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Fuels are the main energy sources for industry and domestic purposes.

“A fuel is a substance containing carbon as the major substituent which provides energy on

combustion for industry and domestic purposes”.

The combustion is the process of oxidation that provides heat energy. Every

combustion is an oxidation, but every oxidation is not combustion.

Ex: - Combustion of wood, Petrol and kerosene gives heat energy.

Classification of Fuels:

Classification of fuels is based on two factors.

A. Occurrence (and preparation)

B. The state of aggregation

On the basis of occurrence, the fuels are further divided into two types.

1. natural or primary fuels: - These are found in nature such as

Wood, peat, coal, petroleum, natural gas etc.

2. artificial or secondary fuels: - These are prepared artificially from the primary


Ex: - charcoal, coke, kerosene, diesel, petrol, coal gas, oil gas, producer gas,

blast Furnace gas etc.

Characteristics of a good fuel:

a. The fuel should be easily available.

b. It should be dry and should have less moisture content. Dry fuel

increases its calorific value.

c. It should be cheap, easily transportable and has high calorific value.

d. It must have a moderate ignition temperature and should leave less ash

after combustion.

Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

e. The combustion speed of a good fuel should be moderate.

f. It should not burn spontaneously to avoid fire hazards.

g. Its handling should be easy and should not give poisonous gases after


h. The combustion of a good fuel should not be explosive.

The second classification is based upon their state of aggregation like:

1. Solid fuels

2. Liquid fuels

3. Gaseous fuels

Type of fuel Natural or primary fuel Artificial or secondary



Wood, peat, lignite, dung,

bituminous coal and anthracite


Charcoal, coke etc.

Liquid Crude oil Petrol, diesel and various other fractions

of petroleum
Gaseous Natural gas Coal gas, oil gas, bio gas, water gas etc.

Characteristic properties of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels:



property of a


Solid fuels Liquid fuels Gaseous fuels

1 Example Coal Crude oil Coal gas

2 Cost Cheap Costlier than solid

fuels Costly

3 Storage Easy to store

Closed containers

should be used for


The storage space

required is huge

and should be leak


4 Risk towards

fire hazards Less More

Very high, since

these fuels are

highly inflammable

5 Combustion


It is a slow process Fast process Very rapid and



Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

6 Combustion

control Cannot be controlled

Cannot be controlled

or stopped when


Controlled by

regulating the

supply of air

7 Handling cost

High since labour is

required in their

storage & transport.

Low, since the fuel

can be transported

through pipes

Low, similar to

liquid fuels, these

can be transported

through pipes

8 Ash

Ash is produced and

its disposal also



No problem of ash No problem of ash

9 Smoke Produce smoke


Clean, but liquids

associated with high

carbon and aromatic

fuels produce smoke

Smoke is not

10 Calorific value Least High Highest

11 Heat efficiency Least High Highest efficiency

I. Solid Fuels:

The main solid fuels are wood, peat, lignite, coal and charcoal.

Coal: - Coal is a fossil fuel, which occurs in layers in the earths crust. It is formed by

the partial decay of plant materials accumulated millions of years ago and further

altered by the action of heat and pressure. The process of conversion of wood into coal

can be represented as

Wood → Peat → Lignite → Bituminous Coal → Anthracite

1) Peat:- Peat is brown-fibrous jelly like mass.

2) Lignite: - these are soft, brown colored, lowest rank coals

3) Bituminous coals: - These are pitch black to dark gray coal

4) Anthracite:- It is a class of highest rank coal

Fuel Percentage of


Calorific value

( Applications

Wood 50 4000-4500 Domestic fuel

Peat 50-60 4125-5400 Used if deficiency of high rank

coal is prevailing


Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

Lignite 60-70 6500-7100 For steam generation in thermal

power plants

Bituminous 80-90 8000-8500 In making coal gas and

Metallurgical coke

Anthracite 90-98 8650-8700 In households and for steam


Analysis of Coal:-

The analysis of coal is helpful in its ranking.

The assessment of the quality of coal is carried out by these two types of analyses.

A) Proximate analysis

B) Ultimate analysis

A. Proximate analysis: In this analysis, the percentage of carbon is indirectly

determined. It is a quantitative analysis of the following parameters.

1. Moisture content

2. Volatile matter

3. Ash

4. Fixed carbon

1. Moisture Content: About 1 gram of finely powdered air-dried coal sample is

weighed in a crucible. The crucible is placed in an electric hot air-oven,

maintained at 105 to 110 0C for one hour. The crucible is allowed to remain in

oven for 1 hour and then taken out, cooled in desiccators and weighed. Loss in

weight is reported as moisture.

Percentage of Moisture =

Loss in weight
Weight of coal taken × 100

2. Volatile Matter: The dried sample taken in a crucible and then covered with a

lid and placed in an electric furnace or muffle furnace, maintained at 925 + 20C.

The crucible is taken out of the oven after 7 minutes of heating. The crucible is

cooled first in air, then inside desiccators and weighed again. Loss in weight is

reported as volatile matter on a percentage-basis.


Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

Percentage of Volatile Matter =

Loss in weight

Weight of coal taken × 100

3. Ash: The residual coal sample taken in a crucible and then heated without lid in

a muffle furnace at 700 + 50 C for 1⁄2 hour. The crucible is then taken out, cooled

first in the air, then in desiccators and weighed. Heating, cooling and weighing

are repeated, till a constant weight is obtained. The residue is reported as ash on

a percentage-basis.


Percentage of Ash =

Weight of ash left

Weight of coal taken × 100

4. Fixed carbon:

Percentage of fixed carbon = 100 - % of (Moisture + Volatile matter + ash)

Significance of proximate analysis: Proximate analysis provides following

valuable information’s in assessing the quality of coal.

1. Moisture: Moisture is coal evaporates during the burning of coal and it takes

some of the liberated heat in the form of latent heat of evaporation. Therefore,

moisture lowers the effective calorific value of coal. Moreover, over, it quenches

the fire in the furnace, hence, lesser, the moisture content, the better the quality of

coal as a fuel. However, the presence of moisture, up to 10%, produces a more

uniform fuel-bed and less of “fly-ash”.

2. Volatile matter: a high volatile matter, content means that a high proportion of

fuel will distill over as gas or vapour, a large proportion of which escapes un-burnt,

So, higher volatile content in coal s undesirable. A high volatile matter containing

coal burns with a long flame, high smoke and has a low calorific value. Hence,

lesser the volatile matter, better the rank of the coal.


Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

3. Ash: Ash is a useless, non-combustible matter, which reduces the calorific

value of coal. Moreover, ash causes the hindrance to the flow of air and heat, thereby

lowering the temperature. Also, it often causes trouble during firing by forming

clinkers, which block the interspaces of the grate, on which coal is being burnt. This

in-turn causes obstruction to air supply; thereby the burning of coal becomes

irregular. Hence, lower the ash content, better the quality of coal. The presence of

ash also increases transporting, handling and storage costs. It also involves
additional cost in ash disposal. The presence of ash also causes early wear of furnace

walls, burning of apparatus and feeding mechanism.

4. Fixed carbon: Higher the percentage of fixed carbon, greater is it’s calorific

and betters the quality coal. Greater the percentage of fixed carbon, smaller is the

percentage of volatile matter. This also represents the quantity of carbon that can be

burnt by a primary current of air drawn through the hot bed of a fuel. Hence, high

percentage of fixed carbon is desirable. The percentage of fixed carbon helps in

designing the furnace and the shape of the fire-box, because it is the fixed carbon

that burns in the solid state.

B. Ultimate analysis: This is the elemental analysis and often called as qualitative

analysis of coal. This analysis involves the determination of carbon and hydrogen,

nitrogen, suphur and oxygen.

1. Carbon and Hydrogen: About 1 to 2 gram of accurately weighed coal

sample is burnt in a current of oxygen in a combustion apparatus. C and H of the

coal are converted into CO2 and H2O respectively. The gaseous products of

combustion are absorbed respectively in KOH and CaCl2 tubes of known weights.

The increase in weights of these are then determined.

C + O2 → CO2

2KOH + CO2 → K2CO3 + H2O

H2 + 1⁄2 O2 → H2O

CaCl2 + 7 H2O → CaCl2.7H2O

Percentage of C = Increase in weight of KOH tube X 12 X 100

Weight of Coal sample taken X


Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

Percentage of H = Increase in weight of CaCl2 tube X 2 X 100

Weight of Coal sample taken X 18

2. Nitrogen: About 1 gram of accurately weighed powdered coal is heated with

concentrated H2SO4 along with K2SO4 (catalyst) in a long-necked Kjeldahl’s flask.

After the solution becomes clear, it is treated with excess of KOH and the liberated

ammonia is distilled over and absorbed in a known volume of standard acid solution.

The unused acid is then determined by back titration with standard NaOH solution.

From the volume of acid used by ammonia liberated, the percentage of N in coal is

calculated as follows:

Percentage of N = Volume acid X Normality of acid X_1.4

Weight of coal taken

3. Sulphur: Sulphur is determined from the washings obtained from the known

mass of coal, used in bomb calorimeter for determination of a calorific value.

During this determination, S is converted in to Sulphate. The washings are treated

with Barium chloride solution, when Barium- sulphate is precipitated. This

precipitate is filtered, washed and heated to constant weight.

Percentage of Sulphur = Weight of BaSO4 obtained X 32 X 100_

Weight of coal sample taken in bomb X 233

4. Ash: The residual coal taken in the crucible and then heated without lid in a

muffle furnace at 700 + 500c for 1⁄2 hour. The crucible is then taken out, cooled first

in air, then in desiccators and weighed. Hearing, cooling and weighing are repeated,
till a constant weight is obtained. The residue is reported as ash on percentage-basis.


Percentage of ash = Weight of ash left X 100

Weight of coal taken

5. Oxygen: It is determined indirectly by deducting the combined percentage of

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and ash from 100.

Percentage of Oxygen = 100 – percentage of (C + H + S + N + Ash)


Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

Significance of ultimate analysis:

1. Carbon and Hydrogen: Greater the percentage of carbon and hydrogen

better is the coal in quality and calorific value. However, hydrogen is mostly

associated with the volatile mater and hence, it affects the use to which the coal is


2. Nitrogen: Nitrogen has no calorific value and hence, its presence in coal is

undesirable. Thus, a good quality coal should have very little Nitrogen content.

3. Sulphur: Sulphur, although contributes to the heating value of coal, yet on

combustion produces acids like SO2, SO3, which have harmful effects of corroding

the equipments and also cause atmospheric pollution. Sulphur is, usually, present to

the extent of 0.5 to 0.3% and derived from ores like iron, pyrites, gypsum, etc., mines

along with the coal. Presence of sulphur is highly undesirable in coal to be used for

making coke for iron industry. Since it is transferred to the iron metal and badly

affects the quality and properties of steel. Moreover, oxides of sulphur pollute the

atmosphere and leads to corrosion.

4. Ash: Ash is a useless, non-combustible matter, which reduces the calorific

value of coal. Moreover, ash causes the hindrance to the flow of air and heat, thereby

lowering the temperature. Hence, lower the ash content, better the quality of coal.

The presence of ash also increases transporting, handling and storage costs. It also

involves additional cost in ash disposal. The presence of ash also causes early wear

of furnace walls, burning of apparatus and feeding mechanism.

5. Oxygen: Oxygen content decreases the calorific value of coal. High oxygen-

content coals are characterized by high inherent moisture, low calorific value, and

low coking power. Moreover, oxygen is a combined form with hydrogen in coal and

thus, hydrogen available for combustion is lesser than actual one. An increase in 1%

oxygen content decreases the calorific value by about 1.7% and hence, oxygen is

undesirable. Thus, a good quality coal should have low percentage of oxygen.


Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

II. Liquid Fuels

Liquid fuels are the important commercial and domestic fuels used these days. Most of

these fuels are obtained from the naturally occurring petroleum or crude oil.

Primary Petroleum:

Petroleum or crude oil is a dark greenish brown, viscous oil found deep in the earth

crust. Crude oil is a source of many liquid fuels that are in current use. The composition

of crude petroleum approximately is

C = 80-85%

H= 10-14%

S= 0.1-3.5%

Refining of Petroleum:

Crude oil obtained from the mine is not fit to be marked. It contains a lot of

soluble and insoluble impurities which must be removed. Previously the purification of

crude oil is done by simple fractional distillation. Further treatment of the products is

done by refining. Refining can be defined as the process by which petroleum is made

free of impurities, division of petroleum into different fractions having different boiling

points and their further treatment to impart specific properties.

Refining of petroleum is done in different stages:

a. Removal of solid impurities: The crude oil is a mixture of solid, liquid and gaseous

substances. This is allowed to stand undisturbed for some time, when the heavy

solid particles settle down and gases evaporate. The supernant liquid is then

centrifuged where in the solids get removed.

b. Removal of water (Cottrell’s process): The crude oil obtained from the earth’s crust

is in the form of stable emulsion of oil and brine. This mixture when passed between

two highly charged electrodes will destroy the emulsion films and the colloidal

water droplets coalesce into bigger drops and get separated out from the oil.

c. Removal of harmful impurities: In order to remove sulphur compounds in the crude

oil. It is treated with copper oxide. The sulphur compounds get converted to

insoluble copper sulphide, which can be removed by filtration. Substances like NaCl

and MgCl2 it present will corrode the refining equipment and result in scale

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formation. These can be removed by techniques like electrical desalting and


d. Fractional distillation: Heating of crude oil around 4000C in an iron retort, produces
hot vapor, which is allowed to pass through fractionating column. It is a tall

cylindrical tower containing a number of horizontal stainless trays at short distances

and is provided with a small chimney covered with loose cap. As the vapors go up

they get cooled gradually and fractional condensation takes place. Higher boiling

fraction condenses first later the lower boiling fractions.

Fig. 1 Refining of Petroleum

The crude oil is fractionally distilled in a fractionating still, which is a tower like

structure having a bubble tower laid inside. The crude oil or the petroleum enters through

the bottom of the still by an inlet. This is made to pass through a pre-heater or it can heated

with steam inside the still to a temperature of about 400°C. As we move to the top

fractionating still the temperature goes on decreasing. A number of side pipes are fitted

at different heights of the column or still, to collect the fractions. As petroleum enters the

still, it gets vaporized and the vapours move up the bubble tower. The bubble tower

consists of number of horizontal trays, and each tray is provided with a number of small

chimneys through which the vapours rise. The chimneys are covered with loose caps so

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that the vapours bubble through and get condensed, dropping back into the trays. So as

the vapours go up, they become cooler and cooler and fractional condensation of the

crude oil takes place at different levels of the bubble tower.

The vapours of the liquid having the highest boiling point are the first to condense and go

out and those which have the lowest boiling points go last, along with the uncondensed

gases. The constituents of each fraction and the temperature at which they are obtained

is given in the table.

Name of fraction Boiling range Composition Uses

1. Uncondensed


Below 30°C C1 to C4 As domestic or industrial

fuel under the name


2. Petroleum ether 30 – 70°C C5 to C7 As a solvent

3. Gasoline or



40 – 120°C C5 to C9 As a motor fuel in


4. Naphtha

(11,000 kcal/kg)

120 – 180°C C9 to C10 As a solvent in dry cleaning

5. Kerosene oil

(11,100 kcal/kg)

180 – 250°C C10 to C16 As domestic fuel and jet

engine fuel

6. Diesel oil 250 – 320°C C10 to C18 Diesel engine fuel

7. Heavy oil

This on refraction

(a) Lubricating oil

(b) Petroleum jelly


(c) Grease

(d) Paraffin wax

320 – 400°C C17 to C30

As lubricant

In cosmetics and


As lubricant

In candles and wax


8. Residue may be


(a) Asphalt

Or bitumen

Above 400°C C30 and above

Water proofing of roofs

As a fuel


Decomposition of larger hydrocarbon molecules to smaller molecules is

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Ex. C10H12 → C5H12 + C5H10

(Decane) (Pentane) (Pentene)

Cracking is mainly two types:

A. Thermal Cracking

B. Catalytic Cracking

A. Thermal cracking: If the cracking takes place at high temperature then it is thermal


It may take place by two ways. They are

i) Liquid-phase Thermal cracking

ii) Vapour-phase Thermal cracking

The liquid phase cracking takes place at 4750C to 5300C at a pressure 100kg/cm2

. While

the vapor phase cracking occurs at 600 to 6500C at a low pressure of 10 to 20 kg/cm2

B. Catalytic cracking: If the cracking takes place due to the presence of catalyst than

it is named as catalytic cracking. Catalytic cracking may be fixed bed type or moving

bed type.

i. Fixed bed catalytic cracking: The oil vapors are heated in a pre-heater to

cracking temperatures (420 – 450 0C) and then forced through a catalytic

chamber maintained at 425 – 450 0C and 1.5 kg/cm2

pressure. During their

passage through the tower, about 40% of the charge is converted into gasoline
and about 2 – 4% carbon is formed. The latter adsorbed on the catalyst bed. The

vapour produced is then passed through a fractionating column, where heavy oil

fractions condense. The vapors are then led through a cooler, where some of the

gases are condensed along – with gasoline and uncondensed gases move on. The

gasoline containing some dissolved gases is then sent to a ‘stabilizer’, where the

dissolved gases are removed and pure gasoline is obtained.

The catalyst, after 8 to 10 hours, stops functioning, due to the deposition of black

layer of carbon, formed during cracking. This is re-activated by burning off the

deposited carbon. During the re-activated interval, the vapors are diverted

through another catalyst chamber.

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Fig. 2 Fixed-Bed Catalytic Cracking

ii. Moving bed catalytic cracking: This is also known as fluid bed catalytic cracking.

In this type of cracking, the catalyst is in the form of fine powder which flows down

to the cracking chamber, through a hopper. The catalysts gets mixed with the heavy

oil vapours and behave much like a fluid which can be circulated in gas streams. The

plant for fluid bed or moving bed catalyst cracking consists of a reactor and a

regenerator placed side by side.

Fig. 3 Moving-Bed Catalytic Cracking

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Premature and instantaneous ignition of petrol – air (fuel-air) mixture in a petrol engine,

leading to production of an explosive violence is known as knocking.

In an internal combustion engine, a mixture of gasoline vapor and air is used as a fuel.

After the initiation of the combustion reaction, by spark in the cylinder, the flame should

spread rapidly and smoothly through the gaseous mixture; thereby the expanding gas

drives the piston down the cylinder.

The ratio of the gaseous volume in the cylinder at the end of the suction-stroke to the

volume at the end of compression ratio. The efficiency of an internal combustion engine

increases with the compression ratio, which is dependent on the nature of the

constituents present in the gasoline used. In certain circumstances (due to the presence

of some constituents in the gasoline used), the rate of oxidation becomes so great that

the last portion of the fuel air mixture gets ignited instantaneously, producing an

explosive violence, known as knocking. The knocking results in loss of efficiency.

Some of the effects of knocking or detonation are:

1. Carbon deposits on liners and combustion chamber

2. Mechanical damage

3. increase in heat transfer

4. Noise and roughness

5. decrease in power output and efficiency

6. preignition

The knocking can be controlled or even stopped by the following methods:

1. increasing engine r.p.m

2. reducing pressure in the inlet manifold by throttling

3. Retarding spark

4. Making the ratio too lean or rich, preferably latter.

5. Water injection increases the delay period as well as reduces the

flame temperature.

6. Use of high octane fuel can eliminates detonation. High octane fuels

are obtained by adding additives known as dopes like tetraethyl lead,

benzol, xylene to petrol

Chemical structure and knocking: The tendency of fuel constituents to knock in

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the following order.

Straight-chain paraffins > Branched-chain paraffins (i.e., iso paraffins) > Olefins >

Cyclo paraffins (i.e., naphthalenes) > aromatics.

Thus, olefins of the same carbon chain length possess better anti knock properties than the

corresponding paraffin and so on.

Octane number:

The knocking characteristic of a fuel can be easily expressed by octane number. The

anti- knocking value of n-heptane is taken as 0 (zero) because n-heptane knocks very

badly. Whereas the anti-knock value of iso-octane is approximately taken as 100

because iso-octane knocks very little. Actually the octane number is the percentage of

iso-octane in a mixture of n-heptane in order to matches the knocking characteristics of

the fuel. In this way, an “80-octane” fuel is one which has the same combustion

characteristics as an 80:20 mixture in iso-octane and n-heptanes. Gasoline with octane

rating as high as 135 are used for aviation purposes. The octane number of poor fuels
can be raised by the addition of extremely poisonous materials as tetra ethylene lead

(C2H4)4Pb and diethyl-telluride (C2H4)2Te


CH3 – C – CH2 – CH2 – CH3CH3 – (CH2)5- CH3


2, 2, 4- trimethyl pentane n-heptane

(Isooctane) octane number 100 (good fuel)

Octane number zero (bad fuel)

Lead petrol: The variety of petrol in which tetra ethyl lead is added, it is leaded petrol.


C2H5 – Pb – C2H5


Tetra ethyl lead (TEL)

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Octane rating: It has been found that n-heptane, Knocks very badly and hence,

its anti-knock value has arbitrarily been given zero. On the other hand, isooctane

(2: 2: 4 – trimethyl pentane). It gives very little knocking, so its anti-knock value

has been given as ‘100’. Thus, octane number (or rating) of a gasoline (or any
other internal combustion engine fuel) is the percentage of isooctane in a

mixture of isooctane and n-heptane, which matches the fuel under test in

knocking characteristics. In this way, an “80-octane” fuel is one which has the

same combustion characteristics as an 80:20 mixture of isooctane and n-heptane.

Advantages: Usually petrol with low octane number is not good quality petrol.

It often knocks (i.e., produces huge noise due to improper combustion). As a

result of knocking, petrol is wasted; the energy produced cannot be used in a

proper way.

When tetra ethyl lead is added, it prevents knocking, there by saves money and

energy. Usually 1 to 1.5 ml of TEL is added per 1lit of petrol.

The mechanism of action is as follows:

First TEL will be transformed into finely divided particles of PbO which looks

like a cloud. This takes place in the cylinder. Then the PbO particles react with

hydrocarbon peroxide molecules formed, thus slowing down the oxidation

process and prevent early detonation. Thus either knocking may be stopped or

greatly reduced.

Disadvantages: Deposits of PbO are harmful to engine. So PbO must be

eliminated from the engine. For this purpose, little amount of ethylene dibromide

is added to petrol. It converts the harmful PbO to volatile PbBr2 and eliminated

through exhaust. Presence of any sulphur compounds reduces the efficiency of


Cetane Number:

Cetane number is defined as the percentage of hexadecane (n-cetane) present in a

mixture of hexadecane and 2-methyl naphthalene, which has the same ignition

characteristic of diesel fuel in test. Generally diesel fuels with cetane numbers of 70-80

are used.

The knocking tendency of diesel fuel is expressed in terms of cetane number. Diesel

engines works on the principle of compression ignition. Cetane (n-cetane) or

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hexadecane [CH3 – (CH2)14-CH3] is a saturated hydrocarbon, its cetane number is

arbitrarily fixed as 100. A methyl naphthalene is an aromatic hydrocarbon, its cetane

number is arbitrarily fixed as zero.

III. Gaseous Fuels:

The gaseous fuels are most preferred because of their ease of storage, transport,

handling and ignition. These are classified into two types.

a) Primary fuels Ex:- Natural gas

b) Secondary fuels ex: - Coal gas, producer gas, water gas.

Natural Gas:

The natural gas is obtained from the wells dug in the earth during mining of

petroleum. It is mainly composed of methane and small quantities of ethane along

with other hydrocarbons.

If the lower hydrocarbons are present, the gas is called dry gas or lean gas but if the

hydrocarbons having the higher molecules are present, the gas is known as rich or

wet gas.

The average composition of natural gas is as follows.

Methane – 88.5%

Ethane – 5.5%

Propane – 3.7%

Butane – 1.8%

Pentane, hydrogen and higher hydrocarbons – 0.5%

The calorific value of natural gas varies from 8000-14000


 It is an excellent domestic fuel and industrial fuel.

 It is also used as raw material for the manufacture of carbon-black,

methanol, formaldehyde etc.

 Methane on microbiological fermentation gives synthetic proteins which are

used as animal feed.

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LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

The gas is obtained from natural gas or as a byproduct in refineries during cracking

of heavy petroleum products. Nowadays LPG has been a common fuel for

domestic work and also in most of the industries. The main components of LPG

are n-butane, isobutane, butylenes and propane (traces of propene and ethane). The

hydrocarbons are in gaseous state at room temperature and 1 atmospheric pressure

but can be liquefied under higher pressure.

LPG is kept in metallic cylinder attached with burner through pipe. It has

two stoppers, one at the cylinder and other at burner. LPG has special odour

due to the presence of organic sulphides which are added specially for safety


Characteristics of LPG:-

1. It has high calorific value (27,800 kcal/m3

2. It gives less CO and least unburnt hydrocarbons. So it causes least pollution.

3. It gives moderate heat which is very good for cooking

4. Its storage is simple. It is colourless

5. It has tendency to mix with air easily

6. Its burning gives no toxic gases though it is highly toxic

7. It neither gives smoke nor ash content

8. It is cheaper than gasoline and used as fuel in auto vehicles also

9. It is dangerous when leakage is there


1. In Food industry: LPG is widely used in the food industry like

hotels, restaurants, bakeries, Canteens etc. Low sulphur content and

controllable temperature makes LPG the most Preferred fuel in the

food industry.

2. In Glass & Ceramic: The use of a clean fuel like LPG enhances the

product quality thereby reducing technical problems related to the

manufacturing activity of glass and ceramic products.

3. In Building Industry: LPG being a premium gaseous fuel makes

it ideal for usage in the Cement manufacturing process.

4. In Automotive Industry: The main advantage of using automotive

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LPG is, it is free of lead, Very low in sulphur, other metals, aromatics

and other contaminants.

5. In Farming industry: LPG in the farming industry can be used for the

• Drying of crops

• Cereal drying

• Curing of tobacco and rubber

• Soil conditioning

• Horticulture etc

6. LPG is used in metal industry, aerosol industry, textile industry

and it can also be used in Steam rising.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)

Natural gas contains mainly CH4. When natural gas is compressed at high

pressure (1000atm) or cooled to -160oC, it is converted to CNG. It is stored in

cylinder made of steel. It is now replacing gasoline as it releases less pollutant

during its combustion. In some of the metro cities, CNG vehicles are used to

reduce pollution.

Characteristics of CNG:-

1. Natural Gas being lead/sulphur free, its use substantially reduces harmful

engine emissions.

2. Natural gas being lighter than air, will rise above ground level and

disperse in the atmosphere, in the case of a leakage.

3. Natural Gas in the gaseous state, and is colourless.

4. Predominantly Methane is available in the lean gas, hence CNG contains

mostly methane


1. It was used to generate electricity, heat buildings, fuel vehicles,

power industrial furnaces and Air conditioners.

2. Natural gas is also consumed in homes for space heating and for water

20 | P a g e

Fuels and Combustion

SCI 401 – Chemistry for Engineers

3. It is used in stoves, ovens, clothes dryers and other appliances.

4. In some of the metro cities, CNG vehicles are used to reduce pollution.


Combustion may be defined as the exothermic chemical reaction, and refers to the

rapid oxidation of fuel which is accompanied by production of heat, or heat and light.

It is the union of an element or a compound with oxygen.

Example: C(s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 97 kcal

In common fuels it involves the burning of carbon and hydrogen in air and also to a

much smaller extent of sulphur.

Complete combustion of a fuel is possible only in the presence of an adequate supply

of oxygen. Oxygen (O2) is one of the most common elements on earth making up 20.9%

of our air. Rapid fuel oxidation results in large amounts of heat. Solid or liquid fuels

must be changed to a gas before they will burn. Usually heat is required to change

liquids or solids into gases. Fuel gases will burn in their normal state if enough air is

present. Most of the 79% of air (that is not oxygen) is nitrogen, with traces of other

elements. Nitrogen is considered to be a temperature reducing dilutant that must be

present to obtain the oxygen required for combustion. Nitrogen reduces combustion

efficiency by absorbing heat from the combustion of fuels and diluting the flue gases.

This reduces the heat available for transfer through the heat exchange surfaces. It also

increases the volume of combustion by-products, which then have to travel through the

heat exchanger and up the stack faster to allow the introduction of additional fuel air

mixture. This nitrogen also can combine with oxygen (particularly at high flame
temperatures) to produce oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are toxic pollutants.

The presence of moisture in coal is undesirable, because it causes waste of heat;

moisture may be present in coal naturally or by adding i.e. moistening the coal before

use. The presence of some sort of moisture in coal helps to keep the temperature of the

fire bars low and prevents the formation of clinkers. The excess presence of moisture

leads to heavy smoking and leads to slow starting of combustion process. Optimum free

moisture content is 7 to 9% when coal has minimum density. The presence of moisture

in combustion makes the combustion process successful.

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