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What Is Figurative Language?

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What Is Figurative Language?

Figurative language is words or expressions

that mean something different than their
literal meaning.

Some Types of Figurative Language:

 Simile
 Metaphor
 Onomatopoeia

©Starlight Learning by Megan

Name ____________________________ Date ______________

A comparisons using the word “like” or “as”.

You are like a ray of sunshine.
• You are being compared to a ray of sunshine.
• The word “like” is used to make the comparison.

She felt as cool as a cucumber.

• She is being compared to a cool cucumber.
• The word “as” is used to make the comparison.

Complete each simile below with a word or phrase.

1. My friend is as sweet as _____________________________________________

2. Your dog is funny like _______________________________________________

3. She is as pretty as __________________________________________________

4. He is fast like ______________________________________________________

5. Mary is as smart as _________________________________________________

6. Joe is happy like ___________________________________________________

7. Mrs. Smith is like ___________________________________________________

8. Mr. Jones is as tall as _______________________________________________

9. That cat moves as quiet as ___________________________________________

10. The swing felt like _________________________________________________

©Starlight Learning by Megan

Name ____________________________ Date ______________

A comparison that does not use the word “like” or “as”.

He is a bear in the morning.
• He is being compared to a bear.
• The words “like” or “as” are not used to make the comparison.

Tom’s room is a pig pen.

• Tom’s room is being compared to a pig pen.
• The words “like” or “as” are not used to make the comparison.

Complete each metaphor below with a word or phrase.

1. The lion’s teeth are _______________________________________________

2. The elephant’s trunk is _____________________________________________

3. Her eyes are ____________________________________________________

4. Their car is a _____________________________________________________

5. My mom’s cookies are _____________________________________________

6. My brother is _____________________________________________________

7. The falling snowflakes are ___________________________________________

8. In the morning I am _______________________________________________

9. The cat is _______________________________________________________

10. Books are _______________________________________________________

©Starlight Learning by Megan

Name ____________________________ Date ______________

A word that imitates a sound

The thunder created a loud boom!
• The word “boom” makes the sound the thunder makes

I love to bang on the drums.

• The word “bang” makes the sound the drums make.

Complete each sentence below with an onomatopoeia.

1. Her shoes _______________________________on the tile floor.

2. The bird _____________________________________ all morning.

3. The pots and pans fell with a _______________________________

4. The balloon went ___________________________ when I sat on it.

5. I _________________________________________my soup.

6. The wolf _______________________________ at the moon.

7. The tires ___________________________ as the car turned.

8. She closed the door with a _________________________________

9. The cat ______________________ when she wanted to come inside.

10. I heard the doorbell ________________________________________

©Starlight Learning by Megan

Answer Key
Name ____________________________ Date ______________

A comparisons using the word “like” or “as”.

You are like a ray of sunshine.
• You are being compared to a ray of sunshine.
• The word “like” is used to make the comparison.

She felt as cool as a cucumber.

• She is being compared to a cool cucumber.
• The word “as” is used to make the comparison.

Complete each simile below with a word or phrase. Possible answers:

1. My friend is as sweet as candy.

2. Your dog is funny like a clown.

3. She is as pretty as a flower.

4. He is fast like a cheetah.

5. Mary is as smart as a scientist.

6. Joe is happy like a puppy.

7. Mrs. Smith is like a ray of sunshine.

8. Mr. Jones is as tall as a skyscraper.

9. That cat moves as quietly as a lion hunting its prey.

10. The swing felt like a hot frying pan.

©Starlight Learning by Megan

Name ____________________________
KeyDate ______________

A comparison that does not use the word “like” or “as”.

He is a bear in the morning.
• He is being compared to a bear.
• The words “like” or “as” are not used to make the comparison.

Tom’s room is a pig pen.

• Tom’s room is being compared to a pig pen.
• The words “like” or “as” are not used to make the comparison.

Complete each metaphor below with a word or phrase. Possible answers:

1. The lion’s teeth are sharp knives.

2. The elephant’s trunk is a long hose.

3. Her eyes are twinkling stars.

4. Their car is a rocket.

5. My mom’s cookies are little pieces of heaven.

6. My brother is a wind-up toy.

7. The falling snowflakes are tiny dancers.

8. In the morning I am a crab.

9. The cat is a lump on a log.

10. Books are adventures for your mind.

©Starlight Learning by Megan

Name ____________________________
KeyDate ______________

A word that imitates a sound

The thunder created a loud boom!
• The word “boom” makes the sound the thunder makes

I love to bang on the drums.

• The word “bang” makes the sound the drums make.

Complete each sentence below with an onomatopoeia. Possible answers:

1. Her shoes clapped on the tile floor.

2. The bird tweets all morning.

3. The pots and pans fell with a clang.

4. The balloon went pop when I sat on it.

5. I slurped my soup.

6. The wolf howls at the moon.

7. The tires screeched as the car turned.

8. She closed the door with a slam.

9. The cat meowed when she wanted to come inside.

10. I heard the doorbell ding.

©Starlight Learning by Megan

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©Starlight Learning by Megan

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