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Mountain Research and Development (MRD) MountainResearch

An international, peer-reviewed open access journal Systems knowledge

published by the International Mountain Society (IMS)

The Puna Pastoralist System: A Coproduced

Landscape in the Central Andes
Yanina Arzamendia1,2*, Verónica Rojo1,3, Natividad M. González4, Jorge L. Baldo1,5, Marı́a Ines Zamar6, Hugo E. Lamas6, and
Bibiana L. Vilá1,7
* Corresponding author:
VICAM (Vicun~as, Camelidos y Ambiente), Luján, 6700 Buenos Aires, Argentina
INECOA (Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas), CONICET UNJu (National Research Council and National University of Jujuy), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences,
National University of Jujuy, Alberdi 47, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
Department of Technology and Department of Basic Sciences, National University of Luján. Avenida Constitución and RN 5, 6700 Buenos Aires,
CIITED (Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Tecnologı́as y Desarrollo Social para el NOA), CONICET UNJu, Faculty of Human Studies and Social
Sciences and Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Jujuy, Otero 369, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
CONICET and Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Jujuy, Alberdi 47, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
INBIAL (Instituto de Biologı́a de la Altura), National University of Jujuy, Avenida Bolivia 1661, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
CONICET—Department of Social Sciences, National University of Luján, Avenida Constitución and RN 5, 6700 Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ó 2021 Arzamendia et al. This open access article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/). Please credit the authors and the full source.

In mountain socioecological landscape with natural and anthropic (water sources, grasslands,
systems, the interaction wildlife, livestock, and techniques) elements interacting through
between nature and people is complex mechanisms involving environmental conditions and
at the core of planning local cultural and economic practices. Some drivers that threaten the
long-term sustainable system’s sustainability are overexploitation and land use change.
development strategies. These are visible as poaching or conversion of pasturelands into
Pastoralism is the main mining areas. Finally, we identify a number of knowledge gaps.
traditional socioeconomic
These include lack of information on some regulatory contributions
livelihood in dryland mountains. It is strongly associated with long-
of nature to people, biodiversity status, and trends and statistical
established land use practices that provide essential material and
information on Indigenous Peoples and local communities; the flow
relational contributions, both of which shape human populations
and nature. The aim of this work is to characterize the traditional of relationships; and coproductions related to the local expression
pastoralist system of the Puna (northwest Argentina) in a of the quality of life. We also highlight the need for spatially explicit
framework that highlights its diverse values and valuations within information and comprehensive knowledge of drivers and
nature–people coproductions. We use the conceptual framework socioecological dynamics of the landscape.
of the Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services as a tool to analyze and understand these Keywords: pastoral livelihood; camelids; Puna Argentina;
socioecological systems. We also identify 3 coproduction types at highlands; rangelands; socioecological systems.
different steps of the benefit flow from ecosystems to quality of life.
Pastoral livelihood persists in the Argentine Puna, cocreating a Received: 19 March 2021 Accepted: 20 September 2021

Introduction management practices extend over almost 70% of

rangelands all over the globe and preserve 46% of the
A good grasp of interactions between nature and people, world’s livestock diversity (McGahey et al 2014).
especially for mountain socioecological systems, is crucial in The Altiplano or Puna in the Central Andes includes
planning local long-term sustainable development strategies. areas of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. Its southern area
These strategies are important for safeguarding both the has challenging conditions for crops. Throughout the
natural assets that support and enhance human wellbeing in environmental history of the Puna, some animals have
mountain environments and the key contributions of those become domesticated through a coproduction process that
ecosystems to human populations in either mountains or took thousands of years of human–animal interactions. This
other environments (Payne et al 2020). generated 2 livestock species: llamas (Lama glama) and alpacas
Pastoralism is the main traditional socioeconomic (Vicugna pacos) (Franklin 2011). Extensive grazing by llamas,
livelihood in dryland mountains. It is strongly associated alpacas, and sheep (Ovis aries) that frequently share grazing
with long-established land use practices that make relational sites with wild vicu~
nas (Vicugna vicugna) provide the main
and material (such as proteins and fiber) contributions, thus income for at least 1 million pastoralists in the region (Leon-
sustaining the poorest human populations of the planet Velarde et al 2000; Quispe et al 2009; Devenish and Gianella
(Nori and Davies 2007). Pastoralism and dryland 2012; Arzamendia et al 2014; González 2014). Pastoralist
Mountain Research and Development Vol 41 No 4 Nov 2021: R38–R49 R38

systems usually combine llamas and sheep to both increase biodiversity and ecosystems and thus on their services
the system’s flexibility and reduce its vulnerability (Postigo et (Martı́n-López et al 2019).
al 2008). They also increase animal protein supply for The aim of this work is to characterize the traditional
families while leaving a smaller freshwater footprint than pastoralist systems of the Puna (northwest Argentina) in a
that of industrial livestock systems (G€obel 2001; Quispe et al framework that highlights its diverse values and valuations
2009). Mobility is another strategy that pastoralist societies within nature–people coproductions. We identify social
(spatially scattered and low in density) use to address (economic, political, and global) conditions, threats, and
environmental heterogeneity, such as resource availability some resilience processes. We apply the IPBES CF through a
and climatic conditions, especially during drought periods comprehensive analysis of field data and literature about this
(Khazanov 1994; Yacobaccio 2014). region, identifying the current status of research and
The rural space is experiencing a long-term gradual knowledge gaps.
process of depopulation that threatens the continuity of
pastoral livelihood as a socioeconomic system (Gil Montero Methodology
2007; Gil Montero et al 2007; González 2021). In recent
decades, social processes and changes have resulted from Study site
countercultural policies, modifications in consumption The study site is located in the Puna of Jujuy, northwest
patterns and life expectancy, and the establishment of Argentina. The Puna or Altiplano is a high mountain plateau
megamining, all under a climate change scenario (G€ obel associated with mountain peaks and located at 3500 masl in
2003; Bergesio and González 2020; Postigo 2020). the Central Andes region. It has a cold climate, high levels of
Payne et al (2020), in line with Martı́n-López et al (2019), solar radiation, low atmospheric humidity, and wide thermal
emphasized the necessity for mountain systems amplitude (Aceituno 1996). The water regime decreases to
acknowledgment, considering both their commonality and the south, where the climate is extremely dry. The study site
their singularity. They called for the use of comprehensive is part of both the Puna ecoregion (3500–4000 masl),
conceptual frameworks (CFs), such as those of the specifically the semiarid Puna complex, and the High Andes
Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity ecoregion (above 4000 masl; Morello et al 2012). In the study
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (Dı́az et al 2015) to improve area (66810 0 W and 22826 0 S), the main towns (Santa Catalina,
interdisciplinary research and knowledge codesigned with Cieneguillas, Cienega de Paicone, and Cusi Cusi) were
stakeholders and actors related to mountain conservation. founded in the 17th century and mainly consist of adobe
The IPBES CF (Dı́az et al 2015; IPBES 2019) is a (dried mud) houses clustered around a historical heritage
particularly useful tool for analyzing and understanding church. These towns have fewer than 500 residents and have
socioecological systems, such as those of the Puna. This CF administrative, political, sanitary, commercial, religious,
makes a distinction between main components (nature, celebratory, and educational (elementary and high school)
nature’s contributions to people [NCPs], good quality of life, institutional infrastructure. The main rural activity is sheep
anthropogenic assets, direct drivers of change, and indirect and llama herding (and sometimes goat rearing) to produce
drivers of change) and their interactions (Martı́n-López et al fiber, skins, and meat. Besides mining jobs, state jobs and aid
2019). Bruley et al (2021: 1) have refined the study of programs constitute a significant source of income for many
interactions considering NCPs by ‘‘distinguishing three households. These towns and other minor settlements are
coproduction types at different steps of the benefits flow socioeconomically linked, and they are interconnected by
from ecosystems to quality of life.’’ This approach helps to gravel roads to the only 2 cities of the area: Abra Pampa and
identify how nature–human coproduction brings about La Quiaca. The remaining population is found in rural areas.
socioecological trade-offs and synergies among several NCPs
and collaborations or conflicts among beneficiaries. It can Data collection
also create new opportunities for ecosystem services We gathered information on stakeholders’ interaction with
research, addressing the involvement of both humans and nature and their perceptions of it over the last 2 decades
nature in quality-of-life objectives. The main idea is that through intercultural and participatory processes. These
human intervention is required to obtain a benefit from processes involved diverse stakeholders (men and women
nature (Bruley et al 2021), in some way balancing the were equally represented): pastoralists and other members of
relevance of direct and indirect drivers, which may be Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs), members
evinced as a result of scaling (of time, space, or an actor’s of ranger cooperatives and local and regional production
program). and nature conservation institutions, local government
In their review, Payne et al (2020) identified that there is authorities, researchers, university and school students (11–
limited information on mountain biodiversity and 28 years), traders and truckers (buyers of fiber and
ecosystems, and current data on the status and trends of wholesalers of processed food), and people attending local
species is usually incomplete. This hinders the informed fairs.
choice and consistent use of specified actions and indicators Field data were obtained by observations and
of ecosystems and their diversity. Moreover, spatially explicit unstructured interviews during the Binational Camelids Fair
knowledge is required in relation to supply and demand of (2003–2008), Santa Catalina annual fairs (2011–2019), the
ecosystem services, including service bundles, trade-offs, and Manka Fiesta (2014–2019), llama caravans (2011–2018), and
flow (Schirpke, Candiago, et al 2019; Schirpke, Tappeiner, et field activities related to the vicu~
na management plan (2010–
al 2019), when making decisions on environmental issues 2020) (Vilá et al 2020). Semistructured interviews were also
(Vannier et al 2019). Further research is needed to study the conducted during communal and cooperative meetings in
impacts of multiple drivers of change on mountain Santa Catalina (25 interviews from 2010 to 2019), during the
Mountain Research and Development R39

Santa Catalina fair (91 interviews from 2015 to 2019), and in modifying species abundance and composition. Pheidole is
Cusi Cusi (35 interviews from 2010 to 2020). one of the dispersal genera recorded in the Puna. Frequent
We obtained data on land use, economic activities in the pollinators are Colletinae (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), with
area, social organization, policies, knowledge and many oligophagous species, such as Megachile
technologies, and perceptions on ritual and scenic beauty (Dasymegachile) golbachi and members of the Tiphiidae family,
landscapes. Biological data were surveyed at different scales whose adults feed on nectar and are secondary pollinators.
using various approaches and are explained in Zamar (2011); Other pollinators include Sphingidae, Noctuidae, and
Arzamendia, Baldo, and Vilá (2012); Arzamendia, Neder, et al Nymphalidae taxa. Other anthophyllous insect, such as
(2012); Arzamendia and Vilá (2012); Arzamendia et al (2014); thrips, have also been described (reviewed by Zamar 2011).
Szumik et al (2016); Rojo et al (2019); and Vilá et al (2020).  Regulation of climate and air quality: There are local
The information obtained from fieldwork was information gaps on these factors despite their relevance
complemented by a comprehensive review of the literature for both carbon dioxide stocks (McGahey et al 2014) and
on the Southern Puna. cryosphere preservation (Ruggeri 2018).
 Formation and protection of soils and sediments: The dung of
Methods both camelids and sheep and the excavating activity of
To identify the NCPs in the Puna, we incorporated our field Ctenomys cause important changes favoring certain
data and the information gathered from the available biochemical cycles and structural processes within soils
literature on the area into IPBES’s generalized categories of (Galiano and Kubiak 2021). IPLCs perceived the activities
NCP (Dı́az et al 2015; IPBES 2019). These categories are of Ctenomys as a negative contribution.
 Regulation of hazards and extreme events: Wetlands are key
regulating, material, and nonmaterial (Dı́az et al 2015). We
also included an analysis of NCP coproduction considering water sources during drought events, maintaining food
the 3 types identified by Bruley et al (2021: 4): ‘‘(1) ecosystem and freshwater availability when they are scarce in the rest
management; (2) mobilization, harvesting, and physical of the landscape. Pastoral systems evolved and are
access; and (3) appropriation, social access, and sustained by developing traditional adaptation strategies
appreciation.’’ to manage existing and emerging risks in dry
We analyzed the local trends in the capacity of nature to environments. Within limits, then, pastoralism is better
keep providing contributions to good quality of life from prepared to handle climatic uncertainty than other forms
1990 to the present. For this, the indicators proposed by of land use, because it can be adjusted to different
IPBES (2019) served as a reference and were adapted to the resources and climatic zones and has been managing these
local scenario. This allowed us to compare our field data with variables over time.
the data published by Cendrero et al (1993) and the  Regulation of biological processes, pests, and diseases: Mite and
information collected from the literature reviewed in this lice infestations are the most common parasitic diseases of
work. South American camelids. They play ecological and
sanitary roles.
 Predators: Carnivores are important in regulating the
abundance and behavior of prey populations (Perovic
We identified the components and drivers of the pastoralist 1998). However, IPLCs perceive them as enemies.
systems of the Puna region according to the IPBES CF. In
Box 1, we list the main natural and coproduced elements of Material NCPs
biodiversity of this system at different scales (species or  Food and feed: Llamas provide meat and bones. Their meat is
populations, community, and functional traits). In the the main protein contribution to the diet of IPLCs. Sheep
following, we present the NCPs, NCP coproduction types, and goats also provide meat, and goats can be milked to
drivers, and indicators of good quality of life. produce cheese.
Suri eggs are collected by IPLCs as food for traditional and
Nature’s contributions to people special occasion meals.
Regulating NCPs Wild vegetables, such as soldaque (Hypseocharis pimpinellifolia),
 Habitat creation and maintenance, as well as regulation of anca~noca (Ombrophytum subterraneum), and Cactaceae fruits are
freshwater: High-elevation Andean grassland and steppes usually collected for food.
are grazing land for livestock and wildlife. Our Native crops include quinua (Chenopodium quinoa), tubers
observations, supported by intercultural dialogues, showed (Solanum tuberosum and Ollucus tuberosus), and maize (Zea
that grasslands of Festuca rigescens and peatlands (vegas) mays). These are cultivated for self-consumption and local
constitute a key grazing resource during dry seasons. The commerce.
latter also offers permanent freshwater bodies in the study  Materials and assistance: Fiber and clothes are sourced from
area (Rojo et al 2019). Rock glaciers are composed of 40– a range of animals. Vicu~ na fiber is one of the softest and
60% ice and thus are important reservoirs of freshwater finest animal fibers (12–14 lm in diameter) and the most
and regulators of the water cycle (Morello et al 2012). They valued (US$ 300–500/kg). One individual produces 200 g
are located in the Cusi Cusi area. A diverse set of wetlands collected during chakus (roundups) every 3 years. Llamas
(Vilama complex lagoons, the Pozuelos lagoon, and vegas of also provide fiber. In the province of Jujuy, 48% of the
the Sarcarı́ river) supports endemic and migratory water llama population has fine fiber (21–24.9 lm). The most
birds. common colors are white, brown, light brown, and gray
 Pollination and seed dispersal: Some granivorous Formicidae (FAO 2005; Paz et al 2011). Sheep produce low-quality
are involved in the dynamics of plant communities, wool (27 lm), which is mostly white and is not classified by
Mountain Research and Development R40

BOX 1: Natural components of IPBES CF of the pastoralist systems of the Puna region
Species diversity shows a high level of endemism. The Puna is the least transformed biome of America (Payne et al 2020).
Species or populations
 Vicun~as are the foremost wild ungulates in the high-elevation grasslands of South America (Vilá et al 2020). Their populations have increased
in the northeast of the study area in recent decades. Populations have mean densities of 3–14 individuals/km2.
 Suris are large flightless herbivorous birds that inhabit pastoral systems. Their population is declining, with high local extinction rates. In the
Laguna de los Pozuelos Biosphere Reserve, their density decreased from 0.95 to 0.52 suris/km2 in the 1980s and 1990s (Cajal 1998) to
0.21 suris/km2 today.
 Several wild carnivores inhabit the region. There are 2 species of canids, the Andean fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) and the gray fox (Lycalopex
gymnocercus), locally called atuj or antuko; a mustelid, the lesser grison or unchuchukuy (Galictis cuja); the skunk or an~azco (Conepatus chinga,
Mephitidae); and 4 felids: Geoffroy’s cat (Leopardus geoffroyi), the osjo cat (Leopardus colocolo), the Andean cat or oskhollo (Leopardus
jacobita), and the puma (Puma concolor) (Perovic 1998; Dı́az and Barquez 2002).
 Other mammals include the chinchilla (Chinchilla brevicaudata), which is a critically endangered endemic species; the armadillo or quirquincho
(Chaetophractus spp); and tojos (Ctenomys sp), a widely distributed fossorial rodent.
 Scavengers include the condor (Vultur gryphus) and carancho andino (Phalcoboenus megalopterus).
 Llamas are native domestic herbivores coproduced from wild guanacos 5000 years ago in the Central Andes. There are about 80,000 llamas
in the study area.
 Sheep are nonnative ungulates, coproduced in the Middle East 8000 years ago. They were introduced into the area 500 years ago. Currently,
205,000 sheep inhabit the area.
 Other introduced livestock include goats (Capra hircus), cows (Bos taurus), and donkeys (Equus asinus), which have feral populations in some
areas. Farm animals, such as chickens, can also be found in houses.
 Working and companion animals have included dogs (Canis familiaris) since preconquest times. Their presence was later reinforced by the
postconquest introduction of shepherd dogs.

Community and functional traits

 Natural vegetation is the source of energy in the ecosystem. It is conveyed through trophic interactions to local ungulates and several other
herbivore populations. The diversity of vegetation communities identified in the study area is mainly correlated with geomorphology and soil
type, with differences in composition, cover, biomass, and the presence of different strata. Vegetation dynamics are also influenced by intra-
and interannual variations (Rojo et al 2019). The vegetation communities with the highest vegetation cover and biomass are Festuca spp
grasslands (chillaguales), peatlands (vegas), shrublands of Parastrephia spp (tolares), and short grasslands. Other communities widely spread
in the region are shrublands of Baccharis boliviensis, Fabiana densa, and Tetraglochin cristatum (as described by Cabrera 1957; Ruthsatz and
Movia 1975; Bonaventura et al 1995), which show the lowest cover and biomass values (Rojo et al 2019).
 Between the Puna and the upper limit of vegetation growth, in the High Andes ecoregion, the main communities are grass steppes (Festuca
spp and Jarava ichu) and other grasslands composed of some endemic species of grasses (Deyeuxia spp, Poa sp, and others). In addition,
cushion and rosette plants and dwarf shrubs of the genera Azorella, Pycnophyllum, Nototriche, Werneria, and Xenophyllum (Mateucchi 2012)
 There are only 2 native tree species within the study site: quen~oas (Polylepis tomentella) and churquis (Prosopis ferox). These are grouped in
small patches. Other species associated with these trees include various cacti, such as Maihueniopsis glomerata, Oreocereus trollii, and
Opuntia soehrensii (Bonaventura et al 1995).
 Peatlands or vegas form specialized wetlands supported by groundwater. They are frequently located in hollows and valleys and often include
surface water, especially during the wet season. Most water bodies are shallow lentic aquatic habitats—lagunas—which are various
internally drained salt flats or salares. These water bodies often have peripheral aquatic habitats like vegas. In the study area, there are also
rivers that drain into endorheic and arheic basins, such as La Plata basin.
 Wetland bird communities include charismatic and endangered species such as flamingos (Phoenicopterus chilensis, Phoenicoparrus andinus,
and Phoenicoparrus jamesi), shorebirds, and migratory waterfowl.
 Arthropods include Hymenoptera, the best represented insects of the taxa Formicidae, Colletinae, Tiphiidae, and Megachilidae (eg M. [D.]
golbachi that is endemic to the Andes). Lepidoptera include the representative taxa of Sphingidae, Noctuidae, and Nymphalidae (Arce de
Hamity and Neder de Román 1998; Szumik et al 2016). The main ectoparasites detected in vicun~as and llamas are Microthoracius mazzai,
Microthoracius praelongiceps, and Sarcoptes scabiei (Arzamendia, Neder, et al 2012).

any system. Livestock skins are also used, typically layered NCPs provide energy. Shrubs, such as tolas (genera
as sleeping mattresses. Parastrephia, Baccharis, and Fabiana), and trees, such as
The dung of llamas, sheep, and goats are used by IPLCs as nua and churqui, are used as firewood.
fertilizer. Animals are used as transport. ‘‘[L]lama caravans transport
IPLCs use natural clay, stone, and fibers to produce crafts and llama fiber and dry llama meat in llama fiber woven sacks
domestic tools, such as pottery (cooking pots, platters, etc), secured by llama ropes. Llamas can carry 25 kg (2 arrobas)
carved flagstones, and textiles. These are used for domestic each. Groups of 30–80 llamas are driven by 3 to 5 people’’
tasks or sold at local fairs and extraregional markets. (Vilá and Arzamendia 2020: 14). During the last decade,
Materials such as tussock grasses ( Jarava ichu and Festuca llama caravans arriving in Santa Catalina that were
spp) are used as construction material for rural structures surveyed yearly showed a great decline, leading to a
such as roofs. possible extinction of the practice.
Mountain Research and Development R41

 Plants used as medicine: There are many medicinal species. Weak or sickly animals at this time of the year are treated
The most common are pupusa (Xenophyllum poposum), with an ethnomedicine called ulpado, which is made with
chachacoma (Senecio nutans), rica rica (Acantholippia deserticola), corn, barley, water, and salt (Vilá and Arzamendia 2016).
mu~na mu~na (Satureja boliviana), and yareta (Azorella compacta) Other traditional practices are also related to specific
(Vignale 1996; De Lucca and Zalles 2007). periods of the year, such as harvest, animal slaughter, soil
preparation, chaya (communal libations, part of ceremony to
Nonmaterial NCPs: Andean cosmology integrates biological pay tribute to the Pachamama), and planting (Vilá and
and symbolic entities in a whole living system. Llamas, Arzamendia 2016). These activities include the preservation
mountains, Pachamama (Mother Earth), crops, people, and of genetic diversity of crops and their wild relatives.
more are together in a multifaceted idea of life. All these Traditional practices to manage vegas are relictual in this
components are present in different rituals that highlight area.
their importance and connection. Many activities are Extra-Andean practices started in the Pozuelos basin in
accomplished through community work. the 1970s. These include fencing, which allows the handling
The most important ritual of the Andean culture is of livestock loads, the separation of species, and a narrowing
Corpachada. In August, families gather together to celebrate. of the breeding season (Cendrero et al 1993; González,
Golovanevsky, and Cabrera 2014).
They make offerings, recognize their lands, cook local
Sanitary management of livestock is also carried out to
recipes (mostly made using potatoes, maize, and meat), and
control ectoparasites (lice and mites) with veterinary
sing coplas. In this ritual, people emphasize the bonds among
products. A few shepherds use natural substances.
humans, domestic animals, and Pachamama. Llamas are
Wildlife is also managed. The wild vicu~ na chaku is a
celebrated in la se~ nalada, which is organized in rural houses
traditional, community-based management method
and is attended by families and friends, including emigrants.
involving a management plan for capturing and releasing
Suris are represented in rituals such as los samilantes dance,
wild vicu~nas to harvest their fiber. Plans are developed by
where dancers are ornamented with suri feathers, and in IPLCs and researchers using adaptive management. This
rituals (with eggs) to foretell a good life for families moving includes welfare protocols and assessment to evaluate
into a new house. Vicu~ nas are considered the livestock of population status and management effects on vicu~ nas, as well
Pachamama (Vilá and Arzamendia 2020). Besides the Andean as other environmental impacts (Arzamendia, Baldo, and
cultural heritage, this is an area of natural and traditional Vilá 2012; Baldo et al 2013; Vilá et al 2020).
landscapes of great scenic beauty, especially for recreation Management plans for national protected areas in the
and tourism related to biodiversity observation. region are diverse. The Laguna de los Pozuelos natural
Figure 1 shows some NCPs, and Figure 2 describes the monument (National Park Administration) and the United
local trend of NCPs in relation to the capacity of nature to Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s
keep contributing to a good quality of life over the last 30 Pozuelos Biosphere Reserve are updating their management
years. In Table 1, we show the anthropogenic assets plan. The Ramsar sites of Pozuelos and Vilama protect
associated with NCPs and the following NCP coproduction wetlands and biodiversity. The Chinchilla High Andean
types. Reserve was created in the 1970s to promote the survival of
Chinchilla brevicaudata and has recently established a house
NCP coproduction types for a local park ranger.
Different types of coproduction operate in the flow from Mobilization, harvesting, and physical access: Besides annual
ecosystems to quality of life (Figure 1). and daily movements, llama caravans connect different
landscapes and elevations. When they relocate, llameros
Ecosystem management: Ecosystem management consists of
(llama herders) usually collect medicinal species, which are
traditional and culturally diverse practices, grazing
highly valued.
multispecific (native and exotic) herds, and the conservation
Butchering is usually a family task (or is done as a
and use of wild species. community) in a domestic space. After slaughter, the parts of
Vegetation-use norms and herding practices, including the animal are prepared according to their purpose: some
transhumance, reflect pastoralist knowledge. The purpose is parts are sun dried and become charqui (without bone) or
to use available water sources and forage that are within a chalona (with bone). Butchering takes place in winter when
family’s range. Mobility varies according to elevation, animals are thin. This also satisfies the higher demands for
climate, vegetation type, and herd availability and meat during New Year and Easter festivities. There are no
composition (Wawrzyk and Vilá 2013; González 2020). active slaughterhouses in the area.
Movement can be either daily—typically carried out by Harvesting family crops is important, is intensive, and
women or children—or seasonal. requires a great quantity of labor in a short period. Here,
At the end of the dry season, animals keep grazing on the community work usually takes 2 forms: one includes relatives
forage remaining from the previous wet season. In some in urban areas that move back to their home areas to help,
cases, livestock are moved to reserved grazing areas. and the other involves reciprocity among friends and
Supplementation with grains and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) neighbors. Harvest usually occurs from February to April
bales is sometimes an alternative. Although pastoralism and entails harvesting, cleaning, and classifying, which can
might be adapted to drier conditions because of climate take several days. Women are in charge of selecting the best
change, there is a limit. If precipitation falls below a certain seeds for sowing in the following year.
threshold, the carrying capacity of rangelands will decline, Livestock shearing is also community work. Sometimes
triggering land degradation processes. shepherds sell the fiber (to major collectors) and may invite
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FIGURE 1 Collage showing nature, NCPs, and livelihoods in the pastoralist Puna system. (Photos and collage by Silvina Enrietti and Bibiana Vilá)

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FIGURE 2 Local trends in the capacity of nature to keep providing contributions to good quality of life from 1990 to the present. Most data used to determine trends are
derived from our research results and the published data analyzed in this study. The applied indicators are those proposed by IPBES (2019). (Drawings by members of
the communities of Santa Catalina, Canchillas, Tolamayo, Morritos, and La Cruz; the indigenous associations Atu Saphi, Yurax Rumi, and Aucarpina Chambi; the Santa
Catalina high school community; and the Santa Catalina, Rodeo and Pozuelos Schools)

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TABLE 1 Anthropogenic assets of the Puna pastoralist system.

Anthropogenic assets Description

Pastoralist knowledge Reflected in grazing land use norms of IPLCs, as well as herding practices that ‘‘include ancestral
techniques for loading, driving, and unpacking the animals’’ (Vilá and Arzamendia 2020: 14).

Traditional community Community-level practices related to taking the communal level as a major kind of partnership. This
work idea is reflected in different activities and even in other ways of grouping, such as associations and
cooperatives. Conflict is not absent.

Vicun~a management plan Includes ‘‘(1) Knowledge: scientific research on vicun~a population trends. Capture and shearing
and activities (chaku) procedures with animal welfare techniques. Observations by Indigenous and local communities. (2)
Technology: capture infrastructure and procedures. (3) Funding. (4) Formal and non-formal education
and capacity building’’ (Vilá and Arzamendia 2020: 8).

Trade and international All material and nonmaterial components of international trade.
Technology: Both physical objects and procedures and financial assets.

Luxury fashion industries Technology and financial assets in textile industries.

and European designers

Traditional local fairs Includes trading, cultural, and social activities (football, music, children’s games, food, and others).
The Santa Catalina, Manka Fiesta, and Cienega de Paicone fairs are the most important.

Interinstitutional The Corporation for the Conservation and Development of Pozuelos Basin is an executive council with
development projects local inhabitants and members of local city halls, the provincial government, the national park
administration, the university, and nongovernmental organizations (Cendrero et al 1993).

It has the infrastructure to support IPLCs.

relatives to help them. Those who belong to cooperatives or spatiotemporal point to share their products, information,
associations may coordinate with partners. These groups and necessities. Most fairs are periodical; people know when
clean, classify, and typify fiber by fineness and color, thus they take place and who is going to be there. Therefore, fairs
gaining better products and higher prices (Lamas 2011; are important for social and cultural integration of scattered
González 2014). population groups in this wide area.
In some places, vicu~na fiber harvesting in chakus is carried
out during spring and requires many people. It is an Governance, institutions, and indirect drivers of change
intercultural joint activity among communities, local
Consumption patterns of capitalism and their cultural
associations such as cooperatives, and professionals and is
correlations have profound effects, such as the switch from
controlled by government authorities (Arzamendia et al
using caravans to vehicles (Schulte 1996). Changes in raw
2014; Vilá et al 2020).
materials for clothes, tools, and construction have a
Water supply is a central point for animals. Waterholes
significant environmental impact, because plastic and
are constructed on bare ground with excavating machines.
nonbiodegradable elements have been introduced. A
Most only have surface water during the wet season.
cultural lifestyle (including education) has emerged that
Aqueduct construction has recently been implemented in
results in migration—mostly permanent—to cities (in the
some areas.
province or farther away), especially by the young. Some
Appropriation, social access, and appreciation: Traditionally, houses in rural locations are retained, but many are
herders are dispersed across the region: they access different abandoned.
environments and are efficient at managing risk. Rights to Mining jobs have become a scarce but real source of
access land in the study area belong to extended families. formal local income for many reasons. There are few or no
Even when people move to another town or area, they keep incentives from state and local governments to undertake
these rights. and support agricultural and livestock practices, and formal
Indigenous communities, as owners of ancestral jobs (mainly in public offices) are underpaid. Therefore,
territories, are recognized by Argentine laws. These spaces young people (mostly males) may stay as mine workers,
constitute sources for grazing, cropping, and preserving wild accelerating cultural changes. Some traditional products,
animals. This communal model has a correlative form in such as quinua and vicu~ na fiber, are promoted by government
cooperatives and associations for helping people achieve programs. Other products, such as livestock and other crops,
common goals (selling llama and sheep products, performing receive little government assistance, largely restricted to
a chaku, or undertaking collective work with crops) (González supplementing cereals and bales in drought seasons.
2012, 2014; Arzamendia et al 2014; Vilá et al 2020). International commodity markets determine the price of
Another way of integrating large territories into camelid fiber at the Puna fairs. Pricing occurs within the
domestic life is by holding fairs (González, Bergesio, and context of an unequal relationship in which distant western
Golovanevsky 2014; González, Golovanevsky, and Cabrera players from international textile industries achieve huge
2014; Bergesio et al 2019; González and Bergesio 2020). immediate profits with low investments, whereas IPLC
People living far away come together at the same profits are very low (Vilá and Arzamendia 2020). In this
Mountain Research and Development R45

sense, national institutions and governance systems play a abandoned when mining projects are launched, even in
critical role in reducing asymmetries and ensuring fair trade. Indigenous community territories or protected areas.
Community territory is recognized by the Argentine When policies are solely based on an association between
Constitution and several laws and agreements (International environmental degradation and overgrazing, it becomes
Labour Organization [ILO] Convention 169). International evident that there is not a good grasp of rangeland
and national conservation laws protect vicu~ nas (Vilá and management (McGahey et al 2014). In Argentina, pastoralists
Arzamendia 2020), suris, and biodiversity. Although there are are frequently excluded from decision-making and policy
several protected areas, some of them, such as the Chinchilla planning; therefore, their knowledge and understanding of
High Andean Reserve and Pozuelos Biosphere Reserve, have ecology and natural resources are skipped. Even with an
a weak or no management plan. existing declaration of support to IPLCs, government
The state is somewhat present in the form of primary policies favor mining and other forms of overexploitation of
schools, security forces, and basic health services in almost nature. In this way, although Argentina applies ILO
all small towns. The most important towns have secondary Convention 169, and the province of Jujuy has recognized
schools; universities and hospitals are located in the cities. communal lands of Indigenous communities, not every
Connectivity infrastructure (roads, telephony, and the community has access to land (Carrasco 2000).
Internet) was originally related to large-scale mining and In the 1990s, in some areas of Argentina, such as the
later developed by national government agencies. Pozuelos basin, an institutional framework was established
(Corporation for the Development of Pozuelos Basin
Good quality of life [CODEPO, for its Spanish initials]). The aim was to create,
Good quality of life involves improving social conditions of promote, and implement plans to enhance pastoral
IPLCs, which may include biocultural heritage valuing livelihoods by creating bonds among a diverse range of
cultural identity, biodiversity, and nature contributions in actors and interested parties (Cendrero et al 1993). CODEPO
goods and services. Basic materials for living, equal access to developed agricultural plans, but the lack of a multiple
health and education services, enhanced market possibilities valuation agreement from stakeholders impeded the success
for herding products, and real and complete compliance of this initially promising initiative.
with ILO Convention 169 and related laws for IPLCs are Nowadays, the pastoral landscape of the Puna is strongly
essential for freedom of choice about land use—community influenced by mining. The power held by mining companies
decisions—and the individual choice of staying on the land can significantly affect the dynamics of the pastoral system,
or leaving. because mining companies use territory and natural
components (soil, water, and basins) for a single goal (their
project) and make solely economic valuations. Although the
social valuation of the pastoral system and the rural way of
Pastoral livelihoods in the Puna of northwest Argentina are life is acclaimed in Argentina, the lobbying power of mining
based on cocreating an environment with natural and companies erases good intentions. This power is exercised in
anthropic elements (water sources, grasslands, wildlife, different ways (Flintan 2008), sometimes in a visible coercive
livestock, and techniques) interacting through complex way that generates environmental conflicts but also as an
mechanisms embraced by environmental conditions (climate invisible or hidden power, making people believe that wage
and geomorphology) and cultural and economic practices. In labor in mining is more modern and evolved than
a dry and harsh environment, risk management is a key pastoralism.
component of pastoral livelihoods. This gives resilience to In Argentina, as well as at a global level, there has been an
threats related to climate and other natural aspects of the increasing number of reports from pastoral groups that are
system (McGahey et al 2014). In contrast, when stressors losing access to significant rangeland resources. There is
come from outside the Andean world as social (cultural and large-scale acquisition of land, particularly in areas of Africa,
economic) pressures, the system shows weakness and has less Asia, and Latin America, which are characterized by weak
plasticity and strength. ‘‘Fewer people are choosing to governance and poor land use planning (McGahey et al 2014).
remain in the rural Andean Altiplano, which is a local Local risk is a component in this system, but extralocal
expression of a global pattern of abandonment’’ (Vilá and risk—such as cultural change, monistic valuation of
Arzamendia 2020: 15), and the system is becoming feminized processes, land pressure, and climate change—may signify a
and aged. This has major consequences: a shorter life of the real hazard. The aim of this paper was to show both
system, related to aged people; a lack of workforce, which significant interactions between natural components and
shapes decisions such as those on which livestock species will social pressure. Historically, this pressure was efficiently
be raised; and a lack of innovation. In this sense, Postigo addressed, but this pressure is increasing.
(2019) pointed out that the adaptive capacity of the system We identified some knowledge gaps and limited
could be overwhelmed by the speed and intensity of current information on (1) several regulating NCPs (Table 2); (2)
climate change combined with the effect of local status and trends for a range of species and species groups,
management strategies. such as plant communities, arthropods, and their
A major social change is related to urban consumption interactions and flows; (3) updated statistical information on
patterns and the establishment of mines, which attract young IPLCs; (4) the flow of relations and coproduction,
people to the well-paid jobs correlating with the considering the local expression of quality of life; and (5) the
abandonment of rural activities. Even though the state is impact of mining employment on the sociocultural system.
somewhat present by issuing camelid programs and ‘‘ovine Some of these research gaps match those identified by Payne
law’’ and by developing vicu~ na chakus, these programs are et al (2020), who stressed the need for spatially explicit
Mountain Research and Development R46

TABLE 2 Direct drivers of change identified in the Puna pastoralist system.

Direct drivers Description

Direct natural drivers

Climate It is arid, with a negative water balance that is variable (seasonal and interannual). This limits
biodiversity maintenance.

Natural vegetation/ Wild herbivores and livestock feed are based on natural vegetation.

Predators and parasites Regulate wildlife populations.

Direct anthropogenic drivers

Overexploitation Hunting of vicun~as and suris, collection of suri eggs, and overexploitation of wetlands and freshwaters
threaten biodiversity. Vicun~a poaching increased during the last decade and constitutes an illicit cross-
border activity that is difficult to manage (Acebes et al 2018; Vilá et al 2020).

Feral dogs, wild pumas, and foxes are regarded as threats to domestic and other wild animals and are
hunted (Reppucci et al 2011; Arzamendia and Vilá 2012).

Overgrazing causes a mismatch between forage availability and livestock demand. This can trigger
severe degradation processes in the ecosystem, especially in drought periods and when combined with
the presence of alien species (eg Eragrostis curvula).

Sanitary and productive management can affect the presence and prevalence of ectoparasites in llamas
and vicun~as (and the fiber obtained from them) when they share grazing sites.

Arthropods can be affected by grazing pressure and land degradation.

Land use Land use change is visible in grazing and conversion to pastures and mining. Other land cover changes,
such as drainage works, roads, and other infrastructures, are major threats to mountain wetlands and
aquatic ecosystems. In the Pozuelos basin, there are 84 mining projects (21 mining rights granted up to

Fencing has been referred to as having positive and negative effects over natural vegetation and

Climate change A reduction in mountain rainfall and warming of 18C in the Argentine Andean region is predicted
(Devenish and Gianella 2012). During recent decades, rainfall has decreased in the Altiplano (Vera et al

knowledge on drivers and socioecological landscape grateful for the valuable comments of the 2 anonymous reviewers and Associate
Editor Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel.
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