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Gustillo Vs Dela Cruz

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A.C. No. 12318 (Formerly CBD Case No. 16-4972) - ATTY. FRANCIS V.



A.C. No. 12318 (Formerly CBD Case No. 16-4972), October 15, 2019





This administrative case stems from the complaint-affidavit filed by Atty. Francis V.
Gustilo (complainant) in the Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) of the Integrated Bar
of the Philippines (IBP) seeking to disbar Atty. Estefano H. De La Cruz (respondent) for
his non-compliance with the requirements of the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
(MCLE) program, and for knowingly using a false MCLE compliance number in his


The respective versions of the parties as summarized by the CBD-IBP are as follows:


Complainant alleges that Respondent is the lawyer for Spouses Melchor and Malyn
Macian, who were the respondents in an ejectment case filed by Complainant's clients.
During the trial of the case before the Metropolitan Trial Court in Makati, Respondent
allegedly used a non-existent MCLE Compliance number (IV-001565). On appeal of the
ejectment case, Respondent allegedly used again a fictitious MCLE Compliance number
when he filed a Memorandum of Appeal.

Further, Complainant alleges that the Respondent used MCLE Compliance IV Number
001565 and that, in reality, Respondent used the number assigned to Atty. Ariel Osabel
Labra who was issued MCLE Compliance No. 001565.

To prove the charge, Complainant attached a Certification from the MCLE Office
certifying that ATTY. ESTEPANO HILVANO DELA CRUZ has no compliance/exemption for
the Second Compliance, Third Compliance Period, Fourth Compliance Period, and Fifth
Compliance Period. He also attached copies of the pages (showing Respondent's MCLE
Compliance number as 001565) of a Manifestation and Compliance and Memorandum
on Appeal. Lastly, Complainant attached a copy of a Manifestation and Motion filed by
Respondent where Respondent indicated his MCLE Number as 001565.




Respondent [claimed] that he is possibly exempted from the MCLE requirements. He

explains that Section 5 of B.M. No. 850, October 2, 2001, cites the following as
exempted from the MCLE requirement: a. The Executive - x xx Chief State IBP
Investigating Commissioner, and Assistant Secretaries of the Department of Justice; x
xx f. Local Government - Governors and mayor [x] x x" because he served as Assistant
City IBP Investigating Commission of the Office of the City IBP Investigating
Commissioner for Makati City, National Prosecution Service of the Department of Justice
and retired from government service on July 18,2015, he may file a request for
exemption from compliance.2

IBP's Report and Recommendation

In his Report and Recommendation, 3 the Investigating Commissioner of the CBD found
that the respondent had falsely indicated a non-existent MCLE compliance number on
more than one occasion when he filed his pleadings in the ejectment case, thereby
committing an evident violation of Canon 1, Canon 7, and Canon 10 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility; and recommended his suspension from the practice of law
for one year.4

The Investigating Commissioner observed that not only did the respondent not disclose
the required MCLE information in his pleadings but he also knowingly violated the MCLE
requirements by not attending the second to fifth compliance periods, and by indicating
a false MCLE compliance number to make it appear that he had been MCLE compliant. 5

On December 7, 2017, the IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the
Investigating Commissioner's Report and Recommendation. 6


Is the respondent guilty of violating Canon 1, Canon 7 and Canon 10 of the Code of

Professional Responsibility when he: (1) used a non-existent MCLE compliance number
in the pleadings that he filed; and (2) failed to submit proof of his compliance for the
second, third, fourth and fifth compliance periods?

Ruling of the Court

The Court affirms the findings of the Investigating Commissioner of the CBD as adopted
and approved by the IBP Board of Governors, but modifies the recommended penalty.
Bar Matter No. 1922 (entitled Re: Recommendation of the Mandatory Continuing Legal
Education (MCLE) Board to Indicate in All Pleadings Filed with the Courts the Counsel's
MCLE Certificate of Compliance and Certificate of Exemption), as amended on January
14, 2014, expressly directs attorneys to indicate their MCLE certificate of compliance or
certificate of exemption in all the pleadings they file in the courts. The requirement
ensures that the practice of the law profession is reserved only for those who have
complied with the recognized mechanism for "keep[ing] abreast with law and
jurisprudence, maintain[ing] the ethics of the profession, and enhanc[ing] the
standards of the practice of law." 7 "This requirement is not a mere frivolity," according
to Intestate Estate of Jose Uy v. Maghari III:8

x x x To willfully disregard it is, thus, to willfully disregard mechanisms put in place to

facilitate integrity, competence, and credibility in legal practice; it is to betray apathy
for the ideals of the legal profession and demonstrates how one is wanting of the
standards for admission to and continuing inclusion in the bar. Worse, to not only
willfully disregard them but to feign compliance only, in truth, to make a mockery of
them reveals a dire, wretched, and utter lack of respect for the profession that one

Under the circumstances, the Investigating Commissioner correctly found the

respondent to have acted in manifest bad faith, dishonesty, and deceit. 10 The
respondent had willfully contravened the requirement under B.M. No. 1922 by
concealing his non-compliance with the use of the fictitious MCLE compliance number in
his pleadings in the ejectment case. He had not also met the MCLE requirements
corresponding to the second, third, fourth and fifth compliance periods. His actuations
were designed to mislead the courts, his client and his colleagues in the profession, as
well as all other persons who might have trusted in his representation of his

We note that the respondent did not refute the charge against him. 12 Instead, he
misrepresented that he would be seeking his exemption from the requirement based on
his having served as Assistant City IBP Investigating Commissioner for Makati City, his
having worked in the National Prosecution Service of the Department of Justice, and his
having retired from government service on July 18, 2015. At best, his
misrepresentations were another occasion for him to mislead, for he did not thereby
show any honest effort to explain or to justify his non-compliance and concealment of
his deficient status in the MCLE program. To be sure, he did not present any certificate
or other acceptable proof to substantiate his proposed exemption.

The respondent was definitely guilty of violating Canon 1, Canon 7 and Canon 10 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility, which state:

CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the constitution, obey the laws of the land and
promote respect for law and for legal processes.

CANON 7 — A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal
profession, and support the activities of the integrated bar.

CANON 10 — A lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith to the court.
Pursuant to B.M. No. 1922, as amended, any attorney who fails to indicate in the
pleadings filed in court the MCLE certificate of compliance or certificate of exemption
may be subject to appropriate penalty and disciplinary action, like a fine of P2,000.00
for the first offense, P3,000.00 for the second offense, and P4,000.00 for the third
offense; and, in addition to the fine, he may be listed as a delinquent member of the
Integrated Bar, pursuant to Section 2, Rule 13 of B.M. No. 850 and its implementing
rules and regulations; and he shall be discharged from the case and the client/s shall be
allowed to secure the services of a new attorney with the concomitant right to demand
the return of fees already paid to the noncompliant attorney.

The severity of the penalty imposed on non-compliant attorneys depends on the

circumstances obtaining in the case. In Arnado v. Adaza,13 the respondent attorney was
suspended from the practice of law for a period of six months for non-compliance with
the MCLE requirements for the first, second, third, and fourth compliance periods. In
the cited ruling in Intestate Estate of Jose Uy v. Maghari III,14 the penalty was
suspension from the practice of law for two years for deliberately using a false IBP
official receipt number, professional tax receipt number, Roll of Attorneys number, and
MCLE compliance, and for using another lawyer's details seven times. In Mapalad, Sr.
v. Echanez,15 the attorney was disbarred for using a false MCLE compliance number in
his pleadings, and for disobeying legal orders, taking into consideration that he had
already been sanctioned twice in other cases.

Herein, the IBP Board of Governors recommended the respondent's suspension from
the practice of law for one year. Yet, the recommendation was incompatible with the
grossness of the respondent's actuations which amounted to dishonesty and deception.
He had thereby committed not only a brazen disregard of the clear requirements of
B.M. No. 1922 but also deceived the trial court, his client, and the general public,
including his professional colleagues, on his status of good standing in the Integrated

Taking all the circumstances herein into account, the Court declares that the proper
penalty to be imposed on the respondent is disbarment, take effect upon notice of this
decision. This extreme penalty is fully called for in view of the serious affront that the
respondent displayed towards the Supreme Court no less in disregarding the objectives
of the MCLE program adopted under B.M. No. 1922, and of the cavalier foisting of his
concealment on the courts, his clients and the public in general, including his colleagues
in the Integrated Bar. Disbarment is in accord with Section 27, Rule 38 of the Rules of
Court, which provides:

SEC. 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme Court; grounds therefor.

— A member of the bar may be disbarred or suspended from his office as attorney by
the Supreme Court for any deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in
such office, x x x or for any violation of the oath which he is required to take
before admission to practice. x x x (Bold underscoring supplied for emphasis)

The actuations of the respondent deserved to be severely punished in order to foster

respect towards the Supreme Court, and to enhance fealty to the Rule of Law. He made
himself totally unworthy of the title of attorney and of the privilege and standing of a
member of the law profession in this country. We should be intolerant of his kind, for
we have no place for individuals like him who openly abuse the privilege of membership
in the law profession for all the devious and dubious reasons. Although they may
escape notice at times, we must keep on reminding him and all others similarly
disposed that the time for reckoning may be long in coming at times but it will be
decisive and unforgiving when it does. This, because all members of the Philippine Bar
shall remain as such only when they genuinely and sincerely value good conduct and
ethical behavior. As we noted in Barrios v. Martinez:16

Of all classes and professions, the lawyer is most sacredly bound to uphold the laws. He
is their sworn servant; and for him, of all men in the world, to repudiate and override
the laws, to trample them underfoot and to ignore the very bands of society, argues
recreancy to his position and office and sets a pernicious example to the insubordinate
and dangerous elements of the body politic.


LA CRUZ to have violated Canon 1, Canon 7, and Canon 10 of the  Code of Professional
Responsibility through his unlawful, dishonest, and deceitful conduct; DISBARS him
effective upon receipt of this decision; and ORDERS his name to be stricken off the Roll
of Attorneys.

Let a copy of this decision be attached to the respondent's personal records in the
Office of the Bar Confidant.

Furnish a copy of this decision to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines for its
information and guidance; and the Office of the Court Administrator for dissemination
to all courts of the Philippines.


Bersamin (C.J.), Carpio, Peralta, Perlas-Bernabe, Leonen, Caguioa, A. Reyes, Jr.,

Gesmundo, Hernando, Carandang, Lazaro-Javier, Inting, and Zalameda, JJ., concur.
J. Reyes, Jr., J., on leave.

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