral in stream sediments,
and in tracing the drainage upstream to the source by following
the pattern of increasing concentrations. Techniques of concen-
trating the heavy fraction and of mineral identification are beyond
the scope of this report; they have been described in detail by
others (Button, 1950; Raeburn and Milner, 1927; Sigov, 1939).
Chemical analysis, rather than mineral identification, may be
helpful where abrasion has reduced the grain size to such an extent
that the properties of the minerals can no longer be readily
observed. Russian workers have made particular use of spectro-
graphic analysis of stream sediments for tin as a method of
prospecting for tin-bearing veins in the bedrock. (Flerov, 1935,
1938). In the United States, trace analysis of sediments in the
dry arroyos below the San Manuel copper deposits in Arizona
showed a distribution of copper that could be correlated with the
occurrence of ore upstream (Lovering and others, 1950). The
copper content of alluvium in the modern streambed was soo PPm
at a point 1.4 miles downstream from the ore outcrop, as com-
pared with a background of 30 ppm. In an ancient alluvial terrace
at the Same location, the copper content was 140 ppm. Microscopic
studies showed that the copper was present in the sediment prin-
cipally as ohrysocolla. The fine-grained fraction of the alluvium
contained somewhat more copper than the coarse fraction, prob-
ably because of abrasion of the soft chrysocolla as the sediments
were -washed downstream.
UnStMV Components Of sediments. Unlike the resistant pri-
mary minerals, many of the components of tKe solid load 01 streattlS
can go readily into aqueous solution With changing Conditions,
Tliese unstable components of stream sediments include some fine-
grained products of abrasion of residual minerals, Unstable
chemical or biological precipitates from aqueous solutions, and
exchangeable ions.

The relative solubility of finely divided residual minerals is

known mainly from inference. Barite, for example, which is a
mineral rapidly comminuted by abrasion, might be expected to go
into solution readily when present in finely divided form. The
same may be true of finely divided cassiterite, which is known
from experiment to be measurably soluble in water (Lundberg,
1941). Much has been written on the solubility of finely divided
gold, and although opinions differ it would be reasonable to expect
that soluble gold complexes could form by reaction of native gold
with natural solutions. Except for a few qualitative experiments,
however, very little work has been done to determine the fate of
fine-grained fragments of residual minerals in stream sediment.
The formation of precipitates in a stream system is most com-
monly related to changes in pH and Eh, and to biological activity.
Iron hydroxide may be precipitated as limonitic coatings on
pebbles where acid iron-rich waters derived from the oxidation
of sulfates are neutralized in the surficial environment. Traces
of many metals may at the same time be removed from solution by
coprecipitation with the iron hydroxide. A study of minor elements
in an ironstone gravel in Australia, for example, showed that
gallium, molybdenum, lead, vanadium, and zinc are concentrated
in the limonite (Oertel and Prescott, 1944). Lead in amounts as
high as, 1 percent was found in the material coating pebbles near
.the discharge of acid springs in Collar Gulch in the Judith Moun-
tains area of Montana (L. C. Huff, written communication, 1951).
A deposit of native copper has been observed in a peat bog near
Jefferson City, Mont., where copper-rich water from neighboring
mines entered the reducing environment of the peat muck
.(Forrester, 1942). Lovering (1927), in seeking to explain a
similar occurrence of native copper in peat muck, prepared labora-
tory cultures of the bacteria extracted from the muck. He showed
that the reduction of the Cu+2 ion to metallic copper was effected
by organic compounds resulting from the bacterial metabolism. A
large part of the copper in fresh lake waters has been found tied
up iboth in suspended organic matter and in free-floating micro-
organisms (Riley, 1939). Coatings of manganese oxides on the
pebbles in streambeds have been observed in many areas.
Ljunggren (1951), for example, reports active formation of man-
ganese-rich pebble coatings in river water containing 0.05 ppm
Mn. These reactions are all somewhat reversible. Thus, if for
some reaspn the pH of the environment should change sufficiently,
the immobilized material would become unstable, and the contained
elements would tend to reenter the aqueous phase.

Exchangeable ions adsorbed to the surfaces of minerals in the

finer grained fraction of stream sediments apparently make up
the major part of the unstable component of the stream load. By
exchange reactions, a balance is established between adsorbed ions
and ions in aqueous solution. The content of an exchangeable
element in the sediment thus may be an approximate measure of
the average content of that element in the stream water. Very little
information on the role of exchange reactions with metals in
stream sediments has been published. Perhaps the most quantita-
tive study of the problem was by Murata (1939), who found three
forms of manganese in a fluvial environment: soluble manganese,
exchangeable manganese, and nonexchangeable manganese. The
soluble and exchangeable manganese were in apparent equilibrium.
The ratio of the exchangeable and the total manganese was related
to the intensity of reducing conditions resulting from the decom-
position of organic matter, whereby the manganese of insoluble
manganese oxides was reduced to form soluble and hence exchange-
able manganous ions. Heide (1952) has found that important
percentages of many other elements may travel downstream as
exchangeable ions attached to the surfaces of fine-grained suspen-
soids. The notable exceptions are fluorine, chlorine, and bromine,
which are not appreciably adsorbed to or otherwise held in the
suspensoids. Saito (1951) reports that thorium is more readily
adsorbed on suspended matter than radium; thorium is therefore
precipitated in coastal waters, whereas radium reaches midocean.
No systematic geochemical prospecting surveys based on deter-
mination of the unstable components of stream sediments have
been published, although a few writers have observed dispersion
patterns in drainage channels that can 'probably foe attributed to
this cause. Hawkes (1952) mentions cobalt in the sediments of
streams draining mineralized areas in the Blackbird cobalt district
of Idaho. White and Alien (1954) found more than 500 ppm
copper in the soil of drainage channels below copper-rich dumps at
Phoenix Camp, British Columbia. There the copper in the channels
-was pm.-otoa.lbly precipitated from, ooppejr in the -\vaters derived t>y

leaching of the mine dump,

Soluble matter. T<he soluble fraction of the stream load travels
faster than either the residual minerals or the hydrolysates.
wnereas sana- ana siit-sizea grains ana to a lesser extent tne
clay-sized fraction may remain immobilized for long periods of
time as alluvial sediments, the soluble salts move actively with the
water. As a result, dispersion patterns of elements dissolved in
stream waters are relatively transitory phenomena and are

extremely susceptible to sudden changes in both time and space.

The principal causes of such variations are: changes in the supply
of soluble material at the source, changes along the stream course
in the environmental factors governing the solubility of the dif-
ferent elements, and dilution by rain water and tributory streams.
Spring water is the principal source of the soluble salts carried
by streams. Changes in the salt content and discharge rate of
springs, therefore, will cause corresponding changes in the salt
content of the streams fed by them. Major changes in the quantity
of soluble material discharged by springs can apparently result
from the flushing action of rainwater moving through unsaturatecl
surficial material in which soluble salts have had a chance to
accumulate during the preceding period of dry weather. The rising
water table resulting from an increase in rainfall may also con-
tribute to the flushing effect. It has been reported that flash-flood
waters can, under some conditions, have a higher salinity than
waters of the same streams during dry periods. Bryant and Slater
(1948) determined the leaching of soluble salts by runoff water
in a series of systematic experiments over a year's period. They
concluded that
. . . concentrations of solutes in runoff appeared to be increased by the salts
brought to the soil surface by capillarity and evaporation and decreased
by downward movement that accompanied infiltration. Because of the vertical
movements of soil salts, flash runoffs that followed conditions favorable to
capillarity and evaporation were highest in solute concentration. Additional
runoff tended to dilute initial runoff and so lower the concentration of solutes,
although the total amounts lost were necessarily increased.
A similar direct relationship of solute concentration and dis-
charge rate has been observed for many minor constituents of
stream water. The cobalt content of the water of many small
streams in the Blackbird cobalt district of Idaho, after an un-
seasonal August rain, averaged about four times the cobalt con-
tent of the same waters measured 2 weeks previously, during a
dry spell. The rate of .discharge of the streams here was also
higher. An increase in the heavy-metal content of streams during
rising water level has also been noted by workers in eastern
Webb and Millman (1950) report an initial decrease in the
heavy-metal content of streams draining an area of lead-zinc
mineralization in Nigeria after a heavy rain; this was followed
by a marked increase in metal content after several days of heavy
rainstorms. The initial decrease was ascribed to simple dilution by
direct surface runoff and the later increase largely to increments
of soluble metal flushed out of the deeper horizons of the soil. These

observations'differ somewhat from. :the leaching cycle described

by Bryaht and Slater. (1948),. possibly; because of differences 'in
climatic effects. '' ;.-. ..- ':. . ;.-. ..:.- . . :'
' 'Heide (1952) found; however > that ^ although the iodine content
of r the Elbe River varied ; directly with; 'the ^discharge, the major
constituents in the same'Silite of samples varied inversely. >:It is
difficult to rationalize an opposite behavior of different soluble
components o£the same water system with a single, simple process,
such as leaching of salts- by rainwater. Other factors: not under-
stood are involved in the process.
Inasmuch as short-term variations in the composition of stream
water can apparently result from changes in the weather, several
writers '('Huff j 1=948 ;-Webb and Millman, 1950) have recommended
establishing base sampling stations, where the metal content of
the water is rechecked' periodically'and the variations used in de-
rivmg'a^correction factor to be applied to-the field data. In this
way, it'may be'possible to' reduce the error due to 'short-term
fluctuations-with" time.- ' - .: - ;.
The supply of soluble metals derived from the oxidation of a
sulfide deposit depends to a large extent on the rate of oxidation
of the: deposit. The rate-of .oxidation 'varies somewhat with cli-
: matic conditions; ' ; For example, in the relatively cool climate of
the Pacific Northwest, spring water containing 0.005 ppm heavy
metal has been considered a. promising indication of mineraliza-
tion. (Warren and others, 1951a), whereas, in southwestern Wis-
consin, spring water flowing from undeveloped sulfide deposits
contained as: niuch as.0.05,ppm heavy metal (Kennedy, 1956), and
in Nigeria a similar spring .was found to contain 0.5 ppm (Webb
and Millman, 1950). The rate of oxidation of sulfide material also
depends on .the, aceessibility .of the material to oxidizing solutions.
This effect is ;especially pronounced where the deposit has been
ppened up with tes|; pits or underground workings, or where mined
ore has, been piled on the surface. Thus, ,an abandoned ; mine or
(pro.5pect in which the sulfide material has .been, exposed to accel-
erated oxidation may-discharge from 10 to 100 times as much
soluble metal into the stream water as the same deposit before it
had been; worked. In :previously prospecited areas, therefore, .the
increments. of soluble .metal derived from undiscovered deposits completely masked ,;by the contribution, ;frpm the knowii
prospects.. Water analysis, for this -reason may be .more/useful in
locating1 forgotten prospects than in finding new prospects.
Changes in the chemical and physical environment can modify
the composition of surface waters by: changing the mobility of

some elements. The-elements most sensitive to changes of this

kind are the ones of intermediate mobility: The extremely mobile
ions, such as sodium and sulfate, will not be precipitated by any
normal variation in the environment. At the other end of the
mobility scale, the extremely immobile elements such as chromium
will remain in the solid phase throughout the normal cycle. Many
intermediate elements, however, including copper and zinc, are
very sensitive to changes in pH, the nutritive requirements of
plant life, organic complexing agents, and the exchange capacity
of bottom sediments, to mention a few of the disturbing factors.
These effects can vary in both time and space.
Of the factors causing a time variation, perhaps biological activ-
ity has the most pronounced effect. Heide (1952) has noted that
the nitrate content'of tne Elbe River <is inversely related to the
temperature Of the water: He ascribes this to the increased metabo-
lism of organisms in a warm environment with a resulting-in-
creased removal of nitrates for nutritive purposes^ Riley (1939),
in following'the biochemical/cycle of copper in a lake in Connecti-
cut, found that in 'the autumn the copper content of some stream
waters increased 'by a factor: of 10 when the copper was release'd
by the decay of fresh plant litter.' . :; '. ;
Of the factors causing a variation in space, removal of ions by
progressive adsorption to the solid suspensoids and sediments'in
the stream appears to play an important role. Many workers have
noted a rapid decrease in the metal content of stream water in
passing downstream from an area of high metal discharge.
For example, Warren, Delavault, and Irish (1951a, p. 616)
report that ".. . in a very short distance it is possible for a stream
to lose its metal content, although the stream as a whole may
exhibit no change in volume." L. C. Huff (written communication,
1954), in measuring the metal content .of water draining mine
workings at Jerome, Ariz., :noted that the zinc content fell off by
a factor of 25 in flowing 3 miles through an irrigation canal, with
no water entering the canal to cause dilution and no change in pH
(table 9). Dilution, of course, cannot account for a decrease in
metal content of this kind. The most probable explanation' is a
progressive removal of metallic ions by. exchange .reaction's,
together with perhaps some removal by biological, activity.., ,, . >.,''
A,variation in pH, particularly i^.acid waters issuing directly
from an oxidizing sulfide mass* cajn cause major ^variations in,the
metal content .of the water,... Copper tends to be r;emo,ved from
solution as the pH rises above 5. Thus copper-rich acid, waters, as
they, are .progressively' dflutecl and - neutralized in flowing ;:

TABLE 9. Heavy metal content of -water from irrigation ditch draining

the U.V.X. mine, Jerome, Ariz.
[Samples collected and analyzed by L. C. Huff]

Distance from mouth Heavy metal Distance from mo'st'-i Heavy metal
of tunnel (miles) pH (ppm) of tunnel (miles) ,,H (ppin)

0............ . 8.0 2.0 1.8 0.4

.3............. 1.2 2.4.. _...._.... .08
0 .6 3.2 .... .08
1.4._________ 3. 5_--._. ...--- 8.0 .06

stream, will lose much of their copper content. This effect may be
seen in the data on the copper content of the drainage below the
mines at Butte, Mont., collected by Huff (written communication,
1947) as shown in table 10. Here, if it is assumed that the zinc
content falls off by a simple factor of dilution, the copper-zinc
ratio will be a measure of the tendency of the copper to remain in
solution. It is notable that the ratio remains constant until the
pH exceeds 5.0 and then falls off rapidly, indicating that copper
joins the solid load of the stream in some form.

TABLE 10. Metal content of water in drainat/e front copper mines at Butte, Mont.
[Samples collected by L. C. Huff; analyses by Norman Davidson and L. C. Huff]

Distance Parts per million

below Cu:Zn
Stream mines 1'H ratio
(miles) Cu Zn .Fe

2 4.5 70 400 80 0.17

Do 6 4.8 20 iro 30 .13
DO...... ._.------- 12 4.8 15 100 11 Jo
Do...... ._.._..._. IS 5.0 10 SO 2.5 .12
Deer Lodge River. 27 5.8 .5 20 .8 . 02
Do 41 5.8 .08 10 .4 .008
Chirk Fork River. ... 82 5.8 .Oo 3 .s . 01 R

r>ii«tioTx of a stream by increments of water from tributaries

Of different COmpOSitiOn generally has a simple arithmetic effect,
provided the turbulence is adequate to cause complete flUXlng OV61'
a short distance, and provided of course that no chemical reaction
K)6tW§§Di $15 tWO Waters causes a precipitate to form. With larger

streams and rivers, where laminar rather than turbulent flow pre-
dominates, many miles may be required for complete mixing of

water of contrasting compositions. For example, the chloride

content of water from the left bank of the Elbe, just below the
confluence of the chloride-rich Saale River, is 17 times higher
than that on the right bank; 27 kilometers below the confluence,
the chloride content of water from the left bank of the Elbe is
still three times higher than that from the right bank (Heide,
1952). In sampling the water of larger rivers, therefore, care
should be taken either to obtain a true average sample composited
from subsamples taken across the full width of the river or to
collect and analyze separate samples from the two sides of the
Prospecting methods based on chemical analysis of stream water
have been investigated by many workers. The heavy-metal con-
tent of waters has been most widely used, probably because of the
simplicity of the dithizone method of analysis (Sergeev, 1946a;
Huff, 1948; Sokoloff, 1948; Webb and Millman, 1950; Riddell,
1952a; Ohashi, 1952; Shima, 1953b, 1953c, 1953d, 1953e; Hayashi,
and others, 1951). Work has also been done on copper alone (Vogt
and Rosenqvist, 1943), gold (Konovalov, 1941), iron (Kimura,
and others, 1950,1951; Shima, 1953c, 1953f), manganese (Shima,
1953a, 1953c), and sulfate (Hayashi, and others, 1951; Kimura,
and others, 1950, 1951; Shima, 1953f).
In tracing the dispersion train of an element in a drainage
pattern, especially careful consideration must be given to the form
in which the metal or other element is transported. A dynamic
equilibrium exists between the unstable fraction of the solid load
of streams and the soluble fraction. Whether the bulk of any
particular element is traveling in the solid or the soluble fraction
at any point in the drainage system depends on the balance of
many factors that may be difficult to evaluate on the basis of
theory alone. In any given set of field conditions, however, it
should be possible to get at least an empirical idea of the partition
of an element by carrying out determinations respectively of the
total content of the element in sediments, the fraction readily
extractable from sediments in weak reagents, and the soluble
salts. The best material to be sampled in any reconnaissance
exploration program and the most suitable analytical method can
then be selected on the basis of this preliminary information.
Fresh-water lakes may be considered temporary resting places
during the transportation of weathering products, where the rapid
movement of stream and river water gives way to a quiet environ-
ment dominated by sedimentation and biological activity. The bulk

of the solid fraction of the stream load is dropped at the inlets.

Some of the soluble components of the streams entering a lake may
enter the biological cycle of fresh-water organisms and be' de-
posited with the organic sediment that accumulates in the lake
bottom. Copper in particular is known to be immobilized in this
way (Riley, 1939; Nichols and others, 1946). ;
Soluble metals originating from the weathering of ore deposits
also may be trapped in the bottom sediments of lakes; Vogt (1942c)
describes lake deposits of bog manganese ore containing traces of
zinc, copper, nickel, and cobalt derived from sulfide bodies in the
tributary basins.
In addition to the metal introduced by streams flowing into a
lake, some water can enter lakes directly by seepage of ground
water around the shores. Chisholm (1950a) describes lake water
collected offshore from a known mineralized vein, where he
found that readily detectable amounts of heavy metals occurred
within 5 feet of the shore. The heavy-metal content dropped
rapidly more than 5 feet from the shore and in the absence of
nearshore mineralized zones, the metal content of the water was
negligible. This metal undoubtedly came into the lake from'
seepages of metal-rich ground Water. ' '
Deposition of sediments brought into marine basins by rivers is
the final phase of the surficial geochemical cycle. On entering a
body of salt water, most of the minor elements dissolved in river
waters are precipitated and deposited along with the sediments
(Krauskopf, 1952). The material deposited is a sample of the
terrane drained by the rivers that flow into the basin. The
chemical peculiarities of some sedimentary rocks have been ex-
plained on the assumption of similar peculiarities in the rocks of
tributary land areas. For example, tke Lockport dolomite o£ the
Great Lakes area and the Mansfeld shale of Germany are unusual-
ly rich in base metals that are presumed to be syngenetic. These
metals may have originated from the weathering of a terrane
particularly rich in those metals.
In addition tO the material brought into marine basins by rivers,
a small contribution may also be received from rocks cropping out
on tKe floor of the basin. Huff (1955) has correlated the copper
content of the basal sandstone of Cambrian age in the Jerome
area of Arizona witk copper ore in 'tile Precambriaft ICOCk nOGF
of the sea during earliest Cambrian time. An oval-shaped area of
sandstone containing more than 100 ppm copper extends for as
much as 2 miles around the exposure of Precambrian rocks of the

United Verde ore body. Background copper content is less than

50 ppm. This pattern is interpreted as the result of lateral dis-
persion of copper by water currents and waves washing back and
forth over copper ore exposed in the floor of the shallow marine
In the preceding pages some of the laws governing the disper-
sion of the chemical elements in earth materials and the char-
acteristics of the resulting dispersion patterns have been reviewed.
The application of dispersion-pattern studies to practical problems
of mineral exploration remains to be considered. After a review
of the historical development of geochemical methods of prospect-
ing, some comments are made on the selection of the most appro-
priate exploration method and on techniques of carrying out a
geochemical survey.
Early development. The basic principle upon which geo-
chemical prospecting is based the following of dispersion pat-
terns has probably been recognized and used since man first began
his search for metal. The ancient prospector who panned gold up-
stream in quest of the mother lode or examined outcrops and
stream beds for iron stains was looking for the same types of
clues to buried ore as the modern prospector with his kit of chem-
ical tests. The chief difference was in the use of mineralogical
observations rather than chemical analyses.
Probably the first written record of the use of chemical analyses
in prospecting is in Vannoccio Biringuccio's "Pirotechnia," (Bir-
inguccio, 1540, p. 15) published in Venice in 1540, in which he
There are some who praise highly as a good sign certain residues that
waters make where they are still, and after having stood for several days,
frequently warmed by the rays of the sun, they show in some parts of their
residues various tinctures of metallic substances. There are others who
usually take this water and cause it to evaporate or dry up entirely by
boiling it in a vessel of earthenware, glass, or some other material, and they
test the gross earthy substance that remains at the bottom by testing, by
the ordinary fire assay, or in some other way that pleases them. In this
way (although they do not have an exact proof) they approach some sort
of knowledge of the thing.
During the 40-year period before 1935, many authors both
on this continent and abroad have reported observations on the
response of vegetation to underlying ore (Lidgey, 1897; Lung-
witz, 1900; and references in Dorn, 1937), and on the distribution

of traces of metals in rocks associated with ores (Vogt, 1923;

C. H. White, 1924; Wilson, 1935). They were the results of isolated
projects, however, and did not represent large-scale or concerted
research programs.
Russm. The first large-scale systematic investigation of chem-
ical analysis as a method of prospecting was undertaken in 1932
by Soviet geologists (Fersman, 1939; Sergeev, 1941). By 1935,
the geological staff of the Central Geological and Prospecting Insti-
tute in Moscow had perfected spectrographic analytical equipment
and sampling procedures suitable for routine geochemical soil
surveys. Three field projects were undertaken in 1935, 8 in 1936,
6 in 1937, and 3 in 1938. Seven of these projects depended upon
semiquantitative spectrographic analyses of soil and stream sedi-
ment for tin, a procedure referred to in the Russian investigations
as the "stannometric survey." The remainder of the Russian pro-
jects during this period were orientation and prospecting surveys
for copper, lead, zinc, nickel, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum,
and borates. Most of this work was based on spectrographic meth-
ods of analysis, although spot tests, flame tests, and coloriinetry
were used in a few projects. In the course of these surveys a total
of more than 45,000 samples were collected and analyzed. Well-
defined chemical indications associated with known ore were ob-
tained in all but 3 of the 20 areas investigated, and 5 new mineral
discoveries were reported. In addition to the discoveries, many
geochemical anomalies were found which had not been confirmed
by subsequent exploration at the time of the last comprehensive
report (Sergeev, 1941) received in the United States.
Much of the analytical work in connection with these surveys
was done in the field or in temporary field headquarters. A small
spectrograph with a portable power supply was constructed for
Use Under primitive conditions in the immediate vicinity of field
operations (Raisbaum, 1929). This unit could be disassembled for
transportation by truck or where necessary by pack animals.
In addition tO the SOil WOrK, Some experiments have been car-
ried OUt in the Soviet Union with analysis of vegetation as a pros-
pecting method (Tkalich, 1938; Maliuga, 1947); to date, no re-
port O.t large-SCale prospecting activity based on plant sampling
has been received. It is perhaps worth noting that the1 publication
date of the paper by Tkalich antedates the earliest Scandinavian
reports on plant surveys by about a year. Preliminary investigfa-
tions of the metal content of surface water in relation to minerali-
zation have also been reported from the Soviet Union (Sergeev,

Scandinavia. In 1936, Palmqvist and Brundin of the Swedish

Prospecting Co. undertook experiments with spectrographic anal-
ysis of plant ash as a method of prospecting. Trial geochemical
plant surveys in Cornwall °and Wales indicated abnormally high
contents of tin, tungsten, lead, and zinc in the leaves of trees and
shrubs growing over soils containing correspondingly large pro-
portions of those metals (Swedish Prospecting Co., 1939). On
the basis of these experiments, a patent (Brundin, 1939) was
obtained to cover systematic sampling of plant material followed
by spectrographic analysis of the plant ash as a method of pros-
pecting. For several years, the Swedish Prospecting Co. conducted
geochemical surveys in conjunction with its regular geophysical
service to the mining industry, and many areas were systematic-
ally prospected by plant analysis. Because of the confidential
nature of the exploration contracts, very little of the results of this
work have been published. The company was dissolved during the
early years of the war, and large-scale geochemical prospecting
work in Sweden has not been resumed.
In 1939, Rankama (1940) made an experimental study of the
nickel content of plant samples from a number of nickel deposits
in the glaciated country of northern Finland. Within the last few
years, additional experiments with geochemical dispersion pat-
terns related to ore have been undertaken under the auspices of the
University of Helsinki (Marmo, 1953) and the Geological Museum
(Salmi, 1950).
Beginning in 1938, Vogt and coworkers at the Technical
University of Norway have investigated the dispersion of
weathering products of known sulfide deposits in soil, vegetation,
and surface water, and have published a series of papers sum-
marizing their results. (See Vogt and also Rosenqvist and Vogt).
Canada. In 1939 and 1940, Lundberg (1941), following the
lead of the Swedish investigators, experimented with spectro-
graphic analysis of vegetation for lead as a prospecting method.
Tests were carried out at Buchans, Newfoundland, and at several
other localities in eastern Canada. Although the results were
generally promising, Lundberg's work was suspended because of
wartime restrictions, and has not been resumed.
In 1945, H. V. Warren and his coworkers at the University of
British Columbia undertook a research program on the metal
content of vegetation as a method of prospecting and a few years
later began applying the methods on a large scale to practical
prospecting problems. (See references under Warren and others).
This program has been maintained actively to the present time.

Widespread Canadian interest in all methods of geochemical

prospecting has been growing rapidly since about 1950* and has;
resulted in the publication of reports by many independent inves-
tigators (Chisholm, 1950a, 1950b; Bischoff, 1954; Riddell, 1950,
1952a, 1952b, 1954; White, 1950; White and Alien, 1954). An,
increasing number of Canadian mining companies and private
consulting groups have organized their own geochemical prospect-
ing units and, using primarily geochemical soil surveys, have had
very successful results in integrating the geochemical work with
their other exploration activities.
United States. Before the end of World War II, geochemical
prospecting work in the United States was relatively sporadic
(Campbell, 1941; Fowler, 1950; Jakosky and others, 1942). Large-
scale experimental work in the United States was begun in 1946
with the initiation of geochemical prospecting research by the
U. S. Geological Survey. Part of this program was directed toward
developing chemical tests suitable for geochemical prospecting
work and has resulted in the publication of rapid procedures for
the determination of most of the ore metals (Lakin and others,
1952; U. S. Geological Survey7 ). The remainder of the program
was concentrated principally on experimental sampling surveys
under a wide variety of geologic and climatic conditions to
determine the characteristics of dispersion patterns of metals in
rock, residual soil, vegetation, and natural water. (See reports by
Cannon, Cooper, Hawkes, Huff, Kennedy, Lovering, and Morris
in Literature Cited.) The Geological Survey program is being
continued actively at the present time under the direction of T. &.
Levering. ..'-
In addition to the Geological Survey's program, many experi-
mental projects have been carried out by .independent workers
(Graf and Kerr, 1950; Harbaugh, 1950; Keller, 1949; Nackowski,
Geochemical methods have been applied by many of the large
mining companies to their exploration problems, particularly in
the southern Appalachians and in the Pacific Northwest, with
favorable results. Descriptions of Some of this WOrk haV6 beGTl
published (Fulton, 1950; Gilbert, 1951, 1953; Kingnian, 1951),
This represents Only a minute fraction of the total amount of
work done, as very little information on the results of geochemical
surveys by American mining interests has been released to the
public. Recent progress in the United States on the development
T U. S. Geological Survey, 1953, Additional field methods used* in geoetamtdAl
by the U. S. Geological Survey: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file rept.
8 See also footnote 3 on p. 242 and footnote 6 on p. 297.

and application of geochemical prospecting methods has been sum-

marized by Webb (1953).
Africa. In 1949, Roberts (1953) working in Nigeria carried
out the first experiments with geochemical soil surveys in tropical
terrane. Roberts' work was followed by further experiments in
the same areas of Nigeria by Webb and Millman (1950, 1951)
and Hawkes (1954). Beginning about 1952, several of the large
mining companies undertook experimental soil sampling programs
in Rhodesia and Tanganyika, many of. which are still in progress.
. /apcw.^-Under the direction of Professor Kenjiro Kimura of
the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo, chemical
tests were developed for the determination of copper, zinc, iron,
manganese, and sulfates in water and for copper, zinc, lead, silver,
nickel, manganese, cobalt, and sulfate in soils and rocks. Experi-
ments in the vicinity of known Japanese deposits showed favor-
able results,.and Kimura's methods are now in current use by the
majority of Japanese mining companies. A very large number
of articles have appeared in Japanese publications. (See reports
by 'Kimura, Shima, Fujihara, Hayashi, Ohashi, and Umemoto in
Literature Cited). They are almost entirely in the Japanese
language, and very few of them have been translated or otherwise
made accessible to non-Japanese workers. Thus, at present, it is
not possible to comment on either the scope or success of this work.
Other countries. Work in Australia began in 1948 with experi-
mental investigations by Sokoloff (1949, 1950a, 1950b, 1950c,
1951a, 1951b), and is currently being continued under the auspices
of the government and private mining interests (Engineering and
Mining Journal, 1953). A broad program of research on the appli-
cation of geochemical prospecting methods to problems through-
out the British Commonwealth is currently being conducted with
government sponsorship under the direction of J. S. Webb at the
Imperial College in London (Williams, 1954). A government-
sponsored program .has also been started in India. In Yugoslavia,
research work on the relation of the composition of spring water
to the age of faults and to geochemical provinces has been reported
by Miholic (1948, 1949). Papers on geochemical prospecting have
.also been published by workers in Germany (Fricke, 1953), Italy
(Minguzzi and Vergnano, 1948), Poland (Gawel, 1947; Bobrow-
ski and Piechota, 1949), and Portugal (Neiva, 1949).
Mineral exploration may be considered the search for a target,
on which the bull's-eye is the ore deposit. Just as the center of
the marksman's target is surrounded by concentric rings, so most

ore deposits are closely related to a series of larger target areas,

each characterized by some physical or chemical feature that is
diagnostic of the ore environment. Some of these features, such
as favorable host rocks or geologic structures, are related to the
genesis and localization of the ore. Others, such as geophysical
anomalies, are a direct response to some unusual property of the
ore body itself. Still others, as for example the pattern of metals
dispersed in surficial material near the ore, result from the break-
down of ore minerals by agencies of weathering. Each geologic,
geophysical, and geochemical feature of the environment of an
ore deposit defines a target area of characteristic size, shape, and
relationship to the ore.
Some characteristics of the ore environment extend over large
areas and form targets that are useful in broad-scale reconnais-
sance. Others are restricted to the immediate vicinity of the ore
body and are of most value in detailed exploration. On entering a
new field, the exploration geologist may make a reconnaissance
geologic study, looking for regional criteria for mineral deposits
to help him decide which parts of his territory show the best
chances for the occurrence of ore and which other parts can be
eliminated as relatively unfavorable. When he has selected regions
that appear to be promising, he may then examine the geologic
features within these large tracts in more detail using more re-
stricted aspects of the ore environment to determine where inten-
sive exploration is desirable. This process of elimination of un-
favorable areas and of increasingly intensive study of the favor-
able areas is continued step by step up to the ultimate proving
of the deposit by drilling and underground exploration. It is a
process of progressively reducing the size of the target, where
at each step the target is the area having the highest probability
of containing ore.
The traditional prospector, before the days of modern explora-
tion aids and modern concepts of economic geology, was guided
to the target mainly by the distribution of known deposits, plus
a liberal amount of intuition. His next Step Was ttie tCCliOUS CX-

ammation of every bedrock exposure for signs of mineral deposits.

This was a job for a very patient man, for whom time had little
value. iP-mrtKex-more, ^^ ^vas almost entirely restrict/eel ill Ills

chances Of SUCCeSS to deposits that were exposed at the surface;

luaaen ore coma fee found only by the rarest accident. As a result
of the conscientious work of prospectors of an earlier generation,
very few major ore deposits remain to be found by simple outcrop

The well-trained modern prospector, however, has a wide choice

of methods of reducing his target area, both in the reconnaissance
and in the detailed phases of his search. His selections of promising
areas can be guided not only by the distribution pattern of known
mines and prospects but also by considerations of favorable geo-
logic structures, host rocks, and alteration patterns. His direct
geologic observations can be reinforced and augmented by geo-
physical data, which will tell him not only more about the geologic
setting, but will in many areas provide indications of the ore itself.
Every method he uses in narrowing the target area increases the
probability of success of the final and most expensive phase of
exploration, the diamond drilling and underground exploration.
The alert geologist is, therefore, ready to use any set of reliable
criteria available to him as additional sources of evidence.
The choice of an exploration method should be guided by a con-
sideration of size of target, probability of locating target, expected
value of the ore deposit to be found, and cost per unit area for
making the survey.
By size of target is meant the size of the favorable area that can
be delimited by the method in question. Examination of regional
structural trends on a geologic map of the United States, for
example, may show that the Appalachian belt is a favorable area
for mineralization. This presents a large target. Airborne
magnetic surveys, on the other hand, will not indicate a magnetic
anomaly much more than 1,000 feet from the magnetic body
responsible for the anomaly, and ground magnetic observations
must be made usually within 100 feet of the magnetic body to
detect it. These are small targets.
The probability of locating a target means the probability of
obtaining and recognizing indications of an ore body or mineral-
ized district by the method being used. It depends on whether a
target exists and, if so, how effective the exploration method is in
locating it. A zinc deposit containing only the nonconducting
mineral sphalerite is not likely to have an associated resistivity
target; no method depending on resistivity could be expected to
find it and the chances of finding a target are, therefore, extremely
small. On the other hand, geochemical soil anomalies are present
over virtually all base-metal deposits that are covered only by
residual soil. Here the chances of finding a target are excellent
if the survey is properly conducted.
The expected value of ores to be found in a given area can be
determined by consideration of the value of known deposits in the
area. or. if no deposits have been discovered, by comparison with

geologically similar areas where important deposits are known to

The cost of the prospecting survey is the only one of the critical
factors that can be computed quantitatively. It is important, how-
ever, to compare costs on a unit-area basis. High total cost does
not necessarily imply a high unit-area cost. Airborne geophysical
surveys, therefore, although they represent a high cost of overhead
and hourly operation, are relatively inexpensive when computed in
terms of cost per square mile.
The efficiency of any exploration method whether geologic,
geophysical, or geochemical will depend on the balance of these
four factors. Thus low cost of making the survey (airborne mag-
netic, for example) can offset small target size, poor chances of
finding a target, or a low probability for the occurrence of large
ore bodies. Conversely, a high-cost survey such as geochemical soil
sampling is justified if large ore bodies are expected, and there is
relatively little chance of passing by a deposit if one occurs in the
area of the survey.
It should be apparent from the foregoing discussion that geo-
chemical methods of mineral exploration have no unique claim to
universal applicability. For any given problem, the pros and cons
of any geochemical method must be weighed against those of the
other available prospecting methods and a proper place assigned
to each in the schedule of reducing the target size.
Although the past record of effectiveness of geochemical pros-
pecting methods is certainly helpful in planning exploration in a
new area, there is no substitute for a preliminary orientation
survey to determine which methods will work in the particular
area under study. No two field problems are exactly alike.
Unexpected factors may locally modify the dispersion patterns of
ore metals and make them difficult or impossible to use as indica-
tions of buried ore.
The cost of a geochemical survey can also be estimated by pre-
liminary experiments. If geochemical methods are to be economic-
ally feasible, techniques of field sampling and CnemlCal analySlS
must be both simple and cheap, so that the routine work of carrying
OUt a geOOliemical evil-ve^ can toe entrusted to relatively low-eos-fc

personnel. Quantitative accuracy may be sacrificed for the sate

of greater productivity as long as the methods are still adequate to
lOCate tile Significant anomalies. In applied prospecting work, the
aim is to find ore bodies rather than to make accurate geochemical
maps. Many interfering and disturbing factors can be ignored

under certain conditions if experience shows that they do not

materially alter the geochemical trail that is being followed.
Whether or not they actually can be ignored in a particular
exploration problem is a question that can only be answered by
preliminary orientation surveys.
Orientation surveys in the vicinity of known ore are, in the
writer's opinion, mandatory if any degree of success is to be
expected from a geochemical survey. If possible, the experimental
surveys should be conducted in the vicinity of deposits that have
not been disturbed by previous exploratory work, so that the
natural geochemical pattern as it existed before the advent of
man can be observed. Many expensive sampling programs have
failed either because the type of anomaly being sought did not
exist in the area or because the samples were taken in the wrong
places or of the wrong material. Many geochemical surveys were
successful insofar as they served to delineate the anomalies, but
they were so expensive and laborious as to be wholly uneconomic
as a practical method of prospecting. In either case, preliminary
work would have shown not only what kinds of anomalies could
be expected but also what shortcuts could have been taken to
eliminate unnecessary precautions and refinements. All practical
exploratory work should be guided by the principle that the least
expensive method of finding the ore body is the best.
Two questions that must be answered before embarking on a
geochemical survey are: what will be the most effective geometric
pattern for sampling, and what is the maximum permissible spac-
ing of samples. Both can be answered with preliminary experi-
Sample pattern. Sampling of any material on a regional basis
is not only easier but commonly more effective if it is laid out on
a simple geometric pattern. In geochemical surveying, sample
patterns should be made to fit the geometry of the expected
anomalies. Most geochemical anomalies are the result of move-
ment either through well-defined channels (dispersion trains),
spreading predominantly to one side of the source (dispersion
fans), or spreading upward or outward in all directions from the
source (dispersion halos). Different sample patterns are needed
for the most efficient delineation of anomalies of these different
The dispersion trains developed by flowing stream water assume
a linear form determined by the drainage channels. Reconnaissance

geochemical work based upon the following of dispersion trains

consists simply of collecting and analyzing samples from the larger
streams; where the analytical data show an anomalous metal
content, the trail of increasing metal content is followed upstream
to the source. The maximum size of stream that will give a sure
geochemical indication of mineralized zones in the drainage basin
cannot generally be determined in advance without preliminary
experimental sampling downstream from known but undisturbed
deposits. The pattern of sampling to be followed in tracing an
anomaly upstream is fixed by the pattern of tributaries entering
the main stream. Sergeev (1946a) suggests a system of collecting
three samples at each important confluence, two in the main
stream respectively below and above the tributary, and one in the
tributary itself. In practical work, it may be more convenient to
sample the main stream at fixed intervals and to double back if
the metal content falls off sharply in going upstream. In following
dispersion trains, it is particularly desirable to have analytical
methods that can be used on the spot.
Fan-shaped patterns are formed by glacial movement and by
creep of surficial material down steep slopes. Generally, the con-
centration of metal in a fan apexing at an ore deposit decreases
with distance from the source. Traverses designed to find disper-
sion fans with the least effort should be laid out at right angles to
the direction of movement. Particularly on steep slopes, soil-
sample traverses parallel to the contours and transverse to the
direction of slope movement have been recommended (Sergeev,
Dispersion halos due to spreading of material in all directions
from a small source make up most of the anomalies found in
Sampling residual soil and vegetation. A perfectly equidimen-
sionai halo can best be located by means of an equal-spaced spread
Of Sample points. The shape of the halo, however, is rarely equidi-
mensional, as it commonly mirrors to some extent the shape of the
SOUrce. Most Ore deposits are tabular, and the elongate pattern
of the resulting anomalies in the overlying cover can be mapped
mOSt effectively by Collecting samples of soil and plants along

parallel traverse lines crossing the ore structure at right angles,

Traverse lines are commonly spaced a<t intervals of not more than
one-half the strike length, of tKe anticipated mineralized ZOneS.
This spacing permits at least One and Usually two linea to totem*
every important anomaly. Thus if a deposit must be at least 1,000
feet in strike length to be of economic interest, a traverse spacing
of 500 feet should be recommended.

One weakness of parallel sample traverses in soil and plant sur-

veys is that samples from ridge crests, slopes of varying degrees
of steepness, and valley bottoms, each subject to somewhat dif-
ferent interpretation, all appear on the same map. On ridge crests,
the residual soil reflects the composition of the bedrock almost
directly beneath, whereas on slopes, because of creep or landslide
effects, it may reflect bedrock occurring a certain unknown dist-
ance upslope. Where distortion of this kind becomes a serious prob-
Jem, it may be desirable to lay out reconnaissance soil or plant
traverses to conform with the topography rather than with a rigid,
rectilinear system of coordinates. Topographically controlled
sample patterns may be laid out along the crests and spurs of
ridges, down the slope at right angles to contours, on hillsides
parallel to contours, or on hillsides parallel to the ridge crest.
Where the strike of the mineralized structure is not known, it
may be desirable to lay out an equal-spaced checkerboard pattern
of samples. Here the spacing should be close enough that at least
two and preferably three or four samples will fall within any
anomaly that reflects a deposit large enough to be of economic
Some geochemical anomalies do not fit the convenient classifi-
cation of trains, fans, and halos. For these the most suitable
sample pattern may be selected by considering the geometry
peculiar to the anomaly. In most cases this is fairly obvious. If a
geochemical province is manifested by the composition of diabase
dikes, then diabase dikes should be sampled. Similarly, wells,
springs, and seepages should be sampled if a ground-water pattern
is sought. Sampling here must be guided by the distribution of
the material sampled and cannot be laid out on a previously estab-
lished geometrical grid.
Sample spacing. The spacing of samples should be close enough
sc that no important anomaly could normally be overlooked, but
no closer. If the anomaly is inhomogeneous, so that a proportion
of the samples taken within an anomalous area will fail to indicate
the anomaly, correspondingly more samples will be necessary than
if the anomalous values are distributed uniformly. Also, if
erratic high values of no economic significance occur outside the
anomalous area, a closer spacing of samples will be called for.
Here, a great deal depends on whether or not the analytical data
are reported promptly, so that isolated anomalous values can be
checked by local detailed work before the sampling party leaves
the area. If so, it may be safe to use a wider spacing for the

initial survey and to plan on immediate rechecking of all anomalous

spots with detailed grids.
The above comments apply to any prospecting method involving
systematic measurements or observations. More specifically,
experience in most areas has shown that in sampling residual soil
and plants, a spacing of 100 feet is both adequate and necessary.
Anomalies in soils developed by ground-water movement are
likely to be more restricted in area, requiring a spacing of from
10 to 50 feet. In glacial soils, a spacing of as much as 500 feet
may be effective in locating glacially dispersed patterns. Still
larger targets, as for example in a stream system where an
; anomalous metal content can be detected perhaps 10 miles from
the source, can be sampled on a correspondingly wider spread.
The technique of collecting samples will naturally depend on
what is being sampled, whether rock, soil, vegetation, water, or
stream sediment.
Rock. Elements occurring in rocks as primary dispersion pat-
terns may be either evenly disseminated throughout the rock mass
or- segregated as clots or swarms of minute fracture fillings. If it
can be established that the rock is relatively homogeneous, single
grab samples may suffice. If the composition is spotty and erratic,
. however, it is safer to collect either channel samples or chip
samples composited along sections of traverse as described by
Cooper and Huff (1951). Split diamond-drill core is also suitable.
The size of sample should be governed by the relative homogeneity
of the. .material, a factor that can be determined, by. preliminary
experiments. Ten grams is adequate for most analytical methods.
Cloth sacks and cylindrical ice-cream cartons are suitable as con-
tainers for rock samples.
in working with, primary dispersion patterns, it is well to remefm-
ber that the distribution of metals in residual soils may reflect the
'_ general pattern of the primary anomaly in the parent TOCk fairly
accurately. In fact, the : averaging effect resulting from Weather-
ing and soil formation may serve to give a more homogeneous
primary pattern than channel sampling of the rock itself, son
samples can be collected and analyzed more economically than
rock samples; thus if the soil anomalies are found to correspond
With the primary anomalies in the parent rock, a, soii-samr>iins
survey is to be recommended.
Soil. In stony soil it is usually easier to prepare sample holes
with a pick and shovel. A geologic pick or a folding Army foxhole

shovel has been found satisfactory for shallow holes. In .clay soils,
a soil auger is usually easier and faster than the pick-and-shovel
technique. A suitable soil auger may be assembled by brazing or
welding a large wood-auger bit to a section of light iron pipe, and
attaching additional lengths of pipe as needed for greater depth;
a T-shaped handle may then be fitted to the top section of pipe. It
is found that the auger bit is more effective in cutting through soils
if the leading screw point is cut out. If samples are to be taken at
a predetermined 'depth, it may be easier to drive a crowbar into
the soil for the required distance, remove the bar, and then extract
the sample from the hole with an auger. Where deep holes are
required, and where the terrane permits, the use of mobile power
augers should be investigated.
The size fraction of soil used for analysis may make some dif-
ference in the significance of the data. In some problems it has
been found that the metal content of the fine fraction was some-
what, but not greatly, higher than that of the coarse fraction. In
other experiments, no significant variation with size was apparent.
The standard procedure adopted for Geological Survey work has
been to collect the fines (minus 80 mesh) for analysis and discard
the coarse fraction. This avoids the need of grinding the sample
before analysis and may cut down erratic data resulting from
possible coarse fragments of oxidized ore minerals such as lead
carbonate or malachite. An alternative procedure is to collect all
sizes less than 2 mm in diameter and grind before analysis. This
procedure may be preferable where the soil lacks an appreciable,
proportion of fines or where the ore metal is concentrated in the
coarser sizes.
It is sometimes possible in dry climates to sieve samples as they
are collected. Usually, however, fresh samples are so damp that
the fines cannot be separated by sieving until the samples have had
a chance to dry. Most samples may either be collected without
sieving or, if desirable, sieved to minus 2 mm on the spot. If
paper containers are used, such samples should be dry enough for
sieving to the desired size in a day or two of storage in a dry room
or in the sun without opening the containers.
Harold Bloom of the Geological Survey has conducted compara-
tive experiments on sieves composed of brass, stainless steel, and
silk, and has found that contamination of the sample by copper
and zinc from brass screening under extreme conditions is less
than 10 ppm. Thus, except for very precise work, the use of stand-
ard brass sieves is permissible. The advantage of stainless steel
besides being noncontammating is its strength and durability. It

is considerably more expensive than other materials. Silk sieves

are by far the least expensive of the three but are easily damaged
and must be replaced frequently. A very economical noncontami-
nating sieve can be made by knocking the paper disc out of the
cap of a half-pint ice-cream container, and using the remaining
band to clamp a piece of silk bolting cloth, to the bottom section
of the container.
For the standard field tests, the analyst needs about 5 grams
of prepared material (sieved or ground). This leaves enough of
the sample for possible repeat determination and for tests for
more than one element if desired.
Paper containers are most commonly used for soils. For
standard, mass-production work either 2-ounce paper cylinders
sold by drug houses for pills, or manila envelopes with a metal
clasp are usually satisfactory. For larger samples, cylindrical ice-
cream containers have been widely used. The advantages of paper
containers are low cost, usually less than a cent apiece, and con-
venience in handling. A serious disadvantage of paper containers
is that they tend to become unglued when used for very wet
samples. When this happens, it is necessary either to repair the
container with scotch tape, or transfer the sample to a new con-
tainer after drying. Paper containers constructed with heavy
kraft paper and waterproof glue should be used if available.
Vegetation. Samples of vegetation for chemical analysis should
be taken far enough above the ground to be clear of contamination
from rain spatter. Experience has shown that it is important to
confine a geochemical plant survey to samples taken of the same
organs of the same species to be sure of obtaining comparable
data. The collector must, therefore, be able to recognize the
SDeCieS Of tree that iS tO be USed, Wood can be collected either from
the main trunk with a carpenter's auger or from branches sawed
Or chopped off and stripped of leaves and bark. Where twigs are
used, they may be removed eitker with a knife Or" a prillting d^VlCC
of some kind. Leaves and needles can most conveniently be re-
moved from twigs by first allowing the sample to dry and then
stripping Off the brittle OUter foliage. The same way of removing
needles can be used in surveys where the metal content of the
needles alone is required.
For most of the analytical procedures, a 5amPie of Bt ieast &
grams, dry weight, is required. The most commonly used con-
tainers are lightweight paper bags.
Water. The collection of water samples presents a special
problem not found with other kinds of material in that the content

of traces of metals is relatively unstable. The most serious diffi-

culty is the removal of ions from solution by adsorption to the
walls of the vessel in which the water sample is stored. Metal may
also be removed from solution by coprecipitation with the iron
hydroxide precipitates that commonly form when water is stored
for any length of time. It is reported that these effects can be
minimized by acidifying the sample immediately after collection,
in order to inhibit both exchange reactions and hydrolysis. If a
soft-glass vessel is used, some of the metal contained in the glass
may go into solution to contaminate the sample; this may be
avoided by using containers made of either borosilicate glass or
plastic. Polyethylene bottles with screw-cap tops are probably
the most suitable, as they are not only free of contamination but
also unbreakable.
Because of the serious difficulties in the storage of water
samples, it is highly desirable to avoid these problems entirely by
making the analyses on the spot using a portable analytical kit.
Stream sediments. Where the heavy-mineral content of sedi-
ments is to be measured, it is usually desirable to collect the sample
from the surface of bedrock beneath the stream channel. This may
require either digging a pit or augering a hole, if the bedrock is
buried beneath a heavy cover of alluvial material. Where the
unstable component of the stream load is being mapped, suitable
samples can be obtained from deposits of silt either in the stream
bed or exposed under the sod or forest litter on the banks of the
stream. Under some conditions samples from older alluvial ter-
races may be suitable.
The general problems of determining the optimum size fraction
are the same for sediments as for soils, which have already been
discussed. As with soils, about 5 grams of prepared material is
adequate for most types of analytical work. For sediment samples,
waterproof containers of some kind are mandatory, as nonwater-
proof paper containers will disintegrate in contact with the
moisture in normal sediment samples. Heavy paper envelopes
made with waterproof glue are probably most satisfactory, as they
permit drying of the sample without transfer and also provide a
convenient surface for notes. Small aluminum containers have
been widely used for sediment samples, as they are unbreakable,
noncontaminating, and easily stored. A plastic (styrene) cylin-
drical container fitted with a friction-held polyethylene cap used
for dispensing drugs appears to be equally suitable. Tinned steel
has been found unsatisfactory because of rusting and danger of
contamination from minor constituents in the tin plating. Cloth

or polyethylene sacks would probably be satisfactory if rigid con-

tainers were not available.
Marking sample sites. It is almost always desirable to mark
the sample site in such a way that it can be found again if the
area is revisited. It is rarely necessary to mark more than one
out of three or four sites in a large systematic survey. Marking
may be done by marked stakes, marked rags tied on bushes, blazes
on trees, or pieces of paper left in the hole and anchored under a
stone. Waterproof and weatherproof crayon of some kind saves
the embarrassment of finding the mark illegible when the site
is revisited.
Numbering samples. In its geochemical prospecting work, the
Geological Survey uses systems of simple accession number for
each job so that samples are numbered consecutively with simple
Arabic numerals in the order in which they are taken, regardless
of the nature of the sample. Even so, skipped or duplicated num-
bers will turn up from time to time; when numbers are duplicated,
both samples bearing the identical number become worthless and *
have to be resampled, often at considerable cost. This may be
avoided by printing or writing a consecutive series of numbers on
gummed tape and then tearing off the appropriate number from
the coil of tape and pasting it on the container when the sample
is collected. If envelopes or other flat containers are used, the
number may be marked on the empty containers in advance. In
addition to the number, every sample container should adequately
identify the project. This may be done easily with a hand-set
rubber stamp showing name of project, location, name of collector,
and year.
Choice of element. The mapping of dispersion patterns fCHuGd
by the major ore metals is the most straightforward approach. If
zinc ore is sought, the distribution of traces of zinc would seem
to give the most direct indication of the buried ore. A large part
of the geochemical prospecting work to date has been based on
this premise, and its SUCess in finding ore justifies the assumption.
Not uncommonily, however, the ore metals themselves fail for
0116 reaSOri Or another to form a dispersion pattern that can be
readily detectoa and mapped. In this event, Consideration HlUSt
136 glVeil tO the distribution Of associated noneconomic elements, or
"pathfinders," as denned by Warren and Delavault (1953a), Path-
finders may be elements present in the ore in major amounts but
not of commercial value, such as iron and sulfur (in pyrite),
barium (in barite), or antimony (in tetrahedrite); common ore

metals occurring in quantities too small to be commercially extract-

able, such as zinc (in most ores of copper and silver); or rare
elements that are strongly enriched in certain ores, such as
antimony, selenium, cadmium, and bismuth (table 3).
In a geochemical reconnaissance of a virgin area, where little
or nothing is known about the kind of minerals in the area, the
prospector must watch for all of the important ore metals. If
every sample is analyzed for every one of these elements, the
survey would almost certainly be an expensive undertaking and
might turn out to be uneconomical. A less pretentious approach
would be to analyze the reconnaissance samples only for a certain
few selected elements that, taken together, occur in a wide variety
of ore types. Zinc occurs as either a major or minor constituent of
most base-metal ores and in some precious-metal deposits as well.
Copper is associated with many ores of nickel, cobalt, molybdenum,
and precious metals. Zinc and copper together, therefore, may be
useful as indicators not only for zinc and copper deposits, but for
many other types of ore. Other associations of metals that might
be helpful in selecting key elements for reconnaissance are the tin-
tungsten-niobium association in high-temperature veins and the
rare elements in pegmatite deposits.
Most geochemical prospecting surveys, however, have been
conducted in areas where it is possible to make an intelligent
guess of the kinds of ore deposits that are likely to be found. In
this event the plan of investigation can be guided by a knowledge
of the characteristic dispersion patterns formed by the particular
elements occurring in the type of ore that is expected. In the
secondary dispersion cycle, immobile metals commonly form the
most clear-cut patterns in residual soils, whereas the mobile metals
tend to be dispersed more widely by movement in ground and
surface waters and into the vegetation. Thus, where a mineral
deposit is enriched in more than one metal, it may be most effective
to test for the most mobile of the metals in the reconnaissance
work and for the least mobile in the detailed soil survey. In pros-
pecting for lead-zinc deposits, therefore, the reconnaissance may
be based on zinc or total heavy metals and the detailed followup on
lead. The cobalt ores of the Blackbird district of Idaho contain
major amounts of both cobalt and arsenic. In weathering, arsenic
is far less mobile than cobalt, with the effect that the arsenic
patterns in residual soils delineate the mineralized areas far more
sharply than the cobalt patterns.
In actual practice, the choice of the element to be determined
is governed all too frequently by the availability of a suitable

analytical test. It is earnestly hoped that continuing chemical

research will eventually provide adequate tests for all the impor-
tant elements that occur in ore deposits
Choice of extraction method. Most geochemical prospecting
work is based on the determination of either the total content of
one or more elements in the sample or of an approximately pro-
portional part of the total content a part that will show the same
general pattern as the total values.
An occasion may arise, however, where an element is bound up
in the sample in more than one way, and where the mechanism of
binding is related to the source of the element, whether normal
rock or a mineral deposit. Such a situation is found in glacial
soil, where part of the metal content is tied up in the lattice
structure of primary rock-forming silicate minerals of no economic
interest, and part originates from nearby ores by ground-water
circulation and is loosely held by adsorptive forces. Here it would
be highly desirable to differentiate the metal according to its two
modes of origin. A weak extraction procedure adequate to remove
the exchangeable metal, but not strong enough to break up the
primary silicates, might give a better indication of the economic-
ally important dispersion pattern than a method involving total
extraction of the metal.
Lovering, Sokoloff, and Morris (1948) describe a relationship
of this kind in their study of primary halos in the Tintic district
of Utah. They report that a weak extraction of metals from altered
volcanic rocks overlying a concealed ore body gave a significant
geochemical pattern that was not brought out at all by a total
extraction method.
In touching briefly upon the methods of chemical analysis used
in geochemical prospecting, it is perhaps worth pointing out again
that the purpose of a geochemical prospecting survey is to find ore
deposits. The most economical method of chemical analysis that
will provide the data by which ore deposits can be found is, almost
by definition, tHe best. Expressed in a different way, the most Suit-
at)le analytical procedure iS One that embodies a satisfactory bal-
ance of reliability, economy, and promptness in reporting results.
Meihods available. A full discussion of the many procedures
tticl't/ have been developed fox- g^eocKemical i3rosr>ecting' -work is be-

yond the scope of this report; details may be obtained by consult-

ing the references. The following list contains the principal refer-
ences to colorimetric methods of analysis:

Metal Material " °"""?3 References

Antimony ____Soil and rocks... Ward and Lakin (1954)
Arsenic. .____Soil.. .....-_.._Almond (1953b)
Cobalt. _....___Soil and rocks_ Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Soil... __..__Almond (1963a)
Water..........._....._...U. S. Geological Survey, p. 13.»
Copper............ _Soil and rocks....._Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
U. S. Geological Survey, p. 16.9
Plants....... _._Warren and Delavault (1949)
Stevens and Lakin (1949)
Water..._... ..__Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1962)
Rosenqvist and Vogt (1943)
Huff (1948)
Heavy metals...__Soil and sediment .Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Huff (1951)
Water..............._...Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Warren, Delavault, and Irish (1951a)
Riddell (1952a)
Warren, Delavault, and Irish (1953)
Huff (1948)
Lead_......_ ._Soil and rocks..__Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Water...__.____Huff (1948)
Manganese___._.Soil..._.... _._U. S. Geological Survey, p. 82.9
Molybdenum _.Soil and rocks.. Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Plants._._____Reichen and Ward (1951)
Soil and rocks.__Ward (1951a)
Nickel .._____Soil and rocks..__Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Plants _____Do.
Reichen (1951)
Niobium ._____Rocks. _____Ward and Marranzino (1955)
Silver______-Soil and rocks....._.Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Almond, Stevens, and Lakin (1953)
Tungsten______Soil... _____..-Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Ward (1951b)
Uranium _........ Grimaldi, Ward and Fuyat (1954)
Vanadium-____Rocks.. .___.._U. S. Geological Survey, p. 39.9
Zinc.._.. .___Soil ..._..___Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
U. S. Geological Survey, p. 16.9
Lakin, Stevens, and Almond (1949)
Plants. . _..._Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Reichen and Lakin (1949)
Water.. __._Lakin, Almond, and Ward (1952)
Warren, Delavault, and Irish (1951a)
Huff (1948)

Spectographic methods of analysis were used widely for geo-

chemical prospecting work during the prewar period. When deter-
minations of more than two or three constituents are needed for
each sample, semiquantitative spectrographic analysis is usually
* U. S. Geological Survey. 1953. Additional field methods used in reochemical prospecting: by
the U. 8. Geological Survey: U. S. G«ol. Survey open-file rcpt.

more economical than the chemical methods. With the recent con-
struction of a mobile spectrographic unit these methods may again
have a wide application in geochemical prospecting, especially in
reconnaissance work.
Methods employing paper chromatography have recently been
developed for geochemical prospecting by chemists at the Chem-
ical Research Laboratory of the National Physical Laboratory in
Teddington, England. In preliminary experiments these methods
show great promise, and it is possible that some of them will
replace the rapid colorimetric methods now in common use.
Reliability. Accuracy and precision of analytical data are not
so important as the reliability with which the figures reflect the <
geochemical pattern. Most of the colorimetric procedures com-
monly used in geochemical prospecting were developed from the
standard colorimetric methods of trace analysis by omitting or
simplifying many of the steps needed for precise, quantitative work.
As a result, the data contain errors that would.not be tolerated in
the average analytical laboratory. With the relatively weak ex- >
tractants used in the rapid tests, rarely more than 80 percent
of the total metal present in the sample will be measured. Further-
more, the reproducibility may be within a factor of only 1.5 or
even 2.0 of the mean of several replicate determinations. Most
geochemical anomalies, however, show a contrast of anomalous
values against a background equal to many times the errors in
the analytical tests. Thus, even with relatively inaccurate methods, ,
as judged by usual chemical standards, the pattern should still
One of the unavoidab]..- consequences of the many shortcuts used
in the procedures for the sake of speed is that seriously erratic
analytical results will appear in a certain (usually small) pro-
portion of the reported figures. The analyst has no way of know-
ing which of his figures may be questionable without running the
entire lot in duplicate. The geologist familiar with his problem,
however, is much better equipped to choose samples where the
reported analysis does not seem to fit the geologic picture and to
ask for confirmatory repeat analyses. This should be done by the
geologist as a routine matter as soon as he receives an analytical
Cost. With a properly equipped laboratory, one man can make
30 determinations per working day with most of the procedures
developed by the Geological Survey. With a few of the procedures,
the rate may be as high as 100 per man-day. The cost of materials
and glassware is negligible, so that the bulk of the cost is in labor.

Promptness. The promptness with which the field party needs

analytical data varies with the nature of the exploration program.
In the following drainage patterns, and particularly in analysis
of stream water for metals, effective work almost requires that
analyses be made on the spot. In experimental investigations pre-
liminary to laying out a program of routine work, data are needed
within a day or two of the time of collecting the sample and can
best be provided by a mobile analytical unit at the base camp.
Most of the colorimetric procedures can be set up under crude field
conditions if necessary, and a few are adaptable for use at the
sample site. In large-scale routine surveys where there is no call
for immediate day-to-day decisions, however, samples can most
efficiently be analyzed in some well-equipped central laboratory.
Apart from the needs of the job for prompt data, the most effi-
cient, reliable, and economical analytical work is done in an estab-
lished laboratory.
Clear and concise graphic plots of geochemical data make the
task of interpretation much easier. Profile curves, in which the
relative position of the sample sites is plotted on the horizontal
axis and the geochemical data are plotted vertically, are useful for
isolated sample traverses. Where the values vary over an ex-
tremely wide range, the use of a logarithmic vertical scale serves
to bring the entire range into a scale that can be readily handled.
Data for more than one component can be shown on the same
diagram by using different symbols for the lines of the curves; if
only two components are shown, the data for each may be plotted
in opposite directions from the centerline, taken as zero. Geologic
or other information may be added either as notes or as a separate
diagram directly beneath the geochemical curve.
Geochemical plans are desirable where more than a single tra-
verse line has been sampled. Sample locations may be marked by
a dot, cross, or circle. The analytical data can then be lettered on
the plan next to the symbol for the sample site. The scale of the
map should be chosen so that the figures on the map are not
crowded; a minimum distance of ^ inch between symbols results
in an attractive and legible map. Where more than one analytical
figure must be shown for each sample, they can be plotted (1) on
opposite sides of the symbol for sample location, (2) one over the
other and separated by a horizontal line, or (3) in a consistent
sequence separated by hyphens or semicolons. To save space and
confusion on the map, it may be desirable to assign simple code
numbers to represent ranges of values and to plot the code num-
bers in place of the figures reported by the analyst. Kennedy
(1952) developed a particularly effective system of logarithmic
code numbers to represent figures ranging from 50 to 50,000 ppm.
If possible, the geochemical data should be contoured by drawing
"isograds," or lines of equal composition. When more than one set
of figures is to be contoured on the same map, different styles of
lines may be drawn for the different isograds. It is commonly
found that the only useful contour that can be drawn on a
geochemical plan is the threshold contour separating areas of
anomalous values from areas of background values; additional
contouring should be avoided as it congests the map and does not
assist in the interpretation. However, lines connecting geochemical
maximums should be drawn where possible to emphasize the axes
of the anomalies.
In interpreting secondary dispersion patterns, consideration
must be given to the slope of the surface and to the pattern formed
by drainage divides and the drainage channels. The crests and
spurs of ridges should be plotted on the geochemical map by a
suitable symbol, and the pattern of streams, swales, springs,
swamps, and alluvial flats by another set of symbols. The data of
a geochemical survey of stream water or sediment can be general-
ized by shading in the basin upslope from any anomalous samples.
Simple geological information can be sketched directly on the
geochemical map. If the geological patterns are complex, a trans-
parent overlay is usually more suitable. Geochemical plans and
diagrams should show (1) name and location of area, (2) scale
and orientation, (3) explanation of symbols, (4) nature of
samples, (5) analytical procedures, (6) units used in expressing
analytical data, and (7) name of party chief, samplers, and
The methods of plotting data mentioned above are illustrated
by the maps and diagrams published by Cannon (1952), Hawkes
(1954), Huff (1952), and Kennedy (1952, 1956),10
Accurate interpretation of geochemical survey data is ttie final

step in effective geochemical prospecting, Effort expended in the

planning and execution of the sampling and analytical work is
if the results are not understood. Skill in interpreting geo-
fltfl JllVlSt depend first upon general familiarity with the

many factors that contribute to the formation of geochemical

anomalies as discussed in this report and, secondly, on a specific
1 See also footnote 1 on p. 234.

knowledge of the balance of these factors in the area under study,

such as may be gained from local orientation studies over known
No hard-and-fast rules can be given for the interpretation of
geochemical data. The personal factor plays a major role. The
following suggestions represents the writer's approach to the
problem of interpretation. This approach is based upon finding the
answer to three questions: (1) how do the anomalies form? (2)
what is the theshold value of the anomalies? and (3) what can
cause false anomalies ?
More than one geochemical process can and usually does play a
part in the formation of an anomaly. In residual soil, the pattern
of residual metal owing to the weathering of ore in place is only
one component of the pattern; metals may also be distributed in
residual soils by solution and redeposition in ground water, by
slumping, slope creep, frost action, and the activity of living
organisms. Similarly, the pattern of metals in glacial till may com-
bine the effects of glacial transportation, ground-water movement,
ionic diffusion, and living organisms. An accurate interpretation
of the significance of an anomaly, therefore, is not necessarily a
simple matter. However, if the relative effect of each of the
factors contributing to the formation of an anomaly is accuratelyo
appraised, an accurate over-all interpretation is much more likely.
Knowing the threshold value separating anomalous areas from
background is a prerequisite to recognizing an anomaly. Inasmuch
as the threshold is simply the upper limit of the normal variation
in background values, an accurate estimate of the background
range is of prime importance. Establishing the background should
be one of the principal objectives of the preliminary orientation
False anomalies are areas of high metal content that cannot be
used as guides to ore. Under special circumstances, natural en-
richments of metal can occur that have no genetic connection with
ore or mineralizing processes. The normal enrichment of zinc in
the ash of dwarf birches in concentrations as high as 1.0 percent
is an example (Warren and others, 1952b). With an adequate
understanding of normal enrichment processes, however, unusual
concentrations of this kind can be recognized as lying within the
normal background range for the particular material. The same
cannot be said for the effects of human activity. False anomalies
due to human contamination are an ever-present threat, even in
remote areas. Contamination can be caused by (1) fragments of
ore scattered over the surface near mines or prospects, (2) metal-

rich mine water, causing false anomalies by ground- and surface-

water circulation, (3) mineralized waste rock from mines used for
general construction purposes or as an agricultural fertilizer, (4)
trash containing metallic objects, (5) industrial waste water, (6)
metal-rich dust from mine-tailings piles, (7) smelter fumes, smoke
and fumes from industrial and urban areas, and exhaust fumes
from motor vehicles, and (8) insecticide sprays. Every one of the
above sources of contamination has at one time or another caused
either trouble or concern in connection with the interpretation of
geochemical data. Preliminary experiments in areas of suspected
contamination should make it possible to recognize these effects
when they are found in geochemical survey data.

Accumulator plant. A plant that takes up a particular element in quantities
considerably in excess of that in "normal" plants (Robinson and Edging-
ton, 1945).
Alluvium. Detrital material deposited by running water.
Background. The abundance of an element or any chemical property of a
naturally occurring material in areas where the chemical pattern has not
been affected by the presence of a mineral deposit.
Biogeochemical prospecting. Synonymous with geochemical plant survey.
Blind deposit. A deposit that does not extend to the surface of bedrock.
Botanical anomaly. A geochemical anomaly in which the chemical composition,
ecological assemblage, or morphology of plants indicates the presence of a
mineral deposit.
Contrast. A ratio expressing the geochemical relief, computed as the ratio
either of maximum value to threshold, of maximum to background, or of
threshold to background values.
Converter plant. A plant that takes up an insoluble element from the soil,
builds it into its living structure, and at death returns it to the soil in
soluble £orm.
Diffusion pattern. A dispersion pattern resulting from upward movement
of ions in vadose water,
Dispersion pattern. A pattern of distribution of chemical elements resulting
from the movement of natural materials.
Ecology. The study of relationships between organisms and their environ-
Extractable metal. A metal that can be extracted from a sample by any
given chemical treatment.
Fan. A dispersion pattern that spreads predominantly to one side of the
source of material.
Genetic Halo. A. g-eochemical anomaly resulting from primary dispersion.
Geochemical anomaly. Area where the chemical properties of a naturally OC-
curring material indicate the presence of a mineral deposit in the vicinity,
Geochemical prospecting. Mineral exploration based on systematic measure-
ment of the chemical properties of a naturally occurring material.

Geochemical province. An apparent local variation in the original composi-

tion of the earth's crust.
Geochemical survey. A survey involving the chemical analysis of system-
atically collected samples of rock, soil, plants, or water; this expression
may be further modified by indicating specifically the material sampled,
as, for example, "geochemical soil survey."
Geochemistry. The study of the distribution of elements in the earth.
Halo. A nearly equidimensional dispersion pattern, spreading symmetrically
upward or outward from the source of material.
Heavy metals. Metals that react readily with dithizone, principally zinc,
copper, cobalt, and lead, but under special conditions including one or
more of the following metals: bismuth, cadmium, gold, indium, iron,
manganese, mercury, nickel, palladium, platinum, silver, thallium, and
Hydrogeochemical prospecting. Synonymous with geochemical water survey.
Indicator plant. A plant that indicates by its presence the occurrence of an
element in the soil upon which it grows (Beath, Gilbert, and Eppson, 1939).
Leakage halo. A dispersion pattern formed in the rock overlying a mineral
deposit by the movement of ore-forming fluids through a well-defined
system of channels.
Mobility. The tendency of an element to move in a given geochemical en-
Pathfinder. A mineral .or element found in close association with the element
being sought, which can be more readily found or which has more ob-
viously anomalous features than the element which is the main object of
search (Warren and Delavault, 1953a).
Pedogeochemical prospecting. Synonymous with geochemical soil survey.
Plant symptom. An abnormal growth habit of a plant indicative of a pecu-
liarity in the chemical composition of the supporting soil.
Primary dispersion. Geochemical dispersion of elements by processes origi-
nating within the earth; opposite of secondary dispersion.
Regolith. Loose surface material overlying solid rock.
Secondary dispersion. Geochemical dispersion of elements by processes origi-
nating at the surface of the earth; opposite of primary dispersion.
Sediment. Solid material deposited by running or standing water.
Soil. In agriculture: loose surface material capable of supporting plant
growth, and having properties resulting from the integrated effect of
climate and living matter. In geology: any loose surface material over-
lying solid rock; synonymous with regolith.
Soil formation. The process whereby fragmental material resulting from
rock weathering is transformed into a medium that can support plant
Soil horizon. A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, which
differs from adjacent layers in chemical and physical properties; the
principal horizons from the surface downward are (1) the topsoil, A hori-
zon, or leached horizon; (2) the subsoil, B horizon, or horizon of accumu-
lation; and (3) the parent material, C horizon, from which the upper
horizons were formed.
Soil profile. The vertical sequence of soil horizons.

Suboutcrop. Area of intersection of a geologic feature with the surface of

bedrock beneath the regolith.
Superimposed halo. A dispersion pattern formed in the regolith by the
movement of material in subsurface waters.
Threshold. In geochemical prospecting: the limiting anomalous value below
which variations represent only normal background effects and above
which they have significance in terms of possible mineral deposits. In
analytical chemistry: the limiting sensitivity of an analytical method.
Train. A linear dispersion pattern resulting from movement along well-
defined drainage channels.
Wall-rock halo. A dispersion pattern formed in the rock adjoining mineral
deposits where the chemical composition has been modified by the ore-
forming fluids.

The units of measurement commonly found in the literature
of geochemical prospecting are denned in tables 11, 12, and 13.
The common unit of weight is the microgram, equal to a mil-
lionth of a gram and represented by the Greek letter gamma (y).
For solid material the common unit of concentration is the part
per million (ppm), equal to 0.0001 percent. In expressing data
on the composition of plants, the basis of measurement, whether
ash or dry weight of the plant, should be specified. For aqueous
solutions, concentrations may be expressed as parts per million
(micrograms per milliliter) or micrograms per liter. Parts per
billion should be avoided because of the difference in the Amer-
ican and British usage of the term billion.

TABLB: 11. Units of weight

Metric equivalent
Unit Symbol (grams)

t 1,000,000
Kilosr&tn --_- _ kg 1,000
g 1
*"S .001
Microgram, gamma.--.---. .-.._..__..- 7
Short ton...... ...-- ' 907,180
A-voiT-dvifiois ipOxind ib 453.6
Avoirdupois ounce...... .-.--.--.- -- - oz 28. 3S

Troy ounce .._........--__.._--_._---.. s SI. 10


TABLE V^. Units of concentration

Unit Symbol Proportionality

Grams per gram.. _____ g/g~ ---_. ___ 1

Percent ___ ______ ___ _ ____ ______ %.. ' .... .01
Milligrams per kilogram ... _. _________ ing/kg. __________ . 000001
Parts per million. __ _______ _________ ppm. -.-.___._--. . 000001
Grums pur metric ton... _ _ K/t . 000001
Mierograms per liter. ._-__-.._ __ ___ 7/liter. _.._.._-. .000000001
Milliequivalents per 100 grains.. __ _ ___ meq/lOOg. ....... . 00001 X eq '
Troy ounces per short ton __ _. ... _. oz/t . 000034

1 An equivalent (eq.) IB the weight in grams which in its reaction corresponds to a grain-atom of hydro-
gen. For our purposes, it is taken as being numerically equal to the atomic or molecular weight divided
hy the valence. One thousand milliequivalents (men.) is equal to one equivalent.

TABLE 13. Conversion tahle, units of concentration l

^\ B
g/K Percent ppm 7 /liter ineri/100 K oz/t
A ^x^

g/K 1 100 10« 10» 105/oq 2.9 X 104

Percent.... _. .01 i 104 107 JOJ/eq 2.9 X W-
ppm........ 10- 6 10-4 1 10 s 10-' eq 2.9 X 10-2
10-9 10-7 10-1 1 10-4 /eq 2.9 X 10-'
ineq/lOOg.--. eq X 10-B eq X 10-3 eq X 10 cq X 104 1 eq X 0.29
oz/fc.. .__.... 3.4 X 10-6 3.4 X 10-3 34 3.4 X W 3.4/eq 1

1 To express concentration in terms ol "B," multiply concentration expressed us "A" by factor shown.

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Page Page
A Chromium :
Absorption ..............1.......... 255 256 distribution, in detrital minerals.. 802
Abundance of elements in in plants .................. 296
earth materials .................. 227-230 in rocks ................... 228
Acknowledgments .................. 227 in water .................. 229
Adsorption ............ 254-255, 283, 306, 809 mobility ....................... 250, 264
Aluminum: Cobalt:
distribution, in plants .......... 228 distribution, in plants .......... 298
in rocks ................... 228, 236 in precipitates ............. 312
in water ................... 229 in residual
mobility ........... 250, 251, 260, 263, 270 cover ........ 234, 241, 273, 274, 280
Analytical techniques, in rocks ............... 228, 236, 241
chromatographic .................. 332 in sediments ............... 306
colorimetric ................... 330-331 in water .................. 229, 307
spectrographic ......... 314, 315, 331-332 mobility ........... 250, 253, 259, 265, 274
Animal activity .................... 280 Colloidal solutions .................. 260
Antimony: Complex ions, inorganic ............ 268
distribution, in rocks ........... 228 Contamination ..................... 335 336
in residual cover ........... 274 Contrast of geochemical anomalies .. 234-235
mobility ....................... 274 Copper:
Area! dispersion patterns ....... 240-241,244 distribution, in detrital minerals.. 304
Arsenic: in plants ...... 228, 234, 292, 294-296,
distribution, in plants .......... 292 298, 299
in precipitates ............. 287 in precipitates ..... 285, 287, 302, 305
in residual cover ....... 234, 273, 274 in residual
in rocks ................... 228, 244 cover ............... 265, 266, 273,
in water ................... 229 274, 276, 279, 281
mobility ............... 253,259,265,274 in rocks ........... 228, 236, 241, 244
in sediments ............... 306, 312
B in transported
Background ................ 227-230, 233, 335 cover ........ 243, 278, 286, 287, 288
Barium: in water .............. 229,309-311
distribution, in detrital mobility .......... 250-253, 256, 258, 269,
minerals ..................... 304-305 261, 262, 266, 269, 270, 274,
in plants .................. 228 305, 309
in residual cover ........... 276 Coprecipitatlon ........ 253-264, 287, 805, 811
in rocks ................... 228
in water ................... 229
mobility ............... 262-254,263,269
Definition of terms ................ 336-338
Beryllium, distribution, in rocks ..... 228, 244
Dithizone method of analysis ........ 265, 311
mobility ................... 250, 259, 269
Boron, distribution, in
detrital minerals .................. 302 E
in plants ...................... 228,292 Exchange reactions.. 254-255, 283-289, 290, 330
in rocks ....................... 228, 239
in sediments ................... 239
in water ...................... 229,239
distribution, in rocks .......... 228,236
Cadmium: in water .................. 229,306
distribution, in plants .......... 298 mobility ....................... 262
in rocks ................... 228 Frost action ....................... 278-280
mobility ....................... 250
distribution, in plants .......... 228, 292 Gallium:
in rocks ................... 228, 236 distribution, in precipitates 305
in water ................... 229 in rocks 228
mobility ............... 262, 254, 265, 263 mobility ... 269

Page Page
Gaseous dispersion ................. 245-246 in rocks ................... 228, 246
Geochemical cycle .................. 230 232 in water ................... 229
anomalies ............. 227, 233-236, 273 mobility ....................... 246, 250
provinces ...................... 237 239 Microbiological factors
Glacial dispersion .................. 276-279 affecting mobility ............ 260-262, 312
Gold: Mobility ........................... 246-266
distribution, in detrital j Molybdenum:
minerals .......... ....' ...... 302, 30 i distribution, in plants ...... 278, 292, 297
in plants .................. 297, 299 in precipitates ............. 305
in rocks ..................... 228, 239 in residual cover ........... 274
in water .............. 229, 305, 311 in rocks ................... 228
mobility ..............: 259, 264, 265, 269 mobility ........... 261, 264, 265, 274, 290
Gossans ....................;... 275-276,287

Heavy metals. See Zinc. Nickel:
Homogeneity of geochemical distribution, in plants .......... 296
anomalies ........................ 235-236 in residual cover ........... 273
Hydrogen-ion concentration. See pH. in rocks ................... 228,239
in transported cover ........ 288
in water .................. 229, 312
Iron: mobility ....................... 250, 259
distribution, in plants .......... 298,299 Niobium:
in rocks ............... 228,236, 242 distribution, in detrital
in transported cover ........ 278 minerals ..................... 304
in water .......... 229, 284, 310, 311 in rocks ................... 228, 239
mobility . . . 250, 255-258, 260-263, 270, 310 mobility ....................... 269

Lakes ............................. 311-312

Ores, composition of ................ 235
Organic metal compounds ...... 259-260, 290
distribution, in detrital Oxidation potental
minerals ..................... 302
Eh .......... 256-258, 261-262, 270, 290, 305
in plants .......... 291, 293, 296, 299
in precipitates ............. 302,305
in residual
cover ....... 265, 266, 273, 276, 281 Pathfinder elements ................ 328-329
in rocks .......... 228, 236, 243, 244 Petroleum ......................... 245
in transported cover.... 278,285,288 pH, hydrogen-ion
in water .................. 229 concentration .... 249-251, 252, 255, 257, 270,
mobility .......... 250, 252, 253, 259, 261 285, 290, 298, 305, 309, 310
264, 265, 273 Plant sampling,
Leakage halos ..................... 241-243 instructions .......... 293-297, 321-324, 326
Plants, geochemical
M dispersion in ................ 228, 289-300
Magnesium: Potassium:
distribution, in plants .......... 228, 291 distribution, in plants .......... 228, 292
in rocks ................... 228, 236 in rocks .............. 228, 236, 245
in water ................... 229 in water ................... 229
mobility ............... 250, 254, 255, 263 mobility ............... 254, 255, 262, 263
Manganese: Primary dispersion ............. 232, 236-246
distribution, in plants .......... 292, 297
in precipitates ............. 305
in rocks ................... 228 R
in sediments ............... 306 Rare earths:
in transported cover ........ 278 distribution in detrital minerals . . 303
in water ............... 229, 306, 311 in plants .................. 228
mobility . . . 2EO, 251, 256-258. 261. 262. 306 in rocks ................... 228,236
Marine basins ..................... 312-313 mobility ....................... 250
Mercury: Resistant minerals ...... 268-269, 272, 301-304
distribution, in detrital Rock sampling instructions ........ 321-324 ,
minerals ..................... 304 Rocks, geochemical dispersion
in plants .................. 299 in ...................... 227,228. 236-246

Page Page
in water ................... 305
mobility ................... 250, 269, 274
Sampling: instructions .............. 321-328
Secondary dispersion ........... 232, 246-313
distribution, in
Secondary enrichment of ores ...... 284
detrital minerals ............. 302-304
in plants .................. 296
distribution, in plants .......... 291, 299
in residual cover ........... 272, 274
in rocks ................... 228
in rocks ................... 288
in water ................... 229
mobility ....................... 269, 274
mobility ....................... 291
Silicon: U
distribution, in plants .......... 228 Units of measurement .............. 388-339
in rocks ............... 228, 236, 241
Uranium :
in water ................... 229 distribution, in
mobility ....................... 260, 263 detrital minerals ............. 303
in plants .......... 234,291,293,297
distribution, in plants .......... 297, 299 in rocks ................... 241
in rocks ............... 228, 241, 243
mobility ....................... 250,256
in water ................... 229
mobility ....... 250, 252, 258, 259, 264, 265
Sodium: Vanadium:
distribution, in plants .......... 228 distribution, in plants ...... 228,291,297
in rocks ................... 228, 236 in precipitates ............. 305
in water ................... 229 in rocks ................... 228
mobility ....................... 254, 263 mobility .................. 256, 259, 264
Soil sampling: instructions .......... 321-326 Vegetation ................. 228,289-300,326
Soils and soil formation .... 230, 266, 280-282
Solubility of salts .............. 248, 251-253 W
Streams and rivers ................ 300-311 Wall-rock dispersion ........... 240, 243, 244
Stream sediments, heavy Water, geochemical dispersion
minerals in ...................... 301-304 in ............... 227-229,282-289,300-312
sampling instructions .. 321-324, 327-328 Water sampling instructions. . 321-324, 326-327
unstable components in ........ 304-306 Weathering ................ 230-232, 246-282
Sulfur, sulfate, distribution,
in plants .................... 228, 292, 299
in rocks ....................... 228 Zinc:
in water .................. 284, 311 distribution, in detrital minerals.. 302
Superimposed halos ............. 284-289 in plants .............. 228, 292-299
in precipitates ............. 305,312
in residual
Thorium: cover ....... 242-243, 265, 266, 273,
distribution, in detrital minerals.. 303 274, 276, 281
in rocks ................... 239,241 in rocks ........... 228. 236, 242-244
in sediments ............... 306 in transported
mobility ....................... 250 cover ............ 278, 285,287, 288
Threshold of geochemical in water ...... 229,284,285,307-312
anomalies ............... 233, 241, 243, 335 mobility ...... 250-253,255,258,269,261,
Tin : 262, 264, 265, 270, 274, 290,
distribution, in 309, 310
detrital mineraJs ............. 302,304 Zirconium :
in plants .................. 302, 304 distribution, in
in residual cover ........... 272, 274 detrital minerals ............ 302,303
in rocks ............... 228,237-239 in rocks ............... 228,236,241
in sediments ............... 304 mobility ....................... 250


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