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Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in The Flexible Learning Environment

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, 2022



NARCITA M. ILAO1, DR. NERRIE E. MALALUAN2, nerrie.malaluan@g,batstate-u,edu,ph2,
Batangas State University
Rizal Avenue Batangas City, Philippines



This study ascertained the instructional supervisory engagement of public elementary school heads in
flexible learning environment in the Division of Batangas. It determined the profile of the school heads in
terms of highest educational attainment, length of service, related trainings attended, and ICT literacy.
More so, it also identified the school heads functional level of instructional engagement along content
knowledge and pedagogy, curriculum planning, assessment and reporting, learning environment. It sought
to find out the extent of manifestation of adaptive leadership skills of school heads. Further, it assessed
the relationship of the school heads’ profile with functional level of instructional engagement and the extent
of manifestation of leadership skills and the relationship between the school heads’ level of instructional
engagement and extent of manifestation of adaptive leadership skills with the goal of proposing a
supervisory instructional plan. Meanwhile, the study used descriptive research design which involved 235
school heads and 380 teachers from public elementary schools in the Schools Division of Batangas
Province. Survey questionnaire, focus group discussion and interview were used as data gathering tools.
Results revealed that school heads are strongly acquainted with the teaching profession and leadership
as manifested in their profile. They have high functional engagement in content knowledge and pedagogy,
curriculum planning, assessment and reporting and in learning environment. Further, no association was
found between the respondents’ highest educational attainment, length of service and the functional level
of instructional engagement and the manifestation of leadership skills. Whereas, number of related
trainings attended showed relationship with content knowledge and pedagogy same as true with the ICT
literacy associated with curriculum planning, communication and in human relations the rest of the
components revealed no significant relationship.

Keywords: instructional supervisory plan, flexible environment, new normal, school heads

INTRODUCTION productivity, recognizing and realizing themselves,

and adopting national policies. In terms of personal
Schools are well-planned, well-organized, and societal growth, the mission that schools are
and well-established institutions that assist accountable for is critical. Schools are necessary
individuals in socializing, improving economic for society because they are the most productive,
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
concrete, and useful aspect of the educational instructional materials, implementing
system (Akpan, 2014). If schools are run properly, strategies and teaching methods, and monitoring
society's predetermined goals and expectations for and evaluating instruction, among other things.
education will be satisfied. As described by Instructional leaders recognize the importance of
Brennan (2012), an effective school is one that their position as staff developers. They see
creates an optimal learning environment for themselves as facilitators, with a vision for the
students' cognitive, emotional, psychomotor, school and a support system for teachers to help
social, and aesthetic growth. Similarly, a functional them enhance their classrooms for higher
school is linked to social, academic, emotional, instructional success.
moral, and aesthetic growth, teacher satisfaction, Principals were entrusted with the job of
efficient resource management, goal achievement, instructional monitoring within the schools due to
and environmental harmony (Sisman, 2011). the obstacles that the Directorate of Inspection
Professional leadership, a shared vision and goals, encountered. The education department has
the presence of a learning environment, high discussed and provided recommendations on how
quality learning and teaching, high expectations, to improve and maintain high-quality education.
positive support, monitoring student development, The department advised that instructional
and student rights and responsibilities are all supervision in schools be carried out by trained,
characteristics of effective schools, according to competent, and experienced professionals. Among
Reynolds (2017). their many other obligations, school principals
For today's school leaders, leadership is a were required to supervise instructional activities in
difficult undertaking. In practically every section of their respective schools. Principals have been
the world, the pandemic scenario prompted entrusted with the responsibility of administering
immediate adjustments in the educational system, schools in order to fulfill educational objectives.
particularly in the delivery of instruction. Principals must focus their instructional
Leadership is now being tested on how supervision primarily on the teaching staff who
instructional supervision will be offered in the New apply curriculum directly through instruction.
Normal across many modalities and learning As a result, principals should prioritize
platforms. Nonetheless, the Department of instructional supervision in their daily activities.
Education's reform initiative emphasizes its Because school supervision is so crucial, only
commitment to continue education by giving school those teachers who are trained, competent,
leaders more responsibility and accountability. experienced, and have a high level of professional
When faced with several changes in the integrity are promoted to principals. The principal's
educational scene, from environmental changes to instructional supervision activities enable each kid
technological advancements, education must be to achieve academic success on their own terms.
prepared to accept the paradigm shift to the new The goal of instructional supervision is to increase
normal. As a result of the 4th industrial revolution teaching quality by improving teachers' skills,
and the current Covid 19 pandemic, the purpose is which will improve students' academic
no longer merely to give education, but to thrive in achievement. Improving teaching and learning,
the challenges of a technologically driven terrain. devising supervisory tactics, implementing
One of the most important tasks of a school improvement strategies, maintaining the school
principal is to supervise. The school head must system, improving curriculum and library materials,
appoint an instructional leader and an measuring students' progress, and timetabling are
administrative manager, according to RA 9155 among the activities (Okumbe, 2013).
Rule VI. He is in charge of establishing and Instructional supervision is a process in
maintaining a well-run school. He is responsible for which school leaders seek to meet predetermined
providing supervisory leadership to teachers in the performance and results goals. It's also a quality-
areas of improving instruction, encouraging control tool for achieving an organization's
professional growth and development of teachers, objectives. It is divided into three stages: pre-
revising educational objectives, selecting observation, observation, and post-observation
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
(Zander, 2016). During this time, school 1.3 Related Trainings attended
administrators review teachers' topic and 1.4 ICT literacy
pedagogy knowledge, learning environments, 2. Identify the school heads functional level of
curriculum design, and assessment and reporting. instructional engagement along the following
To carry out this role, the school principal is dimensions:
expected to have supervisory capacity or 2.1 Content knowledge and pedagogy
competence in order to enforce these tasks and 2.2 Curriculum planning
urge instructors to do their best, which will improve 2.3 Assessment and reporting
instruction and instructional procedures. As a 2.4 Learning environment
result, principals should serve as sources of 3. Determine the extent of manifestation of
inspiration for both teachers and pupils. The adaptive leadership skills of school heads in
instructional supervisory job is critical to improving relation to:
the quality of education in any school and enabling 3.1 Communication
pupils to succeed academically. Many 3.2 Human relations
stakeholders have highlighted the importance of 3.3 Decision-making
instructional oversight, and they are increasingly 3.4 Creativity and innovation
holding principals accountable for their students' 3.5 Community building
achievements (Zepda, 2013).
The researcher conducted this study in METHODOLOGY
order to get a better understanding of the core of
education, which is the teaching and learning This study determined the instructional
process. She also believed that the type of supervisory engagement of public elementary
instructional supervision provided by the school heads in flexible environment using the
instructional leader correlated with the quality of descriptive type of research. This study involved
instructional delivery. Even in difficult 235 elementary school heads and 380 teachers
circumstances, the quality of training must not be among public elementary schools from the Division
overlooked. Although there are few researchers on of Batangas Province. Slovin’s formula was used to
instructional supervision, this study fills in the gaps determine the sample size at 5 percent margin
as to how instructional leaders supervise education error.
in the new normal context. This research may The study utilized a self-constructed
provide a useful document that should be included questionnaire as the main data gathering
in every school's learning contingency plan in the instrument. An interview guide and focus group
event of an unforeseen event. The researcher felt discussion (FGD) agenda were prepared for the
it was vital to conduct this study because of the FGD and interview sessions conducted to enrich the
rapidly expanding demand for quality on efficient findings of the study. Chi square test of
and successful leaders. independence and Weighted Mean were the
statistical tools used.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY As part of the ethical consideration, the
researchers sought prior consent from the
This study is geared to develop more respondents and their supervisors. The information
effective instructional supervision procedures for shared by the respondents was assured to be
public elementary school principals. To know how utilized only for the purpose of accomplishing the
principal engages in a school instructional study. Furthermore, the provisions in the Data
monitoring, the researcher aimed to fulfill the Privacy Act of 2012 were observed in the conduct
following specific objectives: of the research. The identity of the respondents as
well as the schools where they are part of were not
1. Describe the profile of school heads as to: revealed in any part of the manuscript in order to
1.1 Highest educational attainment maintain confidentiality.
1.2 Length of service
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
Results and Discussion guaranteeing the smooth operation of the
school as an organization and as a community.
1. Profile of the School Heads Almost every obstacle they had encountered when
they were classroom teachers to getting elevated
1.1. In terms of Highest Educational as a school leader was shared by the school heads
Attainment in the FGD.
It refers to a person's degree or level of 1.3 In terms of Number of related trainings
completed schooling. This will be a vehicle for attended
school leaders to obtain advanced learning and
insights that will be useful in their work. One of the most valuable resources in any
Most of the school heads obtained MA school or organization is having competent and
degree on their respective field of discipline. This well-rounded school leaders. Attending multiple
means that there is a growing awareness amongst conferences, seminars, and workshops is one
school heads to pursue and complete the masters’ technique to attain excellent research
degree which happens to be one of the major management. The majority of school heads have
requirements to be a school leader. Similarly, in the attended sixteen to twenty times relevant trainings
teaching profession, the greater a person's based on the table. This simply goes to illustrate
educational qualification, the more likely they are that one thing educational leaders should pay close
to be promoted and assigned to be a school leader. attention to is their availability to attend trainings
The fact that a large proportion of school principals and seminars that will help them improve their
have previously finished their Doctorate degrees is abilities and competency as academic leaders. In
not far off from this conclusion. This demonstrates addition, based on the school heads' experiences,
that one of the things that distinguishes school they agreed that a sufficient number of trainings
leaders is their academic status, and not only that, had been offered to aid them in teaching,
they were able to complete such degrees from a management, and school operations. Even before
prestigious university. During the interview, school the K to 12 promulgation, the Department of
leaders stated that they were encouraged to Education had been devoting all of its resources to
pursue post-graduate degrees because they could making this plan of capacitating school heads, with
assist them gain knowledge and abilities by the intention that the same level of capacity training
enrolling in post-graduate programs. Through this would be extended to their respective teachers.
opportunity, they would be ensured of their Furthermore, even at this time when the pandemic
advanced knowledge and learning which would is still raging, school administrators were well-
eventually affect their performance. versed in webinars and trainings that assured them
that no amount of Covid 19 virus could deter their
1.2. In terms of Length of Service drive to learn.
Experience as a school leader is a key 1.4. In terms of ICT Literacy
factor in the attainment of necessary skills and
competencies. The degree or level of total awareness and
It should be emphasized that the majority of comprehension of school leaders in terms of
the school principals have been on the job for more information and communication technology is
than twenty-five years. As a result of this, it can be referred to as ICT literacy. This will be a vehicle for
concluded that these school administrators are school leaders to obtain advanced learning and
seasoned professionals who have received insights that will help them function better. As
essential training and skills relative to their field. shown in the table, majority of school principals
Furthermore, with so many years in the field, these have a moderate level of ICT literacy. This
school heads had been exposed to a variety of demonstrates that a big proportion of school
difficulties and concerns that may assist them in leaders who participated in the survey had little
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
comprehension and expertise of ICT. They can administrators felt that instructors must
work with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint provide relevant and responsive teaching tactics
presentations, as well as use electronic mail, check and approaches in order for pupils to learn more
the learning management system, and use social easily and remember knowledge. Furthermore, this
media devices, among other things. But ICT is not demonstrates that school administrators have
just about these things; in fact, as school principals been very supportive of these teachers by
who had been in the active service for more than providing them with sufficient training and chances
two decades, they had this constraint in terms of to guarantee that the students' different
employing ICT. This is corroborated by the school backgrounds and needs are met.
heads' statements in the virtual FGD, in which they Looking at the assessment of teachers,
acknowledged that as the new normal in education school heads have very high level of engagement
becomes a requirement, they are facing significant in monitoring and maintaining high standards of
challenges because not all of them are capable of learning performance. This emphasizes the
meeting the demands and needs of the new importance of ensuring strong student
normal. They, too, admitted that there were achievement since they believe it has a substantial
numerous vocabulary and terminology with which impact on the school's overall performance. This
they struggled. This is why, in response to the call also demonstrates that school leaders collaborate
of the new modalities in the educational system, with teachers in planning lessons and determining
some of their colleagues had already planned for the best teaching tactics and evaluation tools to
early retirement. meet the needs and interests of students. As
revealed in the interview, school administrators
were very interested in the approaches and
2. School Heads Functional Level of strategies used by teachers, particularly in this time
Instructional Engagement of pandemic. Even in the face of a pandemic, they
continue to believe that they must work hard to
2.1. In terms of Content Knowledge and achieve excellence.
Pedagogy Moreover, seeing from the same
assessment of teachers, they revealed that guiding
It refers to the knowledge on the concepts, in selecting appropriate instructional materials to
theories and practices of the different topics to be suit the learner’s gender, needs, strengths,
taught in the class. Based on the assessment of interests and experiences, and lead teachers in
school heads, they assist in the development of a demonstrating proficiency in using the Filipino and
non-threatening atmosphere that enhances English modes of communication to a very high
learning and aid in conducting individual and level of instructional engagement. In terms of the
cooperative learning activities to enhance study's scope, it is true that school leaders are
students’ complex learning with a very high level of hands-on in providing advice and direction to
engagement. This implies how supportive school teachers when it comes to the identification and
heads are in terms of sustaining students’ welfare selection of instructional materials. It is not as
and ability to learn in the most effective way. It also simple for them to recognize the teaching styles of
infers that they had a clear picture of the students’ the teachers as it is for them to consider the
needs relative to their academic learning. In reality, viewpoint of the students. Teachers are well-
as stated by the school heads in the FGD, even guided in keeping only those activities in the
though they held administrative positions, they had teaching and learning process that are relevant
grasped the requirements of the students with a and acceptable for the students. Furthermore, this
focus on their learning and development because study shows the significance of school leaders in
they had first become teachers. The same was true encouraging open communication among
in the selection of ways appropriate to the learners' students; everyone is expected to display
needs and multicultural needs, which was rated as competency in articulating both in Filipino and
really engaging. As instructional leaders, school English when it comes to communication.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
Similarly, as assessed to be in a very high intellect levels of their students. The
level of engagement of school heads were skills in commitment of school heads to achieve great
coaching on developing creative and appropriate teaching and management was evident in the
instructional planning. This demonstrates how FGD.
important it is for school leaders to keep teachers Shifting to the assessment of teachers,
up to date on the newest trends and innovations in they revealed that school heads have very high
instructional preparation. They're also in frequent level of functional engagement in monitoring the
contact with master instructors and some alignment of learning materials in relation to the
department leaders to figure out how teachers may desired learning competencies mandated to
be helped. Furthermore, school leaders stated in implement in the new normal, and collaborating
the interview that in order to be good teachers in with teachers to evaluate the strengths and
the classroom, teachers must be skilled and weaknesses of the current curriculum. This means
equipped with the appropriate inputs. They also that school leaders have been provided with
asserted that once teachers are empowered, opportunities to hone their skills in planning classes
everything else will fall into place. Principals must and enrichment activities based on the new
demonstrate a participatory leadership position educational norms. They are specialists at
that builds a direct relationship between the ensuring that classroom discussion and lessons
principal and teachers, facilitating good cultural are well-facilitated as instructional leaders. School
change; they must become risk takers in respect to leaders, in collaboration with master instructors,
re-directing no progressive procedures and have demonstrated a strong ability to engage
policies, as Leech (2018) contends. pupils in interactive classroom learning and
The composite mean from the teachers’ maintain their attention. The idea of incorporating
assessment revealed school heads very high ICT into the everyday teaching process needs to
functional level of instructional engagement in be promoted among teachers, since it may assist
terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. them keep students' attention throughout the
The composite mean from the teachers’
2.2. In terms of Curriculum Planning assessment revealed their high functional level of
instructional engagement in terms of curriculum
The process concerned with making planning.
decisions about what to learn, why, and how to
organize the teaching and learning process 2.3. In terms of Assessment and reporting
considering existing curriculum requirements and
the resources available. Supporting teachers with This refers to the methods that teachers
continuous opportunities for growth and employ to monitor, evaluate, document, and report
developments. A very high assessment was on their students' needs, progress, and
revealed on the similar assessments of teachers accomplishment using a range of assessment
and school heads themselves. This gives premium instruments and strategies.
to teachers’ capability to maintain quality teaching School heads utilize a variety of
and instruction. assessment tools and strategies to monitor,
Demonstrating the effective use of evaluate, document and report learners’ progress
appropriate learning infrastructure to address and achievement. As evident in the assessment of
learning goals was also assessed to a high both teachers and school heads themselves, they
functional level of engagement by the school have very high functional level of engagement in
heads. This implies that school leaders are hands- monitoring teachers’ compliance in recording
on and work closely with teachers to develop students’ performance. This implies that school
instructional ideas and approaches. They ensure administrators encourage teachers to keep good
that teachers have a diversified set of teaching records as a habit and attitude. It also implies that
tactics and styles to meet the requirements and school administrators must keep precise and
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
detailed records of their students' performance The composite mean from the school
throughout the quarter. Teachers used outcomes- heads’ assessment revealed their high functional
based and performance-based evaluation level of engagement in terms of learning
systems, according to the school heads who spoke environment. Indeed, school heads have made
at the focus group. sure that students are safe and feel secured
Similarly, school heads have high whenever lessons are done online. This is also
functional level of engagement in providing supported by the school heads in the interview
assistance to the teachers in giving feedback to when they shared that even virtual, they had the
encourage learners to reflect and monitor their chance to observe teachers in their actual class
progress, and maintaining active involvement of discussion.
teachers, parents and other stakeholders in all Looking at the teacher’s assessment,
academic-related activities. These findings show school heads have very high functional level of
that school leaders have established the engagement in providing space and resources
competence to assist teachers in identifying pupils conducive to learning, and leading teachers in
who require extra attention in terms of academic creating democratic atmosphere where learners
development at an early stage. can fully express ideas. These findings suggest
The composite mean from the school that school leaders are conscious of the need of
heads assessment revealed their high functional fostering a classroom environment in which
level of engagement in terms of assessment and students are free to speak and express their
reporting. When it comes to assessing students' opinions. This also implies that they have provided
learning, school leaders are aware of and teachers with the essential assistance and training
understand the demands of teachers, ensuring that in order for them to engage in a successful
assessment methods and methodologies are teaching-learning process. Furthermore, it
relevant and responsive to the new normal in indicates that teachers ensure that pupils are
education. exposed to a pleasant and encouraging
environment in the classroom on a daily basis. As
2.3. In terms of Learning Environment a result, a culture of openness, possibilities, and
freedom would emerge, allowing these learners to
Regardless of individual learning freely express their views and opinions during
variations, the learning environment refers to the activities and performance assignments, also
physical surroundings of the students. One of the instilling in them the desire to follow school
most essential duties of teachers is to foster regulations and norms. As Miano (2014) points out,
student responsibility and achievement by the classroom plays a vital role and provides a
establishing learning environments that are safe, venue for students to learn. In addition, an effective
secure, fair, and helpful. Based on the same teacher uses and develops a variety of teaching
assessments, school heads have very high methods to assess students understanding and
functional level of engagement in promoting learning.
fairness, respect and care to encourage learning. The composite mean from the teachers
This means that school heads have strong assessment revealed school heads very high
adaptation skills in ensuring that all students could functional level of engagement in terms of learning
have equal access to learning opportunities. This environment. They had identified the needs for
also implies that they had been informing teachers students to enjoy reasonable learning environment
to be highly flexible in accustoming lessons that even in the new normal. Instructional leadership
reflect the diversity of the classroom. As such, has demonstrated impressive staying power as a
practicing fairness and equality is one of basic core concept guiding both practices in the field of
principles inherent of being a teacher that he/she educational leadership and management
must be fair in all dealings, especially when it (Hallinger, 2010).
comes to students, at all times.

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
3. Extent of Manifestation of Adaptive surrounding community members in
Leadership Skills challenging times was skills highly manifested by
school heads as assessed by teachers and school
This study also identified the school heads’ heads themselves. This means that school leaders
extent of manifestation of their adaptive leadership acknowledge the significant contributions made
skills relative to communication, human relations, possible by open and amicable relationships with
decision making, creativity and innovations, and community members. They also recognize that the
community building. community has an important influence in pupils'
academic success. Furthermore, school heads are
3.1. In terms of Communication. excellent curriculum planners.
For teachers and school heads
The school heads’ ability to communicate themselves, school heads manifested involving
reasonable understanding and transference of community partners in sharing accountability for
information that can be clearly interpreted and the students’ holistic progress and demonstrating
gained by the teachers. awareness and understanding on the current
Based on the assessment, listening to issues and challenges affecting the teaching
others effectively on the issues and concerns profession. These indicate that school leaders
which need to be addressed to and seeking stress the necessity of involving community
feedback from others effectively to adapt to partners in the academic development of learners.
changes brought by the current educational They are also aware that the progress of pupils is
scenario were skills highly manifested by the influenced by the people in the neighborhood.
school heads. This just goes to say that as school Furthermore, they are aware of current difficulties
leaders they recognized their strengths and even and challenges in the teaching profession. They
aware of the areas needing improvement. understand that being a teacher takes a great deal
Therefore, feedbacks from others are valued and of dedication, both to the profession and to the
recognized. They believed that once these community in which he or she lives.
feedbacks were addressed and attended to, they The composite mean from the same
can make smooth sailing function. Also, this assessments of the respondents revealed high
indicates, although conflicts are part of the manifestation of adaptive skills of school heads
process, school heads make sure that these are relative to human relations. As shared in the FGD,
treated with utmost confidentiality and proper school heads affirmed their pleasant working
decorum. Only those concerned are well-informed relations with teachers and other stakeholders in
and disagreements are addressed. the community. They believed that the success of
The composite mean from the similar the entire organization is possible not by one man
assessments of both school heads and teachers alone but rather the support and contribution of
revealed very high manifestation of adaptive skills everyone.
relative to communication. This infers school
heads manifestation of adaptive skills in terms of 3.3. In terms of Decision making.
communicating to all concerned and coupled with
sound ability to encourage teachers and Identifying a decision, acquiring
stakeholders to participate in all school activities. information, and evaluating possible remedies are
all steps in the decision-making process. By
3.2. In terms of Human Relations collecting important information and identifying
options, a step-by-step decision-making process
The capacity to interact and work well with can help school heads make more careful,
other people. It points into social dynamics in which considered decisions. It can be seen from the
people complement each other to work effectively similar assessments of teachers and school heads
and efficiently. It can be noted from the table that themselves that they highly manifested explaining
maintaining good relations with parents and the the decisions made during pandemic
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
comprehensively to colleagues. This implies that the inventiveness and abilities of school
school leaders have an open relationship and are leaders to use all of their resources and methods
transparent in their judgments. They were held to ensure that learning continues even when the
responsible and accountable for this decision, and new normal presents a problem. Furthermore,
as a result, they ensured that it benefited the today's schools use more technology than ever
school as a whole, rather than favoring individuals before.
within the institution. Similarly, school heads also manifested
Similarly, from the same groups of adaptive skills in coaching innovative knowledge
respondents’ assessments, school heads highly and creative adaptability to challenging situations,
manifested their skills in evaluating the current providing awareness and information of external
situation setting on the basis of validated situation and internal trends, interests and issues with
and verified evidence, promoting an environment potential impacts on school policies, practices and
that allows teachers to make decisions conducive procedure based on BECLP, and in supervising
to ownership in the vision of the new normal innovative and creative education management in
education. This implies that, as educators, they the new normal education setting. As a result of
always recognize and affirm teachers' power to these findings, school leaders remain astute and
develop students into better people. They feel that smart in their approach to dealing with the
it begins with classroom education and extends to pandemic. Since the introduction of the new normal
the tactics and assessment instruments used. As a education, school leaders have felt that such
result, school leaders are asked to think beyond innovations, knowledge, and understanding would
the current situation. They push them to be be crucial in the quest of high-quality teaching and
inventive and think of new methods to offer the learning. They first assess the school's resources
material in an entertaining and innovative manner and capacity to continue education, as evidenced
that students will understand. by the interview, before complying with the
The composite mean from the teachers and DepEd's demands. They also made the essential
school heads’ assessments revealed high information dissemination to notify everyone,
manifestation of adaptive skills relative to decision including all stakeholders, about the learning
making. As organizational leaders, the effective modalities and procedures to be considered. They
organizational leadership requires a vision, and the also admitted that the pandemic had tested their
ideal school leader is one who communicates skills and abilities because they only had so much
strongly, builds relationships, and demonstrates time to organize and make assessment of learning.
political acumen (Björk et al., 2015). It is essential As they cited, this was really the most challenging
to maintain successful professional rapport with part of being an educator and as school leaders as
neighboring districts, not only for administrative well. They were appreciative of the parents support
duties but also for communication purposes and this made them convinced that what they were
(Blank, Jacobson, & Melaville, 2012). doing were commendable and well-appreciated by
the parents and all.
3.4. In terms of Creativity and Innovation In the end, school heads manifested
adaptive skills in initiating constructive competition
Based on the similar assessments of the in devising innovations across educational
respondents, school heads highly manifested modalities. This means that school leaders have
adaptive skills in utilizing various platforms to agreed to completely accept the new normal in
continuously operate the school and deliver education. After a year of learning from the
instruction in various learning modalities. This modalities, they will have the opportunity to
demonstrates how forward-thinking and visionary become masters and experts in these fields. As a
school leaders are. They felt that no single result, this study supports the notion that school
pandemic could disrupt school operations while leaders should continue to meet the challenge of
also ensuring the provision of high-quality the new normal by developing innovative ways to
education. Furthermore, this study demonstrates make various learning modalities more effective
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142
and efficient. After all, the school leaders believed programs and projects these days. It is also
that if instructors were proficient in these evident that all school activities are done online
modalities, the pupils would benefit the most and they always seek support from these
because teachers would be more engaged and stakeholders. Meanwhile, school heads related
could even come up with exciting and original that school operations are always the same even
lessons for the students. before pandemic due to the program implemented.
The composite mean from the two-groups Additionally, school heads highly
of respondents revealed high manifestation of manifested adaptive skills in building partnership
adaptive skills relative to creativity and innovation. with diverse communities to operate educational
This only proves that school heads have processes during pandemic, providing regular
manifested skills of creativity and innovation in the opportunities for service and cooperation among
way they lead and manage the whole institution. all stakeholders in the new normal education
This affirms the insights of Walters et. al (2014) that setting and maximizing skills and dispositions to
effective principals have been viewed as engage community members and stakeholders to
transformational leaders that focus on establishing address educational issues during pandemic. This
a vision and utilizing leadership skills such as highlights the basic role of school heads to solicit
innovation, influence and consideration for the support and assistance from their partners.
individual in the school improvement process. Evidently, it is during this time that school leaders
are appreciative of their support and they work as
3.5. In terms of Community building one in the attainment of school vision and mission.

The skills require of a school head to CONCLUSIONS

influence teachers in making learning objectives,
process and activities relevant to student’s home Based on the findings of the study, the
and community needs and experiences. following conclusions are drawn:
Moreover, as assessed by school heads,
they highly manifested skills in maintaining 1. Most of school heads are Master degree
harmonious rapport and interaction in the pursuit of holders and experienced academic leaders
quality education amidst new normal in education, who attended several trainings and
and promoting school’s values and integrity at all seminars but have limited knowledge on
times despite the challenging educational ICT.
changes. This finding suggests that school leaders 2. School heads’ have high functional level of
should take steps to maintain open relationships instructional engagement in content
with all stakeholders and members of the school knowledge and pedagogy, curriculum
community. They must cherish their assistance planning, assessment and reporting and in
and cooperation in the construction of quality learning environment.
education during this time of pandemic and new
normal in education. This also suggests how 3. School heads possess adaptive leadership
school leaders maintain a calm and receptive skills in all areas especially in community
demeanor in order to promote school ideals and building.
integrity at all times. During the interview, school
administrators stated that they were trying their RECOMMENDATIONS
best to teach parents and all stakeholders of the
importance of remaining tactful and professional in In the light of the findings and conclusions
the event of failure or other miscommunication from this study, the following recommendations
brought on by the new normal in education. were endorsed.
As shared by the school heads in the FGD,
they reinforced the roles of parents and other 1. The proposed instructional supervisory
stakeholders in the implementation of school plan for teachers may be presented to the
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
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Mrs. Narcita M. Ilao is a PhD student major in

Educational Management at Batangas State
University, The National Engineering University
(BatStateU- TNEU), Philippines. She finished her
Master’s Degree major in Administration and
Supervision at Golden Gate Colleges Batangas
City. Presently she is a Principal II at Baguilawa
Elementary School, Bauan West District , Division
of Batangas Province. She conducted researches
and presented it in the district and internationally.

Dr. Nerrie E. Malaluan is the Vice Chancellor

for Academic Affairs and professor of Batangas
State University, The National Engineering
University (BatStateU- TNEU), Philippines where
she teaches both graduate and undergraduate
courses. She is a graduate of Doctor of Education
major in Educational Management from the same
university and also graduated with a Master of
Education major in science. She has published
books and researches in various national and
internationally recognized publications. She also
serves as resource person and teacher-trainer in
the fields of science teaching, management and
research writing.


Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
International License (http://creative
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
ILAO, M.L.N.M., MALALUAN, N.E., Instructional Supervisory Engagement of Public Elementary School Heads in the
Flexible Learning Environment, pp.131 - 142

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