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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

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Microfluidics platform for studies of peptide – polyelectrolyte interaction

Marcus Wanselius a, Sean Searle a, Agnes Rodler a, Maria Tenje b, Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami c,
Per Hansson a, *
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala University, BMC P.O. Box 574, SE-751 23, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Science for Life Laboratory, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 35, SE-751 03 Uppsala, Sweden
Innovation Strategies & External Liaison. Pharmaceutical Technology & Development, Operations, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden


Keywords: Subcutaneous injection is one of the most common approaches for administering biopharmaceuticals unsuitable
Microfluidics for oral delivery. However, there is a lack of methods to predict the behavior of biopharmaceuticals within the
Microgel extracellular matrix of the subcutaneous tissue. In this work, we present a novel miniaturized microfluidic-based
Subcutaneous administration
in vitro method able to investigate interactions between drug molecules and the polymers of the subcutaneous
In vitro method
extracellular matrix. To validate the method, microgels consisting of, respectively, covalently cross-linked hy­
Peptide aluronic acid, polyacrylic acid, and commercially available DC Bead™, were exposed to three model substances:
Protein cytochrome C, protamine sulfate and amitriptyline hydrochloride. These components were chosen to include
Drug systems with widely different physiochemical properties (charge, size, self-assembly, etc.) The experimental
results were compared with theoretical predictions from a gel model developed earlier. The results show that the
method is suitable as a rapid screening method for automated, large-scale, probing of interactions between
biopolymers and drug molecules, with small consumption of material.

1. Introduction chemoembolization (TACE) (Hagan et al., 2019), the method is also

suitable for in vitro studies of microgel-based delivery systems.
Subcutaneous injection is a common administration route for phar­ Collagen, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate are the major
maceutical peptides and proteins. However, while avoiding the signifi­ macromolecular species of the extracellular matrix in subcutaneous
cant difficulties associated with oral uptake, such as degradation in the tissue (Kinnunen and Mrsny, 2014). Collagen triple helices form a
digestive tract and first-pass metabolism, the faith of subcutaneously weakly charged, three-dimensional fiber network, primarily responsible
administered drugs is often difficult to predict (Kinnunen and Mrsny, for the mechanical rigidity of the tissue. The pores in the network are
2014; Patel et al., 2014; Richter et al., 2012; Richter and Jacobsen, 2014; large enough not to sterically hinder the transport of small peptides, but
Viola et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2013; Zou et al., 2021). For many drug can affect the mass transport of larger species like, e.g., antibodies
products, the fraction of drug molecules reaching the circulatory system (Kinnunen and Mrsny, 2014; Wiig and Swartz, 2012). Hyaluronic acid
is low, and there is often significant variation between patients, which is and chondroitin sulfate are negatively charged glycosaminoglycans
a problem shared with oral delivery of macromolecules. Aggregation of dissolved in the interstitial fluid between the collagen fibers. The highly
the drug after injection and interaction with the extracellular matrix charged chondroitin sulfate (~1 negative charge per 5 Å along the
(ECM) constituents in the subcutaneous environment are factors chain) is expected to interact electrostatically with net positively
believed to contribute to the limited bioavailability and poor absorption charged peptides, affecting their transport rate. Hyaluronic acid has a
predictability. From this perspective, it is essential to investigate how lower linear charge density (~1 negative charge per 10 Å) but is present
drug candidates interact with the constituents of the ECM early in the at a higher concentration and may affect the transport properties to an
drug development phase. In the present work, we describe and evaluate even larger extent than chondroitin sulfate.
a microfluidic method for probing interactions based on the respon­ The interaction between proteins and hyaluronic acid and other
siveness of polyelectrolyte microgels to oppositely charged species. As biopolyelectrolytes has been studied extensively in the past (Cooper
responsive microgels are used as drug carriers in, e.g., trans arterial et al., 2005; Kayitmazer et al., 2013). There are also several examples of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Hansson).
Received 26 January 2022; Received in revised form 12 April 2022; Accepted 26 April 2022
Available online 30 April 2022
0378-5173/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

these interactions being utilized for protein or peptide formulation gain information about the internal distribution of material inside the
(Chan et al., 2007; Jones et al., 1997; Cui et al., 2005; Cadée et al., 2002; microgels, which is essential for understanding the mechanisms of
Kim et al., 2005; Koten et al., 2003). The results from several in vitro loading and release. Significant advantages with these types of minia­
studies of mixtures of proteins and polyelectrolytes of opposite charge turized experiments are fast gel response and small consumption of
have revealed the importance of electrostatic interactions. Thus, com­ material. Recent developments make it possible to measure also the
plex formation and phase separation are generally favored by the high amount of drug loaded onto a single microgel (Al-Tikriti and Hansson,
net charge of both species, low ionic strength, and high flexibility of the 2020; Jidheden and Hansson, 2016). For kinetic studies, micromanip­
polyelectrolyte (de Kruif et al., 2004; de Vries and Cohen Stuart, 2006). ulators can be used to position single microgels in a liquid of controlled
However, the distribution of charges on the protein and charge regula­ flow rate inside a flow-pipette. This has been used extensively to
tion have also been shown to be important (Barroso da Silva et al., investigate loading/release of peptides (Bysell et al., 2008; Bysell et al.,
2006). The latter properties have been proposed to explain why complex 2010; Bysell et al., 2010; Bysell and Malmsten, 2006; Bysell and
formation and even phase separation have been observed in mixtures of Malmsten, 2009; Bysell et al., 2011; Bysell et al., 2009) and amphiphilic
species of the same charge sign, sometimes described as complexation drugs (Ahnfelt et al., 2018; Al-Tikriti and Hansson, 2020) to/from
on the “wrong side” of the isoelectric point (de Kruif et al., 2004; microgels. Results thereof have been used to discriminate between
Weinbreck et al., 2004). Many results have been obtained from phase particle- and film-controlled binding and release kinetics (Ahnfelt et al.,
studies through turbidimetric titration or analysis of the composition of 2018; Al-Tikriti and Hansson, 2020). A drawback is that it is difficult to
co-existing phases in phase-separated samples, in combination with measure directly the amount loaded or released. Instead, one must rely
rheological and structural investigations. on models providing relationships between the gel volume and drug
Methods have been developed to help predict the behavior of sub­ load (Nilsson and Hansson, 2005; Nilsson and Hansson, 2007; Gernandt
cutaneously injected molecules. Pion’s Scissor system is an in vitro and Hansson, 2012; Gernandt and Hansson, 2016; Hansson et al., 2002;
method for predicting the dissolution and absorption of drugs after Nilsson and Hansson, 2008). Furthermore, while the micropipette/
administration (Kinnunen et al., 2015). The drug formulation of interest micromanipulator approach is beneficial for detailed investigations of
is injected into a solution based on high molecular weight hyaluronic particular systems, it is quite cumbersome to use, and permits only the
acid in a cartridge, where diffusion and aggregation of the injected examination of one microgel at a time.
formulation can be monitored. HypoSkin® is an ex vivo method where In the present work we have replaced the micropipette/flow pipette
whole skin tissue samples from abdominal surgery are preserved and setup with an array of hydrodynamic microgel traps on a microfluidic
placed in a biological matrix to keep the sample alive for at least 7 days chip to make the microgel method more efficient. Microfluidics has been
(Pages et al., 2018). A drug formulation is injected into the subcutaneous used extensively to synthesize drug delivery particles and to study, in
layer of the tissue sample, and concentration measurements are made in vitro, drug delivery in simulated physiological environments
a release medium below the skin tissue. Several in vitro methods utilize (Björnmalm et al., 2014). For our purpose, microfluidics has the
agarose or Sephadex® hydrogels aiming to mimic the subcutaneous advantage that it allows us to simultaneously monitor a large number of
tissue. These primarily mimic the pore structure found in the ECM but microgels in contact with the same liquid medium. Furthermore, it be­
not the physicochemical interactions known to occur (Bock et al., 2020; comes easy to change the medium, and the material consumption is
Leung et al., 2017; Jensen et al., 2015; Jensen et al., 2016; Kožák et al., small, making the technique suitable for screening purposes. As a proof
2021). of concept, we have investigated, in this work, anionic microgel net­
The methods mentioned above have advantages and disadvantages, works consisting of respectively covalently cross-linked hyaluronate
but they all typically require large amounts of material, not always (HA) and polyacrylate (PA), both synthesized in our lab. In addition, we
available in investigations of drug candidates in the development phase have studied commercially available DC Bead™ containing poly(vinyl­
due to cost and production possibilities. In our laboratory, we have alcohol) integrated with the negatively charged poly(2-acrylamido-2-
developed microscopy techniques to investigate how proteins, peptides, methylpropanesulfonate) into one network. As model substances inter­
and self-assembling amphiphiles interact with single polyelectrolyte acting with the microgels, we have investigated cytochrome C (Cyt C), a
microgels (Ahnfelt et al., 2018; Ahnfelt et al., 2016; Al-Tikriti and globular shaped protein of lower net charge at neutral pH (+7), prot­
Hansson, 2020; Andersson and Hansson, 2018; Andersson et al., 2005; amine sulfate (PRO), which is a linear polypeptide of high charge den­
Bysell et al., 2008; Bysell et al., 2010; Bysell et al., 2010; Hansson, 2020; sity at pH 7.4 (+21 net charges), and amitriptyline hydrochloride
Hansson et al., 2012; Jidheden and Hansson, 2016; Johansson and (AMT), a cationic amphiphilic drug of net charge +1 at pH 7.4 known to
Hansson, 2010; Johansson et al., 2009; Nilsson and Hansson, 2005; form micelles in polyacrylate gels (Al-Tikriti and Hansson, 2020).
Nilsson and Hansson, 2007). The principle behind the techniques is that The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate that the
weakly cross-linked polyelectrolyte networks respond to the loading and microfluidics-based method can be used to probe drug –polyelectrolyte
release of oppositely charged drugs by changing their volume and in­ interactions using small amounts of drug substance with opportunities
ternal morphology. The responsiveness results from the delicate balance to gain sufficient statistics for further data analysis. To evaluate the
between elastic forces in the network and the osmotic swelling forces result, it is necessary to describe which type of information one expects
sensitive to the concentration of network counterions inside the from the method based on previous results from single-microgel ex­
microgel (Hansson, 2020; Gernandt and Hansson, 2012). The exchange periments. To this end, we will compare the experimental results with
of a few percent of monovalent counterions for a charge equivalent the expected outcome from a theoretical gel model developed earlier
amount of multivalent protein molecules is sufficient to give rise to a (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016; Gernandt and Hansson, 2016; Andersson
measurable volume change. The effect has been studied extensively with and Hansson, 2017), shown to capture semi-quantitatively the general
polyelectrolyte hydrogels of macroscopic size, investigations that have features of the systems.
revealed many interesting features about the systems, such as volume-
phase transitions and phase coexistence in gels (Kabanov et al., 2004; 2. Materials and methods
Zezin et al., 2002). We have shown that the same phenomena can also be
studied by micropipette-assisted microscopy techniques by monitoring 2.1. Chemicals
spherical microgels of 10 – 500 μm diameter (Hansson, 2020). The
technique was pioneered by Needham and co-workers (Eichenbaum Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) DowSyl Sylgard™ 184 was obtained
et al., 1999; Eichenbaum et al., 1999; Eichenbaum et al., 1998; Kiser as a kit including elastomer base and curing agent purchased from GA
et al., 1998), investigating the triggered release of doxorubicin from a Lindberg ChemTech AB (Stockholm, SE). Picosurf™ 5% in Novec™
lipid-coated microgel particle. Their studies showed that it is possible to 7500 was acquired from Sphere fluidics (Cambridge, UK) and Novec™

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

7500 (greater than99%) was purchased from 3 M (Saint Paul, MN, USA). and interaction studies (MIS) can be seen in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
Sodium hyaluronate (100–300 kDa) was purchased from Contipro a.s.
(Dolní Dobrouč, CZ) and DC Bead™ (will further on be denoted as DC 2.3. Microgel fabrication
bead) (70–150 µm) from Biocompatibles UK Ltd (Surrey, UK). The linker
N-(2-aminoethyl) acrylamide hydrochloride (AEA) was from abcr GmbH Acrylamide-modified hyaluronic acid microgels (HA), and poly­
(Karlsruhe, GE), and Spectra/Por® 6 RC-membrane (3.5 kDa cutoff) was acrylic acid (PA) microgels were produced in-house. The production of
from SpectrumLabs (Rancho Dominguez, CA). SUEX photoresist film PA microgels has been described elsewhere (Al-Tikriti and Hansson,
was from DJ MicroLaminates (Sudbury, MA, USA2-propanol (ACS re­ 2020; Jidheden and Hansson, 2016; Wang et al., 1997). First, 2.6 g of
agent) was purchased from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, GE) and Ethanol acrylic acid, 11 g of 2 M NaOH (aq), 6.5 g of 80 mM linker N,N-
(99.7%) was from Solveco (Rosersberg, SE). EDC (N-(3-dimethylami­ methylenebisacrylamide, and 109 µL of TEMED were mixed with DI
nopropoyl)-N’-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride was acquired from water to a total volume of 20 mL. Separately, 0.09 g of sorbitane mon­
Acros Organics, (Geel, BE). mr-Dev 600 development solution was from ostearate was dissolved in 30 mL cyclohexane for 2 days with stirring.
micro resist technology GmbH (Berlin, GE). Acrylic acid (anhydrous The sorbitane monostearate solution was heated to 45 ◦ C and kept under
99%), N,N,N′ ,N′ -tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) (ReagentPlus a nitrogen atmosphere at 400 rpm stirring. Finally, 364 µL of 0.18 M
99%), N,N′ -methylenebisacrylamide (99%), ammonium persulfate ammonium persulfate was added to 10 mL of the reaction mixture,
(powder ≥ 98%), sodium phosphate monobasic (ReagentPlus ≥ 99%), which immediately after was injected into the sorbitane monostearate
sodium phosphate dibasic (ReagentPlus ≥ 99%), sorbitane mono­ solution. The temperature of the emulsion was increased to 60 ◦ C. After
stearate (Span 60, S7010), amitriptyline hydrochloride (A8404), prot­ stirring at 1000 rpm for 30 min, 40 mL of ethanol was added to break the
amine sulfate (P3369), cytochrome C from equine heart (C2506), emulsion. The ethanol/water phase containing microgels was trans­
lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate (LAP, 900889), Sig­ ferred to a beaker and mixed with an excess of methanol. After mixing,
macote®, sodium chloride (NaCl, ≥99), sodium hydroxide (NaOH, the methanol phase was removed, and the microgel slurry was dried at
≥97%), HOBt (1-hydroxybenzotriazole hydrate) (≥97.0%) and Aceto­ 60 ◦ C. After drying, the microgels were re-suspended in DI water and
nitrile (anhydrous 99.8%) were all purchased from Sigma Aldrich, SE. rinsed 4 times with DI water; pH was adjusted to above 9 by adding
All aqueous solutions were prepared with deionized (DI) water (Milli­ small aliquots of NaOH solution to keep the microgels stable.
pore Synergy with UV ultrapure, type 1, water purification system, 18.2 The production of HA microgels was based on a protocol described
MΩ cm at 25 ◦ C, USA). previously (Porras Hernández et al., 2020; Shi et al., Mater 2017). So­
The standard aqueous medium in the microfluidic experiments dium hyaluronate was first functionalized by converting carboxylate
contained 3.5 mM sodium phosphate monobasic and 1.5 mM sodium groups into acrylamide groups. Briefly, 400 mg sodium hyaluronate
phosphate dibasic as buffer system. The pH was adjusted to 7.4 or 5.9 by were dissolved in 50 mL DI water together with the linker AEA (105 mg);
adding small amounts of HCl, and the ionic strength was adjusted by the solution was kept in the dark. HOBt (152 mg) was dissolved sepa­
adding NaCl. We will refer to phosphate buffered media of pH 7.4 and rately in a 1:1 DI water/acetonitrile mixture during gentle heating. After
pH 5.9 as PB (pH 7.4) and PB (pH 5.9), respectively. The change in pH cooling, the HOBt solution was added to the reaction mixture, and the
after dissolving the drug substances was 0.2 or less in all systems. A pH pH was adjusted to 6 with 1 M HCl. Then EDC (287 mg) was added, and
change of that magnitude in the studied pH range has no effect on the the reaction mixture was stirred for 24 h at room temperature. The
charge of the investigated molecules, showing that the buffer capacity of mixture was dialyzed (Spectra/Por™ 3.5 kDa membrane) against 0.6%
the medium was sufficient for the present purposes. (w/v) NaCl (aq) solution at pH 3.5 for 24 h, then twice against DI water
with pH adjusted to 3.5 for 24 h, followed by pure DI water. After
2.2. Microfluidic chip fabrication dialysis, the reaction mixture was adjusted to pH 7 with NaOH, filtered
(5 µm VDF, Millex Sterile Syringe Filters, Merck Millipore, Burlington,
The fabrication of microfluidic chips used in this work was done with MA), and freeze-dried for 4–5 days. Purity and degree of modification
standard soft lithography techniques (Duffy et al., 1998). Masters for the were determined by 1H NMR in D2O, indicating that 21% of disaccha­
microfluidic chips were produced by first laminating a rinsed 4-inch ride units were modified.
silicon wafer with a 210 μm thick SUEX photoresist film. The lamina­ HA microgels were produced by utilizing a droplet-making chip of
tion was performed at 60 ◦ C followed by 5 min post-lamination bake at flow-focusing design (Fig. 1) and a OBK Mlll + pressure pump with MFS
80 ◦ C. The laminated wafer was exposed to UV-light (wavelength 365 flow sensors all from Elveflow (Elvesys, Paris, FR). Freeze-dried acryl­
nm) in eight cycles of 30 s with 45 s cooling in between each cycle amide modified HA was dissolved in a 0.1 % (w/w) solution of the
through a Cr/glass mask corresponding to the inverse of the microfluidic photoinitiator LAP in DI water at a concentration of 2% (w/w); disso­
chip design. Afterwards, the exposed structures were left at 80 ◦ C for lution was done overnight at room temperature. A mixture of Novec™
another 3 h followed by cooling overnight. Finally, the non-crosslinked 7500 with 0.5% (v/v) Picosurf™ was prepared and used as the contin­
laminate was removed with a developer solution (mr-dev 600 from uous phase. The two solutions were transferred to Falcon tubes and
micro resist techonolgy GmbH) for 60 min, with a solution renewal after connected to the droplet-making chip using tubing from Cole Parmer
45 min. The development was stopped by rinsing the wafer with 2-prop­ (Masterflex EW-06417–11) with an inner diameter of 300 µm. Flow rates
anol, and the master was examined for damages. were set to 5 µL/min and 120 µL/min for the aqueous and oil phase,
The microfluidic chips were made of PDMS, starting with mixing the respectively. Droplets were collected into a glass beaker and cross-linked
base and curing agent in a 10:1 ratio, and cast over the master in a 14 cm using a UVP crosslinker CL-1000 from Analytik Jena, using UV-light of
petri dish. Vacuum was used to remove bubbles, and the PDMS was wavelength 365 nm and irradiation energy of 1000 µJ/cm2 for 10 min.
cured for 1 h at 70 ◦ C. After curing, we peeled the PDMS from the The emulsion was filtered through a 70 µm filter 3–10 times with DI
master, cut it with a scalpel, and punched holes of diameter 0.75 mm for water until oil and surfactant were washed away. The microgels were
inlets and outlets. Cut PDMS structures were then covalently bonded to a then re-suspended in PB (pH 7.4) and stored in the refrigerator.
glass slide after both were treated with air plasma for 30 s. After plasma
treatment, both pieces were immediately put in contact, followed by 1 h 2.4. Determination of microgel volume
in an oven at 70 ◦ C. The chip used to produce hyaluronic acid-
acrylamide microgels was further treated with Sigmacote® to render Microgel volumes were determined from the diameter of each
the channels hydrophobic. The chip was left to dry in the oven at 80 ◦ C microgel. Images of the microgels were obtained with an Olympus BX51
for 1 h. microscope equipped with an UMPlanFI 5 × lens and connected to an
Illustrations of the microfluidic chips for droplet production (MDP) Olympus DP73 digital camera. Diameter measurements were achieved

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 1. Schematic (not according to scale) of microchip for droplet production (MDP); arrows indicate flow direction. (1) Inlet for oil phase (Novec™ 7500 0.5%
Picosurf), (2) resistance to stabilize flow, (3) inlet for water phase (HA in DI water), (4) flow focus point where droplets are created, (5) observation chamber where
flow rate is slowed down and size of w/o droplets can be examined, (6) outlet.

Fig. 2. Picture of a microfluidic chip used for interaction studies (MIS) taken during an experiment; arrows indicate the flow direction. (1) Inlet for solvent, (2) inlet
for stock solution of drug molecule, (3) mixer for complete mixing of the solvent and stock solution, (4) inlet for microgels, (5) 96 single-microgel traps of 200 µm
diameter, (6) outlet for liquid.

with the imaging software cellSens Dimension version 1.7.1 from range where the swelling of the studied microgels was insensitive to
Olympus Corporation. variations of the flow rate (supplementary material S2).

3. Physicochemical properties of microgels and drug substances

2.5. Interaction experiments
Table 1 shows charge concentration, separation of charges along the
The MIS shown in Fig. 2 and the OBK Mlll + pressure pump with MFS polyelectrolyte chains (b), and radius of the microgels used; all data
flow sensors was used for all interaction experiments. Two tubings correspond to microgels in PB (pH 7.4). The microgels were chosen to
(Masterflex EW-06417–11) of inner diameter 300 µm were connected to cover a range of properties. PA microgels consist of covalently cross-
the microfluidic chip via flow sensors, used to control the flow rate via linked sodium polyacrylate with flexible, highly charged chains that
the Elveflow smart interface software. A solution with an appropriate mainly interact electrostatically with proteins and micelles. HA micro­
concentration (250 µM for PRO and Cyt C or 63.7 mM for AMT) of the gels are made of covalently cross-linked acrylamide modified sodium
substance under study in PB (pH 7.4 or 5.9) was pumped into the chip hyaluronate chains. The HA backbone is fairly hydrophilic but bulkier
through one of the tubings (inlet 1) and PB (pH 7.4 or 5.9) without and less flexible than PA. The b value given in Table 1 was calculated
substance was injected through the other (inlet 2). By varying the flow
rates of the two solutions, different concentrations could be acquired in
the chip in a facile manner without manually changing solutions. At the Table 1
start of each experiment, the chip was flushed with PB (pH 7.4 or 5.9) Microgel properties. Charge concentration (C0) and linear separation of charges
before loading the traps with microgels using a syringe connected via a along the polyelectrolyte (b) and radius in PB (pH 7.4).
piece of tubing to inlet 3. When the microgels were in the traps (200 µm Microgel Charge concentration, C0 Separation of Microgel radius
in diameter), the flow rates of inlet 1 and 2 were modified to get the (mM) charges, b (Å) (µm)
desired concentration of drug substance perfusing the trapped micro­ PA 90 (Al-Tikriti and 2.5 75–85
gels. The volume flow rate through the chip was set at 200 µL/min if microgel Hansson, 2020)
nothing else is specified. The corresponding apparent flow velocity DC bead 60 (Ahnfelt et al., 2018) 2.5 (PAMPS) 65–95
through the traps was determined as 12 ± 2 cm/s by using response HA 15 ± 5 18 a 75–80
rates of a model system measured with the micropipette method as a
reference, as described in supplementary materials S1. The flow was in a a
Methacrylate modified HA (21% modification degree).

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

considering that 21 % of the carboxylate groups are modified by the compared the experimental results with theoretical model calculations.
cross-linker (see above). The linear charge density is thus considerably The model, described in supplementary material S3, has been shown to
lower for HA than for PA, which explains the low charge concentration account for many effects observed when polyelectrolyte gels interact
in the microgel. DC beads consist of uncharged polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with proteins (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016; Gernandt and Hansson,
chains cross-linked with negatively charged poly(2-acrylamido-2- 2012) peptides (Hansson et al., 2012) self-assembling amphiphiles (Al-
methylpropanesulfonate) chains (PAMPS) (Lewis et al., 2007). The Tikriti and Hansson, 2020; Gernandt and Hansson, 2015, 2016) and
linear charge density of PAMPS is the same as for PA, and both are ex­ multivalent ions (Hansson et al., 2012) both in systems of macrogels (~1
pected to interact stronger with proteins and micelles than HA. How­ mL) and for spherical microgels in the size range used here. The topic
ever, the contribution to the osmotic pressure from the PVA chains was recently reviewed (Hansson, 2020). The model provides a rela­
prevents the network from collapsing to the same extent as PA networks tionship between the measured thermodynamic property (microgel
upon loading of proteins and micelles. The large molecular weight per volume) and the molecular interactions and can thus be used as a tool for
charge for HA is expected to play a similar role as PVA in DC beads data analysis to extract quantitative information about interactions
(Hansson, 2009). (Gernandt and Hansson, 2012; Gernandt and Hansson, 2016).
Table 2 shows the net charge and size of the three drug model sub­ For the purpose of this work, it is sufficient to consider the interac­
stances. We have chosen Cyt C as a model representing globular pro­ tion between spherical drug proteins/micelles of positive charge and
teins. Previous investigations show that the net charge is enough to networks of flexible polyion chains of negative charge in the presence of
associate it with negatively charged polyelectrolytes at moderate ionic monovalent salt ions and water. The mobile species are assumed to mix
strength but not large enough to induce volume phase transition in PA ideally, and the model corrects for the excluded volume interaction
networks (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016; Johansson and Hansson, 2010). among the spheres. The Wall theory of rubber elasticity (Wall and Flory,
Furthermore, its propensity to self-associate is small. PRO was chosen as 1951) describes the elastic free energy of the network. The spheres are
a model of a highly charged peptide drug. The biological function of this defined by their radius rS and charge number Z. The network is
linear peptide is to condense DNA in sperm heads, but it is known to described by the elasticity parameter p related to the number of chain
associate very strongly with other negatively charged polyelectrolytes segments between cross-links, the concentration of segments C*p in a
(Zezin et al., 2002; Karabanova et al., 1995). AMT is used as a model of relaxed reference state of the network, and the fraction of charged
self-assembling drug. Previous studies show that AMT micelles associate segments q. The contribution of the chains to the gel volume is neglec­
with negatively charged polyelectrolytes and induce volume phase ted, as is the volume of the small ions. The spheres interact via electric
transition in PA networks (Al-Tikriti and Hansson, 2020) and DC bead double layer forces. The electrostatic (free) energy is calculated using a
(Ahnfelt et al., 2018). The size of the micelles is similar to that of a Cyt C cell model (Fig. 3A), taking into account ion-ion correlation effects in a
molecule, but the net charge is higher, making them suitable for simple but efficient way. This gives rise to an attraction between the
comparing charge effects. The micelle size in aqueous solutions was spheres mediated by the network chains. For highly charged species, the
recently determined with small-angle x-ray scattering (Efthymiou et al., attraction can lead to a phase transition, which for microgels in contact
2021). The data for AMT in Table 2 are representative of concentrated with a solution reservoir promotes massive binding accompanied by a
AMT solutions, comparable to the concentration inside fully loaded collapse of the gel network at a critical concentration in the solution
microgels. (Fig. 3B; left). During the transition, the “new” phase often forms a shell
outside the “old” phase. The volume decreases gradually with increasing
4. Gel theory concentration for weakly charged species, and the gels are homogeneous
at each loading level (Fig. 3B: right). In agreement with the experi­
The size of polymer coils depends on the properties of the solvent and mental situation in the microfluidics setup, all theoretical calculations
interactions with other species present in the solution. Flexible poly­ presented assume gels in contact with an infinite volume of an aqueous
electrolytes such as HA, PA, and PAMPS are particularly sensitive to the solution of monovalent salt at a concentration Csalt and spheres at con­
presence of molecules of opposite charge to the polyion chains (Cooper centration CS .
et al., 2005; de Vries and Cohen Stuart, 2006). When the chains are
cross-linked to form three-dimensional networks such as microgels, the 5. Results and discussion
interactions affect the osmotic swelling of the network (Gernandt and
Hansson, 2012; Gernandt and Hansson, 2016; Hansson, 2006). Recent 5.1. Microgels on a chip
work shows that it is possible to relate the magnitude of the volume
response to the nature and strength of the interaction and, therefore, to Below we will demonstrate that valuable information about the
the properties of the interacting species (Hansson, 2020; Gernandt and interaction between macromolecular drugs and polyelectrolytes can be
Hansson, 2015). The method presented in this work is based on that obtained from microfluidics studies of polyelectrolyte microgels. Fig. 4
principle. To evaluate the performance of our microfluidics setup, we shows microscopy images of the type of microfluidic chip used in this
work with microgels positioned in the traps. The pictures were taken
before (left panel) and after (right panel) the microgels had been
Table 2
Drug properties. Charged groups per unit area, molecular weight, unit charges exposed to drug solutions. Fig. 4A and 4B show DC beads interacting
per molecule, and size. with Cyt C in PB (pH 7.4). In Fig. 4C and 4D, the experiment was
repeated with PRO under the same conditions. Clearly, PRO gave rise to
Drug Charged groups Molecular Charge Size
substance per unit areaa weight numbera a larger volume decrease than Cyt C. Fig. 4E and 4F show that the
interaction with AMT in PB (pH 5.9) leads to a dramatic volume collapse
AMT 0.010 Å− 11 kDa 28x37x37 Å3
of HA microgels. Observations of this type can be quantified and used to
PRO 0.20 Å-1c 4.25 kDa +21 ~18 nm d extract valuable information about the strength of the interaction be­
(linear) (length) tween charged species, including drugs and polyelectrolytes. In the
Cyt C 0.0025 Å− 12.3 kDa +7 25x25x37 Å3 subsequent sections, we will first show how to characterize the inherent
Charged groups per unit length of stretched peptide chain. responsiveness of the microgel networks, followed by a description of
In PB (pH 7.4). different types of interaction studies. Results from an investigation of the
Values for oblate shaped micelles of AMT with aggregation number 40 mass transfer rate to the microgels in the microfluidic traps show that
(Efthymiou et al., 2021). conditions were comparable to those in the micromanipulator setup
Estimated from an average length of 3.5 Å per amino acid in the peptide.

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 3. A: Schematic drawing of charged spheres

separated by a solution of cross-linked poly­
electrolyte chains indicating the spherical cell of
radius R used to calculate the electrostatic free
energy in the model. Adapted from ref. (Hansson,
2009). B: Schematic plot of the gel volume
response to drug concentration in the solution at
high (left) electrostatic coupling between drug
and microgel network (volume phase transition),
and low (right) electrostatic coupling (continuous
volume change). Adapted from ref. (Gernandt
and Hansson, 2016).

Fig. 4. Microgels in traps of the MIS. (A) DC beads in PB (pH 7.4) (B) same DC beads from picture (A) fully loaded with Cyt C.(C) DC beads in PB (pH 7.4), (D) same
DC beads from picture (C) fully loaded with PRO. (E) HA microgels in PB (pH = 5.9), (F) same HA microgels from picture (E) fully loaded with AMT. Scale bar is
500 µm.

used earlier and that the confinement to the trap did not affect the Hansson, 2012; Gernandt and Hansson, 2016). To be able to extract
swelling properties (supplementary material S1). information about the latter, it is essential to characterize the former in
the absence of a drug. This can be done by exposing the microgel to
osmotic stress. A convenient method is to monitor the volume response
5.2. Characterization of microgel networks: Osmotic stress
to variation of the salt concentration in the solution. Fig. 5 shows the
volume response of the microgels of the present study to increasing
For a given type of polyelectrolyte, both elasticity of the network and
concentrations of NaCl in PB (pH 7.4). The ordinate shows the actual
electrostatic coupling between the drug and the network determine the
microgel volume V divided by the volume V0 in the reference medium
magnitude of the volume response (Hansson et al., 2012; Gernandt and

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 5. Swelling of microgel networks as a function of monovalent salt concentration in the solution (Csalt). A: Impact of network elasticity parameter (p) as indicated.
B: Impact of the fraction of charged network segments (q). C: Experimental swelling of microgels (average of 8 microgels). Swelling is expressed as the volume (V)
ratio relative to the volume in PB (pH 7.4) (V0).

PB (pH 7.4). Fig. 5A-B shows theoretically calculated response curves for increased osmotic pressure in the solution, allowing the network to relax
networks with different values of the elasticity parameter p (5A) and a to a state of lower elastic energy. The effect of increasing the salt con­
fraction of charged segments in the polyelectrolyte chains q (5B). The centration was small for concentrations above 100 mM. In this range,
former can be interpreted as the apparent number of chain segments the swelling pressure due to the non-uniform partitioning of mobile ions,
between cross-links, a number decreasing with increasing degree of created initially by the presence of fixed charges on the network, has
cross-linking of the network chains. In the model, the osmotic swelling been removed. The amplitude of the volume change caused by the
forces are balanced by the contractive elastic forces in the network. The addition of salt is a measure of the responsiveness of the network. As
former is primarily determined by the difference in mobile ion con­ indicated above, one motive behind the drug-induced volume decrease
centration between the microgel and the liquid. According to theory, the is the elastic response to the reduced swelling pressure deriving from the
deswelling produced by adding salt increases with both increasing p and replacement of network counterions by macromolecular drugs (proteins,
q. The difference in experimental volume response between the HA and micelles). Another is the attractive electrostatic forces between the
PA networks exposed to different NaCl concentrations (Fig. 5C) could network and the macromolecules. We will use the V/V0 value at 150 mM
thus result from both different degrees of crosslinking and linear charge NaCl in drug-free solutions as a reference level to distinguish between
density of the chains. In DC beads, the PAMPS component has the same those.
linear charge density as PA, but a substantial part of the network consists
of uncharged PVA chains. It is likely that the additional swelling pres­ 5.3. Drug – Polyelectrolyte interactions
sure from the PVA chains contributes to the difference between DC
beads and PA, but there could also be a difference in the degree of cross- This section evaluates a set of microfluidics experiments designed to
linking. provide information about the nature and strength of drug – poly­
For all three microgels, the deswelling effect per amount of added electrolyte interactions. After confining the microgels to traps, we first
salt is largest at a low salt concentration where only small amounts of perfused PB (pH 7.4 or 5.9) through the chip to determine the equilib­
salt enter the microgel (Donnan effect). In the model, this is purely an rium volume V0 of the microgels in a drug-free reference state. We then
effect of the decreased swelling pressure in the microgel due to the changed to the drug solution of choice and recorded how the microgels

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

developed with time. Fig. 6 shows the response of PA, HA, and DC bead DC beads. The results were qualitatively similar to those obtained with
microgels to PRO and Cyt C solutions, respectively. Since the solution in PA. Thus, PRO produced the largest volume change, and both proteins
contact with the microgels was constantly renewed, each microgel was, reached substantial loading levels already well below 10 µM. Further­
in practice, in contact with an infinite volume of drug solution (“reser­ more, Vend for Cyt C increased significantly as the concentration
voir”). Under those conditions the microgel volume relaxed to a new increased from 10 to 250 µM, suggesting an excluded volume effect
level, with the microgels in equilibrium with the solution reservoir. The similar to that in PA microgels. (Careful inspection shows that also PRO
microgel volume in this state will be referred to as Vend. gave rise to a similar but smaller re-swelling of DC beads and HA
The first section below demonstrates what information that can be microgels whereas this was not observed for PA microgels.).
extracted from the equilibrium properties V0 and Vend. After that, we The Vend/V0 ratios determined for the different systems are pre­
demonstrate what information that can be obtained from the kinetic sented in Table 3. Each entry is based on an average of eight microgels.
properties, i.e., the rate of change from V0 to Vend, and from observations The comparison shows that PRO interacts stronger than Cyt C, based on
of the internal structure of microgels during that process. Finally, we a lower Vend/V0 ratio for PRO with all three networks investigated. This
evaluate a rapid screening type of experiment where the setup was can be explained by PRO’s higher charge number (cf. Fig. 7). One major
programmed to increase the concentration in the solution in steps at factor behind the effect is that the gain in entropy from replacing the
regular time intervals. network counterions with protein increases dramatically with the
charge number of the protein (Johansson et al., 2010). This has a
considerable effect on the concentration of protein in the solution in
5.4. Equilibrium properties equilibrium with a gel and thus largely determines in which concen­
tration range the major volume change occurs. In principle, the effect
5.4.1. Protein drug binding does not require direct contact between the protein and the poly­
The swelling profiles for all three microgels in PRO and Cyt C solu­ electrolyte chains. However, the attraction increases with increasing
tions (Fig. 6) show that PRO induced the largest volume decrease over charge density on both, and will, in such cases, increase the driving force
the experimental time span. The result agrees with equilibrium data for protein binding to gel. Apart from contributing to the shift of the
from the literature (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016; Johansson and swelling isotherms to lower concentration, the attraction will increase
Hansson, 2010; Kabanov et al., 2004; Zezin et al., 2002; Karabanova the negative slope of the isotherms and can give rise to a volume phase
et al., 1995) and can be attributed to the difference in protein net charge transition (VPT) from the swollen to a much-collapsed state (cf. Fig. 7).
(Table 2). Fig. 7A shows swelling isotherms calculated from theory (p = The very low Vend/V0 suggests that PRO induced such a collapse in all
20;q = 1; C*p =2 M) for microgels in equilibrium with solutions of spheres three microgels. In contrast, Vend/V0 for Cyt C was considerably larger in
(rS = 1 nm) of opposite charge to the network and 5 mM salt. The gel all cases, and the protein did not induce VPT. The difference is displayed
volume per moles of network charges (np) is plotted vs. the concentra­ in Fig. 8, showing equilibrium swelling isotherms for HA microgels in
tion of spheres in the solution for spheres of different charge numbers. PRO and Cyt C solutions, respectively, recorded with the microfluidic
Fig. 7B shows the corresponding binding isotherms, where β is the setup. Clearly, the swelling decreased gradually with the increasing
loading level expressed as protein/network charge ratio. Clearly, a concentration of Cyt C in the solution, but the microgel never reached
protein with charge number + 21 (PRO) is expected to give rise to a the fully collapsed state of the PRO system. This shows that Cyt C was
much larger network contraction than a protein with charge number + 7 attracted to HA but did not form dense complex phases as did PRO.
(Cyt C) at a given protein concentration in the solution. The calculations
also show that a protein with charge number + 21 is expected to have 5.4.2. Amphiphilic drug binding
reached the maximum drug loading level at the lowest concentration in As a complement to the protein studies, we demonstrate that the
the experiments with PA in Fig. 6A, explaining why Vend did not change method can also be used to study the interaction between poly­
when the concentration increased from 10 to 250 µM. For PA + Cyt C, electrolytes and small self-assembling molecules, exemplified here by
Vend increased with increasing concentration in the investigated range the cationic amphiphilic drug AMT. Fig. 9A shows a swelling isotherm
(Fig. 6B). This agrees with results from a previous study employing the for HA microgels as a function of the AMT concentration in the liquid
micropipette technique (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016), where a mini­ solution. The microgel volume decreased gradually with increasing AMT
mum in microgel volume was observed at β ≈ 0.8. The effect can be concentration until just above 10 mM, where a discontinuous transition
attributed to excluded-volume repulsion between the protein molecules, to a highly collapsed state occurred. We will let CCC (critical collapse
as shown by theoretical calculations with a more advanced version of concentration) denote the concentration in the liquid where the transi­
the gel model (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016). This can also explain the tion takes place. The behavior is in qualitative agreement with previous
minimum in the swelling curve at 250 µM Cyt C in Fig. 6B since it is results for AMT interacting with other polyelectrolyte networks (Ahnfelt
likely that the final loading level at this concentration exceeded 0.8. et al., 2018; Al-Tikriti and Hansson, 2020). AMT is known to form
To increase the sensitivity of the method, experiments in Fig. 6 were globular micelles in concentrated aqueous solutions with dimensions
carried out in a medium with ionic strength lower than the physiological similar to the Cyt C molecule (Efthymiou et al., 2021). However, the
ionic strength. The interaction with the polyelectrolytes in the ECM will micelle charge number is considerably larger than the net charge of a
be more screened by the electrolytes present in the interstitial fluid. Cyt C molecule (cf. Table 2). This explains why the microgel volume (V/
However, the effect will be quantitative rather than qualitative. V0) above the CCC for AMT is comparable to Vend/V0 of PRO rather than
Furthermore, investigations at low ionic strength are relevant for un­ Cyt C. Fig. 10 shows time profiles for the volume response of HA gels in
derstanding the interactions taking place at the interface between the 23 mM AMT solution. As expected, the microgel volume decreased
tissue and formulations, since proteins are often formulated at low ionic rapidly down to the equilibrium value since the concentration was well
strength in order to increase the colloidal stability. above CCC (cf. Fig. 9A).
For HA microgels, it is clear from Fig. 6C-D that PRO caused a much A discontinuity in the swelling isotherm is referred to as VPT and is
larger volume contraction than Cyt C at 10 µM protein in the solution. predicted by the theoretical model, as shown in Fig. 9B. The model gel
Increasing the PRO concentration did not significantly change Vend. For network is described with the same parameters as in Fig. 7A-B. The
Cyt C, the volume decreased substantially as the concentration was amphiphile is allowed to form spherical micelles with a radius of 1.5 nm
increased to 50 µM. The results show that for PRO, the maximum and aggregation number 30 (rS = 1.5 nm, Z = 30). The equilibrium
loading level was reached well below 10 µM, but for Cyt C, the loading between micelles and free monomers is described by an equilibrium
level increased progressively in the investigated concentration range. constant corresponding to the free energy of transferring a monomer
Fig. 6E-F show that the differences remained for their interactions with between water and micelle equal to − 7.1 kT. This gives a CMC of 46 mM

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 6. Volume change of microgels over time when exposed to a single concentration of PRO or Cyt C in PB (pH 7.4), flow rate 200 µL/min. Each curve represents
data for one microgel. A: PA microgel exposed to PRO (10, 250 µM) B: PA microgel exposed to Cyt C (10, 250 µM), C: HA microgel exposed to PRO (10, 250 µM), D:
HA microgel exposed to Cyt C (10, 50 µM), E: DC bead exposed to PRO (10, 100 µM), F: DC bead exposed to Cyt C (10, 250 µM). Results presented here correspond to
one microgel for each experiment.

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 7. Impact of sphere charge on swelling isotherms. Volume per amount of network charges (V/np) (A) and protein/network charge ratio (β) (B) plotted vs. the
concentration of spheres in the liquid for different sphere charge numbers (indicated). Arrows highlight volume phase transitions (VPT) between swollen and
collapsed homogeneous states.

Table 3
Equilibrium microgel dataa.
V/V0b Vend/V0c

0.15 M NaCl Cyt C PRO AMT

PA 0.35 (±0.015) 0.49(±0.016) 0.042 0.05d

DC 0.48 0.61 0.13 (±0.0022) 0.16 (±0.014)
bead (±0.0060) (±0.020)
HA 0.46 (±0.016) 0.20 0.051 (±0.012) 0.040
(±0.032) (±0.0039)

Cp (M)e Cend
p (M)

0.15 M NaCl Cyt C PRO AMT

PA 0.26 0.18 2.1 1.8d

DC 0.12 0.098 0.48 0.38 Fig. 8. Volume ratio (V/V0) of HA microgels exposed to PRO or Cyt C at
different concentrations in PB (pH 7.4) (average values of eight gels). Flow rate:
HA 0.044 0.075 0.29 0.37
200 µL/min at 10–90 µM and 80 µL/min at 250 µM.

m (M)
Fig. 9A), the gel volume starts to decrease sharply at a specific con­
Cyt C PRO AMT centration in the solution. This is where micelles begin to form in the gel,
PA 0.026 0.10 0.045d defined as the critical aggregation concentration (CAC). The more
DC 0.014 0.023 0.0096 abrupt onset of shrinking compared to the binding of spheres in Fig. 7A
bead reflects the cooperativity involved in the process. Although the micelle
HA 0.011 0.014 0.0094
has a larger charge number than the spheres in Fig. 7A, CAC is much
Average values of eight microgels if not stated otherwise. larger than the free concentration of spheres. This is simply because we
Relative microgel volume in PB (pH 7.4) + 0.15 M NaCl (no drug) after 10 have plotted the total amphiphile concentration on the x-axis rather
min exposure. than the concentration of free monomers. (Recall that micelles do exist
Relative microgel volume in the collapsed state after drug binding.
d in the solution below CMC, albeit at very low concentrations). The
Value for one microgel taken from (Al-Tikriti and Hansson (Al-Tikriti and
swelling isotherm soon reaches the point where the bulk modulus van­
Hansson, 2020).
Polyelectrolyte charge concentration in microgel in PB (pH 7.4) + 0.15 M
ishes, and the gel undergoes a VPT with a large amplitude. This takes
NaCl (no drug) after 10 min exposure. place at the CCC, where the polyelectrolyte-mediated attraction be­
Polyelectrolyte charge concentration in microgel in the collapsed state after tween the micelles overcomes the entropic resistance to phase trans­
drug binding. formation (Gernandt and Hansson, 2015). It is essential to distinguish
Concentration of drug substance or micelles in the collapsed state after drug between CAC and CCC to highlight that the latter does not coincide with
binding. the onset of micelle formation in the gel.

within the model, which is close to the CMC of AMT (Efthymiou et al., 5.4.3. Drug and polyelectrolyte concentration in microgel
2021). The plot shows swelling isotherms for four different salt con­ The results presented above show that it is straightforward to rank
centrations. At 5 mM salt (relevant for comparison with the data in the drug molecules after increasing binding strength to a given microgel

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 9. A: Volume ratio (V/V0) of HA-microgels at different concentrations of AMT in PB (pH 5.9). Flow rate 200 µL/min at 0–22.9 mM and 80 µL/min at 63.7 mM.
Average of 8 microgels presented. B: Theoretically calculated swelling isotherms for microgels in a solution of an amphiphile forming micelles (Z=+30) in the
network. Volume per amount of network charges (V/np) is plotted vs. the concentration of amphiphile in the liquid (Cliq) for different salt concentrations (indicated).
Arrows highlight collapse and swelling transitions between homogeneous states.

the drug present.

The Cend
p values followed the order PA > DC bead > HA for all three
model drugs. It highlights the importance of correcting for the differ­
ences in C0 , since DC bead showed the highest Vend/V0 but not the
lowest Cend
p . Second, we observed that PRO and AMT transformed the PA
microgels into a very dense state. For example, the Cend m value for AMT
micelles corresponds to a micelle volume fraction of around 0.5,
meaning that the network charge concentration in the space between the
micelles was ca. 3.6 M, indicating strong interactions between the
components. Theoretical investigations have revealed that, for packing
densities of that magnitude, the swelling pressure from the excluded
volume repulsion balanced by the attractive electrostatic force largely
determines the swelling equilibrium (Andersson and Hansson, 2017;
Gernandt and Hansson, 2015, 2016; Hansson, 2009; Johansson et al.,
Fig. 10. Volume change of eight different HA microgels exposed to 22.9 mM 2010). As already noted, Cyt C induced a much smaller contraction of
AMT in PB (pH 5.9). Flow rate 200 µL/min.
the PA network. The Cend m value corresponds to a volume fraction of ca.
0.3, which is still relatively high. However, in this case, it is mainly the
based on Vend/V0 values. For example, we have Cyt C < PRO < AMT elastic network forces that bring the protein molecules together (Jid­
(micelle) for binding to HA microgels, following the order of increasing heden and Hansson, 2016). This explains why the network contraction
charge number. However, equilibrium swelling data can also be used to induced by Cyt C loading in PB (pH 7.4) was comparable to the effect of
rank the microgel networks based on their strength of interaction with a adding 0.15 M NaCl (Table 3).
given drug. Here, it would be most informative to compare swelling The polyelectrolyte chains in PA and DC bead microgels have the
isotherms showing V/V0 as a function of the protein concentration in the same linear charge density, and we could have expected them to behave
solution (cf. Fig. 8). However, for highly charged proteins, such as PRO, more similarly. However, the comparatively large swelling of DC bead
the binding may start at very low concentrations (cf. Fig. 7A), making it can be attributed to the neutral PVA chains providing an extra swelling
practically difficult to establish isotherms that cover the full dynamic pressure which prevents the gels from collapsing to the same extent as
range. Here, we focus instead on the information obtained from the
the PA microgels. For PRO, AMT, and Cyt C, Cend p was respectively 4.6,
comparison of Vend/V0 values. Since V0 is determined by several factors,
4.7, and 1.9 times lower for DC bead than for PA. The high values for
including linear charge density, degree of crosslinking, and polymer
PRO and AMT are explained by the crowded state produced by these
concentration in the state where the network was created, it is essential
molecules, where the introduction of PVA chains in the aqueous regions
to convert Vend/V0 into a quantity showing the density of the end state.
between the proteins/micelles is expected to significantly increase the
Here we used the concentration of network charges in the reference state
swelling. For Cyt C, there is more space available, and so the effect of
C0 (Table 1) to calculate the concentration of network charges Cend p (=
incorporating PVA is smaller. The same argument explains the differ­
C0 V0 /Vend ) and the concentration of protein molecules and micelles Cend
m ence between PA and HA in this respect. The lower linear charge density
( = Cend
p β/Z) in the microgels in the fully collapsed (“end”) state. In all of HA means a higher molecular weight per charge. Thus, at a given
cases, we assumed β to be equal to unity. Previous investigations show network charge concentration, the polymer concentration in the
that deviations from that value should not be larger than 15 % at the microgel is larger for HA than for PA.
present ionic strength. (Al-Tikriti and Hansson, 2020; Jidheden and PRO induced the strongest contraction of PA and DC bead microgels.
Hansson, 2016; Kabanov et al., 2004; Nilsson and Hansson, 2008; Kar­ This can be attributed to a combination of strong electrostatic attrac­
abanova et al., 1995) The result is given in Table 3. For comparison, we tions to the network chains and the small diameter of the peptide chains,
have included data for the microgels in 0.15 M NaCl solutions without which in its extended conformation can be efficiently packed (Hansson

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

et al., 2012). HA microgels were more contracted by AMT than by PRO. the deswelling response is fast. Therefore, the rate of protein mass
This order reversal may be attributed to the significant difference in transport from the bulk liquid to the microgel surface (“stagnant layer
linear charge density between PRO and HA (“charge mismatch”). diffusion”) controls the rate of volume change at short times. Partly, this
explains why the initial response rate induced by 10 µM Cyt C is similar
5.4.4. Effect of salt for PA, HA, and DC bead (cf. Fig. 6B,D,F), despite the significant dif­
The addition of salt destabilizes complexes between proteins and ferences in binding strength. When the mass transfer to the microgel is
polyelectrolytes, and sufficiently large additions are expected to result in overall rate controlling, the microgel volume at short times is given by
protein release. In the present method, the release is demonstrated (Ahnfelt et al., 2018):
directly by the decolorization of the microgel in case the protein is
colored or fluorescent, or indirectly if the release is accompanied by = (1 − kt)3/2 (1a)
microgel volume change. In the latter case, differences in the interaction
strength can give rise to qualitative differences in the volume response. ShDCZa
This is illustrated in Fig. 11, showing how the volume of HA, PA, and DC k= (1b)
Cp,0 R20
bead microgels in 250 µM Cyt C solutions varies with the concentration
of NaCl added to the solution. With no NaCl added, the microgels were R0 is the initial microgel radius, Sh is the Sherwood number, D is the
compact and contained substantial amounts of protein. With increasing diffusion coefficient of the protein in the liquid,C is the protein con­
NaCl concentration, the HA microgels increased in volume up to a centration in the bulk liquid, Cp,0 is the initial concentration of network
certain value, after which the volume decreased. This behavior is charges in the microgel, Z is the protein charge number, and a is a
explained by swelling of the network during the phase where most of the constant. Equation 1 applies as an approximation when the protein
protein molecules are released, followed by deswelling due to the salt concentration in the liquid in direct contact with the microgel is much
effect on the swelling of charged networks (cf. Fig. 5). For PA and DC smaller than C and V/V0 = 1 − aβ. Notably, the deswelling rate depends
bead, the swelling decreased monotonically over the entire salt con­ not only on the parameters describing the mass transport in the liquid
centration range. The difference compared with HA can be explained by (Sh, D, and C), but also on the parameters describing the network and
Cyt C binding stronger to the PA and DC bead networks, leading to a protein. The linear dependence of the volume on β is often a good
slower release of the protein as a function of salt concentration. See approximation when β is less than 0.5 (Jidheden and Hansson, 2016;
supplementary material S4 for a theoretical modelling of the results in Kabanov et al., 2004; Zezin et al., 2002; Karabanova et al., 1995). With
Fig. 11 and more results regarding the effect of salt on microgel swelling. R0 about the same for PA, HA, and DC bead, the observation that they
respond equally fast to Cyt C binding thus shows that the ratio a/Cp,0 is
about the same for all. The parameter a describes the deswelling caused
5.5. Kinetics per protein charge. Based on the results associated with the data in
Table 3, a is expected to increase in magnitude in the order HA < DC
5.5.1. Protein loading and release bead < PA, reflecting the order of increasing strength of interaction
The rate of volume change during binding and release provides between protein and polyelectrolyte. However, since the volume ratio
complementary information about the strength of interaction between V/V0 describes the relative volume change, it is independent of Cp,0 .
proteins and polyelectrolytes. However, the rate depends on both the Hence, the similarity of the observed volume response rates is more a
rate of protein absorption from the liquid and the swelling response per coincidence. The conclusion is that the initial response rate depends on
absorbed protein molecule, processes which are generally coupled to the strength of the interaction, but to use the rate to compare the
each other. Therefore, when analyzing time-resolved deswelling pro­ strength of interaction between one protein and different poly­
files, care must be taken so as not to misinterpret the result. For charged electrolytes, all microgels should have the same Cp,0 and R0 .
proteins such as PRO and Cyt C, the interaction with the network The much faster volume response of all networks to PRO compared
charges slows down the transport inside the microgel, either by to Cyt C clearly demonstrates that the deswelling rate depends on the
“immobilization” of individual molecules or by forming a dense surface protein charge number. The fact that each PRO molecule entering the
phase (shell). In both cases, the molecules initially enrich in the outer gel microgel carries the same charge as three Cyt C molecules provides a
layers. Since the ion exchange mechanism involved is local and the major contribution to the effect, but the ratio a/Cp,0 is also of impor­
swelling response does not need to directly involve the entire network, tance. In fact, for all three networks, Eq. (1) accounts well for the in­
crease of the initial response rate when going from Cyt C to PRO,
indicating that stagnant layer diffusion controls the initial rate also for
PRO. However, PA and DC bead deviate from that behaviour at longer
times, where the rate is slower than predicted by a stagnant layer
diffusion control. This is explained by the formation of a collapsed shell
with closely packed and slowly diffusing protein molecules, as exem­
plified by the microscopy images in Fig. 12, showing DC bead microgels
before and after absorbing PRO.
Fig. 13A shows the result of a kinetic model for protein binding
following the core–shell mechanism described in supplementary mate­
rials S5. In the plot, the gel volume (solid curves) and the core volume
(dashed curves) are displayed as functions of time. The model describes
the phase transformation of the swollen core to the protein-collapsed
shell for a process rate controlled by protein mass transport. The mass
transport is mediated by protein diffusion through the “stagnant layer”
in the liquid outside the microgel and through the shell. Model param­
eters were chosen to match the system PRO + DC bead in Fig. 6E. Thus,
the model protein carried + 21 charges, and the diffusion coefficient in
water was set to 1 × 10− 10 m2/s, in agreement with experimental data
Fig. 11. Experimental results of microgel volume response at exposure to 250 for protamine sulfate (Shvarev and Bakker, 2005; Yuan et al., 2004). The
µM Cyt C at different NaCl concentrations (mean values of eight gels). upper and lower sets of curves were calculated for 10 and 250 µM

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

PA microgels (Johansson and Hansson, 2010). The latter study, although

made with networks of lower crosslinking density, showed that at in­
termediate stages, the microgels could still be described as having a
core–shell structure with much lower protein concentration in the core
than in the shell. Fig. 13B shows the result of a theoretical model
considering the transport through stagnant layers and diffusion of the
protein in the microgel. The curves were calculated with parameters
relevant for DC beads in 10 µM Cyt C shown in Fig. 6F. Calculated curves
for HA and PA are provided as supplementary material (Fig. S7),
together with a derivation of the model and additional results. The
model assumes that steady-state concentration gradients are maintained
inside the microgel throughout the process, and that the swelling of the
Fig. 12. DC beads in microfluidic traps exposed to PRO in PB (pH 7.4). A: network at each radial distance is directly related to the local protein
Microgel with a thin shell captured early during deswelling. B: Microgel concentration. It only describes the process up to the point where the
captured at a late state displaying a thick PRO-rich shell surrounding a swollen
diffusion front reaches the center of the microgel. Local equilibrium is
core. The two pictures show different microgel species. Scale bar: 100 µm.
maintained at the microgel surface, where a Donnan type of equilibrium
governs the partitioning of mobile charged species. The model makes
protein in the liquid, respectively, all other parameters were the same. assumptions about the distribution of material inside the microgels
The good agreement with the data in Fig. 6E allows us to draw the during the dynamic process, and therefore one should be careful not to
following conclusion from the model results. Stagnant layer diffusion over-interpret the results. However, our conclusion above, that the
controlled the initial part of the deswelling process where the shell initial deswelling rate is controlled by stagnant layer diffusion is sup­
thickness was minimal. During later stages, where the shell thickness ported by the following argument. For the part of the process that the
was larger, the resistance from transport through the dense shell slowed model intended to describe, it correctly reproduced the experimental
down the process. The magnitude of the diffusion coefficient in the shell deswelling rate with a diffusion coefficient similar to the literature value
(3.5 × 10− 15 m2/s) required for obtaining agreement between the model for Cyt C in water (Yu et al., 2019) but was found to be insensitive to the
and the experimental data in that part indicates that the protein was diffusion coefficient inside the microgel. Moreover, the experimental
immobilized by the interaction with the network. This is another indi­ response rate was highly sensitive to the protein concentration in the
cation that the PRO interacts strongly with the polyelectrolyte chains. liquid. The dominant role played by stagnant layer diffusion is explained
The same can be concluded from comparing model calculations and in part by the fast local response rate described above and in part by the
the experimental data for PRO’s interaction with PA (cf. Fig. S8). low protein concentration in the liquid, making the transport to the
Notably, the model calculations accounted for the timescale of the microgel surface slow, although the concentration in the liquid at the
deswelling process also for PRO’s interaction with the HA microgels (cf. boundary is maintained very low throughout the process (data not
Fig. 8). It shows that the much faster relaxation rate for HA compared shown).
with the other microgels was mainly an effect of the lower concentration To conclude, the comparison between PRO and Cyt C shows that the
of network charges in the HA microgels. However, the value of the fitted strength of interaction with the polyelectrolytes gives rise to detectable
diffusion coefficient in the shell was an order of magnitude larger for HA differences in the dynamical behavior of the microgels. In systems un­
(5 × 10− 14 m2/s) than for the other two, in accordance with a lower dergoing VPT (PRO), strong network interaction hinders the protein
protein concentration in the shell. For all microgels, the composition of from redistributing in the microgel during binding. Instead, a dense
the shell used in the calculation was equal to the experimental estimate surface phase (shell) grows with a sharp boundary to the core. At later
for the fully collapsed state given in Table 3. stages of the process, where the boundary is detectable with light mi­
In 10 µM protein solutions, all networks initially contracted slower in croscopy, the shell presents a significant diffusion barrier slowing down
Cyt C solutions than in PRO solutions. Comparison with model calcu­ the binding and thereby the deswelling. In systems without VPT (Cyt C),
lations indicates that the initial process was rate-controlled by stagnant where the interaction is weaker, the protein displays a diffuse concen­
layer diffusion also for Cyt C, but the binding mechanism was different. tration gradient inside the microgel during intermediate binding stages,
The microscopy images show that the concentration of Cyt C decreased challenging to observe with traditional light microscopy but possible to
gradually from the gel border and inward. This agrees with previous observe with confocal microscopy. In both cases, however, the deswel­
confocal microscopy studies for fluorescently labeled Cyt C binding to ling rate is influenced by the rate of protein flow in the stagnant liquid

Fig. 13. Theoretically calculated deswelling profiles (solid curves) for DC bead in solutions of 10 µM PRO (black) and 250 µM (red) PRO (A), and in 10 µM Cyt C (B).
Dashed curves: Vcore/V0. Dotted line: Extrapolation to the region where the model is not applicable. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

layer surrounding the microgel. The initial deswelling rate, dominated Hansson, 2005; Svensson et al., 2003), we obtain an estimate of the free
by that process, is described by Eq. (1), where the parameter a (desw­ monomer concentration in the shell equal to 0.2 mM. The value agrees
elling caused per protein charge) is the only factor determining the value with the (absolute) activity of AMT at the onset of shell formation (ob­
of the “rate constant” k containing information about the strength of tained as a fitting parameter in the model). We conclude that most of the
interaction between the protein and polyelectrolyte. Knowing the value AMT molecules in the shell were effectively immobilized by the for­
of the other parameters, a can be determined from a fit of Eq. (1) to mation of micelles in complexes with the network, showing that the
experimental data with k as a fitting parameter. interaction between the drug and the polymer chains is strong. How­
Before ending this section, we emphasize that in all systems inves­ ever, compared to PRO, the presence of free monomers made the AMT
tigated, the initial size of the microgel affected the kinetics of deswelling mass transport through the network much more efficient. Finally, we
but not the magnitude of the relative volume change. The larger the note that the kinetics of the AMT-induced collapse of HA in Fig. 10 re­
microgel, the larger the number of network charges, which means that sembles that of AMT + DC bead. However, a theoretical analysis of data
large amounts of drug molecules need to bind to the microgel to reach would need to take into account the simultaneous effects on the microgel
Vend (β≈1). This in turn means that it takes a longer time to reach Vend. volume by the increase of osmotic pressure in the liquid when adding 23
For examples, see supplementary material S6. mM AMT to the solution, which is beyond the scope of the present work.
Changing the medium to PB (pH 7.4) free from AMT triggered the
5.5.2. Amphiphilic drug loading and release release of the drug. It is possible to study the kinetics and mechanism of
Fig. 14 shows time profiles for the volume response of DC bead the release process by monitoring the accompanying swelling of the
microgels in 0.52 mM AMT solutions in PB (pH 5.9). Qualitatively the microgels and their internal morphology. Results from such experiments
behavior resembles that of DC bead + PRO (cf. Fig. 6E), including the are described in supplementary information S7.
core–shell phase coexistence during loading. Therefore, we have
analyzed the data by means of the kinetic model used for PRO in 5.6. Verification of in vitro method as a tool for rapid screening
Fig. 13A. We have included the result from a fit of the model in Fig. 14, experiments
where the solid curve is the evolution of the microgel volume and the
dashed curve the evolution of the core volume. The result shows that, To demonstrate that MIS can be used as a large-scale screening
after a short lag period (not calculated) where the volume changed very method for interactions between polyelectrolytes and drug substances,
little, the initial deswelling rate was dominated by the stagnant layer we carried out programmed experiments of microgels exposed to grad­
diffusion of drug monomers. This part was described by the diffusion ually increasing concentrations of either drug (loading) or NaCl
coefficient of AMT in water (4 × 10− 10 m2/s (Al-Tikriti and Hansson, (release). This allowed us to perform a large number of reproducible
2020). However, after ~ 100 s the diffusion barrier presented by the experiments in a short time, using less than 2 mL of drug solution for
shell started to influence the rate. The lower part of the deswelling curve each experiment.
shown was calculated with a diffusion coefficient in the shell of 2 × Figs. 15 and 16 show examples of the deswelling of DC beads, PA
10− 13 m2/s. The diffusion coefficient in the shell for PRO obtained from microgels, and HA microgels exposed to different concentrations of PRO
the fit of the model in Fig. 13A is two orders of magnitude smaller or Cyt C in PB (pH 7.4), where V0 is the volume of the microgels at
(3.5 × 10− 15 m2/s). The higher value for AMT can be attributed to the equilibrium in PB (pH 7.4). The exposure time for each concentration
presence of free monomers in equilibrium with the micelles. The AMT was 10 min. Looking first at Fig. 15, it is clear that the experiment could
value is of the same order of magnitude as the self-diffusion constant of reveal that PRO interacted stronger than Cyt C with DC bead and PA
dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride in the micellar cubic phase of the networks. However, the exposure time was shorter than the system’s
surfactant in water (5 × 10− 13 m2/s (Bull and Lindman, 1974). By taking relaxation time at each concentration, as evidenced by the data in Fig. 6.
the ratio of the average diffusion coefficient in the shell and the Therefore, it was difficult to draw more detailed conclusions from the
monomer diffusion coefficient in water as a measure of the fraction of results. Fig. 16 shows the corresponding data for HA-microgels. When
free surfactant monomers in equilibrium with the micelles (Nilsson and exposed to Cyt C solutions, the microgel volume had time to relax to a
new level before increasing the concentration. In this case, the condi­
tions are better suited for rapid screening of swelling isotherms.

Fig. 14. Volume change of DC beads exposed to AMT (0.52 mM) measured in
MIS over time. The total flow rate into the microfluidic chip was 200 µL/min.
Symbols: Experimental data for six different microgels. Solid curve: Theoretical Fig. 15. Volume change over time for DC bead and PA microgels when exposed
deswelling profile from a fit of the kinetic model with the diffusion coefficient to Cyt C or PRO in PB (pH 7.4). Protein concentration was increased in 10 min
in the shell as fitting parameter (see text). Dashed curve: Theoretically calcu­ steps starting at 10 µM (upper x-axis), flow rate 200 µL/min at 10–80 µM and
lated core volume. 80 µL/min at 250 µM.

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

Fig. 17. Volume ratio of DC beads, PA, and HA microgels during the release of
PRO in PB (pH 7.4) at different NaCl concentrations. Data points are the mean
values of eight microgels. Exposure time was 10 min for each concentration at
Fig. 16. Volume change over time for HA microgels exposed to Cyt C or PRO in flow rate 200 µL/min for 0–150 mM NaCl, and 80 µL/min for 1 M NaCl.
PB (pH 7.4). Protein concentration was increased in 10 min steps starting at 10
µM (upper x-axis), flow rate 200 µL/min at 10–80 µM and 80 µL/min at 250 µM. (Cyt C), and a small self-assembling amphiphilic drug (AMT). Our pri­
mary aim was to demonstrate the usability of the microfluidic method
However, the level reached after exposure to 50 µM Cyt C was slightly for interaction studies between components of the subcutaneous tissue
higher than after constant exposure to 50 µM Cyt C (Fig. 6D), showing and drug substances. In that context the method has advantages over
that longer exposure times would be needed to establish an equilibrium- existing methods developed for similar purposes, such as other gel-based
swelling isotherm. With PRO, the microgel reached Vend already during methods (Leung et al., 2017; Jensen et al., 2015; Jensen et al., 2016), the
10 min of exposure to 10 µM protein solutions, as expected from the data micropipette-assisted method, the Scissor system (Kinnunen et al.,
in Fig. 6E. The result shows that HA interacted stronger with PRO than 2015), and the HypoSkin® ex vivo method (Pages et al., 2018). Thus, we
with Cyt C, again demonstrating the power of the method to detect have shown that the method can be fully automated and can be scaled up
differences in the strength of interaction. HA microgels responded to provide a screening tool with the capacity to probe interactions under
strongly also to AMT, but only at concentrations above the CCC, where various controlled conditions in a short time, at the same time requiring
micelles accumulated in the microgels. (Fig. S13). small amounts of drug samples. Furthermore, the setup of the method is
Fig. 17 shows the release of PRO from DC beads, PA microgels, and modular, making it highly adaptable. In the future, the method should
HA microgels at increasing concentrations of NaCl in PB (pH 7.4). The be suited for interaction studies between any type of polymers that can
exposure time at each concentration was 10 min, with concentrations be cross-linked into spherical microgels and many classes of small and
ranging from 0 to 1 M NaCl. V0 in all these experiments is the gel volume large molecules. Another potential field of application is as an in vitro
at the highest NaCl concentration used (150 or 1000 mM), before method for controlled release which would be useful in the development
loading the drug. Within the time frame of the experiment, no NaCl of microgel-based controlled release systems.
concentration tested gave any significant volume change or visual
release of PRO from DC bead or PA microgels (Fig. 17). Release of PRO CRediT authorship contribution statement
at 1 M NaCl from PA microgels was investigated separately and is not
shown in Fig. 17. However, V/V0 after 30 min exposure to 1 M NaCl was Marcus Wanselius: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
still 0.21. In contrast, swelling of HA microgels could be detected Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Visualization,
already at 10 mM NaCl, and maximum swelling was obtained at around Project administration. Sean Searle: Methodology, Validation, Writing
150 mM NaCl, presumably corresponding to nearly complete release. – review & editing, Visualization. Agnes Rodler: Formal analysis,
However, the process caused certain damage to the microgels (data not Investigation, Writing – review & editing. Maria Tenje: Conceptuali­
shown), which can explain why the volume at complete release was zation, Writing – review & editing. Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami:
smaller than V0 and why the final volume was different for different HA Conceptualization, Resources, Writing – review & editing, Supervision,
microgels in the same experiment with V/V0 ranging from 0.48 to 0.83. Funding acquisition. Per Hansson: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Results of rapid screening release experiments of Cyt C and the effect of Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Supervision,
different amount of salt in the solution during drug loading are given as Project administration, Funding acquisition.
supplementary material (Fig. S14-S16).
In conclusion, the results of the rapid screening release experiments
clearly show that the strength of interaction increases with increasing Declaration of Competing Interest
charge density of the polyelectrolyte and charge number of the model
substance, just as the single concentration experiments showed. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
6. Conclusions the work reported in this paper.

This work shows that the microfluidic chip for interactions studies Acknowledgments
(MIS) in combination with volume measurement of microgels by mi­
croscopy can be used to probe interactions between drugs and poly­ This study is part of the science program of the Swedish Drug De­
electrolytes. This was demonstrated using a set of model drugs with livery Center (SweDeliver) and financial support from Vinnova (Dnr
distinctly different properties, comprising a highly charged linear pep­ 2019-00048) is gratefully acknowledged. Part of the microfabrication
tide (PRO), a globular shaped enzyme with low surface charge density was performed at the SciLifeLab-Uppsala local unit Customized Micro­
fluidics using the MyFab-Uppsala cleanroom.

M. Wanselius et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 621 (2022) 121785

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