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Design To Resist High Wind

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Department of Architecture

Mid Term Assignment of Building for Disaster


Prepaired by:
Nishat Tasnim Tithy
Answer to the Question no 1

General Principles of Earthquake-Resistant Design are:

The Simplicity of the Structure:
The provision of an evident, basic, and uncomplicated load route to transfer
seismic forces from different parts of the structure to its foundation is referred to
as structural simplicity. Not only must the load route be obvious and
straightforward, but its components should also be stiff, ductile, and strong

Redundancy and Uniformity:

It has been proved that if a structure's strength, stiffness, and mass are
distributed symmetrically and consistently in elevation and plan, it will perform
significantly better in seismic events than a structure that lacks these attributes.
In terms of consistency of strength and stiffness in elevation,

Because seismic loads on both horizontal axes of structures are typically similar,
it is advised that identical resistant systems be provided in both directions. As a
result, the structural components must be arranged orthogonally to ensure that
resistance properties are identical in both primary directions.

During earthquakes, lateral-torsional deformation may occur, stressing diverse
structural elements in an uneven manner. The eccentricity between the centre of
mass and stiffness is what causes lateral-torsional motion. As a result, this issue
must be addressed throughout the design phase.

Diaphragm Adequacy:
The impact of diaphragms on a structure's seismic response is quite important. It
not only transfers the seismic inertia stress to the vertical structure members but
also prevents the vertical elements from moving too far to the side.

The structure that can withstand an earthquake

Rigid Structure:
While it may appear counterintuitive to construct a stiff structure to a location
where the ground moves, it is actually a highly common method of stabilizing and
maintaining a structure. The most important aspect of this technique, however, is
providing lateral rigidity. It's simple enough to construct a vertically strong
structure but ensuring that the structure moves uniformly side to side during the
earthquake is more difficult.

Multiple Safety:
Multiple safety methods are in place in a really earthquake-proof building to
ensure it does not collapse. This increases the cost of constructing an
earthquake-resistant structure, but it pays off immediately when you are attacked
by an earthquake or storm. Essentially, earthquake-resistant structures will
contain multiple qualities from this list.
In general, it refers to the usage of foundations, cross braces, and materials with
evenly distributed strength both sideways and vertically.

Strong Foundation:
In order to construct an earthquake-proof building, you must first ensure that your
foundations will support your structure. As with any structure, you must ensure
that the area where you are constructing has a safe foundation in order to give a
stable building basis.
When construction in earthquake or cyclone-prone areas, however,
reinforcement is frequently required. Softer ground material, which might slide
and cave after heavy rain or vibrations, is common in areas prone to these
natural calamities.

Because of its simple design and ease of installation, cross bracings are
employed in earthquake-proof buildings all over the world. Cross braces are
comparable to trusses in that they give stiffness by being integrated into the walls
and floors.

“The materials employed in an earthquake-resistant structure can make or break
its stability. Some materials, despite providing a strong and stable structure, are
not designed to resist earthquake movement. Bricks, in particular, are very
vulnerable to earthquake shocks. The following materials are frequently used in
earthquake-resistant construction”:
● Wood
● Steel
● Bamboo

Answer to the Question no 2

Shear Walls and Diaphragms:

When designing a wind-resistant building, engineers can choose various
structural components and combine them into what the building code calls a
main wind-force resisting system. These structural components include
diaphragms and shear walls. Installation of wood structural panels or board
sheathing over roof or floor supports creates a diaphragm, a flat structural unit
that acts like a deep, thin I-beam or girder to resist lateral forces.
The diaphragm’s panels act as the web of the beam to resist shear, while the
edge members act as flanges, resisting bending stresses. These edge members,
commonly called chords in diaphragm design, may be joists, ledgers, trusses, top
plates or other wood components. Diaphragms vary considerably in load-carrying
capacity, depending on whether they are blocked or unblocked.
Wood structural panels, structural fiberboard, particleboard or board sheathing
fastened over wall framing can be used to create shear walls (Figure 2). Shear
walls receive reactions from the roof and floor diaphragms, and transmit these
forces into the foundation. Shear walls resist lateral forces parallel to the plane of
the wall. A shear wall is simply a cantilevered diaphragm; load applied at the top
of the wall transfers out along the bottom of the wall to the foundation.

System Design:
Structural design of the main wind-force resisting system is a relatively simple
process if the designer keeps the overall concept of load path in mind. Any
sheathed element in a building adds strength and stiffness to the structure. So, if
walls, floors and roofs are sheathed with structural wood panels or boards over
lumber framing and adequately tied (together and to the foundation) with
approved connectors, they meet many of the requirements of a main wind-force
resisting system.
In non-residential buildings with tilt-up concrete or masonry walls, most damage
during a high wind event occurs if the roof- to-wall connections around the
perimeter of the roof diaphragm are overstressed. To prevent this type of
damage, properly connect roof framing to exterior walls and install continuous
ties across the roof between walls.
When designing walls, building professionals often use framing anchors in lieu of
or to augment traditional fastening connectors such as bolts and nails,
particularly in applications where the lateral forces are high. Examples are shear
wall hold- down anchors and rods. Framing anchors are also used at roof truss to
wall top plate connections, where the connector must accommodate forces in
three different directions during high wind events.

Wind Loads and Wall Design:

Wind exerts pressures (inward or outward) on all exterior building surfaces.
Minimum required wall design wind pressures are of similar magnitude to typical
roof and floor vertical design pressures due to gravity loading. If a building’s
exterior cladding does not have the capacity to resist these pressures, the
sheathing behind it must.

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