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Casptone Project(UME893)

Submitted By:
Bhavya Suneja (101608034)
Vinayak Goel (101608166)
Vishv Pratap Singh (101608170)
Vishwas Arora (101608171)

Faculty Superviser:
Mr. Sumeet Sharma


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………(3-7)

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………….(8-9)

CHAPTER 3: MECHANICAL DESIGN…………………………………………………………............(10-14)

CHAPTER 4: ELECTRONICS & RELATED DESIGN…………………………………………........... (15-21)

CHAPTER 5: PART SPECIFICATIONS………………………………………………………………...(22-24)

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………… ..……….(25)

CHAPTER 7: REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………….(26)



Modern era is marching towards the rapid growth of all sectors including the agricultural sector. To meet the
future food demands, the farmers have to implement the new techniques which will not affect the soil texture but
will increase the overall crop production. This paper deals with the various sowing methods used in India for seed
sowing and fertilizer placement. As day by day the labour availability becomes the great concern for the farmers
and labour cost is more. Sowing is the process of planting seeds. An area or object that had seeds planted will be
described as being sowed. Among the major field crops, oats, wheat, and rye are sown, grasses and legumes are
seeded, and maize and soybeans are planted. In planting, wider rows (generally 75 cm (30 in) or more) are used,
and the intent is to have precise, even spacing between individual seeds in the row; various mechanisms have
been devised to count out individual seeds at exact intervals. This paper deals with the study of different
terminologies involved, types of existing

The major occupation of the Indian rural people is agriculture and both men and women are equally involved in
the process. Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it will continue to remain so for a long
time. It has to support almost 17% of world population from 2.3% of world geographical area and 4.2% of world
water resources.[1] For sustainable growth of India, development of agriculture plays vital role. India has huge
population and day-by-day it is growing thus demand of food is increasing. In agriculture, we see various
machines. Since long ago in India traditional method is used. In addition, India has huge manpower. This manual
planting is popular in villages of India. However, for large scale this method is very troublesome. The farmer has
to spend his more time in planting. However, time available is less for him. Thus, it requires more labor to
complete the task within stipulated time, which is costlier. In addition, more wastage happens during manual
planting. Hence, there is need of developing such a machine, which will help the farmer to reduce his efforts
while planting. This process of using machines is called as mechanization. Along with mechanization, automation
also helps to increase the efficacy of the process.

The environmental influence of agricultural production is very much in focus and the demands to the industry is
increasing. In the present scenario, most of the cities in India do not have sufficient skilled man power in
agricultural sector and that affects the progress of developing country. Therefore farmers have to use upgraded
technology for cultivation activity (digging, seed sowing etc.). Seed sowing machine which developed so far are
operated manually or there is no smartness of work done by it expect seed sowing. Manual method includes
broadcasting the seeds by hand. Sometimes method of dibbling i.e. making holes and dropping seeds by hand is
used. Also a pair of bullocks is used to carry the heavy equipment of leveling and seed dropping. So it's time to
automate the sector to overcome this problem. There is a need to study on upgrading agricultural equipment.

The various technique used in India for seed sowing and fertilizer placement are manual, ox and tractor operator.
The manual and ox operator technique are time consuming and productivity is low. Tractor is running on fossil
fuel, which emits carbon dioxide and other pollution every second. This evident has led to widespread air, water
and noise pollution and most importantly has led to a realistic energy crisis in the near future, in order to make
the development of our farmer as well as nation sustainable and cause less harm to our environment.
As mention earlier, there are various seed sowing methods used for agricultural purposes out of which some are
cost effective but require more man power. In Agribot, we are trying to reduce the cost as well as human
dependency by making it fully automated. Traditional seed sowing includes broadcasting manually, opening
furrows by a country plough and dropping seeds by hand, dropping seeds in the furrow through a bamboo/meta
flannel attached to a country plough and for sowing in small areas dibbling i.e., making holes or slits by a stick
or tool and dropping seeds manually (by hand). Thus traditional seed sowing has limitations like uniformity in
the seed distribution cannot be achieved by manual planting, poor control over depth of seed placement so that
labor requirement is high and during kharif sowing, placement of seeds at uneven depth may result in poor

Due to these reasons, the design and development of “Seed sowing machine” has been taken up. Taken care to
ensure that the cost of the machine, operational cost and maintenance cost are low. Also to reduce the weight of
the machinery, to increase the productivity of crop. Various health problems can be minimized. This product is
easy to use and less effort required as compared. It is helpful for small scaling farming.

Since our project caters to the farmers, we could not use google forms directly to conduct our survey. We
approached the farmers working in the fields behind hostel K in our college and also spoke to our friends whose
families have agricultural background. We kept the line of questioning very simple and to the point.

Q. Is the seed sowing process a time consuming and tiring task?

Ans- Yes

Q. Is it possible for every farmer to purchase a tractor for this purpose?

Ans- No

Q. How important is the depth and the required distance between the seeds important during seed sowing?

Ans- Very important

Q. Does the seed sowing process has led to health problems such as body aches and pain in the joints?

Ans- Yes


v Required Spacing

There are different methods of sowing such as Broadcasting, Dibbling, Drilling, Seed dropping behind the plough,
Transplanting, Hill dropping and Check row planting. Our project implements the Hill dropping method of seed
sowing. In this method, seeds are dropped at fixed spacing and not in a continuous stream. Thus the spacing
between plant to plant in a row is constant. In case of drills, the seeds are dropped in continuous stream and the
spacing between plant to plant in a row is not constant. To achieve hill dropping, the agribot moves at a constant
desired speed (1 m/s) and then the RPM of the seed metering disc is adjusted according to the distance

v Required Depth

Every seed has a unique planting depth based on its overall size. In general, a seed's planting depth is
approximately two to three times its diameter size. However, there are exceptions to this rule, making it imperative
to follow the planting instructions for your particular plant species. Depending on the plant, some seeds need a
deep planting location so that subsequent roots grow deeply for solid anchoring. Other plant seeds need to lay on
top of the soil without any coverage for successful germination. All of the seeds' preferred planting depths depends
on their natural environment and evolutionary development. Therefore, plantation depth of the seed is a very vital
factor in the sowing process. The required depth is achieved by using a plunger installed at the front of bot which
can achieve variable depths for different kinds of seeds.

v Soil Cover

Once the seed is planted, it needs to be covered by soil otherwise the wind could displace the seed or it could take
up moisture from air and thus effect its germination. To achieve this, a small plunger will be installed at the back
of agribot which will cover the seeds with soil after they have been planted at required depth.

v Automation

One of the major issue which our agribot provides the solution to is the health problems faced by farmers during
the seed sowing process. Musculoskeletal disorders due to sowing by bending and sowing are very common
among farmers. The agribot is automated and preprogrammed. It uses sensors for obstacle detection and turns
with the help of these sensors. The agribot is able to cover the entire field in one go without needing any human
interference. The batteries used to drive the motors will be capable of driving the agribot for considerable distance
and time in a single charge

v Environment friendly

Currently, tractor is the most used technological equipment for seed sowing. Tractor runs on fossil fuel, which
emits carbon dioxide and other pollution every second. This evident has led to widespread air, water and noise
pollution and most importantly has led to a realistic energy crisis in the near future, in order to make the
development of our farmer as well as nation sustainable and cause less harm to our environment. Our machine
works on batteries, whose contribution to air and water pollution is significantly lower than fossil fuels.

v Cost and size efficient

As stated earlier, to reduce the burden of the process from man to machine, the most widely used option is tractor.
But a tractor costs a lot for an average farmer and it also takes up a lot of space. The agribot is very small in size
compared to a tractor and it certainly costs a lot less than a tractor, so it makes it affordable to be used by an
average farmer.


• Project finalization and initiation

Sept-Oct • Review of previous work, need and optimised approach

• Rough design, movement calculations, material selection

Nov-Dec • Finalisation of seed sowing mechanism and chassis design

• Final design, load analysis, cost analysis

Jan-Feb • Material procurement and fabrication(start)

• Material procurement and fabrication(complete)

Mar-Apr • Test runs



In the present scenario most of the countries do not have sufficient skilled man power in agricultural sector and
that affects the growth of developing countries. Therefore, farmers have to use upgraded technology for
cultivation activity (digging, seed sowing, fertilizing, spraying etc.). So, it’s a time to automate the sector to
overcome this problem which in turn will also eliminate the requirement of labours and also avoid the wastage of


As we are interested in Embedded Electronics based projects and there are many advantages of the embedded
system as well in spite of the electronics-based projects. We can control the speed of the DC motor which is an
electrical component by using a delay in the source coding. We are motivated for doing this project because it is
an autonomous agriculturally based project and here, we get to deal with the controller, its interfacing with the dc
motors, interfacing with the ultrasonic sensor, and the seed metering device to control the flow of seeds into the

I)Kyada, A. R, Patel, D. B. [2014][2] focused on the basic requirements for small scale cropping machines are,
they should be suitable for small farms, simple in design and technology and versatile for use in different farm
operations. A manually operated template row planter was designed and developed to improve planting efficiency
and reduce drudgery involved in manual planting method. Seed planting is also possible for different size of seed
at variable depth and space between two seed. Also,it increased seed planting, seed/fertilizer placement accuracies
and it was made of durable and cheap material affordable for the small-scale peasant farmers. The operating,
adjusting and maintaining principles were made simple for effective handling by unskilled operators (farmers).

Conclusion: This research paper presents seed planter machine. In this they present objective of seed planter
machine design, factors affecting seed emergence, some mechanisms. The basic objective of sowing operation is
to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and
provide proper compaction over the seed. From this we know that mechanical factors effects on seed germination
like uniformity of depth of placement of seed, uniformity of distribution of seed along rows. In this power
transmission mechanism, seed meter mechanisms, plunger mechanism etc. mechanisms‟ are used. The working
as machine is pushed; power wheel is rotating which transmit power to plunger through chain and sprocket
mechanism. From this we get idea that if we use the belt having small holes with defined thickness then it is
beneficial for our project.

II)D.Ramesh, H.P. Girishkuma [2014][3] mainly focused on the basic objective of sowing operation is to put
the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide
proper compaction over the seed. The recommended row to row spacing, seed rate, seed to seed spacing and depth

of seed placement vary from crop to crop and for different ago-climatic conditions to achieve optimum yields.
Seed sowing devices plays a wide role in agriculture field.

Conclusion:The basic objective of sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and
seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seed. In this multipurpose
seeding machine equipment consists of cylindrical shape container in which the seeds can fill. The container is
attached on the four wheeled carrier assembly. It consists of metering plate bevel gear mechanism and two holes
at the bottom depending on seed size. The working as plate will rotate in container when the bottom holes of
container and meter plate hole coincide seeds will flow through pipe to soil. Here the metering plate gets rotating
motion by bevel gear assembly and the bevel gears get the motion by rear wheels with the help chain and sprocket

III)Roshan V Marode, Gajanan P Tayade [2013][4]focused on the seed feed rate is more but the time required
for the total operation is more and the total cost is increased due to labour, hiring of equipment. The conventional
seed sowing machine is less efficient, time consuming. Today’s era is marching towards the rapid growth of all
sectors including the agricultural sector. To meet the future food demands, the farmers have to implement the
new techniques which will not affect the soil texture but will increase the overall crop production. Agriculture in
India has a significant history. Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Still, agriculture is
demographically the broadest economic sector and plays a significant role in the overall socio-economic fabric
of India. This paper deals with the various sowing methods used in India for seed sowing and fertilizer placement.
The comparison between the traditional sowing method and the new proposed machine which can perform a
number of simultaneous operations, has number of advantages.

Conclusion: This paper gives types sowing machine. The following are the three different types of seed sowing
are broadcasting: The field is then seeded by throwing the seeds over the field, a method known as manual
broadcasting. The result was a field planted roughly in rows, but having a large number of plants. When the seeds
are scattered randomly with the help of hand on the soil, the method is called broadcasting. Dribbling: Drill
sowing and dribbling (making small holes in the ground for seeds) are better method of sowing the seeds. Once
the seeds are put in the holes, they are then covered with the soil. Comparing the different traditional seed sowing
methods with the proposed machine and considering its limitations, it is concluded that -:

1) Seed and fertilizer flow rate can be controlled.

2) Row spacing and seed spacing process can be achieved.

3) Seed and fertilizer utilization can be done in proper manner with minimum loss.


The main focus while designing the agribot was to minimize its size and at the same time not to sacrifice the
strength of the entire unit. Basic L members made up of mild steel were used to design the chassis

Figure 1 Final Assembly

Figure 3 Figure 2

To design the agribot, certain calculations were required for the desired output to be achieved. The first step in
those calculations was to calculate the weight of the agribot.

Total weight of bot = 25 kg(including body, tyres, shafts, plunger)

Maximum weight of seeds to be put in the bot = 5 kg

Total weight(M) = 30 kg.(use 40 kg considering FOS)

Diameter of tyres used(D) = 42 cm

Rolling frictional coefficient(R) = 0.08[5]

Total frictional force experienced by tyres = M*R*g = 40*0.08*10 = 32 N (a)

Now, before moving forward, one more factor has to be taken into consideration to calculate the total force needed
to overcome by the vehicle. To deliver the seeds at the required depth, a plunger is installed at the front of the
vehicle which creates desired depth.

The tilling force experienced by plunger for a vehicle at 1 m/s at a maximum depth of 5 cm 300N[6]

So, force due to plunger = 300 N (b)

Total force = (a) + (b) = 332 N

Speed of agribot(v) = 1m/s

Power requirement of the entire bot = F*v = 332 W

Power requirement at each wheel = 332/2 = 166 W

Force on each tyre(F) = 332/2 = 166 N

Torque Required on each tyre = F*D/2 = (166*42/2)/100 N-m = 34.86 N-m

Now, for the bot to move at 1 m/s (desired speed of the vehicle)

v= 1m/s = (2*3.14*N*D)/60*2 (N=rpm delivered to wheel)

N = 45.5 rpm


To drive the bot with required power, two separate motors are used for the two wheels. The motors used have the
following specifications : Power- 220 W, RPM- 1150, rated torque = 1.6 N-m[7]

Now, rpm of motor = 1150 (c)

Rpm required by tyre = 45.5 (d)

Reduction ratio = (c)/(d) =25.2

Reduction ratio*rated torque = 1.6*25 = 40 N-m, which is greater than torque required at each tyre.

Since the reduction of 25.2 cannot be achieved in one go, the transmission system consists of reduction twice

Gear reduction needed in one go = 25.2^0.5 = 5.06 = 5

The transmission system consists of 2 sprockets of 50 teeth and 10 teeth each on each side of the agribot.

6 shafts in total are used in the transmission system (3 on each side).


The seed sowing mechanism consists of the following parts :


The hopper acts as a reservoir of seeds for the machine. The seeds are initially placed in the hopper. It is a
rectangular box with a funnel shaped bottom which ends inside the seed basket. Its job is to deliver the seeds into
the seed basket.

The hopper delivers the seeds into the seed basket. The seed basket is a rectangular box inside which, the seed
metering disc rotates. It also acts as a cover for the metering disc. It contains an opening in one side, which is
further connected to a L shaped tunnel. The metering disc delivers the seed through this opening into the tunnel
and finally through the tunnel, into the ground.


It is a 120 mm diameter rotating circular disc containing 20 slots spread across the circumference of the disc.
The slots act as pick-up and delivery service for the seeds. The seeds that enter the seed basket get stuck in these

slots during the first half of the rotation of the disc and get delivered into the L-shaped tunnel during the second
half of the rotation. The disc is driven by a small motor and the rotating speed of the disc has to be varied for
different seeds. Taking example for a carrot seed with a required distance of 5 cm between consecutive seeds.

• Speed of the agribot = 1 m/sec = 100cm/sec.

• Required distance between seeds for carrot plant = 5 cm

• Distance covered in 1 sec = 100 cm

• No. of seeds to be delivered per sec = 100/5 = 20

• Seed delivering of plate in 1 rotation = 20

• No of rotation of plate required in 1 sec = 20/20 =1

• Speed of meter plate in RPM = 1*60 = 60 RPM.

The electronics component is used to control the speed of the DC motors, determine the speed of rotation of the
seed metering disc, thus controlling the seed flow rate, integrate the ultrasonic sensors with the agribot to help
turn whenever necessary thereby completely automating the agribot.

Hardware Required

Sr. No. Item Quantity

1 Arduino UNO 1
2 Motor Driver IC 2
3 DC Motors 3
4 6 AA Batteries -
5 Jumper wires -
6 Ultrasonic sensor 3

Arduino UNO- AtMega 328P

ArduinoUno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6
can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an
ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller.

Figure 4

Microcontroller ATmega328P
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
Input Voltage (limit) 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
PWM Digital I/O Pins 6
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 20 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328P)
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328P)
Clock Speed 16 MHz
Length 68.6 mm
Width 53.4 mm
Weight 25 g

Motor Driver IC – L293D

The Motor Driver is a module for motors that allows you to control the working speed and direction of two motors
simultaneously. This Motor Driver is designed and developed based on L293D IC. L293D is a 16 Pin Motor
Driver IC. This is designed to provide bidirectional drive currents at voltages from 5 V to 36 V. One IC can
control two individual motors. Therefore, we will be needing 2 IC’s, one for wheel motors and the other for seed
metering disc.[8]

Figure 5

The L293D motor driver IC actually has two power input pins viz. ‘Vcc1’ and ‘Vcc2’. Vcc1 is used for driving
the internal logic circuitry which should be 5V. From Vcc2 pin the H-Bridge gets its power for driving the motors
which can be 4.5V to 36V. And they both sink to a common ground named GND. [8]

Using the direction control pins, we can control whether the motor spins forward or backward. These pins actually
control the switches of the H-Bridge circuit inside L293D IC.The IC has two direction control pins for each
channel. The IN1,IN2 pins control the spinning direction of the motor A while IN3,IN4 control motor B. Here,
motor A refers the motor connected to the RHS wheel & motor B refers to the motor connected to LHS wheel.

The spinning direction of a motor can be controlled by applying either a logic HIGH (5 Volts) or logic
LOW(Ground) to these pins. The below chart illustrates how this is done.The speed control pins
viz. ENA and ENB are used to turn ON, OFF and control speed of motor A and motor B respectively.Pulling
these pins HIGH will make the motors spin, pulling it LOW will make them stop. But, with Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM), we can actually control the speed of the motors.

Ultrasonic Sensor- HC SR04

Figure 6

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic (US) sensor is a 4 pin module, whose pin names are Vcc, Trigger, Echo and Ground
respectively. This sensor is a very popular sensor used in many applications where measuring distance or sensing
objects are required. The module has two eyes like projects in the front which forms the Ultrasonic transmitter
and Receiver. The sensor works with the simple high school formula thatDistance = Speed × Time. The
Ultrasonic transmitter transmits an ultrasonic wave, this wave travels in air and when it gets objected by any
material it gets reflected back toward the sensor this reflected wave is observed by the Ultrasonic receiver module.
The 3 sensors will be installed on the agribot, two on LHS & RHS and one on the front. Based on the distance
between the agribot and the object (slight uphill on the end of the fields), we will code accordingly to turn the


In order to have a complete control over DC motor, we have to control its speed and rotation direction. This can
be achieved by combining these two techniques.

PWM – For controlling speed

H-Bridge – For controlling rotation direction

PWM – For controlling speed

The speed of a DC motor can be controlled by varying its input voltage. A common technique for doing this is to
use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). PWM is a technique where average value of the input voltage is adjusted
by sending a series of ON-OFF pulses.The average voltage is proportional to the width of the pulses known
as Duty Cycle.The higher the duty cycle, the greater the average voltage being applied to the dc motor(High
Speed) and the lower the duty cycle, the less the average voltage being applied to the dc motor(Low Speed).

Figure 7


• Connect external 9V power supply to the Vcc2 pin.

• Supply 5 Volts for the L293D’s logic circuitry. Connect Vcc1 pin to 5V output on Arduino. Make sure to
common all the grounds in the circuit.
• Now, the input and enable pins(ENA, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 and ENB) of the L293D IC are connected to six
Arduino digital output pins(9, 8, 7, 5, 4 and 3). Note that the Arduino output pins 9 and 3 are both PWM-
• Finally, connect one motor to across OUT1 & OUT2 and the other motor across OUT3 & OUT4.

Figure 8

Similarly, the DC motor to control the rotation speed of the seed metering disc can be interfaced with the other
L293D IC on the same breadboard and Arduino. The ultrasonic sensors will also be wired on the breadboard by
supplying Vcc & Gnd and obtaining the output through Arduino which will decide the turn of the agribot.

Once all the connections are completed, the next step is to generate the Arduino code to set the pins as
output/input, declare the necessary variables, assign the respective values & compile the code.[9]


// Motor A connections
int enA = 9;
int in1 = 8;
int in2 = 7;
// Motor B connections
int enB = 3;
int in3 = 5;
int in4 = 4;

voidsetup() {
// Set all the motor control pins to outputs
PinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
PinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
PinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
PinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);

// Turn off motors - Initial state

DigitalWrite(in1, LOW);
DigitalWrite(in2, LOW);
DigitalWrite(in3, LOW);
DigitalWrite(in4, LOW);

voidloop () {
speedControl ();
delay (1000);
voidspeedControl () {
// Turn on motors
DigitalWrite (in1, LOW);
DigitalWrite (in2, HIGH);
DigitalWrite (in3, LOW);
DigitalWrite (in4, HIGH);

// Accelerate from zero to maximum speed

for (int i = 0; i <256; i++) {

analogWrite (enA, i);
analogWrite (enB, i);
delay (20);

// Decelerate from maximum speed to zero

for (int i = 255; i >= 0; --i) {
analogWrite (enA, i);
analogWrite (enB, i);
delay (20);

// Now turn off motors

DigitalWrite (in1, LOW);
DigitalWrite (in2, LOW);
DigitalWrite (in3, LOW);
DigitalWrite (in4, LOW);

Code Explanation

In setup section of code, all the motor control pins are declared as digital OUTPUT and pulled LOW to
turn both the motors OFF. In loop section of the code, we call the user defined function at an interval of

speedControl() – This function accelerates both the motors from zero to maximum speed by producing PWM
signals using analogWrite() function, then it decelerates them back to zero. Finally, it turns the motors off.






This Automated seed sowing Agribot has considerable potential to increase productivity. The chassis handles the
complete weight of hopper with seeds, battery, motors and the hardware mounted on Agribot which is able to
perform each and every operation skillfully and successfully. The seed sowing operation is critically calculated
and structured with the feature of adapting to variable ground type and delivering desired results for variety of
seeds. The electronics system is what makes the agribot intelligent enough to perform the desired functions.

Innovative Seed sowing equipment’s has remarkable influence in agriculture. By using this innovative project of
seed sowing equipment we can save more time required for sowing process and also it reduces lot of laborer cost.
It is very helpful for small scale formers as it weighs less. After comparing the different method of seed sowing
and limitations of the existing machine, it is concluded that the this seed sowing machine can:

• Maintain row spacing and controls seed rate.

• Control the seed depth and proper utilization of seeds can be done with less loss.

• Perform the various simultaneous operations and hence saves labor requirement so as labor cost, labor
time and also save lots of energy

Hence it is easily affordable by farmers. So we feel that this project serves something good to this world and we
would like to present it before this prosperous world.


[1] International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Suraj V Upadhyaya, Vijaya
Vittala Gowda G,Poojith M B, Vikranth Kumar K

[2 ]A. R. Kyada & D. B Patel,DEC 2014 “Design And Development Of Manually Operated Seed Planter Machine” of
Lecture 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) ,
IIT Guwahati, Assam, India. Vol 2.

[3] D. Ramesh , H.P. Girishkumar,JULY 2014“ Agriculture Seed Sowing Equipments: A Review” , ISSN N0.:2278-

[4] Roshan V. Marode, P.Gajanan, and K.Swapnil ,OCT 2013 “Design & Implementation of Multiseed Sowing Machine”,
Vol : 2,No. 4, ISSN No.: 2278-0149, patented.


[6] Irshad Ali Mari, Changying Ji, Farman Ali Chandio, Chuadry Arslan, Asma Sattar and Fiaz Ahmad. Spatial
distribution of soil forces on moldboard plough and draft requirement operated in silty-clay paddy field soil.Journal of
Terramechanics. 60, 2015, 1-9.





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