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Self Quiz Final Exam

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Francisco St. Brgy. Marfrancisco, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Understanding the Self

Special Examination
Name: ________________________________ Date:_______
General Instruction: Read each statement carefully then shade the letter of the best answer on the answer
sheet provided.
1. Which of these would Socrates most likely agree with?
a. the body is eternal c. The soul dies with the body.
b. the soul is immortal d. The soul is a myth.
2. Refers to the process of how one is perceived by other people?
a. Online Self c. Self-efficacy
b. Metacognition d. Self
3. Which of the following is not knowledge about thinking?
a. Declarative Knowledge c. Tactical Knowledge
b. Self-evaluating d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is true about your online self?
a. Fraud c. Honest
b. Informative d. Critique
5. Why should we have precise speech?
a. to be easily understood c. to look more interesting
b. to become a good person d. to avoid unnecessary arguments
6. Why should we assume that the person we are listening to might know something we don't?
a. Because people are chaos
b. Because are a jerk who can make you look stupid
c. Because a good listener can repeat back to someone what he said, without his own twist or bias
d. Because most of us are good at listening, we would evaluate because listening is easy and sheltered
7. Who was called Hanif in the Quran?
a. Moses c. Abraham
b. Jesus Christ d. Buddha
8. What is the sacred text of Islam?
a. the Bible c. the Torah
b. the Avesta d. the Qur’an
9. Plato takes the ultimate object(s) of knowledge to be:
a. Physical objects. c. The gods.
b. The soul. d. None of the above.
10. According to Augustine, God is in all things:
a. in equal proportions c. in different amounts
b. in each thing d. only if they are not evil
11. Which of the following is not a cardinal virtue according to Augustine?
a. Temperance c. Prudence
b. Justice d. Chastity
12. Concepts, according to Kant, are
a. faint copies of impressions.
b. one and all a priori.
c. like rules for operating on some given time and space.
d. the only things guaranteeing knowledge of things in themselves.
13. What is an example of metacognition?
a. Someone figuring out their learning style c. Planning how to get the most out of learning
b. Someone remembers how to do their homework d. Self-assessment
14. The role of most women in the online community is?
a. Developer c. Sharer
b. Couch potato d. Partaker
15. Why do we need to teach students about Metacognition?
a. So they can know when to give up
b. So they can be more effective learners
c. So they can be better people
d. We don’t
16. Which of these describes a person giving instrumental, or tangible support, a principal category of social support?
a. A woman advises a friend
b. A woman expresses empathy towards her friend.
c. A woman goes out to the museum with her friend
d. A woman gives financial assistance to a friend
17. Which of the following will NOT improve your metacognition?
a. Organize your thoughts c. Review your exams.
b. Take a timeout d. Having an extra effort
18. What is the reading strategy for verbalizing what we are thinking as we read?
a. For crying out loud c. Reading
b. Thinking aloud d. Comprehension
19. Which of these is NOT an effective coping strategy for stress management?
a. Mindfulness c. Distraction by enjoyable activities
b. Social withdrawal d. Time management
20. Main cause of stress among college students?
a. Failure c. Overthinking
b. Rejection d. All of the above
21. People who have the right mindset believe that?
a. Everyone is born like Einstein
b. There is no idiot in this world
c. Everything can be accomplished through the effort
d. Everything has a limit you can’t do anything about it
22. Which of the following phrases will not help you feel safe?
a. Suffering is a part of life c. This is part of life
b. Enjoy every part of it d. none of the above
23. Regarded as the lack of patriotism and the attitude when Filipinos favor foreign products more than their own.
a. Crab Mentality c. Colonial Mentality
b. Filipino Time d. Socialite Mentality
24. This person does not value themselves, accepts hopelessness
a. Deflated self esteem c. High self esteem
b. Inflated self esteem d. Low self esteem
25. A sexual problem that is defined as difficulty getting and keeping an erection.
a. Premature Ejaculation c. Erectile Dysfunction
b. Inhibited Ejaculation d. Low libido
26. The Torah is the sacred writing (holy book) for which religion?
a. Judaism c. Islam
b. Christianity d. Hinduism
27. This is the most admired trait of the Filipino people.
a. Optimism c. Hospitality
b. Intelligence d. Caring
28. The Filipinos in the celebration of town fiesta, wedding, baptism, birthday, and graduation often display of this
a. Regionalism c. Extravagance
b. Tribalism d. Hospitality
29. Refers to the body with which we interface with our environment and fellow being. It is a tangible aspect of the
person that can be directly observed and examined.
a. Physical self c. Spiritual self
b. Real Self d. Material Self
30. One of the oldest methods of contraception; the couple proceeds with coitus; however, the man must release his
sperm outside of the vagina. He must withdraw his penis the moment he ejaculates.
a. Calendar Method c. Coitus Interruptus
b. Abstinence d. Ovulation Detection
31. Which of the following is true about your goals?
Statement 1: “Goal without a plan is just a dream”
Statement 2: “Goal cannot be trained to other individuals”
a. Both 1 & 2 c. Statement 1
b. Neither 1 & 2 d. Statement 2
32. Which of the following cannot further develop your mindset?
a. Good effort c. Good teacher
b. Having a goal d. persistence
33. According to John Locke, which of these makes up consciousness?
a. physical senses c. memory
b. religion d. emotions
34. A neuroscientist states that it is the physical brain and not the imaginary mind that comprises the self.
a. Paul Churchland c. John Locke
b. Immanuel Kant d. David Hume
35. Which of the following is not an example of a Moi?
a. Civil Status c. DNA
b. Height d. Fingerprint
36. Who are the “good” friends?
a. Supports you in every action/event you do
b. Those who take care of you
c. People whom you can recommend to your family and peers
d. Those who influence
37. Which of the following statements is considered to be false according to Islamic tradition?
a. The Prophet Muhammad was the first in a long line of prophets
b. The Prophet Muhammad was a man and not a divine being
c. The Prophet Muhammad was an unlettered man
d. The Prophet Muhammad serves as the model for Muslims to follow
38. It is a lifelong process that starts at the moment of conception
a. Sexual Behavior c. Spiritual Behavior
b. Physical Behavior d. Material Behavior
39. Which of the following is an example of smart sharing?
a. Posting a half-naked picture of their children c. Posting their ID
b. Posting what they do daily d. Posting their vacation from the past month
40. Which of these is not an effective coping strategy for stress management?
a. Time management c. Mindfulness
b. Social withdrawal d. Distraction by enjoyable activities
41. How else does making goals help?
a. It keeps you on track and helps you buy needs and wants
b. It can make money magically appear for your needs and wants
c. It helps you learn how to use your time wisely
d. So you never have to spend money again
42. Which of the following is the best way to learn something?
a. Repeating it c. Doing it successfully on the first try
b. Through failure d. all of the above
43. Which of the following will help you to attain your goals?
a. having a group of friends
b. having acquittances who are rich
c. having a supportive family
d. having an extra effort
44. Which of the following is an example of an aggravating stressor?
a. The death of a loved one c. Moving to an unfamiliar city
b. High levels of pollution d. Perceived disrespect from a peer
45. Which of these actions would be considered to be examples of metacognition?
a. Mentally rehearsing before an important speech.
b. Developing a mental plan for action before embarking on a task.
c. Solving a math equation by plugging numbers into an equation
d. Changing strategies when you notice that a plan is not working.
46. The role of most men in the online community is?
a. Sharer c. Contributor
b. Couch potato d. Developer
47. Which of the following is an example of a Low-assurance person?
a. people who are persistent about their dream
b. people who act through their aspirations
c. people who diminished other people's aspirations
d. people who move forward
48. How can you say you are effectively going to your goals?
a. Seeing you are happy
b. Seeing you are content
c. Making your friends acknowledge you
d. Making everybody see the outcome
49. The Torah is the sacred writing (holy book) for which religion?
a. Judaism c. Islam
b. Christianity d. Hinduism
50. This is the most admired trait of the Filipino people.
a. Optimism c. Hospitality
b. Intelligence d. Caring
51. The Filipinos in the celebration of town fiesta, wedding, baptism, birthday, and graduation often display of this
a. Regionalism c. Extravagance
b. Tribalism d. Hospitality
52. Refers to the body with which we interface with our environment and fellow being. It is a tangible aspect of the
person that can be directly observed and examined.
a. Physical self c. Spiritual self
b. Real Self d. Material Self
53. One of the oldest methods of contraception; the couple proceeds with coitus; however, the man must release his
sperm outside of the vagina. He must withdraw his penis the moment he ejaculates.
a. Calendar Method c. Coitus Interruptus
b. Abstinence d. Ovulation Detection
54. Which of the following techniques is the best for memorizing categorical events/data?
a. Algorithm c. Abbreviating
b. Skimming d. all the above
55. If you’re doing an interview, which of the following skills will help you?
a. Simulation c. Organize your thoughts
b. Planning d. Ask yourself questions
56. What is goal setting?
a. Picking up a coffee mug and setting it down on a table that says goal.
b. Figuring out a plan to not use any money for the rest of your life
c. Finding something that you want to accomplish and figuring out a plan to reach it.
d. Accomplishing all of your goals in two minutes
57. Which of the following is true self-efficacy?
Statement 1: “a person’s estimate that a given behavior will lead to certain outcomes”
Statement 2: “people’s belief about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise
influence in their capabilities”
a. Both 1 & 2 c. Statement 1
b. Neither 1 & 2 d. Statement 2
58. This is a part of yourself where you learn and understand your sexual development and how people’s sexual
activity, beliefs, misconceptions, and unlimited access to the internet on sex can influence your own sexual
behaviors and responses.
a. Sexual Behavior c. Spiritual self
b. Sexual Self d. Material Self
59. Contraceptive with 100% efficacy.
a. Withdrawal c. Alcohol
b. Temperance d. Condom
60. Filipinos get along with different kinds of people. They can easily adjust to any situation and are flexible.
a. Generosity and helpful c. hospitable
b. God fearing d. Pakikisama
61. Filipinos sometimes get jealous of other people's successes that they find a way to pull the other person down,
rather than striving to be better.
a. Mañana habit c. Filipino time
b. Colonial Mentality d. Crab Mentality
62. The founder of Buddhism is ______________________.
a. Siddhartha Gautama c. Jesus Christ
b. Mahatma Gandhi d. Prophet Muhammad
63. Suppresses ovulation.
a. Artificial Contraceptive c. Estrogen
b. Androgen d. Progesterone
64. Standing straight with shoulders back means?
a. Do not care for others c. Be selfless and accept any trouble
b. Confidence about self d. Facing life confidently
65. Which of the following is not a fundamental characteristic of a religious ceremony or a ritual?
a. Dependence upon a belief system c. Symbolic reference
b. Giving alms d. Feeling or emotion of respect
66. What is the best way to relax your mind?
a. Going to a concert c. Meditate
b. Talking to your family d. All of the above
67. What is metacognition?
a. one's ability to think about his or her thoughts c. understanding others' thoughts
b. thinking about homework d. a lack of awareness of thoughts
68. A psychological and physiological response to any real or imagined disruption, demand, stimulation, or change in
life is known as:
a. Distress c. Fight or flight response
b. Eustress d. Stress
69. Which of the following will not help you feel less stressed?
a. Sleep c. Social bond
b. Exercised d. Shopping
70. What is awareness of your thinking?
a. Planning c. Mediocre
b. Metacognition d. Experiences
71. In the online community which of the following ranks 1 st in terms of marketability?
a. Food c. Sex
b. Porn d. all of the above
72. Which of the following is not true about setting your goals?
a. Have a high and specific aspiration c. Your goal is the most important
b. Committing to the goals is the most crucial d. Do everything to make your goal happen
73. What is not considered to be metacognition?
a. Thinking about thinking c. Going beyond thinking
b. Being told what to think d. Asking questions while you think
74. Which of the following will have the greatest impact on their metacognition?
a. Students who cram their lessons in one day c. Students who skim their lesson every day
b. Students who reflect on what they learn d. Students who share their daily lives with other
75. An individual has been employed at a desk job for several years. She has been experiencing increased amounts
of stress since her employment. By venting about her various qualms with the workplace to her husband, she
hoped to improve her mental health. However, after some time, she realized that her stress levels remained the
same. Deciding to try something different, she resolved to jog for thirty minutes every day once she returned from
work. After some time, she discovered that her stress levels had decreased. What stress coping or stress
management technique(s) did she use to accomplish this?
a. Physical exercise alone c. Physical exercise and social support
b. Physical exercise and perceived control d. Physical exercise and cognitive flexibility
76. How would you define stress?
a. a feeling of emotional or physical tension
b. how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened
c. biological response to demanding situations
d. None of the above
77. Robert recently started a new job. Just as he feels he is starting to get the hang of things, Robert hears that his
new employer has issued a hiring freeze and is going to begin laying off individuals in his department following
the loss of a large contract. Robert is experiencing which of the following?
a. Hopefulness c. Eustress
b. Good stress d. Distress
78. What kind of hormones is released during sexual intercourse to help you feel relaxed?
a. Methamphetamine c. androgens
b. Happy hormones d. oxymoron
79. Which of the following is the best to converse if you’re freaking out?
a. Family members c. Stranger
b. Group friends d. Nobody
80. Which of the following will not lessen your stress level?
a. Having a break c. Doing yoga
b. Vacation d. Having a haircut
81. Which of the following is an example of a high-assurance person?
a. Giving up on their task
b. The one who has high aspirations
c. Emphasize their shortcoming
d. The one who is not content with the result
82. Which of the following is true about your mindset?
Statement 1: “Having a good mindset are more likely to continue working hard despite setbacks”
Statement 2: “Those who received phrases like “Good job” have worse mindset than those who have setbacks”
a. Both 1 & 2 c. Statement 1
b. Neither 1 & 2 d. Statement 2
83. If both of your parents laugh at your aspirations, what would be the best thing to do about the situation?
a. Make them feel like they are stupid for laughing at what your aspirations are.
b. Leave them because they are not supporting your aspirations.
c. Help them understand that being a parent is having your back or else you will leave.
d. Make them know that you are serious by showing your effort and results.
84. A sense of control is important in the impact of a stressor. Learned helplessness occurs when an organism,
through a perceived lack of control, does not attempt to avoid aversive or painful stimuli. Which of these
statements accurately describes how self-efficacy, behavioral control, and the locus of control affect learned
helplessness in students?

a. Students with weak self-efficacy, an external locus of control, and lacking behavioral control are not able to
successfully challenge stressors. These students are more likely to experience learned helplessness.
b. Students with weak self-efficacy, an internal locus of control, and who exhibit behavioral control can
successfully challenge stressors. These students are unlikely to experience learned helplessness.
c. Students with strong self-efficacy, an external locus of control, but lacking behavioral control can successfully
challenge stressors. These students are unlikely to experience learned helplessness.
d. Students with strong self-efficacy, an internal locus of control, and who exhibit behavioral control can
successfully challenge stressors. These students are more likely to experience learned helplessness.
85. Which of the following shows pride in Filipino culture?
a. Sing the National Anthem wholeheartedly. c. Buy imported products.
b. Be unfriendly to foreign tourists. d. Ignore products made in the Philippines.
86. If Westerners have bagels, Filipinos have:
a. Sky Flakes c. Ensaymada
b. Rebisco d. Pandesal
87. What gesture is used as a sign of respect to elders?
a. Panliligaw c. Pamamanhikan
b. Pagmamano d. Pagbebeso
88. In Filipino culture, Eating noodles on your birthday is believed to give you long life.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Not at all
89. Which of the following is not a reason why self and identity are social products?
a. We are protected by our parents from whom we learn our ‘mother tongue’ and how to survive in the world.
b. We do not create ourselves out of nothing.
c. Whether we like to admit it or not, we need others to affirm and reinforce whom we think we are.
d. What we think is important to us may also have been influenced by what is important in our social or historical
90. The belief that the soul never dies but is continually reborn or reincarnated is associated with which religion?
a. Judaism c. Islam
b. Christianity d. Hinduism
91. The Filipinos considered their family important to their achievement of personal happiness and well-being.
a. Caring and sharing people c. Family-centered
b. Filial piety d. Cleanliness
a. Stone Idiom c. Bread Idiom
b. Golden Rule d. Silver Rule
93. A sexual problem that is defined as reaching orgasm too quickly
a. Premature Ejaculation c. Erectile Dysfunction
b. Inhibited Ejaculation d. Low libido
94. Which of the following BEST describes a Filipino?
a. A luxurious maid. c. An adaptable person
b. A caring nurse. d. All of the above
95. It is the opposite of virtue. It refers to the habit of doing bad.
a. Wickedness c. Immorality
b. Dishonesty d. Vice
96. Age of maturity; Female
a. 6 c. 12
b. 9 d. 15
97. Age of maturity; Male.
a. 10 c. 13
b. 15 d. 18
98. In Jewish, Christian, and Muslim belief, who led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt?
a. Noah c. Abraham
b. Moses d. Pharoah
99. In Jewish, who writes the book of Torah?
a. Abraham c. Moses
b. Noah d. Jesus Christ
100. Which of the following fast-food chains has been in the Philippines the longest?
a. Chowking c. Greenwich
b. Mang Inasal d. Jollibee

" Quitting Because You Don't Want to Be Uncomfortable Will Prevent You from

-Amy Morin

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