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Verhaeghen Borchelt Smith 2003

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Health Psychology Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

2003, Vol. 22, No. 6, 559 –569 0278-6133/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.22.6.559

Relation Between Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease and Cognition

in Very Old Age: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Findings From the
Berlin Aging Study

Paul Verhaeghen Markus Borchelt

Syracuse University Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Jacqui Smith
Max Planck Institute for Human Development

This study documented findings on the relation between cognitive functioning (perceptual speed,
memory, fluency, and knowledge) and cardiovascular and metabolic disease in a sample of very old
adults (ages 70 and older), both cross-sectionally (n ⫽ 516) and longitudinally (n ⫽ 206) in a 4-year
follow-up. After age, SES, sex, and dementia status were controlled for, 4 diagnoses were negatively
associated with cognition: congestive heart failure, stroke, coronary heart disease, and diabetes mellitus,
with a joint effect of 0.47 standard deviations. The impact of disease status was largest on perceptual
speed and fluency, memory was impacted only by diabetes, and knowledge was not related to any
somatic diagnosis. There was no differential decline in participants diagnosed with 1 of these 4 diseases
and those who were not. The only cardiovascular risk factor associated with cognitive performance was
alcohol consumption.

Key words: cognition, diabetes, cardiovascular health, aging

As people grow older, their performance on cognitive and pathological cognitive aging is relatively scarce (for an overview,
intellectual tests typically declines (for meta-analyses, see Verhae- see Bäckman, Small, Wahlin, & Larsson, 2000).
ghen, Marcoen, & Goossens, 1993; Verhaeghen & Salthouse, Previous studies have shown decreased cognitive performance
1997). Simultaneously, the prevalence of somatic disorders with a in individuals suffering from cardiovascular disorders (e.g., for
potential impact on cognition (e.g., cardiovascular disease [CVD] heart disease and hypertension, M. F. Elias & Elias, 1993; Hertzog,
and diabetes) increases after age 70 (e.g., Kannel & Belanger, Schaie, & Gribbin, 1978; Schaie, 1996; Starr, Whalley, Inch, &
1991). These two combined findings raise questions as to whether Shering, 1993; Waldstein & Elias, 2001; for stroke, Greveson,
phenomena of so-called normal cognitive aging may be contami- Gray, French, & James, 1991). The common cause underlying
nated by the ill effects of deteriorating health. Although much is these disorders may be atherosclerosis (Vingerhoets, 2001); ath-
known about the etiology of dementias in old age, information on erosclerosis may be linked to cognitive functioning through he-
the causal pathways and interactions among cardiovascular and modynamic (e.g., cerebrovascular symptoms due to calcification,
metabolic disease, cardiovascular health risk factors, and non- rupture, ulceration, hemorrhage), genetic (e.g., through the ApoE

Paul Verhaeghen, Center for Health and Behavior and Department of Berlin–Brandenburg Academy of Sciences since 1994. From 1989 to 1991,
Psychology, Syracuse University; Markus Borchelt, Forschungsgruppe BASE was financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Research and
Geriatrie und Ernährungsmedizin am Evangelischen Geriatriezentrum Ber- Technology. Since 1992, financial support has been awarded through Federal
lin, GmbH, Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Jacqui Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth Grants
Smith, Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human 314-1722-102/9 and 314-1722-102/9a. Paul Verhaeghen is supported by Na-
Development, Berlin. tional Institute on Aging Grant AG-16201.
This research was conducted within the context of the Berlin Aging Study We acknowledge helpful discussions with John Nesselroade, Michael
(BASE), directed by P. B. Baltes, psychology; H. Helmchen, psychiatry; K. U. Rapp, and Martin Sliwinski.
Mayr, sociology; and E. Steinhagen-Thiessen, internal medicine and geriatrics. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Paul Ver-
BASE is a project of the Committee on Aging and Societal Development in haeghen, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University, 430 Huntington
collaboration with the Psychiatric Clinic of the Free University of Berlin, the Hall, Syracuse, New York 13244-2340; to Markus Borchelt, Evangelisches
Virchow Clinic of the Humboldt University of Berlin, and the Max Planck Geriatriezentrum Berlin, Reinickendorfer Strasse 61, D-13347 Berlin, Ger-
Institute for Human Development, where the study is coordinated. The Com- many; or to Jacqui Smith, Max Planck Institute for Human Development,
mittee on Aging and Societal Development, initiated in 1987 by the former Lentzeallee 94, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:,
Academy of Sciences and Technology in Berlin, has been sponsored by the, or


⑀4 allele), or metabolic (e.g., impaired insulin metabolism) mech- and to the types (and extent) of interaction with the physical and
anisms (for an overview of these mechanisms, see Everson, Hel- social environments that one can still enjoy.
kala, Kaplan, & Salonen, 2001). A metabolic disease often asso- In sum, in the present study, we examined the relationships
ciated with cognitive functioning is diabetes mellitus (e.g., Croxon between CVD, diabetes, CVD risk factors, and intellectual func-
& Jagger, 1995; Haan, Shemanski, Jagust, Manolio, & Kuller, tioning in very old age. Data were derived from the Berlin Aging
1999; Perlmuter et al., 1984; Schaie, 1996). Diabetes most prob- Study (BASE; P. B. Baltes & Mayer, 1999), a locally representa-
ably affects cognitive function through hyper- or hypoglycemia, tive sample of men and women ages 70 to 103 (M ⫽ 85 years).
which interferes with acetylcholine synthesis (Kumari, Brunner, & One of the strengths of this study is that it included a computerized
Fuhrer, 2000; Ryan, 2001). assessment of five intellectual abilities (Lindenberger & Baltes,
In the present study, we examined the cross-sectional and lon- 1997) and objective clinical assessments of somatic and mental
gitudinal effects of prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular and health status. Participants in the initial BASE cross-sectional sam-
metabolic disorders on cognitive performance. Additionally, we ple (n ⫽ 516; stratified by age and sex) completed 14 sessions of
were interested in two questions of more theoretical importance. individual face-to-face assessment over a 3–5-month period. Sur-
First, it has often been claimed (e.g., Beers & Berkow, 2000) that vivors have been followed longitudinally. Here, we report cross-
in very old age vulnerability to the negative effects of physiolog- sectional results at baseline (n ⫽ 516) and results from a 4-year
ical pathology increases to the point that cognitive performance in longitudinal follow-up (n ⫽ 206).
this group may be determined more by the effects of organic
pathology than by the so-called normal aging process. In this Method
article, we investigated whether, consistent with the increased-
More details about the variables assessed, the sample tested, and the
vulnerability hypothesis, the impact of somatic health increases procedures used can be found in P. B. Baltes and Mayer (1999); P. B.
with age. In a next step, we examined whether the effects of Baltes and Smith (1997); Lindenberger and Baltes (1997); and Linden-
chronological age on cognition are indeed mediated by failing berger, Mayr, and Kliegl (1993). Here, we offer a brief overview.
health. A related question is whether the effects of health on
cognition are general or whether they remain restricted to specific Sample
health problems. For instance, for each of the disorders noted
above, clear brain-related mechanisms exist that can explain the The original BASE consisted of an initial 14-session assessment (Time
relation with cognition. However, if one considers that in very old 1 [T1]) of 516 individuals (age range at first assessment ⫽ 70 –103, mean
age cognitive functioning becomes increasingly dependent on in- age ⫽ 84.92 years, SD ⫽ 8.66), stratified by age and sex, resulting in 43
men and 43 women in each of six different age brackets (70 –74, 75–79,
tactness of the somatic substrate (see the common-cause hypoth-
80 – 84, 85– 89, 90 –94, and 95⫹ years). A total of 1,908 individuals, whose
esis of cognitive aging; Lindenberger & Baltes, 1994, 1997; Salt- addresses were obtained by a random draw from the city registry, had to be
house & Czaja, 2000) and that the cognitive system shows contacted to obtain this sample. The initial assessment (T1) was conducted
decreasing plasticity with advancing age (P. B. Baltes & Kliegl, between mid-1990 and June 1993. The longitudinal extension of BASE
1992; Singer, Lindenberger, & Baltes, 2000; Verhaeghen & Mar- involved four occasions (T1, Time 2 [T2], Time 3 [T3], and Time 4 [T4]),
coen, 1996), one might expect a rather general negative effect of each scheduled about 2 years apart. At the second wave of measurement,
somatic health on cognitive functioning, apart from the specific only parts of the cognitive test battery were collected. Therefore, this
brain-mediated effects shown in younger cohorts. Given the high article reports on participants tested on two occasions, that is, the first
(1990 –1993; n ⫽ 516) and the third (1995–1996; n ⫽ 206) assessments.
prevalence of cardiovascular problems in old age and their poten-
On average, T3 data were collected 3.99 years (SD ⫽ 0.69) after T1 data.
tial impact on cognition (e.g., P. K. Elias, Elias, D’Agostino, More details on the longitudinal samples can be found in Singer, Verhae-
Silbershatz, & Wolf, 1999; Hill, 1989; Launer, Feskens, Kalmijn, ghen, Ghisletta, Lindenberger, and Baltes (2003); details on selectivity
& Kromhout, 1996), the second aspect of somatic health that we (i.e., drop-out effects) can be found in Lindenberger, Singer, and Baltes
investigated here is the impact of cardiovascular risk factors on (2002). In brief, as usual in longitudinal aging studies, there was evidence
cognitive functioning. for relatively strong selectivity effects. The longitudinal sample scored
We should stress that the question about the relation between 0.74 standard deviations above the mean of the full cross-sectional sample
health and cognition in very old age is important not only for on the intelligence composite and 0.27 standard deviations on the SES
advancing understanding of cognitive functioning in this age group composite; 59% of the size of the attrition effect on intelligence and 30%
of the effect of attrition on SES was due to mortality. At T1, the total
but also because it has practical implications, especially in light of
sample was, on average, 84.92 years old (SD ⫽ 8.66); the participants had
the possibility of prevention and intervention. Recent evidence received an average of 10.75 years of education (SD ⫽ 2.34); and 50%
indicates that real-life consequences of individual differences in were female, and 50% were male. At T3, mean age of the participating
intelligence are further augmented in very old age (e.g., Allaire & sample was 83.62 years (SD ⫽ 7.00); average number of years of education
Marsiske, 1999; M. M. Baltes & Lang, 1997; Diehl, Willis, & was 11.23 (SD ⫽ 2.45); and 51% were female, and 49% were male.
Schaie, 1995). For instance, using the same data set as analyzed
here, Lindenberger and Baltes (1995) demonstrated that cognition Measures
explained 37% of individual differences in measures of activities
Cognitive assessment. The cognitive test battery consisted of four
of daily living and up to 45% in expanded levels of everyday
intellectual abilities, each assessed by unit-weighted composites of two
competence (reflecting optional activities necessary for a satisfac-
tests: (a) perceptual speed (measured by Digit Letter and Identical Pictures;
tory life, e.g., leisure, social, and instrumental activities of daily Cronbach’s ␣ ⫽ .96 and .90, respectively), (b) episodic memory (measured
living; see also M. M. Baltes, Maas, Wilms, Borchelt, & Little, by Paired Associates and Memory for Text; Cronbach’s ␣ ⫽ .87 and .57,
1999). In advanced age, the level of cognitive functioning may be respectively), (c) fluency (measured by Categories and Word Beginnings;
one aspect that contributes considerably to the quality of one’s life because of the test format, no alphas could be calculated), and (d) knowl-

edge (measured by Vocabulary and Spot-a-Word; Cronbach’s ␣ ⫽ .82 and Statistical Analyses
.92, respectively). Note that in the original cross-sectional analysis at T1,
reported in Lindenberger and Baltes (1997), some of these abilities were To determine the influence of somatic diagnosis on level of performance
measured by three tests. Because of time constraints on the follow-up at the first measurement point and on 4-year change scores, we conducted
assessments, only two tests per construct were administered at T3. A a series of hierarchical regression analyses. Age, sex, SES, and dementia
unit-weighted intelligence composite was computed from the four cogni- diagnosis were entered first as control variables, and each of the diagnoses
tive composites; correlations among the four abilities ranged from .63 to was entered in a second step. The effects of multimorbidity were tested in
.73. Autocorrelations over the 4 years between T1 and T3 were high: .69 a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). The effects of risk
for perceptual speed; .65 for memory; .76 for fluency, .79 for knowledge, factors were assessed through hierarchical regression, after we controlled
and .83 for the intelligence composite. A detailed description of the tests for age, sex, SES, dementia diagnosis, and the presence or absence of each
can be found elsewhere (Lindenberger & Baltes, 1994, 1997; Lindenberger of the somatic diagnoses found in the previous analyses to be correlated
et al., 1993). The five composites were scaled by linear transformation such with cognition. Alpha level for statistical testing was set at .05.
that scores at the first measurement occasion for the full sample conformed
to a T metric (i.e., M ⫽ 50, SD ⫽ 10). Results
SES. Four variables were used to represent SES: (a) income (on a
5-point scale); (b) occupational prestige (based on a standard rating scale Somatic Diagnoses and Cognition: Cross-Sectional
in Germany); (c) social class (on a 5-point scale); and (d) number of years Analyses
of education. Out of these four variables, we constructed a unit-weighted
SES composite (after z transformation), to be used as a covariate in our In Table 1, we report the significant results of the regression
analyses. analysis relating cardiovascular diagnoses and diabetes (scored as
Somatic diagnoses. Of the possible diagnostic categories, 26 were used present or absent) to cognition (scored as a continuous variable),
in BASE. We concentrated on CVD (myocardial infarction, congestive after we partialed out age, sex, the SES composite, and dementia
heart failure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and hypertension) and diabetes
diagnosis. Because of missing values due to diagnostic uncer-
mellitus. To sort individual participants into diagnostic categories, psychi-
tainty, valid sample size (N) was lower than the number of par-
atrists and internists held a consensus conference (one at T1, one at T3) in
which all available information (medical examination, interview, resting
ticipants and varied from analysis to analysis. Two CVD diagnoses
electrocardiography [ECG], blood pressure, Doppler ultrasound, quantita- were not related to cognition: hypertension and myocardial infarc-
tive computer tomography, flow cytometry, lymphocyte stimulation, major tion. Four diagnoses proved to be significantly and negatively
histocompatibility compatibility types, serum, plasma, and urinalyses) was correlated with intelligence. These were, in order of decreasing
brought together. For each individual, each illness’s diagnostic certainty importance, stroke, congestive heart failure, diabetes, and coronary
and objective and subjective severity were rated (for more details, see heart disease. The amount of variance accounted for after we
Steinhagen-Thiessen & Borchelt, 1999). All discernible diseases and di- controlled for age, sex, SES, and dementia status was slight (be-
agnosable pathological states were classified according to the four-digit tween 0.5% and 2.0% of the variance), but the effect sizes were
code of the 9th edition of the International Classification of Diseases moderate: B values (which indicate the average difference in
(World Health Organization, 1978), on a rather low aggregation level. All cognitive test score between participants with and without the
diagnoses were coded independent of each other. Note, however, that some diagnosis) ranged from ⫺1.8 to ⫺3.2, or (given that SD ⫽ 10)
diagnoses tend to overlap. For instance, myocardial infarction tends to be from ⫺0.18 to ⫺0.32 standard deviations. Taken together, the four
superimposed on a diagnosis of coronary heart disease, but the association cognition-related somatic diagnoses explained 1.6% of the vari-
is not absolute (in the present sample, 89 of 110 participants who were
ance in intelligence (after we controlled for age, sex, SES, and
diagnosed with myocardial infarction were also diagnosed with coronary
dementia). The combined effect of the four cognition-related di-
heart disease; 89 of 176 participants diagnosed with coronary heart disease
also had myocardial infarction). For the myocardial infarction and coronary
agnoses (i.e., the sum of the B values) was ⫺4.7, or ⫺0.47
heart disease diagnoses, case history, medication history, interview with standard deviations. Fluency and perceptual speed appeared to be
family doctor, physical examination, and resting ECG findings were taken the variables most impacted by somatic health, yielding the larger
into account. At least two of the following needed to be present for B values; memory was associated only with diabetes; knowledge
coronary heart disease: typical angina, stenocardia, nitrate therapy, family was not reliably associated with any of the four diagnoses.
doctor’s diagnosis, and typical ECG abnormalities; myocardial infarction We hypothesized that stroke would carry much of the variance
was diagnosed on the basis of case history, including the interview with the associated with other cardiovascular or metabolic disease diag-
general physician, plus the ECG findings typical of myocardial infarction. noses and that the effects of these diagnoses would emerge only
Interrater reliability for the diagnostic categories was .90. For the present when stroke was controlled for. To test this assertion, we first redid
analyses, ratings were recoded into three categories: diagnosis absent, the hierarchical regression analysis by using only the sample of
diagnosis present, and diagnosis missing; the latter category typically 362 participants who did not receive a diagnosis of dementia,
implied diagnostic uncertainty. stroke, or both at T1 (see Table 2). All of the significant effects
Cardiovascular health risk factors. Smoking behavior (current and
from the previous hierarchical regression analysis were confirmed,
former smoking status, amount of units smoked per day currently or
with the exception of the relation between intelligence and coro-
formerly, starting age of current or former smoking, and quitting age of
nary heart disease and of the combined effects of the diagnoses on
former smoking) and alcohol consumption (current alcohol status, scored
as yes or no; number of units consumed per day) were assessed through a
perceptual speed. Additionally, we examined the partial correla-
questionnaire. Levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol, which tion matrix between all cardiovascular diagnoses and cognition in
is correlated negatively with the risk for CVD) and low-density lipoprotein this selected sample, controlling for age, SES, and gender. No new
(LDL cholesterol, which is correlated positively with the risk for CVD) significant correlations were found involving the intelligence com-
were determined from blood samples (no fasting period was observed prior posite; knowledge correlated significantly with peripheral nervous
to blood sampling). The body mass index was calculated from height and system disorders (r ⫽ ⫺.09, n ⫽ 354) and myocardial infarction
weight. (r ⫽ ⫺.10, n ⫽ 331), and fluency correlated significantly with

Table 1
Results of Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis Predicting Cognitive Performance by Selected Somatic Diagnoses

Intelligence Knowledge Fluency Memory Perceptual speed

Step and variable ⌬R 2

B ⌬R 2
B ⌬R 2
B ⌬R 2
B ⌬R2 B

Diabetes (n ⫽ 398; prevalence ⫽ 19%)

Step 1 .444* .224* .343* .328* .451*
Age ⫺0.45* ⫺0.25* ⫺0.38* ⫺0.36* ⫺0.53*
Sex ⫺0.15 ⫺1.50 ⫺0.92 2.53* ⫺0.63
SES ⫺0.05 ⫺0.03 ⫺0.03 ⫺0.11* ⫺0.03
Dementia diagnosis ⫺10.35* ⫺8.28* ⫺9.25* ⫺9.20* ⫺8.57*
Step 2 .005* .001 .005* .010* .002
Diabetes ⫺1.81* ⫺1.57 ⫺1.82* ⫺2.52* ⫺1.15

Coronary heart disease (n ⫽ 455; prevalence ⫽ 37%)

Step 1 .447* .228* .342* .337* .453*
Age ⫺0.44* ⫺0.24* ⫺0.37* 0.04* ⫺0.53*
Sex ⫺0.08 ⫺1.54 ⫺0.75 2.73* ⫺0.70
SES ⫺0.05 ⫺0.01 ⫺0.02 ⫺0.12* ⫺0.03
Dementia diagnosis ⫺10.61* ⫺8.61* ⫺9.46* ⫺9.33* ⫺8.76*
Step 2 .007* .006 .011* .003 .002
Coronary heart disease ⫺1.74* ⫺1.61 ⫺2.14* ⫺1.19 ⫺1.00

Congestive heart failure (n ⫽ 493; prevalence ⫽ 65%)

Step 1 .450* .224* .347* .334* .457*
Age ⫺0.45* ⫺0.25* ⫺0.37* ⫺0.37* ⫺0.53*
Sex ⫺0.06 ⫺1.45 ⫺0.86 2.73* ⫺0.64
SES ⫺0.05 ⫺0.02 ⫺0.02 ⫺0.10* ⫺0.03
Dementia diagnosis ⫺10.37* ⫺8.14* ⫺9.46* ⫺9.19* ⫺8.56*
Step 2 .011* .004 .023* .001 .011*
Congestive heart failure ⫺2.37* ⫺1.37 ⫺3.49* ⫺0.81 ⫺2.41*

Stroke (n ⫽ 504; prevalence ⫽ 9%)

Step 1 .443* .220* .343* .332* .448*
Age ⫺0.44* ⫺0.23* ⫺0.38* ⫺0.37* ⫺0.52*
Sex 0.03 ⫺1.33 ⫺0.66 2.65* ⫺0.49
SES ⫺0.06 ⫺0.03 ⫺0.04 ⫺0.11* ⫺0.03
Dementia diagnosis ⫺10.37* ⫺8.45* ⫺9.25* ⫺9.03* ⫺8.61*
Step 2 .020* .004 .012* .001 .014*
Stroke ⫺3.24* ⫺2.20 ⫺3.72* ⫺0.95 ⫺4.16*

Diabetes, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke (n ⫽ 423; prevalence ⫽ 62%)
Step 1 .451* .223* .341* .342* .454*
Age ⫺0.42* ⫺0.23* ⫺0.39* ⫺0.38* ⫺0.54*
Sex 0.34 ⫺1.26 ⫺0.35 3.12* ⫺0.37
SES ⫺0.05 ⫺0.01 ⫺0.02 ⫺0.12* ⫺0.03
Dementia diagnosis ⫺10.37* ⫺8.64* ⫺9.05* ⫺9.06* ⫺8.62*
Step 2 .016* .006 .003* .011 .015*
Diabetes ⫺1.36 ⫺0.42 ⫺1.15 ⫺2.27* ⫺0.78
Coronary heart disease ⫺0.78 ⫺1.08 ⫺0.79 ⫺0.90 0.12
Congestive heart failure ⫺1.78* ⫺0.72 ⫺2.87* ⫺0.32 ⫺2.15*
Stroke ⫺0.79 ⫺0.03 ⫺1.72 1.05 ⫺2.00

Note. When values for diagnosis are missing, that is, when diagnosis is uncertain, n ⬍ 516.
* p ⬍ .05.

peripheral vascular disease (r ⫽ ⫺.10, n ⫽ 354). Given that the individuals with one or more of these four diagnoses (n ⫽ 318).
change in result was minor and did not affect more than one Table 3 reports differences between these two groups for the
ability, we concluded that the presence of stroke patients did not cognitive variables, age, sex, dementia status, and SES. For all
have a masking effect on the data. Therefore, to benefit from the variables, significant effects were found; on all variables with
statistical power associated with the full sample size, all subse- an evaluative direction, the healthy sample fared better. The
quent analyses were conducted using the original sample. effect on cognition seemed to be moderately large: For the
The sample was split into a group of older adults without any of intelligence composite, the two health groups were 6.3 T score
the four cognition-related diagnoses (n ⫽ 105) and a group of units, that is, 0.63 standard deviations apart. After age, sex,

Table 2
Results of Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis Predicting Cognitive Performance by Selected Somatic Diagnoses of
Participants Who Did Not Receive a Diagnosis of Dementia, Stroke, or Both at Time 1

Intelligence Knowledge Fluency Memory Perceptual speed

Step and variable ⌬R 2

B ⌬R 2
B ⌬R 2
B ⌬R 2
B ⌬R2 B

Diabetes (n ⫽ 358)
Step 1 .235* .063* .161* .178* .307*
Age ⫺0.49* ⫺0.26* ⫺0.44* ⫺0.40* ⫺0.59*
Sex 1.27 ⫺0.37 0.39 4.12* 0.20
SES ⫺0.10* ⫺0.08 ⫺0.06 ⫺0.14* ⫺0.07
Step 2 .014* .004 .014* .017* .005
Diabetes ⫺2.81* ⫺3.23* ⫺1.58

Coronary heart disease (n ⫽ 320)

Step 1 .231* .059* .156* .182* .304*
Age ⫺0.50* ⫺0.26* ⫺0.44* ⫺0.39* ⫺0.60*
Sex 1.55 ⫺0.22 0.81 4.44* 0.24
SES ⫺0.11* ⫺0.09 ⫺0.06 ⫺0.15* ⫺0.07
Step 2 .006 .002 .012* .004 .001
Coronary heart disease ⫺1.39 ⫺0.86 ⫺2.12* ⫺1.28 ⫺0.47

Congestive heart failure (n ⫽ 346)

Step 1 .237* .064* .158* .184* .307*
Age ⫺0.50* ⫺0.27* ⫺0.44* ⫺0.40* ⫺0.59*
Sex 1.38 ⫺0.34 0.46 4.42* 0.17
SES ⫺0.10* ⫺0.08 ⫺0.05 ⫺0.14* ⫺0.06
Step 2 .014* .003 .033* .002 .012
Congestive heart failure ⫺2.30* ⫺1.12 ⫺3.69* ⫺0.88 ⫺2.16*

Diabetes, coronary heart disease, and congestive heart failure (n ⫽ 306)

Step 1 .239* .064* .162* .185* .311*
Age ⫺0.51* ⫺0.27* ⫺0.45* ⫺0.40* ⫺0.62*
Sex 1.59 ⫺0.20 0.86 4.58* 0.19
SES ⫺0.10* ⫺0.08 ⫺0.05 ⫺0.15* ⫺0.06
Step 2 .023* .006 .039* .017 .014
Diabetes ⫺2.14 ⫺1.46 ⫺1.45 ⫺2.80* ⫺1.57
Coronary heart disease ⫺0.67 ⫺0.66 ⫺1.06 ⫺0.94 0.38
Congestive heart failure ⫺1.59 ⫺0.30 ⫺3.04* ⫺0.22 ⫺1.85

Note. When values for diagnosis are missing, that is, when diagnosis is uncertain, n ⬍ 362.
* p ⬍ .05.

SES, and dementia diagnosis were controlled for, the two one or more of the four cognition-related somatic disorders and
groups were 0.34 standard deviations apart, F(1, 417) ⫽ 15.43, those who were not, along with the freely estimated regression
MSE ⫽ 53.73, p ⬍ .05. lines for each group. Regression analysis including a dummy
Figure 1 depicts means and standard errors for the intelligence intercept term for health group and a Health Group ⫻ Age inter-
composite as a function of multimorbidity of the four cognition- action term (Berry & Feldman, 1985) showed that the two regres-
related diagnoses (diagnosis absent: n ⫽ 105; one diagnosis sion lines were reliably different from each other, R2 ⫽ .33; R2 for
present, n ⫽ 136; two diagnoses present, n ⫽ 122; three diagnoses inclusion of the dummy intercept and the interaction term ⫽ .029,
present, n ⫽ 55; and all four diagnoses present, n ⫽ 5). A F(2, 419) ⫽ 8.99, p ⬍ .05. The line for the participants with at
univariate ANOVA with intelligence as the dependent variable; least one cognition-related somatic diagnosis had a reliably smaller
multimorbidity as the predictor; and age, sex, SES, and dementia intercept (57.44 vs. 63.73, evaluated at age 70) and a reliably
status as covariates showed a significant effect of multimorbidity, shallower slope (⫺0.54 vs. ⫺0.76) than the line for individuals
F(4, 414) ⫽ 4.90, MSE ⫽ 53.58, p ⬍ .05. Repeated contrast without one of these disorders.
analysis, however, showed that there was a significant difference
in intelligence score only between the group with no diagnosis and Somatic Diagnoses and Cognition: Four-Year
the group with one diagnosis; all further repeated contrasts proved Longitudinal Analyses
nonsignificant, indicating that the groups of participants with one
or more of the diagnoses were not reliably different in cognitive For the 4-year longitudinal analyses (T1 to T3), the sample was
performance, as can clearly be seen in Figure 1. split into three groups, one for each of the four cognition-related
Figure 2 depicts a scatter plot of intelligence scores (at T1) as a diagnoses: (a) the group of participants who did not have that
function of age, separated by individuals who were diagnosed with particular cognition-related diagnosis at T1 and T3 (diagnosis

Table 3
Descriptive Statistics for Participants, Along With Results of the
Independent Samples t Test

Participants Participants
withouta withb

Variable M SD M SD t(421)

Intelligence 55.35 9.90 49.03 9.56 5.83*

Speed 55.15 9.66 48.90 9.82 5.67*
Memory 53.47 10.70 49.32 9.66 3.71*
Fluency 55.78 11.31 48.97 8.93 6.32*
Knowledge 53.84 8.79 49.48 10.25 3.91*
Age 81.00 8.44 85.72 8.50 4.95*
% women 41 53 2.06*
% demented 11 23 2.63*
SES composite 51.80 10.25 49.52 9.83 2.04*
Participants without one or more cognition-related diagnoses (n ⫽
105). b Participants with one or more cognition-related diagnoses (n ⫽ Figure 2. Composite intelligence score as a function of age in the group
318). of participants with at least one of the four cognition-related diagnoses (i.e.,
* p ⬍ .05. diabetes, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, or stroke) and the
group of participants without any cognition-related diagnosis. CVS ⫽
cardiovascular syndrome; Diab ⫽ diabetes.
absent), (b) the group of participants who received that particular
diagnosis prior to T1 and held it at T3 (diagnosis present), and (c)
the group of participants who received the diagnosis at T3 but not rates in our sample were high (e.g., the American Heart Associa-
T1 (incidence). Analogous groups were constructed for the pres- tion, 2002, estimates prevalence of congestive heart failure in the
ence, absence, and incidence of any of the four cognition-related 75-year-and-older age bracket at 9.8%). The discrepancy may have
diagnoses (called hereafter the summary data). The breakdown in been due (a) to oversampling of the very oldest cohorts in our
number of participants for each of the three groups was as follows: study (i.e., compared with the population, we had a disproportion-
for coronary heart disease, 96, 70, and 24 for diagnosis absent, ate number of the oldest old—age 85 and older), (b) to the careful
diagnosis present, and incidence, respectively; for congestive heart objective individual assessment of disorders in our study, and (c)
failure, 46, 101, and 49, respectively; for diabetes, 147, 40, and 18, to the inclusion of mild cases in the diagnosis-present category.
respectively; for stroke, 183, 14, and 7, respectively; and for the Figure 3 displays the means and standard errors for the intelli-
summary data, 18, 108, and 41, respectively. Note that prevalence gence composite of the three groups for each of the four diagnoses
and the summary data as a function of time in study, controlled for
age, sex, SES, and dementia status. The graph shows that for all
diagnoses, with the possible exception of stroke, the slopes for the
three health groups were remarkably similar. To test for group
differences in the longitudinal slopes, we conducted a repeated
measures ANOVA for each of the five comparisons, with time of
measurement and type of cognition (i.e., speed, memory, fluency,
and knowledge) as within-subject factors; health group (i.e., diag-
nosis absent, diagnosis present, and incidence) as a between-
subjects factor, and age, sex, SES, and dementia status as covari-
ates. None of the interactions involving time by health group
reached significance in any of the four cognition-related diagnoses,
nor did they in the summary data. There was, however, a marginal
trend toward a three-way Time ⫻ Type of Cognition ⫻ Health
Group interaction for the stroke diagnosis, F(6, 591) ⫽ 2.03,
MSE ⫽ 19.43, p ⫽ .06. Decline was more precipitous in the stroke
incidence group (⫺5.53 T score units) than in the other two stroke
groups (diagnosis absent ⫽ ⫺2.19; diagnosis present ⫽ ⫺1.93);
the decline in the stroke incidence group was more apparent for
speed and fluency (⫺8.20 and ⫺6.31, respectively) than for mem-
ory and knowledge (⫺0.01 and ⫺4.35, respectively). Note that the
incidence group for stroke was very small (n ⫽ 7), and, therefore,
power for the detection of the interaction was very low. This
finding may warrant treating the trend as at least clinically
Figure 1. Composite intelligence score as a function of the number of significant.
cognition-related diagnoses. Error bars represent plus or minus one stan- With the exception of stroke, F(2, 197) ⫽ 2.63, MSE ⫽ 253.41,
dard error. CVS ⫽ cardiovascular syndrome; Diab ⫽ diabetes. p ⫽ .75, all health group main effects were significant. Figure 3

Figure 3. Four-year longitudinal changes (corrected for age, sex, and SES) for diagnosis-absent, diagnosis-
present, and incident cases for the four cognition-related diagnoses as well as for any combination of the four
cognition-related diagnoses. Error bars represent plus or minus one standard error. T1 ⫽ Time 1; T3 ⫽ Time 3.

shows that, in general, the diagnosis-absent group performed at a indicated consuming alcohol). For the intelligence composite, the
higher level than the diagnosis-present group. At the first time of increment in R2 was .02; the effect size (i.e., B for the regression
measurement, the incidence group was not reliably distinguishable line) was ⫺3.66. The effect of alcohol consumption was signifi-
from the diagnosis-absent group for most diagnoses, with the cant for all four cognitive variables (knowledge: B ⫽ ⫺3.44;
notable exception of diabetes. fluency: B ⫽ ⫺2.63; memory: B ⫽ ⫺3.80; and speed: B ⫽
⫺2.61). None of the cardiovascular risk factors were reliably
associated with 4-year declines in cognition. When only the sam-
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cognition ple of participants without a dementia and/or stroke diagnosis
The only cardiovascular risk factor that was reliably associated was considered, the pattern of results did not change, with the
with cognitive performance at T1 after age, sex, SES, dementia exception of a nonsignificant effect for alcohol consumption on
status, and the presence or absence of the four cognition-related speed. For the intelligence composite, the increment in R2 was
diagnoses were controlled for was alcohol consumption, that is, an .03; the effect size was ⫺3.52. For knowledge, B ⫽ ⫺2.88; for
affirmative answer by the participant to the question regarding fluency: B ⫽ ⫺2.92; for memory: B ⫽ ⫺4.24; and for speed: B ⫽
whether he or she presently ever drank alcohol (380 participants ⫺1.94, ns.

Discussion associated with decreased cognitive performance. Moreover, for

each of the four cognition-related disorders, physiological CNS-
In the present study, we investigated selected aspects of somatic related mechanisms exist that can explain the relation with cogni-
health and their relation to cognition in a relatively large sample of tion. CVDs interfere with normal blood flow and thus restrict
very old (i.e., ages 70 and older) adults, followed over a period of oxygenation of the CNS. Stroke has a direct impact on neuronal
4 years. tissue. Diabetes mellitus may affect cognitive function through
hyper- or hypoglycemia, which interferes with acetylcholine syn-
Somatic Diagnoses and Health: Regression Analyses thesis (Kumari et al., 2000). Thus, it appears that the effects of
somatic health on cognition are mediated by mechanisms that are
Three cardiovascular disorders—namely, congestive heart fail- directly brain-related. Additional evidence that this may be the
ure, myocardial infarction, and stroke—were found to be reliably case comes from the finding that these disorders do not impact all
associated with cognitive functioning, even after the effects of age, cognitive variables. Vocabulary, presumably an estimate of the
sex, SES, and dementia status were controlled for. Diabetes also extent of an individual’s knowledge base acquired over a lifetime,
had a negative impact on cognition. is not sensitive to the effects of health; episodic memory is affected
There are essentially three ways to assess the impact of these only by diabetes. Fluency and speed, the two variables affected by
disorders on the aging cognitive system. The first is to calculate the all four diagnoses, are tests that require fast online responses from
percentage of variance explained by diagnostic status over and the individual, and it makes sense that these aspects of cognition
above the effects of age, sex, SES, and dementia status. This are negatively affected by oxygenation deficiencies or neurotrans-
indicates the impact of disease over and above the effects associ- mitter depletion.
ated with aging and biographical variables. The increments in R2 Note, however, that our data may contain a number of false
ranged between .005 and .020, and, therefore, somatic disease negatives. That is, we did not find reliable correlations between
status explained 2% or less of the variance over and above the intelligence and somatic diagnosis for some disorders that have
effects of age, sex, SES, and dementia. All disorders influenced been known to correlate with cognition in other studies involving
perceptual speed and fluency, but none impacted knowledge; the older adults. The most noticeable false negatives are hypertension
only reliable effect on episodic memory performance was noted (e.g., Waldstein, 1995) and myocardrial infarction. One possible
for diabetes. Therefore, the effects of disease status are not general reason might be that our cognitive battery (which was, after all, not
but remain restricted to speeded tests. designed to capture the effects of specific somatic syndromes but
The second way of evaluating the impact of somatic disorders to assess a wide range of cognitive functions) was too broad to
on cognition is to examine the regression coefficients, which precisely measure the effects of these diseases on particular sub-
indicate the difference in score between participants with and sets of cognition. For instance, the effects of hypertension seem to
without the disorders. This difference was relatively large: It be most noticeable in episodic memory (Denicoff, Joffe, Laksh-
ranged from ⫺0.18 standard deviations to ⫺0.32 standard devia- manan, Robbins, & Rubinow, 1990; Wahlin, Robins-Wahlin,
tions. An alternative way of presenting these coefficients is to scale Small, & Bäckman, 1998; Waldstein, 1995). Maybe our episodic
them compared with the effects of aging as indicated by the memory measure (which was associated only with diabetes) was
regression weight for age. Then, diabetes had an effect equal to simply not sensitive enough.
that of 4.0 years of aging (in other words, performance of an
80-year-old with diabetes was comparable to that of an 84-year-old
Somatic Diagnoses: Decreased Vulnerability in Very
without diabetes); coronary heart disease of 3.9 years of aging,
Old Age?
congestive heart failure of 5.3 years of aging, and stroke of 7.4
years of aging. These effects were small compared with the effect Old age is generally assumed to be associated with increased
of dementia, which decreased performance by 1 standard deviation cognitive vulnerability. For instance, the disablement process
(an effect about equal to 24 years of aging). model by Verbrugge and Jette (1994) claims that increased mor-
The third way of assessing the impact of somatic diagnosis is to bidity due to the cumulation of risk factors in old age leads to
look at its mediating effects on cognition, that is, by calculating functional limitations, such as a decrease in cognitive functioning,
how much of the variance in cognition associated with age (as which in turn may lead to increased disability in a number of areas
opposed to total variance) is due to individual differences in of daily living. Some results of our study, however, counter this
disease status (see Salthouse, 1991, pp. 322–323, for the calcula- hypothesis and, in fact, point at decreasing vulnerability of the
tion). Taken together, the four cognition-related diagnoses ex- cognitive system vis-à-vis somatic morbidity.
plained 17% of the age-related variance in the intelligence com- A first result pointing in the direction of the decreasing impact
posite (knowledge: 22%; fluency: 19%; memory: 24%, and speed: of somatic disorders on the cognitive system is the lack of effect of
19%). multimorbidity on cognitive performance. Rather than showing a
Summarized, we can state that somatic status has an impact on cumulative effect of added diagnoses, our data imply a knock-out
cognitive performance. This impact is relatively modest, however, effect; that is, the presence of one of the four cognition-related
compared with the effects of dementia. diseases led to a reliable reduction in cognitive performance, but
the further presence of other cognition-related diseases did not
Somatic Diagnoses: Are Health Effects General? decrease performance beyond the initial reduction (see Figure 1).
A second result that runs counter to the hypothesis of increased
Our results go against the hypothesis that in very old age the vulnerability is that the negative effect of disease status was larger
cognitive system becomes vulnerable to any negative change in in the younger strata of our sample than in the oldest groups (see
health status. Only a limited number of diagnoses were reliably Figure 2). Cognitive performance of the group of individuals

without any of the four cognition-related diagnoses and the group areas, which subserve higher order cognition (for a meta-analytic
of individuals with one or more cognition-related diagnoses, in review, see Raz, 2000). Blood flow in the CNS (the likely locus for
fact, converged at around age 95 (such convergence has been the cognitive effects of cardiovascular disorders) is decreased by
found previously in the relation between cognition and hyperten- the effects of atherosclerosis, accumulated over a lifetime, as well
sion; Schultz, Dineen, Elias, Pentz, & Wood, 1979; Waldstein, as from age-related changes in elastin and collagen and from
1995). age-related calcium deposits (Beers & Berkow, 2000). Negative
Two longitudinal findings augment this surprising cross- age changes occur in the cholinergic system, the probable site of
sectional result. First, the bottom right panel of Figure 3 shows that impact for diabetes (for a review, see Muir, 1997). It is then
there was no significant trend toward divergence over time for the possible that in very late life, subclinical changes in the substrate
group of individuals not diagnosed with any of the cognition- of the cognitive system are already overlapping to a large degree
related disorders at any of the two measurement points and the with the effects typically shown in CVDs, stroke, and diabetes.
group of participants diagnosed with one or more of the cognition- Therefore, the impact of these diseases on cognitive functioning in
related disorders at both measurement points. Performance in the very old age may be smaller than their impact in younger adults,
diagnosis-absent group declined 2.7 points over the course of 4 not because of decreased vulnerability but because the disease
years; decline in the diagnosis-present group equaled 2.0 points. process adds little to the cumulative changes in brain physiology
Clearly, participants diagnosed with one or more of the cognition- that have occurred over the course of a very long life. This
related disorders did not decline reliably faster than participants process-overlap interpretation, then, assumes that the observed
without these disorders. phenomena are real and that the observed decrease in vulnerability
Second, Figure 3 also demonstrates that the decline experienced in very old age is caused, paradoxically, by an underlying decreas-
by the group of participants receiving their first cognition-related ing intactness of the substrate.
diagnosis between the first and second measurement points was Although it is impossible to distinguish empirically between the
not larger than the decline in the diagnosis-free group (the inci- two interpretations on the basis of our results, previously published
dence group declined 2.6 points.) This finding implies that the analyses using BASE data are compatible with this view of rela-
impact of a particular cognition-related diagnosis received prior to tively global negative changes in the mind– body continuum.
entering the study was quite large (i.e., the diagnosis-present group These include the observation of increased dedifferentiation of
performed lower than the diagnosis-absent group), but the impact cognitive abilities, that is, very high intercorrelations among abil-
of receiving a new diagnosis in between the first and second ities that are typically less highly correlated in early adulthood
measurement points was quite limited and, in fact, so limited it (Lindenberger & Baltes, 1997; Singer et al., 2003), increased
could not be traced in our data (i.e., the incidence group did not interrelatedness of the cognitive system and the sensorimotor
decline more than the diagnosis-absent group). This finding sug- system (P. B. Baltes & Lindenberger, 1997; Lindenberger &
gests that the impact of disorders on cognitive performance is Baltes, 1997; Singer et al., 2003), and decreased cognitive plas-
larger earlier in life (i.e., in the period before T1) than later in life ticity in this very old sample (Singer et al., 2000).
(i.e., in the period between T1 and T3). Stroke, however, is a
possible exception to this pattern, with a marginally significant Somatic Correlates of Cognition: Cardiovascular
interaction indicating that incident stroke cases decline faster.
Risk Factors
How can this negative relation between age and the impact of
disease on cognitive performance be explained? At least two After the four cognition-related diagnoses and dementia were
mechanisms seem feasible. First, the convergence may be due to taken into account, only alcohol consumption was found to be
survival effects and selective attrition (see Waldstein, 1995, 2000, related to cognition. This finding implies that the possible effects
for a similar argument). That is, with advancing age, vulnerability of smoking, cholesterol, and obesity on cognition are mediated
for disease increases, resulting in higher mortality and, in survi- through their effects on CVD. There were no reliable differences
vors, in disabilities that might lead a prospective participant to in decline associated with cardiovascular risk factors. These results
decide not to get involved in a study as exacting as BASE. The net echo reports from the literature on the diminishing effects of
result is that the group of younger-older adults in the study is less cardiovascular risk factors on mortality in the very old (e.g., Corti
selected and may even be quite representative of the population; et al., 1997; Krumholz, Seeman, Merrill, Mendes de Leon, &
the group of very old participants, however, is likely to be highly Vaccarino, 1994; Stevens et al., 1998; Woo, Ho, Yuen, Yu, & Lau,
positively selected and represent only the highest levels of func- 1998). Note, however, that the assessment of risk factors was
tioning present in the population (Lindenberger, Singer, & Baltes, limited: The lack of fasting preceding the cholesterol measures and
2002; Singer et al., 2003). This introduces a bias in the data: The the noninclusion of other risk factors shown in previous research to
oldest participants in the study may well be functioning at such be correlated with cognition (e.g., glucose, insulin, homocysteine)
high level in comparison to their age peers that the presence of are clear limitations of the present study.
somatic disorder may not matter much, whereas the presence of
such a disorder may well throw the cognitive system of younger, Conclusions
less selected older adults off-balance. Also, note that all prevalent
cases are survivors, and very old adults who survive a potentially We found that four cardiovascular and metabolic diagnoses
life-threatening condition may be of exceptional constitution. were negatively associated with cognition after age, SES, sex, and
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ease states. There is marked age-related decline, for instance, in effect of 0.47 standard deviations. The impact of disease status was
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