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Worksheet5 Research Workbook 1stsem 2020 1

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Language of Research,
Methodologies and Design

Year & Course: Score:

I. Checking Prior Knowledge:

Part A. Match the terms in Column A with the descriptors in Column B. Write the
letters that correspond to your answers in the space provided in Column A.
Column A Column B
_J_._1. Research A. general notion or idea
_E. 2. Variable B. science concerned with methods and
_I_._3. Independent techniques of scientific inquiry
Variable C. inquiry that seeks a deeper understanding
H. 4. Dependent about a phenomenon
Variable D. inquiry that seeks a generalized knowledge
E. characteristic that varies in kind or amount
_L.5. Research Problem
F. process of translating a characteristic or
_G. 6. Theory
concept into something measurable
_M. 7. Hypothesis G. comprehensive explanation of a
_A. 8. Concept phenomenon
_F. 9. Operationalising H.characteristic which is affected or influenced
_B. 10. Research by another characteristic
Methodology I. characteristic which affects or influences
D. 11. another characteristic
Quantitative J. systematic process to generate new
Research knowledge to improve the quality of human
_C. 12. Qualitative life
Research K. pattern or big idea that surfaced in the
information gathered
_P. 13. construct
L.puzzling question that triggers attention and
_N. 14. Philosophical
M. hunch or prediction about the relationship
_K. 15. Research designs
between two or more events or concepts,
subject to verification scientifically
N.core claims about the nature of social
reality tobe investigated
O. systematic plan to study a problem
P. abstract idea that a researcher seeks to
measure using some questions
Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

Part B: Describe any two (2) Researches or Investigatory projects you conducted
in your Senior High School – preferably one (1) quantitative; and one (1)
qualitative research methodology - by filling up the tables below:
Research Project 1 Research Methodology &
Research Design used
1.a) Title c) Research Methodology – Quantitative
Underlying Factors in Choosing
Technical Vocational
Livelihood Towards Personality
Types (2019) d) Research Design
b)Problem/Questions This study used the descriptive-correlational
This study seeks to answer the design in order to describe the variables and
following sub-problems: correlate if the variables were significantly
1. What is the profile of the related to each other.
respondents in terms of: e) Population & Sample Size
1.1. age; The population of this study was the senior high
1.2. gender; school students who were currently taking up
1.3. parents' occupation; and Technical Vocational and Livelihood track.
1.4. family's monthly income? There are a total of 120 respondents of this
2. What are the factors research, 60 students from Grade 11 and 60
affecting the respondents students from Grade 12.
to choose TVL track?
3. What is the dominant
personality type among the
4. Is there a significant
relationship between the factors
in choosing the TVL track and
respondents' personality type?
5. Based on the results of the
study, what action plan may be
f) Constructs & their operational definition; variables used
Variables used: Factors in choosing the TVL Track and personality types of the
respondents Constructs: intelligence, academic performance and interests.
g) Research Procedures
Preliminary Preparations: Consent letters, construction of research instruments
and pilot testing for the validity and reliability of the research instruments.
Actual Data Gathering with ethical considerations during the whole process.

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Treatment of Data

h) New Learning / Insight gained from the experience

Based on our experience, most high school students do not fully know what they
want to pursue or what career path they should and that is why most of them tend
to choose what is more convenient or what their parents want them to do.

Research Project 2 Research Methodology & Design used

1.a) Title c) Research Methodology - Qualitative
PREFERENCES OF ABM STUDENTS d) Research Design- Focus Group
b)Problem/Questions e) Population & Sample
This descriptive study examines on This research study focused on 20
what are the factors affecting Grade 12 participants aged 17-19 years old, who
ABM students’ preference whether to are incoming Senior High School ABM
take Accounting or Business student completers.
Administration in college. Specifically
on the following aspects:
1.What are the experiences of ABM
students in SHS that would be helpful
in deciding whether to take Accounting
or Business Administration in college?
2.What are the significant factors that
affect ABM students’ decision in taking
Accounting or Business Administration
in college?
3.How these significant factors do
affect ABM students’ decision on what
to choose between Accounting and
Business Administration in college?

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f) ) Phenomenon studied
This study is conducted to determine the factors affecting the preferences of
Grade 12 ABM students whether to take Accountancy or Business
g) Research Procedures

This research is undertaken through the use of the interview research type.
This technique requires a face-to-face interaction between the researchers and the
participants. In this method the conversation flow between the researcher and the
participants would be question then answer type. The interviewers ask specific
questions to the interviewee and also gather specific information from the
interviewee or the participants. Participants could freely give their responds and
opinion in the different questions provided or asked about.

h) New Learning / Insight gained from the experience

This study will be of a great help in assisting Grade 12-ABM students in
deciding whether to take Accounting or Business Administration in college. This is
for them to get them to get ready for their future career path and also for them to
think longer and be sure for their choice.

We’re on our way!

For Part A above, what did you do to arrive at your answer?

Our past research classes or lessons and the modules have helped us a lot to know
the answers to each item. There were items that confused us, but we knew the
answers to it by re-reading our research notes.

For Part B above, what are the differences between the quantitative
research qualitative research methodologies in terms of:

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

1. Purpose
Quantitative: predict, control, generalize
Qualitative: describe, understand, and interpret meaning
2. Philosophical Perspective
Quantitative: focus on positivism and realism
Qualitative: constructivism, phenomenology

3. Type of Data
Quantitative: Numbers
Qualitative: Words

4. Results
Quantitative: Precise, numerical
Qualitative: comprehensive, holistic, richly descriptive

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

What are some three (3) research designs under (a) quantitative, (b)
qualitative research methodologies? Describe each design briefly
Quantitative Research – Designs
1. Descriptive Research- is a type of non-experiential quantitative research that
seeks to describe the current status or phenomena of an identified variable.
2. Correlational Research-is another type of non-experiential research that
studies two measured variable or attempts to determine the relationships of
two or more variable by using statistical data.
3. Experimental Research- is a study that uses scientific methods to determine or
establish the cause and effect among group of variables that make up the
research study.
Qualitative Research – Designs
1. Phenomenology-is a qualitative research approach that focuses on the lived
experiences of the participants within a particular group. Usually interviews are
used in conducting data from group of individuals that has firsthand experience
of the phenomena, events, experience or situation.
2. Ethnography- is a qualitative research that conducted by observing,
interviewing, and documenting varied values, beliefs, and attitude or structure
of behavioral pattern to produce a comprehensive and detailed various social

3. Grounded Theory-is a research method that focuses on the experiences of the

participants or respondents in order to develop a theory grounded from the
data gathered by using inductive process of reasoning.

VII. Assessment

How far have we gone?

Part A. Answer the following briefly.

1. Compare and contrast the Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Methodologies according to the given criteria:

Criteria Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Philosophical Positivism, Realism Constructivism

underpinning ,

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Purpose Predict, control, Describe,

generalize understand,
interpret meaning

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

three research designs Experimental, Narrative Inquiry,

Comparative, Survey Qualitative Case Study,

three research tools Questionnaire, Qualitative Interview,

Test, quantitative Observation, focus
interview group discussion

Main research tool Questionnaire Interview

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

Number of sample size Large as generally n>50 Small as generally n<50

How is data analyzed Deductive, statistical Inductive, constant

comparative, themes or
big ideas
Strength Data can be precise, Issues can be
consistent, and examined in detail and
reliable. in depth. The
researchers can raise
more broad explanation
of the
issues by having open-
ended questions or
Weakness It doesn’t have in Subjectivity it can be
depth description of influenced by personal
the biases.
experience of
the participant.

2. Explain the following research designs of Quantitative

Research methodology and their characteristics
Research Designs Characteristics

This is a type of research design that
establishes a link between the cause and
effect of a specific event. This type of research
design contributes to the solution of a specific
problem by manipulating the independent
variables and observing the effect they have
on the dependent variable. For example, you
can change the price and see what effect it
has on customer satisfaction.
Quasi-experimental Manipulation of the independent variable in
order to study the effects of the dependent
variables. It lacks at least one of the true
experiment's two other essential
characteristics. In completely controlled
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Bonotan, Obaob, Corales, Sanchez, Picardal, Perez, Petancio &
Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

situations, quasi independent variables are

used instead of true independent variables,
and the independent variable is not
2.Non-experimental No manipulation of Independent Variable. It is
a research design
in which neither the variables nor the setting
are deliberately manipulated.
Survey To collect data, the researcher selects a
sample of respondents and administers a
questionnaire or conducts interviews, which
are used to measure and describe.
Comparative Involves contrasting and comparing two
or more samples of study subjects on one
or more variables, often at the same time.
This design compares two distinct groups
based on selected attributes such as
knowledge level, perceptions, and
attitudes; physical or psychological
Correlational studies include independent
and dependent variables, but the effect of
the independent dependent variable is
observed without changing the
independent variable.

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

3. Explain the following research designs of Qualitative

Research methodology and their characteristics
Research Designs Characteristics

Case Study
The case study method is one of the most
adaptable types of research design, and it is
especially useful in studying issues of
sustainable development and institutional
The philosophical study of the structures
of experience and conscious experience
is known as phenomenology. It enables to
interpret the nature of consciousness in
the world (Merleau-Ponty) . It is a
philosophy, a method, and an inductive
logic strategy all rolled into one.
Narrative Inquiry
Individual lives are described by
researchers, stories about people's lives
are collected and told, and narratives of
individual experiences are written .We
use narrative research when we have
people willing to tell us their stories and
want to report on them. Narrative
research provides practical, detailed
insight for educators looking for personal
observations in actual educational
Researchers form close bonds with
participants when they conduct
narrative studies.
Part B. About your Research Project:
1. What appropriate research methodology and research design will you
utilize for your group research? Why? Provide reasons for the choice.
Research Title
(Working Title)

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Research Problem
& Specific


Research Design

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

2. Based on the research terms and vocabulary learned earlier, provide

the following information about your research project, and explain
for the choice



Unit of analysis

Operational definition
of the terms/variables

VIII. Enhancement. Reflection. What new insights/realizations did you get

from the unit?

I learned/realized ….

I feel….

I will …

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Workbook 5: Language of Research, Methodologies

IX. Module Evaluation


Please fill in the matrix below by highlighting what you liked in this unit and what
you wish to improve.

(What you liked in this (What you wish to improve in this
unit) unit)
Educational Research:Student’s Workbook 42
Bonotan, Obaob, Corales, Sanchez, Picardal, Perez, Petancio & Cabello (2020)

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