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Why Is The Logo of Java Is A Cup of Coffee

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Why is the logo of java is a cup of coffee?

Java Logo

Java is a famous and widely used object-oriented programming language. It

was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Later in 2009, Oracle Corp.
acquired Java. During this period Java also changes its logo. In this section, we
will discuss about the visual identity of Java i.e. Java logo. Also, we will
discuss its source and meaning in detail.

History of Java Logo

The visual identity of the well-known

programming language is fun and can be
recognized in a flash. The cup of coffee in
blue and red shading mix has been with
the brand since its starting and was just
upgraded once, in 2003, keeping the
original sense and color shading range.

Evolution of Java Logo

1995: When Java was launched in 1995, it had no visible identity.


The first Java logo was created in 1996, just after the release of the language.
The Java logo is prototyped as a blue coffee cup with red steam above it. The
logo was a recognition for the Java engineers, who have a lot of coffee while
developing the Java programming language. The coffee that they have
consumed was Java coffee beans. It is a variety of coffee. Java coffee beans is
a wet-processed (washed) coffee grown on the island of Java in Indonesia. So,
the name of the programming language and the visible identity of the
language were picked from the Java coffee beans by the founder of the Java
programming language James Arthur Gosling.

James Arthur Gosling often referred to as Dr.

Java, OC is a Canadian computer scientist, best known
as the founder and lead designer behind the Java
programming language.

The logo was designed with smooth curved lines. It

looks like a sketch. The cup in blue color represents a
cup of hot coffee and the red smooth curved line just
above the cup represents the steam. In simple words, it represents a cup of
hot coffee.
The name of the programming language (JAVA) in capital letters was placed
just under the emblem. The first letter J was enlarged in comparison to other

The logo continued with the programming language for seven years i.e. 1996

to 2003.

2004 to Present:

The present Java logo was modified in 2004. The blue

coffee cup with red steam and a red wordmark are still
there, but the contours are modified and made bolder.
The cup is now more accurate and consists of only three
thick smooth lines, while the steam of two vertical

The major change was made to the engraving (curving),

such as the normal sans-serif textual style was supplanted by a modern,
smooth sans-serif with somewhat adjusted lines and particular cuts.

Another significant thing is that now the name of the programming language
is written in a title case, with as it were "J" promoted. The principal letter has
its tail somewhat abbreviated, which consummately adjusted the red rich
steam lines, which are extended and pointed.

The Java logo is instantly recognizable and timeless. Having nothing in

common with the company's purpose, its coffee cup became an iconic symbol
in the industry and brilliantly shows how extremely far from each other things
can work together in building a strong brand.


1. Define Control Structure in Programming.

Control Structures can be considered as the building

blocks of computer programs. They are commands that
enable a program to “take decisions”, following one path or
another. A program is usually not limited to a linear sequence
of instructions since during its process it may bifurcate, repeat
code or bypass sections. Control Structures are the blocks that
analyze variables and choose directions in which to go based
on given parameters.

The basic Control Structures in programming languages are:

 Conditionals (or Selection): which are used to execute

one or more statements if a condition is met.
 Loops (or Iteration): which purpose is to repeat a
statement a certain number of times or while a condition is

Now let’s take a look at each one of these concepts. Down

below we will deep dive using R programming language (one of
the mostly used languages for data science), but the same ideas
and explanations apply to any other programming language.


“Conditionals” are at the very core of programming. The idea

behind them is that they allow you to control the flow of the
code that is executed based on different conditions in the
program (e.g. an input taken from the user, or the internal
state of the machine the program is running on). In this article
we will explore the Conditionals Control Structures of “If
statements” and “If-Else statements”.

1) If Statements

“If statements” execute one or more statements when a

condition is met. If the testing of that condition is TRUE, the
statement gets executed. But if it’s FALSE (the condition is not
met), then nothing happens. Let´s visualize it:

If statement

The syntax of “If statements” is:


To show a simple case, let’s say you want to verify if the value
of a variable (x) is positive:
In this example, first we assign the value of 4 to the variable (x)
and use the “If statement” to verify if that value is equal or
greater than 0. If the test results TRUE (as in this case), the
function will print the sentence: “variable x is a positive


[1] "variable x is a positive number"

But since the “If statement” only executes a statement if the

tested condition is TRUE, what would had happened if the
variable value was negative? To execute a statement on a tested
condition with a FALSE result, we need to use “If-Else

2) If-Else Statements

This Control Structure allows a program to follow alternative

paths of execution, whether a condition is met or not.
If-Else statement

The syntax of “If-Else statements” is:

The “else part” of the instruction is optional and only evaluated

if the condition tests FALSE.

Example 1

Following our example, we extend the previous conditional “If

statement” by adding the “else part” to test if a the value of a
variable is positive or negative and perform an action whether
the test result is TRUE or FALSE.
In this example, we assign the value of -4 to the variable (x)
and use the “If statement” to verify if that value is equal or
greater than 0. If the test results TRUE, the function will print
the sentence: “variable x is a positive number”. But in case the
test results FALSE (as in this case), the function continues to
the alternative expression and prints the sentence: “variable x
is a negative number”.


[1] "variable x is a negative number"

Example 2

Let’s say you need to define more than 2 conditions, as in the

event of grading an exam. In that case you can grade A, B, C, D
or F (5 options), so, how would you do it?

“If-Else statements” can have multiple alternative statements.

In the below example we define an initial score, and an “If-Else
statement” of 5 rating categories. This piece of code will go
through each condition until reaching a TRUE test result.

[1] “C”


“Loop statements” are nothing more than the automation of

multi-step processes by organizing sequences of actions, and
grouping the parts that need to be repeated. Also a central part
of programming, iteration (or Looping) gives computers much
of their power. They can repeat a sequence of steps as often as
necessary, and appropriate repetitions of simple steps can
solve complex problems.

In general terms, there are two types of “Looping techniques”:

1. “For Loops”: are the ones that execute for a prescribed

number of times, as controlled by a counter or an index.
2. “While Loops” and “Repeat Loops”: are based on the
onset and verification of a logical condition. The condition
is tested at the start or the end of the loop construct.

Let’s take a look at them:

1) For Loops

In this Control Structure, statements are executed one after

another in a consecutive order over a sequence of values that
gets evaluated only when the “For Loop” is initiated (never re-
evaluated). In this case, the number of iterations is fixed and
known in advance.

For Loop

If the evaluation of the condition on a variable (which can

assume values within a specified sequence) results TRUE, one
or more statements will be executed sequentially over that
string of values. Once the first condition test is done (and
results TRUE), the statement is executed and the condition is
evaluated again, going through an iterative process. The
“variable in sequence” section performs this test on each value
of the sequence until it covers the last element.

If the condition is not met and the resulting outcome is FALSE

(e.g. the “variable in sequence” part has finished going through
all the elements of the sequence), the loop ends. If the
condition test results FALSE in the first iteration, the “For
Loop” is never executed.

The syntax of “For Loops” is:

Example 1

To show how “For Loops” work, first we will create a sequence

by concatenating different names of fruits to create a list
(called “fruit_list”):

We will use this fruit list as the “sequence” in a“For Loop”, and
make the “For Loop” run a statement once (print the name of
each value) for each provided value in the sequence (the
different fruits in the fruit list):
This way, the outcome of the “For Loop” is as follows:

## [1] "Apple"
## [1] "Kiwi"
## [1] "Orange"
## [1] "Banana"

OK, so we printed the name of each value in the list. Not a big
deal, right? The good thing is that “For Loops” can be used to
produce more interesting results. Take a look at the following

Example 2

What if we want to modify values, or perform calculations

sequentially? You can use “For Loops” to perform
mathematical operations sequentially over each value of a
vector (elements of the same type, which in this case will be

In this example, we will create a sequence of numbers (from 1

to 10), and set a “For Loop” to calculate and print the square
root of each value in that sequence:
In this case, the outcome of the “For Loop” is:

[1] 1
[1] 1.414214
[1] 1.732051
[1] 2
[1] 2.236068
[1] 2.449490
[1] 2.645751
[1] 2.828427
[1] 3
[1] 3.162278

You can use any type of mathematical operator over a

numerical sequence, and as we will see later in this article,
make all sorts of combinations between different Control
Structures to reach more complex results.

2) While Loops

In “While Loops” a condition is first evaluated, and if the

result of testing that condition is TRUE, one or more
statements are repeatedly executed until that condition
becomes FALSE.
While Loop

Unlike “If statements”, in which a condition tested as TRUE

executes an expression only once and ends, “While Loops” are
iterative statements that execute some expression over and
over again until the condition becomes FALSE. If the condition
never turns out to be FALSE, the “While Loop” will go on
forever and the program will crash. The other way around, if
the condition test results FALSE in the beginning of the loop,
the expression will never get executed.

The syntax of “While Loops” is:

Example 1
Let’s see an example. First we will create a variable (x) and
assign it the value of 1. Then we set a “While Loop” to
iteratively test a condition over that variable until the condition
test results FALSE:

This is how it works: the initial value of the variable (x) is 1, so

when we test the condition “is the variable (x) less than 10?”,
the result evaluates to TRUE and the expression is executed,
printing the result of the variable (x), which in the first case is
1. But then something happens: the variable (x) is incremented
by 1 before the function ends, and in the next iteration the
value of x will be 2.

This variable reassignment is important because it will

eventually reach the FALSE condition and the loop exit (value
of x = 10). Failing to change the initial conditions in a “While
Loop” will result into an infinite loop and a program crash.


[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
[1] 8
[1] 9

Example 2

Have you heard of the Fibonacci sequence? This is a series

of numbers with the characteristic that the next number in the
sequence is found by adding up the two numbers before it: 0, 1,
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,… This sequence can be found in
several nature phenomena, and has different applications
in finance, music, architecture, and other disciplines.

Let’s calculate it using a “While Loop”.

In this case we set a maximum value in the series as the

stop condition, so that the loop prints the Fibonacci series
only for numbers below 100. When a series element (which
ever it is) becomes bigger than 100, the loop cycle ends.
[1] 0
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 5
[1] 8
[1] 13
[1] 21
[1] 34
[1] 55
[1] 89

Example 3

Another way of generating the Fibonacci series with a “While

Loop” is, instead of setting the maximum value of the series as
a stop condition, setting the number of series
elements you want to generate.

This “While Loop” appends the next element of the series to

the end of the previous element, until reaching a stop
condition. In this case, when the series reaches 10 elements (no
matter which values), the loop cylce ends.

[1] 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

3) Repeat Loops

Closely linked to “While Loops”, “Repeat Loops” execute

statements iteratively, but until a stop condition is met.
This way, statements are executed at least once, no matter
what the result of the condition is, and the loop is exited only
when certain condition becomes TRUE:

Repeat Loop

The syntax of “Repeat Loops” is:

“Repeat Loops” use “Break statements” as a stop condition.
“Break statements” are combined with the test of a condition to
interrupt cycles within loops, since when the program hits a
break, it will pass control to the instruction immediately after
the end of the loop (if any).

“Repeat Loops” will run forever if the break condition is not

met. See these 2 examples

Example 1

First we create a variable (x) and assign it the value of 5. Then

we set a “Repeat Loop” to iteratively print the value of the
variable, modify the value of the variable (increase it by 1), and
test a condition over that variable (if it equals 10) until the
condition test results TRUE.

The “breaking condition” triggers when the variable (x) reaches

10, and the loop ends.

[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
[1] 8
[1] 9

Example 2

Now let’s suppose we produce a list of random numbers, for

which we don’t know the order or sequence of generation.

In this example we will use a “Repeat Loop” to generate a

sequence of normally distributed random numbers (you can
generate random with any other distribution, we just pick this
one), and break the sequence once one of those numbers is
bigger than 1. Since we don’t know which numbers will come
first, we don’t know how long the sequence will be: we just
know the breaking condition.

First, we use the “set.seed” instruction to fix the random

numbers (generate always the same random numbers), and
make this example reproduceable.
Then we initiate the “Repeat Loop” by generating a normally
distributed random number, printing it, and checking if that
number is bigger than 1. Only when this condition becomes
TRUE (could be with the first generated number, or not), the
loop cycle will pass to the break statement and end.


[1] -0.9619334
[1] -0.2925257
[1] 0.2587882
[1] -1.152132
[1] 0.1957828
[1] 0.03012394
[1] 0.08541773
[1] 1.11661

This shows once again the importance of setting a proper

breaking condition. Failing to do so will result in an infinite

Final Thoughts

We’ve seen and explained concepts in isolation, but “Control

Structures” can be combined anyway you want: Loops may
contain several internal Loops; Conditionals may contain
Loops and Conditionals, the options are endless. (in fact, when
reviewing “Repeat Loops” we found that the examples
contained nested “If statements”).

You can develop advanced solutions just by combining the

“Control Structures” we explained in this article. Like Minsky
stated, we can reach complex outcomes as a result of the
interaction of simpler components. Control Structures
constitute the basic blocks for decision making processes in
computing. They change the flow of programs and enable us to
construct complex sets of instructions out of simpler building

My advice is: learn about them.

It will ease your path to coding and understanding of

programs, and will help you to find new ways of solving

2. Provide the Syntax of If structure, if-else and if-else if

3. Explain the flow of data for each structure.

4. Provide basic examples for each structure.

5. Define Loops in Programming.

 What is a loop?
In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instruction s that
is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached. Typically,
a certain process is done, such as getting an item of data and
changing it, and then some condition is checked such as whether a
counter has reached a prescribed number. If it hasn't, the next
instruction in the sequence is an instruction to return to the first
instruction in the sequence and repeat the sequence. If the condition
has been reached, the next instruction "falls through" to the next
sequential instruction or branches outside the loop. A loop is a
fundamental programming idea that is commonly used in writing

An infinite loop is one that lacks a functioning exit routine . The result
is that the loop repeats continually until the operating system senses
it and terminates the program with an error or until some other event
occurs (such as having the program automatically terminate after a
certain duration of time).

 Loops are among the most basic and powerful of programming

concepts. A loop in a computer program is an instruction that repeats
until a specified condition is reached. In a loop structure, the loop asks
a question. If the answer requires action, it is executed. The same
question is asked again and again until no further action is required.
Each time the question is asked is called an iteration. 

A computer programmer who needs to use the same lines of code many
times in a program can use a loop to save time.

Just about every programming language includes the concept of a loop.

High-level programs accommodate several types of loops. C, C++,
and C# are all high-level computer programs and have the capacity to use
several types of loops.

Types of Loops
 A for loop is a loop that runs for a preset number of times.
 A while loop is a loop that is repeated as long as an expression is
true. An expression is a statement that has a value.
 A do while loop or repeat until loop repeats until an expression
becomes false.
 An infinite or endless loop is a loop that repeats indefinitely
because it has no terminating condition, the exit condition is never
met or the loop is instructed to start over from the beginning.
Although it is possible for a programmer to intentionally use an
infinite loop, they are often mistakes made by new programmers.
 A nested loop appears inside any other for, while or do
while loop.

A goto statement can create a loop by jumping backward to a label,

although this is generally discouraged as a bad programming practice. For
some complex code, it allows a jump to a common exit point that simplifies
the code.

Loop Control Statements

A statement that alters the execution of a loop from its designated
sequence is a loop control statement. C#, for example, provides two loop
control statements.

 A break statement inside a loop terminates the loop immediately.

 A continue statement jumps to the next iteration of the loop,
skipping any code in between.

Basic Structures of Computer Programming

Loop, selection, and sequence are the three basic structures of computer
programming. These three logic structures are used in combination to form
algorithms for solving any logic problem. This process is called structured

 In computer Programming, a Loop is used to execute a group of

instructions or a block of code multiple times, without writing it repeatedly.
The block of code is executed based on a certain condition. Loops are the
control structures of a program. Using Loops in computer programs
simplifies rather optimizes the process of coding. Kids may come across
the question ‘what is Loop’ when they begin to learn computer
Programming languages like C or Java. Well, to understand ‘what is Loop’
they will have to learn about the structure of various Loops in detail.
The structure of a Loop can be virtually divided into two parts, namely the
control statement, and the body. The control statement of a Loop comprises the
conditions that have to be met for the execution of the body of the Loop. For
every iteration of the Loop, the conditions in the control statement have to be
true. The body of a Loop comprises the block of code or the sequence of
logical statements that are to be executed multiple times. There are two types of
Loops in Python, namely, For Loop, and While Loop. When a Loop is written
within another Loop, the control structure is termed as a nested Loop.
Therefore, when you use a Loop in your program, you will not have to write
the block of code (written in the body of the Loop), over and over again in it.
The block of code will be executed as many times as the control statement will
hold true and the Loop will be terminated when the conditions in the control
statement become false. If the conditions are not clearly defined in the control
statement, the Loop will keep on executing. Such Loops are termed as infinite
Loops. If no termination condition is provided in the control statement of a
Loop, then it automatically becomes an infinite Loop.
Below is a detailed discussion of ‘what is Loop’, and the various types of
Loops in Python. Hence, going through the below information will help kids to
understand the concepts of Loops in computer Programming.
Types of Loops
The concept of ‘what is Loop’ will be clearly understood when you get an idea
of the syntax and function of various types of Loops. There are basically two
types of Loops in most computer Programming languages, namely, entry
controlled Loops and exit controlled Loops.

Entry Controlled Loop

In an entry controlled Loop, the control statement is written right at the
beginning of the Loop. This type of Loop is also called a pre-checking Loop.
The conditions in the control statements are checked at first, and only if the
conditions are true, the body of the Loop is executed. If the condition turns out
to be false, the lines of code in the body of the Loop will not be executed.

Exit Controlled Loop

In an exit controlled Loop, the control statement is written at the end of the
Loop structure. The lines of codes in the body of the Loop are executed once
before the condition is checked. Hence, this type of Loop is also called a post-
checking Loop.   
FOR Loop is an entry controlled Loop, that is, the control statements are
written at the beginning of the Loop structure, whereas, do-while Loop is an
exit controlled Loop, that is, the control statements are written at the end of the
Loop structure. 
For Loops
As discussed above, a For Loop is an entry controlled Loop. The general
syntax of a For Loop is given below.
for(initialization; condition; incrementation or decrementation)
Body of Loop;
The variables required for the control statements can be initialized in the For
Loop itself. This variable initialized in the For Loop is called the counter and is
incremented or decremented with every iteration of the Loop. The condition is
a boolean statement that compares the value of the counter to a fixed value, at
every iteration, and terminates the Loop when the condition is not satisfied.
The increment or decrement value is set in the Loop.
An example of For Loop is given below.
for(int i=1; i<10; i++)
print (i);
The above For Loop will print the natural numbers 1 to 10 when executed. The
variable ‘i’ is of integer type, and the condition will check if the value of ‘i’ is
less than 10, at each iteration. After executing the body of the Loop, the value
of ‘i’ is incremented by 1, before the next iteration. In this way, the natural
numbers 1 to 10 are displayed on the screen, on executing this Loop.
While Loop
A while Loop is an entry controlled Loop. The condition checking is done at
the beginning of the Loop structure. The general syntax of the while Loop is
given below.
Body of the Loop;
The condition checking is done before the execution of the body of the while
Loop. The block of code in the body of the While Loop is executed only if the
condition is true. The body of the Loop gets executed as many times as the
condition is true. After each iteration of the Loop, the control moves back to
the condition checking part at the beginning of the While Loop. If the condition
is not met, that is, if the boolean expression in the braces (), turns out to be
false, the while Loop is terminated.
An example of the While Loop is given below.
int n=10;
print (n);
In the above example, the variable ‘n’ is initialized as an integer, and its value
is assigned as 10. Every time the condition ‘n>0’ is met the While Loop will be
executed, and the value of n will be displayed on the screen. At every iteration,
the value of n will be decreased by 1. The Loop will be terminated when the
value of ‘n’ becomes less than 1. The above While Loop will display the
numbers from 10 to 1.
Do - While Loop
A do-while Loop is an exit controlled Loop. The syntax of the do-while Loop
is similar to that of the while Loop, with the exception of the condition
checking. The condition is always checked at the end of the do-while Loop.
The general syntax of the do-while Loop is given below.
Body of the Loop;
} while(condition);
Unlike the entry controlled Loops, the body of the do-while Loop is executed
before the condition is checked. Even if the condition is not true, the body of
the Loop will be executed for once. If the condition given in the braces () is
true, the control is again moved back to the body of the Loop. If the condition
is false, the control is moved out of the Loop and the Loop is terminated.
An example of the do-while Loop is given below.
int i=10;
print (i);
} while(n>0);
The above do-while Loop will display the numbers 10 to 1 when executed.
Now, consider the following example.
int i=0;
print (i);
} while(n>0);
The condition ‘n>0’ turns out to be false at the very first iteration of the above-
given do-while Loop. Yet, it will be executed once, and 0 will be displayed on
the screen. Unlike the other Loops, the do-while Loop ends with the condition
checking expression followed by a semicolon ‘;’.
Loops in Python
The commonly used Loops in Python are For and While Loops. The syntax and
functions of the For and While Loops in Python are the same as discussed
above. When a For Loop or a While Loop is written within another Loop, the
structure is called a nested Loop. For example,
for(int i=0; i<7;i++)
   for (int j=8; j>4; j--)
      print (i);
      print (j);
The print statements in the above-given nested Loop will be executed only
when the conditions in both the Loops are satisfied. Also, if there is only one
line of code to be written in the body of a Loop, it is not mandatory to put the
brackets for it.
for(int n=5; n<0; n--)
print (n);
Some of the control statements supported in Python are ‘break’, ‘continue’, and
‘pass’. When a ‘break’ statement is encountered in a Loop, the Loop is
terminated immediately, and the control moves to the code followed by the
Loop. When a ‘continue’ statement is encountered in a Loop, the control is
transferred to the condition checking part and the rest of the code in the body of
the Loop is skipped. The ‘pass’ statement in Python is a null statement. It is
quite similar to a commented code, however, unlike the commented code, a
pass statement is not ignored by the interpreter. For example, if we want to
execute a block of code or any function at a later point in time, we can use the
‘pass’ statement for it. The block of code will not be executed when the ‘pass’
statement is executed. The pass statement has a result of no operation when
Since Loops make an important part of Python Programming, kids should learn
the concepts of Loops thoroughly, to write advanced programs. Good
knowledge of Loops will come in handy when kids will write programs to
design fun interactive games in Python as well.

How Do-While Loops are utilized?

Utilize While Loop Statements and Lesson Your Hassle for keeping a check
always while performing tasks repetitively.

While Loop statements are used when you have to execute a particular action
twice. But here's a point you must ponder on:

Your command won't be executed when the results of the condition which is
tested turn out to be false. The Loop of the body will be skipped and the while
Loop will only execute the statement after the whole Loop.

When written under a Boolean condition, the while Loop controls the flow
statement which permits repetition.

When is the While Loop used? We use a While Loop when We are not
sure that why even iteration is Possible?
We use the while Loop until we find a condition that is true. Therefore, take an
example of a Buffer Reader which is kept on a reading line from the file. Now,
if according to the condition, the file would be really empty, then it will be
correct for the while Loop to CHECK FIRST. This is done to avoid the landing
of unnecessary exceptions and exception handling.
We hope that this information might have stirred your brain cells and now you
might be wanting to learn more about While Loop Statements? If yes, then hit
us up and learn the actual usage of While Loop Statements.

Though these are a few examples, when you dive into the field of learning, and
once you start with coding, then you will get to know the real usage of While
Loop for yourself.

 1. What is a Loop? Explain in detail.

Loop is an order of continuation of instructions that is repeated until a certain

condition is hit. Some conditions are checked such as whether a counter has reached a
prescribed number or such as getting an item of data and modifying it; this is typically
how a certain process is done. If this hasn't happened then there is the next instruction
in the order to return to the initial order and redo it. If the condition is held out, then
the next coming instruction “falls through” to the next branch or sequential instruction
outside of the Loop. The keyword of the Loop is ‘for’. It is an idea of fundamental
Programming which is mostly used in writing programs.

6. Enumerate the different types of Loop.

7. Provide the syntax for each Loop type.

ORAL COM extempo

QUESTION: The subject Physical Education has always been doubted if it should still be included in the
curriculum as it does not really hone a person academically. What do you think is the importance of
Physical Education in Philippine schools?

Physical education is a class that is designed to help students improve their

physical health and well-being. Students can expect to participate in
various activities such as team sports, individual sports, dance, and fitness

Physical education has been shown to be an essential part of a student’s

education. It helps students to stay healthy, learn teamwork skills, and have
fun. In addition, physical education can also help students maintain a
healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity.
Importance of Physical Education
Physical education is an important part of a student’s education because it
helps them to stay healthy and learn teamwork skills. In addition, physical
education can help students maintain a healthy weight and develop
lifelong physical activity habits. Schools need to provide physical education
classes so that all students have the opportunity to benefit from these
positive outcomes.

Physical education classes allow students to be active and participate in

enjoyable activities. When students are engaged in physical activity, they
are more likely to continue being physically active throughout their lives. In
addition, physical activity has been shown to affect academic performance
positively. One study found that physically active students had better
grades and were more likely to graduate from high school than students
who were not physically active.

Physical education classes can also help students develop teamwork skills.
Working together in team sports can teach students how to cooperate with
others and how to resolve conflicts. These skills are important in all aspects
of life, including the workplace. In addition, participating in physical activity
can help students to develop social skills and make friends.

Finally, physical education classes can help students to maintain a healthy

weight. Obesity is a growing problem in the Philippines, and schools must
do everything possible to help students maintain a healthy weight. Physical
activity can help students burn calories and build muscle, which is essential
for maintaining a healthy weight.

Thus, it is evident that school physical education classes offer students

many benefits. These classes help students to stay healthy, make friends,
develop teamwork skills, and maintain a healthy weight. All of these factors
are important for leading a successful life. Therefore, schools must provide
physical education classes for all students.

Physical education has many benefits, and schools need to offer this type
of program. Physical education helps children stay healthy and fit, teaches
teamwork skills, and can improve academic performance. If your child is
not currently enrolled in a physical education class, consider finding a
program they can participate in. It is an integral part of a well-rounded
education and can help your child in many ways.

Why study physical education?

Physical education supports the curriculum’s vision for our young
people of enabling students to become confident, connected, actively
involved, lifelong learners.

Physical education helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies to live healthy
and physically active lives at school and for the rest of their life. They learn ‘in, through, and about’
movement, gaining an understanding that movement is integral to human expression and can
contribute to people’s pleasure and enhance their lives.

Learning in physical education

Promotes active lifestyles

Students are empowered to participate in physical activity and understand how this influences their
own well-being and that of others. By demonstrating the benefits of an active life style, they
encourage others to participate in sport, dance, exercise, recreation, and adventure pursuits.

Challenges thinking in a fun environment

Physical education engages and energises students. It provides authentic contexts in which to learn.
Students challenge themselves to develop their physical and interpersonal skills. They experience
movement and understand the role that it plays in their lives.

Students can contribute to the development of physical education programmes and choose their own
level of participation. The resulting learning environment challenges their thinking and helps to
promote an interest in lifelong leisure and recreational pursuits.

Builds movement competence and confidence

The skills taught in physical education improve students’ performance, sharpen their knowledge of
strategy and tactics, and help them to transfer knowledge from one context to another, including
sport and recreational and outdoor activities. The concept of challenge by choice enables appropriate
learning at a level that builds confidence.

Develops teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal skills

Physical education explicitly teaches the necessary knowledge and skills for working with and relating
to others, and provides the learning opportunities to develop these skills.

It enables the development of leadership and teamwork skills and encourages students to transfer
knowledge to other learning areas. It does this for example, by supporting students to work
cooperatively in other subjects, or when working with groups in a leadership role in the school setting
and in their lives outside of school in sports clubs or community groups.
Explores and develops decision-making and risk management

Physical education provides a range of opportunities for students to challenge and extend themselves
in an environment of managed risk.

Students step outside their comfort zone to take on new social, physical, and emotional challenges.
Taking on challenges and assessing risk requires the exploration and development of decision-making

Triggers thinking and action to create change

Physical education teaches students to think critically about movement and movement contexts, for
example, considering an issue from different points of view, identifying what is influencing the issue,
and explaining how the influences are affecting the issue.

Learning to think critically encourages students to participate in social action for a fairer, more
equitable, and just society by, for example, reducing barriers to participation.

Develops understandings about the social and cultural significance

of movement

Physical education teaches students to critically inquire into the social and cultural significance of
movement, so that they can better understand what influences people to engage and participate in
physical activity. They consider how participation in movement influences society by examining issues,
such as:

 why youth culture is attuned to adrenalin sports and adventure racing

 why people enjoy watching big events such as World Cup rugby or the Tour de France.

Creates learning pathways

Physical education provides a solid foundation for further studies relating to movement and the body,
including the social and health sciences, recreation, and tourism. It provides a pathway into the many
careers that involve and careers working with people, such as education, health, justice, and the
social services.

Quality physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness,
self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for
a lifetime. Physical education programs can only provide these benefits if they are well-planned and well-

Physical Education (PE) is often viewed as a marginal subject within

the curriculum. And many secondary schools actively reduce PE time
to make way for what are deemed more “serious” or “important”

Research from the Youth Sport Trust shows that 38% of English

secondary schools have cut timetabled PE for 14- to 16-year-olds. One
of the main reasons for this is the increased pressure to produce
exam results. Much of the time pupils would usually spend in PE
lessons is now spent receiving extra tutoring on topics other than PE.

Despite these cuts, however, PE is still championed for its potential

to promote health and encourage lifelong physical activity. This is an
important issue given that over 30% of year six pupils are classed as
“overweight” or “obese” according to the latest government figures.

PE is also praised for its contribution to improved psychological

health, for helping to nurture social and moral development – as well
as supporting cognitive and academic performance.

The Association for Physical Education maintains that high quality

PE fosters the physical, moral, social, emotional, cultural and
intellectual development of pupils. But the many aims for PE – such
as health promotion, skills development as well as a focus on social
and moral issues – has resulted in confusion about the subject and
has done little to further the educational experiences in practice. In
fact, it has been argued that PE offers more entertainment than

Not intellectual enough

A waste of time and a bit of entertainment, or vitally important to the
education and development of a child – which is it?

Part of the problem seems to be that PE is often viewed as an

opportunity for pupils to be active and to enjoy themselves. Or in
some cases, as a form of stress relief and to serve as a break from
traditional learning.

Clearly, these areas are valuable for pupils’ general well-being and
there is a growing evidence base to suggest that physical activity has
the potential to support learning more broadly. But the role of PE is
not merely to prop up and support pupils’ learning in other subjects.
Instead, it should provide meaningful learning experiences within the
subject itself.

What PE seemingly lacks in comparison to all other subjects is a

platform on which pupils’ learning can be communicated and
evidenced with clarity and rigour. And while PE is often marginalised
to make way for more valuable or academic subjects, it seems the
intellectual and academic value of PE itself is largely overlooked.

The potential of PE
PE, sport and physical culture each offer a unique platform on which
to explore a multitude of holistic learning opportunities. For instance,
the ethical or moral controversies in sport can give teachers a range
of educational stimuli for debate, reasoning and critical thinking.

The Sports Monograph is a recent project we worked on, which

invited learners to collaborate and share their opinions and
experiences about sport and what it means to them. The project
included primary and secondary school pupils, as well as
undergraduate and postgraduate students, who were all supported by
their teachers and lecturers.

As part of the project, not only were the pupils recognised for their
written contributions at school awards evenings, but unlike in
traditional PE, their work left a trail of learning evidence and
intellectual engagement – which the schools recognised and
celebrated. PE was effectively standing shoulder to shoulder with
other subjects in the curriculum as a valuable educational endeavour,
with written evidence to support the claim. These pupils now have
publications that are being used to teach undergraduate students at
the University of Central Lancashire.

Future health
The spiralling downtrend of PE time in secondary schools is a major
cause for concern and it would seem that PE is in urgent need of an
overhaul. But while the future of PE may be uncertain, there are
certainly many opportunities for cross-curricular links and
integrative learning in PE.

A recent project, for instance, explored the link between cycling and

wider conceptual learning. Similarly, another recent study explored
the physical aspects of learning across all curriculum areas, simply
through setting up a tent.

The role that PE can play as part of the wider academic curriculum
seems to be, at best understated, and at worst, completely
overlooked. Activities like the ones raised here could help to broaden
the educational potential of PE, encourage more pupils to engage
with the subject and strengthen the place of PE as a unique and
valuable educational pursuit. The opportunities are there, but PE
must be ready to grasp them and let the pupils write about their
sporting passions to reflect what they are said to be learning.

It is no secret that appropriate physical activity is necessary to a student's

overall well-being. The benefits of physical education in schools are far-
reaching, including both increased student physical health and better
academic performance. Physical education is more than just running
around a track or kicking a ball. It teaches children key life skills alongside
improving their health and wellbeing. Obesity continues to rocket across
the globe and more people are taking on sedentary lifestyles. Promoting a
positive mindset about exercise from an early age will help to keep them
healthy as they get older.

In recent years, many schools have cut back on their physical education
programmes, placing greater emphasis on academics as they strive to
prepare students for college and the workforce. Yet research shows that
adults who had regular PE classes in school are more than twice as likely
to be physically active as their non-PE counterparts.  In fact, children who
have regular Physical Education lessons at school will be likely to
experience the following benefits:

Physical and Mental Health

Well-versed in child development, PE teachers ensure that the curriculum

consists of age-appropriate activities that support growing minds and
bodies. They will adapt lessons to make them appropriate for their groups
and ensure that they do not overwhelm children with skills or requirements
that may be too advanced. At the same time, they know when students are
ready to be pushed. PE improves motor skills and increases muscle
strength and bone density, which in turn makes students more likely to
engage in healthy activity outside of school. Furthermore it educates
children on the positive benefits of exercise and allows them to understand
how good it can make them feel.

Participating in PE puts children on track to make regular exercise a habit--

one that can combat obesity and reduce the likelihood of developing
chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. It also helps to
maintain their brain and mental health. By making exercise ‘normal’ from
an early age this becomes ingrained in them throughout their lives.  

Physical education motivates children to expand their skills, as grasping

the fundamentals of one sport makes it easier to master the rules of
another. Since students spend a considerable amount of time in school, it
is an ideal setting to empower them to take responsibility for their health.
Often a secondary benefit of physical education is that children become
more aware of what they are putting in their bodies. They realise the
importance of a healthy, balanced diet and that sugary snacks are not the
best way to gain energy for their sport.  They will often want to find out
more about their bodies and this again teaches them to care for
themselves and others.

Studies also suggest that students who are less active are more likely to
experience sleep disorders. Regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety,
contributing to healthy sleep patterns, which in turn lead to better mental
health, immune system functioning, and overall well-being.

‍Social Skills

Physical education that begins in early childhood demonstrates the value

of  cooperation, while being part of a team gives them a sense of identity.
When PE teachers model prosocial behaviours, children gain skills that
pave the way for healthy interactions and relationships throughout life. This
teaches them essential communication skills and social skills. It helps them
become team players, work alongside a diverse range of team mates and
be able to support others. 

Learning the fundamentals of popular sports also provides a constructive

way for students to fit in with their peers, especially as they approach
adolescence. Being able to understand a range of sports or hobbies allows
them to be part of something bigger than their classroom. They may find a
real passion for a particular sport, start attending sporting fixtures and they
may even go on to have a career within the sporting industry. Having the
opportunities to ignite this type of passion whilst developing a range of
skills is hugely important.  

Self-Esteem and Character Development

Playing team sports in a structured setting reinforces leadership and good

sportsmanship. Playing various roles on a team and gaining new skills
encourage students to respect themselves and their peers. It also teaches
them to be understanding to others and support them through their

Gestures such as a hand shake, a pat on the back or a high-five from a

team-mate helps to build confidence and camaraderie, and earning praise
from coaches or other players also helps to improve self-esteem. This then
leads to increasing children’s confidence to trust their abilities and to
progress their skills within their sport. It is important for children to
understand that self-esteem should not rely on winning or losing, but in the
taking part and learning from every opportunity. Children who receive
constructive criticism well are shown to be better at making changes to
improve themselves, whether it be at school, in work or in sport.

As they hone their abilities through individual and team sports, children
learn self-discipline and goal-setting. They learn that there will always be
winners and losers but that it is important to accept this and to get back up
when needed, or in turn to encourage those around us to carry on. 

Discipline is essential for sport and this can be both mental and physical.
In sport, children need to follow rules and take orders from their coaches.
Sometimes they must accept decisions that they may not agree with. This
teaches them an important life skill that will help them throughout their life
and careers. According to the International Platform on Sport and
Development, “Sport has been used as a practical tool to engage young
people in their communities through volunteering, resulting in higher levels
of leadership, community engagement and altruism among young people.”

Better Academic Performance

The many benefits of PE carry over from the playing field or gymnasium
into the classroom, leading to better academic performance. Research
reveals that children who take part in physical education are better able to
regulate their behaviour and stay focused in class. Often sport gives
children the opportunity to take their minds off their academic studies. It
offers the chance for them to relax, release pent up emotions and to spend
time having fun with their friends. 
At OWIS, PE is a critical component of a well-rounded curriculum. To learn
more, visit our Sports Programme page.

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