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Frank History and Civics Class 10 ICSE

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frank history and civics class 10 icse solutions

Question 1: Which is called India’s first war of independence?

Answer: The Sepoy Mutiny or Revolt of 1857.

Question 2: Who were the first to revolt against the British?

Answer: The Sepoys at Dum Dum in Calcutta.

Question 3: Name two famous Indian leaders of the revolt of 1857.

Answer: Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi and Nana Sahib.

Question 4: Under what pretext was Oudh annexed to the Company’s dominion?
Answer: Oudh was not governed properly.

Question 5: Why was the ‘war of 1857’ hailed as the first war of National
Answer: People of different castes, communities and religions came together for
the first time and fought for independence.

Question 6: Name the policy used by Lord Dalhousie for the extension of British
territories in India.
Answer: Doctrine of Lapse.

Question 7: The Act of 1858 ended the East India Company’s rule and the
Government of India was transferred to the British Queen. Who became the first
Viceroy under this Act?
Who was the first Viceroy of India?
Answer: Lord Canning.

Question 8: What is meant by ‘Doctrine of Lapse’?

Answer: This was a policy of annexation followed by Lord Dalhousie. The
Doctrine meant that when a ruler of a dependent state died without a natural heir,
the state is passed on to the English – Company.
Question 9: What happened to the Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, after the
Revolt of 1857?
Answer: He was deported to Rangoon where he died in 1862.

Question 1: What was Nana Saheb’s grievance against the British?

Answer: The British refused to accept Nana Saheb, the adopted son of the last
Peshwa Baji Rao II, as the ruler of the Maratha and was refused to get the pension
which his father was getting.

Question 2: State any two political causes responsible for the First War of
Answer: Two of the important political causes responsible for the First War of
Independence were:
(i) The British policy of annexation of kingdoms under the pretext of inefficient
administration of the rulers.
(ii) The Doctrine of Lapse introduced by Lord Dalhousie that imposed
unsentimental law of ‘no adoption policy’ for rulers and the lapse of kingdom into
the hands of the British in the absence of natural heir.

Question 3: Why did the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’, become a political cause for the
result of 1857?
Answer: According to the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ if a king died without an heir to the
throne, his adopted son could not succeed him. This caused a lot of discontentment
amongst the Indians.

Question 4: Why did the Indian craftsmen and artisans start resenting the British
Rule? Give two reasons.
Answer: (i) Thousands of workers became unemployed as Indian handicrafts and
village industries died out.
(ii) The British annexed princely states and they lost Royal patronage.

Question 5: Mention any two social reforms advocated by the British which
affected the religious traditions of the Indian people.
Answer: The two social reforms advocated by the British which affected religious
tradition of Indian people were:
(i) Abolition of Sati Pratha
(ii) Widow remarriage.
Question 6: Mention any two social evils that existed in India during the 19th
century. What measures did the British Government take to stop them.
Answer: During the 19th century, the two social evils that existed in India were
Sati Pratha and problems of widows as they were not permitted to remarry. The
British Government passed the widow Re-marriage Act in 1856 and the Abolition
of Sati Act in 1829 to remove those evils.

Question 7: “The introduction of Enfield Rifles was the major factor in causing
the great upsurge of 1857.” Discuss.
Answer: Introduction of Enfield Rifles:
(i) The cartridges were greased with fats of pigs and cows. The sepoys had to
remove the greased covers of the cartridges with their teeth, before loading them
into the rifles.
(ii) Hindus and Muslims thought it to be a attempt to defile their religion.

Question 8: What was the General Service Enlistment Act?

Answer: In 1856, the General Service Enlistment Act was passed by the British
Parliament. According to this act, the Indian soldiers could be sent overseas. The
Brahmin soldiers saw in it a slander to their caste. According to an accepted belief,
if was considered a taboo for a Brahmin to cross,the seas. This Act disregarded the
feelings of the Indian troops, which led to a feeling of resentment among them. As
a result, they were angry with the British.

Question 9: State the immediate cause for the revolt of 1857.

Answer: The sepoys were ordered to use new Enfield Rifles, the cartridges of
which were greased with fat of cows and pigs. Both Hindu and Muslim sepoys
refused to use them and felt the English were defiling their religion.

Short Questions – II

Question 1: The great rising of 1857 was an important event which produced far
reaching results. Explain the Rise of Nationalism, with reference to the great
Answer: Rise of Nationalism: The sacrifices of the great Indian leaders during the
revolt gave birth to nationalistic movement in India. Nana Sahib, Laxmi Bai,
Bahadur Shah became national celebrities. The revolt soon became a challenge to
the mighty British empire and the memory of it caused greater damage to the
British rule in India than the revolt itself.
Question 2: In context to the various factors responsible for causing the great
upsurge of 1857, discuss about the introduction of Railways and Telegraphs.
Answer: Introduction of Railways and Telegraphs:
(i) Telegraph poles were thought to be erected for the purpose of hanging people
on them, who opposed the British rule in India.
(ii) In railways, Brahmins and untouchables were made to sit side by side which
they thought would defy their religion.
(iii) Modern innovations threatened the old social rules and produced unrest among
many common orthodox people in India.

Question 3: With reference to the British rule in India, mention two economic
factors, which became the causes of the First War of Independence, 1857.
Answer: The two economic factors which became the cause of the First War of
Independence were:
(i) The British trade policy in India led to the ruin of Indian trade and handicrafts.
Heavy dufies were imposed on the Indian textile and goods imported to Britain and
cheap manufactured goods were sold in India. This resulted in the ruin of Indian
textile and handicraft industry, leaving many artisans unemployed.
(ii) The exploitation of the farmers under zamindari system. Land revenues were
high and non payment of the same due to various reasons led to the ejections of
farmers from land. This caused discontentment among cultivators.

Question 4: The First War of Independence, 1857, led to several changes. With
reference to this explain the rights granted to the Indian Princes and Chiefs.
Answer: Rights granted to the Indian Princes and Chiefs:
(i) The Doctrine of Lapse was abandoned and the right to adoption was recognised.
(ii) The Indian Princes were assured that their territories would never be annexed,
(iii) The British Government declared that all the treaties and agreements would be
honoured. Question

Question 5: Discuss about the growing unemployment under the British caused
due to the 1857 revolt.
Answer: Indian weavers and craftsmen could not compete with the machine-made
goods of the British and thousands of weavers/craftsmen became unemployed. The
demand for Indian textiles was reduced and handloom industry was badly affected.
The company used political influence to buy finest quality cotton from India.
Annexation of Princely States led to loss of royal patronage. Thousands of soldiers
lost their traditional jobs. This led to large scale unemployment.
Question 6: Numerous causes were at work in causing the great upsurge of 1857.
With reference to this statement, explain the laws that interfered with the religious
customs of the people.
Answer: Laws that interfered with the Religious Customs of the people:
(i) The practice of Sati was made illegal and punishable by law.
(ii) Laws were made to forbid infanticide, allow re-marriage of widows and stop
(iii) Government imposed tax on the property belonging to temples and mosques.
(iv) Dalhousie passed a law which entitled a person converted to Christianity to
inherit his ancestral property.

Question 7: With reference to the revolt of 1857 explain briefly about the British
policy of racial discrimination.
Answer: The British considered themselves racially superior to Indians. Educated
Indians were not given appointment to high posts. In Civil Services they could rise
to the post of Sardar or an Amin, in military service to the rank of a Subedar. They
were hated and humiliated in their own country.

Question 8: The great rising of 1857 was an important event which produced far
reaching results. Explain the following with reference to the great uprising the
changes introduced in the administrative set-up of the British territories in India.
Answer: The British realised that the ratio of Europeans and Indian sepoys in the
army was a major factor in the Revolt of 1857. Number of European troops was
increased and artillery and other weapons were placed under the Europeans only.
To curb the unity among Indian troops, the new army was organised on division
and counter poise.
(i) A Royal Indian Army was created by merging the armies of the Company and
the Crown together under a Commander-in-Chief.
(ii) The ratio of Europeans and Indians in the army was fixed at 1 : 2 in Bengal and
at 2 : 5 in Bombay and Madras.
(iii) Indian soldiers were excluded from the artillery and arsenal departments.

Question 9: In the context of 1857 revolt, discuss about the subordination of

Indian economy to British interests.
Answer: After the Industrial Revolution, the British developed their own textile
industry. Instead of Indian textile goods, they bought raw material from India, and
forced Indians to buy their product from the mills. This led to monopolisation of
trade and commerce and the. ruin of Indian handicrafts as they forced Indians to
sell their raw material at a lower rate and buy English goods at a higher rate.
Question 10: Discuss about the economic exploitation caused by the great rising
of 1857.
Answer: Economic Exploitation: Firstly, the economic drain from India
increased on account of salaries and allowances given to Secretary of State for
India and his fifteen members of Indian Council. The military and civil
administration expenditure were paid from revenue of India.
Secondly, India was turned into a colonial economy exporting raw materials like
indigo, cotton, spices, etc., and importing British goods.
Thirdly, the British invested their capital in plantations, jute mills, railways,
shipping, etc., and: drained away the profits to England.

Question 11: Discuss how the unhapiness of the Indian aritisans and craftsmen
became a factor for 1857 revolt.
Answer: The British rulers deliberately crippled Indian arts and crafts by imposing
heavy duties on Indian silk and cotton textiles in Britain. On the other hand British
goods were imported into India at a nominal duty. Millions of artisans and
craftsmen who lost their job and had no alternative source of income became
unhappy with the foreign rule.

Long Questions

Question 1: Explain the political causes that led to the uprising of 1857.
Answer: Political Causes:

1. Among the political causes of the revolt the chief factor was the Doctrine of Lapse
followed by Lord Dalhousie. This policy deprived many kings of their kingdoms because
they had no natural heir of their own since right of adoption in such cases was denied by
the British so the states automatically became a part of British empire.
2. Discourtesy of the Mughal Emperors as Bahadur Shah Zafar was removed from Delhi’s
3. Treatment melted out to Nana Saheb as he was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II and
was refused pension as he was sending emissaries to different parts of the country and
travelling himself to gather support for the rebellion.
4. Annexation of Oudh on grounds of misgovemance by Nawab Wajid Ali Shah.
5. Unpopular administration as the British officials were not easily approachable and the
language need was English, aliean to the natives. Also, the British officials had great
contempt for Indians.

Question 2: The First War of Independence of 1857 was the culmination of

peoples’ dissatisfaction with the British rule. In this context, discuss about the
economic causes.
Answer: Economic Causes: The British crippled Indian trade and created a high
tariff wall in Britain against Indian goods and encouraged the imports of British
goods to India. They purchased raw materials from India and manufactured goods
were sent back to India making enormous profit. The demand for Indian goods
were reduced and handloom industry was adversely affected. Thousands of
craftsmen and artisans were thrown out of employment. The manufacturing units
of Dacca, Murshidabad and Surat became desolate, even the Indian iron and
smelting industry was practically stamped out by cheap imported iron and steel for
railways. A new plantation system introduced in 1833 brought incalculable misery
for the peasants. The hardest hit were the peasants of Indigo plantation in Bengal
and Bihar. The new changes in the agrarian system and exorbitant land revenue
impoverished the peasants. Unemployment among the people was widely revalent.
Government took away tax free lands. Monopolization of jute, tea and coffee
industry took place. Zamindars and Taluqdars were displaced.

Question 3: The Revolt of 1857 can be attributed to many causes. Explain the
military causes which led to the revolt of 1857.
Answer: Military Causes: The Indian sepoys in the British army moved a strong
sense of resentment at the low scale of salary and poor prospects of promotion. In
1856, an act was passed under which every new recruit was expected to serve
overseas. This went against Hindu religious beliefs at that time. The sepoys were
deprived of the allowances for batta when they served in territories other than their
own. Their pent up emotions burst forth when they were ordered to use new
Enfield rifles with cartridges greased with the fat of cows and pigs. The British lost
their prestige and honour by their defeat in the Afghan War. Annexation of oudh
made soldiers lose their jobs. No credit was given to Indian soldiers for fighting
various wars for British Indian soldiers were illtreated and made to fell inferior.
Numerical strength of Indian soldiers was more than the British. It gave them the
courage to fight against the British.

Question 4: Several factors led to the Revolt of 1857. With reference to this,
explain about the discontentment of Sepoys.
Answer: The Indian soldiers were unhappy because of their low salary and poor
prospects of promotion and working conditions. All the high ranks in the army
were reversed for the British only.
The British officers maintained a social distance with Indian soldiers. They held a
derogatory opinion about the soldiers and treated them like menial servants. Also
the Hindu sepoys of Bengal Army had to cross Sindhu river during Anglo-Afghan
War (1839-42) which were forbidden by their religion. The immediate cause of
discontentment among sepoys was the introduction of Enfield Rifle with cartridges
which were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. The cows are regarded sacred
among Hindu and Muslim regard pigs as unclean. The above factors together led
the feeling of discontentment among sepoy, which proved instrumental in sepoy
mutiny of 1857.

Question 5: Discuss about the resentment of the rulers of the native state against
the British which was a major factor of 1857 Revolt.
Answer: The last Mughal Emperor was Bahadur Shah. Lord Canning announced
that Bahadur Shah’s successor would not be allowed to use the imperial title. Such
a discourtesy to the Mughal Emperor hurt Muslim sentiments considerably.
Dalhousie’s refusal to grant pension to Nana Saheb, the adopted son of the ex-
Peshwa (Baji Rao II) was resented by the Hindus in general and Nana Saheb in
Nawab Wazid Ali Shah was deposed on the ground that Awadh was not being
managed well. The annexation of Awadh was a case of high-handedness on the
part of the Company. The Nawab of Awadh had been loyal to the Company for
long time. The British broke all their pledges and promises to the native rulers.
This all caused resentment among the rulers.

Question 6: The great outbreak of 1857 brought about important changes in the
character of Indian Administration and the future development of the country. In
this context discuss about the changes introduced in the administrative set-up of
the British territories in India.
“The great rising of 1857 was an important event which produced for reaching
results in India’s struggle for freedom”. In this context, explain about the
reorganization of Army.
Answer: Changes introduced in the administrative set-up:

1. The war ended the East India Company’s rule in India and brought the Indian
Empire under the direct control of the British Crown. Queen Victoria became
the Empress of India.
2. The Act of 1858 abolished the Company’s Board of Control and the Board of
Directors. All their powers were transferred to a Cabinet Minister, known as
the Secretary of State. He was to be advised by a council consisting of 15
3. The designation of the Governor-General was changed to Viceroy. It was his
duty to run the Indian Administration on behalf of the Crown. He was under
the control of the Secretary of State for India.
4. It was decided that appointments to the civil service were to be made by open
competition under rules made by the Secretary of State and the Council.

Goyal Brothers Prakashan Class 10 History

Solutions Chapter 1 The First War of
Independence (1857)
Question 1.
What is meant by the Doctrine of Lapse?
The Doctrine of Lapse, introduced by Lord Dalhousie meant that when a
ruler of a dependent State died without a natural heir, the State passed
back to the hands of English.

Question 2.
Name any two States that fell victim to Dalhousie’s Doctrine of Lapse.

 Satara 1848
 Jhansi 1853
 Nagpur 1854

Question 3.
Which acts of Lord Dalhousie and Lord Canning smacked of discourtesy to
the Mughal Emperor?
Lord Dalhousie announced that after the death of Mughal Emperor
Bahadur Shah, his successor would have to leave the Imperial Palace.
(Red Fort)
Later in 1856, Lord Canning forbade Bahadur Shah’s successors to use the
imperial title i.e., ‘King’.

Question 4.
What was the main grouse of the Rani of Jhansi against the British?
The application of the Doctrine of Lapse, irked the Rani of Jhansi, when
after the death of the ruler of Jhansi, their adopted son Anand Rao was not
recognised as a legitimate successor to the throne.

Question 5.
Who was Nana Saheb? What was his main grievance against the British?
Nana Saheb was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II. His main
grievance against the British was Lord Dalhousie’s refusal to grant him, any

Question 6.
When and on what ground was Awadh annexed to the Company’s
On Feb. 7,1856, Awadh was annexed to the Company’s Dominions on
grounds that Awadh was not being managed well.

Question 7.
Mention any two activities that caused fear that the British government was
determined to convert Indians to Christianity.

 The teaching of Christian Doctrine was made compulsory in the set

up by the Christian missionaries.
 The officials openely preached Christian Doctrines in Mosques and
 The police force was also being used for conversions.

Question 8.
Name any two acts (Laws) that interfered with the religion and customs of
the people.
Mention any two social evils that existed in India during the 19th century.
What measures were taken by the Biritsh to control them?

 The Act of 1850 enabled the conversion from Hinduism to inherit the
property of his father.
 The Widow-Remarriage Act of 1856 was a progressive measure.

There existed many social evils in India. In the 19th century the British took
measures to control some of the evils. The Widow Remarriage Act, passed
in 1856, was a progressive measure. Earlier Sati and female infanticide
had been prohibited.

Question 9.
What was the people’s reaction to the introduction of railways in the mid
The railways and telegraphs were looked down upon as means to break
social order and caste rules, since people of all castes had to sit together.

Question 10.
How did the indignities hurled at Indians alienate the British from the Indian
The Englishmen in India could insult, humiliate and even kill the Indians at
will. Besides, if an Indian was on horse back, he had to dismount and stand
in respectable manner until the European had passed him. Such indignities
alienated the British from the Indian masses.

Question 11.
What were people’s fears regarding the introduction of English language?
The introduction of English language was thought to be an attempt to
discourage Hindu and Islamic studies. Secondly, people feared that the
object was not promotion of literature rather, inducing the people to-
become Christians.

Question 12.
How did the British rulers cripple Indian handicrafts? What were its
The popularity of Indian textiles alarmed the policy-makers in England.,An
Act of 1720 prohibited the use of Indian silks and Calicoes in England.
Secondly, heavy duties were imposed on Indian silk and cotton textiles in
Hence, it had following consequences :

 By the mid of 19 A. D, export of cotton and silk from India practically

 The art of spinning and weaving became extinct.
 Manufacturing towns of Dhaka, Murshidabad and Surat now looked

Question 13.
How was India converted into an agricultural colony of the British?
British converted India into an agriculture colony by forcing Bihar, Bengal
and Awadh to export jute, opium and indigo. Secondly, India became the
supplier of raw materials like-cotton and oilseed for Industries in England.

Question 14.
What did the British do to reduce the landed aristocracy to poverty?
The British in 1852, through the Inam Commission annexed the rent-free
lands, when the land owners pleaded their inability to produce required title
deeds due to passage of time. Government did not accept the plea and
confiscated some 20,000 estates.

Question 15.
Mention any two grievances harboured by the Indian soldiers which created
an atmosphere favourable to the Great Uprising of 1857.

 Low Salary and Poor Prospects of Promotion.

 General Service Enlistment Act of 1856, which provided that all the
recruits to the Bengal army should be ready for service, within or
outside India.

Question 16.
What was the main provision of the General Service Enlistment Act of
The Act provided that all the recruits to the Bengal army should be ready
for service within or outside India.
Question 17.
What impact did the defeat of the British in the first Afghan War have on the
morale of the Indian soldiers?
The defeat in the First Afghan war, increased the self-confidence of the
Indian soliders, who felt they could challenge the British in India, too.

Question 18.
How did the introduction of Enfield Rifles become an immediate cause of
the War of Independence in 1857?
The Enfield Rifles, required to bite the end of Cartridges with their teeth
before fitting them in the rifles. A rumour spread that they were greased
with fat of cow and the pig. Both Hindus and Muslims got infuriated and
rose a revolt.

Question 19.
When was the 1857 Uprising supposed to have begun?
31st May, 1857 was the fixed date for the Revolt of 1857.

Question 20.
Name the act that transferred the Government of India from the Company
to the Crown. When was it passed?
The Act of 1858, transferred the Government of India from the Company to
the Crown. It was passed on 2nd August, 1858.

Question 21.
What was the result of the First War of Indian Independence as far as the
East India Company was concerned?
The First War of Independence ended the East India Company’s rule in
India since the British statesmen thought it unwise to leave the government
of vast country in the hands of private trading company.

Question 22.
Who became the first Viceroy of India under the Act of 1858?
Lord Canning (1858 – 62) became the first Viceroy of India.
What assurance was given to the Indian Princes by Queen Victoria in her
Proclamation of 1858?

 The British government.would not annex the Indian states.

 All the treaties that the Princes had concluded with the company
would be honoured.
 Their rights of adoption and succession were also recognised.

Question 23.
What impact did the Uprising of 1857 have on the Mughal Rule (Mughal
Imperial Dynasty)?
Bahadur Shah along with his favourite wife, Begum Zinat Mahal, was exiled
to Rangoon (in the present day Myanmar), where he died on 7 November,
1862. The two sons of the king and one of his grandsons were shot dead
by Lt. Hodson and thus Mugal Rule come to an end.

How was the Army organised after the First War of Indian Independence?
The policy of balance and counter check became the prominent feature of
the military administration.

 The proportions of the British to Indian soliders were increased.

 Artillery along with other effective weapons were reserved for the
British troops. *
 All the key positions in the army were kept exclusively for the British.
 The Army was organised in such a way that no sentiment of unity
could arise among them.

Question 24.
What is meant by the policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ pursued by the British in
The policy of Divide and Rule was meant to create misunderstanding
between the Hindus and the Muslims, since English learnt the lesson that
strength of the uprising in 1857 lay in Hindu-Muslim unity.

Question 25.
How did the War of 1857 continue to inspire Indians in their struggle
against the British Raj?
How can we say that the First War of Independence was important
landmark in India’s struggle against the British Raj?
What was the effect of the First War of Independence as regards to the rise
of Nationalism in India?
The war became a symbol of challenge to the mighty British power in India.
Popular songs in praise of Tantia Tope, the Rani of Jhansi and others kept
the memory of their heroic deeds alike. The Rani of Jhansi became Indian’s
Joan of Arc, whose very name revived the spirit of patriotism.

Question 26.
What rumour was circulating to make people believe that the days of the
Company’s rule in India were numbered?
People believed that the British came to power in 1757, after the Battle of
Plassey and their rule would come to an end in 1857.

Question 27.
Name any two social reformers who attacked Sati and female infanticide.

1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

2. Keshab Chander Sen

Question 28.
What were people’s apprehensions regarding the introduction of telegraph
service in India?
People looked down upon the introduction of telegraphic service as means
to break social order. Another rumour was that the telegraphic poles would
be used for hanging people who were against Company’s rule in India.

Question 29.
What advantages did the Indian soldiers have because of disproportion
between Indian and British troops in 1857 ?
Lord Dalhousie’s inability to enlist British soldiers definitely gave Indians
both the advantage of number and courage to take up arms against the

Question 30.
Name the two great patriots who hailed the Uprising of 1857 as the War of

1. Netaji Subhash Chander Bose.

2. Veer Savarkar.

Question 31.
Who was Mangal Pandey? What episode is associated with his name?
Mangal Pandey was a Brahmin solider, who refused to use the greased
cartridges on 29th March, 1857 and killed two English officers. He was
hanged consequently, this resulted in general uprising in Meerut, Delhi,
Kanpur, Lucknow and Jhansi.

Question 32.
What did the Indian soldiers (sepoys) at Meerut do for which they were
sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment in May 1857 ?
The real trouble started at Meerut on May 6, 1857 when Indian soldiers
gathered force and cut across North India like a sword. About 86 sepoys
refused to use the greased cartridges. Hence they were dismissed and
sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment.

Structured Questions

Question 1.
Using the following points describe main political causes which led to the
First War of Independence in 1857 :
(a) British policy of Annexations. (Annexations of Awadh and Territorial
Expansion under the pretext of the Doctrine of Lapse).
(b) Treatment meted out to the Mughal Emperor
(c) Treatment meted out to Nana Saheb.
(a) Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India from 1846 to 1856. His
policy of annexations and conquests showed clearly that the territory of no
Indian Prince was safe. The Doctrine of Lapse created a sense of alarm
among the ruling chiefs. Dalhousie claimed that heirs adopted without the
consent of the Company could inherit only the private property of the
deceased ruler, and not his territory.

Annexation of Awadh :
On 7 February, 1856, Nawab Wazid Ali Shah was deposed on grounds that
Awadh was not being managed well. On February 13, the Court of
Directors ordered Awadh’s complete annexation to the Company’s
dominions. The annexation of Awadh was certainly a case of high-
handedness on the part of the Company. The Nawab of Awadh had been
loyal to the Company throughout. The British seemed to have broken all
their pledges and promises to the ruling chiefs. This caused resentment
among those soldiers of the British Indian army who came from Awadh.

(b) The House of the Mughals were also humbled when the English
announced that after the death of Bahadur Shah II, the Mughals would lose
the title of ‘King’ and his successors would have to leave the Red fort. It
greatly hurt the sentiments of the Muslims.

(c) The last Peshwa Baji Rao II, adopted Nana Sahib as his son. After his
death, English refused to acknowledge Nana Sahib as the ruler of the
Marathas, Hindus too turned against the English. He was pensioned off to
far away Bithur.

Question 2.
Social and Religious causes were also at work in causing the Great
Upsurge of 1857. In this context briefly describe :
(a) Fears regarding mass Conversion to Christianity.
(b) Laws that interfered with the Religion and Customs of the people.
(c) Indignities hurled at Indians (Policy of Racial Discrimination)
(a) The activities of the Christian missionaries created a sense of alarm
among both the Hindus and the Muslims. Their fear was actively supported

 The teaching of Christian doctrine was made compulsory in the

schools established by Christian missionaries.
 The Bible was introduced in all the government schools.
 Prisoners began to be instructed in Christianity.
 The officials openly preached Christian doctrines in Mosques and
 Lastly, police force too was being used for conversions. Hence, panic
gripped people that they all would be lured to Christianity by hook or
by crook.

(b) The practice of Sati was abolished in 1829, along with child marriage
female infanticide and polygamy. Act of 1856 legalised Widow-
Remarriage. The people thought that English were unnecessarily
interfering in their socio-religious matters and wanted to ruin their social
order. Hence, they became resentful toward the English. The Act of 1850
which enabled even the Hindu converts to inherit the property made cry
that their religion was in danger.

(c) The English belonged to the ruling class and had a feeling of superiority.
They looked down upon Indian to insult, humiliate and even kill at will. The
English crossed all limits of decency and humiliated by calling them
‘swines’ and branded them as ‘heathens’
In short, there was unrest among the masses because they felt that the
government was interfering in their social order, destroying their religious
customs and converting them into Christians.

Question 3.
Economic exploitation of the country caused grave discontent that
culminated in the Great Uprising of 1857. Examine this factor with
reference to the following:
(a) The Ruin of Trade and Handicrafts (Unhappiness of Indian Artisans and
(b) Impoverishment of the Cultivators
(c) Subordination of Indian economy to British Interests (Making India an
Agricultural Colony of British capitalism)
(a) The East India Company was established in 1600 as a trading concern.
Soon after 1668, Indian textiles became so popular in England, that an Act
was passed in 1720 prohibiting the use of Indian silks and calicoes in
England. The British deliberately crippled Indian handicrafts by

 Imposing heavy duties on Indian silk and cotton textiles in England.

 British goods were imported into India at a nominal duty.
 The art of spinning and weaving became extinct.
 Manufacturing towns of Dhaka, Murshidabad and Surat now looked
Hence, deplorable economic condition paved the way for Revolt of

(b) The Cultivators impoverished under the land-revenue policies of the

Engish. Be it Permanent settlement in Bengal and Bihar, Ryotwari system
in Bombay or Mahalwari System, almost half the net produce was claimed
as land-revenue. Bad monsoons brought famines that further increased the
poverty of the peasants. Unable to pay land-revenue, the farmers were
driven more and more in the clutches of money-lenders. What could
impoverished asked other than driving the English out of India.

(c) The English subordinated the Indian economy to the interests of British
trade and Industry. Indian Industry began to decline because heavy duties
were imposed on the Indian silk and cotton textiles. The English exported
raw material from India and poured into India large quantities of goods
manufactured in England. In short, India was reduced to the Agriculture
colony. Her trade and commerce began to be controlled and dominated by
the English.

Question 4.
The discontent against the British Raj was by no means confined to the civil
population, but also extended to the Indian section of the Company’s Army.
In this context of the military causes of the First War of Independence given
an account of the following:
(a) Discontent on account of low Salary and poor prospects of Promotion.
(b) Discontent and Disaffection in the Bengal Army
(c) The General Service Enlistment Act
(d) Introduction of Greased Cartridges
What were the main causes of Sepoys’ discontentment which became a
major contributory factor to the Revolt of 1857?
(a) The wages of the Indian soldiers were too small to support their
families. An English soldier was paid more than 8 times the English sepoy
even though his duties were of similar nature. Besides, they had no chance
of promotion. The highest rank held by an Indian was that of Subedars.
Artillery and other key weapons were only reserved for the English soldiers.
Indian soldiers resented discriminatory policy adopted by the English.
(b) Bengal army composed of the sepoys and officers of high caste 130
Arundeeps History & Civics-10 Hindus (Brahmins and Rajputs) of Awadh.
During the First Anglo- Afghan war of 1839-1842, they had to cross the
Sindhu and go outside India. This was disliked because they thought that
sea voyage was forbidden by their religion. In 1844, some Bengali
regiments reiused to serve in Sindh till extra allowances were given to

(c) Lord Canning passed the General Enlistment Act. The Act caused
bitterness among the sepoys, as it bound them to be sent to fight to an
overseas front. ActTvas contrary to their religious beliefs. Political, Social
and Economic atmosphere was conducive for an outbreak, but it could not
erupt as long as the Indian soldiers were loyal to the English. Though
above mentioned military causes roused discontentment among the sepoys
as well, who started the revolt.

(d) The cartridges to be used by soldiers for the Enfield Rifles were
greased with the fat of cows and pig. The cow, is scared for the Hindus and
pig for Muslims., for this reason the army posed a threat to the British

Question 5.
Describe the results of the First War of Independence with reference to the
following :
(a) Changes relating to Constitutional or the Administrative Set¬up of the
British territories in India
(b) Rights granted to the Indian Princes and Chiefs
(a) The war ended the EIC’s rule in India. The Act of 1858 transferred the
Government of India from the company to the crown. Secondly, the Board
of control and court of directors were abolished. Their powers were
transferred to the secretary of state, who was to be assisted by the Indian
Council consisting of 15 members. Secretary of state was to draw salary
and allowances from the revenues of India.

Thirdly, appointments to the civil service were to be made by open

competition. Lastly, Governor-General received the additional title of
viceroy. The title denoted the new position of the Governor-General as the
representative of the Crown in India vis-a vis the native princes and Nawab.
(b) Queen Victoria declared in her Proclamation of 1858 that the British
government would not annex the Indian states. Secondly, all the treaties
that the princes had concluded with the company would be honoured.
Thirdly, their right of adoption and succession were to be recognised.

At the same British government took all possible steps to render Indian
states militarily weak by limiting their number of troops.

Question 6.
With reference to the consequences of the First War of Independence,
1857 answer the following questions :
(a) How was the Army organised after the War of Independence?
(b) What was the effect of the First War of Independence as regards the
rise of Nationalism in India?
Or How did the First War of Independence become an important landmark
in India’s struggle against the British Raj?
(c) How India became the big field of Economic Exploitation by the
Britishers after First War of Independence?
(a) The policy of balance and counter check became the prominent feature
of the military administration.

 The proportions of the British to Indian soliders were increased.

 Artillery along with other effective weapons were reserved for the
British troops.
 All the key positions in the army were kept exclusively for the British.
 The Army was organised in such a way that no sentiment of unity
could arise among them.

(b) The war became a symbol of challenge to the mighty British power in
India. Popular songs in praise of Tantia Tope, the Rani of Jhansi and
others kept the memory of their heroic deeds alike. The Rani of Jhansi
became Indian’s Joan of Arc, whose very name revived the spirit of

(c) In the first place, recruitment of English in both private and public was a
large drain on the country’s resources. Secondly, India was turned into an
agriculture colony exporting raw material and importing finished goods.
Thirdly, rapid rise of indebtedness of the peasants reduced them to poverty
and slavery. Fourthy, British invested their surplus capital in railways,
plantation and coal mines in India, which was a total drain on commercial
interests of Indians. Even the dividends were distributed among the share-
holders of the company.
On the whole the Indians were reduced to misery and poverty.

Question 7.
With reference to the picture given below, answer the questions that
follow :
(a) Identify the Queen seated on the throne
(b) What solemn promises did she make to the people of India in her
Proclamation of 1858?
(c) Why did the British follow the policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ after 1857?
What was its consequence?

(a) Seated on the throne is Queen Victoria.

(b) Solemn promises made to the People of India

 Queen Victoria in her Proclamation of 1858 promised not to interfere

with the religious of India.
 The Queen also promised equal treatment to all her subjects, Indians
and Europeans. All appointments, declared the Queen, would be
strictly on the basis of education, ability and integrity.
 An official pardon was granted to people, excepting such persons as
had been guilty of the murder of British subjects.
 The Proclamation ended with a promise that the material and moral
advancement of the people would henceforth be the main concern of
the Government.
 Queen promised material and moral advancement of her subjects.

(c) The Hindus and the Muslims had showed utmost zeal and enthusiasm
in the Rising of 1857. Hence, British pursued the policy of creating
misunderstanding between the two communities so as to perpetuate the
British rule. Muslims started harboring hatred and mistrust against the
Hindus because of the role played by the Sikhs and Gorkha soldiers in
perpetuating excesses upon them.

The British turned against the Muslims, after the revolt of 1857. At a later
stage, nationalism displayed by the Hindus, made them unfriendly- in the
eyes of the British. The Muslims were taken back into the confidence and

Hence policy of divide and rule was exploited to widen the gap between the
two communities and ensure British rule in India.

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