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Interpretation of Historical Personality in The Novel

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484 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 484

ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

Interpretation of Historical Personality in the Novel

Akhmadjonova Okilakhon Abdumalikovna, Makhmidjonov Shokhrukhbek
FarDU, lecturer Department of literature

Great member of twentieth century Uzbek literature Askad Mukhtor's "Chinor" novel and its
historical heros are under discussion in this article.
KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: novel, history, genre, time, people, legend, creative work,
language, method and author.

The author shaped several historical people who were representatives of knowledge science
based on his creative purpose in Askad Mukhtor's"Chinor" novel which owns specific
compositional structure. One of them narrates Abu Nasr Forobiy's who became second
teacher after Arastu and in this position the author used legend genre of folklore. He pointed
given social problems in the next story by the king and scientist's conversation in the course
of events.
The main part
Contemporary well-known writers' effect was also huge in forming of Askad Mukhtor's
attitude to folklore. For example, Markhamat Ochilova who learned the effect of folklore in
the author's creation admits Gafur Gulam's influence by emphasizing that Askad Mukhtor
heard about the description of the nay that Al- Forobiy brought from Greece and afterwards
he introduced in his work by reworking on it 1. This legend differs from the first one with its
language and method sharply. If we see the language and method related to folk tales in the
first legend, in the second one the language and method typical of folk books about Mashrab,
Ibrokhim Adkham and other historical people are the leader:
"The human in Forob village next to Sir Mukhammad is well-known and popular around the
world among wise men. He was the second master in knowledge and science after Arastu and
he was famous for Al-Forobiy name. He brought a miracle with millions of extra ordinary
things which was called " nay"2.
This passage reminds language and style of a conversation in " xojibobo takyaxona" in "
Shum bola", namely, we can say that the influence of Gafur Gulam is strong in the effective
use of Askad Mukhtor's oral creativity. While this language and style perfected tha character
of people in "Shum bola" and in "Chinor" it created a certain science and seriousness.
We can see Akhmad Yassaviy a well-known representative of Uzbek classical literature and
Tolstoy a representative of Russian literature in the novel "Chinor" by Askad Mukhtor. In
one of the stories in the novel, the writer goes back history through memories of Ochil buva

Ochilova Marhamat. The novel "Plane" and folklore. Uzbek language and literature. 1970, No. 2, p.9.
Mukhtor A. Chinor. Tashkent, Gafur Gulom Publishing House of Literature and Art, 1969, p.

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485 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 485
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

and tells the story of his brother Abdulakhad. The story is mainly about meeting with the
great Russian writer Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana the verses read from Yassaviy in this
meeting, the author's thoughs on the freedom of the slave man and human spirituality are
devoted to the interpretation of events related to Tolstoy. In this story the author intends to
reveal his ideas and goals, on the one hand, and on the other hand, he has a great respect for
the works of Yassaviy and Tolstoy, representatives of literature living in different periods of
the Eastern and Western worlds. Tolstoy acknowledges the writer's worldview and
recognizes him as a great thinker when he heard from Abdulakhad Yassaviy's verses about
the material world, the consequences of lust and aspiration to it, oppression and violence,
halal and haram. And he asserts that the ideas in Yassaviy's doctrine are universal ideas:
" ... tell me: why do great wise men of all times propagandise this education so
enthuasiastically? Why are there so many in all religions, in all people: Krishna, Buddha,
Lao-tzu, Socrates, Epictetus, Mark Aurelius, Russo, Kant, Emerson and Yassaviy. Because
this is not only Iso's teaching, these are universal rules. Ethical truth and religious truth are
both just one truth. Mutual love is humans' the only wise activity. A person should think
about own moral maturity by living according to love rules not state ones unstoppably3"
In a society in what religious idealogy and ideas are banned, people are turned into working
machines based on various "high-flying" mottos and pressure promoting such ideas about
people's living based on love rules, not the state rules was a huge courage. Although these
opinions told with the words of the character, in fact, it is clear that these were expressing the
author's outlook. With the meaning of this story, it can be told that one of the writer's
influence sources is, undoubtedly, Tolstoy's creation and thinker's philosophy also played a
profound role in the foundation of Askad Mukhtor's philosophical outlook. While reading the
novel we are witness to the steps of mysticism philosophy typical of East classical literature
in the author's creation too. Literary scientist Umarali Normatov admitted following features
"... pay attention to Yassaviy, universal ideas in his doctrine sentences about the life giving
strength of his religious teachings. This sentences were written in 60's condition when to talk
about Yassaviy generally, to say something good about religious doctrines were banned and
Yassaviy was expelled from literature history! Although it was givem with Tolstoy's worda
and in his prediction way, it wasn't a jest to write" bloody revolution", "an enormous crime"
about "the great revolution!"4.
Writing a novel with the words of historical great people by making his religious and moral
notions absorb and knowing how to wake respect towards ancestors up in a reader is another
clear example of Askad Mukhtor's proficiency.

Mukhtor A. Chinor. Tashkent, Gafur Gulom Publishing House of Literature and Art, 1969, 313 p.
Normatov U. The magic of creation. "Singer of the XX century". Tashkent. Sharq NMAK, 2007. 93-p.

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486 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 486
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

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