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Mental Illness Among Students

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Mental Illness Among Students

Article  in  The Journal of Men s Studies · April 2021

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Hafiz Umer
NUST College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering


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Mental Illness Among Students
Hafiz Umer Habib


Mental health problems can affect a student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism,
hindering performance. Over the past few decades, mental illness has been extensively increased among students. Most of the
people think that mental illness is something that happens to someone else like “that won’t affect me; I am not like a mentally
retarded person” and that’s the root of this problem. People are considering the symptoms as normal. Anxiety, depression,
eating disorders, psychotics and mood swings are the most common symptoms that cannot be ignored. The truth is that, among
students, anxiety, depression and eating disorders are extremely common. According to mental health research conducted by
the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in four students has a diagnosable mental illness. A lot of pressure from
parents, Stress from exams, - pressure of getting good grades in university. These aspects destroy the inner peace of students.
Going away on an exchange may for sure add to that - it is an additional challenge that can sometimes make you feel more
stressed and on edge. According to a research, students that are diagnosed with either anxiety or depression” among children
aged 9–23 life increased from 5.4% in 2003 to 8% in 2007 and to 8.4% in 2011–2012 and 11.6 % in 2013-2020. The scale
relates to the four types of the mental disorders among students, such as tired or headaches, mood swings or insomnia. Previous
results showed that more the 38% students are diagnosed with mental disorders. The results showed that the mental illness
affect mental illness affected health status and destroyed the inner peace of students.

Key words: Mental Illness, depression, Inner Peace, University Students, Suicidal thoughts

Significance of study thoughts In fact, suicide is the second-leading

cause of death for those between the ages of
The aim of the present study was to 15 and 24.and that’s the major reason why I
investigate the influence of mental illness want to talk about this topic. The findings of
among university students and how this this study will inform curriculum
mental disorder is destroying the whole development for graduate and post-graduate
upcoming generation. The university life of midwifery students therefore improving the
an individual are emotionally and care and support women with mental illness
intellectually more demanding than almost receive from antenatal services.
any other stage of education. At this stage, an
individual faces a great deal of pressures and Research questions
challenges that pose a variety of physical,
social and emotional difficulties. As a result Before coming to the main point, I would
of changing social and emotional picture of like to share the questions that I will cover in
university students, they become more this segment:
vulnerable for developing mental health
problems. Mental Health diagnoses affect • Why students are facing mental
about 20% of the population at any given issues??
time. A plethora of research has focused on • Why we need to highlight this
study of the prevalence of mental health issue??
problems among university population and • How it can lead to suicidal
the findings suggest that throughout the thoughts??
world, a substantial number of university • Why depression and suicidal
students experience mental health problems. awareness is necessary for
When these health problems became severe, students??
they can lead an individual to suicidal
• What should be the role of parents • To determine whether this mental
to stop this disorder from its illness is significantly different
beginning?? between students of different
Objectives • To improve health and quality of life for
people affected by these conditions.
The authors have approached this • To raise awareness about the mental
research keeping these objectives in health continuum among students.


The university life of a student is emotionally anxiety, symptoms of depression, eating

and intellectually more challenging than any problems and other psychological issues.
other stage of life. At this stage, a student
faces a great deal of pressures and struggles The university period is recognized
that pose a lot of physical, social and as a time of significant transition resulting in
emotional difficulties.[1] As a result of changes to the students relationship with his,
changing social and emotional picture of family, friends, and wider social network. As
university students, they become more part of this transition the student may also
victims for developing mental health experience emotional changes that may range
problems A excess of research has focused on from mild distress and worry to significant
study of the frequency of mental health mental distress. This mental distress can
problems among university population and emerge at any time during the first year or the
the findings suggest that throughout the last year or may be after .These mental health
world, a substantial number of university problems can cause repetition of an existing
students experience mental health problems. mental health problem or the development of
Studies have also showed that mental health a new problem. It is estimated that between 8-
problems among university students are 19% of students will experience depression
increasing in number as well as in cruelty. during the first year of university. Static rates
The concept of mental health can be defined of severe depression range between 15-25%
and conceptualized differently in different due to the fear of not getting a straight-
aspects. There are different ways to view of forward job after graduation. Being aware of
factors of mental health problems that may student with a prior history of mental distress
determine the definition of what is mentally is critical for practitioners. In particular,
healthy and what type of counseling and student with a prior history of getting a lot of
interventions procedures are appropriate to pressure from parents during college will
manage mental health problems and what surely maintain its streak during university
could be the preliminary precautions that can life. This is especially true for those who stop
be done in order to remove this disorder from proper counseling abruptly. Evidence
students. College students struggle with suggests that a previous history of an anxiety
growing issues and some are struggling with disorder is also a risk factor for a mood
more multifaceted and chronic problems and disorder which is depression or anxiety.
some are dealing with poor grades problems. When this counseling stops, suicidal thoughts
The more common problems faced by may destroyed your inner peace or self-
university students are mood disturbances, esteem. In addition, suicide continues to be a
eating dis-orders, interpersonal problems and significant cause of maternal mortality.
destruction of inner-peace. University
students often claim to experience stress,
Literature review 2006. [6,7] The survey sample represents
90% of the census conducted in the first
Home instability survey, which may reflect the overall health
status of the population in Korea. In addition,
Mental Illness might be a potential sign since about 50% of the total sample is
of home instability. It includes a broad range selected from the low-income group (less
of housing-related problems, such as being than 60% of the national median income at
pennilessness, living in overcrowded or the time of sampling), the data were
doubled-up residences such as living with especially appropriate for low-income
friends or family to decrease costs, and targeted policies and poverty research.
frequent residential moves, all of which low-
income renter households may experience
before becoming homeless.[2] The concept of
home instability is commonly used to indicate
housing situations. Thus, households that
experience residential instability experience a
spectrum of housing-related issues that are
more severe than those with housing
affordability problems usually allocating 30%
of household income on housing cost because
most of the students cannot pay their
university fee. Students coming from
different cities likely to face more financial
issues. [3] They tend to be more economically
disadvantaged than the overall poverty
population and are more likely to experience
homelessness at some point Research
suggests that the association between housing
Consequences for Campuses
instability and health status or health behavior
is closely related to loss of housing, Poor student retention can mean losses in
overcrowding experienced by those who have tuition, fees, and alumni donations.
to live in shared housing to save money, and Campuses feel the burden when students
residential mobility. Some studies, for with mental health difficulties do poorly on
instance, suggest that housing loss causes course work and drop out of school. This
mental illness because it decreases one’s may affect their university rankings
feeling of personal control and induces stress because if students don’t do well in studies
Negative health behaviors likely associated than they could not match the standard by
with stress from housing instability include their education commissions[9]. Colleges
drug abuse and unhealthy eating habits, which and universities must be prepared to
can lead to chronic diseases address the psychological impact of mental
illness among students that can lead to
Data collections suicides which is one the most leading
issue of the current generation[12]
Study to investigate the effects of mental
Gap Year
illness on perceived health status, including
the subjective physical and mental health It has been studied that the severe stage of
(depression) of renters. An ongoing mental illness will lead the students to the
longitudinal study by the Korea Institute for gap years. Moreover, the relationship
Health and Social Affairs has been conducted between student’s families after the gap
on a nationally representative sample of year may lead the students to a severe level
Korean citizens over the age of 15 years since of depression. When a students will start
lagging as compared to other students, Table 1: Analysis related to gap
he/she feels such an immense amount of years
mental stress that no one can imagine[13]
Currently, no literature is available in the
are related to gap years or after schooling
on self-concept and the literature available
on the influence of on self-concept seem
to be unreliable[14]. The findings of the
present study specify statistically important
lower self-concept scores on all scales
except psychic values and physical ability
in students belonging to lower middle class
family as compared to those of upper and
upper middle class of universities[15].
Table 1: status of students in gap years

Methodology whom and when[18]. Despite all these

organizational issues, facts will be facts and
It’s time to take action to stop mental health that is a huge proportion of university
problems from happening. Researches has students suffer from serious mental health
come to a stage where we are starting to problems that may affect the normal
discover what we can do to prevent, for functioning of their daily life routines but
there are several methods that can be life lessons, learn to play an instrument or become
saving in students’ life. fluent in another language could be useful.

Proper counseling Healthy lifestyle

Researches shows that students having healthy
Students who have suffered do not receive lifestyles and avoid the severe attacks of mental
any therapeutic or any services. Mental health disorders in university. So we should promote
problems among the university students may healthy lifestyles including nutrition and exercise at
be short term and long term consequences the university level because if your body is healthy
including trying to avoid work, human then your mind will be fresh. So it could be the most
capacity and poor academic performance lethal way to stop a mental illness from its
Mental health problems are positively beginning[19].
associated with increased nicotine and other
drugs. The need and the value of student Analysis
therapy is maintained by the fact that
whenever such services are provided, the cost Now, we will check the statiscal analysis taken
of these services often tend to increase in from different sources all around the world.
time. The awareness about increasing mental Table 3 has shown that the ratio of mental
health problems and associated negative illness is huge among people 18 -25 age
consequences also increase the demand for [20].Most of them will be students and they
developing counseling services for university. will take over the world in their upcoming life.
So to stop this disorder, there must be at least But what if they trapped in this disorder?
one counseling department in each university.

Educate parents

Parents can play a vital role in this area. They

should talk to their kids on regularly basis
especially when their kid feels very sad or
avoid university for more than two weeks or
Not eating, throwing up, or using laxatives to
make oneself uncomfortable because
sometimes a little therapy can be useful to save
someone’s life for an instance o two.

Student responsibility
According to research taken by the American
psychological association that a total of 87% of
I think the students should be aware of the
American students agreed that having a mental health
harm effects of mental illness. If can managed
disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, and 86% said
to survive the difficult times, then he can
they believe that people with mental health disorders
survive the harsh waves of mental stress but
can get better and that is the best thing. The survey
for that he must have to value himself. If he
found that 87% of people said they would be very
can treat himself with kindness and respect,
comfortable being friends with someone with a
and avoid self-criticism and make time for
mental health disorder, and 69% would be very
hobbies and favorite games, or broaden your
comfortable in interacting with a person with a
horizons, these all are such ideas that will
mental health disorder. Those numbers plunged,
inhale someone to get rid of this disorder. Do a
though, for more intimate[22,23]
daily crossword puzzle, gardening, take dance
envelopment: The proportion of people comfortable letting someone with a mental health disorder care
relating someone with a mental health disorder was for a child.
51%, and only 35% said they would be comfortable
Despite this welcome news, some humiliation still disorder among students. If the society play an
exists. A third of defendants (33%) agreed with the important role in breaking down the shackles of this
statement, people with mental health disorders scare disorder then this could be overcome within few
them and 39%would viewSomeone differently if they years.
knew that person had a mental health disorder and
that is the bad thing and that will enhance mental

Another survey has taken adolescent mental behavior, and expectations, this leads to providing
health department, that the majority of students better educational support and lifestyle. Families with
having ages between 20-24 years will suffer mental low incomes are more concerned with providing
stress due to having poor lifestyles and this ratio is basic needs only to their children. The constant
increasing day by day stressors that encourage poverty, reduced parental
involvement, and hostile living environments deeply
affect an individual’s mental health. This study also
encourages the way for getting higher studies to
identify students who may show signs of weakness in
the early stages and those who end up becoming ill or
commit suicide Moreover, the magnitude of the
problems might also help in policy making and
establishing counseling centers in universities.


In conclusion, the findings of the present study

indicated that the students with severe mental illness
DISCUSSION/FINDINGS experience an elevated level of load, particularly
related to encouraging the patient and worrying about
The research was designed to examine the link
the patient. In this study, it can be suggested that a
between the student life with the university.
high-quality lifestyle and satisfaction family may
Currently, not enough literature is available to the
positively affect the students’ behavior in their
researchers on the influence of mental illness among
subjective physical health status and reduce
students in university and the literature available on
depressive symptoms. Further, social exclusion of
the influence of mental illness seems to be not
individuals in permanent mental stress may increase
enough. The findings of the present study indicate
the feeling of isolation and aggravate their mental
statistically significant lower scores on all scales
health risks. While permanent mental illness may
except psychic values and physical ability in students
contribute to reducing involuntary residential
belonging to lower-middle-class families as
mobility for low-income renters, it may have a
compared to those of upper and upper-class families.
negative influence on their psychological health and
These results demonstrate that parent’s education,
will destroy their inner peace
occupation, and income influence their beliefs,
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