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Chronology of Onset of Mental Disorders

and Physical Diseases in Mental-Physical
Comorbidity - A National Representative
Survey of Adolescents
Marion Tegethoff1*, Esther Stalujanis1, Angelo Belardi1, Gunther Meinlschmidt2,3
1 Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, Department of Psychology, University of Basel, Basel,
Switzerland, 2 Division of Clinical Psychology and Epidemiology, Department of Psychology, University of
a11111 Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 3 Faculty of Medicine, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany



Citation: Tegethoff M, Stalujanis E, Belardi A,

Meinlschmidt G (2016) Chronology of Onset of Background
Mental Disorders and Physical Diseases in Mental- The objective was to estimate temporal associations between mental disorders and physi-
Physical Comorbidity - A National Representative
cal diseases in adolescents with mental-physical comorbidities.
Survey of Adolescents. PLoS ONE 11(10):
e0165196. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165196

Editor: Soraya Seedat, Stellenbosch University,

This article bases upon weighted data (N = 6483) from the National Comorbidity Survey
Received: May 25, 2016
Adolescent Supplement (participant age: 13–18 years), a nationally representative United
Accepted: October 8, 2016
States cohort. Onset of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edi-
Published: October 21, 2016 tion lifetime mental disorders was assessed with the fully structured World Health Organi-
Copyright: © 2016 Tegethoff et al. This is an open zation Composite International Diagnostic Interview, complemented by parent report.
access article distributed under the terms of the Onset of lifetime medical conditions and doctor-diagnosed diseases was assessed by self-
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: Data were obtained
from the Interuniversity Consortium for Political The most substantial temporal associations with onset of mental disorders preceding onset
and Social Research (ICPSR) repository. According of physical diseases included those between affective disorders and arthritis (hazard ratio
to ICPSR data policy, the authors are not allowed to (HR) = 3.36, 95%-confidence interval (CI) = 1.95 to 5.77) and diseases of the digestive sys-
share these data publicly. None of the authors are
affiliated with the ICPSR. Co-authorship of ICPSR
tem (HR = 3.39, CI = 2.30 to 5.00), between anxiety disorders and skin diseases (HR =
members or any other researcher, including 1.53, CI = 1.21 to 1.94), and between substance use disorders and seasonal allergies
scientists that collected the data, has not been (HR = 0.33, CI = 0.17 to 0.63). The most substantial temporal associations with physical
required in order to gain access to the data set.
diseases preceding mental disorders included those between heart diseases and anxiety
There are no specific barriers for access to the data
by the ICPSR. For further details, please refer to the disorders (HR = 1.89, CI = 1.41 to 2.52), epilepsy and eating disorders (HR = 6.27, CI =
ICPSR website ( 1.58 to 24.96), and heart diseases and any mental disorder (HR = 1.39, CI = 1.11 to 1.74).

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0165196 October 21, 2016 1 / 19

Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

icpsrweb/HMCA/studies/28581). When the authors Conclusions

applied for access to the data set, they had to
complete the application form including Findings suggest that mental disorders are antecedent risk factors of certain physical dis-
information on the scope of the research project, eases in early life, but also vice versa. Our results expand the relevance of mental disorders
the principal investigators, and the need for the beyond mental to physical health care, and vice versa, supporting the concept of a more
restricted data. Furthermore, they had to prepare a
data protection plan in which they specified how
integrated mental-physical health care approach, and open new starting points for early dis-
data would be handled to prevent unauthorized ease prevention and better treatments, with relevance for various medical disciplines.
persons from gaining access to the data. The
principal investigators had to sign a restricted data
use agreement specifying the terms of the use of
the data. Further research staff with access to the
data had to sign a supplemental agreement. All
researchers who would be working on the project Introduction
had to provide their curriculum vitae. Additionally, As the health of young people contributing to future population health and global economic
on the website of the ICPSR it is stated that
development has been neglected yet, it has now become a ‘pressing issue’ [1]. The World
researchers who want to apply for restricted data
need to have an appointment at a research Health Organization (WHO) and key medical journals such as the Lancet are dealing with the
institution and an academic degree (possibly challenges that non-communicable diseases and mental disorders are imposing on the health
doctorate). ICPSR is a large and well-established care systems, and it has been claimed that these conditions need to be considered in global
institution specifically aimed at providing long-term efforts in improvements of health, social policy, and health-care delivery [2–4].
data access. Therefore, data storage at ICPSR
The relevance of the integration of mental and physical health arises from adult studies doc-
ensures that data are well-documented and
accessible in the foreseeable future. In the rare
umenting the systematic co-occurrence of mental disorders and physical diseases [3, 5–10].
case of modifications to data in the repository (e.g. Findings from longitudinal studies suggest that depression may be a risk factor for the develop-
due to corrections), which may hamper the ment of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease [11–
possibility to precisely replicate the results in the 13], autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis [14], asthma,
publication, the ICPSR user support can be back pain, and migraines [12]. Temporal associations between depression and rheumatoid
contacted to acquire a former version of the data.
arthritis as well as respiratory diseases seem to be bidirectional [12, 15, 16]. Furthermore, post-
The contact information is as follows: Peter
Granda:; Alon Axelrod: traumatic stress disorder has been found to precede coronary heart disease [17], type II diabe- tes [18], and respiratory diseases [19], whereas irritable bowel syndrome may be an antecedent
risk factor of epilepsy [20]. The healthcare significance of mental-physical comorbidity is
Funding: This project was financed by the Swiss
National Science Foundation (SNSF, to MT, project underlined by diminished quality of life and unfavorable course of disease [21], substantial
no. PZ00P1_137023; healthcare costs, higher treatment demand, longer treatment duration, and impaired treatment
Additionally, MT and GM receive funding from the response in persons with mental-physical comorbidity [22, 23]. Integrating mental and physi-
Korea Research Foundation ( cal health has gained attention and advanced into the focus of major journals, current strategic
nrf_eng_cms/) within the Global Research Network
research goals and task forces [24–26].
Program under project no. 2013S1A2A2035364,
and GM receives SNSF funding under project no.
Despite this relevance, the understanding of mental-physical comorbidity in children and
100014_135328. The funding sources had no adolescents is scarce, even though some studies support a relationship between mental disor-
involvement in study design; in the collection, ders and physical diseases already during childhood or adolescence [27–35]. First evidence
analysis, and interpretation of the data; in the from longitudinal studies suggest that epilepsy may be a risk factor for the development of
writing of the report; and in the decision to submit attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [36], that asthma may precede affective and anxiety
the article for publication. The National Comorbidity
disorders [37, 38], and that eating disorders may be an antecedent risk factor of a variety of
Survey Replication Adolescent Supplement (NCS-
A) was funded by: United States Department of physical diseases [31]. These studies, however, mostly used clinical samples and focused on
Health and Human Services. National Institutes of selected mental or physical problems, and it has been suggested to further develop the life
Health. National Institute of Mental Health (U01- course perspective [39].
MH60220); United States Department of Health The current understanding of the etiology of mental-physical comorbidity is largely based
and Human Services. National Institutes of Health.
on theoretical models attempting to explain how mental disorders and physical diseases come
National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01-DA12058-
05); United States Department of Health and
to be comorbid. These theories suppose that one condition operates as risk factor for the other,
Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental or that shared risk factors underlie both mental disorders and physical diseases [5, 40]. How-
Health Services Administration; Robert Wood ever, studies providing implications regarding trajectories in the development of mental-physi-
Johnson Foundation (Grant 044780); John W. cal comorbidity are lacking. Therefore, knowledge on the temporal course of conditions has
Alden Trust. been claimed as highly relevant [41, 42].

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0165196 October 21, 2016 2 / 19

Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

Competing Interests: I have read the journal’s To better understand the developmental trajectories of mental-physical comorbidity, the
policy and the authors of this manuscript have the main objective of this study was to estimate in adolescents with mental-physical comorbidity
following competing interests: GM is a consultant
the temporal association of mental disorders and physical diseases, using data on the age of
for Janssen Research & Development, LLC.,
receiving a moderate personal fee. This does not onset of a wide range of mental and physical morbidities from a representative national cohort
alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on study.
sharing data and materials.

Study sample
We based this study on data of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication Adolescent Sup-
plement (NCS-A), a national representative survey of initially 10148 United States (US) adoles-
cents (ages 13–18), of which 10123 were students at the time of the survey. Data collection took
place between February 2001 and January 2004 [43–45]. Further details on the study protocol
of the NCS-A have been described previously [34, 43, 44, 46]. We based our analyses on a sub-
sample of 6483 NCS-A participants for which parents or guardians completed a Self Adminis-
tered Questionnaire (SAQ), as described previously [34]. Details on the subsample for which
no parent report was available, and differences between these two subsamples, are available in
supplementary Table 1 of a previous publication that was based on the same dataset [35]. Ado-
lescent and parent provided written informed consent, and the study protocol was approved by
the Human Subjects Committee of Harvard Medical School and the University of Michigan.

Diagnostic Assessment
Mental disorders. To assess lifetime mental disorders, trained interviewers administered a
computer-assisted version of the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
Version 3.0 [45, 46]; details have been described previously [43, 47]. Additional information
on adolescents’ mental health was collected from parents or guardians based on the SAQ focus-
ing on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder,
major depressive disorder, and dysthymic disorder, because collecting information from
parents about those disorders has been found to be diagnostically valuable [48–50]. Informa-
tion from adolescents and parents was combined. A mental disorder was considered present
when diagnostic criteria were met either based on information obtained from adolescent or
parent, and, in case of discrepancies, the earlier age was used as age of onset.
We grouped specific mental disorders into the following disorder categories: Any affective
disorder (major depressive disorder, dysthymia, and bipolar I or II disorder), any anxiety disor-
der (agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, panic disorder,
posttraumatic stress disorder, and separation anxiety disorder), any behavior disorder (atten-
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder), any
substance use disorder (alcohol abuse or dependency and drug abuse or dependency), any eat-
ing disorder (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder). If an adolescent,
based on either adolescent or parent report, fulfilled diagnostic criteria for more than one dis-
order with a certain disorder category, we used the earliest age as age of onset of the respective
disorder category.
Physical diseases. The lifetime presence (‘yes’, ‘no’) and the age of onset of physical dis-
eases were assessed solely with adolescent self-report, based on a checklist on chronic condi-
tions, which has been applied in the US National Health Interview Survey in similar form [51].
Checklists have been extensively used in national studies [51–54]. It has been shown that chil-
dren are able to reliably and validly report on their health already at early life stages [55–57]. In
this respect, self-report and medical records show good concordance [58], with checklists

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the study sample* (N = 6483).

Sociodemographic factor Category n Weighted %
Sex Female 3333 48.76
Male 3150 51.24
Age 13–14 y 2611 35.92
15–16 y 2528 41.88
17–18 y 1344 22.20
Race Hispanic 758 14.38
Afro-American 1097 15.07
Other 371 4.99
Caucasian 4257 65.55
Parental education (highest level of either parent) Less than high school 746 12.32
High school 1852 29.33
Some college 1364 21.31
College grad 2521 37.04
Poverty index ratio** 1.5 (poor) 925 14.59
3 1218 19.26
6 2139 32.65
>6 2201 33.51
Region Northeast 1273 18.15
Midwest 2081 23.27
South 2100 36.02
West 1029 22.56
Urbanicity† Metropolitan area 2645 45.68
Other urban area 2242 39.48
Rural area 1596 14.83
Number of biological parents living with the adolescent 0 528 8.86
1 2284 36.46
2 3671 54.68
Birth order Oldest 2314 38.81
Youngest 1947 28.42
Others 2222 32.77
Number of siblings 0 323 5.24
1 1853 29.30
2 1745 27.44
3 or more 2562 38.02

Abbreviations: y, years
*Subsample of the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A) including all participants providing self- and parent-reported information
on mental disorders.
**Poverty index ratio: The ratio of family income to the poverty threshold of the family, for which the poverty threshold depends on family size [62].
†Urbanicity was categorized based on the classification criteria of the US Census Bureau of 2000: ‘Metropolitan’ corresponds to 1000 or more people per
square mile, ‘Other urban area’ corresponds to at least 500 people per square mile, ‘Rural area’ corresponds to other regions [64].


being superior to data obtained from routine data sources in terms of completeness and accu-
racy [59].
Physical diseases included in our study can be seen in Figs 1 and 2, and further details have
been described previously [34].

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

Fig 1. Adjusted discrete-time proportional hazard models estimating the temporal associations of
mental disorders predicting subsequent physical diseases. Note: We based our analyses on completer
sample sizes* of the total study sample (N = 6483), and adjusted for sociodemographic variables shown in
Table 1. The strength of the associations (hazard ratios (HR) is illustrated by the circle diameter, given in the
circles, and 95% confidence intervals, given below the circles). Blue color of the circle (and HRs provided in
small standard type font) represent p0.05 in the total study sample; orange color of the circle and HRs
provided in medium-sized bold type font represent p<0.05 in the total study sample and in less than two
independent subsamples; red color of the circle and HRs provided in large bold and italic type font represent
p<0.05 in the total study sample and in at least two independent subsamples. * Due to missing information
on physical diseases from adolescent self-report, sizes of the completer samples are as follows: arthritis:
n = 6473, seasonal allergy: n = 6475, skin disease: n = 6479, heart disease: n = 6481, asthma: n = 6477,
diabetes/high blood sugar: n = 6481, disease of the digestive system: n = 6481, epilepsy or seizures:
n = 6481, any physical disease: n = 6469.

Statistical analyses
We used weighted data in all statistical analyses, which were conducted with STATA/MP 11
(Stata Corporation, College Station, Texas). Weights were provided with the NCS-A dataset,
and had been calculated based on a wide range of sociodemographic variables with regard to
[43, 44] to ensure representativeness of the NCS-A study sample with the US adolescent popu-
lation. We estimated temporal relationships between mental disorders and physical diseases by
calculating separate discrete-time proportional hazard models with a non-parametric baseline
hazard function using complementary log-log regression, with one of the major classes of men-
tal disorders or ‘any mental disorder’ and one physical disease or ‘any physical disease’ defined
as outcome and as time-varying predictor, respectively, and vice versa [60]. We present hazard
ratios and their 95% confidence intervals. If diagnostic criteria for more than one mental

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

Fig 2. Adjusted discrete-time proportional hazard models estimating the temporal associations of
physical diseases predicting subsequent mental disorders. Note: We based our analyses on completer
sample sizes* of the total study sample (N = 6483), and adjusted for sociodemographic variables shown in
Table 1. The strength of the associations (hazard ratios (HR) is illustrated by the circle diameter, given in the
circles, with 95% confidence intervals, given below the circles). Blue color of the circle (and HRs provided in
small standard type font) represent p0.05 in the total study sample; orange color of the circle and HRs
provided in medium-sized bold type font represent p<0.05 in the total study sample and in less than two
independent subsamples; red color of the circle and HRs provided in large bold and italic type font represent
p<0.05 in the total study sample and in at least two independent subsamples. * Due to missing information on
physical diseases from adolescent self-report, sizes of the completer samples are as follows: arthritis:
n = 6473, seasonal allergy: n = 6475, skin disease: n = 6479, heart disease: n = 6481, asthma: n = 6477,
diabetes/high blood sugar: n = 6481, disease of the digestive system: n = 6481, epilepsy or seizures: n = 6481,
any physical disease: n = 6469.

disorder were fulfilled within a mental disorder class, we used the age of onset of the first men-
tal disorder in this class as age of onset of the total class. As we had to deal with complex survey
data, we applied the Taylor series linearization method. In accordance with previous studies
[61, 62], we included sociodemographic variables shown in Table 1 in our analyses to control
for potential confounding. Adjusted results are presented. To account for the large number of
pairwise test, we used an internal subsampling strategy, as previously described [34, 63].
For a low number of subjects information on physical diseases from adolescent self-report
was missing. We restricted each analysis to subjects with complete data (see Figs 1 and 2 for
completer sample sizes according to each physical disease category). We defined statistical sig-
nificance at 0.05 and two-sided tests were applied.

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

Study cohort descriptives
Table 1 summarizes the study cohort’s sociodemographic characteristics (N = 6483).

Temporal prediction of physical diseases by mental disorders

Results of the adjusted discrete-time proportional hazard models estimating the temporal asso-
ciations between physical diseases and mental disorders, with mental disorders preceding phys-
ical diseases, in the total sample are presented in Fig 1 (results from subsamples available on
request). The most substantial associations included those of affective disorders with arthritis
and diseases of the digestive system, between anxiety disorders and skin diseases, and between
substance use disorders and seasonal allergies. In support of transparency, results of the crude
regression models are presented in S1 Table.

Temporal prediction of mental disorders by physical diseases

2 presents results of the adjusted discrete-time proportional hazard models of the associations
between mental disorder classes and physical diseases, with physical diseases preceding mental
disorders, in the total sample (results from subsamples available on request). The most sub-
stantial associations included those of heart diseases with any mental disorder and anxiety dis-
orders, and between epilepsy and eating disorders. In support of transparency, results of the
crude regression models are presented in S2 Table.
We provide information on age of onset intervals between the temporal relations of our
most robust findings in S3 Table.

This article provides temporal association estimates of lifetime mental disorders and physical
diseases, based on data from 6483 adolescents of a nationally representative cohort. The most
substantial results indicate that affective disorders are a risk factor of arthritis and diseases of
the digestive system, that anxiety disorders are a risk factor of skin diseases, and that substance
use disorders are a protective factor of seasonal allergies. Vice versa, heart diseases may indicate
a risk of anxiety disorders and any mental disorder, and epilepsy a risk of eating disorders.
Our results contribute to previous findings on mental-physical comorbidity mostly resulting
from association studies in clinical or population-based samples in adults and documenting
comprising relationships between mental disorders and physical diseases [3, 5, 6], including
the comorbidity patterns observed in the present study [65–70]. However, as yet, there has
been no evidence suggesting a link between substance use disorders and allergies [71], and
even though comorbidity between epilepsy and mental disorders has been described in chil-
dren [28, 30], epidemiological data on the co-occurrence of epilepsy and eating disorders are
There is rare evidence from adult intervention trials providing insight into the developmen-
tal trajectories of co-occurring mental disorders and physical diseases. A contribution of
depression in arthritis is supported by a study demonstrating benefits of improved depression
care that extended beyond reduced depressive symptoms and included decreased pain in older
adults with arthritis and comorbid depression [72]. That anxiety may precede the onset of skin
diseases is elucidated by studies of patients with atopic dermatitis reporting improvement in
anxiety levels and skin conditions after psychotherapy [73, 74]. For eating disorders and epi-
lepsy, it has been hypothesized based on case reports, that epilepsy arising from a right hemi-
spheric focus and right frontal intracerebral lesions–with their close relationship to the limbic

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

system–could play a role in the development of eating disorders [75, 76]. This view is sup-
ported by the emerging importance of antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of eating disorders
[77]. Finally, for affective disorders preceding diseases of the digestive system, our findings are
in line with positive associations between current depression and subsequent disease activity in
adult patients with Crohn’s disease or the development of ulcers in previously ulcer-free sub-
jects [78, 79].
In contrast to findings from meta-analyses of studies in adults [80, 81], our data do not sug-
gest anxiety as a risk factor of heart diseases, which may be due to the young age of subjects, as
anxiety-induced pathophysiological processes might take decades to develop. Vice versa, the
prognostic relevance of cardiovascular diseases for anxiety disorders is less clear in the adult lit-
erature. Even though there is some evidence for increased anxiety levels after myocardial
infarction [82–84], prospective data providing pre-infarction information is mostly not avail-
able, and studies addressing causality are lacking.
Different biological, behavioral, cognitive, and social pathways mediating the relationships
between mental disorders and physical diseases have been proposed, but even though study
designs to inform about developmental trajectories have already been applied successfully [85],
specific comorbidity patterns remain to be determined [5, 40, 86]. Until then, the available data
may help to generate hypotheses on the nature of these pathways.
With regard to depression and arthritis, previous work documents the pain-enhancing
potential of brain circuits that may be disturbed in depression [87] and, vice versa, the analgesic
effects of antidepressants [88], indicating that depression-related brain networks might con-
tribute to the etiology of arthritis. Further pathway candidates are the immune system and the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, as local inflammation, followed by a systemic
reaction, and inappropriately low secretion of cortisol are typical features of arthritis [89, 90],
and disturbances of the immune system and the HPA axis have been described in persons with
depression [91, 92].
Regarding depression-related onset of diseases of the digestive system, the pathophysiology
of the brain-gut axis, involving the corticotropin-releasing factor system [93] may play a role
[94], as experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated that acute and chronic stress have
impacts on the gastrointestinal system, being permissive in the development of gut diseases
In terms of potential mechanisms underlying the observed prediction of skin diseases by
anxiety disorders, it is of note that psychological stress has not only been associated with atopic
dermatitis symptom severity [96], but also with various skin health-relevant immune alter-
ations, including slowed wound healing and augmented induction of inflammatory processes
and immunoglobulin E (IgE) production [97, 98]. To date, there is only preliminary evidence
on the psychoneuroimmunology of anxiety disorders, suggesting that high levels of anxiety
might be associated with impaired cellular immunity and IgE synthesis [99, 100].
The reduced risk of seasonal allergy related to substance use disorders in our study may be a
consequence of increased consumption of certain substances, for example alcohol, and related
immunological changes [101–103], but such positive consequences should be interpreted with
caution as it is well established that substance use disorders are associated with increased risk
of morbidity and mortality [104].
Body perception and interoceptive conditioning may contribute to the heart disease-related
increased risk of anxiety disorders [105]: Heartbeat sensitivity has been shown to be increased
in persons suffering from congenital heart diseases compared to healthy controls [106] and
studies using heartbeat perception tasks in anxiety disorders support the notion of higher inter-
oceptive sensitivity towards the heartbeat as etiological factor in anxiety diseases [107].
Changes in neuronal structure and function resulting from epileptic seizures [108], possibly

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

contribute to the risk of eating disorders related with epilepsy. A systematic review of case
reports concluded that although simple changes in appetite and eating behavior occurred with
hypothalamic and brain stem lesions, the characteristic psychopathology of eating disorders
was associated with right frontal and temporal lobe damage [109]. On a molecular level, it has
been documented that 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C, G protein-coupled
(HTR2C)-receptor-deficient mice showed disturbed feeding behavior and were prone to spon-
taneous death from seizures, suggesting that 5-HT2C receptors may play a role in linking eat-
ing disorders and epilepsy [110].
Strengths of our study include the large nationally representative sample [43], the broadness
of mental disorders and physical diseases included, the use of a fully structured diagnostic
interview for the assessment of mental disorders, with good quality criteria [43, 47], and the
integration of child and parent information [50]. Good response rate and the minimal amount
of missing data make it unlikely that loss of subjects has introduced selection bias. Still, the
results of this study should be interpreted in light of several limitations; some have been dis-
cussed previously, including self-report measures of physical diseases [34], the cross-sectional
design, and the use of retrospective data, involving the risk of recall bias [46, 111]. Specifically,
the wording of the questions in the physical diseases checklist in the CIDI ("Did a doctor or
other health professional ever tell you that you had any of the following illnesses. . .") might have
led to underestimated values, because to positively answer any of these questions the adolescent
must have sought a health professional and recalled the diagnosis.
However, a suitable longitudinal dataset allowing studying the chronology of onset of men-
tal disorders and physical diseases in mental-physical comorbidity patterns is lacking while
needed to corroborate our findings. Until then, these findings are important to guide future
research by providing hypotheses, not least given the novel probing strategy of the National
Comorbidity Surveys that has been shown to increase the accuracy of age of onset reports
[112]. Moreover, the young and relatively homogenous age range of NCS-A participants within
the peak-onset period of mental disorders [113] diminishes the risk of potential bias by age-
related impairment in the recall of age of illness onset [114]. Furthermore, lifetime prevalence
estimates (reported by our group for the main categories of mental disorders and for physical
diseases in [34] and in [62] for specific mental disorders) and age of onset distributions of men-
tal disorders and physical diseases (see S4 Table) are generally in line with previous findings
[115–134]. Still, participants could have been rather young at disease onset that could have
occurred a decade or more prior to the assessment. This might have introduced recall bias.
However, as already mentioned, previous work demonstrated that children’s self-reports on
their health are largely reliable and valid [55–57].
Moreover, according to the risk-factor concept by Kraemer and colleagues [135] and due to
the cross-sectional design of the study, the presented findings cannot inform about ‘causal risk
factors’ but rather about ‘risk factors’ defined as factors preceding the outcome. Besides the
temporal relationship, other aspects suggesting causality [136] may be considered, including
the strengths of the relationships, for example those between affective disorders and arthritis,
with HRs > 3, the specificity of associations, their mechanistic plausibility as discussed above,
as well as evidence from the few intervention trials or consistency with the few prospective
studies depicted above. Finally, we restricted our analyses to the main categories of mental dis-
orders and physical diseases instead of focusing on subcategories. This hampered integration
of results into the literature but ensured sufficient number of cases for each comorbidity pat-
tern, thereby complying with statistical assumptions.
Given the high lifetime prevalence of some comorbidity patterns [34, 35], the partly sub-
stantial temporal relationships between lifetime mental disorders and physical diseases, and
the high burden for the individual and health economics [21–23, 66], our findings carry

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

relevance for psychiatric and medical health care and the roles of psychiatrists and other medi-
cal specialists in patient management [26], and they can inform research priorities and guide
task forces, health policy plans and medical education [137]. In line with current strategic
research goals [24, 25, 138], our results may pave the way to improve diagnostic approaches,
prevention and treatment of mental-physical comorbidity, for example by considering that
treatment of a mental disorder may have implications for a physical disease, and vice versa
A large body of evidence from the WHO World Mental Health Survey documented that the
epidemiology of mental-physical comorbidity in adults is comparable worldwide [5], suggest-
ing that the temporal course of onset of mental disorders and physical diseases in adolescents
might as well be similar worldwide. However, generalizability of our findings from an adoles-
cent sample on an adult population might be limited, for instance, due to the increasing influ-
ence of lifestyle-related factors across the lifespan and, hence, the rather late onset of certain
physical disorders [140–142].
Future studies should, besides surveying longitudinal data, include subclinical manifesta-
tions of mental disorders and physical diseases, for example using non-invasive measures of
arterial structure and function for heart diseases, that occur before the onset of symptoms, in
order to better understand the temporal sequence of the relationships. Additionally, it may be
worth scrutinizing the comorbidity of mental and physical conditions with regard to the rele-
vance of age of onset, duration of the conditions, and temporal distance between ages of onset
(in future studies). Moreover, randomized-controlled intervention trials in representative pop-
ulations and animal models would be important to shed light on the causality and underlying
biological, psychological and behavioral mechanisms of the relationships between mental dis-
orders and physical diseases that we revealed, to foster the development of interdisciplinary
preventive approaches and interventions, including the development of clinical guidelines deal-
ing simultaneously with mental disorders and physical diseases [143].
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study of the temporal associa-
tion of mental disorders and physical diseases in adolescents with mental-physical comorbidity
in a nationally representative survey, based on data from 6483 subjects. The most substantial
results indicate that affective disorders may increase the risk of arthritis and diseases of the
digestive system, that anxiety disorders may increase the risk of skin diseases, and that sub-
stance use disorders may decrease the risk of seasonal allergies. Vice versa, heart diseases may
indicate a risk of anxiety disorders and any mental disorder, and epilepsy a risk of eating disor-
ders. The clear temporal relationships between mental disorders and physical diseases for spe-
cific comorbidity patterns suggest that certain mental disorders may be risk factors of certain
physical diseases at early life stages, and vice versa. These results predominantly expand the rel-
evance of mental disorders in adolescence beyond mental health care to physical health care,
and vice versa, supporting the concept of integrative care, and open new starting-points for
early disease prevention and better treatments, which is relevant for various medical

Supporting Information
S1 Table. Discrete-time proportional hazard models for lifetime mental disorders (time-
varying) predicting physical diseases (crude models).
S2 Table. Discrete-time proportional hazard models for lifetime physical diseases (time-
varying) predicting mental disorders (crude models).

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Mental-Physical Comorbidity: Chronology

S3 Table. Age of onset intervals of temporal associations between mental disorders preced-
ing physical diseases and vice versa in participants reporting both conditions.
S4 Table. Ages of onset by physical disease/mental disorder category.

Disclaimer: Hereby, we acknowledge that the original collector of the data, ICPSR, and the rel-
evant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or infer-
ences based upon such uses.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: MT GM.
Data curation: MT ES AB GM.
Formal analysis: MT AB GM.
Funding acquisition: MT.
Investigation: MT ES GM.
Methodology: MT AB GM.
Project administration: MT ES GM.
Software: MT AB GM.
Supervision: MT GM.
Validation: MT ES AB GM.
Visualization: MT ES GM.
Writing – original draft: MT.
Writing – review & editing: MT ES AB GM.

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