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NSTSE Class 7 Solved Paper 2022

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Test Asse ss A chiev e

Class : 7 Mathematics

01. In a ABC, if C = 3B = 2(A + B), then select B.

(A) 20° (B) 30° (C) 40° (D) 60°
02. The diameters of the three circles are 21 m, 14 m, and
7 m. What is the ratio of the area of three circles taken
in the same order respectively ?
(A) 1 : 2 : 3 (B) 2 : 1 : 3
(C) 3 : 2 : 1 (D) 9 : 4 : 1
1 1 1 1
03. If A : B = : and B : C = : then find A : B : C.
2 3 2 3
(A) 2 : 3 : 3 (B) 1 : 2 : 6
1 1 1
(C) : : (D) 9 : 6 : 4
6 2 3
3 2
04. A class has 420 pupil. of the class walk to school,
7 5
of the class go to school by bus and the rest go by
bicycle to school. Calculate the number of pupil who
go by bicycle to school.
(A) 72 (B) 68 (C) 56 (D) 112

2 3 1
05. If = , then select the value of x .
3 x 2 x 12
(A) –8 (B) 10 (C) –10 (D) 12

Paper Code : UN474 1


5y  3 1
Test Asse ss A chiev e

06. If = , then choose the value of y.

21 y + 1 5
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

07. In the given figure, find the value of x, if PQ||RS .

110 T

(A) 40° (B) 30° (C) 20° (D) 110°

08. What is the measure of PSR ?



(A) 20° (B) 12.5° (C) 72.5° (D) 15°
09. In a ABC, E is the midpoint of AC and G is the centroid
of the triangle. What is BE : BG ?
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 3 : 2
10. In KLM and XYZ. KL = YX, L = Y and M = Z. By
which congruence condition are the triangles
congruent ?
(A) R.H.S. (B) A.S.A. (C) S.A.S. (D) S.S.S.

2 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

11. A shopkeeper sold two watches for 1089 each,

gaining 10% on one and losing 10% on the other. Based
on information, choose the correct option.
(A) He gained 1% (B) He gained 2%
(C) He lost 1% (D) He lost 2%
12. A car can finish a certain journey in 10 hours at the
speed of 42 kmph. By how much its speed be increased
so that it may take only 7 hours to travel the same
(A) 60 KMPH (B) 50 KMPH
(C) 18 KMPH (D) 16 KMPH

and 
7 5
13. Choose two rational numbers lying between
3 4
1 17 7 19
(A) , (B) ,
4 6 5 5

2 1 1 19
(C) , (D) ,
3 8 4 6
1 1 1 1 1
14. Select the value of + + + + .
15 35 63 99 143
5 4 2 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
39 39 39 39

Paper Code : UN474 3

Test Asse ss A chiev e

15. What is perimeter of the shaded region in the given

figure ?

(A) 32 cm (B) 28 cm (C) 20 cm (D) 16 cm

16. If a – b = –11 and ab = –28, find the value of a 2 + b2.
(A) 65 (B) 58 (C) 52 (D) 32
17. Choose the least option.
(A) 1500 (B) (–10)–3 (C) (–1)100 (D) (–2)–3
18. Choose the option which has exactly two lines of
symmetry ?
(A) A line (B) An isosceles triangle
(C) A rhombus (D) A square
19. What is to be subtracted from 6.07 to get 9.008 ?
(A) 0.949 (B) –2.938
(C) –0.949 (D) 15.078

x x
20. Find the value of x if + = x – 14
4 6
(A) 9 (B) 15 (C) 18 (D) 24

4 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

21. Select the area of a rectangular park whose length and

1 4
breadth are 31 metres and 12 metres respectively..
4 5
(A) 376 square metres
(B) 400 square metres
(C) 389.55 square metres
(D) 388 square metres
22. Choose the simplest form of

 1 a2b2c + 1 ab2 c – 1 abc 2 – 1 a2b2 c + 1 b2 ca + 1 ac 2b – 1 ba2c 

 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

 7 
(A)   a2b2c  ab2c  ab2c  ab2c 
1 11 1
 10 2 28 8 

 3 
(B)  a2b2c  ab2c  ab2c  ab2c 
1 11 1
 10 2 28 8 

 3 3abc2 1 2 
(C)  a2b2c  ab2c   a bc 
 10 2 28 8 

 3 
(D)  a2b2c  ab2c  abc2  a2bc 
1 11 1
 10 2 28 8 

Paper Code : UN474 5

Test Asse ss A chiev e

23. Choose the simplest value of

3.4 × 3.4 × 3.4  5.6 × 5.6 × 5.6
3.4  5.6

(A) –36.46 (B) 61.96 (C) –16.56 (D) 74.06

 x+1
3 3 5
Choose the value of ‘x’ if     = 
2 x+1 7

5 5 3

24. .

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) –3 (D) 2

25. Choose the factor of (461 + 462 + 463 + 464).
(A) 3 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 13

6 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

Class : 7 Physics

26. 4 cells fixed on a board are shown below.


Connect the terminals with wires to make a battery of
four cells.
(A) A-Q, C-D, D-P (B) P-B, R-S, Q-C
(C) A-B, Q-R, C-S (D) A-B, Q-R, C-D
27. Given that pendulum P is 1 kg, pendulum Q is 10 kg,
pendulum R is 100 kg and the effect of air resistance is
negligible. Identify a true statement.
(A) They will have the same time period.
(B) Pendulum P will oscillate the fastest.
(C) Pendulum R will oscillate the fastest.
(D) They will all swing at different time periods.

Paper Code : UN474 7

Test Asse ss A chiev e

28. A student is given a thermometer which reads +1° in

melting ice and +101°C in boiling water. She carries out
an experiment and uses this thermometer to measure
the temperature of water, before and after heating.
She then calculates the temperature rise. Which of
these relations is completely correct ?
(A) Too low, Too low, Too low
(B) Too low, Too low, Correct
(C) Too high, Too high, Correct
(D) Too high, Too high, Too high,
29. In which of the following circuits will the bulb or the
bulbs glow the brightest ?
(A) A simple circuit with one bulb and one cell
(B) A simple circuit with one bulb and two cells
(C) A simple circuit with two bulbs and one cell
(D) A simple circuit with two bulbs and two cells
30. A boy goes to school with a speed of 3 km/h and returns
to his home with a speed of 2 km/h. If he takes 1 hour
in all, then find the distance between his school and
his house.
(A) 1.1 km (B) 1.2 km
(C) 2.5 km (D) 3.6 km

8 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

31. Which option is correct for Conduction, Convection,

and Radiation of heat through substances in different
media ?
(A) No medium is required, Solids only, Liquids and gases
(B) Liquids and gases, No medium is required, Solids only
(C) Solids only, Liquids and gases, No medium is required
(D) Solids only, No medium is required, Liquids and gases
32. An electromagnet consists of a core of ___________
wrapped around with a coil of ________ copper wire.
(A) soft iron, insulated (B) aluminium, insulated
(C) soft iron, uncovered (D) magnet, uncovered
33. Two friends A and B started at different times and
covered 30 km as shown below in the graph.
Distance in km

50 km
40 km
30 km
20 km A
10 km
10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30
Identify the correct statement from the following.
(A) A and B move with the same speed.
(B) B moves with non-uniform speed.
(C) A completes his journey early.
(D) B overtakes A at 11.20 a.m.

Paper Code : UN474 9

Test Asse ss A chiev e

34. Heat causes expansion of a body because it

(A) occupies space.
(B) tries to escape.
(C) increases the space between particles.
(D) is the property of heat.
35. An iron nail is suspended freely midway between
electromagnet A and electro-magnet B as shown. If
both the circuits are closed, what will happen to the
iron nail ?

(A) There is no change in the position of iron nail.

(B) Iron nail moves towards electromagnet B.
(C) Iron nail moves towards electromagnet A.
(D) Both (A) and (B).

10 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

Class : 7 Chemistry

36. When strong winds blow over a hut having a weak

thatched roof
(A) open the doors and windows.
(B) close all the doors and windows.
(C) make holes in the roof.
(D) burn wood inside.
37. Non-metals react with oxygen to form respective non-
metallic oxides. Which non-metallic oxide on hydrolysis
gives only a strong acid ?
(A) Sulphur dioxide (B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Sulphur trioxide (D) Nitrogen dioxide
38. Which of the following is NOT a chemical change ?
(A) Digestion of food
(B) Precipitation of rain and snow
(C) Rusting of iron
(D) Burning of paper
39. Lemon juice and coffee both are
(A) acidic
(B) basic
(C) lemon juice is acidic, coffee is basic
(D) lemon juice is basic, coffee is acidic

Paper Code : UN474 11

Test Asse ss A chiev e

40. Which of the given acids are present in spinach, amla

and unripe grapes ?
(A) Hydrochloric, Tartaric, Tannic
(B) Oxalic, Ascorbic, Tartaric
(C) Sulphuric, Carbonic, Lactic
(D) Malic, Ethanoic, Nitric
41. A non-metal forms only two oxides. One oxide on
hydrolysis gives an acid. Identify the non-metal.
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon
(C) Hydrogen (D) None of the above
42. Which difference between physical and chemical
changes is incorrect ?
(A) Energy : Little is required, A lot is required
(B) New substances : Not formed, Formed
(C) Process : Irreversible, Reversible
(D) Mass : No change, Changes
43. What are the solutions which do not change the colour
of either red or blue litmus papers are called ?
(A) Acidic (B) Basic
(C) Neutral (D) Alcohol

12 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

44. Match the entries in Column-I with those in Column-II.

Column I Column II
a. Burning of wood 1. Physical change
b. Formation of day and night 2. Slow change
c. Curdling of milk 3. Periodic change
d. Melting of ice 4. Chemical change

(A) a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1 (B) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
(C) a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2 (D) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
45. The given figure shows a doubling in the volume of air.


The air pressure decreases because the air particles

(A) lose kinetic energy.
(B) have to travel longer distance.
(C) hit the walls of the container.
(D) collide less with the container.

Paper Code : UN474 13

Test Asse ss A chiev e

Class : 7 Biology

46. The diagram below shows a step carried out before an

iodine test to determine if plants make food.


Which of the following correctly shows the reasons

for carrying out the step shown ?
(A) To remove the chlorophyll
(B) To keep the chlorophyll
(C) To harden the leaf
(D) To soften the leaf
47. While a student was eating a piece of bread, a sweet
taste developed in her mouth when she chewed on it
for some time. What makes bread taste sweet ?
(A) Bacteria in the mouth fed on starch and produced sugar.
(B) Enzymes in the saliva breakes down the starch.
(C) Sugars in the bread diffused into her mouth.
(D) There was a greater secretion of sugar in saliva.

14 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

48. On a flat open farmland, farmers often plant a row of

trees as a method of soil conservation. Which statement
best explains how a row of trees can help conserve soil ?
(A) The trees provide shade, so the soil does not dry out.
(B) The branches of the tree protect the soil from the
force of acid rain.
(C) The trees act as a windbreak, reducing soil erosion
caused by blowing wind.
(D) The trees attract animals whose wastes add fertilizer
to help prevent soil erosion.
49. Refer to the diagram of the human digestive system.


Which of the following are produced by R ?

(i) Amylase (ii) Insulin (iii) Lipase (iv) Pepsin

(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) only (B) (i), (iii) and (iv) only
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only (D) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Paper Code : UN474 15

Test Asse ss A chiev e

50. Refer to the cross-section of a leaf shown below to


What are the cells labelled X and Y ?
(A) X - xylem; Y - phloem
(B) X - phloem; Y - xylem
(C) X - spongy mesophyll; Y - palisade mesophyll
(D) X - palisade mesophyll; Y - spongy mesophyll

16 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

51. The diagram shows a small portion of tiny blood vessels

found near the skin.

Which of these is a structural feature of blood vessel

shown in the given figure ?
(A) They have a thick muscular layer.
(B) One layer wall to assist in diffusion.
(C) Blood flow with high pressure.
(D) They have semi-lunar valves.

Paper Code : UN474 17

Test Asse ss A chiev e

52. The diagram shows the stages of seed germination.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

At which stage(s) of germination will the seed not be

affected if it was placed in a dark room ?
(A) (iv) only (B) (i) and (ii) only
(C) (iii) and (iv) only (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
53. Yarn is a continuous strand made up of number of
fibres twisted together. What is the process of making
yarn ?
(A) Knitting (B) Weaving
(C) Spinning (D) Ginning

18 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

54. What is the function of the beak of the bird shown ?

(A) To reach small fruits from tender branches

(B) Regulates heat distribution
(C) To attract a mate and reproduce
(D) All of the above
55. Observe the given figure of blood smear prepared by
a lab professional.


Identify the correct statement(s) regarding X, Y and Z

blood components.
(A) X produces special protein substances called
antibodies that protect us from infection.
(B) Reduction in number of Y leads to excessive loss of
blood from the wound.
(C) The count of Z goes down when there is any infection
in the body.
(D) Both (B) and (C)

Paper Code : UN474 19

Test Asse ss A chiev e

Class : 7 Critical Thinking

56. A4B means A is the mother of B, A3B means A is the

father of B, A5B means A is the son of B, A7B means A
is the daughter of B. Which of the following equation
shows P’s father is the grandfather of ‘S’ ?
(A) P5Q5R4S (B) P7Q5R4S
(C) P4Q4R7S (D) P7Q3R4S
57. Select the top view for given piece of wire stretched
along the edges and faces of the glass cube.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

20 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

58. In the given figure, if ‘S’ represents Sea, ‘B’ represents

Bhopal, ‘C’ represents Chennai, then what does ‘X’
represents ?


(A) Pune (B) Bhubaneshwar

(C) Hyderabad (D) Raipur

Paper Code : UN474 21

Test Asse ss A chiev e

59. Choose the option which is not in the given picture ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

22 Paper Code : UN474

Test Asse ss A chiev e

60. Which option replaces the question mark ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Paper Code : UN474 23

Test Assess Achieve


Question Paper Code : UN474


1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B

11. C 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. D

21. B 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. B

31. C 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. A

41. B 42. C 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. A

51. B 52. D 53. C 54. D 55. D 56. D 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. D


01. (C) Given 3B = 2A + 2B 02. (D) Areas ratio = r12 : r22 : r32
3B – 2B = 2A = r12 : r22 : r32
 B = 2A
 21   14  7 
But A + B + C = 180°   m :  m :  m s
2 2 2

 2   2  2 
A + 2A + 3B = 180°
7  3 7  3 2 7  2  7  2 2 7 1  7 1 2
3A + 3(2A) = 180°  m : m : m
[ B = 2A]
4 4 4

9A = 180° = 9 : 4: 1

A   20
B = 2A = 40°
website :

RSQ = 60° RQS = 60°
Given A :B  :   6 :  6 = 3 : 2
In PQR, 35° + PQS + PSQ = 180°
1 1 1 1
03. (D)
2 3 2 3
=3:2=3×3:2×3=9:6 PQS + PQS
= 180° – 35° = 145° [ PSQ = PQS]
B : C  :  3:2  3  2: 2  2  6 : 4
1 1
2 3 2PQS = 145°
 145
PQS   RSQ
04. (A) No. of students walk to school 2
PSR = PSQ = RSQ
 420  180
7 = 72.5° – 60°
No. of students come to school by bus = 12.5°
=  420  168
09. (D) Centrold divides median in the ratio
No. of students come to school bicycle 2 : 1 from vertex
= 420 – 180 – 68 = 72 B

49 1
05. (C) = G
6 x 12

5 1

= BE : BG = BG + EG : BG
6 x 12

= (2 + 1) : 2
=x =3:2
Given in KLM & XYZ
10. (B)
x = –10

5y 3 1

21 y  1 5
06. (D) Given

L = Y and M = Z then K = X
5(5y – 3) = 21y + 1
25y – 15 = 21y + 1
25y – 21y = 1 + 15 K = X and KL = YX
4y = 16 and L = Y
 KLM XYZ [ ASA congruency]
11. (C) SP of first watch (SP1) = `1089
Gain = 10%

(100  9)
07. (C) Given x + 90° = 110°
x = 110° – 90° SP1  CP1 

(100  10)
= 20°
08. (B) In QRS, QR = RS  RSQ = RQS `1089  CP1 
 60° + RSQ + RQS = 180°

RSQ +RSQ = 180° – 60° = 120° `1089   CP1


[ RQS = RSQ]
CP1 = ` 990
2RSQ = 120°
website :

Smilarly CP2  `1089   `1210
10 1 1 1 1 1
14. (A) + + + +
9 15 35 63 99 143
Total CP = CP + CP2 1 1 1 1 1
= + + + +
= ` 990 + `1210 = `2200 3× 5 5× 7 7× 9 9 ×11 11×13

2 1 1 
Total SP = 2 × ` 1089 = ` 2178
 Total Loss = ` 2200 – ` 2178 = ` 22 2  3× 5 5× 7 7 × 9 9 ×11 11×13 

1 1 1
= + + + +

1 2 2 
Total Loss percentage

  100  1% 2  3× 5 5× 7 7 × 9 9 ×11 11×13 

`22 2 2 2
= + + + +

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
 +  +  +  + 
(OR) (Short Cut)
2  3 5 5 7 7 9 9 11 11 13 
If two SP are same and having same loss

1  1 1  1  13  3 
& profit percentage of both watches

2  3 13  2  39 
then there is always loss % Loss
= =
percentage   
x2 102 100
100 100 100
10 5
= =
=1% 2× 39 39
12. (C) Distance to be covered 15. (B) Inner length = 12cm – 1cm – 1cm = 10cm

  10h  420 KM
42 KM Inner breadth = 8cm – 2cm – 2cm = 4cm
1h Perimeter of inner rectangle
Speed of the car = 2(l+b) = 2(10cm + 4cm)
   60 KMPH
distance 420km = 28 cm
time 7hours
16. (A) Given a – b = –11
Speed to be increased
Squaring on both sides
 (a – b)2 = (–11)2
= 60 KMPH – 42 KMPH = 18KMPH

7 5 a2 – 2ab + b2 = 121
13. (C) = 2.33 & = – 1.25
3 4
a2 – 2(–28) + b2 = 121
1 7 5 a2 + 56 + b2 = 121
= – 0.25 it lies between &
4 3 4
a2 + b2 = 121 – 56 = 65

(–2)–3 = 
17 1
= 2.83 it does n’t lie between 17. (D) = – 0.125
6 8
7 5
(–10)–3   0.001
3 4

2 5 7 1500 = 1 & (–1)100 = 1

= – 0.66 lies between and
3 4 4 18. (C) A rhombus has two lines of symmetry
1 5 7
= – 0.125 lies between and
8 4 4

website :

3 3 5
19. (B) Let ‘x’ to be subtracted 2 x 1 x 1

 6.07 – x = 9.008 Given      


5 5 3

24. (C)
 6.07 – 9.008 = x
3 3
2 x 17 1( x 1)

   
5 5
– 2.938 = x

  x  14
3 3
x x 2 x 8  x1

   
20. (D) Given
5 5
4 6

3 x  2 x  12 x
 14  2x + 8 = –x – 1
2x + x = –1 – 8
–7x = = –14 × 12

14  12
3x = –9
x 9
7 x  3
x = 24
25. (B) 461 + 462 + 463 + 464
Area of rectangle  31 m  12 m
1 4
21. (B) = 461(1 + 41 + 42 + 43)
4 5
= 461×(5 + 16 + 64)

 
25 16
125 64 = 461 × 85
41 51
= 460 × 2 × 2 × 85
= 400 m2 = 460 × 2 × 170
1 2 2 1 = 460 × 2 × 17 × 10
10 is the factor of
22. (C) LHS = a b c – a2b2c
2 5

1 1 (461 + 462 + 463 + 464 )

+ ab2c + ab2c
3 6
1 1 1
+(– abc2 + abc2) – a2bc 26. (C) The positive terminal of one cell is
4 7 8 connected to the negative terminal of

1 1 1 1
the next cell as shown below.
 a2b2c     ab2c   
2 5 6 3

 1 1 1
abc2      a2bc
 4 7 8

 a b c  ab c  abc2  a2bc
3 2 2 1 2 3 1
10 2 28 8 P Q R S

39.304  175.616 136.312

27. (A) Mass has no effect on the time periods
2.2 2.2
23. (B) of oscillation of given pendulums in the
absence of air resistance.
= 61.96 28. (C) Both the readings of temperature before
and after heating of water are too high.
This is because both at the start and at
the end temperatures are an error by the
same temperature which is 1°C
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29. (B) The chemical energy stored in two cells CHEMISTRY
is more than that in one. So, the bulb in
the circuit that has one bulb and two 36. (A) When strong winds blow over a weak
cells will glow the brightest. thatched roof, it creates a low pressure
over it and a high pressure inside the

Speed 
Distance hut causing the roof to blow off. Opening
30. (B) the doors and windows reduces this
pressure difference and prevents the
Distance roof from being blown off.
Let the distance be x, = Time
37. (C) SO3 on hydrolysis gives H2SO4 which is
a strong acid. SO3 + H2O  H2SO4

t1 + t2 = + = 1, 
x x 2 x + 3x
=1 38. (B) Precipitation of rain and snow is only a
3 2 6
change of state and no new substance

 5x  6 : x   1.2 km
6 is formed. It is a physical change. Rest
of them are chemical changes.
39. (A) Lemon juice is acidic with pH-2 and
31. (C) Conduction occurs only in solids, coffee is also acidic with pH 5. Hence,
convection occurs only in liquids and both are acidic
gases, and radiation requires no medium.
40. (A) When sodium chloride (salt) is added to
32. (A) An electromagnet consists of a core of water, it forms a solution and no new
soft iron wrapped around with a coil of substance is formed. Hence, it is a
insulated copper wire. physical change.
33. (D) Statements (A), (B) and (C) are incorrect 41. (B) Carbon forms two oxides CO and CO2.

CO 2 + H 2O  H 2CO 3. CO is neutral.
according to the given graph. A takes CO2 on hydrolysis gives carbonic acid
more time than B. So, their speeds are
different. Next, the slope for A and B is Carbon is the non-metal.
a straight line, hence B moves with 42. (C) A physical change is reversible whereas
uniform speed. Finally, it is B and not A a chemical change is irreversible.
who completes the journey early. B
overtook A at 11.20 a.m. 43. (C) The solutions which do not change the
colour of either red or blue litmus papers
34. (C) When a body is heated, the heat energy are known as neutral solutions.
increases the space between particles
44. (B) The correct matching is a-4, b-3, c-2, d-
in the body that tends to increase the
1 Burning of wood - chemical change
volume of the body when heated. This
results in expansion of bodies. Formation of day and night - periodic
35. (C) The iron nail will move towards
electromagnet A as it has more coils of Curdling of milk - slow change
wire around it than electromagnet B and Melting of ice - physical change
thus, it exerts a stronger magnetic force
45. (D) When the volume of air is doubled the
than electromagnet B.
particles are very far apart with less
collisions with the container walls that
results in lowering of air pressure.

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46. (A) The alcohol dissolves the chlorophyll in 56. (D) P7Q3R4S
the boiled leaf, when the leaf is boiled
Q (+)
in alcohol.
47. (B) Saliva contains amylase which breaks
P (–) R (–)
down the starch in bread to maltose, a
disaccharide which tastes sweet. (Mother)
48. (C) A row of trees can help conserve soil as
the trees act as a windbreak, reducing
soil erosion caused by blowing wind.
49. (A) The pancreas produces pancreatic juice 57. (B)
(that contains amylase and lipase) and
hormones involved in the regulation of 58. (C) Hyderabad
blood glucose concentrations (insulin
59. (A) Option (A) is not in the given figure.
and glucagon). Pepsin is produced in the
stomach and requires an acidic pH to
function. (D)
50. (A) X and Y form part of a vascular bundle.
The xylem vessels are located on the
upper side of the vascular bundle, while (C)
the phloem vessels are located on the
lower side.
51. (B) The walls of blood capillaries are one-
cell thick to assist in the diffusion of
52. (D) Seed leaves provide food to the growing
plants. Hence at stages (i), (ii) and (iii)
are not affected if it was placed in a dark
room. (B)
53. (C) Yarn is made by spinning. 60. (D) Number of stars and triangles are
54. (D) The function of the beak of the bird subtracted from 1st and 2nd image, we
shown is to reach small fruits from get 3rd image.
tender branches, regulate heat
distribution and to attract a mate and
55. (D) In the given figure X, Y and Z are RBC,
platelets and WBC respectively. WBC
produces antibodies and its count goes
up when there is any infection in the

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