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Design Development of Automatic Seed Sowing Machine by Utilizing Solar Energy

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020

ISSN 2229-5518 666

Design & Development of Automatic Seed

Sowing Machine by Utilizing Solar Energy
Sai Prasanth, Sathish kumar, Sattanathan periyasamy, Shaolin mathew

Abstract— In the current scenario, most of the countries do not have sufficient skilled man power in the agriculture sector and it affects the
growth of developing countries. So it’s a time to automate the agricultural sector to overcome this problem by using upgraded technology for
cultivation activity. To meet the future food demands, the farmers have to implement the new techniques which will not affect the soil texture but
will increase the overall crop production. The aim of this project is to design and develop a solar operated seed sowing machine.

Index Terms—Seed sowing machine, Solar energy, Automatic process, Automation, Agriculture,
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A griculture is the backbone of the Indian economy and it

will continue to remain so for a long time. The basic

In traditional methods seed sowing is done by

broadcasting manually, opening furrows by a plough and

objective of seed sowing operation is to put the seed and dropping seeds by hand. A traditional method of seed sowing

fertiliser in rows at desired depth and spacing, cover the has many disadvantages. This project is about the different

seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seed. types of methods of seed sowing and fertilizer settlement in

The recommended row to row spacing, seed rate, seed to the soil and developing a multifunctional seed sowing

seed spacing and depth of seed placing vary from crop to machine which can perform simultaneous operations.

crop and for different agricultural and climatic conditions. In Seed sowing machine is a device which helps in the

order to achieve optimum yields and an efficient sowing sowing of seeds in a desired position, hence assisting the

machine, there should be an attempt to fulfil above farmers in saving time and money. This project discusses

requirements. In addition to that, effect of saving in cost of different aspects of seed sowing machine which will be

operation time, labor and energy are other advantages to be helpful for the agriculture industry to move towards

derived from use of improved machinery for such operations. mechanization. Mechanization of the agricultural industry in

For a long time, it has been thought that atomic India is still in a stage of infancy due to the lack of knowledge

energy would be a solution for the growing energy problem, and the unavailability of advanced tools and machinery

but in recent times solar energy has proved to be an efficient,

more secure and safe way of providing energy. Concepts

related to the solar energy have constantly been under heavy 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
research and development. The basic objective is to optimize Klocke (1979) described the building of two experimental

the energy produced from photovoltaic cells, by making the planters, one using a smooth coulter and the other a ripple

overall systems be more efficient and cost effective. Most edged coulter. Both types of coulters were followed by

solar panels are statistically aligned; they have a fixed position openers. The performance of the drills was satisfactory as

at a certain angle towards the sky. Therefore, the time and long as the seed was placed into adequate soil moisture.

intensity of direct sunlight falling upon the solar panel is Kumar et, at. (1986) developed a manually operated seeding

greatly reduced, resulting in low power output from the attachment for an animal drawn cultivator. The seed rate was

photovoltaic (PV) cells. 43.2 kg/hr while the field capacity was 0.282 ha/hr. Tests

IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 667

showed minimal seed damage with good performance for

wheat and barley. Adisa and Braide (2012) developed Bamgboye and Mofolasayo tested a manually operated two

template row crop planter. row okra planter developed from locally available materials.

The planter had a field capacity of 0.36 ha/h with a field

Bamgboye and Mofolasayo (2006) developed a manually efficiency close to 72%. In this paper we are designing of an

operated two-row Okra planter. The field efficiency and field advanced manual operated multi-crop seed planters, their

capacity were 71.75% and 0.36 ha/hr. while seed rate was utilization methods advantages, disadvantages and the

0.36kg/hr with low average seed damage of 3.51%. Gupta and process involving to design and fabrication of these planters

Herwanto (1992) designed and fabricate a direct paddy for the purpose of utilization of poor farmers.

seederto match a two-wheel tractor. The machine had a field

capacity of about 0.5 ha/hr at a forward speed of 0.81mls, and Laukik P. Raut studied to meet the food requirements of the

there was no damage caused by the metering mechanism for growing population and rapid industrialisation, modernisation

soaked seeds; though 3% damage was recorded for pre- of agriculture is inescapable. Mechanisation enables the

germinated seeds. conservation of inputs through precision in metering ensuring

better distribution, reducing quantity needed for better

LadeindeandVerma (1994) Hand-pushed and Transnational response and prevention of losses or wastage of inputs

Journal of Science and Technology August 2012 edition applied. Mechanisation reduces the unit cost of production

volume2, No.728 compared the performance of three through higher productivity and input conservation.

different models of planters with the traditional method of

planting. In terms of field capacity and labour requirement, D. Ramesh and H. P. Girish Kumar presented review provide

there was not much difference between the traditional brief information about the various types of innovations done

planting method and the Jab planters. However, backache and in seed sowing equipment. The basic objective of sowing

fatigue were substantially reduced while using the planters. operation is to put the seed and seed in rows at desired

tractor mounted row seeders (usually single and multiple depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and

row). Normally requires a well prepared seed-bed which may provide proper compaction over the seed. The recommended

be ridged or flat bed. The single and double row planters row to row spacing, seed rate, seed to seed spacing and

developed at the University of Southern Mindanao depth of seed placement vary from crop to crop and for

Agricultural Research Centre (USMARC) can plant a hectare different agro-climatic conditions to achieve optimum yields.

within 6-8 hours for single-row and half so much time for Seed sowing devices play a wide role in the agriculture field.

double-row. A disc type maize seeder developed which is

simple in design and can be handily operated with ease and Mahesh R. Pundkar and A. K. Mahalle“A seed sowing machine:

comfort. This is a labor intensive and time-consuming A review” journal of engineering and social science. (IJESS)

process. Lara-Lopez developed a singlerow direct planter for volume 3, Issue 3. ISSN: 2249-9482, states that high precision

maize. The planter may be attached to a walking or riding pneumatic planters have been developed for many varieties

type two-wheel tractor. Singh designed and developed a two- of crops for a wide range of seed sizes, resulting to uniform

row tractor drawn ridge planter for winter maize. seeds distribution along the travel path, in seed spacing. The

IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 668

basic function of sowing operation is to sow the seed and Of agriculture Research, volume 5, No. 2 . Studied the effect of
fertiliser in rows at required depth and to maintain the row and plant spacing on yield and yield components in soya

distance between the seeds and provide proper compaction bean and concluded that the combination of 45 cm row

over the seed. Also provides brief information about the spacing and 20 cm plant spacing gave the best results.

various types of innovations done in seed sowing machine

available for plantation. The performance of seed sowing Singh et al “Automatic Seed Planter Punching Type”

device has a remarkable influence on the cost and yield of International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research
agriculture products. Presently there are many approaches to Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014) ISSN (E): 2347-5900 ISSN(P): 2347-
detect the performance of seed-sowing device 6079 , revealed that by using a seed drill machine for wheat
crop there was an increase in yield by 13.025 percent when
N.Iqbal et al” Effect of seed rate and Row spacing on yield and compared with the conventional method, it also revealed that
yield components of Wheat “Journal of Agricultural Research, by using a seed drill for wheat crop, a saving of 69.96 per cent
48(2).studied the effect of seed rate and row spacing on yield in man-hoursand 55.17 percent in bullock was achieved when
and yield components of wheat and concluded that seed rate compared, with the conventional method.

of 150 kg/ha performed better for late sowing of wheat up to

28 November. Among row spacing 22.5 cm row spacing Pranil V. Sawalakhe investigated the today’s era is marching
produced higher grain yield as compared to 11.25 and 15 cm towards the rapid growth of all sectors including the
row spacing. agricultural sector. To meet the future food demands, the

farmers have to implement the new techniques which will not

P.P. Shelkeet al, “Frontline demonstration on bullock-drawn affect the soil texture but will increase the overall crop
planter enhances yield of soya bean crop” International production. This Paper deals with the various sowing methods
journal of farm science 1(2):123-128, 2011. Planting distance used iIndia for seed sowing and seed placement.
and plant population are crucial factors in maximising the

yields of crops. He concludes that bullock drawn planters are Umed Ali Soomro et al,”Effects of sowing Method and Seed
becoming necessity for sowing as the skilled workers for rate on Growth and yield of wheat” World Journal of
sowing are almost diminishing. Planting distance and plant Agricultural Sciences 5(2):159- 162. has evaluated three
population are crucial factors in maximising the yields of sowing methods and seed rate in a four replicated RCBD
crops. Singh revealed that by using a seed drill for wheat crop method and concluded that drilling method of sowing at
there was an increase in yield by 13.025 percent when seed rate is optimal for yield and quality of wheat grains,
compared with the conventional method, it also revealed that because the said sowing method and seed rate distribute
by using a seed drill for wheat crop, a saving of 69.96 per cent seed uniformly and desired depth which provide appropriate
in man-hours and 55.17 percent in hillock hours was achieved depth for seed germination and crop establishment.
when compared, with the conventional method.

Swetha.S et al “Solar Operated Automatic Seed Sowing

Mohammed Jamil rajput et al,” Effect of Row and Plant Machine”, International Journal of Advanced Agricultural
spacing on yield and yield components in soya bean”, Journal Sciences and Technology 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 67-71,
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 669

In this machine solar panel is used to capture solar energy 3. TRADITIONAL METHODS OF SEED SOWING
and then it is converted into electrical energy which in turn is 3.1.1. Broadcasting: - A field is initially prepared with a plough

used to charge battery, which then gives the necessary power to a series of linear cuts known as furrows. The field is then

to a motor. This power is then transmitted to the motor to seeded by throwing the seeds over the field, a method known

drive the wheels. And to further reduction of labor as manual broadcasting. The result was a field planted

dependency, IR sensors are used to manoeuver robot in the roughly in rows, but having a large number of plants. When

field. Here 4 post sensors are used to define the territory and the seeds are scattered randomly with the help of hand on

robot senses the track length and pitch for movement from the soil, the method is called broadcasting.

line to line.
3.1.2. Dribbling: - Drill sowing and dribbling (making small
2.2 summary of literature
holes in the ground for seeds) are better method of sowing
Mahesh R. Pundkar stated that the seed sowing machine is a the seeds. Once the seeds are put in the holes, they are then
key component of agriculture field. high precision pneumatic covered with the soil. This saves time and labor and prevents
planters have been developed for many verities of crops, for a the damage of seeds by birds.

wide range of seed sizes, resulting to uniform seeds

distribution along the travel path , in seed spacing. 3.1.3. Another method of sowing the seeds is with the help of

P.P. Shelke concludes that bullock drawn planters are a simple device consisting of bamboo tube with a funnel on it

becoming necessity for sowing as the skilled workers for attached to a plough. As the plough moves over the field the
sowing are almost diminishing. Planting distance and plant tube attached to it leaves the seeds kept in the funnel at

population are crucial factors in maximising the yields of proper spacing and depth. The plough keeps making furrows

crops. in the soil in which the seeds are dropped by the seed drill.

Singh revealed that by using a seed drill for wheat crop there

was an increase in yield by 13.025 percent when compared 3.2. LIMITATIONS IN SOWING METHODS
with the conventional method, it also revealed that by using a
1. No control over the depth of seed placement.
seed drill for wheat crop, a saving of 69.96 per cent in man
2. No uniformity in the distribution of seed placement.
hours and 55.17 percent in bullock hours was achieved when

compared, with the conventional method. 3. Loss of seeds.

Umed Ali Soomro at al. in Pakistan has evaluated three sowing 4. No proper germination of seeds.

methods and seed rate in a four replicated RCBD method and 5. During sowing, Placement of seeds at uneven depth may

concluded that drilling method of sowing at seed rate 125 result in poor emergence because subsequent rains bring

kg/ha is optimal for yield and quality of wheat grains, because additional soil cover over the seed and affect plant

the seed sowing method and seed rate distribute seed emergence.

uniformly and desired depth which provide appropriate depth 6. More labor requirement.

for seed germination and crop establishment. 7. Time required for sowing is more.

IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 670

4. TRADITIONAL SEED SOWING MACHINE so that it can be used in a easy way.

Another method of sowing the seeds is with the help of a For the fabrication, components were decided based

simple device consisting of bamboo tube. This bamboo tube on the material, factor of safety and the calculations were

with a funnel on it is attached to a plough. When the plough done to find out the speed of the machine at various output

of the motor to be used to match the requirements. The

moves over the field, the tube attached to it leaves the seeds
design parts were modeled using solidworks software and the
and kept in the funnel at proper depth as well as spacing. The
assembly was done to finalize the best position of the
plough keeps making furrows in the soil in which the seeds
components. At the manufacturing end, the chassis was
are dropped by the seed drill.
fabricated to form the skeleton for the hardware. The belt and

pulley drive was installed with the wiper motor for proper
functioning of the prototype. For better transmission, the

angle of contact of belt and pulley is kept near 60 degrees.

1. The Weight of the Machine is more.
The automation part was done after the fabrication was
2. Available for Tractors drive.
completed. The code was generated and the connections

3. No Arrangement for depth control.
were made and testing performed successfully for the finally
4. No Arrangement for seed bed preparation.
manufactured prototype.
5. Improper compaction of soil over furrows.

6. Adjustment of row spacing is improper.

7. The cost of machine is more.
An idea to implement the automation in the process of seed

sowing raised. Therefore the aim was to design and develop a

less expensive, distinct attachment to the machine so that it

can be used in a easy way. For the fabrication, components

5. PROBLEM DEFINITION were decided based on the material, factor of safety and the

Growing the crop means ploughing the field and sowing the calculations were done to find out the speed of the machine

seeds into it. Three steps are mainly taken to sow the seed; at various output of the motor to be used to match the

spreading the seeds over the soil, separate germination of requirements. The design parts were modeled using CATIA

seeds, and sowing the seeds into the soil. software and the assembly was done to finalize the best

The two latter processes take more time consuming position of the components.

and need more labor force to complete the work, even

though some machines have poor accuracy and efficiency. It

being the area of concern needs to be looked upon.The two
latter processes take more time and labour to complete the The photoelectric effect was first noted by a French physicist,
work. It being the area of concern needs to be looked upon. Edmund Becquerel, in 1839, who found that certain materials
Hence, an idea to implement the automation in the process of would produce small amounts of electric current when
seed sowing raised. Therefore the aim was to design and
exposed to light. In 1905, Albert Einstein described the nature
develop a less expensive, distinct attachment to the machine
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 671

of light and the photoelectric effect on which photovoltaic

technology is based, for which he later won a Nobel prize in

physics. The first photovoltaic module was built by Bell

Laboratories in 1954. It was billed as a solar battery and was

mostly just a curiosity as it was too expensive to gain

widespread use. In the 1960s, the space industry began to

make the first serious use of the technology to provide power

aboard spacecraft. Through the space programs, the

technology advanced, its reliability was established, and the

cost began to decline.

During the energy crisis in the 1970s, photovoltaic

technology gained recognition as a source of power for non-

space applications. The solar cells that you see on calculators

and satellites are also called photovoltaic (PV) cells, which as

the name implies (photo meaning "light" and voltaic meaning

"electricity"), convert sunlight directly into electricity. A SOLAR PANEL:

module is a group of cells connected electrically and Solar panel refers to a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays

packaged into a frame (more commonly known as a solar as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating. The

panel). primary component of a solar panel is the solar cells, or

Solar panels are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which turn photovoltaic cell. This is the key component that converts

sunlight into electricity. This electricity can then be fed into sunlight into electricity. At the present time about 80% of all

your home's mains electricity supply. The technology behind solar panels are made from crystalline silicon (i.e.

solar is relatively old, despite their futuristic appeal, but while monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous silicon, or

the basics are the same the efficiency of solar panels has hybrids) solar cells.

improved greatly in recent years. Typically the solar cells are laid out in a grid pattern – with

perhaps as many as 72 different solar cells.

The other 20% consist primarily of solar cells made mostly

from Cadmium Telluride and a small but growing amount

from CIGS. The appeal of these types of cells is their low cost

resulting from the fact they can be made in large single

sheets. Lots of small solar cells spread over a large area can

work together to provide enough power to be useful. The

more light that hits a cell, the more electricity it produces, so

the machine is usually designed with solar panels that can

always be pointed at the Sun even as the rest of the body of

the machine moves around.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 672

Declination may be defined as the angle between the line

joining the centers of the sun and Earth and its projection on

the equatorial plane. Declination varies from a max. value of

23.45° to the min. value of -23.45°. Mathematically it can be

calculated by the following relation:

d=23.45*sin[(360/365)*(284+n)] where n=day of the year.

northern hemisphere
7.2. STUDY OF ANGLES Latitude Angle (Φ)
The latitude of a location is the angle made by the radial line

joining the given location to the center of the earth with its

projection on the equatorial plane. The latitude is positive for

the and negative for southern


Hour Angle
It is the angle through which the Earth must be rotated to

bring the meridian of the plane directly under the sun. In

other words, angular displacement of the sun east or west of

the local meridian, due to rotation of the Earth on its axis at

15°/hr. The hour angle is zero at solar noon, negative in the

morning and positive in the afternoon for northern

hemisphere (India). Expression for hour angle is given by:

w=(ST-12)*15°. where, ST=local solar time.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 673


7.3.1. Chassis: chassis is a skeleton of the fabricated object, 7.3.2. Hopper: The Seed Hopper consists of a seed drum
which supports the object in its construction and use. It is made up of two frustums. The small ends of frustums are
made up of C. I. angle bar of dimension 50mm x 50mm x 5 connected with plastic cylinders. The large ends of frustums

mm on which other components like hopper, disk, shaft etc are connected to each other and three holes are created on

are mounted. the larger circumference of the hopper. Seeds are inserted in
Functions of chassis: the frustums with the help of capped openings on the face of

1. Supports or bears the load of the vehicle body. frustum.

Hopper will rotate about its central axis. Seed spacing will be
2. Provide the space and mounting location for various
aggregates of vehicle. maintained by the holes which are created on the

3. Supports the weight of various systems of the vehicle circumference with equal distance. Hopper is made up of

Sheet metal which contains Seed. A hopper can be used as a

such as engine, transmission etc.
container & a crafting ingredient. A hopper has an output
4. Supports a load of passengers as well as the luggage.
tube at its bottom that can face down or sideways and

5. Withstands the stresses arising due to bad road
provides a visual indication of which block the hopper is setup
to drop its items into, if the block has an inventory. To place a
6. Withstands stresses during braking and acceleration
hopper, use the place block control while aiming at the
of the vehicle.
surface to which its output should face. To place a hopper

directly on the face of an already intractable block, the block

instead faces downwards. A hopper does not change

direction after placement, and it is not attached to the

container it faces; the container can be removed or replaced,

and the hopper remains unchanged.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 674

shafts would complicate the fastening of the parts fitted to

them, particularly the bearings, which have restricted against

sliding in axial direction. While determining the form of

stepped shaft it is borne in mind that the diameter of each

cross-section should be such that each part fitted on to the

shaft has convenient access to its seat.

7.3.4. Plougher: A plougher is a farm tool for loosening or

turning the soil before sowing seed or planting. Ploughs were

traditionally drawn by oxen and horses, but in modern farms

are drawn by tractors. A plough may have a wooden, iron or

steel frame, with a blade attached to cut and loosen the soil.

It has been fundamental to farming for most of history. The

earliest ploughs had no wheels, such a plough being known

to the Romans as an erratum. Celtic peoples first came to use

wheeled ploughs in the Roman era.

The primary purpose of ploughing is to turn over the

7.3.3. Shaft:Shaft form the important element of machines.
uppermost layer of soil, so bringing fresh nutrients to the
They are element that support rotating parts like gears and
surface, while burying weeds and crop remains to decay. The
pulleys and it turn are themselves supported by bearings
trenches cut by the plough are called furrows. In modern use,
resting in the rigid machine housing. The shafts perform the
a ploughed field is normally left to dry out and then harrowed
function of transmitting power from one rotating member to
before planting. Ploughing and cultivating soil homogenizes
another supported by it or connected to it. Thus, they are
and modifies the upper 12 to 25 centimeters (5 to 10 in) layer
subjected to torque due to power transmission and bending
of soil, where most plant feeder roots grow.Ploughs were
moment due to reactions on the members that are supported
initially powered by humans, but the use of farm animals was
by them. Shafts are to be distinguished from axles which also
considerably more efficient. The earliest animals used were
support rotating members but do not transmit power.
oxen. Later horses and mules were used in many areas. With
Shafts are always made to circular cross-section and could be
the industrial revolution came the possibility of steam engines
either solid or hollow. The shafts are classified as straight,
to pull ploughs. These in turn were superseded by internal-
cranked, flexible or articulated. Straight shafts are commonest
combustion-powered tractors in the early twentieth century.
to be used for power transmission. Such shafts are commonly
Use of the traditional plough has decreased in some areas
designed as stepped cylindrical bars, that is, they have various
threatened by soil damage and erosion. Used instead is
diameters along their length, although constant diameter
shallower ploughing or other less-invasive conservation
shafts would be easy to produce. The stepped shafts
correspond to magnitude of stress which varies along the
7.3.5. Wheel: A circular plate is mounted on the bush with the
length. Moreover, the uniform diameter shafts are not
help of C. I. Strip and spikes of certain measurements
compatible with assembly, disassembly and maintenance such
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 675

(according soil condition ) on the surface of circular plate. electronic devices.

Secondary (rechargeable) batteries can be discharged and

recharged multiple times using an applied electric current; the

original composition of the electrodes can be restored by

reverse current. Examples include the lead-acid batteries used

in vehicles and lithium-ion batteries used for portable

electronics such as laptops.

Batteries come in many shapes and sizes, from miniature cells

used to power hearing aids and wristwatches to small, thin

cells used in smartphones, to large lead acid batteries or

lithium-ion batteries in vehicles, and at the largest extreme,

huge battery banks the size of rooms that provide standby or

emergency power for telephone exchanges and computer

data centers.

Batteries have much lower specific energy (energy per unit

mass) than common fuels such as gasoline. In automobiles,

this is somewhat offset by the higher efficiency of electric

7.3.6. Battery: -A battery is a device consisting of one or more motors in converting chemical energy to mechanical work,
electrochemical cells with external connections for powering compared to combustion engines.
electrical devices such as flashlights, mobile phones, and

electric cars. When a battery is supplying electric power, its

positive terminal is the cathode and its negative terminal is

the anode. The terminal marked negative is the source of

electrons that will flow through an external electric circuit to

the positive terminal. When a battery is connected to an

external electric load, a redox reaction converts high-energy

reactants to lower-energy products, and the free-energy

difference is delivered to the external circuit as electrical

energy. Historically the term "battery" specifically referred to a

device composed of multiple cells, however the usage has 7.3.7. Electric Motor:-
evolved to include devices composed of a single cell.
An electric motor is a device used to convert electricity into
Primary (single-use or "disposable") batteries are used once
mechanical energy— opposite to an electric generator. They
and discarded, as the electrode materials are irreversibly
operate using principles of electromagnetism, which shows
changed during discharge; a common example is the alkaline
that a force is applied when an electric current is present in a
battery used for flashlights and a multitude of portable
magnetic field. This force creates a torque on a loop of wire
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 676

present in the magnetic field, which causes the motor to spin crankshaft via a piston rod and/or connecting rod. In a pump,

and perform useful work. Motors are used in a wide range of the function is reversed and force is transferred from the

applications, such as fans, power tools, appliances, electric crankshaft to the piston for the purpose of compressing or

vehicles, and hybrid cars.According to Ampere’s Law, a wire ejecting the fluid in the cylinder. In some engines, the piston

which carries an electric current produces a magnetic field also acts as a valve by covering and uncovering ports in the

around it. Following this law, an electric motor is a device cylinder.

used to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.

Electric motors are extremely important in modern-day life.

The basic principle on which motors operate is Ampere's law.

This law states that a wire carrying an electric current

produces a magnetic field around itself.

IJSER 7.3.9. Connecting rod:-A connecting rod, also called a con

rod, is the part of a piston engine which connects the piston

to the crankshaft. Together with the crank, the connecting rod

converts the reciprocating motion of the piston into the

rotation of the crankshaft. The connecting rod is required to

transmit the compressive and tensile forces from the piston,

and rotate at both ends. The predecessor to the connecting

rod is a mechanic linkage used by water mills to convert

rotating motion of the water wheel into reciprocating motion.

7.3.8. Piston:-A piston is a component of reciprocating
The most common usage of connecting rods is in internal
engines, reciprocating pumps, gas compressors and
combustion engines and steam engines.
pneumatic cylinders, among other similar mechanisms. It is

the moving component that is contained by a cylinder and is

made gas-tight by piston rings. In an engine, its purpose is to

transfer force from expanding gas in the cylinder to the

IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 677

1000 RPM and 7 kgcm torque. This is connected to 12 V and

1.3 A DC battery. This is directly connected to the solar panel

through which it gets charged. With help of which it can be

start and stop which rotates in clockwise motion of motor. For

dropping seed we are using a hopper which is mounted at

the top of the machine. The seed from the hopper goes

down; the small hole in the bottom of the hopper is provided.

The cross cut piston arrangement is made between the gap of

the hollow mid of hopper and the bottom of the hole in the

hopper. The piston is connected to the disc with the help of

connecting rod; the whole system acts like a crankshaft

mechanism. The vertical movement of the cross cut piston

allows the appropriate amount of seeds to be placed in the


7. WORKING METHODOLOGY The basic objective of sowing operation is to put the seeds in

rows at desired depth, to maintain seed to seed spacing and

SEED SOWING to cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction
over the seed. The recommended row to row spacing, seed

rate, seed to seed spacing and depth of seed placement can

DC MOTOR vary from crop to crop and for different agroclimatic
conditions to achieve optimum yields.

This solar powered seed sowing machine basically works on

refers to the vertical movement which can be followed by an
individual body in an agricultural field and implements its 8.1.1. Seed meter mechanism
discontinuous action in relation to the horizontal line of work.
As per name indicate this machine is used for sowing seed. Rotary motion of wheels provided to the sowing shaft (which
Which includes: - will placed in seed storage tank) by sprocket or belt drive.

Due to this shaft will rotates and it drop the seed from
1. Plough the ground.
hopper. The basic objective of sowing operation is to put
2. Sow the seed inside the ploughed ground.
theseed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to
3. Cover that ploughed ground with the help of adjuster. seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide

concentrate on agriculture without the need to remember to

Wheels of the machine are rotated by the DC Motor charge this machine. The solar panel keeps on charging the
which runs with the help of battery power. Firstly a hole is battery online whenever the battery charge drops below a
ploughed with the help of 4 inch ploughing rod and with a particular level. Thus this vehicle forms a complete automated
depth of cut- 6 cm The base is run with the help of motor
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 678

solution for the problems faced by the Indian farmers today.


8.1.2. Digger mechanism 9.1. Design Calculations
Digger mechanism is used for digging and seeding. Digger

itself is used as digging tool. Digger is connected to the frame 9.1.1. Calculation for rpm and shaft radius of the motor from
by nut bolt. There are three adjustable digger. A digger has a motor power
flapper for opening into the cavity for seeding. Flapper is Assuming the force required for ploughing of the field is

connected to the hopper with the help of hose. around 200 N and n=30 rpm for motor with 8.4 watts power,
the following calculations are made,
Power=Force × Velocity
8.1.3. Seed storage tank
=200 × r × ω
Storage device is one of the important devices of the system.
=200 × 0.5 × 2π × 30/60
And is designed according to weight sustained by the robot
=314 watts
as well as the required capacity for planting. This component

Power Input, Pin = 314 Watts
is stationary. To the bottom of this tank seed sowing disc is
Power output, Pout = Pin x Efficiency
arranged as shown in figure 5. This disc serves the function of
Efficiency of an electric motor to convert electrical energy to
distribution of the seeds, as for each complete rotation of the
mechanical for the work to be done is assumed to be as 10%.
rotating wheel, only one seed falls from the tank. Also
At 10 % efficiency,
number of seeds falling from tank is varied according to
Power output, Pout = 314 x 0.1 =31.4Watts
requirements. This disc evenly opens the way to seed hence
9.1.2. To determine the shaft radius,
planting is done smoothly and accurately.
Power = Torque x angular velocity = T x ω

Power = Force x shaft radius x angular velocity

8.1.4.Power Unit
31.4 = 200 x r x ω
The power unit consists of a rechargeable battery which
r x ω = 0.157 m/sec ………. (3) ω = 2 x π x n/ 60
supplies the power for all components of the robotic vehicle.
Using above equation, equation (3) can be written as,
There is also a provision for charging the battery when the
r x n = (0.157 x 60)/2 x 3.141
battery is discharged. It also contains a solar PV panel and a
r x n = 1.499 m- rev per minute……(4) substitute in the above
charge controller. The solar energy is harnessed using the
equation (4) r = 4.59 mm, r = 5 mm (approx..)
solar PV panels and stored into the battery using a charge
At n = 60 rpm
controller. Thus this robot doesn‘t require charging and can
The moving speed of the vehicle at this rpm can be calculated
be charged using solar energy. Thus by assembling all these as,
components we can make a fully functional smart automated Velocity = angular velocity x radius of the front wheel (5)
robotic vehicle for Indian farmers. Further the entire system is Velocity = 2 x π x 60 x 0.072 / 60 = 0.4523 m/sec = 1.628
powered using solar energy which makes Indian farmers to km/hr.

worry less about charging of the robot and completely The velocity of the vehicle obtained at 60 rpm is 1.628 km/hr

concentrate on their work. which is less than average walking speed of humans i.e.,

IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 679

4km/hr. Moment = Shear force x perpendicular distance

At this speed, the area that can be covered is, Moment = 200 x 0.45 = 90 N-m

Area covered = vehicle speed x seed

space metering x 2 Area covered = 10. ADVANTAGES
1.628 x 0.02 x 2 = 65.12 m²/hr. 1. Economical.
This means on 1 acre (4046.86 m²) land, the seeds can be 2. User friendly and can be easily operated by Indian
sown in 60 hours 10 minutes. farmers.

At n =500 rpm 3. Solar powered, hence doesn‘t require charging.

The moving speed of the vehicle at this rpm can be calculated 4. Safe equipment.
5. Maintain row spacing.
Velocity = angular velocity x radius of the front wheel
6. Proper utilization of seeds can be done with less loss.
Velocity = 2 x π x 500 x 0.072/ 60 = 3.769 m/sec = 13.568
km/hr. 7. Perform the various simultaneous operations and hence

The velocity of the vehicle obtained at 500 rpm is 13.568 saves labor requirement, labor cost, labor time, total cost

km/hr which is more than average walking speed of humans of saving and can be affordable for the farmers.

i.e., 4km/hr. 8. Achieves automation in agricultural field.

At this speed, the area that can be covered is,

Area covered = Speed of the vehicle x seed space
1. Machine requires more effort in hard soil.
metering x 2 Area covered = 13.568 x 0.02 x 2 =
2. Operating force varies from land to land.
542.72 m²/hr.

This means on 1 acre (4046.86 m²) land, the seeds can be

sown in 7 hours 45 minutes. 12. FUTURE SCOPE
1. Introduction of Cutter in place of plougher can be used as
9.1.3. Calculation of distance between two seeds grass cutter equipment.
As we have maintained the gear ratio as 1 between rear 2. Using arduino can control machine through the software
wheels and the seeder, one revolution of the rear wheel will application.

transmit one revolution to seeder mechanism. 3. Addition of multi-sized toothed wheel can be attached for
As the radius of the rear wheel is 0.072 mm, for one revolution sowing of large farm.

of the rear wheel the distance (D) travelled is given by, 4. Water dripping unit could be included in seed sowing
D = 2 x π x radius of rear wheel

D = 2 x π x 0.072

D = 450 mm (approx.)
This seed plantation machine has great potential for

increasing the productivity of the planting. Till now tractor

9.1.4. Calculation of Moment
was the main traction unit for nourishment in farming. With
During the sowing process the joint of cultivator and the
the adaptation of this seed planting machine its purpose will
machine will experience force. The moment acting on the
be done. Hence there is need to promote this technology and
joint of cultivator is,

IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 10, October-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 680

made available to even small scale farmers with affordable 3. Perform the various simultaneous operations and hence

prices. This machine can be made by raw materials also which saves labour requirement so as labour cost, labour time

saves the cost of whole project and is easily manufactured in and also save lots of energy.

available workshops. Hence by using this machine we can

achieve flexibility of distance and control depth variation for

different seeds. Hence usable to all seeds.

By using this project of seed sowing equipment we can save

more time required for sowing process and also it reduces lot

of labor cost. It is very helpful for small scale farmers. After

comparing the different method of seed sowing and

limitations of the existing machine, it is concluded that the

this solar powered seed sowing machine can

1. Maintain row spacing and controls seed rate.

2. Control the seed depth and proper utilization of seeds can

be done with less loss.


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