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P.E G9 Week 3-4

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Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro


“Do everything in love."

- 1 Corinthians 16:14
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Score: _____________

Physical Education 9
Quarter 1 Week 3-4
Lesson/Topic: Determining Your Heath Status

Filipino Food Pyramid
A good eating habit is choosing the right kinds of
food based on your body’s nutritional needs.

Daily Nutritional Guide Pyramid for Filipino children

(13-19 yrs. Old)
1. Base Level – the largest and strongly suggests that
one should be involved in daily physical or
recreational activities. Avoid long exposure to TV
and computer games. Avoid smoking and
drinking alcoholic beverages.
2. Second Level – suggests daily number of glasses
of drinks to be consumed. Examples are water and
natural fruit juices.
3. Third Level – composed of carbohydrate foods.
Examples are rice, cereals and root crops.
4. Fourth Level – consists of variety of fruits and
vegetables which are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Examples are fruit and vegetables.
5. Fifth Level – consists of protein-rich foods, supports the growth and development of bones and muscles. Examples
are milk, meat and poultry.
6. Peak of the Pyramid – consumed very least. It is composed of sugars or sweets, fats and oils.

Lesson Objective/s:
 determine the risks factors for major non communicable diseases lifestyle-related and the needs of others in real life
and in meaningful ways
 value the importance of eating plan for healthy living;
 make a complete plan meal and a survey form.

Activity 1
Watch the following video and identify the different food groups. Then, answer the following questions.

Guide Questions:
1. List the group of foods that are part of the food pyramid that you’ve seen on the video.
2. How does selecting the food you eat affect your health and wellness? Explain.

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

3. Which groups of food you enjoy eating? Explain.

Activity 2
Search this link
19yrs-old. Then, make a complete plan of meal for 7 days using the table of serving portions of common foods based on
the recommended serving size. Make sure to indicate the number of servings. Fill in the table below.
Breakfast Morning Lunch Afternoon Dinner Water or
Snack Snack Beverages
Day 1
Day 2

Key Concept
Philippine Dietary Reference Intake (PDRI) provides a suggested amount of energy or nutrients to be
consumed daily to maintain the good health and wellness of an individual.

Different Types of Eating

1. Fueling for Performance – eating the right kinds of food for two or three hours before you exercise or train gives
enough time for the body to digest and absorb the food. It replenishes the body, restores energy, and repairs muscles.
2. Emotional eating – refers to the consumption of food not because of hunger but because of emotional distress or a
way of relieve.
3. Social eating – happens during social gatherings or celebrations, when someone consume food even if it is
unplanned just to avoid offending the host.
4. Distracted eating – refers to the habit of eating while watching TV, wherein the viewer tends to eat more than what
is necessary. It may lead to overweight and obesity if not given proper attention.

Factors Leading to Lifestyle-related Diseases

a. Smoking – a blood clot can form easily among people who smoke. This also make the heart work harder, increasing
the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.
b. Eating foods with high salt, fat, sugar, or oil – high salt can lead to hypertension, whereas too much consumption
of fats and oils leads to high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
c. High level of bad cholesterol – it slowly forms and sticks the walls of the arteries. This clogs vessels restrict the
blood flow to the heart and brain.
d. Poor nutrition – this results higher risk of developing diseases.
e. Physical inactivity – might lead to weight gain, increased bad cholesterol and increased blood pressure.
f. Stress – decreases immune resistance and slows down the recovery of the body.
g. Obesity – if an individual is 20%-30% more than his/her ideal weight, he/she is at higher risk of suffering from
cardiovascular disease. The additional weight increases the workload of the heart and other internal organs.

Major Lifestyle-related Disease

1. Cardiovascular diseases – related to heart and blood vessels.
2. Diabetes – a serious, chronic metabolic disease, characterized by an increase in a blood sugar levels, which is
associated with long-term damage and failure in organ functions, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and
blood vessels.

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

3. Hypertension – a consistent elevation in mean arterial pressure. When blood pressure is high, it creates strain on
the arteries of the heart, making the heart work harder than it should.
4. Cancer – this develops when cells unnecessarily and rapidly multiply and outgrow the number of normal cells.
5. Stroke – this happens when there is an interruption or insufficient supply of blood flowing to the brain, which is
caused by ruptured or blocked blood vessels. It can cause permanent damage to the brain if the obstruction in blood
vessels of left medically unattended for more than several minutes.

Activity 4
Come up with your own commitment plan. Write the answers in each box.

My Commitment Plan

My eating habit that needs to My ways on how to improve I need to make these changes
be improved or changed: my eating habits are through: because:
(What are my eating habits that (How will I improve my eating (Why do I need these changes?)
need to be improved or habits?)

Performance Task
You are a nurse in a junior high school. The school principal asked you to come up with a survey form to find out
how many students are at risk of having lifestyle-related diseases. Your survey form will be evaluated based on the purpose,
clarity of questions, choices of responses, layout, content, spelling and grammar and utility. You will present the form to
the head of the school administration for approval.
4 3 2 1
Purpose Purpose is stated clearly. Purpose is stated somewhat Purpose is stated vaguely. Purpose is not
clearly. stated.
Clarity of Questions are crystal Questions are very clear Questions are somewhat Questions are
questions clear and a person and a person might have to clear and a person would confusing and
would not have to ask ask for clarification. have to ask for ambiguous.
for clarification. clarification.
Choice of Every person would be Most people would be able Few people would be able No one would be
responses able to choose from the to choose from the to choose from the able to choose from
responses. responses. responses. the responses.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

Layout The selection of The selection of graphics, The selection of graphics, The selection of
graphics, line styles, and line styles and arrangement line styles and graphics, line styles
arrangement options options mostly enhances arrangement options and arrangement
enhances the layout and the layout of the survey. sometimes enhances the options do not
meaning of the survey. layout of the survey. enhance the layout
of the survey.
Content All essential questions Most of the essential Some of the essential One or fewer
are properly addressed. questions are properly questions are properly essential questions
addressed. addressed. are addressed.
Spelling/ All words are spelled Most words are spelled Most words are spelled Numerous spelling
Grammar correctly. Grammar, correctly. Grammar, correctly. Grammar, errors. Grammar,
punctuation, spacing and punctuation, spacing and punctuation, spacing and punctuation,
word usage are word usage are mostly word usage have some spacing and word
appropriate. appropriate. errors. usage have a
number of errors.
Utility Easy to use and pleasant Easy to follow. Choppy, but gets the job Difficult to follow
to look at. done. and is jumbled.

Guide Questions:
1. How will you relay the information you learned to your family or friends?
2. As a student, how can you prevent lifestyle-related disease?
3. One of your friend asked you an advice about what to eat. What advice will you give? Why?
4. Mrs. Bartolome is suffering a severe pain. She isexperiencing a stroke. What first aid will you give? Discuss.

Good luck! God bless!

Ms. Donna Mae L. Bautro
CP# 0910-055-8261
FB Account: Donna Mae Bautro

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