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Presentación Historia

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►Present day Mexico is basically the result of
and the encounter between two worlds: the
Geography of European and the American.
pre-Hispanic ►The American world, and particularly the
cultures, territory we inhabit today as a country,
possessed enormous cultural and natural
travels and richness. Before the arrival of the Spaniards,
exploration this territory was inhabited by a variety of
peoples. Great civilizations now referred to as
pre-Hispanic cultures emerged from such
groups. Their history spans from the arrival of
the first humans on the continent up to the
Amongst the several theories about the origin of the first
inhabitants of America, the most accepted one suggests Asian
animals and tribes crossed over the Bering Strait, which
separates Siberia from Alaska, then joined by a thick layer of
Smiling face,
Totonac clay
sculpture, Veracruz
Detail of a Mayan
Stela found in
The Lord of Las
Limas, Olmec
Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan
Discovery of the New
World by Christopher
Columbus, created by Colin
Classwork 1.

► Describe the historical importance of these pictures.


1. How many centuries BC and how many AD are represented in

the timeline?
2. How many stages or periods correspond to the history of
Mexico and what are they?
3. How many years passed between the arrival of the Spanish in
Mexican territory to the establishment of New Spain?

4. How many time periods correspond to events around

the world and what are they?
5. Write what was happening in the world while
pre-Hispanic cultures flourished in Mexico and what was
happening elsewhere while the conquest was taking place.
Compare your answers with the rest of the group.
Classwork 3.
► What periods does the map illustrate?
► What continent does it show?
► Where are the oldest cultures located?
► Which cultures inhabited Mesoamérica simultaneously?
► Which cultures inhabited Aridoamerica and Oasisamerica?
► Examine and explain the reasons each area received its name.

► What was the first territory colonized?

► Where did it expanded to?
► How far did the territory expand in the 18th century
►How long ago did these migrations take place, if we take into account the datings
of the oldest traces of human groups in North America and South America?
Several researchers have some to the conclusion that they might have happened
between the years 70,000 and 23,000 BC.

► These migrants settles slowly in all the American territory, but it was in the
region known as Mesoamerica where climate, soil, and nearness to important
rivers – or, in some cases, the sea – favoured the development of spendorous
pre-Hispanic civilizations like the Olmec, Huastec, Mayan, Teotihuacán, Zapotec,
Mixtec, Purepechan, Toltec and Mexica (map1.1)

►Some of these cultures saw their development interrupted by the arrival of

Europeans in America.
► In the 16th century, Europeans found themselves in need of exploring and establishing
new commercial routes to the East because the usual commercial routes were blocked by
the Turks. Therefore, taking advantage of the geographical location, Portugal sent
expeditions that took it around Africa to India and China. Spain, the other country in the
Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal, a privileged geographical location for the
search of new maritime routes, organized by its first explorations.
► The most important one was led by Christopher Columbus, who, looking for a new
commercial route to Asia by crossing the Atlantic Ocean, arrived to what is today
America. With his arrival, Columbus encouraged other sailors to take to sea in search of
new commercial routes. 25 years later, Francisco Hernández de Córdoba, Juan de
Grijalva, Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, Hernán Cortés, and others followed.
► The European arrival to the territory we now know as Mexico, in the early 16th century,
marked the establishment of what the European Conquistadors named New Spain, one of
the most important Spanish colonies in America. The process implied a violent
domination, the extraction of precious minerals, a cruel government of the Spanish
Crown, as well as the spiritual and religious conversion of the original inhabitants of
Classwork 4.

► Draw a world map on a poster. Find the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the five
continents on the map; colour Mesoamerica green, Oasis America purple and Arid
America yellow.
► Trace the route that brought Christopher Columbus to America
► Discuss the importance of European Voyages of exploration to find new trade
routes and write them in your notebook.
The American and Mexican Settlement.

The pre-Hispanic history of Mexico is the name that historians designated to the historical
period before the year 1519 when the Spanish soldiers arrived and conquered the
indigenous people who lived in what is now Mexico. This long period of time started with
the arrival of the first humans over 12,000 years ago, although there are researches who
claim that there were groups who came a long time before that.

In this lesson we will study the first stage of this period (from the year 12000 BC until 3000
BC, approximately) to explain how the territory of Mexico was populated and how the
groups pf humans lived when they arrived.
The origin of humanity and the population of America.
The humans arrived in what is today Mexico as part of a much bigger movement: the population of the plant by the
Homo sapiens sapiens, the species that we belong to.

Modern humans, as they are also called, we developed in Africa approximately 150,00 years ago (although some
recent investigations suggest an older age). They were the product of a larger evolution that transformed the species
of hominins, that is to say, the ancestors and relatives of our species.

From more than half a million years ago, the hominins began to walk upright, allowing them to use their hands to
make stone tools and cook their food using fire. It is very probable that the Homo sapiens sapiens were the first to
talk, even though other species of hominins like the Neanderthals , also maybe achieved it.

The members of our species organized themselves into small groups (called after the archeologists groups) to find
food and look after themselves. To do this, they manufactured stone tools like spearheads, knives and scrapers to tan
leather. They also had a complex life ritual, they honoured their dead and they surely composed music and songs and

In various caves around the world, like in those of the Sierra of Saint Francisco in the peninsula of Baja California,
these first humans made beautiful paintings that represented scenes of hunting rituals and festivities. Though these
means we can imagine what they thought and what were their beliefs.
Over tens of thousands of years, the Homo sapiens sapiens migrated around Africa, Europe and Asia. From there they
passed to Oceania and finally to America, the most remote and isolated continent.
Various theories exist about how this population occurred. The most probable is that the immigrants
traveled across the north of Asia to North America by the Bering Strait which separates the peninsulas of
Kamchatka and Alaska, approximately 15,000 years ago when the planet underwent an ice age: period of
extremely low temperatures.

Due to the ice age, the ice caps in the 2 poles were much more extensive than they are now and part of
the water of the oceans was frozen which made the seal level lower. Because of this, a bridge of land
formed to join the two continents. Per archeologists, different groups of people crossed this bridge
throughout the thousands of years that it was available and they slowly advanced to population the
whole continent that we know as America.

Even though this theory is more accepted among archeologists, they have made findings of apparently
older remains in various regions of America (including Mexico), that suggest that there could have been
humans on the American continent 30,000 years ago or more. However, it is not clear how these groups
arrived to America and there are arguments about the accuracy of these dates, that is to say about the
way the age is measured.
Classwork 5.

Map of possible routes that the homo

sapiens took to populate the planet -

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