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English For Banking Level1 Unit1

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introduce yourself

• talk about countries, nationalities
and languages

finance • say names and numbers

• talk about personal finances

Getting to know you

Vocabulary 1 Match the phrases in the box with pictures 1–6.

Are you Mr Stoner?    Good morning.    My name’s Jane.    

Pleased to meet you.    This is Henry.    What’s your name, please?

1 2 3

4 5 6
i ta

Listening 2 02   Listen and complete dialogues 1–4 with the words in the box.

am    are    I’m    is    name’s    this    what’s


1 A: Hello. I (1) Frances Cooper.

B: Hello. My name (2) Jon Walsh. Pleased to meet you.
2 A: Excuse me. (3) you Mr Simpson?
I am / ’m B: Yes, I am.
We are / ’re A: Pleased to meet you, Mr Simpson. (4) Trudi Moore.
What is / ’s 3 A: Good morning. (5) your name, please?
My name is / ’s B: My (6) Simon Davies.
4 A: Leena, (7) is Justin Blake. Justin, this is Leena
B: Pleased to meet you, Justin.
Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogues in 2 with your own names.

4 1 Personal finance

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am / is / are (present simple of be)

We can use be to say where somebody is from.
Where are you from? I’m / am from Germany. I’m not / am not from the USA.
We’re / are from Spain. We aren’t / are not from Argentina.
Where is he / she from? George is from Canada. Susan isn’t / is not from Poland. She’s / is from
Where are they from? Maria and Francesca are They’re not / are not from Spain.
from Italy. They aren’t / are not from Spain.

Vocabulary 4 Complete this table with the words in the box.

Brazil   British  China  English   French   German   Italian   Japanese

Country Nationality Language(s)

Germany 1 German
Italy Italian 2

3 Brazilian Portuguese

Japan Japanese 6

the UK 7 English
Spain Spanish Spanish
the USA American 8

Switzerland Swiss German, French and Italian


5 Complete these dialogues with the correct country, nationality, or language.

1 A: Hamdy, are you Egyptian? B: Yes, but they aren’t from

B: Yes, that’s right. I’m from . They’re Swiss.

. 4 A: Is he Canadian?

A: What language do you speak? B: No, he isn’t. He’s from the USA.
B: I speak . A: What language does he speak?
2 A: Are you from China, Tamio? B: He speaks .

B: No, I’m not. I’m from 5 A: Are you ?

. B: No, I’m not from the USA. I’m
A: So you speak Japanese? from Brazil.
B: Yes, that’s right. A: Do you speak Spanish?
3 A: Are they German? B: No, I speak . How
B: No, they aren’t. about you?
A: They speak German. A: I’m from Switzerland. I speak
Italian and German.

Speaking 6 Work in pairs. Say your nationality and the languages you speak.
A: I’m Italian. I speak Italian, English and French. How about you?
B: I’m French. I speak French, English, Spanish and Chinese.

Personal finance 1 5

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Names and numbers
Listening 1 Look at this business card. Make three sentences.
Examples: His name’s ...
He’s a ...

UBCS International
UB Jon Phillips
CS Financial adviser
33 Victoria Street, London W1 6AZ
Tel: (44) 020 7521 3842

2 03 Listen to this phone call between Maria Styles, the human resources

manager at UBCS International and a new employee. Choose the correct answers.
1 Why does Maria call the new employee?
a) She wants to visit his family.

b) She wants to check the spelling of his name.
c) She wants his business card.
2 What problem does she have?
a) She doesn’t know his name.
b) She can’t read his name.
c) She can’t pronounce his family name.
3 What does the new employee want on his business cards?
a) Mr J Nagy
b) Nagy Jancsi
c) Jancsi Nagy

3 Listen again and complete these sentences with the words in the box.

check family repeat spell


1 I’m sorry. Could you that, please?


2 Could I please the spelling of your name?

3 How do you your family name?
4 My name is Nagy.

Speaking 4 Work in pairs and practise this dialogue. Use your own names.
A: Hello, this is (1) . Can I check the spelling of your name, please?
B: Yes, my first name is (2) . That’s (3) .
A: Could you repeat that, please?
B: Yes, of course. My first name is (4) . That’s spelt (5) .
A: And how do you spell your family name?
B: My family name is (6) . That’s (7) .
A: Thank you.

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1 2 3 4

5 Look at the photos. What do the letters stand for? Choose the correct answers
and then take turns with a partner to say what you think.
A: What does ADB stand for?
B: I think it’s the Asian Development Bank.
1 IBM a) International Business Machines
b) International Business Management

2 HSBC a) Hull and Salford Building Corporation
b) The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

3 IBQ a) The International Bank of Qatar b) International Banking Quarter
4 ABK a) Amalgamated Bank of Kurdistan b) Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait
6 Say the next three numbers in each line.
a) two, four, six, eight ...
b) ten, nine, eight, seven ...
c) three, six, nine, twelve ...
d) two, four, eight, sixteen ...
Listening 7 04   Listen and tick (✓) the number you hear. Then work in pairs.
Check your answers and say the numbers.
a) 120 112
b) 30 13
c) 15 50

d) 117 170
e) 14 46
Writing 8 Write these numbers in words.

Example: a) 126  one hundred and twenty-six

a) 126 d) 312
b) 39 e) 88

c) 45
Vocabulary 9 Label these symbols with the words in the box. Then write the amounts 1–5 in
€ $ £ ¥ %

dollars     euros     percent     pounds     yen

1 £27 4 $12
2 €33 5 ¥180
3 59%
10 Work in pairs. Write three amounts and then dictate them to your partner.
Example: 25% twenty-five percent

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Paying for things
Vocabulary 1 Write the words in the box under the pictures.

garden    garage    computer    credit card    house    car

1 2 3

4 5 6


2 am
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the things in 1.
A: Do you have a car?   B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
have (present tense)
We use have to talk about We have a computer. She has two credit cards.
possession. We don’t have / do not have a car. She doesn’t have / does not have any euros.
We can use do / does + have A: Do you have any cash? A: What do you have in your wallet?
to ask a question. B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t / do not. B: I have thirty pounds.

A: Does she have any cash? A: Do they have a big house?

B: No, I’m sorry. She doesn’t B: Yes, they do.
have / does not have any cash.

Listening 3 05   Listen and complete this dialogue with the words in the box.

do   does (x3)   doesn’t   have  

A: Do you (1) a house? B: Yes, it (4) .

B: Yes, I (2) . A: (5) it have a garage?
A: (3) it have a garden? B: No, it (6) .

Present simple
We use the present simple to talk about something that is always or I work here.
usually true. She has brown hair.
We use the present simple to talk about things that happen They pay their telephone bill by credit card.
regularly. He pays his rent by standing order.

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1 2 3 4 5
Electricity Bill
Estimated meter

ry e il

er i e arges
a arges
t l e

a mmar

groceries clothes mortgage household bills petrol

Listening 4 06   Listen to Maggie. How does she pay for the things in the pictures?
Tick (✓) the correct columns in the table.

in cash by credit card by debit card by cheque by direct debit by standing order

household bills


Speaking 5
Complete the table for you. Add three more things and show how you pay for
them. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions.
A: How do you pay for petrol?
B: I pay in cash.
Pronunciation 6 07   Listen to these sentences. What is the sound at the end of the verb?

1 Maggie pays for her groceries in cash.

2 Sven writes lots of emails.

3 Jon uses a computer at work.

7 Write the verbs in the box under the correct heading.

buys    checks    chooses    saves    takes    watches


pays /z/ writes /s/ uses /Iz/

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5) (6)

8 08   Listen and check your answers to 7. Listen again and repeat the words.

Language 9 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the present simple.
1 I (pay) for my groceries by cheque.
2 He (use) cash for things under $50.
3 They (buy) food at the supermarket with their debit cards.
4 We (pay) our household bills by direct debit or credit card.
5 She (save) €50 every month by shopping online.
6 He (read) the financial section of the newspaper first.
7 She (watch) the business news on TV.
8 They (check) their bank statement every week.

Personal finance 1 9

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Managing your money
Vocabulary 1 Match the words in the box to these definitions 1–6.

budget expenses income pension realistic salary

1 money you get when you are old and don’t work:
2 a plan you make about what to buy and how much to spend:
3 all the money that you get from your work and other sources:
4 the money you get from your employer:
5 money you pay for things like food, petrol, household bills, etc.:
6 something that is possible to achieve:
Reading 2 Read this advice on managing your money. Underline the words from 1
in the text.

Whether you already have a job or you are still a student, it’s important to manage

your money well. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
• How much is my income? • Can I save for a pension? • How can I earn more money?

• am
Does my salary pay all my expenses? •
Six tips to help you manage your money better:
Make a budget and keep to it. 4
Is my budget realistic?

Check the prices in two or three supermarkets.

2 Learn to cook, and eat at home more. 5 Don’t go to the cinema; watch DVDs at home.
3 Buy the things you need before you buy the things you want. 6 Walk, don’t drive.

Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.


• Are you good at managing your money?

• Which of the advice in the text do you follow?
• Do you have any more tips for managing your money?

4 Use words from the text in 2 to complete this dialogue.


A: How much money does your CEO (1) ?

B: I don’t know, but it’s a lot!
A: Are you happy with your (2) ?

B: It’s OK, but I would like the company to pay me more!

A: Do you save money for a (3) ?
B: Yes, I do. I think it’s important to save for your old age.
A: Are you a clever shopper?
B: Yes, I always (4) the prices in two or three shops
before I buy something.
A: Do you have a (5) ?
B: Yes, I think it’s important to plan your spending.
A: Do you have car?
B: No, I don’t. I (6) to work.
5 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 4.

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Listening 1 09 Put these sentences in the correct order. Then listen to check
your answers.
1 Hello! My name’s George. Pleased to meet you.
Well, nice to meet you. Enjoy the seminar.
Where are you from, Susan?
I’m a trainee at a bank in Toronto.
No, I’m not. I’m from Canada. So Susan, what do you do?
I’m from the UK. Are you from the USA?
I’m a secretary at a bank in London. What about you?
What do you do?
I’m Susan. Nice to meet you, too.

What’s your job? 9 You, too!

Speaking Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue in 1. Use your own name, country and job.
A: Hi, my name’s Claire. I’m from Madrid. I’m an account manager at a bank in
London. What do you do?

B: I’m a financial adviser for an investment bank in Beijing.
Practise again with a new partner. Then introduce your two partners to
each other.
Example: This is Ahmed. He’s from the United Arab Emirates. He’s a trainee at a
bank in Frankfurt.
Listening 3 10 Listen to a phone call. What does the customer want the account
manager to do?

4 Read this change of address form. Listen again and find five mistakes.

Change of address request

Name: Ella Frick
Account number: 03457892

New address: 453 Lomis Street, Winchester SO30 5QZ


Home phone number: 01964 829741

Mobile phone number: 0779569803

Speaking 5 Work in pairs. Student A look at the information on this page. Student B look at
the information on page 68.
Student A
You are a customer of UBSC International.
Your account number is 0987432.
Phone the bank to give your new address and phone numbers.
Your new address is 355 Walton Street, Oxford OX2 9JH.
Your new home phone number is 01865 7428996.
Your new mobile number is 07789537124.
Use your own name.
When the bank employee answers the phone, begin like this:
Hello, I’d like to change the details on my account, please.
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