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Fuels and Combustion

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Engineering Chemistry

Unit No: VIII
Nos. of slides:
Term: 2008-09

Unit-VIII Power Point Presentations

Text Books:
 A text book of Engineering Chemistry
by Jain & Jain,
 Chemistry of Engineering Materials by
C.P. Murthy, C.V. Agarwal and A.
Srl. Module as per Lecture PPT
No. Session Planner No. Slide No.
1. L-1 L1-1 to L1-19
2. L-2 L2-1 to L2-28
3. L-3 L3-1 to L3-18
4. L-4 L4-1 to L4-18
5. L-5 L5-1 to L5-19
6. L-6,7 L6,7-1 to L6,7-33
Fuels have been
classified according to
 1. Occurrence (and preparation), and
 2. The state of aggregation.
According to the first
classification, we have:
A. natural or primary fuels, which are
found in nature as such e.g., wood,
peat, coal, petroleum, natural gas
B. artificial or secondary fuels are those
which are prepared from the primary
fuels. For example, charcoal, coke,
kerosene, diesel, petrol, coal gas, oil
gas, producer gas, blast furnace gas,
The second classification is
based upon their state of
aggregation like:
 a) Solid fuels;
 b) Liquid fuels, and
 c) Gaseous fuels.
Type of fuel

 Wood, peat, lignite,

dung, bituminous coal
and anthracite
coal,Char coal, coke etc.

 Crudeoil, Petrol,
diesel and various
other fractions of

 NaturalgasCoal gas, oil

gas, bio gas, water gas
Proximate analysis
Proximate analysis involves
in the following
 Moisture
 Volatile matter
 Ash
 Fixed carbon
 About 1 gram of finely powdered air-
dried coal sample is weighed in a
crucible. The crucible is placed inside
an electric hot air-oven, maintained
at 105 to 1100C. The crucible is
allowed to remain in oven for 1 hour
and then taken out, cooled in a
desiccator and weighed. Loss in
weight is reported as moisture.

Percentage of Moisture = __Loss in weight__ X 100

Weight of coal taken
Volatile Matter:
 The dried sample of coal left in the
crucible in (1) is then covered with a
lid and placed in an electric furnace
or muffle furnace, maintained at 925
+ 20C. The crucible is taken out of
the oven after 7 minutes of heating.
The crucible is cooled first in air, then
inside desiccators and weighed again.
Loss in weight is reported as volatile
matter on percentage-basis.
Volatile Matter:

 Percentage of volatile matter = Loss_in _weight_due_to_removal_of_volatile_matter X

Weight of coal sample taken
 The residual coal in the crucible in
(2) is then heated without lid in a
muffle furnace at 700 + 50 C for ½
hour. The crucible is then taken out,
cooled first in air, then in desiccators
and weighed. Hearing, cooling and
weighing is repeated, till a constant
weight is obtained. The residue is
reported as ash on percentage-basis.
 percentage of ash = __Weight of ash left__ X 100
 Weight of coal taken
4. Fixed carbon:

 Percentage of fixed carbon =

100 - % of (Moisture + Volatile matter +
Importance of proximate

 Proximate analysis provides following

valuable information’s in assessing
the quality of coal.
1. Moisture
Moisture is coal evaporates during the
burning of coal and it takes some of the
liberated heat in the form of latent heat
of evaporation. Therefore, moisture
lowers the effective calorific value of
coal. Moverover, it quenches the fire in
the furnace, hence, lesser, the moisture
content, better the quality of coal as a
fuel. However, presence of moisture, up
to 10%, produces a more uniform fuel-
bed and less of “fly-ash”.
2. Volatile matter:
 a high volatile matter content means
that a high proportion of fuel will
distil over as gas or vapour, a large
proportion of which escapes unburnt,
So, higher volatile content in coal s
undesirable. A high volatile matter
containing coal burns with a long
flame, high smoke and has low
calorific value. Hence, lesser the
volatile matter, better the rank of the
2. Volatile matter:
 A high volatile matter content
means that high-proportion of fuel will
be distilled and burned as a gas or
vapour. The volatile matter present in
the coal ay be as high as 50%. The
volatile matter present in the coal may
be combustible gases or non-
combustible gases. The presence of
non-combustible gases is always
undesirable, as they do not add to
heat value, but increases the volume
2. Volatile matter:
 Moverover, the volatile matter
affects the furnace volume and
arrangement of heating space. Thus, a
furnace with small combustion volume
or of short flame travel is not suitable
for burning high volatile coals at high
rates of combustion, since a large
proportion of volatile matter will
escape unburnt. On the other hand,
burning of low volatile coals
necessarily requires forced draught
2. Volatile matter:
 Volatile matter content is of special
significance in coal gas manufacture
and in carbonization plants,
particularly when by-product recovery
is the main object. Thus, high-volatile
matter containing coals do not cake
well; whereas medium-volatile matter
content coals are capable of yielding
hard and strong coke on carbonization.
On the other hand, low-volatile matter
containing coals do not cake at all and
3. Ash:
 Ash is a useless, non-combustible
matter, which reduces the calorific
value of coal. Moverver, ash causes the
hindrance to the flow of air and heat,
thereby lowering the temperature. Also,
it often causes trouble during firing by
forming clinkers, which block the
interspaces of the grate, on which coal
is being burnt. This in-turn causes
obstruction to air supply; thereby the
burning of coal becomes irregular.
3. Ash:
 Hence, lower the ash content, better the
quality of coal. The presence of ash also
increases transporting, handling and
storage costs. It also involves additional
cost in ash disposal. The presence of
ash also causes early wear of furnace
walls, burning of apparatus and feeding
4. Fixed carbon:
 Higher the percentage of fixed
carbon, greater is its calorific and
better the quality coal. Greater the
percentage of fixed carbon, smaller is
the percentage of volatile matter.
This also represents the quantity of
carbon that can be burnt by a primary
current of air drawn through the hot
bed of a fuel. Hence, high percentage
of fixed carbon is desirable. The
percentage of fixed carbon helps in
designing the furnace and the shape
b. Ultimate analysis involves
in the following
Carbon and Hydrogen:
 About 1 to 2 gram of accurately
weighed coal sample is burnt in a
current of oxygen in a combustion
apparatus. C and H of the coal are
converted into CO2 and H2O
respectively. The gaseous products of
combustion are absorbed respectively
in KOH and CaCl2 tubes of known
weights. The increase in weights of
these are then determined.
Carbon and Hydrogen:
 C + 02  CO2 : H2 + ½ O2  H2O
 2KOH + CO2  K2CO3 + H2O
 CaCl2 + 7 H2O  CaCl2.7H2O
Carbon and Hydrogen:

 Percentage of C = Increase in weight of KOH tube X 12 X 100

 Weight of Coal sample taken X 44

 And Percentage of H = Increase in weight of CaCl2 tube X

2 X 100
 Weight of Coal sample taken X 18
 About 1 gram of accurately weighed
powdered coal is heated with
concentrated H2SO4 along with
K2SO4 (catalyst) in a long-necked
Kjeldahl’s flask. After the solution
becomes clear, it is treated with
excess of KOH and the liberated
ammonia is distilled over and
absorbed in a known volume of
standard acid solution. The unused
acid is then determined by back
titration with standard NaOH
The percentage of
Nitrogen in coal is
calculated as follows:

 Percentage of N = Volume of BaSo4 obtained X 32 X_100

 Weight of coal taken
 Sulphur is determined from the
washings obtained from the known
mass of coal, used in bomb
calorimeter for determination of a
calorific value. During this
determination, S is converted in to
Sulphate. The washings are treated
with Barium chloride solution, when
Barium sulphate is precipitated. This
precipitate is filtered, washed and
heated to constant weight.
 Percentage of Sulphur = __Weight of BaSO4 obtained X 32 X 100_
 Weight of coal sample taken in bomb X 233

 ash determination is carried out as in

proximate analysis.
 It is obtained by difference.
 Percentage of Oxygen =
100 – percentage of ( C + H + S + N +
Importance of ultimate
Importance of ultimate analysis:
Carbon and Hydrogen: Greater the
percentage of carbon and hydrogen,
better is the coal in quality and
calorific value. However, hydrogen is
mostly associated with the volatile
mater and hence, it affects the use to
which the coal is put.
 Nitrogen has no calorific value and
hence, its presence in coal is
underirable. Thus, a good quality
coal should have very little Nitrogen
 Sulphur, although contributes to the
heating value of coal, yet on combustion
produces acids like SO2, SO3, which have
harmful effects of corroding the
equipments and also cause atmospheric
pollution. Sulphur is, usually, present to
the extent of 0.5 to 0.3% and derived from
ores like iron, pyrites, gypsum, etc., mines
along with the coal. Presence of sulphur is
highly undesirable in coal to be used for
making coke for iron industry. Since it is
transferred to the iron metal and badly
affects the quality and properties of steel.
Moverover, oxides of sulphur pollute the
atmosphere and leads to corrosion.
 Oxygen content decreases the calorific
value of coal. High oxygen-content
coals are characterized by high
inherent moisture, low calorific value,
and low coking power. Moverover,
oxygen is an combined form with
hydrogen in coal and thus, hydrogen
available for combustion is lesser than
actual one. An increase in 1% oxygen
content decreases the calorific value by
about 1.7% and hence, oxygen is

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